Few have ventured this far into the uncharted sea.Glass eye Freddy once captained a vessel thatmade it as far as the island of Whale Bone Beach.Beyond that, there are no records or chartsdetailing what lies ahead. If any captains canuncover and claim the five hidden treasures I haveburied around Skull Island, they may be moreprepared to stop what is coming if I am defeated.For now, I will chart a course due north of WhaleBone Beach. Perhaps I will encounter what causedGlass Eye Freddy to turn back. With any luck, wewill find a suitable island where we can resupplyour provisions when they run low. For now, all goeswell with the crew.LOGCAPTAIN’SCaptain Clam GoldclawEntry 002
Captains Note:MARASLASHLINEMara is skilled at sailing and alwaysseems to know where the fish will bite.Her multiple skills make here a valuablemember of any crew. Unfortunately Iwas not able to locate her before I setoff to the Uncharted Sea.
Inside the Tilted Anchor Inn:A QUESTIONABLEENCOUNTERYou are wrapping up your last shift as a dish scrubberat the Tilted Anchor Inn when an unsavory-lookingcharacter interrupts your dish scrubbing and forcesyou into an unwelcoming conversation. “I hear you areassembling a ship and crew to find these rumoredhidden treasures. The open sea is a dangerous place.”The stranger has a raspy, unraveling voice. His browneyes have a sinister gleam within them. “I will be sureto keep a look out for your ship. I am always willing tohelp a new captain and his fledgling crew.” Before youcan reply, you are bumped from behind by a rowdyguest. Already on edge from this unsettling stranger,the unexpected bump makes you jump and turnaround. By the time you have collected yourself andturned back around to reply to the unsettlingstranger, he has disappeared into the crowd ofsailors, merchants, and pirates all staying at the TiltedAnchor Inn. You knew quitting your job as a dishscrubber and chasing after the most covetedtreasures around Skull Island would come with acertain level of peril. You had just hopped to avoidthem until you had actually set sail.
"Never mind him." You turntoward the warm voice andsee Glass Eye Freddy. You havenoticed him a few timesbefore, usually entertainingother guests at the TiltedAnchor Inn with one of themany far-fetched soundingtales he has acquired over hismany years of sailing the seas.To be honest, you've avoidedany direct contact with him inthe past because you areuncertain which eye to look at."The sea is older than any ofus, and she will be here whenwe are all gone. If you stay trueto the sea, your crew, andyourself, you will do fine outthere." You looked up at GlassEye Freddy as he continued tospeak of the sea, and thereappeared to be a glimmer inhis good eye, or maybe thatwas just the light reflectingfrom the candles onto his glasseye. It really is hard for you totell. You thank him for theencouragement and go aboutfinishing up your final workshift. In the morning, your lifewill change as you step outinto a world of adventure.
Captains Note:GLASS EYEFREDDYFew have sailed as far or as long as Captain Glass EyeFreddy. Now that he is retired he enjoys hopping onpassing ships to deliver cargo as a common sailor anddole out the wisdom he has garnered from over 25years sailing the salty seas.
Crewmembers can be foundstranded on sandbars allthroughout the seas surroundingSkull Island. As Islands are where you will pick upsupplies. Docking at an island ends yourmovements that turn while you load thesupplies onto your ship. You will need tovisit islands to collect supplies if youwant to find the keys that will let youclaim the hidden treasures of ClamGoldclaw. Cycling through crew members based onyour needs is a key part of having awinning crew. IslandsSandbars a first time captain you don’t have the funds in place tohire a first rate crew so you will need to build the bestone you are able from these stranded sailors.
The Scallywag crewmember cards are aKickstarter exclusive! If you want to havethese loyal crewmates in your box makesure you don’t miss out on backing theKickstarter. 18 KICKSTARTEREXCLUSIVE CREWCARDS
GETTINGSTARTEDConceptualizePrototypeRefineFinalizeHOW TO APPROACH DESIGNING AGAME IN FOUR SIMPLE STEPS. The first step is to sketch out a rough ideaand then work though how this game maybe player. What are the core goals,challenges, and elements of the game andhow do players interact with them?Once the mechanics of the game aredesigned you can begin to focus on thedesign elements. In this stage you get todecide how the elements are packaged upto give the game a unique feel andpersonality.The second step is to focus in on the coregame and refine the gameplay process.Change or get rid of elements that don’twork and continue to solidify themechanics and rules of the game. The last step is one of the hardest in myopinion. When the game is complete youmust stop changing it. Now it is time topresent the finalized product to the worldso that everyone can enjoy the game youhave crafted over hundreds of hours.
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