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See our plans for the upcoming months in this bulletin. Also please visit the District 6990 website: https://rotary6990.orgDistrict 6990 Oct. Activities & Upcoming Plans Virtual BulletinDecember 1, 2023 JAN 27th– TREE PLANTING

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Message from District Governor Barbara GobbiDear Fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors & Friends:As we enter the holiday season, I want to wish all of you and your families/friendsHappy Holidays and a wonderful New Year. Thank you for your support toward theEnvironmental Committee. As we look forward, our upcoming tree/pollinatorshrub planting program should be a lot of fun and these are Family Friendlyactivities.Please ensure that your Club has appointed a member responsible toEnvironmental Activates..I look forward for all of your continued support.Barbara GobbiDistrict Governor – Rotary Int’l District 6990Dear Environmentally Concerned Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors & Friends:The Holidays are upon us and I wish everyone Happy Holidays and a healthy and joyful New Year.This bulletin reviews our November actions and highlights our upcoming activities. Looking ahead, the District tree planting program is ready to go. Please see the details in this bulletin. We need the Clubs in Broward and Monroe counties, and Northern Bahamas to identify tree planting opportunities with their local authorities.Right now, COP28 is going on in Dubai and Rotary International has a significant presence at this important conference.I look forward to hearing from you. Feedback is essential for us to improve.Robert H. Bull ESDAC Chair=============================================================3

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4Rotary International will be present at COP28 in Dubai (from Nov. 30thto Dec 12th), with two separate pavilions at this event. The 2023 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Conference of the Parties (COP) is held annually since 1995, and this is the 28thConference.Rotary delegation led by RI President Gordon McInally,Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Barry Rassin, and RI General Secretary & CEO John Hewko, will be coordinating with other Rotary groups, such as ESRAG,Rotaract and others. Rotary’s major pavilion is locatedIn the “Blue Zone”, which is restricted to participantswith credentials. There are several Rotarians, who arecredentialed by their entity and they visited the main Rotary pavilion in the “Blue Zone”. Barry Rassin arriving in DubaiCredentialed Rotarian visiting the Rotary Pavilion. The other Rotary pavilion is the the“Green Zone”. This pavilion is led by Rotaractors, and ESRAG member. Several presentations are scheduled here, and will cover issues on the environment. Rotaractors in Dubai The Green Zone pavilion was organized by Rotary UAE Rotaractors as part of a vast networking area, where ESRAG and other Rotarians will be able to interact with other delegates. Rotary’s Adopt-a-River partnerships with the UN Environmental Programme is a great example of collaboration at a local level.

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On Nob. 15ththe Weston Club conducted a shoe drive at Cypress Bay HS, organized by their Interact Club over 600 pairs were collected.5

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The Rotary Club of Weston conducted a beach cleanup at the Dania Beach Pier with their Interact Club on Nov. 18th. It’s just amazing how much is cleaned up every time the go 6

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Coral Gables Rotary Environmental Sustainability Chair, Dipak Joshi, has been working on a battery recycling project within the City of Coral Gables and local businesses. He asked the Hyatt Regency what they do with their used batteries and they had a bucket full and did not know how what to do with them. Well, Dipak handled the situation and recycled them. We then sent the hotel a Certificate of Appreciation for their efforts. This is a project any Club can do.7

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An Easy Option For Recycling BatteriesMany us do not know what to with old batteries. The recycling bins specifically say: not to throw them in there. Some just simply toss their old batteries into the garbage and then they end up in landfills. This is not a viable option, as the old batteries will then leak dangerous chemicals that seep into our water table. There is an easy option available to everyone. Call(2)Recycle accepts all kinds of single-use batteries (from AAA size and up), rechargeable batteries and cellphones. It so simple, just buy a Battery & Cellphone Recycling Kit. (For details visit: Once the kit is full, just send it back. Delivery to you and/or your Club and return shipping to their recycling center is included in the cost of the kit. To purchase a kit visit: Below is a screen shot from their site. Just buy a kit, fill it up and send it back. The Pinecrest Rotary Club has one. All kits have a prepaid return label. DO NOT throw batteries in the garbage or in your curbside recycling bin! Batteries can cause fires and harm the environment, people, and property.8

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TREE PLANTING EVENT JAN 27thOn Jan. 27th we will hold a tree planting event at the North Pointe Community Center (7351 NW 186thSt., North of Hialeah, FL 33015). This area has a low tree canopy of 9.3%. Project in coordination with Million Trees MiamiThis would be a great opportunity for you to have a Dedication Heart place on “your” tree. It’s simple, just Zelle me $10/each Dedication Heart you want placed on “your tree(s)”, (Zelle to Robert Bull, 305.733.3704. You do not need to plant your tree. I will email you a photo of your Dedication Heart. Please advise the text you want on your Dedication Heart, note that space is limited.We will plant 148 native trees & 81 plants in Rain Gardens. Trees to be planted are Jamaican Capers,despite their name, are native Florida trees that are alarval host for the Florida white butterfly. Rain Gardens are a basin designed to capture and infiltrate storm water runoff. It also diverts and absorbs pollutants from parking lot runoffs. This is a great time to dedicate a Heart on a tree to a loved one, friend or cause. The date of this planting coincides with Florida Arbor Day and is close to Valentine’s Day and right after TuBishvat. 9

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PLASTIC POLLUTION IS LINKED TO PARKINSON’S DISEASE!Here is a shocking research article demonstrating that plastic pollution is linked to Parkinson's disease and dementia. We can all help address this issue. Please visit ENDPLASTICSOUP and find out more.Please visit the EndPlasticEnd site: www.endplasticsoup.orgPlease have your Club consider joining this entity. You can also join on an individual basisENDPLASTICSOUP has a very simple focus, but it’s not easy.Their focus and goal is clear, get plastic out of our waterways and our Oceans. Please join this effort.10

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• Our District (6990) entered into an agreement with TREEKLY (not-for-profit entity). Treekly will plant trees on your behalf based on the number of steps you take on a daily basis. There is NO COST to sign up and earn trees. • The following two pages show how to sign up. We will be issuing a more detailed virtual brochure in a few days, for those who are more technically challenged, as myself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INFORMATION HAVE MANGROVE FORESTS• Mangrove forests capture tremendous amount of carbondioxide. They are a carbon sink. • Mangroves also help reduce shore erosion and can help absorb storm surge impact.• Their root system help bind and build soils, and their root filter nitrates, phosphates and other pollutants in the water improving water quality flowing from rivers, canals into the oceans/bays.• Mangrove forests provide habitat and refuge for birds, fish, invertebrates, mammals and plants.Plant Mangrove Trees By Just Walking 11

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2023 - 2024Governor Gobbi’s Environmental Citations & Award Activities July 2023 – World Mangrove Day – Get involved August 2023 – Nominate your Club’s Environmental Activities Chair  September 2023 – World Cleanup, World Rivers, International Coastal Cleanup Day October 2023 – World Migratory Bird Day November 2023 – Reuse, recycle or donate clothes December 2023 – Avoid plastic wrapping for gifts January 2024 – District Tree Planting  February 2024 – Members join ESRAG and/or Clubs join EndPlasticSoup. World Wetlands Day, the power of the pen – write to your representatives to support the Everglades. March 2024 – World Waters Day. World Recycling Day April 2024 – Celebrate Earth Day, Arbor Day, Operation Pollination May 2024 - World Biodiversity Day, World Bee Day June 2024 – World Reef Day, World Environment Day and World EndPlasticSoup Action Day  Items above are suggestions. Clubs may add/implement their own ideas on any given month.14Monthly Environmental Action Plan

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Governor Gobbi’s Environmental Citations & AwardThis year the Governor’s Citations will have three distinct levels, Bronze, Silver & Gold, to differentiate and recognize Clubs based on their level of achievement.Governor’s Environmental Bronze Citation• Complete 6 or more ESDAC activities Governor’s Environmental Silver Citation• Complete 9 or more ESDAC activitiesGovernor’s Environmental Gold Citation• Complete 12 or more ESDAC activities Governor’s Environmental Award• Club that completes the most activitiesPlease note that the Activities in Monthly Environmental Action Plan are suggestions. Clubs may implement their own environmental actions on any month.15

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Please visit the ESRAG website: www.esrag.orgPlease consider joining ESRAG16If you are not yet an ESRAG member, please #join us! only costs US$30 a year for Rotarians, and US$15 for Rotaractors. You can also get a five-year membership, save a little, and help a lot! Your membership supports ESRAG’s vital work in providing education and free technical assistance to help the Rotary family take effective environmental action.