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From the Desk of Sr.Patron“All of us do not have equal talent.But all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.“ -A.P.J Abdul KalamThe Primary education forms bedrock of a child’s overall growth .We empowerthe young minds with effective strategies and inspire a culture of excellence.Our aim is to implement personalised learning approaches tailored to eachstudent's strengths and needs. Thus, our commitment lies in the holisticdevelopment of the child through a diverse array of student-centered teachingapproaches.. Additionally, learning outcomes are enhanced by fosteringcollaboration and peer-to-peer relationships to promote a sense of belongingwithin our school community.As we strive for continuous improvement, I urge everyone to embracethese strategies wholeheartedly. Let's harness our collective talents andenthusiasm to propel our school towards greater heights of success.Together, let's create an environment where every student feels valuedand empowered to reach their full potential.This school magazine serves as a medium of expression, showcasing thediverse talents, achievements, and voices of our school community. Itnurtures creativity, ignites collaborative efforts and cultivates a sense ofpride and solidarity among both students and faculty. Let us cherishthese bonds and continue to create a vibrant community where everyvoice is heard and valued.Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our school's success.Wishing you all great success.Maj Gen Vikram Varma,VSM** 1

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From the Desk of Chairman “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” -John DeweyAs the proud chairman of our esteemed school, I am delighted to extend mywarmest greetings to each and everyone of you. It brings me immense joy towitness the dedication, hard work, and talent that permeates every aspectof our school community. I firmly believe that education is the key tounlocking endless possibilities, and I am honoured to support aninstitution that is committed to providing a nurturing environment wherestudents can flourish and thrive.I would like to commend the efforts of our exceptional educatorswho go above and beyond to inspire and empower our students.Your unwavering dedication plays a pivotal role in shaping thefuture leaders of India.To the students, I encourage you to embrace every opportunity thatcomes your way and to never cease in your pursuit of knowledgeand excellence. Your potential knows no bounds, and I have nodoubt that you will continue to achieve remarkable feats. As weembark on another chapter filled with promise and potential, let usremain steadfast in our commitment to uphold the values ofintegrity, compassion, and resilience that define our school.Wishing you all continued success and fulfillment in your academic pursuits and beyond.Warm regardsBrig Rajesh Sharma2

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From the Desk of Principal“Education is not just a means to acquire knowledge; it is a life long journey of discovery and growth.”-John DeweyDear Students, Faculty, and Parents, as we reflect on the journey of the pastyear, I am filled with gratitude for the rich tapestry of experiences that defineour school community.In a world marked by division and discord, APS , Ahmednagar stands as abeacon of unity in diversity. It is through our shared values of respect,empathy, and understanding that we foster an environment where allindividuals are seen, heard, and empowered to thrive.As you peruse the pages of this year’s magazine, I invite you to reflecton the myriad ways in which our diversity enriches and strengthens usas a community.So, let us strive to build bridges of understanding and empathy thattranscend barriers and unite us in our shared humanity. And to ourparents and families, thank you for your partnership in creating aschool community where diversity is celebrated and cherished.As we look ahead to the future, let us reaffirm our commitment tonurture 21stcentury skills, enabling students to evolve into criticalthinkers and socially responsible citizens of our nation.Together, we can forge a cohesive partnership to ensure the holistic development of our students , preparing them to flourish in an ever -changing world.Warm regards,Mrs Nutan Mishra3

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From the Desk of Vice Principal“The function of education is to teach one to think logically and critically.” - Martin Luther King JrDear Students and faculty , as we embark on this new academic year I amreminded of the great potential that lies within each one of us .It is myprivilege to witness the dedication and passion that you bring to our schoolevery day.Remember, success is not just about reaching the destination; itsabout the journey and the lessons we learn along the way.Here is to another year of soaring ambitions and remarkableachievements. Lets embrace the adventure ahead withunwavering optimism and a commitment to excellence.Warm regards Mrs Sangita KateAPS, Ahmednagar is more than just a building ; it is acommunity of learners, dreamers and achievers. Together, westrive for excellence in everything we do , whether its in theclassroom , on the field , or in our co-curricular activities.4

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From the Desk of Headmistress……..Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think - Albert EinsteinDear parents and guardians,In our ongoing journey of educational excellence, I extend my sincere appreciation for your steadfast support and collaboration. The Primary Wing of APS is committed to nurturing the minds and hearts of our young learners.Our dedicated faculty members have adeptly embraced the challenges of thecurrent landscape, demonstrating resilience and innovation in theirinstructional approaches.We remain resolute in our mission to cultivate a learning environmentthat fosters not only academic growth but also social and emotionalwell-being.This year’s magazine is also a testament to the hard work anddedication of our students and staff. It showcases a diverse range ofarticles, stories, poems, and artwork that highlight the depth of talentand the spirit of innovation that characterizes our school.I urge you to maintain open lines of communication with us, as yourfeedback is instrumental in our continuous enhancement of theeducational experience we provide. Thank you for entrusting us withthe education of your children.Together, we shall navigate these times with grace and fortitude, emerging stronger and more united.Warm regards Mrs Sheetal Virmani5

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From the desk of the coordinator……….“All the wealth of the world cannot help one little Indian village if the people are not taught to help themselves. Our work should be mainly educational, both moral and intellectual.”’—Swami VivekanandaWe stand poised on the threshold of change in the world of education. Hence, itis very important for us to adjust the sails to face the winds of change.Role of education in today’s era is not only to pursue academic excellence but alsorequires overall development of a child. So apart from academic excellence,APS, Ahmednagar is devoted to prepare the students for life, groom them to facethe challenges of tomorrow and encourage them to be socially relevant.I am glad that in this institution we, as educators create a safe,stimulating and learning environment for our children.Here, we have classrooms where there is a positive relationshipamongst students and the teacher which makes it a safe andpleasant place for students. Our mission is to always put kids first!My message to all parents is to stay involved.I strongly believe in the importance of teachers, parents, andadministrators collaborating and communicating openly to achieveour common goal, which is to provide young children with theopportunity to grow towards their full potential in an environmentthat promotes belonging, dignity, and hope.Warm regardsMrs Naina Nasir6

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Editor in Chief : Mrs Anukampa RastogiAdvisory Board : Mrs Sheetal VirmaniMrs Naina Dhruv NasirEditors :English Section : Mrs Steffy ChawlaMs Shital RajputMrs Shreya GuptaHindi Section : Mrs Shashi ThakurMrs Priyanka R Infographics : Mrs Tahesin SayyadMr Pritam MunotScanning : Mr Pawan BangPrinting & PhotographyArt Section : Mr Dattatray Kothule7

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Backbone of Excellence….Everyday you inspire , educate and empower us; your impact is immeasurable.8

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Your behind the scenes efforts, make our school a better place everyday.9

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Trailblazers Of Tomorrow10

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SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOUNDATION Priyal B,II GSanvi S, I AAnsh B, I GSaksham M, I HVidhan G,II H Nandaki,II AAryan P, III ASudiksha W, III BShraddha N, III BKartiki J, V HManisha G,V KAryaveer C ,V D11

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Aryaveer C VD Anaya R III HVishwajeet P II DShourya P, I ENandaki, II AAnanya M, II FSudiksha W, III B Ansh, III DHiten G,III EDevansh, IV FDeepayan B, V CSarthak B,IV GSanskriti P,IV GJayaditya G,IV HShubham ,V JDivyanshi P, II FPratik R ,V K12

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Nandaki, II ASudiksha W, III BDeepayan B, V CDiya K,III CDivyanshi P, II FSanskar G,IV C Prithvi V ,IV C Tanishk,I DTejas B, I FSaksham M,I HShivam D ,I CDnyanraj B,II BJasnoor Kaur,V AAarav M, III ARudra K, III ATrilok, III DAyush B, IV BAnamika N,V CSanskriti P,IV G Arush C , II HArushi N, III GAnuja G,V CManya Y,V H13

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Swara Dalvi,V ABhavna W, V C Tirtha Takale , III BFrom left to right – Saksham Garje,I H Mayra II DShubhra Lagad, IV B Shreya Sole,IV EShreyas Ashok Bade, II EViraj Kate,III HArnav kohok V 15

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From Skills……To Thrills……CO-CURRICULARACTIVITIESCABINET : Master Naman Singh –Head Boy (5c)MEMBERS Miss Manisha Gorai-Head Girl (5K)Master Ishan Kumar-Vice Head Boy (4A)Miss Trisha Shreekant –Vice Head Girl (4E)Master Mandeep Singh-Discipline Captain (5B)Miss Rasal Akshata-Discipline Captain (5A)Master Ridhan Gujral-Sports Captain Boy (5C)Miss Hazra Bano-Sports Captain Girl (5D)CCA : Mrs Shweta JaggiINCHARGES Ms Shital RajputMs Anjali MishraMr Pritam Munot17

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House Mistress : Mrs Sharan BhogalAsst. House Mistress : Mrs Taruna KaldaHouse Captain: Master Moksh Vajpayee, Miss Bhawna WaghHouse Vice Captain : Master Jayaditya GandharMiss Swaranjali JasudHouse Prefects: Mr Rakshit PandeMiss Avni Bansode“A champion is one who gets up when he can’t.” - Jack DempseyThe students of the Nehru House participated in all the events with great zeal throughout.Nehru House students, like always, participated in all the events and took strength from their ongoing spirit.Nehru House managed to secure the first position in the Sports week, Street play, second position in Shark Tank , third position in Patriotic Song singing competition.The proudest moment for Nehru House was to perform the street play on CIVIC SENSE on 15th August near the Ahmednagar Fort.Nehru House children also performed a remarkable assembly on Kargil Vijay Diwas which was appreciated by the guests.The feather in the cap was to win Sports Week. Nehru House was seen giving a spirited performance and even though it had its share of victories and disappointments, it maintains the age old saying, “Failure is the stepping stone to success.Mrs Sharan Bhogal(House Mistress)18

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House Mistress- Ms. Deepa Murthy Asst. House Mistress- Ms. Shilpa KardileHouse Captain- Master Aman Kumar (5E)House Captain - Miss Shreyashi Borude (5B)House Vice Captain- Master Varish Pandey (4C)House Vice Captain- Miss Nehal Suryawanshi (4E)House Prefect- Master Arjun Waghaskar (3H)House Prefect- Miss Shreya Sanap (3H)As Shivaji Maharaja famously said “Never bend your head and alwayshold it high’’ the students of Shivaji House have always held our headhigh and will continue to do so.We ignite a spark which turns into a ball of fire. Maintaining the legacyof pride and honour, following the rituals of courage, compassion andchampionship; we walk ahead with our heads high armoured with skillsand talents ready to touch the infinite sky.With the motto of valour, hard work and determination, we loaded ourbags with numerous trophies and certificates. In spite of all odds; wemanaged to show all our skills in cultural and literary activities andsports.The uprising carvers of Shivaji house grabbed the first position in Inter-House Bulletin Board Competition, Debate competition and Ad-madcompetition. We won the 2nd position in Street Play. I would like toexpress my heartfelt gratitude to my dedicated teachers, cabinet members,prefects, parents and students for their cooperation, hard work andefforts.We Shivajians always walk with a progressive mind, learn from ourmistakes, improvise according to the situation and buckle up for the nextchallenge that awaits us.Ms Deepa Murti(House Mistress)SHIVAJI HOUSE19

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TAGORE HOUSEHouse Mistress: Mrs Rukhsar Khan Asst. House Mistress: Mrs Aarti ShelkeHouse Captain: Master Aditya ShindeMiss Debina AtriHouse Vice Captain : Master HarshMiss Sai GaikwadHouse Prefect : Master PranavMiss SudikshaTagore House, a beacon of excellence, stands as a testament to the dedicationand tireless efforts of both its students and teachers. Named after the greatpoet and Nobel laureate, Rabindranath Tagore, our house embodies his spiritof creativity, innovation, and a commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.We truly believe that each child is special and each child should be allowed toexpress his/her creativity with freedom.Our students, driven by a passion for learning, have consistently pushed theboundaries of their capabilities. From winning inter-house competitions suchas securing 1st position in Shark Tank Competition, Street Play, PatrioticSong Singing Competition and 2nd position in the Bulletin BoardCompetition, Debate Competition, Ad-Mad competition.Our achievements serve as a testament to the synergy between studentsand teachers, creating an environment that values curiosity, hard work, and ashared sense of purpose. Together, we continue to strive for excellence,knowing that our efforts will lead to even greater success in the future,honoring the legacy of Rabindranath Tagore in the process. Our young leadersshould be free to adopt his/her way of learning which will lead to all-aroundsuccess and development as Rabindranath Tagore said, "The highest educationis that which does not merely give us information but makes our life inharmony with all existence."Ms Rukhsar KhanHouse Mistress20

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SAROJINI HOUSEHouse Mistress : Mrs Geetha SreekantAsst. House Mistress : Mrs Nishat SayyedHouse Captains: Master LakshyaMiss Humera SayyadHouse Vice Captain: Master Ansh GurliMiss Roshini BoityHouse Prefect: Master Aartik RajMiss Tanushka PawarThe Green House for the session of 2023-2024 has been both dynamicand colorful. We learnt qualities like leadership, team spirit,sportsmanship, organization etc. while competing with the other threehouses. Our house students were coached by different skilled mentors.This enabled the students to earn valuable points and fetch a string ofmedals. With synchronized strides and unwavering precision, SarojiniHouse owned the march past trophy transforming the field into acaptivating display of unity and discipline during Annual Sports Dayfor the academic year 2023-24.There were several students who workedwith a great deal of zeal and fervour to make job easier. I wouldespecially like to thank all the teachers for their unwavering supportand the students for their predominantly forthcoming co-operation andenthusiasm. We extremely hope that in the next session our golden runtowards excellence and achievements will continue.Mrs Geetha Sreekant(House Mistress)21

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Echoes of unityIn the warm embrace of each morning, our school comes alive with the vibrantenergy of our daily assemblies. At the heart of our assemblies lies a commitment tonurturing the individual talents of each student, while also cultivating a sense oftogetherness and unity.By celebrating special days and festivals like Dussehra , Gandhi Jayanti, Earthday etc. we not only educate but also inspire our students to embrace their culturalheritage and engage with the world around them. Moreover, our assemblies providea canvas for students to paint their dreams and aspirations, fostering a spirit ofcreativity and innovation. Through various performances like must,Mime,Dancedrama our students not only hon their skills but also learn the value of sharingtheir gifts with others. As we look towards the future, we envision our assembliesas a beacon of light, guiding our students on a path of self-discovery, growth, andfulfillment.22

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RALLIES37Unity in DiversityHappinessStay Healthy Stay FitSave Earth

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TRANSDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS46Passport to SpaceThematic Party-Festivals

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47Maths CarnivalKathputali Pradarshan

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EDUCATIONAL TRIP49Morachi Chincholi-ShirurTank Museum-AhmednagarAhmednagar Fort-AhmednagarSarvdharma Sthal-DMR,Ahmednagar

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Editor’s message“ English language is simply not logical but strong, free and beautiful.”English is remarkably versatile language, known for its rich vocabulary and nuancedexpressions. Its global reach and influence make it a dynamic and ever evolving means ofcommunication.This issue of school magazine “Sparkling Starlet” is testament to the creativity , talent andhard work of our students and staff.Within these pages you will find a collection of articles , stories , poems and artwork thatshowcase the diverse interests and abilities of our school community. From thoughtprovoking essays to captivating short stories , each piece reflects the unique perspectives andvoices of our contributors. As the English Editor, I hope this magazine serves as a source ofinspiration and entertainment for you ,our readers .Thank you to everyone who contributed to this magazine and to all of our readers for oursupport. We look forward to sharing more of our students talents with you in future editions.Ink & Insight...Your words matterMrs Anukampa Rastogi52

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MY BEST FRIENDMy best friend is a person who holds a special place in my life and my heart. We share a deep bond of friendship that has grown stronger over time. They are always there for me, offering support, guidance and a listening ear.We have created countless memories together filled with laughter, adventures and shared experiences. Trust is the foundation of our friendship and I know I confide in them with my deepest secrets. They bring joy and happiness into my life, making even the simplest moments extraordinary. I am grateful to have such an amazing best friend who enriches my life and makes it more meaningful. ‘’A Best friends care, shares and is Always Honest.’’Mother of Aastha Nimase-ArtiI HLast night I dreamed the Rainbow On archBut there was no arch.It was as if could see the colours in the airAnd the air was like a Whirlwind Like a stream of colours,As I looked out the window,And the door opened to the outside,To actually touch the colour.-Hold it in my handThe very air itself.RAINBOW DREAMMother of Muskan-SaritaI H53

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MY SCHOOLMy school’s name is Army Public School.It is an English medium school. My school is near my house.My school is the best school of my city. My school’s building is very big and beautiful.My school has big playground. There are two computer labs and a big library in my school.All teachers of my school are very kind and helpful. I learn new things every day in my school. I love my school very much.Mother of Bhavana-SayarI CMother of Astha Karale-ShitalI AMY PET DOGIt is because of the pet dog that I go to play outside every single day.I have learned to live in the moment and do not think about the future from my pet dog.My pet dog is my brother, best friend and family.Whenever I am feeling low, my dog cheers me up and helps me get back on my feet.54

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OH RAINBOW! OH RAINBOW!MY PET FRIENDMy pet is a cat. His name is Zhea. He is white and golden brown in colour. He is two years old. He is very soft and beautiful. He loves to eat chicken. I enjoy playing with Zhea , when I get bored and upset. He follows me wherever I go. Now I will share how I met Zhea. One day a cat came to our house with her three kittens and started living in our car shed. Me and my granny used to give them milk and chapatti. The kittens started playing with me, I was very happy. But one day some dogs killed the cat and her two kittens, one kitten ran away from there and hide in our house. From that day the kitten started living with me and became my friend Zhea. Mother of Sharayu Bade-SeemaI – E Oh rainbow Oh rainbowHow lovely your colours are!Oh, rainbow Oh rainbowHow lovely your colours are!Violet, Indigo, blue and green too, Yellow orange and red true.Oh rainbow Oh rainbowHow lovely your colours are.Mother of Divy Tapre-Shubhangi1-C55

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IMPORTANCE OF PLAYTIMEThe most fun time of every child's day is playtime. It is a laboratory forchildren to learn and explore the world. Playtime improves our overallhealth and wellbeing. It is the time of the day for which all childreneagerly wait for. Nowadays playtime is merely reduced to playingonline games and watching videos. This makes children lazy and tiredthroughout the day. Thus, it is very much important to take some timeout for physical activity in the entire course of day. It instils intochildren the feeling of teamwork and develops their decision makingskills. Equal importance should be given to playtime along withacademics. This leads to overall development of children and make themprepared to face future challenges of life. Thus every parent shouldmake it a priority to include playtime in their child's routine totransform children into future leaders. Playtime is important in life ofevery individual from children to adults.Engaging in play, whether it's through physical activities, games, orcreative endeavours, helps to reduce stress levels. Play allowsindividuals to express emotions in a safe and constructive manner.Through play, people can explore different roles, experiment withvarious emotions, and learn to regulate their feelings. Incorporatingplaytime into daily life is essential for promoting mental health andwell-being. Whether it's through structured activities or spontaneousplay, making time for play nurtures creativity, reduces stress,strengthens relationships, and contributes to overall happiness andresilience.Mother of Siddharth Balu Zarekar-ShitalI A56

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MY PET FRIEND I have a pet dog. His name is Tommy. His colour is brown. He has a nice tail. I play with him. He eats rice, fish, meat etc.He guards our house. Tommy loves me very much. When I am ill, then tommy feels sad. When I am fine , Tommy is happy.Mother of Parineeti Dalvi-VidyaI GBoats sail on the rivers,And ships sail on the seas, But clouds that sail across the sky, Are prettier than these. There are bridges on the rivers,As pretty as you please.But the bow that bridges heaven,And overtops the trees, And builds a road from earth to sky,Is prettier far than these.THE RAINBOWMother of Astha Karale-ShitalI-A57

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. . . In skies of blue dreams, take flight a rainbow paints its colours brightwith brush strokes bold and huge So true it acts across the world foryou. Read like strawberries sweet and ripe orange like a sunset strip.Yellow shines like golden rays warming hearts in countless waysgreen as grass where fairies’ thread.Blue like oceans where dreams are spread Indigo whispers my storiesuntold violets magic a tale to holdSo, when the rain has had its look up and find a brighter day,A rainbow a promise in the air chasing away each worry and careRemember dear child, you are as unique as a masterpiece of colours.Just like a rainbow view, let your dream take flight reach for theskies with each step you take.Let your sprit rise.RAINBOW DREAMSMother of Ansh Bangar-ShitalI GIMPORTANCE OF PLAYTIMEFreely chosen play is when a child decides and controls their play following their own instincts , imagination and interests. They play without being led by adults. There is no right or wrong way to play. Freely chosen play improves children's health, well-being and development. Physical play such as running, skipping ,good physical fitness, agility, stamina ,co-ordination ,balance makes us physically & mentally strong. Play helps to build confidence , solving problems and coming up with creative solutions. During a game or while working on a puzzle give children a sense of accomplishment and competence.Mother of Tanishk-PoojaI D58

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Dreams are colourfulAs the rainbow.Dreams like streams,Some are fast,Some are slow,Some may longer live,And some may immediately leave .But most dreams tend to stay And become true.And just a few Will be pending for tomorrow.So hold fast to your dreamsAnd let them grow,Sooner they will all be true .Mother of Arohi Tikone-AshviniI ARAINBOW DREAMSMY PET DOGI have a pet dog. Its name is Latoo. It is two year old. It has four legs. It has big eyes, two ears, One mouth and one tail. It is black in colour. It eats meat fish, rice and bread. It guards our house and property. It is very faithful animal. I Love my dog very much.Mother of Anshika Singh-PratibhaI H59

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COLOURS OF EMOTIONI think, Pink is the colour of love. AndBlack is the colour of hate.I think, Red is the colour of anger. AndWhite is the colour of peace,Yellow is the colour of joy,But blue is the colour of gloom.I can be green with envy and,Purple when in pain.But Black can also be beautiful.The colour of heavy rainfall clouds.And Red the colour of roses growing all around. Divyanshi Pal II FHEALTHY HABITS, HAPPY LIVES!!! In order to Live a healthy life, one must start eating healthy.  It is essential to keep one's mind at peace.  One must exercise regularly to keep oneself fit and healthy.  A healthy life style helps you live longer. Health is the biggest wealth; it helps us to enjoy all the little thing. Once you start living e healthy life style, there is no turning back unhealthy ways.Shaurya Kumar GuptaII G60

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IF TREES COULD TALKIf trees could talk, they would have cried, Please stop cutting us!' No leaves or no branches, can give you a sound walk, unless taken trees side.Let us live together trees, by leading a beautiful life,Happiness bounded altogether. unless taken trees side. If trees could talk, they would enjoy our company. Let us be on tree side, and plant more trees by aside.Anvi Karthik NairII FMY MOTHERMy mother is the best. She never ever rests, She works hard day and night. To make my future very bright. She teaches new things everyday and there is always time today. She is like a teacher to me. that is why I am not afraid to be me.One day when I will grow up. I would like to thank her. For teaching me To never give up.AnupriyaII G61

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CANDY LAND CHRONICLESCandy cane, candy cane, sooooo …sweet.But this little candy cane is not for you to eatI made it with my thumb So you could always see,How very small my little thumb used to be.Sai JapkarII FSCHOOL DAYS!!June comes and back to school.Go all the boys and girls.With paper, pencil, and pretty books. Singing like merry birds.It's fun to read.It's fun to write.It's fun to count.It's fun to draw and spell.We Learn to sing.We Learn to act.We Learn to dance.Yash Pratap SinghII E62

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A DAY IN MY LIFE !!Everyday is best in my life. But the most beautiful day in my life was when someone new came to our house and that was my small brother. I still remember when he was born. When I went to hospital to see him. I saw my cute and small baby brother.KrushnaII E JOY OF SHARING !!The Joy you share comes back to you. Because you did a good thing. The person to whom you bring happiness shows a big smile on his/her face and you feel happy yourself. You then repeat this action again and again.As a result, you feel even happier in your life and you never forget this experience throughout your life.Naysha Tiwari II ECOLOURS OF EMOTIONS!! Blue is the colour of relaxation,Giving one peace for quite meditation.Red is the colour anger and rage, Caught up in fury you cannot assuage.Yellow is the colour of sunshine of joy That gives you the urge to go out and enjoy.Divya Bhagat II E63

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Diversity helps us in widening our knowledge by learning more about the world and help us to grow. It also teaches us to know the world from different perspective. So, lets embrace these differences with open arms, lets create a world where everyone is valued and treated with respect.RESPECTING DIFFERENCESIn this beautiful world, we all are different. Some peopleare different in language, skin colour and body features etc.Being different does not mean you are left out, in fact beingdifferent means you are special, you are unique and you are oneof your kind. Some people might end up bullying you becauseof your difference in cast, culture, customs and traditions butdon’t let yourself feel down, in fact rise up gather the courageand show the world who you are deep inside your heart byinspiring others.Anaya RastogiClass III-H64

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MY DREAM SUPER POWEROne superpower I wish I had is the power to travel in space. Justimagine you could see directly the planets, asteroids, stars and satellitesthat you only heard about. How beautiful the views would be. I wantto see them without the help of any telescope. If there are any Aliensthere, I will make a deal with them and spend every vacation enjoyingwith them in space. I would personally go to every planet that ISROwanted to explore and bring them all the supplies they needed. I willalways be an asset to the space scientist. I will also help the earthlingsto find a habitable planet, the only demand I have for that is the planetshould be named after me.Shraddha.M.NairClass III-CCRAYON CHRONICLESMy life is full of colours like my box of crayonsRed, yellow, green, blue, orange and so on……Blue is the colour of sky and the colour of oceanMixing all my emotions and creating a magical potionYellow is the colour of sun giving sparkling lightMaking our life beautiful and brightOrange is the colour of fireTeaches us to be strong and fulfill all desiresGreen is the colour of trees and the colour of natureShows us to how to be calm and love all the creaturesWhite is the colour of moon symbolizing tranqualitySpreading the message of peace and equalityWith every colour my imagination takes a flightI love all of them as they are wonderful delight.Anaya RastogiClass III-H65

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BE BRAVE, BE YOURSELFParents always tell their children that my son will grow up to be a very brave son or my daughter will grow up to be a very brave daughter who will bring glory to his/her parents. Friends, all this is true but I am my father's beloved little angel! I consider myself very lucky because my father has joined the army to serve the country. My father is a brave father! They protect their country by being deployed on the country's border. Me and mother, we both live in the village. That's why father has given us both the same training at home as he takes training in the phase. Parents always want the best for their children! That's why all of usmilitary daughters should become brave! Like Papa, he brings glory tothe country! We should also make our father proud by becoming goodhuman being.Someone has rightly said,“Soldier’s bravery inspires her daughter everyday ,even if they are milesapart.”Mother of Tirtha-RohiniClass III-BDon't bow down to anyone, be brave, this is what they teach us everytime they come on vacation! I, this little angel, want to tell you all thatwe daughters are the pride of our parents!66

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It was a beautiful morning …As I woke up lazily from my bed, Irealised that today was a holiday. I heard the noise of a radio being on. Ithought, my grandpa must be hearing the news on the radio. I went tothe living room and I saw my grandpa building a time machine! I askedhim ‘’Grandpa! What are you doing? ‘’ My grandpa threw a book to me‘’ Now read this book and you will understand ‘’I looked at the book as Irubbed the dust from it … in BOLD letters it was written … TheAdventures Of Amelia Earhart“Amelia Earhart was a world famous pilot, women’s rights activist andauthor. She was the first women to fly across the Atlantic Ocean andthe first person to fly over the Pacific Ocean. On her attempt to flyaround the world she disappeared …’’Without reading more, I packedmy bag and said to grandpa ‘’I’m guessing that you tried to make a timemachine so I can try to find her and change the past … right? ‘’ Yes ‘’said grandpa ‘’ but remember, don’t change the past too much … andcome back quick! ‘’he said .I went in the time machine and I saw thatall my surroundings changed in a FLASH. I was in 1937 and I sawAMELIA EARHART going to go on her attempt to fly around theworld …I went in her autogyro (an old version of a helicopter ) and started it …woohoo!I was flying! (Even though I did not have a pilot’s licence ) And that waswhen I saw AMELIA EARHART ‘S PLANE … The Electra! Going tocrash on NIKOMARORO Island … I had to think of something as fastas possible! I then looked in my backpack, and I saw there was a longrope … I flew nearer to the plane and threw the rope to AMELIA …She tied it on a part of the plane. Then I chose a difficult choice, I decidedto walk on the rope and get on Amelia‘s plane to fix it … I took myhammer and other tools in a bag and started walking on the rope.. Myheart was pounding … Will I make it or not? I was to the last of the ropeand I JUMPED on the plane in relief … And I started to work on theplane Amelia Earhart asked me’’ Who are you? ‘’There’s no time to explain!’’ I answered. We Were Due To Reaching TheSea Any Minute. .. And I Fixed It In Record Time (With A Tiny Bit HelpFrom Amelia Earhart) Amelia Earhart Flew Us To Safety, And ThenEverybody Started Cheering Us. I heard AMELIA saying ‘’ Thank you forsaving me ‘’ I smiled at her as the time machine took me home. I was readyto tell my grandpa about my adventures in 1987.I wonder what adventuresI will have next time?Trisha SreekantIV ETHE QUEST FOR AMELIA EARHART67

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I was really excited and happy when Indian Chandrayaan 3 spacecraftlanded at Moon at 1803 hrs on 23 August 2023. Whenever l visitedJaipur where my Nani lives, she always used to tell interesting rooftopnight stories and called Moon as "Chanda Mama" and show us a rabbitand river of milk on the moon. As i grew up, my interest continuedgrowing. l asked my Nana whether those stories were true, I was verycurious. He took me to Birla planetarium in Jaipur. It was very educative;I saw a video of Apollo 11 landing on Moon and Neil Armstrong walkingon Moon surface on 21July 1969.MY DREAM ADVENTURE: A TRIP TO MOONAaradhya SwaroopIV EI also read in my science books about Solar system which I find veryfascinating. I am so proud that lSRO scientists have achievedwonderful achievement and Vikram Lander made soft landing onMoon and we became fourth country in world to go to Lunar surface.My dream adventure will be to be part of Indian manned mission andto land on Moon one day as an Astronaut. I want to join NASA andcomplete my training as an Astronaut. l want to travel 3.84 lakh kmsto reach moon.May God fulfil my wish so that I can meet the rabbitliving at Moon.I wish...I wish When l grow up O GodI ask you for a boon To be an Astronaut Take off in Chandrayaansoon... Travel through spaceand hoist lndian flag on the Moon..!!68

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MOTHERA mother is one Who Understands the things You say and do.Who always overlook your fault and see the Best in you.A mother is one whose Special love inspires you Day by dayWho fills your heart withGladness and her warmIn a thoughtful wayA mother is all these thingsAnd more – the greatest Treasure.SamrudhiV K.SPORTS DAY JOYSports Day arrives with a burst of cheer,Excitement fills the atmosphere. Running races, laughter in the air, Children competing, a moment rare.Sack races hop and tug-of-war, School colors waving, spirits soar. With every jump and every throw, Sports Day joy begins to grow. Medals clink and ribbons fly,Underneath the bright blue sky.School children in a joyful blend,Sports Day memories never end. Daksh AtriV E69

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SAY NO TO BULLYINGIn the United States bullying is the most common thing even in colleges.Bullying is not a good thing but still, they do the thing every time even afterwarning.Bullying is a serious issue that affects many individuals ,particularlychildren and teenagers, in schools and other social settings. Bullying cantake many forms including physical, verbal ,social and cyber bullying.In India the Bullying rate is 37%. People do bullying for a fun or forlooking cool but it destroys someone's life. We can stop this if we try ourbest by doing these things in life:1.If we see some-one doing bullying we can complain it to someone older or complain to a nearer Police station.2.If we are bullied try to communicate to others.3.Help kids understand bullying. Talk about what bullying is and how to stand up to it safety .STARS IN THE DARKNESSIn the night sky The stars that shine Like an empty box With a bulb insideThey show rays of hopeRising towards our globe They seem like lights Twinkling in the skyThey motivate us to be different And to be consistentThey teach us to be a hope of light And to live with delight. Manisha goraiV- KMiss PrernaV- H70

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TECHNOLOGYTechnology is like the superpower that helps us to do new things better andfaster. It is the tools and gadgets that we use to make our life easier. The scientificknowledge of creating new machines like mobile, laptops, computers, Internet,Printers, televisions, vehicles, etc are all technology.Technology is a new subject in our life in this era, just like each and every studentsface during promoting to new class. It has brought new changes to all over theworld. During COVID-19 pandemic, the technology gave us new platform wherethe world is changed to virtual life, education and other things got support of thetechnology like online classes and exams in schools, meetings arranged as virtualmeet.For many people technology is their life.. It’s tools and gadgets that we use tomake our life easier. Life and business would come to halt without technology.Human beings have been depended on science and technology now a days.Stars in the dark night, look like angles playing in the sky,They twinkle and give light radiant and bright bring life to, silentsleepy night,There aura fill the sky with long lasting grace,Whole night stars in sky are not tried of filling,Empty night with their glow taking away the lovers sighs,Stars twinkle never fades like blessing of god given to us,For living life, their might changes the lonely night in to maiden,beautiful and filled with starry feeling in the eyes.STARS IN THE DARKNESSMiss KartikiV KSamrudhiV J71

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THE JOY OF GIVINGThe joy of givingTo the needy, I am thinkingTo donate some bagsBut, I remember that my pocket money lags.The joy of givingTo the needy, I am thinkingTo donate some crayons, which are slidBut, I remember that waste will affect theenvironment now we see.The joy of givingTo the needy, I am thinkingFinally, I decided to donate some books.I know it will change there looks.The joy of givingTo the needy, I am thinkingFinally, I get the happinessWhich I wanted on their faces with cuteness.Master TejasPawarV-KAs students, we should all stand together and say a big "NO" to bullying!Bullying is like a dark cloud that can cast shadows on someone's happiness.It's important to be kind and treat everyone with respect. Imagine if we wereall different instruments in a band – each unique sound contributes to theharmony. Just like that, every person is special and brings something valuableto our school orchestra of friends. If you see someone being bullied, be asuperhero and speak up. Tell a teacher or a trusted adult because we alldeserve to feel safe and happy at school. Let's create a melody of friendshipand kindness instead of letting bullying ruin the song of our school days!SAY NO TO BULLYINGSartak DhurphateV A72

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In the garden of innocence, laughter blooms,Little hearts sing cheerful tunes.Dancing through days pure and bright,Innocence sparkles in soft sunlight. Giggles and grins, like flowers in May,Innocence blossoms, leading the way. Tiny footprints on the path of delight,Chasing butterflies, oh, what a sight! In the world of wonder, where dreams take flight,Innocence glows in soft twilight.Stars twinkle in eyes so wide,Guiding through the night like a gentle guide.GARDEN OF INNOCENCEBeing a problem solver means being like a detective who lovessolving puzzles. Imagine you are on a mission to find answersand fix things when they don't go as planned. Whether it's atricky math problem, a playground disagreement, or a puzzle in abook, being a problem solver means using your brain to figurethings out. It's like being an explorer, always ready to discovernew solutions and make things better. So,let's embrace thechallenge, put on your problem-solving hat, and get ready to havefun finding solutions to all sorts of interesting problems!BE A PROBLEM SOLVERSamruddhi TodmalV AHazraV A73

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Bullying is a behaviour that hurts another person. This can be physical oran emotional hurt. Bullying is on purpose, that means the person doingthe bullying meant or planned to hurt another person. Besides happeningin person, it can also happen online or through texting.We can picture bullying in our mind. We might get a picture of biggerboy beating up a smaller boy on the playground. Hitting someone orusing force on another person is a form of physical bullying. But bullyingcan go much farther than that. Bullying happens in many ways. Gossipis a form of bullying.Some bullying can be a one time thing or done over and over again. Whenyou are the one being bullied, it can make you feel really bad aboutyourself. Some kids start avoiding to go to school because of the fear ofgetting bullied. Some kids experience headache, stomach aches, loss ofappetite and troubled sleep because of bullying. At school they havetrouble concentrating and sometimes, their grades are affected. .ECO AWARENESSThe Magic of Nature: Our world is like a giant playground . But,just like any playground, we need to take care of it. Understandingand appreciating the magic of nature is the first step towardsbecoming environmental superheroes! Our beautiful planet wouldturn into a not-so-fun place if not properly taken care of..Environmental awareness is like having a superpower – it helps usprotect our home, save energy, and keep our air and water clean.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - The Superhero Mantra: To be real eco-superheroes, we follow the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Reducemeans using less stuff to make less waste. Reuse means finding newways to use things instead of throwing them away. And Recyclemeans turning old things into new ones. It's like magic for theEarth! Planting Seeds of Change: Plants are nature's superheroes,providing us with oxygen and homes for animals. Let's be littlegardeners and plant trees, flowers, and shrubs. .SAY NO TO BULLYINGArnav PalveV JAkshata RasalV A74

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   ,   ,    ,     |    ,     ,        ,        ,    |  - 2C–-   ,   - |   - ,     |    ,   ,    |-  ,  - |       - |  - 2E76

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   -    ,     | ,  ,   ,    |   ,  ,    |     ,   | ,  ,  ,     |         ,         ,         ,           ,           ,          ,             ,       -2A77

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        ?    ?        ,      ,     ,     ,, ,    |      ,     ,      ,   .             ,     |      ,     |-, -        ,    |     |- ,  –   ,     |      ,          ,     ||-5C78

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  ,   ,      || ,    -   ||        ,  , ,,   ||  -4F      ,  ,     ,         |    ,     ,    ,    | ,     ,       - 4D79

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      ,  ,           ,   -   ,             ,        I      ,       I - ,    ,    ,      I      ,        I        ,      I    - ,      - I       ,         I  – 4J80

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       ,     ,     ,         -,     |-  ,          ,     ,  ,  ,          ,     ,      ,       ,     ,     ,       | |  - 5J        ,     |  - ,-    |   ,    |    ||       ,       | - 5J81

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       I        |       I          I     I      I      I      I             I       I       .....   ....|  -2              ,          ,      ,        ,             ,     |    ,           ,               ,        ,        ,      ,     |   -3 F82

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       ,     |       ,            ,                     ,       ,   ,         ,        ,      ,      - 4F    ...                     ,  -                               |       ,                       -            - 3 F83

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     ,    ||     ,     |     ....   ,    ,   |    ,     ....     ,   –  .... -,       ....      |     ||        ,       |                                      |                 |         ,          |         ,           |                    ,                                  | -5H 84

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                                   , ,  , ,   ,                 -                                   - 3E        -                                                  |                    |85  -5 J

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                ,, ,  , ,   ,                  -   ,     ,                                   ,                                                                                                                                                                    ,                                     -5J86

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            ,                                    ,    -                                                                              ,             -       , ,           -       ,,               , ,  ,         ,                      -                                ,       -  -                                               ,  ,             |  !  - 4E87

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   :      ?:          ? :     :  -   ? :   :                   :  ,    -         :  ,         :      :                  :     -        ,      :              -          - 4B.          |-     .           |- .    ,    |- .      ,      |- 88

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   -   ,  ? -   ,     ,       ? – ,             -        ,      ,                     -  ,                   ,       -          ,       -     -     ,      | -4B  -  ,    -  ,     ? –    ,          l  -            – ,     .     -           ?  -  ,      ,             -   !            – ,          |  -4F89

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          -        ,     |                     |             |             |               |                  |                 |       |                      |-5H90

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