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Picture Yourself @SmithvilleChristian 2024

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Picture Yourself @Smithville Christian High Schoolwww.smithvillechristian.caBelong. Believe. Succeed.GUIDE FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS

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3Picture YourselfBelonging, Believing and Succeeding @ Smithville Christian• making lifelong friends• joining a club• trying out for a team• playing intramural sports• cheering for your friends • becoming a leader• joining a praise team• going to weekly chapels• growing through Spiritual Emphasis Week• owning your own MacBook computer• meeting teachers who care about you• being supported by the Student Success Team• learning integrated technology• exploring fine arts• and so much more!

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What makes Smithville Christian a CHRISTIAN High School? We have a CORE PURPOSE To train students to live as responsible disciples of Jesus Christ which is supported by our CORE VALUES • BELONG • BELIEVE • SUCCEED Which are woven into the Ontario high school curriculum using seven THREADS . . .4

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5* from “Transformation by Design” by the National Institute for Christian EducationPracticing Hospitality, Pursuing Peace, Embracing Diversity, Imitating Humility, Seeking JusticeLoving God, Pondering CreationDiscovering Patterns, Pondering Creation, Making MeaningChallenging Distortions, Transforming Thinking, Seeking JusticeCelebrating Life, Relishing Play, Expressing Words and Numbers, Overcoming SetbacksUnderstanding Vocation, Unwrapping GiftsCaretaking Earth, Stewarding ResourcesBUILDING COMMUNITYTHE THREADS THE CONTRIBUTING THREADS*WORSHIPPING GODDISCOVERING ORDERSEEKING WISDOMREFLECTING CREATIVITYSHAPING CULTURECARING FOR CREATIONHow does it work?In every course, Smithville Christian students are invited to reflect on how their learning has connected with these threads. In their graduating year, students review their portfolios of these collected reflections and share their thoughts in a formal Portfolio Presentation. Parents and guardians are invited to be part of the audience during this milestone achievement.

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6How to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma @Smithville ChristianAs a student @Smithville Christian High School, you will take courses that are part of the Ontario Ministry of Education secondary school curriculum. To achieve an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, you must earn 30 credits, which are recorded on your Ontario Student Transcript. To graduate, you must earn 18 compulsory credits and 12 elective credits.Compulsory Credits• 4 credits in English• 1 credit in French as a second language• 3 credits in mathematics (at least 1 credit in grade 11 or 12)• 2 credits in science• 1 credit in Canadian history• 1 credit in Canadian geography• 1 credit in the arts• 1 credit in physical and health education• ½ credit in civics• ½ credit in career studies• Grade 9 Exploring Technologies• Grade 11 Stewardship• Grade 12 Capstone= 18 compulsory credits

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7How to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma @Smithville ChristianAdditional Requirements• 12 elective credits• community involvement• provincial literacy test• portfolio interviewElectives• construction shop • metal shop• food and nutrition• co-op• healthy and active living• media studies• data management • history• geography• biology• chemistry• physics• music• art• drama• computers• business• and moreIn addition to the 18 compulsory credits, you will be able to choose 12 elective credits in Grades 10, 11, and 12, from a wide range of exciting options, including:

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EnglishMathScienceCdn. GeographyP.E./BibleFrenchIntegrated ArtsExploring TechnologyEnglishCapstone/Senior Social ScienceGrade Nine Grade TenGrade Eleven Grade TwelveEnglishMathBibleStewardshipElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveEnglishMathScienceCdn. HistoryP.E./BibleCivics/CareersElectiveElective4 Years of High School @ Smithville Christian at a glance

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9You’ve got this!At any time, you can request an appointment with a guidance counsellor @Smithville Christian, who will meet with you to discuss your Individual Pathway Plan. Once you are enrolled, a guidance counsellor will also meet with you every year to review your progress and make sure you are on track to graduate. The Student Success Team meets regularly to ensure all students are supported and no one is slipping through the cracks.The resource department @Smithville Christian is beside you all the way, helping you with learning strategies, tackling big assignments, or just giving you an alternative place to work! You can get as much or as little help as you need.Student wellness techniques and coping strategies are an important part of succeeding @Smithville Christian and the student services department is always open – by drop-in or confidential appointment – to listen to you. We can explain your options, provide helpful advice, and call in experts as needed. We are here to help you succeed in becoming the person God has created you to be.4 Years of High School @ Smithville Christian at a glance

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10Choosing courses @Smithville ChristianIn high school, you have so many options! @Smithville Christian, you will experience Individual Pathway PlanningAs a student @Smithville Christian, you are meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, but it’s always with your interests and abilities in mind. For Grades 10 through 12, you will attend a presentation with your cohort each year, in which your options for next year are clearly explained. You will then choose your courses using your personal account at Each year, you will also be invited to a one-on-one session with a guidance counsellor to make sure you are on track with what you need to be successful after high school.Ready for a personalized educational consultation now?More questions, such as how to schedule a tour or find out more about financial aid? Contact our resource department at for information on how we can meet your unique learning needs.Contact our guidance department at with general questions or to schedule your appointment.

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Choosing courses @Smithville ChristianAs a Grade 9 student in Ontario, you are offered a destreamed program. This creates the conditions for you and all your classmates to be successful, prepares you for the senior program in secondary school, and keeps your options open to pursue any post-secondary pathway you choose. Smithville Christian joins other schools across the province in no longer offering Grade 9 courses in the Applied stream. Smithville Christian offers you all three Grade 9 arts electives and three technology electives, packaged as unique Smithville-only combined courses: dramatic arts, visual arts, and music in the integrated arts elective, and computers, wood shop, and food & nutrition in the exploring technology elective. For students with special education needs, teachers in all classes will use Individual Education Plans (IEPs). You or your parents or guardians are encouraged to contact us to discuss your learning needs.Grade 10 courses are streamed into Academic and Applied levels. During your Grade 9 year, each student will work with their family, teachers, and guidance counsellors to choose the Grade 10 pathway that is best suited to their skills and interests. Students in Grades 11 and 12 will choose courses from one or more of five types listed below• UNIVERSITY PREPARATION COURSES provide students with the knowledge and skills they need in order to meet the requirements for entrance to university programs.• UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE PREPARATION COURSES provide students with the knowledge and skills they need in order to meet the requirements for entrance to university and college programs.• COLLEGE PREPARATION COURSES provide students with the knowledge and skills they need in order to meet the requirements for entrance to college programs.• OPEN COURSES are intended to enrich students’ lives and to prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society.But how do you know what to choose?Contact Marlene Bergsma atmbergsma@smithvillechristian.caContact our resource department at for information on how we can meet your unique learning needs.11

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Even more learning optionsCo-opOur co-op program is famous for connecting motivated and disciplined students with employers who are delighted to work with them. Students may earn co-op credits towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma – at jobs they find or ones we recommend. Hands-on learning is one of our specialties and it’s the secret to the flourishing of many of our graduates.12

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13Even more learning optionsMusic CertificatesStudents may earn up to two music credits towards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, one each in Grades 11 and 12, for their successful completion of private music lessons at an advanced level. Ask a guidance counsellor for more details.Online coursesStudents in Grades 10, 11 and 12, whose interests, future plans, and work habits make online learning a suitable option for them, may inquire with the guidance department for information about online course options.Summer schoolStudents may enroll in a night or summer school course at a local secondary school. Most night and summer schools have registration deadlines and will require written permission from Smithville Christian High School. It is the responsibility of the student to share the results of the night or summer school course with the school office so that they may be entered on the student’s Ontario Student Transcript.

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What else makes Smithville Christian so unique?1:1 ComputingSmithville Christian is a 1:1 computing school, which means every student is issued a specially chosen and educationally configured MacBook computer on a lease-to-own basis. The school’s tech services department ensures these learning tools are loaded and updated so students have the software and tools their teachers have specified. Consider it your most useful textbook, and it’s yours to keep after you graduate.Project-based learningSmithville Christian knows that making and creating are some of the best ways to learn. Each course includes a major project that allows students to collaborate with peers, synthesize ideas, ask big questions, demonstrate their accomplishments, and celebrate what they have learned. Our annual Celebration of Learning, held in January, puts students’ achievements on display. Our Maker Space and maker space coordinators, along with digital SLR cameras, 3D printers, wood shop, metal shop, and a variety of supplies and tools, ensure that if you have a good idea, you can make it happen @Smithville Christian.Co-curricular optionsNot everything you learn in high school comes from curriculum. @Smithville Christian, most students get involved in one or more of the dozens of sports, clubs, and activities that enrich their experience and allow them to make new friends. Smithville Christian is intentional about creating community within classes and across grades. Our athletes play hard and have fun, and, sometimes, are provincial champions! Joining a club, such as choir, praise team, art club, book club, AV club, yearbook club, computer gaming, or photography, makes school interesting and rich for you – and for others!Spiritual development@Smithville Christian, your faith will be challenged and nurtured in daily devotions, weekly chapels, an annual Spiritual Emphasis Week, and in relationships with teachers and fellow students. As a Christian school we seek the flourishing of every student, and we make how you learn as important as what you learn.

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Ready to take a closer look?On pages 16 to 26 you’ll find descriptions of the courses offered for Grade 9 students @Smithville Christian.All courses @Smithville Christian are offered in alignment with the curriculum course codes of the Ontario Ministry of Education, and we are regularly inspected to ensure we are meeting the requirements of those courses. All your credits recorded on your Ontario Student Transcript (which you will use to apply to jobs, colleges, or universities) are listed with the Ontario course codes. 15

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Program of StudiesFOR GRADE NINE STUDENTSat Smithville Christian High SchoolThe ArtsThe arts allow students to employ their creativity to worship God. At Smithville Christian, arts courses are designed to nurture and use God-given talents to enrich communal life and glorify God, and in Grade 9, thanks to Smithville Christian’s unique Integrated Arts course, you get to try it all. Students rotate through Drama, Music, and Visual Art, developing a greater understanding and appreciation of all three.Integrated Arts Grade 9 ALC1O – OpenThis course integrates two or more of the arts (dance, drama, media arts, music, and visual arts), giving students the opportunity to produce and present integrated art works created individually or collaboratively. Students will demonstrate innovation as they learn and apply concepts, styles, and conventions unique to the various arts and acquire skills that are transferable beyond the classroom. Students will use the creative process and responsible practices to explore solutions to integrated arts challenges.16

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17“““Our daughter is thriving at Smithville Christian. She is developing positive and encouraging friendships, and teachers are encouraging her to discover and grow in her God-given gis.” – Kirsten RichardsonBibleBiblical study at Smithville Christian High School is academic in nature and confessional in intent. The program emphasizes the most foundational and important truths necessary for the life-long journey of scripture-based faith. Biblical faith is studied in the context of the grand story of creation, fall, and redemption, and students will develop a deeper understanding of the themes of covenant, kingdom, church, law, and salvation.Bible, Grade 9 HRE13A – Open (½ credit, Part I)The concept of redemptive history is introduced and developed through the study of the Pentateuch in its historical setting. It continues with the study of Israel’s entry into the Promised Land and life during the period of the Judges and the early monarchy. This course is continued in grade 10 for a full credit.

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Canadian and World StudiesThis program offers students the opportunity to evaluate human responses to God’s call for justice and stewardship in local and global settings in both the past and present.Their learning will contribute significantly to students’ understanding of Canada’s heritage and its physical, social, cultural, governmental, legal, and economic structures and relationships. It will also help them to perceive Canada in a global context and to understand its evolving role in the world community. The Geography program helps students understand the distribution of physical, biological and human phenomena on the earth; their causes, inter-relationships and effects. The Geography program helps students analyze and evaluate human response to God’s call for justice and stewardship in both local and global settings.18

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Issues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Academic (CGC1D)This course examines interrelationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how these systems interconnect with those in other parts of the world. Students will explore environmental, economic, and social geographic issues relating to topics such as transportation options, energy choices, and urban development. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate various geographic issues and to develop possible approaches for making Canada a more sustainable place in which to live. Prerequisite: None19

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EnglishStudents are encouraged to enjoy God’s gift of communication as they explore writing, language, literature and media. Literature is a fundamental element of identity and culture. As students read and reflect on a rich variety of literature, informational texts, and media works, they deepen their understanding of themselves, their Creator and the world around them. Students will be taught discernment when reflecting on the various worldviews represented in the literature and media. Through the study of literature, students strengthen their ability to use language as an effective tool for thought, creative expression, and communication across the disciplines.ENGLISH, GRADE 9, ACADEMIC (ENL1W)This course is designed to develop the oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Students will analyse literary texts from contemporary and historical periods, interpret informational and graphic texts, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on the use of strategies that contribute to effective communication. The course is intended to prepare students for the Grade 10 academic English course, which leads to university or college preparation courses in Grades 11 and 12.o Prerequisite: None20

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FrenchBelievers recognize that God has created people of many cultures and languages. This program is designed to help students grow in appreciation and respect for those who speak French. The French program aims to prepare students to speak the official language with confidence and to gain transferable academic and cognitive skills. The program celebrates the gifts of communication, and opens students to wide-ranging possibilities in career options.CORE FRENCH, GRADE 9, ACADEMIC (FSF1D)This course provides opportunities for students to communicate and interact in French with increasing independence, with a focus on familiar topics related to their daily lives. Students will develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing by using language learning strategies introduced in the elementary Core French program, and will apply creative and critical thinking skills in various ways. They will also enhance their understanding and appreciation of diverse French-speaking communities and will develop skills necessary for lifelong language learning. Prerequisite: Minimum of 600 hours of French instruction, or equivalent“““The education our children receive is amazing; we love that they learn all subjects from a Christian point of view, taught by Christian teachers who really care about all the students.” – Kim Teeuwsen21

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Health and Physical EducationThe physical education and health program seeks to encourage students to develop the attitude and practice of life-long physical fitness. The program implements this through individual and corporate physical skills training and health awareness which encourages individual motor skill development and community participation. A major aim is also to teach physical fitness and sports in order to enable students to participate in organized, structured games and leisure activities which allow for healthy service for the Lord.Healthy and Active Living Education, Grade 9 PPL1O – Open (½ credit: Part I)This course emphasizes regular participation in a variety of enjoyable physical activities that promote lifelong healthy active living. Students will learn movement skills and principles, ways to improve personal fitness and physical competence, and safety and injury prevention. They will investigate issues related to healthy sexuality and the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and will participate in activities designed to develop goal-setting, communication, and social skills.22

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MathematicsThe focus in the mathematics program is on transferable skills such as reasoning, problem solving, communicating and understanding ideas, and the use of appropriate technology. Mathematical work at Smithville Christian is based on the recognition of the spatial and numerical order of God’s creation.Mathematics - Destreamed Grade 9 MTH1W This course enables students to consolidate, and continue to develop, an understanding of mathematical concepts related to number sense and operations, algebra, measurement, geometry, data, probability, and financial literacy. Students will use mathematical processes, mathematical modelling, and coding to make sense of the mathematics they are learning and to apply their understanding to culturally responsive and relevant real-world situations. Students will continue to enhance their mathematical reasoning skills, including proportional reasoning, spatial reasoning, and algebraic reasoning, as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.“““There was always more to a lesson than was being taught. They taught us to be more loving, and I learned to be a beer version of myself.” – Christian, Class of 202023

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“““Every day our son comes home with a smile and eagerly talks about the day he has had. Sometimes we are asked if Christian education is worth the money. Yes it is. Every penny.” – Walter and Barb VanderkolkScienceScientific activities are an important part of the Christian’s task to explore and understand creation. The science courses offered at Smithville Christian expand the student’s knowledge and understanding of both the Creator and creation. As stewards of God’s creation, students need to comprehend the complex relationships in creation so that they may be aware of the consequences of human activities on these relationships.Science, Grade 9, De-streamed Course (SNC1W)This course enables students to develop their understanding of concepts related to biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space science, and to relate science to technology, society, and the environment. Throughout the course, students will develop and refine their STEM skills as they use scientific research, scientific experimentation, and engineering design processes to investigate concepts and apply their knowledge in situations that are relevant to their lives and communities. Students will continue to develop transferable skills as they become scientifically literate global citizens. Prerequisite: None24

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25“““There is nothing fake about the love you feel from the students and sta here. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to be part of such an amazing section of the body of Christ.” – Annie, Class of 2015

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Technological EducationAt Smithville Christian, technological education offers students a Christian perspective on technology and its use, and develops in them the skills necessary to use technology creatively and competently. Smithville Christian’s unique approach to Exploring Technologies means Grade 9 students get to experience at least two and sometimes all three of: Computer Technology, Construction Technology (woodshop), and Food & Nutrition. Exploring Technologies, Grade 9 TIJ1O – OpenThis course enables students to further explore and develop technological knowledge and skills introduced in the elementary science and technology program. Students will be given the opportunity to design and create products and/or provide services related to the various technological areas or industries, working with a variety of tools, equipment, and software commonly used in industry. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues, and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary education and training pathways leading to careers in technology-related fields.26

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“““I have grown as an individual, as a student, and as a person of faith. Amazing teachers and classmates enabled me to ourish into the person I really am: someone who is not afraid to be themselves no maer who they are around, someone who can stick up for their faith, and someone who is able to stand up in front of a crowd of people.” – Rachel, Class of 201827Want to learn more?If you can picture yourself @Smithville Christian, we want to hear from you!Book an appointment with Student Services Linda Booy-Korvemaker guidance@smithvillechristian.caBook an appointment with the Resource Department Lisa Doyle lisa.doyle@smithvillechristian.caRequest information about uniforms Sheri Nywening office@smithvillechristian.caAsk questions about financial aid or schedule a tour Marlene Bergsma mbergsma@smithvillechristian.caSpeak to the principal Fred Breukelman fbreukelman@smithvillechristian.caVisit the bulletin board of our website to download the Grade 9 Intention Form or Bursary application form – www.smithvillechristian.caWe want to hear from you!You can also check us out on

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www.smithvillechristian.caBelong. Believe. Succeed.Picture Yourself @Smithville Christian High SchoolDiscover a different kind of high school