As you all have probably noticed, residential waterpressure has improved at Prairie Ridge. The city of Midlothian (who provides water toECFWSD No.1 and Grand Prairie) made anadjustment to their system downstream whichaided in the improvement. Grand Prairie is also planning additional waterinfrastructure which will support the long-termwater needs of Prairie Ridge. At this time, we do nothave insights as to the timing of theseimprovements but will keep the communityupdated. As summer time approaches and landscapingdemands more water, please be conscious of youroverall water usage as this can impact steady waterpressure. Development UPDATE (WATER)Pumping up the Pressure UND E R CONST RUC T IONThe additional phases of lots under construction will be completedthis summer. These will be located south of the newest phasebelow the future roundabout on the west side of the community. Aspart of these phases, Thimbleberry Rd. will be extended south fromPrairie Ridge Blvd. to the future phases. This road will also connectto the future amenity center area. Additionally, your developer is designing a major communitythoroughfare (Southgate Blvd.) that will connect Prairie Ridge the service lanes of HWY 360. The purpose of this road is toalleviate traffic concerns at Prairie Ridge Blvd. and HWY 287. Overtime, it is expected to become a primary entrance to thecommunity.The road is currently in the design stages and Prairie Ridge plans tostart construction next year. Recently, to assist with ingress / egressto the community, improvements have been made to HWY 287 (U-Turn and acceleration lanes). We understand that the conditions atPrairie Ridge Blvd. and Hwy 287 are less than ideal, and thedevelopment team is working hard to expedite construction of thenew road. TxDOT is also working on plans for an interchange at the PrairieRidge Blvd. and HWY 287 intersection which is expected to be builtin approximately five years.
Beginning in 2024, Prairie Ridge plans to break ground onthe newest phase of community amenities! Located onThimbleberry Road, an exclusively planned 5,000 SF air-conditioned building will feature a lounge area, flex /event space, a covered deck, and an activity lawnoverlooking the pond. We are also excited to announce the addition of newhiking / biking trails. Your developer is actively working with its architects todesign this new amenity center to enhance the communityexperience for its residents. An early-stage layout of this amenity building is to the left.Please note that this is a conceptual layout and is subjectto change as we finalize its design. The Prairie RidgeDevelopment Team is very excited about this new additionand will keep you updated as things progress.A M A Z I N G N E W A M E N I T I E SSchool's in session! (ALMOST!)MID L OTH I AN ISD SCH OOLIn February 2023, the Midlothian ISD School Board voted to seekvoter approval for a $416MM upcoming bond issuance. This bondissuance will contain 2 Propositions which will include 2 newelementary schools in addition to significant renovations &additions to existing schools in the district. Proposition A contains the new Prairie Ridge Elementary Schooland MISD has indicated the goal for this school is to be open bythe 2025 school year. Midlothian ISD residents will have the opportunity to vote on thepropositions beginning with early voting on April 24 – May 2,2023, and on Election Day, which is May 6, 2023.For more information, please visit this LINKWE ENCO UR AG E YOU T O VO TE ON ON MAY 6 TH !Proposition A
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