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You are One Decision Away from Creating a Lucrative CareerToward a Life ofSuccessSignificanceandSpiritualityPRAC Training and Certification

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If one week could change your life for good, would you invest in it? The PRAC System

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Dear Ones,We believe you are here today because God had a hand indirecting you to us. God is always in the mix.Please vet us. Know who we are, what we stand for, and wherewe are headed as a company. We want you to know we honorwho YOU are, what you stand for, and where you are headed withthis company.Life is such a joy when you have the resilience and resources tomeet life’s challenges and adversities productively with what weat New View Concepts call “Response-Ability.” We call our lifecoaches Personal Response-Ability Coaches, (“PRACs,”), becausethey teach clients to have response-ability. Life is such a joy when you take response-ability and stand up toown your problems so that solutions become great lessonslearned, and valuable insight that may be shared with others. Life is such a joy when you recognize the value of each soul; thatno matter the trauma or mistakes made, each is a Child of Godwho has worth, is important, and has a divine calling in this life.No one is a mistake. And everyone is needed in some way. There A Letter from Our Course Creators

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are no accidents in God’s business, and we trust that Heexecutes His business perfectly. So, just as you came to us,there are others waiting for you--as their Certified PersonalResponse-Ability Coach.Not unlike the teachings in AA and NA, we have found thatpeople are much more apt to succeed when they areaccountable to their “Higher Power.” Though we do notpromote any one religion, we do promote God and Jesus Christ.We believe this program was inspired, and that many lives havebeen and will be changed for the good because we honor andrespect God’s laws. Life coaching deserves a reverenceunmatched. When you realize you are truly helping to moldanother human being from the inside out, being a life coachtakes on a whole new meaning. Being a coach is a partnershipwith God to help your client become the best he can be—as youbecome yours. And there is no job on earth as rewarding, asfulfilling, and as needed.Though you decide how much your services are worth, andthough we teach you the system to make a ga-zillion dollars asa Personal Response-Ability Coach, we believe this business isall about heart... and that’s what we LOVE to teach at New ViewConcepts—the value of your client’s heart—and yours.The journey you are on is sacred. We don't take helping you toprepare for your future as a specialized life coach lightly. Wewill listen to your objectives and help you live your dreams. Wewill do all we can to help you become successful.So, buckle up. You are just about to journey into sacredMoments in Time... to BECOME. Just TRUST THE PROCESS.GOD BLESS YOUR JOURNEY.Jesse and Rene’e La Montagne Dunn

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QUANTUM THOUGHTQUANTUM THOUGHTIGNITE ANDTRANSFORMIGNITE ANDTRANSFORMThe I.C.E. ToolYou will learn how to manage your thoughts: how toeliminate your negative thinking patterns. You will learn to direct your life on purpose--with purpose. You will learn The Ice Tool; a remarkable tool that significantly ignites and transforms the life of your clients as they learn the principles ofQuantum Thought.Everything begins with thought.All success--and failure--begins with thought!

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WHAT MAKES NVC DIFFERENT?#1 COMPONENT. AS WE SAID, GOD IS IN THE MIX. From day one, we believe God opened the doors to thisremarkable program--and we are SO grateful. With God, clients are more accountable as they answer tosomeone greater than themselves--their “Higher Power.“ This is a sacred program--lives are beingchanged for the good--and that‘s because we believe He is the Captain of this ship! *TAKE THE 5-DAY PRAC CLASS AGAIN FOR FREE. Typically, as our PRACs go through our PRAC Training,they embark on a very emotional journey. PRACs concentrate on themselves the first time around,clearing out the skeletons in their own closets. After they certify, they may take the 5-day PRAC classagain FOR FREE up to one year after certification. The second time through, THEY SEE THINGS AS A LIFECOACH! (*The FREE class is not available to scholarship recipients. However, any certified PRAC may takethe PRAC class again for a $600 fee if space is available.)TRAIN AND CERTIFY IN 30 DAYS OR LESS. We offer a very comprehensive program. A PRAC may trainand certify in 30 days or less if committed and cognizant of time management. There are 60-70 hours oftraining: 40 hours in-class, 10-12 hours of online Business Launch Essentials, pre-course work, homeworkafter each class, and internship. THE #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING MANUAL IS A “ROADMAP” FOR THE COACH, AND A WORKBOOKFOR THE CLIENT. The PRAC can interweave other modalities into the lessons as needed to benefit theclient. All 6 areas of life are covered in the GO Broken to Beautiful/Badass program. ONCE CERTIFIED, NVC PROMOTES THE NEW PRAC. PRACs are promoted through social media and onthe NVC website on a rotating basis. The PRAC is featured in a personalized video recording andpromoted throughout NVC pages and private groups, boasting 70,000+/- followers. NVC will linkPRAC’s websites, podcasts, and will broadcast PRAC‘s business presentations.THIS IS A SCIENCE-BASED PROGRAM. The education that NVC provides is based on scientific researchand the principles have been validated.INCOMING CLIENTS ARE ROTATED. As incoming clients come in from NVC’s marketing and website,they are rotated to PRACs unless that client specifies the type of coach needed. NVC’s websitefeatures two options: BECOME A COACH (for incoming PRAC applicants), and HIRE A COACH(potential clients seeking a PRAC). PRAC TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION CLASSES ARE KEPT SMALL. There is much to be said aboutbuilding a community. Role plays are much more effective and successful in an intimate setting.PRACs receive one-on-one training. PRAC connections deepen, and PRACs may want to serve eachother as coaches later on. PRAC’S ARE OFFERED A SIGNIFICANT *REFERRAL FEE. Anyone can refer people to our PRACtraining program, and a generous referral fee will be paid once the PRAC Applicant pays his/her fees.PRACs can use this option and income as part of their business plan. (*The Referral Fee is not paidon scholorship scholorship PRACS MAY OPT TO SERVE PRO-BONO IN THE PRISON PROJECT. Through our sister company, GOBroken to Beautiful Foundation, the Prison Project, we offer incarcerated and previouslyincarcerated citizens the opportunity to be taken through the GO Broken to Beautiful Program witha PRAC for free. PRACs are invited to share their coaching service pro-bono at this time. Hopefullysoon, this will be a paid service. 18-MONTH MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. We are so confident in your launch to success and significanceas a Certified Personal Response-Ability Coach, that if you don’t earn back your initial tuitioninvestment from paying clients within your first 12 months, we will work with you until you do, up to anadditional six months, or your money back. (*Terms and Conditions apply.) THE GO BROKEN TO BEAUTIFUL/BADASS PROGRAM IS FREE FOR LIFE TO YOU AND YOUR CLIENTS. As aPRAC, you are licensed to share the GB2B/BA program with all your clients, free of charge. BUILD A LUCRATIVE CAREER. Though this business is not all about money, learning and applying the PRACSystem through the Business Launch Essentials Course, a PRAC could build a very lucrative business! ThePRAC System is easy to learn, and is a tremendous tool when building a 6-7 figure income!

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MEET SOME OF OUR PRACS Working with these tools gave me focus. I knew inmy heart what I was meant to do, but it was soeasy to get off track when the necessity to makea living for my family was constant. I am nowback on track, earning an income that is morethan adequate for our needs. I know I am neededand now work with clients I have a connection to.Our family relationships are sweeter. I amfulfilled and experiencing joy like I have not donein a long time.JIM P., IDCertified PRACHypnotherapistBuffy is a coach who had experienced her own fairshare of struggles in her early years. She decided toserve others with her experiences, thus leading herinto the path of life coaching. She had a client whoconsidered herself a “throw-away”. In her search togive her client a much-desired transformation, shewas led to our coaching system. After using ourproven PRAC system, she wrote back telling us thather client who once was severely broken by life, hadnow come a long way in her growth and was nowdriven by purpose. Today, Buffy has built a thrivinglife coaching business that is bringing lastingtransformation to many more of her clients using ourspecial strategy.BUFFY C, IDCertified PRACI'm Danielle. I am an addict. I have co-occurring disorders. I sought help many times through doctors and mentalcare providers, churches, 12-step recovery programs. Itook the GO Broken to Beautiful Class. I now have controlover my thinking patterns and emotions. I now embodythe power to break generations of dysfunction, abuse,depression, and darkness. Through the GO Broken toBeautiful program, I have found my new career path anddestiny. With GO Broken to Beautiful, I can truly helpothers. This program has helped me tremendously. I amfree to stand beside my Creator and co-create the life Ilive and love--and as a PRAC, help others do the same!DANIELLE, NMCertified PRAC

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"Customizable" Coach/Client Curriculum”MOST PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS, PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS, OR RELATIONSHIP SKILLS. The #1 International Bestselling, GO Broken to Beautiful Manual: What to DO WhenLife Leaves You Broken, teaches clients to live in the “3rd Paradigm Mind,” a level ofliving and thinking that fortifies success in all 6 areas of life. PRACs have acustomizable “roadmap,” and clients have a comprehensive workbook. Clients havea 15-lesson whole-based course--FREE--that includes accompanying videos, thedigital Manual, tools, graphs, charts, and all pdfs, right at their fingertips. Coachescan interweave their other modalities, and customize the lessons for every client.This course supplies the PRAC with an already-created, proven system for success,which eliminates creating a program of your own, beta testing, re-writing, orscouring for a program that covers all areas of life. CERTIFIED PRAC AND CLIENT HAVE FREE LIFETIME ACCESS TO THIS COURSE.

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SEPT 16-20OCT 14-18UPCOMING PRAC CERTIFICATION CLASSES2024Pre-course work5-consecutive day Zoom in-class 40-hours training10-12 hours online Business Launch EssentialsInternship (3) 1-hour recorded coaching sessionsSelf-Evaluations with your PRAC EducatorFinal Course ExamMANDATORY FOR CERTIFICATION::

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ABOUT THE INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE...Your Dreams Can Finally Come True*Our progam is affordable *We offer $0 down*Low monthly paymentsTypically, the most difficult part ofobtaining the education needed to certifyas a Life Coach, is the expense.*pending creditworthiness PLEASE NOTE: YOUR PRAC COURSE MUST BE PAID INFULL PRIOR TO YOUR PRAC CLASS TO RESERVE YOURSEAT, AND TO OBTAIN COURSE MATERIALS.

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BUSINESS OF BUSINESSHow to do your businessHow to start your businessHow to maintain your businessHow to find your niche in businessHow to market your businessHow to sustain your thriving businessDiscover The PRAC System the Key to Launching a a Spiritually Grounded Lucrative Career as aPersonal Response-Ability Coach

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Discover The PRAC System

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...Naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me;I was in prison, and ye cameunto me. --Matthew 25Once certified, PRACs are invited and mayopt in to serve, coach, and teachincarcerated and previously incarcerated citizens through the Go Broken to Beautiful Foundation. The Prison ProjectThe Prison Project

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Once certified, PRACs are invited and may opt in to serve, coach, and teach incarcerated and previously incarcerated citizens through NVC's sister company, Go Broken to Beautiful Foundation. RECIDIVISM RATES ARE HIGH... if they go into prison with no life skills or tools tohelp them be accountable and more response-able, and they don't learn anything new, and they likewise come out with no life skills or tools...NOTHING WILL CHANGE.THE CYCLE REPEATS.See this short videoIRS 501(c)3The Prison ProjectThe Prison Project

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The Prison ProjectThe Prison ProjectIRS 501(c)3I am a recovering addict.When I came home, my friend told me about a life-coaching groupcalled GO Broken to Beautiful. Through that course, I learned the toolsthat have ignited success in all six areas of life. I now practice controlover my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I have the tools now to livethe life I create. Instead of life happening TO me, life is happening FORme.I used to be stuck in old negative thinking patterns and negative self-talk that ultimately ruined my chances for having a good life. Now Iembody the power to break generational curses and can move myfamily out of generations of dysfunction, abuse, depression, darkness,and evil.Through the GO Broken to Beautiful program, I have found my newcareer path and destiny. With GO Broken to Beautiful, I can truly helpothers. This program has helped me tremendously. I am free to standbeside my Creator and co-create the life I live and love.People with criminalrecords are encouraged toapply to become a lifecoach through New ViewConcepts, and will receivea VERY generousscholarship.DanielleDanielle

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Meet ourLovely LadyAll beautiful things carry distinctions of imperfection. Your wounds and imperfections are your beauty. Like the ancient Japanese art of mending broken potterywith gold, we are all Kintsugi. We have all been broken. Breakage and mending are honest parts of the past which need not be hidden. Your wounds and healing are part of your history; a part of who you are.Every beautiful thing is damaged.The damage creates depth and character.YOU are that beauty...YOU are a rare--and priceless--MASTERPIECE. --Bryant McGillKintsugi

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START YOUR SACRED JOURNEYHERE:Next Steps. . . .Next Steps. . . .Launch Your 6 Figure Life Coaching Business in 30 DaysWe'll help you launch a 6 figure life coaching businessthat gets you 3-5 new clients a month in 30 days,and if you don’t make back your investment *You Don't Pay!(*See Money Back Guarantee. Terms and Conditions Apply)

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God BlessYourJourneywithInfinite Love and Gratitude782 N 2560 ESpanish Fork, UT