Childress Regional Medical Center is pleased to provide a variety of benefit options to you during this open enrollment period. Please review the Benefit Guide and choose a method to enroll. Before you enroll:Gather any information you may need, such as dependent’s names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and beneficiary information.ANCILLARY BENEFITS ENROLLMENTThursday, June 20th – Sunday, June 30thScan the QR Code or click on the link below to learn more about the benefits available to you and your family.Click Here To View Your Benefit GuideClick on the icons below to learn more about our new benefits. Voluntary Life InsuranceCritical Illness InsuranceVoluntary ShortTerm DisabilityInsuranceAccidentInsuranceThere are changes to some of your benefits this year! Choose an enrollment method below:Scan below or click HERE to enroll yourself. If you have additional questions please reach out to Gayle in HR at 940-937-6371 ext 170 .