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Message from the ESDAC ChairDear Fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors & Friends:The objective of this bulletin is to provide you with ideas and programs that you may want to use to JUMP START your environmental sustainability action programs. As mentioned in the prior bulletin, the key achieving your Club’s environmental goals is to have a CHAMPION. It was expected that all of the Clubs will have an environmental committee chair.Some of the ideas mentioned in this bulletin are very simple to execute, such as Trashercising, Recycling and beach cleanups. Others may be more complicated, such as starting a “Recycle with a Purpose” program, joining ESRAG or ENDPLASTICSOUP. ADOPT-A-RIVER, OPERATION POLLINATION, TREEKLY, or REGENARATIVE AGRICULTURE. If you would like any assistance of setting up any of this programs, please let me know. I am more than happy to assist you. If you would like to meet with me or have me present to your Club, I am available.I hope that ALL of the Clubs in our District will earn a Governor’s Citation. Please send me your accomplishments in early June.I look forward to seeing your Club’s involvement is the Rotary’s Seventh Area of Focus, Supporting the Environment. Thanks for your support and I look forward to hearing from you.Robert H. Bull ESDAC CHAIR3

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Governor Gobbi’s Environmental Citations & AwardThis year the Governor’s Citations will have three distinct levels, Bronze, Silver & Gold, to differentiate and recognize Clubs based on their level of achievement.Governor’s Environmental Bronze Citation• Complete 6 or more ESDAC activities Governor’s Environmental Silver Citation• Complete 9 or more ESDAC activitiesGovernor’s Environmental Gold Citation• Complete 12 or more ESDAC activities Governor’s Environmental Award• Club that completes the most activitiesPlease note that the Activities in Monthly Environmental Action Plan are suggestions. Clubs may implement their own environmental actions on any month.4

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2023 - 2024Governor Gobbi’s Environmental Citations & Award Activities July 2023 – World Mangrove Day – Get involved August 2023 – Nominate your Club’s Environmental Activities Chair  September 2023 – World Cleanup, World Rivers, International Coastal Cleanup Day October 2023 – World Migratory Bird Day November 2023 – Reuse, recycle or donate clothes December 2023 – Avoid plastic wrapping for gifts January 2024 – District Tree Planting  February 2024 – Members join ESRAG and/or Clubs join EndPlasticSoup. World Wetlands Day, the power of the pen – write to your representatives to support the Everglades. March 2024 – World Waters Day. World Recycling Day April 2024 – Celebrate Earth Day, Arbor Day, Operation Pollination May 2024 - World Biodiversity Day, World Bee Day June 2024 – World Reef Day, World Environment Day and World EndPlasticSoup Action Day Items above are suggestions. Clubs may add/implement their own ideas on any given month.5Monthly Environmental Action Plan

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TRASHERCISEOur Trashercise (Picking up trash while exercising/walking) King, Hugo Montaudon, continues his efforts to keep his neighborhood tidy. Everyone should join in and Trashercise in their neighborhood. You would be surprised at what you might find! So much plastic. 6

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Please visit the EndPlasticEnd site: www.endplasticsoup.orgPlease have your Club consider joining this entity. You can also join on an individual basisENDPLASTICSOUP has a very simple focus, but it’s not easy.Their focus and goal is clear, get plastic out of our waterways and our Oceans. Please join this effort.7Please visit the EndPlasticEnd site: www.endplasticsoup.orgPlease have your Club consider joining this entity. You can also join on an individual basisENDPLASTICSOUP has a very simple focus, but it’s not easy.Their focus and goal is clear, get plastic out of our waterways and our oceans. Please join this effort.

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PLASTIC POLLUTION IS IMPACTING OUR HEALTH!It was believed that we were consuming (eating/breathing) the equivalent of a credit card of micro/nanoplastics/week. Now, based on recent research, we are inhaling the equivalent of a credit card of micro/nanoplastics every week. Add the plastic and we are eating and drinking, this a lot of plastic and its impacting our health. Below is a shocking article demonstrating that plastic pollution is linked to Parkinson's disease and dementia. The importance of addressing plastic pollution cannot be overstated. Please consider supporting ENDPLASTICSOUP.8To view this video, please click here: read this article please click here:

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See our plans for the upcoming months in this bulletin. Also please visit the District 6990 website: https://rotary6990.orgANY DAY IS A GREAT DAY FOR A BEACH CLEANUPThere are so many opportunities to cleanup our beaches, waterways and canals. We can assist with ENDPLASTICSOUP’s mission of removing plastic pollution from our Oceans and waterways.Fort Lauderdale has monthly beach cleanups and periodic canal cleanups, called Paddle with a Purpose.You can also participate with the Worldwide International Coastal Cleanup, and with the annual Baynanza program in Miami-Dade. Some Clubs conduct their own beach cleanup based on their initiative. All beach cleanups help.9

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It is important to cut open the 'circles' that hold together a 6 pack of beverages, these include any that are held by plastic as opposed to being in a carton. These are potentially lethal to fish and turtles that may get their head stuck.Just THREE CUTS on these plastic ring holders can save wildlife. It just take a few seconds.CUT SIX-PACK PLASTIC RINGSWhen six-pack plastic rings find their way into the ocean, they can endanger birds, mammals, turtles, and other marine life, due to their ability to get stuck around animals’ noses, mouths, and bodies. It’s estimated that plastic products kill around 100,000 marine animals a year.A Philadelphia-based bottling company is ditching the so-called “six-pack” plastic rings featured in most packs of soda cans.10

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ENDPLASTICSOUP's vision is to eliminate plastic pollution from our oceans, waterways, estuaries and lakes. Every year when the Rotary International Convention is being held, the Worldwide ENDPLASTICSOUP Action Day is also held. This year will be the seventh time of this event. The exact date has not yet been announced. Rotarians and friends are invited to participate in the event. Students will eligible for Community Service Hours. June also has: June 1st is World Reef Day, June 5th is World Environment Day and June 8th is World Ocean Day.It will be easy to participate, just help clean up our World by picking up plastic litter along our shorelines, our sidewalks, our walkways and in our parks. You can do this individually or as a group.We hope that you will participate in this Worldwide Event. Please email me photos, Individuals/clubs that pick up interesting and unusual pieces of plastic will receive a Certificate of Appreciation.Thank you for your efforts in Supporting the Environment. Robert H. BullESDAC Chair11

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WORLD RECYCLING DAY COMMEMORATE, MARCH 18th12Rtn. Margarita Lartitegui, from the Weston Club, let us know that BEST BUY will accept used tech products regardless of their age or where they were bought. Below is a photo of an old TV she dropped off for recycling, and another of Ariel Gonzalez picking up a TV to drop off at BEST BUY. Thank you for keeping us appraised.

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Your old computers and electronics can be easily recycled.Members of the Pinecrest Club delivered three television and two computer monitors to eSCRAP for recycling. Their personnel assisted lifting these materials on to the loading dock.eSCRAP recycles electronics, computers, spent flourescentcentlamps and so much more. You many drop off your old computers at their address company drop off location: 2220 E. 11thAve. in Hialeah. Visit their website for details: If your business is replacing its outdated equipment give them a call. eSCRAP works throughout Southeast Florida and will pick up directly from offices, just get a quote first. Additionally, they have agreements with various municipalities (Coral Gables, Weston, amongst several others) where specific drop off days are scheduled on the municipality’s website. 13

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Recycle Your Printer Cartridges. About 500,000,000 are purchased every year in the USA, and the mass majority are simply thrown away and end up in landfills. JUST DROP OFF YOUR USED PRINTER CARTRIDGESAT THESE STORES14

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An Easy Option For Recycling BatteriesMany us do not know what to with old batteries. The recycling bins specifically say: not to throw batteries in these. Some just simply toss their old batteries into the garbage and then they end up in landfills. This is not a viable option, as the old batteries will then leak dangerous chemicals that seep into our water table. There is an easy option available to everyone. Call(2)Recycle accepts all kinds of single-use batteries (from AAA size and up), rechargeable batteries and cellphones. It so simple, just buy a Battery & Cellphone Recycling Kit. (For details visit: Once the kit is full, just send it back. Delivery to you and/or your Club with return shipping label to their recycling center is included in the cost of the kit. To purchase a kit visit: Below is a screen shot from their site. Just buy a kit, fill it up and send it back. The Pinecrest Rotary Club has one. All kits have a prepaid return label. DO NOT throw batteries in the garbage or in your curbside recycling bin! Batteries can cause fires and harm the environment, people, and property.15

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RECYLING SERVICE PROJECTS CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE HERE IS A SUGGESTION:CONDUCT A RECYCLING PROJECT, HERE IS AN IDEA,RECYCLE SHOES AND SMALL ELECTRONICS “RECYCLE WITH A PURPOSE” Recycling gently used shoes and small to medium-sized electronics is a wonderful project that can be implemented fairly simply. Promote amongst Members, friends/family, community and schools. Ask them to drop off gently used (or even new) shoes at a central location. Shoes will then be sent to Haiti and Central American countries for recycling and potential resale. Volunteers from the Weston Club will help, sort the shoes and transport to forwarding to Soles-4-Souls. Help turn shoes into opportunities for education and employment. While collecting shoes for recycling, how about adding small and medium-sized electronics for recycling? This will ensure that they do not end up in a landfill. Here, too, volunteers from the Weston Club will help out. This is a GREAT RECYCING PROJECT that can be conducted very easily, with the assistance of the Weston Club.Margarita Lartitegui has a wealth of knowledge on this type of project and all of the supplies. Just send her a text message to: 561.843.8776 for more information. She will be happy to help your Club set up this activity.PLEASE SEE AN EXAMPLE OF A POSTER FOR YOUR USE ON THE NEXT PAGE!16

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RECYCLE WITH A PURPOSEOn Saturday, Feb. 30thfrom 10:00 – 2:00 PMXXXXXXXX Community CenterBring your gently used and new shoes. Let’s recycle them and give them new lifeShoes will then be sent to Haiti and Central American countries for recycling and potential resale. Help turn shoes into opportunities for education and employment. Also, bring your small and medium-sized electronics to recycle and avoid them ending up in the landfills. Laptops, cell phones, video games, tv screens, faxes, chargers, remote controls.Location:XXXXXX Community Service, 1600 Main Street, XXXXX, Florida Saturday, Feb. 30thfrom 10:00 to 2:00 PM17Club of XXXXXXX

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Please visit the ESRAG website: www.esrag.orgPlease consider joining ESRAG18If you are not yet an ESRAG member, please join us! only costs US$30 a year for Rotarians, and US$15 for Rotaractors. You can also get a five-year membership, save a little, and help a lot! Your membership supports ESRAG’s vital work in providing education and free technical assistance to help the Rotary family take effective environmental action.

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Pollinators are essential for life on Earth, but their numbers have declined by more that 40% over the past years.Operation Pollination is an inclusive framework designed to help Rotarians recruit partners to engage in pollinator education and habitat restoration. Please visit to find out how your Club and get involved. On this website you will find details to “Take the Resolution” and “Take the Pledge” to support pollinators. Rotary Int’l Prior President, Jennifer Jones, has signed this pledge and encourages all of us to participate.Clubs are encouraged to get involved and “Take the Resolution” and then “Take the Pledge”. In April, for Earth Day we would like Clubs across the District to plant pollinator shrubs.19

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TREE PLANTINGTree planting is always a popular activity. We need to build our tree canopy across our District. We have plantingover 1,000 trees in collaboration with Million Trees Miami. The Miami Airport Club has conducted several fruittree planting projects in Miami-Dade and in Broward.They plan to continue their fruit tree planting as an on-going project. Any time is a wonderful time to plant a tree. National Arbor Day is approaching. Even planting trees in your (or a neighbors) backyard is a great idea. There is no such a thing as too many trees. Trees help address climate issues, absorb water and provide sustenance for other plants and animals. Just make sure that you are not planting invasive trees. 20

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Within the next few months, we will have a screening of an edited version of COMMON GROUND. A full feature film that addresses one of the key issues of our survival as a species. Conserving agricultural soil is imperative but our current practices are destroying our soil. This program is a joint effort by ESRAG, a Rotary Action Group, and Common Ground. The goal is to have Rotary Clubs worldwide to work with ten framers to adopt improved soil carbon-health through regenerative farming. Thereby reducing the farmer’s costs, while improving our soils with greater production. To view a trailer of this film click on the following link: https://commongroundfilm.orgESRAG.ORG – EVENTS Don’t miss this event, there is much to be learntYou will be able to share this recording with your Club.SCREENING (EDITED VERSION) OF COMMON GROUND21

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Rotary Int’l & Adopt-A-RiverRotary International has established a partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and their Adopt-A-River campaign. Adopt-A-River is not just about Rivers. It also includes lakes, reservoirs, groundwater, wetlands, estuaries and canals. Pollutants flow into our waterways, oceans & rivers. Below are two videos highlighted these issues, one from Latin America and another from Europe.21In Broward, we would like to start Adopt-New River by cleaning up south from North Fork. Currently, there is an periodic action program called, “Paddle with a Purpose”, and we can do much more. We would also like to start a collaborative project with Ocean Conservancy. They are working on a NOAA-funded program for high school students and businesses to learn about reducing plastic pollution, a program called Plastic Free Cities. They have started cleaning up the Miami River. We encourage Clubs in the City of Miami to Adopt-Miami River. Other Clubs may adopt a nearby river, canal or lake.Throughout the District there are canals, a few rivers (plus the River of Grass, the Everglades), lakes and watersheds. Just explore in your vicinity and find a waterway to adopt. 212

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TWO WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAYS MID-MAY AND MID-OCTOBER There are two World Migratory Bird Days officially celebratedin Mid-May and Mid-October. Migrating birds arrive in Floridaduring their annual migration to escape the winter seasons inthe Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Please turn off ordim non-essential lighting during this two critical spring/falltime migration periods! Turning off lights dramatically reduceshazards from attraction to and disorientation by light, allowingbirds to safely proceed with their migratory journeys.Furthermore, Lights Out does more than save birds, it savesenergy and money!We also need to call to attention the importance of water andits associated habitats for migratory birds. Unfortunately,human-driven pollution and climate change threaten manywater areas on which migratory birds depend.23

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Club of XXXXXXXEDUCATE OUR YOUTH ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUESBeach Cleanups, Trashersizewalks and other litter programs (plastic and aluminum cans) are fine, but educational efforts to prevent plastic pollution are most important.We could educate our youth about the dangers of plastic pollution. Surely, most elementary and middle schools would be happy to spread the word about these issues. You could even find local printers, such as Sign-a-rama, that may even print stickers at a discount, or free, if they could add their name. FEEL FREE TO USE THE THIS SIGN, just add your Club’s logo.On the ENDPLASTICSOUP website that are videos and a plethora of information that is age appropriate for younger children. Some of the videos show what children have done around the World to address plastic pollution and other environmental issues. There’s a video about a youth worldwide organization, KIDS AGAINST PLASTIC, their founders have conducted several TED Talks. 24

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Other Dates For Activities World Water Day, March 22nd, is an excellent moment to evaluate how we use and waste fresh water. We also need to find ways to ensure that our fresh water resourced are safe and thriving. Click on this link ( ) to find twenty-five ways we may save water.Global Recycling Day on March 18th. We need suggestions ahead of time to share amongst our Members. Please submit your recycling ideas soonest.=========================================================Earth Day will be celebrated on April 22nd. We will invite Rotarians across our District to submit photos of their activities on this day. Certificates for the “best” photos will be awarded.==================================================================================================================National Arbor Day is April 26th. This is a wonderful day to plant a tree, or several trees.25

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• Our District (6990) entered into an agreement with TREEKLY (not-for-profit entity). TREEKLY was started in the UK by British Rotarians. It’s now a Worldwide program. The Rotary Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland have planted over 120,000 trees. There are 1,500 Clubs in this Region and 20% of the Clubs actively participate.• TREEKLY will plant trees on your behalf based on the number of steps you take on a daily basis. There is NO COST to sign up and earn trees. • The following two pages (26 & 27) show how to sign up.• On page 28, you will see how you can increase for tree planting impact at a marginal cost/tree. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FACTS ABOUT MANGROVE FORESTS• Mangrove forests capture tremendous amount of carbondioxide (a carbon sink), about 4X more than rainforests. • Mangroves also help reduce shore erosion and can help absorb storm surge impact.• Their root system help bind and build soils, and their roots filter nitrates, phosphates and other pollutants in the water improving water quality flowing from rivers, canals into the oceans/bays.• Mangrove forests provide habitat and refuge for birds, fish, invertebrates, mammals and plants.Plant Mangrove Trees By Just Walking 26

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Once you have signed up for Treekly, you may want to maximize the number of trees that are planted on your behalf. If you do, please click on where it says “UPGRADE”. Then you will have two choices, the Treekly Starter for $25/year when a tree will be planted if you walk 5,000 steps for any five (5) days in a week. I prefer the Treekly Plus, where a tree will be planted every day one completes 5,000 steps. For me that’s is nearly 365 trees/year. The Treekly Plus cost is just $84.99/year. 29

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• Xeriscape gardens (low water use)• Charging stations for electric vehicles • Reuse of treated wastewater • Reuse of treated storm water • Elimination of septic tanks in favor of sewers and treatment at a plant (county and cities would like to do this but it’s very expensive)• Local vegetable gardens• Refurbishment of homes in lieu of carbon-intensive tear-downs/new construction • Solar panels at local level• Wind turbines at local level• Help save Brazil’s rainforests (note that Fairchild Tropical Gardens has or at least had a demo rainforest, and the 2025 -2026 President of Rotary International is Brazilian, Marió César Martins de Camargo)• Miscellaneous environmental projects with Coral Gables’ sister cities, namely Antigua (Guatemala), Quito (Ecuador), Aix-en-Provence (France), Cartagena (Colombia), San Isidro (Argentina), Santa Tecla (El Salvador). Try to collaborate on projects that these cities are already doing or wanting to do.Ideas from Armando Perez (Coral Gables Rotary Club)Armando Perez recently joined the Coral Gables Rotary Club and he is enthusiastic and has several ideas for his Club (possibly in collaboration with other Clubs) to develop further.30