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Pilates for Dancers Brochure

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Higher jumps, consistent turn execution, andincreased stamina are all effects of specificallytailored pilates training programs designed withdancers in mind. Taylor, owner of Gray Haven Pilates, is acomprehensively certified Pilatesinstructor, personal trainer, and seasonedprofessional dancer. She has abackground in anatomy + exercise scienceand is training to become a clinicalexercise specialist. While she no longer dances professionally,Taylor’s passion for dance has evolved intohelping young and upcoming dancers getstronger, more flexible, and mostimportantly avoid injury!Taylor is on a mission to help dancersimprove flexibility, mobility, and strength byproviding accessible education andtraining to dancers of all ages and skilllevel.6 WEEK TRAINING PROGRAMCreate ConsistencyFOR DANCERSLOOKING TO...Feel StrongerTrain to feel stronger in and out of the studio. Learnhow to strengthen your core, improve upper backextension, increase turnout, control extensions of thelegs, and so much more.Reduce Risk of InjuryWith focused training sessions, dancers canimprove common imbalances while boostingmuscle endurance, helping to reduce risk ofserious injury. 972-848-9986CONTACT@grayhavenpilatesstudio@grayhavenpilates.comABOUTABOUTP I L A T E SP I L A T E Sfor dancersDance specific training with sessionsspecifically designed to increaseflexibility, core strength, andbalance- all necessary for flawlessdance technique!with a private pilates instructor

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TRAINING FOCUSTRAINING FOCUSCore Strengthdesigned with dancers in mindWHAT’SINCLUDED?Train at Gray Haven Pilates with another dancerin the program. Dancers are paired based on ageand skill level. 2x weekly duet trainingGet 1-on-1 attention from Taylor at Gray HavenPilates. Sessions are customized and tailored tohelp dancers advance in their weekly duettraining sessions. Assessments are conductedduring private sessions. 1x biweekly private training15 TRAINING15 TRAININGSESSIONS IN TOTAL!SESSIONS IN TOTAL!FlexibilityBalanceInjury PreventionCoordinationMuscle EndurancePRICEPRICEBREAKDOWNBREAKDOWN12 semi private sessions$55 each$55 each3 private sessions$110 each$110 eachTotal cost of program$990$990PROGRAM DETAILSAccepting students starting May 29thStudents can enroll at any timeEmail toregister

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TRAINING FOCUSTRAINING FOCUSCore Strengthdesigned with dancers in mindWHAT’SINCLUDED?Train at Gray Haven Pilates with another dancerin the program. Dancers are paired based on ageand skill level. 2x weekly duet trainingGet 1-on-1 attention from Taylor at Gray HavenPilates. Sessions are customized and tailored tohelp dancers advance in their weekly duettraining sessions. Assessments are conductedduring private sessions. 1x biweekly private training15 TRAINING15 TRAININGSESSIONS IN TOTAL!SESSIONS IN TOTAL!FlexibilityBalanceInjury PreventionCoordinationMuscle EndurancePRICEPRICEBREAKDOWNBREAKDOWN12 semi private sessions$55 each$55 each3 private sessions$110 each$110 eachTotal cost of program$990$990PROGRAM DETAILSAccepting students starting May 29thStudents can enroll at any timeEmail toregister

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TRAINING FOCUSTRAINING FOCUSCore Strengthdesigned with dancers in mindWHAT’SINCLUDED?Train at Gray Haven Pilates with another dancerin the program. Dancers are paired based on ageand skill level. 2x weekly duet trainingGet 1-on-1 attention from Taylor at Gray HavenPilates. Sessions are customized and tailored tohelp dancers advance in their weekly duettraining sessions. Assessments are conductedduring private sessions. 1x biweekly private training15 TRAINING15 TRAININGSESSIONS IN TOTAL!SESSIONS IN TOTAL!FlexibilityBalanceInjury PreventionCoordinationMuscle EndurancePRICEPRICEBREAKDOWNBREAKDOWN12 semi private sessions$55 each$55 each3 private sessions$110 each$110 eachTotal cost of program$990$990PROGRAM DETAILSAccepting students starting May 29thStudents can enroll at any timeEmail toregister

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Higher jumps, consistent turn execution, andincreased stamina are all effects of specificallytailored pilates training programs designed withdancers in mind. Taylor, owner of Gray Haven Pilates, is acomprehensively certified Pilatesinstructor, personal trainer, and seasonedprofessional dancer. She has abackground in anatomy + exercise scienceand is training to become a clinicalexercise specialist. While she no longer dances professionally,Taylor’s passion for dance has evolved intohelping young and upcoming dancers getstronger, more flexible, and mostimportantly avoid injury!Taylor is on a mission to help dancersimprove flexibility, mobility, and strength byproviding accessible education andtraining to dancers of all ages and skilllevel.6 WEEK TRAINING PROGRAMCreate ConsistencyFOR DANCERSLOOKING TO...Feel StrongerTrain to feel stronger in and out of the studio. Learnhow to strengthen your core, improve upper backextension, increase turnout, control extensions of thelegs, and so much more.Reduce Risk of InjuryWith focused training sessions, dancers canimprove common imbalances while boostingmuscle endurance, helping to reduce risk ofserious injury. 972-848-9986CONTACT@grayhavenpilatesstudio@grayhavenpilates.comABOUTABOUTP I L A T E SP I L A T E Sfor dancersDance specific training with sessionsspecifically designed to increaseflexibility, core strength, andbalance- all necessary for flawlessdance technique!with a private pilates instructor

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Higher jumps, consistent turn execution, andincreased stamina are all effects of specificallytailored pilates training programs designed withdancers in mind. Taylor, owner of Gray Haven Pilates, is acomprehensively certified Pilatesinstructor, personal trainer, and seasonedprofessional dancer. She has abackground in anatomy + exercise scienceand is training to become a clinicalexercise specialist. While she no longer dances professionally,Taylor’s passion for dance has evolved intohelping young and upcoming dancers getstronger, more flexible, and mostimportantly avoid injury!Taylor is on a mission to help dancersimprove flexibility, mobility, and strength byproviding accessible education andtraining to dancers of all ages and skilllevel.6 WEEK TRAINING PROGRAMCreate ConsistencyFOR DANCERSLOOKING TO...Feel StrongerTrain to feel stronger in and out of the studio. Learnhow to strengthen your core, improve upper backextension, increase turnout, control extensions of thelegs, and so much more.Reduce Risk of InjuryWith focused training sessions, dancers canimprove common imbalances while boostingmuscle endurance, helping to reduce risk ofserious injury. 972-848-9986CONTACT@grayhavenpilatesstudio@grayhavenpilates.comABOUTABOUTP I L A T E SP I L A T E Sfor dancersDance specific training with sessionsspecifically designed to increaseflexibility, core strength, andbalance- all necessary for flawlessdance technique!with a private pilates instructor