I’M FINE RETREAT (I’M NOT FINE)For people with depressioninhabit,verb.To live or dwell (in a place), aspeople or animals. To exist orbe situated within; dwell in.retreat,noun,a private and safe place. aperiod of time used to pray andstudy quietly, or to thinkcarefully, away from normalactivities and duties. [fromLatin retrahere ‘pull back’ ]This project is primarilyconcerned with developingan understanding ofexisting places be they aroom, a building, a street,a district, a town or a city,or a fictional hotel. Therelationship of eachelement to their context isof particular interest. TheOverlook Hotel continuesto be the site.
Major depressive disorder•feeling depressed most of the day•loss of interest in most regular activities•significant weight loss or gain•sleeping a lot or not being able to sleep•slowed thinking or movement•fatigue or low energy most days•feelings of worthlessness or guilt•loss of concentration or indecisiveness•recurring thoughts of death or suicide
Depression & SuicideDepression is a major cause of suicide.Every year, almost one million peopledie from suicide around the world.In the UK investigations suggested twothirds of people with suicidal behaviorare depressed. Shockingly, as revealedin one report, the majority of peoplewho killed themselves in the UK werenot in contact with health servicesclose to the time of the suicide.Long-term studies document that inpatients who receive proper treatmentfor depression, suicide risk isdramatically reduced. Depression, ifdetected early enough, can be treated.Despite this, depression still goes largelyunder-recognised and under-treated.Stigma is a major problem and it doesn’tjust come from those outside. Patientsthemselves also suffer from self-stigma,which leads to further withdrawal.And the burden ofdepression is not onlygreat for theindividuals and theirfamilies, but also forsociety. According tothe WHO, depressionis projected by 2020to be the secondleading cause of globalburden of disease.
Meditation helps us to understand and think about life. It is essential for minimizing our suicidal thought.enter the public function area through the red pipeline.Communication can produce positive changes in depression. Workshop is an opportunity to meet different people. It is very important to communicate with peers.The red pipe in the atrium extends to the public space. Form an independent and private space.Communicate with recovered people through channels across the wall, which is convenient for people with depression to open their hearts.Record the number of suicidal thoughts Record your mood every dayHotel social interactionPersonal completion progressEmergency callDaily activity instruction messageThe restaurant has a medicine dispenser - a transparent tube containing capsules for depression that can be picked up at mealtime.Book online.Receive watch express delivery.Arrive at the hotel sunken entrance and see the signature on the wall.Participants will suddenly feel heavy.Passing through the heart of suicide, participants feel a sense of shock.Yearning or fear?Alternative therapiesAcupuncture or meditation. Some herbal supplements are also used to treat depression, like St. John’s wort. Getting plenty of sleep, eating a healthy diet and participating in enjoyable activities.MedicationsMedication is the main treatment for moderate or higher depressive episodes. Drug used to treat depression works by balancing certain chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters. PsychotherapySpeaking with a therapist can help you learn skills to cope with negative feelings. You may also benefit from family or group therapy sessions.Light therapyExposure to doses of white light can help regulate your mood and improve symptoms of depression. ExerciseAim for 30 minutes of physical activity 3 to 5 days a week. Exercise can increase your body’s production of endorphins, which are hormones that improve your mood.Depression Healing Storyboard
LGF1F2F3F4F5Suicide platformstaircase1. Take the suicide core as aseparate functional area,creating a hidden mezzanineto make this area difficult toreach. People can only enterthrough a special channel.jumpSuicide entrance-depression suicide journey2. After all the journeys,people make a choice: killthemselves or live. Evenat the last minute, peoplestill need to climb a verylong staircase of thoughtto decide whether tocommit suicide.
elevatorstaircasestaircasestaircaseSuicide platformsunken entranceIsolated mezzanine-depression healing journeyDesign StrategyLGF1F2F3F4F52. When the user reachesanother floor through the stairsor another space through thebridge, they will find that eachspace is a healing space with adifferent function. For example,communication healing space,professional therapists healingspace, sunshine healing space,hydrotherapy healing space,herbal oil meditation space.1. Allow the healing space tosurround the atrium and thetraffic core. Patients withsuicidal desires pass throughthese Spaces when they arelooking for the entrance to asuicide mezzanine in the hotel.
Plan &Space Detail
Water Therapy
The interior is a spa treatment,and each pool is separated sothat different herbs can beadded to each pool to achievedifferent therapeutic effects. Therock is inserted into the wall toecho the mountains outside.
Water TherapyExtending the beams into themountains, anchored into therock, creates a transparent glasspool. Sunlight casts vivid shadowsthrough the water. Users can seethese lights and shadows throughthe Windows in the hotel lobby,giving a sense of healing.underneath the water l ounging space transparent swimming pool
Because people suffering from depressioncan lose their concentration, I extendedthe red bridge to the second floor of theConversation Lounge to create a separateprivate study space for them.Private Study RoomRed bridge lead to the private study room
Suicide Journey Healing Journey MATERIAL CONTRASTrustyburnt brokentwistedshriveled HeavysharptornTransparentrainbowbrightsoftlightSunnyvibrantfloating
Triangle acrylic strip can not only letthe white sunlight separate into itscomponent colors - red, orange, yellow,green, blue and violet, but also canincrease the brightness of the space,change the shape of the light.The Triangle Acrylic Bar Signature Material 1After before After before After before
The Triangle Acrylic Bar LightwellSignature Material 1F2
Resin + Burnt paperSignature Material 2The material has some transparency
‘ Output is Magical ’ WallThe most important thing is don'tface it alone. There is an incredible,miraculous magic that can drive yourfeelings away. Even writing "I want todie" on a piece of paper and burningit is better than thinking about italone. Output is magical.Signature Material 2
Conversation LoungeSignature Material 2The transparency of thematerial attracts peoplesuffering from depressioninto the communicationtreatment space behindthe wall.F2F1Resin + Burnt paper
Corten SteelI’M FINE NOT FINE Double Layer(inner surface) (outer surface )Signature Material 3This stair looks like ‘I’M FINE’from the outside, and enteringthe stair is the real ‘NOT FINE’.Echoes with the design theme
Corten steelCorten SteelSignature Material 3Suicide entrance
Suicide Staircase SectionSignature Material 3Corten Steel
Details of therelationship betweenthe metal staircaseand the interiorspaceSignature Material 3Corten Steel
Healing Diary Display SpaceSignature Material 4
Signature Material 4Knitting WoolIn the mezzanine that the suicidestaircase leads to, there is a healingdiary space, documenting thejourney of people who haveovercome depression. It's the lastspace before the suicide platform. Aninstallation hung from soft wool,filled with diaries and healing objects.