TABLE OF CONTENTSReflective Essay…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3Robin Hood #1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4Robin Hood #2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8The Phantom of the Night……………………………………………………………………………………………………13The Adventures of the Phantom and Blackout……………………………………………………18The Elevator……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………342
REFLECTIVE ESSAYThis semester has taught me a lot, even if I turned in my scripts quite late. Working onscripts was hard, they took me hours to do, but it was strangely enjoyable. I liked trying adifferent writing style than my normal novel format. It pushed me to try harder, to do somethingdifferent, and to be out of my comfort zone.I am grateful for Mr. Ryan Doom, for allowing me to use my own personal stories asinspirations. You will find three of my own works, Robin Hood, The Phantom of the Night, andThe Adventures of the Phantom and Blackout. I also included the dialogue script which I think Idid a good job on. But, I shall leave the judging of my work up to you.Please enjoy my work. Without further ado, welcome to the GREAT WRITINGS OFKAIZEN COCKRAM.3
FADE IN:EXT. VESPARA MANOR - EVENING1OPENING scene of a grand and expensive looking manor. A gloriousgarden in front, surrounded by a fence that gives off a golden glowin the evenings. Behind the manor is a forest, a deep and mysteriousglow about the dark evergreen lush.CUT TO:INT. DINING ROOM - VESPARA MANOR - EVENINGKYRA VESPARA (17) and JASPER VESPARA (41) are enjoying some dinner inthe DINING ROOM. Sitting in silence with the sound of fork scrapingagainst a plate. A large table separates the two as they eat atopposite ends.JASPER VESPARA stands up, taking his plate, half empty, with him ashe walks towards KYRA VESPARA. JASPER VESPARA, sets the plate downbefore sitting next to KYRA VESPARA.KYRA VESPARA (V.O)What is he doing? Why is hesitting next to me? Can’t wejust enjoy dinner in peace?KYRA VESPARA poked at her food some more, not seeming to be affectedat the sound of her fork scraping the plate, with only peas left onit.JASPER VESPARAHow was school today? Did youhave any issues? Anything funoccur?KYRA VESPARA6
Uneventful, as usual father.People left me alone. I havehomework I need to get done, ifyou’ll excuse me father.KYRA VESPARA, stood up from her chair, pushing her plate forward. Shebegan to leave, her father sat there looking defeated.7
FADE IN:EXT. SIDE OF VESPARA MANOR - DAWN 1OPENING a figure is seen climbing up the side of the manor, that has someovergrown shrubbery, onto a balcony. The figure is seen limping into theroom connected to the balcony. The sun is slowly rising over the horizon,peaking over the forest behind the manor.CUT TO:INT. KYRA’S BEDROOM - VESPARA MANOR - DAWNA large bedroom, very spacious, yet messy with clothes thrown everywhere.There is a large portrait of a young KYRA VESPARA hung on the wall, alongwith trophies and awards. A desk with papers scattered on top of it, eventhe chair to the desk is pulled out slightly with papers on top of it. Aking size bed with a simple blue comforter, yet half of it was off thebed, pillows seem to be everywhere on the bed.KYRA VESPARA (17) has just arrived back into her room after a long nightof crime-fighting under the alias of ROBIN HOOD. KYRA VESPARA is limpingtowards the bathroom in her room to get medical supplies from the injuriesshe received from her night of being a vigilante.INT. HALLWAY - OUTSIDE OF KYRA’S BEDROOM - DAWNA normal HALLWAY, long yet filled with all kinds of expensive decorations.From antique vases to paintings hanging on the walls.JASPER VESPARA (41) walks up to KYRA’S BEDROOM door, raising his handbefore knocking on it. Pausing in his movements as he waits for aresponse.INT. KYRA’S BEDROOM - VESPARA - DAWNKYRA VESPARA freezes in place as she hears the knock on her door.KYRA VESPARA(V.O)9
He couldn’t have come atthe worst time possible.How am I supposed to hidemy injuries? I am screwed!KYRA VESPARA in a state of panic made her way to the bathroom, trippingover the dirty clothes on the floor. A loud thud from the fall echos offthe walls of the room followed by a yelp from KYRA VESPARAJASPER VESPARA quickly opens the door, pausing for a quick second as hesees his daughter on the floor, covered in injuries that have yet beenbandaged. He rushed over to his daughter’s side.Jasper VesparaWhat the hell happened toyou? How did you get theseinjuries? Are you okay?Please don’t hide anythingfrom me!Kyra VesparaNow isn’t really the besttime to be questioning me,father.KYRA VESPARA stands up with the help of her father along with a grunt ofpain. He helps her to her desk. JASPER VESPARA moves the papers on thechair before helping her sit down on the chair.Kyra VesparaI have some medicalsupplies in one of mycabinets in the bathroom.Should be on the left.Ibuprofen should be withthem as well.10
JASPER VESPARA disappeared into the bathroom for several long seconds onlyto reappear with white medical bandages, materials for stitches,disinfectants, and Ibuprofen, all of this is carried in his arms. Heplaces these things on the desk, being careful.KYRA VESPARA begins to rip her shirt, exposing the bleeding injury on herarms. She takes the disinfectants, cleaning the wounds. JASPER VESPARAstares in disbelief, watching as his daughter takes care of her injuries.Jasper VesparaNo bullshit excuses, I wantthe truth. How did you getthese injuries?KYRA VESPARA takes a deep breath, seemingly thinking about what to say. Aninside battle about telling the truth. Revealing her secret andpotentially putting her father in danger, or letting him be in completebliss even if it means ruining her reputation in his eyes.Kyra Vespara(Long pause) The truth isfather… I am thatvigilante, the oneprotecting the city. Ididn’t want you to everfind out just in case itever put you in danger.Jasper Vespara(Even longer pause) Y-yourRobin Hood? Are you crazy!?This needs to stop. Youcannot be parading aroundas a vigilante. One it isillegal and two it isincredibly dangerous.Kyra Vespara11
Actually since I saved themayor’s daughter, I havehad free range to protectthe city so it is notillegal. Besides, I have ateam to help me just incase, so it is a littleless dangerous.12
The Phantom of the Night14
FADE IN:EXT. REMINGTON ESTATE - NOON 1OPENING a large estate that stood alone on an island off of the mainland.Surrounded by a beautifully and elegantly designed fence. A large manorstanding tall at the center of the entire estate. A garden surrounding theentire estate. A duck pond in a separate part, a greenhouse in another.Quite a bit of tall shrubbery along with random statues scattered about onthe estate.CUT TO:INT. REMINGTON MANOR - NOONPassing down the halls filled with doors to other rooms, expensive largepaintings and vases. Old antiques worth millions. Continuing down thehalls into the grand foyer of the manor. A grand staircase made of abeautiful dark oak. A grand chandelier hanging down as a giantcenterpiece.CUT TO:INT. SITTING ROOM IN REMINGTON MANOR - NOONA beautiful sitting room with white plush couches, light blue wallpaperwith floral patterns on it. Decorations of bookcases and other antiquesspread throughout the large room. On one of the couches is a young woman,ISADORA REMINGTON (20), sitting comfortably as she flipped through thepages of a book.The door swings open as a young man, SEBASTIAN RHODES (20), enters theroom. He turns directly towards the young woman, who has not looked upfrom her book.SEBASTIAN RHODESYou are a real jerk, you know that!?You left without a word, without agoodbye to your best friend. The worstpart is only getting a few letters,15
then one day they stop and you hearfrom the gossip articles that youreturned!ISADORA REMINGTONI was only away for four years. It’snot a big deal. Besides, I’m back now.ISADORA REMINGTON, tossed her book to the side before standing up. Sheapproached SEBASTIAN RHODES. She placed her hands on his shoulders shakinghim ever so slightly. She flashed him a smile, only to get back a glare inreturn.ISADORA REMINGTONChill out. Let’s go get lunch. Mytreat.SEBASTIAN RHODESIt better be your treat. You owe me atleast that for disappearing for fouryears.CUT TO:INT. ISADORA’S CAR - NOONSEBASTIAN sat in the driver’s seat, both hands on the wheel, his eyesfocused on the road. ISADORA sat in the passenger seat, staring out thewindow, focusing on the passing scenery. The radio played on a low volumelevel.SEBASTIAN RHODESSo your little rendezvous…Where did itactually take you? Which supermodelsdid you get with?ISADORA REMINGTON16
(Makes a disgusted face as she turnsto him) Don’t make me sound like I amwith a new guy each week. You know Iam not…SEBASTIAN RHODESI know I know. You will only ever loveone guy. But come on, tell me what youdid. You completely vanished fromsociety for four years.ISADORA REMINGTONI found myself in Tibet, morespecifically in the Tibetan Plateau. Ihung out with some cool monks. I foundmy inner peace. You know namaste andall.SEBASTIAN RHODESYou finding peace? I find thathilarious considering you are aruthless CEO, have been since you werefourteen, probably earlier…behindclosed doors.ISADORA REMINGTONDon’t you dare sass me. I am allowed tohave inner peace, to have found myself.SEBASTIAN RHODES rolls his eyes as he pulls into the parking lot of somerandom restaurant, parking in an open spot. They continued their back andforth as they got out of the car, making their way into the restaurant.17
The Adventures of the Phantom and Blackout18
FADE IN:EXT. - EREIN CITY - 12:00 A.M 1OPENING, The night air chilled as two individuals raced down the street inone singular car. The moonlight cascading away only for the streetlightsto outshine it. The car zoomed by, ignoring the speed limit and stop signsas well as stop lights. Passing by large buildings from businesses toapartments.Right as the car turned onto Carter Ave. blue and red flashing lightsfollowed behind it. The car quickly pulled over against the sidewalk,stopped by the police car.CUT TO:INT. - INSIDE THE SPEEDING CAR - 12:00 A.MTwo young females sat in the front of the car. The driver (15), has shorthair with a red streak in her hair. She wore black and white clothing,almost as if wearing dark clothing was an act of rebellion to her parents.She sat there unphased, simply waiting for the police officer to knock onthe window.The other female (15), sat in the passenger seat freaking out. Her longbrown hair tied back in a ponytail. She wore casual clothing. A graphictee and jeans. She clearly wasn’t looking to be caught in any sort oftrouble. She wasn’t even supposed to be out to begin with.CUT TO:EXT. - OUTSIDE THE SPEEDING CAR - 12:00 A.MThe POLICE OFFICER (39), had left the police cruiser, walking up to thespeeding car that had broken several laws. Flashlight in hand, the officerused it to knock on the window before peering into the car with the light.The window slowly lowered revealing the two young girls inside.The officer didn’t even need to ask for license and registration,recognizing the two girls inside as ESTELLE BLAIR (15), daughter to the19
mayor of Erein City and OLIVIA JASPERS (15), adoptive daughter of thecity’s famous billionaire.POLICE OFFICER #1You two, step out of the car. I amplacing you both under arrest. Youhave the right to remain silent,anything you say can and will be heldagainst you in a court of law. If youcannot afford a lawyer, one will beappointed to you.The two girls had stepped out of the vehicle as the POLICE OFFICER readthem their Miranda Rights. ESTELLE BLAIR, stood against the car mimickingthe POLICE OFFICER as he read them their rights. OLIVIA JASPERS, stoodnext to ESTELLE BLAIR still panicking over getting got.The two girls were handcuffed and placed in the back of the policecruiser. Though, before the POLICE OFFICER shut the door, he spoke up.POLICE OFFICER #1(Disappointed Sigh)Olivia, I am greatly disappointed inyou. What would your parents think?The POLICE OFFICER shuts the back door, before getting into the cruiserhimself.CUT TO:INT. - THE EREIN CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT - 12:25 A.MThe Erein City Police Department was an old building, with an oldsteampunk vibe to it. It was prowling with police officers on the nightshift. On the first floor of the police department are desks, manyofficers in uniform traveling around for the most part on the first floor.There are also cells lined up against the wall with surprisingly only afew criminals in.20
The POLICE OFFICER guided the two girls into an empty cell, removing theirhandcuffs from behind their backs. He locked the two girls into the cell,leaving them alone for a moment to write the report. ESTELLE BLAIRimmediately sat down on the bench, still completely calm over the ordeal.OLIVIA JASPERS, held onto the bars, her face poking out of the bars as faras it would go.OLIVIA JASPERS(Panicked)This can’t be happening. I havenever gotten in trouble before. IfIsadora finds out about this, I amin huge trouble. Who am I kidding,she probably already knows. She isprobably on her way here to raindown her wrath of disappointmenton me. I screwed up big time. Whydid you pressure me into this?ESTELLE BLAIROlivia, calm down. It’s not thatbig of a deal. We will get offscotch free. A slap on the wristif you will. They can’t arrest themayor’s daughter, or her friend.OLIVIA JASPERSI’m sorry but, my parents used to bepolice officers. I’m all over themedia due to being ISADORAREMINGTON’s adoptive daughter. Thiswill tank her reputation and willreflect badly on me. You already havea reputation of being a troublemaker,but I am a model citizen.ESTELLE BLAIR stood up from the bench walking up to OLIVIA JASPERS. Shegrabbed hold of OLIVIA JASPERS’ shoulders, forcing her to turn around and21
face her. ESTELLE BLAIR took her hands off of her shoulders beforemotioning with her own hands to breath.OLIVIA JASPERS began to breathe, in and out. Feeling herself calm down.She has suffered worse than this, having actually faced criminals, but nowshe has become one. This thought caused her to panic even more, bringingher hands into her hair.A clearing throat is heard behind OLIVIA JASPERS, causing both the girlsto turn to see who it was. It was the Erein City Police DepartmentCommissioner, MARCELENE DESMOND (38). A tall woman, everything about heris neat. From her hair to her suit.MARCELENE DESMONDOlivia, I am highly disappointed inyou. What would your parents think?They did not become police officersjust for you to be caught breakingthe law. If this is your way ofgrieving, speak with your guardianabout seeing a therapist.OLIVIA JASPERSI am not grieving their death. It’salmost been a decade. I am perfectlyfine. It was a dumb decision is all.MARCELENE DESMONDWe found spray paint cans in the car.We also have security footage of youtagging a wall with said spray paintcans. I have taken the liberty ofcalling both of your parents. Theywill be here soon. Just sit tight. Iexpect better from you Olivia.CUT TO:22
INT. - INSIDE ISADORA REMINGTON’S CAR - 12:55 A.MThe car was cleaned, clearly recently done. A phone sat in the cup holderslit up on a call. The phone is on speaker, calling to CLAIRE MONTGOMERY(43), a mother figure to ISADORA REMINGTON. The driver is an out of breathISADORA REMINGTON (28), who had to quickly get out of her vigilanteuniform and into normal civilian clothing.ISADORA REMINGTON(ON THE PHONE)I just don’t know what I am doingwrong? I thought I was doing a goodjob with her. She never breaks therules. When I tell her patrol isover, she heads straight home.CLAIRE MONTGOMERY(ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THEPHONE)She is probably just going throughsome hormonal changes. You did atthat age. Though, you never gotarrested. Just remain calm, have atalk with her in the morning.ISADORA REMINGTON(ONE HAND ON THE WHEEL, RUNNINGHAND THROUGH HAIR OUT OFFRUSTRATION)It’s hard to remain calm. The childI adopted got arrested. The media isgoing to have a field day with thisnews. I am going to have to haveSebastian get rid of any newscircling this.CLAIRE MONTGOMERYTake a deep breath for me. Thingswill turn out fine.23
ISADORA REMINGTON took a deep breath, listening to the wise words of thewoman who raised her since she was ten. They quickly said their goodbyesas ISADORA REMINGTON arrived at the police department.CUT TO:INT. - INSIDE THE COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE IN THE ECPD - 1:00 A.MThe office was like any other. A window with blinds behind the actual deskthat looked outward towards all of those on the first floor. Two leatherchairs sat in front of the desk. The door was made of glass with a woodenframe, blinds on it for a bit of privacy.ISADORA REMINGTON sat in a chair in front of Commissioner MARCELENEDESMOND. Right next to her is the MAYOR’S ASSISTANT (43), clearly deprivedof sleep at the moment.MARCELENE DESMONDWe have arrested both the Mayor’sdaughter, as well as Olivia. We havesurveillance of their crimes. If youwill just look at my monitor…ISADORA REMINGTON(CUTS MARCELENE OFF)I’m sorry but what exactly isOlivia’s crime? She is a good honeststudent, a hard working individual.She could never. It’s thatshe-devil’s doing I tell you.MAYOR’S ASSISTANTShe-devil!? Ms. Blair is just atroubled teenager due to thepressure she is under as the Mayor’sdaughter. If anyone is a she-devil,it would have to be that Olivia ofyours. Brought in from off thestreets.24
ISADORA REMINGTON(GASPS)You take that back! Olivia is a goodchild. She is also under a lot ofpressure from the media. Probablyunder more pressure from that thanthe Mayor’s daughter.MARCELENE DESMONDEnough! Olivia is just as guilty asMs. Blair. We have surveillance ofboth girls vandalizing the sidewallof Oliver’s Convenience, with spraypaint. Though, that is her onlycrime besides being an accomplice toMs. Blair as she broke severaldriving laws.ISADORA REMINGTONI want Olivia’s record expunged.Vandalism is such a minor offense,it shouldn’t count for her. I willpersonally see to it that she ispunished.MAYOR’S ASSISTANTIf I may, Olivia is but an orphantaken in most likely due to boredom.Perhaps, she is like this due to hernow home life. As always, Ms. Blairshall be pardoned. I will go pickher up and take her home. The Mayorthanks you for your cooperation.ISADORA REMINGTON25
That she-devil should be heldaccountable. This is her: how manyoffenses? Olivia was pressured intosome dumb decision. And, it’s notboredom. Olivia has had moreopportunities living with me thanever before. She is thriving. Don’tyou ever talk badly about mydaughter ever again.ISADORA REMINGTON, stood up storming out of the Commissioner’s office.Following her out is both the commissioner and the MAYOR’S ASSISTANT.CUT TO:INT. - CELLS ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF ECPD - 1:30 A.MOLIVIA JASPERS sat on the bench next to ESTELLE BLAIR. She bounced her legup and down, hearing the yelling from the Commissioner’s office. Shefigured her adoptive mother was furious with the actions she took. Though,she quickly looked up as she saw ISADORA REMINGTON approaching the cell,demanding for it to be open.With the nod from the Commissioner, POLICE OFFICER #2, opened the celldoor. OLIVIA JASPERS quickly walked out, standing beside ISADORAREMINGTON.ISADORA REMINGTON(LOOKS AT OLIVIA JASPERS)We’re going. Come on.CUT TO:EXT. - EREIN CITY - 2 A.MThe city was eerily quiet than it usually is. The moonlight was beingblocked by clouds, rain began to drop down from the sky. A soft pitterpatter sounded as it hit windows of buildings and cars. It seemed like noone was out, except for the singular car that had just left the policestation.26
The car drove quietly through the rain as it began to pick up. The lightsleading the way as it navigated its way to where it belonged. Gettingstopped at a red light.CUT TO:INT. - INSIDE THE CAR - 2 A.MTwo females sat in the car in utter silence. The younger female, OLIVIAJASPERS, sat in the passenger seat with her head lowered, staring into herlap. She wished for the older woman to speak up, to say something. Herlong brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail as she wore casual clothing,a graphic tee and jeans.The older woman, well known billionaire ISADORA REMINGTON, drove incomplete silence. Unsure of how to begin to address her disappointment inthe young teen. Her face reveals anger but she wasn’t angry in theslightest. She too was dressed in casual clothing, a solid color t-shirtand sweatpants. Though her hair was on the short side, wavy and at hershoulders.OLIVIA JASPERS(Croaked out,looking up and overat her)Please just say something.ISADORA REMINGTON(With an exasperatedsigh and greatdisappointment)Where do I even begin Olivia? Where doI begin with you? Do you evencomprehend how idiotic your choiceswere?OLIVIA JASPERSI…I didn’t mean any harm. It wasstupid.27
ISADORA REMINGTONI am glad you know that it was stupid.I mean, tagging a wall with themayor’s daughter and then gettingcaught breaking the laws of the roadwith her! I told you when you got offof patrol, to go home and sleep. Youdisobeyed me and caused trouble. Ishould still be out there patrolling,not having to pick you up at a policestation and drive you back homemyself.OLIVIA JASPERS fell quiet, looking back down at her lap. Tears began toweld up in her eyes as she gripped her jeans as tightly as possible.Anger, hurt, and sadness all filled her brain.CUT TO:EXT. - REMINGTON ESTATE - 2:36 A.MA large estate on its own island, right off the main island of the city.There was not much light on the estate except for the headlights of thecar as it drove on the path to the manor. The car drove into the circledriveway, parking in front of the manor entrance. Parked, the passengerside door opened only to be slammed shut as OLIVIA JASPERS got out of thecar. Followed by the driver door opening and being shut as ISADORAREMINGTON got out.CUT TO:INT. - REMINGTON MANOR FOYER - 2:40 A.MA grand foyer with two grand staircases leading to the second floor. Alarge chandelier along with a table with a vase were the centerpieces ofthe foyer. The chandelier was left on for OLIVIA JASPERS and ISADORAREMINGTON. There are several paintings on the walls for decorations andthree different entrances to different rooms connected to the foyer.28
OLIVIA JASPERS walked into the foyer, slamming the front door behind heronly for it to be caught by ISADORA REMINGTON as she followed behind.OLIVIA JASPERS tried storming up the grand staircase only to get stoppedhalfway.ISADORA REMINGTON(Raising her voice)You are grounded. Two weeks, nopatrol. Think about what you did. Ialso forbid you from seeing themayor’s daughter.OLIVIA JASPERS(Yelled)You’re not my mother!ISADORA REMINGTONLegally. I am. Now go to your room!ISADORA REMINGTON, pointing furiously in the direction of OLIVIA JASPERS’room on the third floor of the manor. OLIVIA JASPERS stormed up thestaircase, stomping as she did so, in the direction to her room.CUT TO:INT. - OLIVIA JASPERS’ BEDROOM - 2:46 A.MA messy room, clothes thrown everywhere including a black hero suit, theuniform of Blackout, OLIVIA JASPERS’ vigilante alias. There is a largewindow with a good view of the garden. With a bed against the wall withits sheets all made. A bookcase in a corner along with a desk.OLIVIA JASPERS burst into her room, slamming the door behind her. Shepaced around her room in anger before picking up a textbook only to throwit across the bedroom. She huffed and puffed out of anger before sittingdown on the messy floor.She began to cry, angry with ISADORA REMINGTON, and disappointed inherself for trying to follow along with ESTELLE BLAIR. OLIVIA JASPERS got29
up off the floor, crying to her bed. She flopped down on her bed, quicklycrying herself to sleep.CUT TO:INT. - OUTSIDE OF OLIVIA JASPERS’ BEDROOM - 2:50 A.MISADORA REMINGTON, stood right outside of her room, her ear pressedagainst the door, with a hand on the door knob.ISADORA REMINGTON(IN HER THOUGHTS)Was I too harsh on her? I just wantwhat’s best for her. I mean, I can’tstop her from seeing Estelle… butshe should know better. She is ahero for crying out loud. Why isbeing a parent so hard?ISADORA REMINGTON, let go of the door knob, carefully backing away fromthe door so as to not make a sound. She made her way down the hallway,heading in the direction to her very own room.CUT TO:INT. - DINING HALL - 6:30 A.MThe dining hall had a nice yellow wallpaper on the wall with a whitefloral on it. It was simply designed with the major thing being a largewooden dining table with wooden chairs around it. There is an opening tothe large kitchen allowing easy access to the kitchen and vice versa.ISADORA REMINGTON sat at the head of the table, a newspaper in her handalong with a mug of coffee. She drank the coffee while reading thenewspaper.CLAIRE MONTGOMERY walked into the dining hall, placing plates of food downon the table. She took a seat, to the left of ISADORA REMINGTON.CLAIRE MONTGOMERY30
Will Ms. Olivia, be joining us forbreakfast?ISADORA REMINGTONI do not know. That is up to her… doyou think I was harsh on her. I meangrounding her from patrol for twoweeks is a bit… I don’t knowexcessive?CLAIRE MONTGOMERYI am sure James would have agreedwith you on grounding her, as do I.If she wants to be a criminal, sheshouldn’t be stopping them. She willcome to understand.ISADORA REMINGTONI suppose you are right. When isJames expected back?CLAIRE MONTGOMERYIn a week. He truly needs that timewith his brother.OLIVIA JASPERS sluggishly walked into the dining hall from the corridorentrance. Her eyes were puffy due to hours of crying. She was dressed inher school uniform. She took her seat to the right of ISADORA REMINGTON,not speaking one word as she quickly ate.ISADORA REMINGTONI called Sebastian. I won’t begoing into work today. I alsocalled Olivia’s school. I decidedlast night that I am going tospend the day with her.31
OLIVIA JASPERS(RAISING AN EYEBROW)Why? Out of the six years I havebeen living with you, you havenever done anything like this.ISADORA REMINGTONI figured you could use a day off.One that isn’t full of stress. Ifigured that is why you did whatyou did.OLIVIA JASPERSI was just trying to impressESTELLE BLAIR. I… I think I likeher… like a lot.ISADORA REMINGTONThat… Thank you for telling methat… but trust me, you do notneed to impress anyone. Just beyourself and I am sure she willlike you for who you are. You area smart and amazing young woman.OLIVIA JASPERS(SMILES SOFTLY)That means a lot to me. So, whatwere you planning for today?ISADORA REMINGTONWell, I heard the circus is comingin tonight. I figured we could goto that after we hit the zoo oramusement park. Your choice.32
OLIVIA JASPERSSo……no patrol for you tonight? Younever take a night off.ISADORA REMINGTONI figured I could take a night offwith you.OLIVIA JASPERSDoes that mean I won’t be groundedfor two weeks?ISADORA REMINGTONOh no you still are grounded frompatrol. However, in that time, Iwant you to catch up on some restas well as come up with a plan toimpress ESTELLE BLAIR by beingyourself.CLAIRE MONTGOMERYThat sounds like a good deal tome. Way to parent.OLIVIA JASPERSUnderstandable, I did get arrestedwhen I’m supposed to stop crime.The three females continued to eat breakfast. Laughing and giggling asthey did so. Telling random stories as well as talking about the rest ofthe day, with a much needed nap involved in the plan, suggested by CLAIREMONTGOMERY.33
The Elevator34
FADE IN:INT. - ELEVATOR - NOON 1OPENING inside an elevator in a well known diplomatic building, three verydifferent individuals. One young Korean woman, JI-YOUNG (18), from the topone percent. She comes from generational wealth, and happens to be thegranddaughter to the Ambassador of this diplomatic building. Two males.One white man, MARK (25), dressed in a suit, his tie and hair messy,clearly in a rush. The other man, JALAL (54), is dressed in casual wear, avacationer.The elevator halts to a stop, shaking slightly as it appears to be stuckon the 25th floor. The white man begins to panic over being late, thewoman remains calm on her phone, and the older man waits with his handsbehind his back.JI-YOUNGCalm down, everything will be fine.MARKHow can I possibly calm down? Weare stuck in an elevator. We arehundreds of feet up. I’m alreadyrunning late.JALALYou just need to take a chillpill, you are straight uptrippin’.JI-YOUNGYeah, what the ahjussi (older man)said.MARK35
Listen, this is not lit. How canyou not be freaking out?JI-YOUNGBecause I have wifi…correction Ihad wifi.JALALYou youngsters and your devices…JI-YOUNG, MARK, &JALALWhen I was your age, we didn’t havethese things.JI-YOUNGWe get it old man, no need to diveinto your no-jaem (not interesting)backstoryMARKI am with her on that. It’sliterally the worstA long pause of silence between the three.JALALSo, what brings you guys here?MARKI’m interning here. It’s high-keyfire.JI-YOUNG36
Dae-bak (awesome)! I’m here to visitmy har-a-boji (grandpa).JALALI lost my passport. It’s not great.JI-YOUNGThat’s cheugy. I hope you are ableto find it, or something like that.MARKI’m sure you will get it solved. Theembassy here is pretty good atsolving these thingsJALALWell I hope I can get it solved. Ionly came here to see my homeslice.JI-YOUNGMood, honestly love that for youThe elevator made a small ding, signaling that it was working again. Theelevator began to move upward once more. The red numbers in the elevatorgoing up one floor at a time. Once at the 50th floor, the three said theirgoodbyes as they went their separate ways.37