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SCLHSA Strategic Plan

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South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority Strategic Plan 1 Executive Summary The Louisiana State Legislature established the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority (SCLHSA) in 2006 to provide administration, management and operation of mental health, addictive disorders, and developmental disabilities services to the residents of Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, and Terrebonne parishes. Direct oversight of these services was previously provided through the Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), now known as the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH). SCLHSA is contracted with LDH to provide these services and to adhere to all local, state and federal regulatory requirements associated with the provision of these services. Governance of SCLHSA is conducted by a nine (9) member Board of Directors. The Board includes two residents from the parishes of Lafourche and Terrebonne and one resident from the parishes of Assumption, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist and St. Mary. Three Board Members are appointed by the governing authority of each parish and must possess professional experience in the areas of mental health, addictive disorders, or developmental disabilities. The governor appoints three board members, who represent parents, consumers, or advocates in one of these areas. The remaining three are from the following areas: law enforcement, court system, school-based healthcare, public health, coroner’s office or business related field. All members serve without compensation. The Administration of the SCLHSA is led by an Executive Director, who is selected by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director presents the Board of Directors with monthly updates as directed by the agenda set by the Board, including the annual Ends Statement, which details progress toward the organization’s Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives. The Deputy Director, Chief Financial Officer and Directors of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities, Human Resources and Information Management comprise the agency Executive Management Team that supports the Executive Director in management and day-to-day operations of the agency. Additionally, the Executive Management Team develops, adopts, and implements cross-divisional annual Performance Improvement Initiatives (PI) to further insure SCLHSA will meet and/or exceed Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives and to support the successful sustainability of the Authority. SCLHSA Leadership informs employees about Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives, and Performance Indicators via monthly Manager Meetings and Managers involve staff in data collection, analysis, and reporting of Performance Indicator outcomes. Clinic Managers and Site Supervisors lead discussion about the Performance Improvement Plan during staff meetings reporting progress, obtaining staff input, and emphasizing accountability for reaching goals and objectives. Vision To create an atmosphere where people in our community are inspired to reach their fullest potential with access to services and a culture devoted to promoting optimal health and wellness. Mission Helping people, changing lives through education, prevention, intervention and treatment in an effort to enhance quality of life.

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2 Core Values Respect –showing regard for individuals’ abilities and worth; valuing their feelings and their views, even if you do not necessarily agree with them. Empowering – people having power and control over their own lives. People get the support they need that is right for them. Integrity – encompassing honesty, keeping one’s word, and consistently adhering to principles of professionalism, even when it is not easy to do so. Collaboration – a partnership; a union; the act of producing or making something together. To commit to the possibility of producing an outcome greater than one entity alone could. Quality – achieving improved health, responsiveness and efficiency by doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right person to obtain the best possible results. Information Management SCLHSA shall ensure that all information regarding the individuals served, the care provided, the outcomes of care, the performance of the organization, and all activities conducted are coordinated and integrated throughout all departments in a timely manner and that this information shall serve as an important resource to be used effectively and be efficiently managed as mandated by specific agency, state, federal and regulatory mandates. Resource Allocation The SCLHSA allocates its resources in accordance with the following priorities: First Priority – Persons and families in crisis related to mental illness, addictive disorders or developmental disabilities shall have their crisis resolved and a safe environment restored. Second Priority – Persons with serious and disabling mental illness, addictive disorders or developmental disabilities shall make use of natural supports and community resourced and shall participate in the community. Third Priority – Persons with mild to moderate needs related to mental illness, addictive disorders or developmental disabilities shall make use of natural supports and community resources and shall participate in the community. Fourth Priority – Persons not yet identified with specific serious or moderate mental illness, addictive disorders, or developmental disabilities, but who are at significant risk of such disorders due to the presence of empirically established risk factors or the absence of the empirically protective factors do not develop the problems for they are at risk. External Impediments The ability to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in this plan may be changed by a number of factors over which the SCLHSA has no control. These changes may include but are not limited to: 1. Funding levels –Fluctuations in Medicaid and direct state funding for indigent care are dependent on many factors that cannot be controlled. 2. Changes in the health care system - particularly changes related to managed care, skilled and professional labor shortages exacerbated by numerous disasters in our area and rapid changes in medical technology, which require greater attention to capital acquisition needs/uses/costs. 3. Changes in the economy of the state – as more individuals are employed or insured, it could result in more insured patients or fewer patients for the agency, depending on the changes in the

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3 economy of the state and client’s access to other health care and the perception of the behavioral health care provided by the agency clinics. 4. Changes in the population – changes in social determinants of health and an aging population change, which means an increase in the number of chronic cases or those with comorbidities. 5. Ongoing COVID 19 – has adversely affected staff shortages, operational changes, and cost increases. Financial Opportunities SCLHSA is a quasi-public/private state entity and thus is dependent on the state general funds appropriated to the agency through the legislative process. SCLHSA also receives funding through the inter-agency transfer (IAT) process in the budget process that are pass through grant funds received through the Office of Behavioral Health (OBH such as mental health block grant, SAPT, TANF, etc.) and through the Office of Developmental Disabilities (OCDD - ACT 378, etc.). Additional to these types of funds are the required Self-Generated Revenue that the agency provides treatment, invoices and bills patients who receive behavioral health and primary care services at any of the agency outpatient clinics. Most of the agency self-generated funds are received from Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance and Self-Pay. SCLHSA is credentialed with over 75 health plans and actively signs single case agreements with MCO’s for treatment until credentialing can occur. SCLHSA also bills for other programs that bring in funding to the agency such as the Medication Assistance Program (MAT), Urine Drug Screens, Tobacco Cessation, Federal Probation and Parole, Parish Jails, Medicaid Enrollment Center (MAC), Substance Abuse Professional, Anger Management Program, etc. SCLHSA is always looking for grant opportunities for new programs as well to assist with the budget shortfall process in the state. Legislative Process Strategic planning is conducted in conjunction with the state legislative session(s) at least once a year in preparation for the coming fiscal year. In this case, strategic planning is conducted in time to identify the organizational goals to be achieved over the coming fiscal year, resources needed to achieve those goals, and funds needed to obtain resources to implement services/programs. These funds are included in the budget planning process. However, not all phases of strategic planning need be fully completed each year. The full strategic planning process should be conducted at least once every three years. Strategic planning is also completed in preparation for a new major venture such as developing a new department, service or program, etc. These activities should also be conducted every year if the organization is experiencing tremendous change. Action plans should be updated each year. During implementation of the agency strategic plan or budget planning, the progress should be reviewed at least on a quarterly basis by the agency and Board. Again, the frequency of review depends on the extent of the rate of change in and around the organization. Regulatory Environment As a state contracted entity, SCLHSA is heavily involved with local, state, federal and national regulatory agencies with multiple policies, procedures and protocols to adhere to through reporting mechanisms and documented compliance. Depending on the agency and stated requirements, review/monitoring may take place semi-annually, annually, bi-annually or every three years. Strategic Links Healthy People 2030 Increase the proportion of persons with co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health disorders who receive treatment for both disorders. Increase the proportion of primary care office visits where adolescents and adults are screened for depression.

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4 Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) vision is to provide leadership and resources – programs, policies, information and data, funding, and personnel – advance mental and substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services in order to improve individual, community, and public health. SCLHSA participates in programs funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to further its mission to meet the behavioral health needs of individuals, communities, and service providers. SCLHSA supports and utilizes the resources made available for SAMHSA’s five priority areas described in their Strategic Plan: The five priority areas are:  Preventing Overdose  Enhancing Access to Suicide Prevention and Crisis Care  Promoting Resilience and Emotional Health for Children, Youth and Families  Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health Care  Strengthening the Behavioral Health Workforce American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) The mission statement for AAIDD is to promote progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. AAIDD Goals indirectly linked to the service oversight provided by SCLHSA include: Goal 1: Enhance the capacity of professions who work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Goal 2: Participate in the development of a society that fully includes individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. SCLHSA Goals Short Term (1-3 years) Goal 1: Improve service outcomes by collaborating with stakeholders to expand integrated service programs in the community and within SCLHSA’s Behavioral Health Centers. Objective 1: Continue to provide services in the SCLHSA Behavioral Health Centers to meet and/or exceed performance indicators. Strategies: 1.1 Maintain stable T.O in order to provide Core Services outlined in the contract with Louisiana Department of Health. 1.2 Develop standardization of clinical processes in the behavioral health centers. 1.3 Increase evidence-based treatment models and brief intervention strategies in counseling programs. 1.4 Increase the number of persons served for Integrated Behavioral Health Primary Care services. Objective 2: Deploy the mobile unit into all SCLHSA areas where there is no current brick and mortar agency site on a regular schedule for outreach purposes.

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5 Strategies: 2.1 Determine need and type of services to be provided in specific areas, including and the needs of other service providers in the community. 2.2 Select sites for Unit to park with use of restrooms, room (s) to be used for individual or group counseling and electrical availability for unit. 2.3 Identify staff to participate in mobile unit deployment based on service provision and availability for service dates. 2.4 Identify alternative driver for Mobile Unit. Objective 3: Involve SCLHSA Developmental Disability staff in the development of behavioral support plans as part of the clinical process for the patient assessment function. Strategies: 3.1 Identify providers in the community to develop, modify and monitor behavioral support plans for individuals. 3.2 Improve or maintain current level of functioning and placement. Objective 4: Develop and market a Substance Assistance Program (SAP) to businesses, industries, and other service providers in the community. Strategies: 4.1 Select materials to be utilized in program. 4.2 Identify a list of businesses for the Marketing Department to visit in the community. 4.3 Define fee schedule/charge master utilizing industry standards. Goal 2: Increase staff accountability and fiscal integrity of the agency. Objective 1: Develop and implement productivity benchmarks to increase efficiency and effectiveness of program tracking and to maximize time management principles in the workplace. Strategies: 1.1 Benchmarks established for integrated care staff (behavioral and primary care) to include providers, counselors, case managers, nurses, pharmacy staff, dietician and clerical. 1.2 Management techniques that are efficient, cost-effective, and based on outcomes and consumer satisfaction; evidence to federal, state, provincial, and local governments of commitment to quality of programs and services that receive government funding; and guidance for responsible management and professional growth of personnel. . Objective 2: Explore negotiation of rates and contract renewals with third party payers. Strategies: 2.1 Review and update fee schedules for all types of patients (Insured, uninsured, etc.). 2.2 Publish signage in clinic settings concerning payment for services and forms explaining process of payment for services when rendered. Objective 3: Increase percentage of collections for all forms of payment (SGF, Medicaid, Private Pay, Third Party payors).

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6 Strategies: 3.1 Credential all Providers with health plans prior to employment, if possible, to ensure that billing for services is initiated as soon as possible. 3.2 Establish more options for patients to pay for services received. 3.3 Maximize use of eCW reporting mechanism to assist in obtaining data to use for Fiscal/billing monthly/quarterly and annual reports to Executive Director, LDH, Legislative Auditors, Board, etc. Goal 3: Provide the infrastructure, information, and systems to help employees successfully complete their jobs. Objective 1: Develop staff development that link the agency mission and goals. Strategies: 1.1 Provide continuing education and competency based opportunities for staff. 1.2 Conduct quarterly All-Staff Meetings to keep staff informed of agency business operations and new services/programs to be implemented. 1.3 Provide training in conjunction with the IT Department for staff on the tools to perform daily job functions and communicate modifications. 1.4 Provide training in the community through various media outlets, appearances for community events and educational offerings at conferences. 1.5 Share educational information and service updates to the community via agency website and social media outlets. Objective 2: Improve infrastructure capabilities of the agency. Strategies: 2.1 Human resources staff efforts to recruit and retain qualified staff for agency through multiple motivational and pay incentive mechanisms. 2.2 Maximize staff placement based on professional/personal strengths, competencies, and qualifications. 2.3 Maintain agency communications and reliability through network operational functionality business contingency plan. 2.4 Protect agency information from cyber security attacks to include unauthorized modification, destruction and disclosure. Objective 3: Create and maintain systems for the agency that are standardized and fully integrated. Strategies: 3.1 Create workflows to maximize staff efficiency. 3.2 Automate and digitize processes to increase efficiency and improve the validity of outcome measures. 3.3 Review of policy/procedures to ensure that workflows reflect accurate descriptions of agency processes. 3.4 Develop and implement Internal Data System to include communication on new hire onboarding, pertinent contact information for all staff and sites, policies, protocols and procedures for safety and risk management incidents.

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7 Long Term (3-5 years) Goal 1. Develop Crisis Continuum to provide pre-screening assessments, resource linkage, act as gatekeepers for inpatient hospitalization and manage access to crisis diversionary services. Objective 1: Engage with community Partnership/Collaborations Strategies: 1.1 Convene and participate in Crisis Response Meetings in the seven parish catchment area 1.2 Gain commitment from local law enforcement agencies/hospitals/community providers for input and funding 1.3 Identify potential funding sources (state, donations, grants, parish mileage, etc.) Objective 2: Determine staffing requirements: A. Determine credentials for counseling staff recruitment (counselors- LCSW, LMSW, LPC, etc.) B. Recruit resource specialists for area (bi-lingual, culturally competent, native to catchment area, etc.) to assist counselors with service linkage and referral Objective 3: Establish linkage to first responders/ hospital setting for services Strategies: 3.1 CALL Line to serve as single point of entry for all calls 3.2 SCLHSA to develop community wide Resource web based application to download on cell phones for quick reference 3.3 First Responder/Law Enforcement referral and coordination 3.4 Emergency Department coordination and transfer of clients in all seven parishes 3.5 Staff consultation for client person centered treatment plan Objective 4: Establish Roles of Crisis Services in the Care Continuum Strategies: 4.1 Articulate a clear and consistent message regarding the services available; 4.2 Create a main repository of information regarding provider services, capabilities, and specialties; 4.3 Provide uniformity in assessing, triaging, and tracking service requests; 4.4 Facilitate prompt access to services; 4.5 Serve as a resource to guide consumers to appropriate non-behavioral health services (e.g., child and family services, aging services, alcohol and drug services, etc.); Goal 2: Establishment of an Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Court Program in one of more of the seven parishes in the SCLHSA catchment area. Objective 1: Develop Steps to implement an AOT Program Strategies: 1.1 Visit established AOT Programs in the state to review program development, speak to staff involved in services and understand Court involvement in program,

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8 1.2 Enlist financial and staff assistance from interested parishes to fund program 1.3 Determine interest from local judges willing to participate in the program and devote time on their docket to oversee the program 1.1 Identify local attorney’s that would be willing to represent patients/clients for free or at a minimal charge to guarantee legal representation as part of the program 1.2 Hire a Case Manager(s) to oversee the treatment planning process for the patient/client and monitor progress in meeting goals and objectives for court Review of case on an ongoing basis 1.3 Develop a list of resources in the seven parish catchment area to assist the patient/client to meet state goals and objectives 1.4 Identify patients/clients who would benefit from AOT services in each parish to engage in program STRATEGIC PLAN APPROVALS: The Strategic Plan has been reviewed, approved and adopted by the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority as attested to by the signatures below: Kristin Bonner, RN, BSN Bryan Zeringue Executive Director Board Chairperson