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Power of WE Magazine Final Edit

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Visionary, Author, Speaker,Minister, EntrepreneurPg. 1 “The Purpose of the Power”Pg. 2 Friday & Sunday ServicesPg. 3 Saturday WorkshopsPg. 4 Speaker Minister Marquette L. WalkerPg. 5 SpeakerDr. Acetra D. RussellPg. 6 SpeakerDr. Tabatha RussellPg. 7  SpeakerRev. Dr. Veronica Ingram-WilliamsPg. 8 SpeakerPastor Ian ChisomPg. 9 SpeakerPastor Ian ChisomPg. 10-12Comedians, Entertainers & Psalmist Carla Simpson & Carlos MasseyPg. 13Mental HealthDr. JaQunida JacksonPg. 14Financial CornerMichael A. Leslie15-16Health NewsPg. 17-18For Your InformationP O W E R O F W E | 1 Empowerment & Elevation Conference October 11th -13th, 2024Created By Upscale Online Biz Solutions

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“THEPURPOSEBEHINDTHEPOWEROF WE”The Power of WE (Winning Everyone) conference is designed to foster a sense of community, collaboration, andempowerment among attendees. The main reasons for hosting this conference include: 1. Inspiration and Motivation - To provide a platform for speakers like Marquette L. Walker and others who haveovercome adversity to share their stories, inspiring attendees to embrace their own journeys and pursue theirgoals. 2. Networking Opportunities - To connect individuals from diverse backgrounds, allowing them to buildrelationships, share experiences, and explore potential collaborations that can enrich their personal andprofessional lives. 3. Skill Development - To offer workshops and sessions focused on personal development, leadership, andentrepreneurship, equipping participants with practical tools and strategies to enhance their skills and achievesuccess. 4. Empowerment: To empower individuals, especially women, by providing resources and support systems thatencourage self-confidence, resilience, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. 5. Community Building - To create a supportive environment where participants can share challenges andtriumphs, fostering a sense of belonging and encouragement within the community. 6. Social Change - To promote initiatives that address social issues and inspire action, encouraging attendees touse their strengths to contribute positively to society. Overall, the Power of WE conference aims to celebratecollective success and the belief that when individuals come together with a shared purpose, they can achieveextraordinary outcomes.Thanks,MarquetteP o w e r o f W EP O W E R O F W E | 1

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Power of WE Conference 2 0 2 4October 1 1 -13th 20 2 4MLW Mini s t riesFriday October 11, 2024 ~ 7:00pm | Terrace AuditoriumMrs. Marshette Foster - Opening CeremonyMistress of CeremonyPastor Ian Chisolm - PrayerPastor & SpeakerMinister Marquette L. Walker - Welcome & ResponseHostess & SpeakerPraise & WorshipDr. Acetra Russell - SpeakerAuthor & Healing CoachPastor Scott Delk - SpeakerPastor Life House Church, Raleigh, NC Sunday, October 13, 2024 ~ 10:00am | Terrace AuditoriumMrs. Marshette Foster - Closing CeremonyMistress of CeremonyDr. Tabatha Russell - PrayerInternational Keynoter, Financial ExpertPraise & WorshipDr. Veronica Ingram - SpeakerEvangelist & Life CoachMinister Marquette L. Walker - SpeakerMotivational Speaker & CoachP O W E R O F W E | 2

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Power of WE Conference 2 0 2 4October 1 1 -13th 20 2 4MLW Mini s t riesWorkshop I ~ 8:30amTriumph Over Adversity” Dr. Veronica Ingram - Harrell Center 202“Winning Women ~ Let's HEAL So We Can Win” ~ Marquette Walker ~ Harrell Center Susan Todd Lounge“From Reset to Resilience ~ Dr. A. Dee Russell ~ Harrell Center 102Men's Workshop ~ Harrell Center 101Pastor Scott Delk ~ 8:30am - 10:00amWorkshop II 9:20am“Triumph Over Adversity” Dr. Veronica Ingram - Harrell ~ Center 202“Winning Women ~ Let's HEAL So We Can Win” ~ Marquette Walker - Harrell Center Susan Todd Lounge“From Reset to Resilience ~ Dr. A Dee Russell ~ Harrell Center 102Men's Workshop ~ Harrell Center - 101Pastor Ian Chisolm 10:30am - 12:00pmWorkshop III 11:00am“Triumph Over Adversity” Dr. Veronica Ingram ~ Harrell Center 202“Winning Women ~ Let’s HEAL So We Can Win” ~ Marquette Walker ~ Harrell Center Susan Todd Lounge“From Reset to Resilience ~ Dr. A. Dee Russell ~ Harrell Center 102Panel Q & A Session 12:00 p.m.Terrace AuditoriumLunch 12:30 p.m. Terrace Dining RoomFree TimeVendors ~ Harrell Center 105 ~ 1:00pm - 3:30pmGala 6.00pmHarrell Center AuditoriumP O W E R O F W E | 3

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Marquette L. Walker is a dynamic speaker and advocate renowned for her commitment to personal growth andresilience. Her influential book, Divorced but not defeated, and shares her personal journey of overcoming divorce,offering readers practical advice, motivational insights, and empowering anecdotes to navigate new beginnings withcourage and grace. Through her own path of healing and empowerment, Marquette inspires others to discover theirinner strength in the face of life’s challenges.As CEO and President of Marquette L Walker Ministries, she uplifts individuals from diverse backgrounds, with aparticular focus on empowering women navigating challenges or multiple marriages. Marquette is also the proudowner of Destined 4 Greatness II Event Planning and Marquette’s Closet, showcasing her entrepreneurial spirit andcommitment to making a positive impact.Originally from Milwaukee, WI, Marquette now calls Morrisville, NC home. She serves as a minister at LifeHouseChurch, where she brings spiritual guidance and support to her community. Additionally, Marquette is a dedicatedmotivational speaker and an inspirational coach for Winning Women, that empowers women to achieve their fullestpotential.Marquette’s professional journey is complemented by a rich personal life. She cherishes time with her family,including her role as a loving wife, a mother of two young men, and four bonus children. As a grandmother,affectionately known as GiGi, to five grandchildren, Marquette finds joy in nurturing and guiding the nextgeneration.Beyond her professional and family roles, Marquette enjoys travel, playing volleyball, and engaging in her favoritepastime of prayer. Known as a Faith Walker, and she draws strength and inspiration from scriptures like Hebrews11:1, Philippians 4:13, and Proverbs 3:5-6.Marquette L Walkers unwavering faith, combined with her passion for empowering others, establishes her as aformidable leader and role model in her community and beyond.P O W E R O F W E | 4

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Dr. Tabatha Russell, a renowned keynote speaker, best-selling author, and financial expert, captivatesaudiences with her magnetic presence in the world of transformational speaking. With over 20 years ofexperience in the financial literacy industry, she is on a passionate mission to empower individuals,corporate and collegiate audiences to embrace financial freedom, stability, independence, and security.Known as the "Money Makeover Mogul," Dr. Tabatha is a leading authority on financial empowerment andguides clients to manifest their dreams, reaching the pinnacle of 6-figure success and beyond. Herexceptional skills have earned her prestigious appearances on major corporate stages across the UnitedStates and international platforms, captivating large audiences with heart-stirring keynote speeches.A dedicated advocate for women's empowerment, she founded Inside Inspired Women LLC™ to equip savvybusiness women with the skills to elevate their lives through workshops, resources, education, and coaching.Author of the bestseller "I Divorced My Money and Married My Mindset," Dr. Tabatha challenges readers toredefine their perceptions of wealth. With three doctorate degrees and a two-decade corporate career, sheholds titles such as Certified Master Coach, Serial Entrepreneur, Leadership & Conflict Resolution Expert,Business and Life Strategist, and ordained minister.International Keynoter l Best-Selling Author l Financial Expert l Executive Business and Life Strategist“Take ownership by being the CEO of your life through transforming your mindset. Change your life through mastering your vision.” – Dr. Tabatha RussellRecognized for her visionary contributions, Dr.Tabatha has received multiple certifications andawards, inspiring her community and the nextgeneration including the Presidential LifetimeAchievement Award. She has been featured onprominent media platforms, including ABC, NBC,FOX, and CBS, and in leading newspapers andmagazines, such as Shoutout Atlanta Magazine,Speakers Magazine, and Tap-In Magazine.To connect with Dr. Tabatha and experienceher inspiring work, visit: Email: support@drtabathrussell.comWebsite: https://drtabatharussell.comInstagram: O W E R O F W E | 6

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Evangelist Veronica Ingram is no stranger to the presence ofGod. She was raised in the fear and admonishment of who Godis. She is a member of Cameron Grove A.M.E. Zion Church inBroadway, NC where the pastor is Rev. Kenneth Swann. She hasbeen a member there all her life and serves in variouscapacities. In this branch of Zion is where God called her and inher obedience, she gave God her “yes”.Even in hearing the call from God to minister to his people, shewaited and was quiet as she is the first in her family to be calledinto ministry. Who was she that God would find such worth inusing her to win souls and expand His kingdom? The answerwas simple and is found in Evangelist Ingram’s favoritescripture. Jerimiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,”declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future.” This scripture is thefoundation of her ministry journey.Obedience was the drive and fuel to answer the call even in theweight of the wait. So, in 2003, Veronica began preaching theword. She was ordained as deacon in 2006 then as Elder in2012.Veronica holds an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies, BADegree Biblical Studies, Masters in Pastoral Leadership and2021 graduated with her Doctorate in Christian Counseling.2022 she established Women Building Not Bashing 2023 shereceived her Life Coaching accreditation and started MiracleJourney CoachingVeronica is the mother of 5 children and 5 grandkids, whom sheloves dearly. They are a constant reminder that God is relatableand approachable to His children. She teaches and shows byexample how to live Jesus everywhere you go—publicly andprivately.She is a woman of many hats and rivers. Alongside herhusband, Joseph, they own and run a Home Health agency inBroadway, NC. She is the author of Homeless to Here & I Didn’tAsk for it but I Embraced It and Sistah Let Me Build You. She isthe Founder and CEO of Women Building Not Bashing and MyScars My Beauty. Veronica’s dream is to open a Multi- UnitTransitional Home and daycare for women and children to buildthemselves back up from whatever trials they have faced.P O W E R O F W E | 7

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MY ASPIRATION IS TO LIVE BYTHE “GOLDEN RULE” OFMATTHEW 7:12, TREAT OTHERSTHE WAY YOU WANT TO BETREATED, AND HE TRULYBELIEVES THAT PEOPLE DON’TCARE ABOUT HOW MUCH YOUKNOW UNTIL THEY KNOW HOWMUCH YOU CARE. Pastor Ian P. Chisolm I, “Pastor Ian” is anative of Brooklyn New York, and was raisedby his parents as a member of the historicCornerstone Baptist Church. He gave his lifeto Christ and was officially baptized at theage of 13 years old. Always an honor rollstudent and exemplary student athlete,Pastor Ian received an academic scholarshipto the Prestigious Morehouse College wherehe earned his Bachelor’s Degree Cum Laude,in Mathematics with a minor in Spanish onMay 19th, 2002. In June of 2013, Pastor Iancompleted his post baccalaureate studies inSecondary Math Education, and in Decemberof 2015, Pastor Ian earned his Master’sDegree in Teaching Secondary Math both ofwhich were from Western Governors’University.Pastor Ian has been an educator in variousAtlanta Metro School Systems since Augustof 2002 where he has served as a MathTeacher, Spanish Teacher, and has coachedMiddle and High School Basketball, HighSchool Track and Field, and High SchoolBaseball. He is currently the Varsity HeadCoach for the New Manchester High SchoolJaguars Baseball Program, where he hasserved in that capacity since August of 2017. Continued...In April of 1999, Pastor Ian became a member of the New LifeInternational Family Church of Decatur, GA, where his Pastor and spiritualfather is the Bishop, Dr. Jeronn C. Williams I. Although Pastor Ian wasaware of his call to ministry as a teenager, he officially accepted his calland was licensed to the ministry at New Life in April of 2001.Pastor Ianwas ordained as Youth Pastor in April of 2005, and he served faithfully inthat capacity until 2016.Pastor Ian is currently the Pastor of MembershipManagement of New Life where he oversees the New Members’ ministry,the Shepherd Staff, and the Sick and Shut in “Chain Breakers” ministry. Pastor Ian is happily married to his college sweetheart, the formerTammy Boyd of Miami Florida since July 7th, 2007, and they have fivebeautiful children, Ian II, Caleb, Zoe’, Lyric and Symphony. They currentlyreside in Fayetteville, Georgia. Pastor Ian and/or Coach Chisolm truly believes that his life is dedicatedto service, with an emphasis on his family and young people. His passionis to be a vessel of honor to God’s glory, and to bring an authenticmessage to this “mess-age”. His aspiration is to live by the “Golden Rule”of Matthew 7:12, Treat others the way you want to be treated, and hetruly believes that people don’t care about how much you know until theyknow how much you care. P O W E R O F W E | 8

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Pastor Scott Delk serves as Lead Pastor of LifeHouse Church in Raleigh, NC. The son of the lateReverend Timothy C. and Wilhelmenia Delk, Scott was raised in church in Chesapeake, VA at St.Stephens and Cathedral of Faith where he received his ministerial credentials from C.H. Mason BibleCollege. Upon graduating from Indian River High School in 1984 as Senior Class President he attendedand graduated from Norfolk State University with Honors and was the co-founder of Praise Fellowship,a then thriving Christian Organization which had established other college campus ministries and hasbirthed over 22 Senior Pastors nationwide. At the height of his professional career as the West Coast Regional Director of GEICO InsuranceCompany, Pastor Scott retired at 38 years old in 2004 and entered full time ministry serving as an Elder,Operations Director and Worship Pastor at The Well Church in California. There, he and his musicdepartment produced their first CD-The Revelation of Jesus Christ. In 2012, Pastor Scott and his familymoved to Central Florida where he served as an Executive Pastor and his wife Teikeshia, a MasterEducator and Author, the Director of the ministry’s preschool at Alive Church. They served faithfully onthe Pastoral Staff until being released in 2016 to plant a brand-new ministry in Raleigh, NC. Pastor Scott has traveled the nation and internationally preaching in countries such as Japan, Cambodiaand Ghana. He’s an author and currently mentors Pastors, Christian Business Leaders, ProfessionalAthletes and Entertainers. Pastor Scott has a passionate desire to see individuals reach their fullestpotential and destiny in God. He and his wife of 31 years have two beautiful children, Raven who’scurrently Miss Black USA NC and an international entrepreneur and their son Ryan who’s a high schoolhonor-student and athlete. P O W E R O F W E | 9

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Carla Simpson A.K.A. Crazy Carla has been doing Stand UpComedy for 15 years now and has been acting for almostseven years. Carla lives in Winston-Salem , NC and is theproud mother of four, whom she affectionately calls TheThunder Kittens, in addition to being "Suga" to all of theirchildren . Carla loves performing, whether it be Comedy,Acting, or Spoken Word. She has a Podcast called CrazyCarla’s Concoctions on BLAST247.COM. She has been featured in the YouTube Series "The Great Come Up",The YouTube movie, "The Cure for Kyle, "Christmas With TheMcKinney's", "Her Story, His Truth", The Stage Play, for which shehas won Actress of the Year portraying First Lady Gloria Jones. Shehas also starred as Renee, the leading lady of Front Pew Abuse, theStage Play, A Couple of Forevers...Or Not, A James LyonsProduction and most recently Touch: A Shock Opera by RonaldLavender. She has also starred in The YouTube Series, Side Dudes,Inc. as Vera, The Post Office Cougar. Carla can be seen on TUBI in Couch Party, Counterplay andWhat Fairytale, The Movie. She was nominated for Comic ofthe Year for the Ace Awards Show where she won Actress ofthe Year in a Musical and most recently won Indie Comic ofThe Year. She is currently starring in The Matthews Way aCarlos Massey Webseries on YouTube She thanks God for thegifts that He has given her to be able to bring entertainmentto the masses. Look for her in many more projects to comeeither acting or bringing the funny to a stage near youCarlos Massey aka Comedian "Big Los" has earned him theadmiration of his peers by winning over audiences with hisunique brand of CLEAN stand up comedy, acting andmotivational speaking. Born and raised in Greenville S.C. andnow lives in Greensboro NC. Carlos is becoming one of the most requested headliners in thearea for Clean Stand Up Comedy which makes him suitable forany function. He has opened up for artists such as BenTankard, Israel & New Breed, Joe Torry and Gladys Knight. Heis also a seasoned actor and has been in over 14 stage plays..5 short films and 3 web seriesP O W E R O F W E | 1 0

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Marvin Outlaw, a native of Windsor, NC, was born onDecember 21, 1989, to Annette and Marvin Outlaw, Sr. At anearly age, he showed a passion for music. As a young child,with the support of his parents, he traveled and competed inseveral music competitions across the East Coast. After graduating from Bertie High School in 2008, Marvinattended Elizabeth City State University, where he majored inMusic Education. On April 21, 2013,he married the love of hislife, Jordan Lewis- Outlaw- an education student at a nearbyUniversity. The couple gave birth to three beautiful children,Noah Alexander, Claire Elizabeth, and Anna Victoria Outlaw. Today, Marvin resides in Durham, NC with his family andserves on the worship team at Lifehouse Church in Raleigh, NC.Ronnie Ron is a seasoned mobile deejay and radiowith over 34 years of experience. As the of RWSJEnterprise LLC he is dedicated to providingexceptional customer service through his deejayingservices, podcast production, social mediamanagement, advertising and promotions. A proudgraduate of Regent University with a degree inCommunications, Ronnie Ron originally hails fromOrlando, Florida but now calls Ga. home with hiswife Saundra Smith of 23 years. Alongside his deejaying work, he also runs SoulSchool Gospel radio station where you can tune inat Ronnie Ron'spassion for music and media has made him arespected figure in the industry, known for hisprofessionalism and creativity.P O W E R O F W E | 1 1

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Paul Ward, born and raised in Raleigh, NC, is the youngest of threesiblings. He grew up playing drums in church and began playing thepiano around the age of 13 or 14. In 2017, Paul started traveling up anddown the East Coast with a local church, performing for numerousGospel artists such as Karen Clark Sheard, LeAndria Johnson, WesMorgan, and others. He has also served as the music director for severalshows on the Word Network. Currently, Paul is the Music andProduction Director at LifeHouse Church in Raleigh, NC.P O W E R O F W E | 1 2

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Dr. JaQuinda Jackson Ed.D, NCC, LPC is a traumainformed therapist in private practice in SouthCarolina. Dr. Jackson works with individuals andathletes. She also provides clinical consultations toschools, organizations, and groups who arecommitted to being trauma informed and usingtrauma informed practices within theirorganization.Jackson Consultings LLC Credibility ReportJackson Consultings LLC was established in 2015, by Dr. JaQuinda Jackson. Dr. Jackson is a licensed clinical traumatherapist who is nationally trained in both Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and EyeMovement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Dr. Jackson also is experienced in providing mental healthperformance to athletes on all levels. Jackson Consultings LLC provides direct therapeutic services toindividuals,athletes, and families. Along with providing therapeutic services, Jackson Consultings LLC has provideddiversity and inclusion consulting and trauma informed training to businesses, non profit organizations, and schooldistricts. Dr. Jackson has serviced over 400 families, 80 student athletes, has trained over 27 businesses, 10 nonprofit organizations, and 32 schools across 4 districts.Dr. Jackson has been featured in multiple peer reviewed publications as well as appeared on cable television. Shehas been featured in Vogue Magazine (Is It Just Me, or Has Texting Become Harder During the Pandemic?),PsychCentral (Anxiety and Chest Pain: Signs and How to Manage It), and Psychotherapy Networker (Therapists NeedHelp Too | Psychotherapy Networker) to name a few. She was also featured on a PBS Tonight News Hour: WomensSports. Dr. Jackson has also held speaking engagements outside of the USA.Dr. Jackson utilizes a self developed patented evidenced based assessment that scores individuals burnout,compassion fatigue, and social emotional health. This allows for treatment to be tailored to meet the needs of theindividual as well as the organization. Dr. Jackson believes that our experiences shift and shape our views andbeliefs and it is very important to understand triggers and their impact in order to develop self awareness skills.At the onset of COVID, Dr. Jackson shifted her practice to an online community platform that allows for traumaservices to be more readily available. Dr. Jackson is able to put individuals in “communities” based upon their score,which creates support while actively working through various coping skills. For businesses and organizations, Dr.Jackson is able to keep each business and organization together. It has shownto boost overall group morale whilei ncreasing the retention rate (based upon a 6 month follow up survey).By usingthe most up to date information and practices Dr. Jackson can provide relevant real time trauma support andinformed care.P O W E R O F W E | 1 3

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Hazel Green My name is Hazel Green from Living Healthy with Hazel. I have been on a health journey for over 35 years. Here are some healthy tips I have learned over the years:Balance Your Macronutrients: Ensure each meal includes a balanced mix of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Thiscombination helps maintain energy levels and supports overall health.Prioritize Protein Intake: Aim for at least 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. For example, if youweigh 140 lbs., consume 140 grams of protein. Protein is essential for preserving muscle mass as we age.Incorporate Green Smoothies: If your diet lacks sufficient leafy greens or vegetables, consider adding green smoothiesto your daily routine. They are a convenient way to boost your intake of essential nutrients.Avoid Processed Seed Oils: Steer clear of heavily processed seed oils like canola, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, soybean,sunflower, safflower, rice bran, and peanut oils. Opt instead for healthier fats such as avocado, olive, and coconut oils,which are less inflammatory.Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support digestion, circulation, and overall health.Choose Quality Meats and Produce: Whenever possible, choose pasture-raised or organic meats and poultry, and optfor organic produce to reduce your exposure to pesticides and hormones.Incorporate Strength Training: Include strength training in your exercise regimen to combat the natural loss of musclemass after age 30. Increased muscle mass improves insulin sensitivity and lowers the risk of diabetes.Prioritize Quality Sleep: Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep routine, keep yourbedroom cool and dark, and limit screen time before bed to improve sleep quality.HEALTH NEWSP O W E R O F W E | 1 5

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Continued:Eat Whole Foods and Shop Smart: Focus on whole, unprocessed foods that provide essential vitamins,minerals, and antioxidants. Buy your food from the outside aisles of your supermarket, where freshproduce, meats, and dairy are typically found, and stay away from the inside aisles, which oftencontain processed and unhealthy options. This helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases andpromotes overall well-being.Practice Mindful Eating: Pay attention to what you eat, savor each bite, and avoid distractions liketelevision during meals. Consider journaling what you eat to increase awareness of your dietaryhabits. Mindful eating, combined with tracking your meals, can help prevent overeating, improvedigestion, and give you valuable insights into your eating patterns.Stay Active Throughout the Day: In addition to scheduled exercise, make an effort to stay activethroughout the day. Take short walks, stretch, or do light activities to keep your body moving.Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking: If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Avoid smoking entirely,as it poses significant health risks, including an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.Incorporating these tips into your daily life can significantly enhance your health and well-being asyou age. For further information, check out my YouTube and Facebook page: Living Healthy with Hazel

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