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Practicing Gratefulness-30 days of gratitude & growth

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GratefulnessP R A C T I C I N G30 Days of seeing God’s Goodness

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Don’t forget to share this or share your journey with someone. Gratefulness is contagious! I’d also like to encourage you to pray before you start each day. Pray forunderstanding and that God leads you to what He wants you to do each day. You’ll findtips on prayer on the next page. Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”It is so easy to get caught up in what we do not have. When we look around and see so many othersdoing things or having things that we do not have (finances, vacations, getting married, havingchildren….this list could get long!) it’s easy to feel discouraged or to forget the things we do have. One of the biggest and best lessons I ever learned is whenever I’m going through a difficult time to find a place to serve. Whether that’s serving at church or locally in the community, find a way to give back. This opens the door to being grateful. It teaches us to learn to be so thankful for the many blesses God gives us daily, big and small. I pray that as you embark on these 30 days of practicing gratefulness that God shows Himself so big in your life. I pray that He reminds you that He is faithful and to be grateful for how He is always with you. Practicing Gratefulness

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Tips on how to pray A great model for prayer is the Lord’s prayer. If you can think of nothing else to pray, this is always agreat prayer. Tip 3 Share the things on your heart, whether it’s about you or someone else. “God please help (me orperson’s name) heal from the brokenness we feel inside.” “God please give me the wisdom andknowledge on how to address this situation. I have a big decision to make and I need you.” Pray for Hiswill. So if you struggle with prayer, don’t know how to pray, or just want to learn how to pray with moreintention check out the tips below: Tip 5 Seal it with faith. Praise God and thank Him for hearing your prayers. “God thank you for hearing me.I know that you are always there and listening. I trust you and know that you are working all things out.Amen” Prayer used to be so intimidating for me. I was surrounded by people who knew exactly what to say, howto say it and then would pull out all of these words or scriptures I didn’t even know. But I learned thathaving all the “right” things to say in prayer does not matter to God. You are coming to Him to talk to Himand, well, He wants relationship with you more than anything. I also learned that it’s just a conversation.Yes, sometimes when I pray I pull out all the words and the scriptures and His promises. But other times Ijust talk to Him like He’s my friend, because that’s what He is. Tip 2 Give God thanks and praise. “God thank you for loving me, for keeping me, for pulling me through thehardest times in my life. Thank you for just being who you are. You are nothing short of amazing and Iwant to honor you.” Tip 1 Ask for forgiveness and repent. Make sure you’re not only asking for forgiveness for yourself but thatyou are also asking for the strength to forgive others. Be specific. Don’t just say “God forgive me for thatthing I did yesterday.” Name the “thing”. “God, forgive me for being rude and speaking unkind words aboutmy friend. I know that is not how you want me to behave. Help me to turn away (repent) from thatbehavior by changing my heart.” Tip 4 Pray His will. Align your prayers with not just what you need but what He has planned for you. “God Iknow that you have good plans for me. They are better than my own. I pray that your will come forward inmy life over this situation and in this moment. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth, asit is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those whotrespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom andthe power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

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One last thing…..As you embark on this journey of focusing on being grateful there are three areas you’ll see toshare in what you’re grateful for: A person, a thing, an action. Why these three things? One (a person), God blesses us through others. Whether we have a deep relationship with someone or it’s a perfect stranger, God is using that person to answer a prayer. He’s also using us. Sometimes we are the answer to someone’s prayer. Two (a thing), while our focus should not be solely on all the material things we acquire in life, sometimes we forget how fortunate we are to have basic things such as food and water. Or things that are big such as a roof over our heads, a phone, tv, a job etc. God uses these things to bless us so that we can in turn use our resources to bless others. Three (an action), sometimes we are praying to God for what seems like forever to help us during a difficult stage in life. Maybe we are praying for a friend or family member and it seems like nothing has changed. But sometimes we miss it. We miss the moments when he’s answered those prayers. Focusing on something around us that has happened; that God has done reminds us to be thankful and that God hears us. Never stop praying. Keep believing that He is with you.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 1 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Always be joyful. Neverstop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances , for this isGod’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Spread love & kindness: Give someone a hug.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 2 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for... Scripture: Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry aboutanything; instead pray about everything. Tell Godwhat you need, and thank him for all he has done.”Spread love & kindness: Volunteer at a local shelter or foodpantry.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 3 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Hebrews 13: 15-16 “Therefore, let usoffer through Jesus a continual sacrifice ofpraise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to hisname. And don’t forget to do good and to sharewith those in need. These are the sacrifices thatplease God.”Spread love & kindness: Thank someone in the military or a civilservant (police officer, fireman etc.).

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 4 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:11 “Yes, you will beenriched in every way so that you can alwaysbe generous. And when we take your gifts tothose who need them, they will thank God.” Spread love & kindness: Buy school supplies for ateacher.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 5 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Daniel 2:23a “I thank and praiseyou, God of my ancestors, for you havegiven me wisdom and strength.”Spread love & kindness: Send someone a nice comment onsocial media.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 6 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Philippians 4:8 “And now dearbrothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix yourthoughts on what is true, and honorable, andright, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.Think about things that are excellent andworthy of praise.”Spread love & kindness: Write down a friends best qualities andgive it to them. (Text is ok.)

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 7 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Psalms 69:30 “Then I willpraise God’s name with singingand I will honor him withthanksgiving.”Spread love & kindness: Reconnect with an old friend. Check onsomeone you haven’t talked to in a while.

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How focusing onthe good releasesstress.How much I haveto be grateful for.The value in helpingothers.How to share myfaith.The importance ofreading scripturemore.The importance ofprayer.this week I learned...Put a check next to the cirlcethat applies to what youlearned or use the blankcircles to write what you’velearned this week.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 8/Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Psalms 100: 4-5 “Enter his gates withthanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Givethanks to him and praise his name. For the Lordis good. His unfailing love continues forever, andhis faithfulness continues to each generation.”Spread love & kindness: Complete a chore or an act of servicefor someone in your home or at work.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 9 /Date:Give someone $20A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: Spread love & kindness: i am grateful for...Scripture: Psalms 107: 21-22 “Let them praisethe Lord for his great love and for thewonderful things he has done for them. Letthem offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and singjoyfully about his glorious acts.”

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 10 /Date:Offer to help a friend witha task.A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: Spread love & kindness: i am grateful for...Scripture: Colossians 2: 6-7 “And now, just as youaccepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you mustcontinue to follow him. Let your roots grow downinto him, and let your lives be built on him. Thenyour faith will grow strong in the truth you weretaught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 11 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Colossians 3:15 “And let the peacethat comes from Christ rule in your hearts. Foras members of one body you are called to livein peace. And always be thankful.”Spread love & kindness: Buy the person behind you coffee orbreakfast.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 12 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: 1 Chronicles 16:34 “Give thanks to theLord, for he is good! His faithful love enduresforever.”Spread love & kindness: Ask someone how you can pray forthem.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 13 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: 1 Timothy 4: 4-5 “Since everythingGod created is good, we should not reject anyof it but receive it with thanks. For we know itis made acceptable by the word of God andprayer.”Spread love & kindness: Bake or bring a baked good to thestaff at a doctors office.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 14/Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: 1 Chronicles 16:8 “Give thanks to theLORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the wholeworld know what he has done.”Spread love & kindness: Run an errand for a friend or familymember.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 15 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Psalms 28:7 “The LORD is mystrength and shield. I trust him with all myheart. He helps me, and my heart is filled withjoy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.”Spread love & kindness: Send flowers or s small gift tosomeone just because.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 16 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Colossians 3:17 “And whatever youdo or say, do it as a representative of theLord Jesus, giving thanks through him to Godthe Father.”Spread love & kindness: Give a teacher a thank you gift.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 17 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Psalms 9:1-2 “I will praiseyou, LORD, with all my heart. I will tellof all the marvelous things you havedone. I will be filled with joy because ofyou. I will sing praises to your name, O’Most High.”Spread love & kindness: Donate to charity.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 18 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: James 1:17 “Whatever is good andperfect is a gift coming down to us from Godour Father, who created all the lights in heaven.”Spread love & kindness: Give someone $10

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 19 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-17 “Be very careful,then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,making the most of every opportunity, becausethe days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish butunderstand what the Lord’s will is.”Spread love & kindness: Open the door for someone.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 20 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Psalms 107: 8-9 “Let thempraise the LORD for his great love and forthe wonderful things he has done forthem. For he satisfies the thirsty and fillsthe hungry with good things.”Spread love & kindness: Plan to babysit for a friend or family member togive them a break.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 21 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Romans 8:28 “And we know thatGod causes everything to work together forthe good of those who love God and arecalled according to his purpose for them.”Spread love & kindness: Donate items you no longer need or use..

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How focusing onthe good releasesstress.How much I haveto be grateful for.The value in helpingothers.How to share myfaith.The importance ofreading scripturemore.The importance ofprayer.this week I learned...Put a check next to the cirlcethat applies to what youlearned or use the blankcircles to write what you’velearned this week.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 22 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Colossians 3:16 “Let the messageabout Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives.Teach and counsel each other with all thewisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns andspiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.”Spread love & kindness: Leave a card or a treat for the mail person.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 23 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Colossians 3:13 “Make allowances for eachother’s faults, and forgive anyone who offendsyou. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so youmust forgive others.”Spread love & kindness: Compliment a friend or co worker.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 24 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Romans 15:13 “I pray that God, the source of hope,will fill you completely with joy and peace becauseyou trust in him. Then you will overflow withconfident hope through the power of the HolySpirt.”Spread love & kindness: Smile at a stranger.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 25 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Philippians 2:3-4 “Don’t be selfish; don’t try toimpress others. Be humble, thinking of othersas better than yourselves. Don’t look outonly for your own interest, but take aninterests, too.”Spread love & kindness: Mail someone a card just to say thank you.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 26/Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Isaiah 41:13 “For I hold you by yourright hand I, the LORD your God. And I say toyou, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’”Spread love & kindness: Write someone an encouraging note.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 27 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7 “Give all yourworries and cares to God, for he caresabout you.”Spread love & kindness: Call or text a friend and just to check on them.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 28 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Isaiah 41:10 “Don’t be afraid, for I amwith you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am yourGod. I will strengthen you and help you. I will holdyou up with my victorious right hand.”Spread love & kinds: Let someone go ahead of you in the store.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 29 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for...Scripture: Psalms 118:5 “In my distress Iprayed to the LORD, and the LORDanswered me and set me free.”Spread love & kindness: Buy someone coffee.

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An action or moment(Making it to work safely,healing for you orsomeone else, helpingsomeone etc.) Day 30 /Date:A person (namesomeone that you’regrateful for.) How can you apply today’s scripture to your life? A thing (home, car, food,clothes etc.-somethingyou’re grateful to have.) Share this scripture or one thingyou’re grateful for via social media,a text or with someone in person. Scripture Application:Call to action: i am grateful for... Scripture: Psalms 118:14 “TheLORD is my strength and my song;he has given me victory.”Spread love & kindness: Treat a friend or co-worker to lunch.

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How focusing onthe good releasesstress.How much I haveto be grateful for.The value in helpingothers.How to share myfaith.The importance ofreading scripturemore.The importance ofprayer.this week I learned...Put a check next to the cirlcethat applies to what youlearned or use the blankcircles to write what you’velearned this week.

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CircleConnect7 exists to provide resources centered ondeveloping and growing a relationship with God whilealso connecting with others on the same or similarjourney. We are focused on loving God first and lovingothers.1 Corinthians 12:26-27 says "If one part suffers, all parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts areglad. All of you together are Christ's body, and each ofyou is a part of it." Simply put, we all need each other togrow into all that God has created us to be.Candle L. Barnes Email: FB & Instagram: CircleConnect7TikTok@creating_roots