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2024 ADVOCACY& POLICY PRIORITIESMEMBERSHIP DRIVEN • RESEARCH INFORMED • SOLUTION FOCUSEDwww.michfed.orgThe mission of the Michigan Federation for Children and Families is to inuence public policy and practice in support of the highest quality services for children and families. Private nonprot agencies in Michigan provide nearly 100% of family preservation, independent living, adoption, and residential treatment services, 55% of foster care services, and an array of behavioral health, clinical and in-home service. Partnerships and collaboration between the private and public agencies are critical to meeting the comprehensive needs of children and families in Michigan. The Federation’s 2024 Advocacy and Policy Priorities are focused on strengthening systems and policies that will improve the human services system and lead to the best outcomes for children and families receiving services delivered by Michigan’s network of community-based organizations as follows:1. Fully fund the COST OF PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICES to children and families in Michigan.2. Work collectively to build a STATEWIDE HIGH-QUALITY CONTINUUM OF CARE that supports families and communities.3. Expand ACCESS OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES to children, adolescents, and families as a priority population.4. Center on EQUITY to reduce disparate outcomes for children and families.5. Create a FAMILY-FOCUSED CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM that integrates a two generation (2Gen) approach to family well-being.Advocating on behalf of children and families since 1969

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1 FULLY FUND THE COST OF PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICES TO CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IN MICHIGAN.  Partner with MDHHS to implement actuarially sounds rates for all contracted programs, reecting the continual rise in cost of providing services.  Build into all master contracts an annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) using a pre-determined methodology that is easily updated each year. 2 WORK COLLECTIVELY TO BUILD A STATEWIDE HIGH-QUALITY CONTINUUM OF CARE.  Invest in and expand the number of families eligible for family preservation services statewide, including the MiFamily Together pilot, to keep families safely together and prevent the need for removal and the associated trauma of that experience.  Expand services and developmental opportunities for older youth in foster care to successfully transition to adulthood, including aordable housing, educational support, and employment services.  Ensure youth needing clinical interventions have access statewide to appropriate trauma-informed interventions to support their needs and promote timely reunication and permanency.  Advocate for the establishment of a Child Welfare Council to facilitate coordination across the three branches of state government to ensure consistent coordination of child welfare improvement eorts.  Seek policy and practice solutions that address child safety and well-being, aligning with the goals of the MDHHS Keep Kids Safe Action Agenda.  Advance advocacy eorts to expand and sustain strategies and initiatives that support health and well-being across the life course through access to funding, resources, and supports to minimize the prevalence of trauma and build resilience among Michigan children, youth, and families.3EXPAND ACCESS OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES TO CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, AND FAMILIES AS A PRIORITY POPULATION.  Collaborate with the children’s mental health and child welfare communities to implement the MiKids Now initiative, enhancing service provision to more eectively address behavioral health needs of youth.2024 ADVOCACY& POLICY PRIORITIESMEMBERSHIP DRIVEN • RESEARCH INFORMED • SOLUTION FOCUSED

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 Support the expansion of the Certied Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) model, including formally incorporating the model into Michigan’s behavioral health service delivery system through statute and the appropriations process.  Improve system collaboration and expand service array to meet the complex behavioral health care needs of youth.  Partner with behavioral health and education professionals toward an integrated and comprehensive approach for the use of school-based funds to provide mental health services to students in Michigan.  Engage partners within Michigan’s community-based behavioral health system to address the administrative burdens impacting the workforce and access to behavioral health services. 4 CENTER ON EQUITY TO REDUCE DISPARATE OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES.  Empower, educate, and support organizations to champion antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion across all areas of service.  Partner with MDHHS to ensure equitable access to services that keep children safely with their families and in their communities.  Address concrete needs of families with income insecurity that is often conated with neglect, which often leads to the disruption of families who are under-resourced and experiencing toxic stress.  Continue to use data to understand and analyze decision points and the extent and nature of disparate outcomes for children and families with regard to their race or gender identity.5 CREATE A FAMILY-FOCUSED CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM THAT INTEGRATES A TWO-GENERATION (2GEN) APPROACH TO FAMILY WELL-BEING.  Advocate for and support programs and policies that include the integration of a two-generation approach, building family well-being intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives together.  Support programs and practice that authentically engage and empower the whole family as experts with an active role in case planning and ensuring child safety.  Continue to make progress in implementing and expanding upon robust kinship care practices to provide families with access to vital supports and resources and promote shared parenting.  Develop strategies and resources to build parental resilience and strengthen families’ protective factors in order to reduce likelihood of future incidents of child abuse/neglect.Advocating on behalf of children and families since 1969

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Core values provide focus, drive decisions and are embraced by all member agencies:All children deserve excellence in service and our best eorts to ensure they grow up in strong families and supporve communies.Strategic advocacy is crical to assuring sound public policy and sucient resources for quality services.Partnerships and collaboraon are essenal to providing eecve services and achieving successful outcomes.Equity, diversity, and inclusiveness are vital elements in the full connuum of human services. Michigan Federaon for Children and Families620 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 325 Lansing MI 48933 Voice-to-email (517) 485-8552 www.michfed.orgFederaon StaJanet Reynolds Snyder, MBA • Execuve Director • janet@michfed.orgKadi Prout, LMSW • Associate Execuve Director • kadi@michfed.orgElizabeth Henderson, MSW • Director of Policy and Research • elizabeth@michfed.orgRose Homa • Director of Administraon and Operaons • rose@michfed.orgJenny Crichton, GMS • Director of Member Relaons and Events •