Unleash the powerof understanding(843) 246-0094Telephone2041 Woodlawn DriveConway SC 29526www.markburlinson.comAddress WebsiteFall 2024FOR YOUR BUSINESS
IMAGINESTRONGER COMMUNICATIONHow would your business benefit if you couldreduce miscommunication?Imagine the effect of stronger communication onteamwork, customer service, and sales.What if every manager understood each personthey supervise?What could happen if those who currently buttheads begin to turn differences into strengths?Do you understand your own preferredcommunication styles? What about those who differ?Imagine the ROI of effective communication foryour business.
010203PROBLEMSWE SOLVEWeak teamworkPersonality conflicts Unproductive trainingMany businesses report miscommunication asthe leading cause of lost productivity becauseteams thrive on strong communication. Lack ofunderstanding of different communicationstyles is the primary cause.Our differences easily divide us because we failto understand the unique strengths eachoffers. We reduce personality conflicts with asuite of advanced tools based on thecommunication profiles of each person.Ever attended a great training, only to forgetthe content within a few weeks? Our approachis to forge a communication partnership withyour business that applies training to real-lifeexperiences through continuing interactionwith your teams.
010202SOLUTIONSHOW WE MAKE A DIFFERENCEPersonal Communication ProfileValidate each person’s uniqueness with theCommunication IQ™ profile. 20-30 pages of tailoredinsight to your specific communication preferencesfrom the only profiling instrument that builds bridges,not barriers.Introductory WorkshopIdeally your team will enjoy a half- or full-dayintroductory workshop introducing the sevencommunication styles and learning how to employeach one to create effective connections and combatconflicts.Targeted follow-up toolsIn consultation with your executive team, we useadvanced tools and deeper insights to help teamsthat are struggling, solve specific staff issues, andgrow your whole team’s ability to adapt to others.
ABOUT USGET TO KNOW US BETTERMark Burlinson is an engaging and entertaining speaker,trainer, and coach. He has taught classes and conferencesessions in multiple nations and is sought after for his skills inapplying the Communication IQ™ system to organizationsembracing communication mastery.He is an independent certified coach and coach trainer with LifeLanguages™ International. If your organization chooses to fullyembrace the Communication IQ™ tool, Mark can train andsupport members of your team as coaches.
OUR SERVICEIS FOCUSED ON YOUTailored Solutions Flexible approach Collaboration, not closingOur focus on small and medium-sized businesses comes from aconviction that these enterprisesdeserve quality support that istypically reserved for largercorporations.By emphasizing self-awarenessand adaptability we de-mystifycommunication and providetangible ROI through an approachthat honors your unique needsand priorities.Communication is constant andmission-critical. We walk with yourather than simply selling you aprogram and then pursuing thenext client.
Peoples Underwriters A Father’s Place Conway Chamber ofCommerceCLIENTS includeNonprofitsBusinesses Civic Organizations
LET’S BEGIN.(843) 246-0094Telephone2041 Woodlawn DriveConway SC 29526www.markburlinson.comAddress WebsiteFall 2024THANK YOU!