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Plank - Vol 001

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No one is aware of the danger we are all in, and noone else is prepared to stand against it. I alonemust set out for uncharted waters with everycannon primed and each cutlass ready for battle. IfI am defeated, there will be no pirate left who isable to carry on the work I have begun. To this end,I have decided to bury five of my most covetedtreasures on nearby islands before I depart. I haveentrusted Agra Daggera to make sure the rumor oftheir existence is spread around the islands.Perhaps in pursuing these treasures, some newpirate captains will gain the skills, crew, andcourage to face what comes next if I fail. LOGCAPTAIN’SCaptain Clam GoldclawEntry 001

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Captains Note:TEGHOLLANDERTeg has been a part of my crew onseveral voyages. He is a fine sailor, but Isometimes question his motives. I willdrop him off at a sandbar before wedepart for the uncharted sea. He is notyet ready for what lies ahead.

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Fishing can provide a steady streamof silver as long as you are luckyenough and remember to sell yourfish at the Skull Island port. Justdon’t be caught with a ship full ofunused rotting fish when the gameends!Merchant supplies are a valuable source ofpoints and may interact with certaincrewmember cards to give bonuses. Piratecaptains should protect any merchantsupplies they pick up with their cannons. There are many paths to winning the gameof Plank. Not all involve plundering youropponents. Merchant SuppliesFishing

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“Get ready to become a pirate captainand assemble your own crew! FollowPlank on Kickstarter and prepare for agrand adventure for the wholefamily!”Jordan Van Loo

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BEHIND THE SCENESPlank began as some handdrawn islands on a piece ofcopy paper before I upgraded toa cardboard map made out ofan old box. The third iterationof the game was made withprinted out copy paper glued towooden squares. This methodallowed me to test differentisland layouts.

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