DISCOVER THEPOWER OFPRANICFENG SHUI(425)’S CONNECTWWW.LIGHTWORKER-STUDIO.COMChris Gamboa is the founder ofLightworker Studio in Kirkland, WA.Chris is a certified Sound Healer,Atma Buti Sound Vibration TherapyPractitioner, Certified Pranic &Psychotherapy Healer, Pranic FengShui Practitioner and Reiki Master for16 years. Her energy healing practiceis augmented and enhanced withCrystals and Plant PranaAromatherapy.AboutPranic Feng Shui& Space Clearing
Consultations: Personalized assessmentsfor homes and offices. A complimentary20 minute consultation on your needs isincluded. Thereafter, a quote will beprovided based on your home’s currentenergetic state, location, number of rooms( travel time if in person). Workshops: Join our interactive sessionsto learn practical Feng Shui tips that youcan implement at home or in your office.(COMING SOON)Products: Explore and shop our curatedcollection of items designed to enhanceyour home or office. (COMING SOON)Unlock the potential of your surroundingswith the ancient art and science of PranicFeng Shui. Contact us today to begin yourjourney to a more balanced and prosperouslife.ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Pranic Feng Shui and transformyour life?Visit to learn more about how we canguide you through a journey of transformation.SERVICESABOUT PRANIC FENG SHUIWelcome to the ancient world of PranicFeng Shui! We invite you to embark on ajourney positive transformation.Practitioners apply Pranic Healingtechniques to cleanse, energize, andbalance the energy of a space. This caninvolve removing stagnant or negativeenergy and replacing it with fresh,revitalized energy to create a positive andharmonious environment. The goal is toenhance the overall well-being of theindividuals inhabiting that space byoptimizing the flow of energy. We workwith crystals, sound and aromatherapy toenhance the harmonizing of energies.Transform Your Life:Health: Enhance vitality & well-beingWealth: Attract abundance & prosperityRelationships: Foster & developharmonious connectionsCareer: Boost success & fulfillment“When you have the right Feng Shui,it is like climbing up in an escalatorthat is going up. Your effort ismagnified! Pranic Feng Shui allowsyou to make your life better.”GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui
Consultations: Personalized assessmentsfor homes and offices. A complimentary20 minute consultation on your needs isincluded. Thereafter, a quote will beprovided based on your home’s currentenergetic state, location, number of rooms( travel time if in person). Workshops: Join our interactive sessionsto learn practical Feng Shui tips that youcan implement at home or in your office.(COMING SOON)Products: Explore and shop our curatedcollection of items designed to enhanceyour home or office. (COMING SOON)Unlock the potential of your surroundingswith the ancient art and science of PranicFeng Shui. Contact us today to begin yourjourney to a more balanced and prosperouslife.ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Pranic Feng Shui and transformyour life?Visit to learn more about how we canguide you through a journey of transformation.SERVICESABOUT PRANIC FENG SHUIWelcome to the ancient world of PranicFeng Shui! We invite you to embark on ajourney positive transformation.Practitioners apply Pranic Healingtechniques to cleanse, energize, andbalance the energy of a space. This caninvolve removing stagnant or negativeenergy and replacing it with fresh,revitalized energy to create a positive andharmonious environment. The goal is toenhance the overall well-being of theindividuals inhabiting that space byoptimizing the flow of energy. We workwith crystals, sound and aromatherapy toenhance the harmonizing of energies.Transform Your Life:Health: Enhance vitality & well-beingWealth: Attract abundance & prosperityRelationships: Foster & developharmonious connectionsCareer: Boost success & fulfillment“When you have the right Feng Shui,it is like climbing up in an escalatorthat is going up. Your effort ismagnified! Pranic Feng Shui allowsyou to make your life better.”GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui
Consultations: Personalized assessmentsfor homes and offices. A complimentary20 minute consultation on your needs isincluded. Thereafter, a quote will beprovided based on your home’s currentenergetic state, location, number of rooms( travel time if in person). Workshops: Join our interactive sessionsto learn practical Feng Shui tips that youcan implement at home or in your office.(COMING SOON)Products: Explore and shop our curatedcollection of items designed to enhanceyour home or office. (COMING SOON)Unlock the potential of your surroundingswith the ancient art and science of PranicFeng Shui. Contact us today to begin yourjourney to a more balanced and prosperouslife.ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Pranic Feng Shui and transformyour life?Visit to learn more about how we canguide you through a journey of transformation.SERVICESABOUT PRANIC FENG SHUIWelcome to the ancient world of PranicFeng Shui! We invite you to embark on ajourney positive transformation.Practitioners apply Pranic Healingtechniques to cleanse, energize, andbalance the energy of a space. This caninvolve removing stagnant or negativeenergy and replacing it with fresh,revitalized energy to create a positive andharmonious environment. The goal is toenhance the overall well-being of theindividuals inhabiting that space byoptimizing the flow of energy. We workwith crystals, sound and aromatherapy toenhance the harmonizing of energies.Transform Your Life:Health: Enhance vitality & well-beingWealth: Attract abundance & prosperityRelationships: Foster & developharmonious connectionsCareer: Boost success & fulfillment“When you have the right Feng Shui,it is like climbing up in an escalatorthat is going up. Your effort ismagnified! Pranic Feng Shui allowsyou to make your life better.”GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui
DISCOVER THEPOWER OFPRANICFENG SHUI(425)’S CONNECTWWW.LIGHTWORKER-STUDIO.COMChris Gamboa is the founder ofLightworker Studio in Kirkland, WA.Chris is a certified Sound Healer,Atma Buti Sound Vibration TherapyPractitioner, Certified Pranic &Psychotherapy Healer, Pranic FengShui Practitioner and Reiki Master for16 years. Her energy healing practiceis augmented and enhanced withCrystals and Plant PranaAromatherapy.AboutPranic Feng Shui& Space Clearing
DISCOVER THEPOWER OFPRANICFENG SHUI(425)’S CONNECTWWW.LIGHTWORKER-STUDIO.COMChris Gamboa is the founder ofLightworker Studio in Kirkland, WA.Chris is a certified Sound Healer,Atma Buti Sound Vibration TherapyPractitioner, Certified Pranic &Psychotherapy Healer, Pranic FengShui Practitioner and Reiki Master for16 years. Her energy healing practiceis augmented and enhanced withCrystals and Plant PranaAromatherapy.AboutPranic Feng Shui& Space Clearing