CHURCHWIDECONFERENCESON PRAYER & WORSHIPPRESENTED BYNEXT LEVEL WORSHIP INTERNATIONAL FROM DWAYNEDear Pastor,We would love to do a churchwide conference in yourchurch! This amazing event is for the entire church—children through senior adults. You might thinkof them as old-fashioned revivals, but on steroids!When God’s people come back to true worship andprayer, then spiritual renewal, discipleship,evangelism, and a burden for the lost are theinevitable results. I’ve been speaking and writingon lifestyle prayer and lifestyle worship for 20years. I hope you’ll consider giving us theopportunity to pour into your people, as we havewith thousands in the US and abroad.Dwayne MooreAuthor & speakerHEAR DWAYNE SPEAK ATNEXTLEVELWORSHIP.COM/CHURCHCONFERENCE
HIGHLIGHTS5-day event tailored for your churchEvening sessions with music and teachingSmall-group discussions in each sessionLed by Dwayne and his teamDevotionals for the congregationLifesyle application of biblical teaching Optional children and youth emphasisConsulting and training for your staffFROM PASTORS“Our church has never experienced anything likethis. Dwayne Moore taught us the joy of praise.” Ken Cheek “Revival broke out. We experienced worship asnever before. Our church hasn't been the same.”Stan Graves“Dwayne is a dynamic preacher. His energy hadour people completely engaged.” Dr. Randy Norris
HIGHLIGHTS5-day event tailored for your churchEvening sessions with music and teachingSmall-group discussions in each sessionLed by Dwayne and his teamDevotionals for the congregationLifesyle application of biblical teaching Optional children and youth emphasisConsulting and training for your staffFROM PASTORS“Our church has never experienced anything likethis. Dwayne Moore taught us the joy of praise.” Ken Cheek “Revival broke out. We experienced worship asnever before. Our church hasn't been the same.”Stan Graves“Dwayne is a dynamic preacher. His energy hadour people completely engaged.” Dr. Randy Norris
CHURCHWIDECONFERENCESON PRAYER & WORSHIPPRESENTED BYNEXT LEVEL WORSHIP INTERNATIONAL FROM DWAYNEDear Pastor,We would love to do a churchwide conference in yourchurch! This amazing event is for the entire church—children through senior adults. You might thinkof them as old-fashioned revivals, but on steroids!When God’s people come back to true worship andprayer, then spiritual renewal, discipleship,evangelism, and a burden for the lost are theinevitable results. I’ve been speaking and writingon lifestyle prayer and lifestyle worship for 20years. I hope you’ll consider giving us theopportunity to pour into your people, as we havewith thousands in the US and abroad.Dwayne MooreAuthor & speakerHEAR DWAYNE SPEAK ATNEXTLEVELWORSHIP.COM/CHURCHCONFERENCE