SCHOOL DISTRICT 20Canadian Centre for Child ProtectionThe Physical & Health Educationcurriculum grade 4-10, includes topicsrelated to reproduction and sexualitythat some students and theirparents/guardians may feel morecomfortable addressing by means otherthan instruction by a teacher in aregular classroom setting. When families have a child in grade 4-10they can arrange to address Physical &Health Education topics related toreproduction and sexuality by analternative means by making a plan foralternate delivery with the school. The alternate delivery policy does notallow students to “opt-out” of learningabout these topics. It is expected thatstudents will, in consultation with theirschool, demonstrate their knowledge ofthe Physical & Health learningstandard(s)by alternative means. Alternate delivery policy applies only toPhysical & Health Education grade 4-10learning standards related to sexualityand reproduction. It does not apply toany other British Columbia provincialcurriculum. Kids in the KnowK-3Alternate Delivery of Physical & HealthCurriculum RESOURCESK-10Educate to Empower PublishingKids Health in the ClassroomOptions for Sexual HealthLearning for JusticeNeed Help NowSex & USOGI 123PHE CanadaTeaching Sexual HealthSupporting Student Health UNDERSTANDINGCURRICULUM RELATED TOPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION ANDDIVERSITY
K-3 CONTENT:Parents/Guardians will receive aletter about Physical & HealthEducation Curriculum at thebeginning of each school year.If you have any questions, or areconsidering alternative delivery forthis curriculum related to sexualityand reproduction in grade 4-10,please contact your school principal.|names for parts of the body,including male and femaleprivate partsappropriate and inappropriateways of being touchedSOCIAL AWARENESS &RESPONSIBILITY K-10how self-esteem, self-efficacy, cultural heritage,body image influence self-identitystrategies and skills to use inpotentially hazardous,unsafe, or abusive situationshow cultural heritage,interests, media, peersinfluence self-identity strategies and skills to use inpotentially hazardous, unsafe,or abusive situationphysical, emotional, andsocial changes as studentsgrow olderDIVERSITYCOMPETENCIES K-3PARENTCOMMUNICATION/INFORMATIONPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATIONSchools will empower students tovalue diversity, defend human rights,advocate for issues, and interactethically with others as part of theProvincial Core Competencies. As acommitment to developing positivecommunities, students will learn tobe inclusive in their language andbehaviour, and recognize everyonehas something to contribute. Recognize ways in which individualsand families differ and are the sameWork respectfully and constructivelywith others to achieve commongoalsExplore self-identity, acknowledgingcultural differences, and honouringindigenous traditionsExplore different perspectives onpeople, places, issues, or events Demonstrate awareness of the rolethat story plays in personal, family,and community identityLearning about diversity is alignedwith the BC Human Rights Code, isshared across various curricularareas, and is not open to request foralternate delivery.
K-3 CONTENT:Parents/Guardians will receive aletter about Physical & HealthEducation Curriculum at thebeginning of each school year.If you have any questions, or areconsidering alternative delivery forthis curriculum related to sexualityand reproduction in grade 4-10,please contact your school principal.|names for parts of the body,including male and femaleprivate partsappropriate and inappropriateways of being touchedSOCIAL AWARENESS &RESPONSIBILITY K-10how self-esteem, self-efficacy, cultural heritage,body image influence self-identitystrategies and skills to use inpotentially hazardous,unsafe, or abusive situationshow cultural heritage,interests, media, peersinfluence self-identity strategies and skills to use inpotentially hazardous, unsafe,or abusive situationphysical, emotional, andsocial changes as studentsgrow olderDIVERSITYCOMPETENCIES K-3PARENTCOMMUNICATION/INFORMATIONPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATIONSchools will empower students tovalue diversity, defend human rights,advocate for issues, and interactethically with others as part of theProvincial Core Competencies. As acommitment to developing positivecommunities, students will learn tobe inclusive in their language andbehaviour, and recognize everyonehas something to contribute. Recognize ways in which individualsand families differ and are the sameWork respectfully and constructivelywith others to achieve commongoalsExplore self-identity, acknowledgingcultural differences, and honouringindigenous traditionsExplore different perspectives onpeople, places, issues, or events Demonstrate awareness of the rolethat story plays in personal, family,and community identityLearning about diversity is alignedwith the BC Human Rights Code, isshared across various curricularareas, and is not open to request foralternate delivery.
K-3 CONTENT:Parents/Guardians will receive aletter about Physical & HealthEducation Curriculum at thebeginning of each school year.If you have any questions, or areconsidering alternative delivery forthis curriculum related to sexualityand reproduction in grade 4-10,please contact your school principal.|names for parts of the body,including male and femaleprivate partsappropriate and inappropriateways of being touchedSOCIAL AWARENESS &RESPONSIBILITY K-10how self-esteem, self-efficacy, cultural heritage,body image influence self-identitystrategies and skills to use inpotentially hazardous,unsafe, or abusive situationshow cultural heritage,interests, media, peersinfluence self-identity strategies and skills to use inpotentially hazardous, unsafe,or abusive situationphysical, emotional, andsocial changes as studentsgrow olderDIVERSITYCOMPETENCIES K-3PARENTCOMMUNICATION/INFORMATIONPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATIONSchools will empower students tovalue diversity, defend human rights,advocate for issues, and interactethically with others as part of theProvincial Core Competencies. As acommitment to developing positivecommunities, students will learn tobe inclusive in their language andbehaviour, and recognize everyonehas something to contribute. Recognize ways in which individualsand families differ and are the sameWork respectfully and constructivelywith others to achieve commongoalsExplore self-identity, acknowledgingcultural differences, and honouringindigenous traditionsExplore different perspectives onpeople, places, issues, or events Demonstrate awareness of the rolethat story plays in personal, family,and community identityLearning about diversity is alignedwith the BC Human Rights Code, isshared across various curricularareas, and is not open to request foralternate delivery.
SCHOOL DISTRICT 20Canadian Centre for Child ProtectionThe Physical & Health Educationcurriculum grade 4-10, includes topicsrelated to reproduction and sexualitythat some students and theirparents/guardians may feel morecomfortable addressing by means otherthan instruction by a teacher in aregular classroom setting. When families have a child in grade 4-10they can arrange to address Physical &Health Education topics related toreproduction and sexuality by analternative means by making a plan foralternate delivery with the school. The alternate delivery policy does notallow students to “opt-out” of learningabout these topics. It is expected thatstudents will, in consultation with theirschool, demonstrate their knowledge ofthe Physical & Health learningstandard(s)by alternative means. Alternate delivery policy applies only toPhysical & Health Education grade 4-10learning standards related to sexualityand reproduction. It does not apply toany other British Columbia provincialcurriculum. Kids in the KnowK-3Alternate Delivery of Physical & HealthCurriculum RESOURCESK-10Educate to Empower PublishingKids Health in the ClassroomOptions for Sexual HealthLearning for JusticeNeed Help NowSex & USOGI 123PHE CanadaTeaching Sexual HealthSupporting Student Health UNDERSTANDINGCURRICULUM RELATED TOPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION ANDDIVERSITY
SCHOOL DISTRICT 20Canadian Centre for Child ProtectionThe Physical & Health Educationcurriculum grade 4-10, includes topicsrelated to reproduction and sexualitythat some students and theirparents/guardians may feel morecomfortable addressing by means otherthan instruction by a teacher in aregular classroom setting. When families have a child in grade 4-10they can arrange to address Physical &Health Education topics related toreproduction and sexuality by analternative means by making a plan foralternate delivery with the school. The alternate delivery policy does notallow students to “opt-out” of learningabout these topics. It is expected thatstudents will, in consultation with theirschool, demonstrate their knowledge ofthe Physical & Health learningstandard(s)by alternative means. Alternate delivery policy applies only toPhysical & Health Education grade 4-10learning standards related to sexualityand reproduction. It does not apply toany other British Columbia provincialcurriculum. Kids in the KnowK-3Alternate Delivery of Physical & HealthCurriculum RESOURCESK-10Educate to Empower PublishingKids Health in the ClassroomOptions for Sexual HealthLearning for JusticeNeed Help NowSex & USOGI 123PHE CanadaTeaching Sexual HealthSupporting Student Health UNDERSTANDINGCURRICULUM RELATED TOPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION ANDDIVERSITY