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Page 1 of 3 The first thing I would like to point out that POLI is not a Parrot While BOLI stands for Bank Owned Life Insurance the intials P O L I stand for Personally Owned Life Insurance You may ask why do I need to know about this The answer is it can increase your retirement income by 25 to 40 or more at no additional cost to you According to BankDirector com Bank Owned Life Insurance BOLI experienced another year of steady growth with 149 6 Billion in total assets in 2014 a 4 percent increase from the year before Why do banks by Life Insurance you might ask It is pretty simple they do it for the Money Excerpt from a document from the Life insurance holdings can serve a number of appropriate business purposes Because the cash flows from a BOLI policy are generally income tax free if the institution holds the policy for its full term BOLI can provide attractive tax equivalent yields to help offset the rapidly rising cost of providing employee benefits Just think about this These banks have some of the smartest full time money managers in the world working for them Yet they still plan to give a boatload of money to the insurance companies by buying policies exactly like the policies you can purchase for your very own If you are still wondering why they would do that as was said before it is pretty simple They do it for the Money Copyright 2016 Financial Scenarios LLC All Rights Reserved

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Page 2 of 3 The Good News is this you don t have to be a Bank to do this for yourself Most people don t realize that they too can also take advantage of the same concept the banks use by acquiring a properly structured New Generation POLI policy They can easily set up their own personalized completely safe comprehensive benefit program that allows them to Make unlimited contributions to their program Have tax deferred accumulation Have Market Like Returns Have No Downside Risk Have Tax free Redistribution Have Tax free Withdrawals at Any Time for Any Reason Have Total Liquidity Have No Income Tax and No Estate Tax at Death Have the Possibility of Asset Protection from Creditors and Lawsuits varies by state Use the Flexibility of the Program to Ratchet Their Personal Savings Program Up and Down as needed unlike other retirement programs that are constrained with government restrictions and penalties You may have heard of the concept or phrase of You should be your own Banker In this case you can Be Like Your Own Banker and be the beneficiary of a very similar tax advantaged program by setting up your own POLI program A program like this can only be set up for you by a State Licensed Life Insurance Agent Using different tax codes such as Sections 7702 72a 72e etc anyone can build streams of Income Tax Free Income for their future Remember you don t have to be a Bank or part of one to have a program just like theirs for yourself The Last Great Tax Saver Software Program can show you how this can work for you Just contact the agent that shared this document with you Copyright 2016 Financial Scenarios LLC All Rights Reserved

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Page 3 of 3 This Agent has access to The Last Great Tax Saver Software program that can do a complete analysis of what the best options are for you to save for your retirement The Best Supplemental Retirement Plan of the 21st Century Financial Scenarios LLC is not engaged in rendering legal and accounting services or legal and accounting advice This document is intended to present only an overview of one aspect of certain financial planning advantages and alternatives to serve as a reference for further discussion with qualified legal counsel accountants and professional advisors Financial Scenarios LLC does not represent warrant or guarantee financial or retirement planning performance or results that may be illustrated nor does it represent warrant or guarantee that analysis of past financial performance can predict or is any indication of future financial performance The Scenarios mentioned in this document do not recommend any particular asset allocation security or investment method nor does the Scenario provide customized tax legal investment advice or strategies Rates of return and calculations are for illustration purposes only and do not represent any specific investment results Before taking any action you should seek the advice of qualified legal counsel accountants and professional advisors Copyright 2016 Financial Scenarios LLC All Rights Reserved

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