The First 21 Days PostpartumY O U R E S S E N T I A L N E E D T O K N O W G U I D EF O R A N E X P E R I E N C E O F E A S E B r e a s t f e e d i n g N e w b o r n S l e e pP o s t p a r t u m H e a l i n g
Welcome!I A M S O T H R I L L E D Y O U A R E H E R EHaving a baby is one of the greatest joys and blessings of life. I have spent thelast decade working as an OBGYN nurse practitioner and it’s my life’s honor tohelp people move through their pregnancies and bring their babies into theworld. In this work, I have also been immersed in the deep challenges that arisein both pregnancy and postpartum. My business was birthed from my personal postpartum experience, but also fromhearing hundreds of patients say to me how much they were yearning for morein postpartum. More support, more time, more ease, more healing, more offeeling in their bodies. You don’t have to feel like you are just merely surviving the day by day ofpostpartum. In that state, scarcity and "not enoughness" will fuel your mindset. My doctorial research is specialized around ways to move the postpartum bodyout of scarcity so that people can heal their traumas and show up as fullyembodied parents. I created this PDF as a way of condensing all of the most important things I wish Iknew, and things YOU should know, in preparation for your postpartum of ease.I recognize that every birthing story is different, and I honor your transition intoparenthood, however it divinely came to be. I hope you find this helpful. With all my love,Dr. Serena RosaWANT TO CONNECT?Click HERE to book a discovery call
Newborn SleepB U I L D I N G H E A L T H Y S L E E P H A B I T S F R O M B I R T HIt's very normal that for the first 3months a baby will not sleeplonger than few hour stretches.This is because their stomachsare small and they will need toeat every few hours. During anight time feed, keep it boring,lights off. During this period, think aboutways in which you can get resteven if your sleep is limited.(yoga nidra, napping during theday, sensory rest, mental rest,etc.) It's best to feed the baby whenthey wake up, rather thanfeeding them to sleep. (Sleep,Feed, Play). This way, the babydoes not get accustomed toneeding a feed in order to fallasleep and can learn other waysto sooth themselves. Babies cancry in their sleep, so if you hear acry, sit back for a few seconds tosee if the baby will sooththemselves back to sleep on theirown.During pregnancy, the fetusoften sleeps during the day asyou are walking and rockingthem in utero, and awake atnight, when you are laying downand still. Therefore, when thebaby is born, their days andnights are usually swapped. During the day, allow sunlightinto the home, keep the lights on,make noise, sing, etc. Around6pm start diming the lights andstart your "wind down" routine.This will help the baby adjusttheir circadian rhythm. A fetus spends 9 months in awarm, dark, tight, and loudenvironment (your uterus). It'sbest to mimic this environmentfor them when they are born-tight swaddle, sound machine,dark room (black out shades).Babies thrive on routines andconsistency. It's never too earlyto start a bedtime routine so thatthe baby knows what's coming. CalmConfidence Consistency
BreastfeedingS T R A T E G I E S F O R B R E A S T F E E D I N G S U C C E S SH O W T O B R E A S T F E E D Do not power through a painful latch- this can cause, cracks, pain,backup of milk, clogged ducts and mastitis. Break the latch and askfor help if it's hurting.All nipples can breastfeed. If you're worried about your nipplebeing too big/small, flat, etc., remember it's BREASTfeeding, notnipple feeding. The baby should have a wide open latch over theentire areola (brown/darker part of breast). Breastmilk comes out from various milk ducts (think showerhead).Use heat on the breast when you want to vasodilate- make moremilk, release clog ducts, etc. Use cold when you want to constrict-engorgement/ swelling.There are many breastfeeding positions, make sure you and thebaby's stomachs are touching, and their head is free to move. Donot place just your nipple in the baby's mouth or this can cause ashallow latch. Place your nipple by baby's nose so they can smellthe milk, lean their heads back, and open wide to latch.Y O U R M I L K S U P P L YWhen your baby is born, their stomach is the size of a blueberry.Do not let anyone stress you out about "they need to eat". It can take a few days for your milk to come in and in thebeginning, it's all about familiarization. The first milk you will see is called colostrum and it's thick, yellow,and comes in small amounts, perfectly curated for your baby'ssmall belly. Your milk will change as your baby grows and matchtheir age appropriate nutritional needs. The nerves in your breast are connected to your brain and themore the breasts are stimulated, the more the pituitary glandreceives the signal to make more milk. You can do this with apump, your hands, or a partner, but the best way to stimulateyour breast is with your baby on your chest. Babies are bornknowing how to stimulate these nerves (check out "the magicalfirst hour") and, your body reacts best to the babies pheromones.Therefore, prioritize skin to skin time in the first 21 days. (The bestway to make more breastmilk).
F L U I D S H I F TThere is an enormous amountof fluid that shifts postpartum(swollen face, feet, hands, areall common). Make sure youdrink as much water aspossible. Staying hydrated willalso help the uterus heal, andincrease breastmilk supply.B L E E D I N GIt's normal to have vaginal bleeding forup to 6 weeks postpartum. Consideradding witch hazel and aloe vera to yourpads to help sooth and heal theperineum. Nothing should go inside ofthe vagina for 6 weeks postpartum (riskof infection) but you still can be sexuallyactive, cuddle, and connect with yourpartner. N O U R I S H M E N TThe best way to nourish your body afterdelivering your baby is with warm and softfoods. The body is filled with the elementof air postpartum. Keep your body warm(even if it's the summer time, try to avoidcold).A way to help with grounding your body isbelly banding. Make sure the band is acomfortable fit and around your hips. Y O U RE N V I O R O N M E N TCreate a calm environmentfor yourself during this timeand hold a sacred space foryourself and newborn (avoidscary movies, stressfulenergy, and prioritize whoand what enters yourenvironment). POSTPARTUM HEALINGT H E F I R S T 2 1 D A Y S A F T E R G I V I N G B I R T H S H O U L D B EF O C U S E D O N R E S T .It takes 12 months for the body to heal postpartum, so give yourself a lot ofgrace. Listen to what feels right when it comes to getting back to physicalactivity. Slow and steady. It's important that you take some time for yourselfevery day, even if it's a few minutes. Babies react to your energy, so if you'refeeling overwhelmed or depleted, this is the time to go back to your rest. REST, REST, REST!
So, What's Next?Now you have the need to know information. Yes! But where do you go from here? After labor and delivery, your body can easily fall into scarcity- from lack of sleep,lack of community, lack of support and body trauma. While the manifestation/mindfulness community is telling us that our thoughtscreate everything around us, it's important to acknowledged that if your body is indepletion, scarcity will be where you will default most of the time. Because thetruth is that your environment is where your thoughts immerge from, or you attractthoughts that already exists in the collective around you. But you can create safety and less scarcity by joining an empowering community,healing your trauma and gaining confidence. Introducing the Postpartum of Ease Mentorship™ An elite mentorship program designed to prepare and support you through everypart of postpartum. I will teach you the strategies for breastfeeding, thefoundations of healthy newborn sleep, how to heal your body postpartum, and themindset you need to embody in order to become the parent you want to be! POEM is not another labor and delivery prep course or a newborn sleep Ebook. Noone needs more information. We need transformation. POEM is a 12-weektransformation process created to guide you from overwhelm to ease. I use myproven methodology to teach you the strategy you need to know, whileincorporating healing in all aspects of postpartum in a supportive groupmentorship experience. POEM includes the work of guest experts for you support,Including: a hypnotherapist, a midwife, a clinical therapist, an ayurvedicpractitioner, 2 yoga teachers, a neurosculpting practitioner, and, me.
DR. SERENA ROSAMy name is Dr. Serena Rosa and I am the founderof The Postpartum Doctor and the creator of thePostpartum Of Ease Mentorship™ (POEM). I am a doctorally prepared OBGYN-NP, acertified lactation counselor, and I hold a mastersdegree in health education and promotion. Above all of that, I am a mother.For years I had been teaching my patients themedical strategies around birth and postpartumand then when it came my time to execute them,most of them failed me. When breastfeedingbecame increasingly difficult, my baby wasawake all night long, and I was feeling completelydepleted postpartum, all I could do was learnhow to shift my healing process. In doing so, Ilearned so much about the missing pieces thatthe medical profession does not provide. Did you know- the average length of a prenatalvisit is 6 minutes? I knew that I would be unable to adequatelyeducate my patients in the 6 minutes I had withthem in clinic, so I created a mentorship programin which I could fully show up to supportpostpartum healing and the powerfultransformation that happens in parenthood.My mission is to bring humanity and communityinto postpartum healing and guide people toembodied ease.
POSTPARTUM OF EASE MENTORSHIP(POEM) A somatic yoga practice for releasing what no longer serves youReleasing Limiting Beliefs from your body, Trauma Release Exercises Healing your inner child. Learn how to “mother” yourself and mend your familywounds.Healing Through your Birth Story Discover ways to prepare for labor and delivery so that you have an experiencefull of easeLearn my proven step- by- step strategies for breastfeeding successHow to create healthy sleep habits for your newborn without leaving them to cryPostpartum Guide to Healing-using ayurvedic practices to heal your mind andbody after a babyNeurosculpting and how to rewire your identity to your postpartum highest selfSex and desire- the secret aspect of libido that will keep who you are alive.Evidence-based mindfulness methods for emotional healing and self-care.Productive Parenting- How to Release Anxiety Around TimeAligning your energy- balancing your lymphatic system and calming yourprimitive brain.Restorative Yoga for Healing Your BodyYoga Nidra for RestPhase 1- Closure- Releasing What No Longer Serves YouPhase 2- Mastering the Strategic Knowledge for Newborn Care Phase 3- Stepping into The Parent You Want to Be Phase 4- Finding Rest and Ease in Your LifeWhen you enroll into POEM, I guide you through 4 key phases
"The breastfeeding session was the best I've ever taken, and I especially loved thesessions on neurosculpting and inner child work. Working with Serena is knowing that shereally does care about you as an individual. I always felt completely held and heard andfeel in my bones that a more easeful postpartum is awaiting on the other side of birth.Thank you, Serena! "-POEM Student “You know how there is a moment in time where you can reflect on- this is the person Iused to be, and this is the person I am now. That’s how I feel after these 12 weeks. It’smore than just finding postpartum of ease; my entire life has become easier.” -POEM Student “This mentorship program completely changed how I feel in motherhood. Something thatwas once so draining in every way, is now something I love showing up for. I love theperson I have become after working with Serena."-POEM Student. What Clients Have Said
How do you feel in your body right now reading all of this?If this is a FULLBODY YES, then it's time. It’s time to say bye to the overwhelm and to losing yourself to depletingdays. It’s time to shed what no longer serves you and, it’s time to find easein your life. This IS possible for you, with the right mindset, strategic knowledge, andsupport- POEM is designed specifically to help you achieve this. My goal for you is to enjoy and embody all aspects of your postpartumperiod. To live and cherish these moments of beauty with power and ease. Click HERE and DM the word EASE to learn how to get started today! POSTPARTUM OF EASEMENTORSHIP(POEM)