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Philanthropy Report 2018-2019

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 A Welcome Letter From Dr Stuart Gulley 2 A Message from Dr Chris Freer 3 Philanthropy in Action People Spaces and Experiences 14 The Woodward Fund Supports 16 The Woodward Fund ADMINISTRATION F Stuart Gulley Ph D President Lee Conner Vice President for Operations and Auxiliary Services Christopher M Freer Ph D Vice President for Advancement Louise Mann Vice President for Finance and CFO 35 Thanks to Our Volunteers 36 Gifts in Honor 42 Gifts in Memory 47 The Woodward Alumni Fund by the Numbers 49 Alumni Giving Nija Majmudar Meyer Vice President for Admissions and Communications Marcia Prewitt Spiller Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Life 55 Senior Giving 57 Alumni Volunteers 58 The Big Chill Christy Browne Director of Human Resources 60 Other Ways of Giving 61 Endowment Funds 66 Contributions to Endowment Funds 2018 2019 GOVERNING BOARD 67 R L Brand Jr 35 Society Gateway Society Continued Support for Capital Projects 68 Georgia GOAL Participants 69 Matching Gift Companies Gifts in Kind Robert E Bowers 74 Chairman J Russell Welch Vice Chairman Madelyn R Adams Gerald R Benjamin Kenneth L Blank Ronald M Brill Mason L Cardwell 98 Alfred J Cole 80 Clarence Davis 74 Michael S Drucker Xavier A Duralde 76 Nancy H Gallups 84 Russell K Gore 93 Ryan T Gunnigle Jo Cranford Hodges 96 Ben F Johnson III 61 Ian Lloyd Jones Tamara R Jones 88 Gregory S Lewis 92 Brad Marsh 77 Gene W Milner Jr 71 Mary S Moore 87 George S Morgan Sr 69 Belinda M J Morris Marie Lupo Nygren 78 Vicki R Palmer Beth H Paradies Deepak Raghavan Stephen E Roberts 65 Mitesh Shah Shi Shailendra Ricardo L Simon James E Sutherland Jr 86 2018 2019 ADVISORY BOARD William W Allison Thomas J Busey Jr 49 Chris Michael Carlos A Adair Dickerson Jr 71 Kitty Dukehart Vicki Escarra Daniel S Ferguson 68 W Philip Gramm 61 Phillip A Griffiths 56 Waldo S Kennedy 57 Thomas L Lyons 66 Tim A O Brien 61 Anne Rivers Siddons Larry D Thompson We apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions in this Philanthropy Report If you would like to make changes to your listing in future publications please contact the Office of Advancement at 404 765 4030

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A WELCOME LETTER FROM DR STUART GULLEY President of Woodward Academy T hanks to the people spaces and experiences of Woodward Academy students can shape an education that answers the call of their individual passions Our student experiences are national model in caliber because of people like Debate Coaches Maggie Berthiaume and Bill Batterman and Director of Student Publications Rebekah Goode In spaces like our thoughtfully designed classrooms where students use cutting edge technology while also finding a warm and welcoming space for learning our talented faculty are provided with tools that are critical for success Thanks to these resources we re able to offer exceptional experiences at every step along the way from field trips for younger students to diploma distinctions that give students big advantages when it comes to college admissions and careers in global studies sustainability and service More than test results or other data driven measures I m inspired by the stories of Woodward students like our first all girls robotics team the Black Widows made up of five eighth graders who took advantage of our Middle School offerings in STEAM to create their own path in a male dominated field In this Philanthropy Report you ll learn about these Woodward people spaces experiences and more It s our way of saying thank you to all of those listed in these pages for the gift of your resources and for making philanthropy a priority in your life Without you we wouldn t be able to tell these stories On behalf of all of us at Woodward I m expressing our gratitude to all of you who stand behind us and our students this year and every year With warm regards F Stuart Gulley Ph D P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 1

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A MESSAGE FROM DR CHRIS FREER Vice President for Advancement S ix weeks A total of 1 083 parent donors to The Woodward Fund And 51 percent participation by parents whose support directly benefits students with educational experiences that transform their lives with unparalleled opportunities to learn and explore These were the impressive results of our first fALL IN for WA parent campaign which began on October 1 and ended six short weeks later on November 9 The condensed campaign was a big leap for us a departure from the traditional yearlong campaign of June 1 May 31 We were thrilled with the results Academy wide parent participation was already at 51 percent on the last day of fALL IN for WA In comparison the previous year s overall parent participation was 47 at the end of May Thanks to the momentum provided by fALL IN overall participation reached 56 by May 31 2019 Highlights from the campaign include increased participation at four of the five schools with a strong showing at each Special thanks to our new parents who achieved 62 participation These outstanding results really speak well for the future of The Woodward Fund and our school In the pages of this Philanthropy Report we share stories about specific ways that gifts from our supporters whether parents alumni grandparents or friends of the school make a meaningful impact on the lives of students Thanks to you all and parents be on the lookout for our 2019 fALL in for WA campaign beginning October 1 2019 Year End Total Parent Participation 47 2017 2018 2 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y 56 2018 2019

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PEOPLE SPACES EXPERIENCES The Woodward Fund supports People Spaces and Experiences that take our school from good enough to above and beyond READ ON P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 3

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PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION PEOPLE Building the Best in High School Debate I n high school Maggie Berthiaume came along for the ride when her best friend s mom forced her to join the debate team For Bill Batterman debate was a substitute for baseball after he was sidelined by an injury Neither of them ever looked back Debate became a passion and today Maggie and Bill are leading one of the country s best debate teams at Woodward Academy Debate at Woodward State champions four consecutive years a Georgia record Won or reached finals of every major national tournament they ve attended including the National Debate Coaches Association National Championships the Greenhill Fall Classic the St Mark s Heart of Texas and many more Top senior team from 2016 2017 achieved a perfect 40 0 record in preliminary debates a state and national record 4 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y Creating a high level debate experience is expensive The Woodward Fund allows Maggie and Bill to establish a national caliber program year after year Maggie chose to teach at Woodward because it s more supportive of debate than other schools There are a lot of programs that are either constantly fundraising or where students can only debate if their parents can afford hefty competition and travel fees Woodward s support means that we can field our best and most prepared team regardless of their family s finances Upper School debaters take a class every semester and practice after school two days a week The calendar runs from September to May averaging two tournaments a month Students spend their weekends off doing research travel nationally to tournaments and often attend summer debate institutes It can be a grueling schedule but the payoff is much more than a trophy Debaters learn critical thinking research and communication skills and spend hundreds of hours learning about their topics Debate has all of the energy and competitiveness of a sport or video game but it s also a high level academic endeavor Maggie said There aren t a lot of other activities like it

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Debate is as rewarding for teachers as it is for students Not only do I get to make my living by learning about important public policy issues but I also get to learn cooperatively and competitively with some of the brightest young people in America BILL BATTERMAN Maggie Berthiaume director of debate and Bill Batterman assistant director P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 5

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PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION PEOPLE Alumna Returns to Lead Theatre Department S he was a shy child terrified of speaking in front of an audience but Erin Greenway 00 grew up to become a professional actor Now she s returned to her alma mater as director of the Woodward Theatre Department Erin studied theatre at Guilford College and appeared onstage in everything from Shakespeare to Steel Magnolias as well as in film and commercials She s happy to be back at Woodward My goal is to build a Theatre at Woodward Students go on to pursue the dramatic arts in college and professionally Achievements at one act technical and individual competitions at the Georgia Thespian Conference and the August Wilson Monologue Competition Invited to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Southeastern Theatre Conference 6 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y community for students where they can grow artistically and discover a talent they never knew they possessed Theatre requires specialized spaces and equipment and Erin gives credit to The Woodward Fund for providing a well rounded experience From being an actor on stage to a lighting designer or stage manager the opportunities are endless for students to build a robust theatrical resume she said Students can work with advanced lighting and sound equipment and study set make up and costume design Theatre groups have traveled to Chicago Scotland and England and Erin plans to expand travel opportunities Gifts to The Woodward Fund help provide all these opportunities as well as two fall shows a spring musical a Middle School show two showcases for each acting class a 24 hour play festival each year and professional development for faculty

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The talent these students possess is incredible I am beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to give back to the school everything I learned as a student here and from working in the professional theatre community THEATRE DIRECTOR ERIN GREENWAY 00 P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 7

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PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION PEOPLE Graduation Distinctions T he Class of 2019 included the first graduates to earn diploma distinctions in Global Studies Woodward also offers Sustainability and Service Learning distinctions Students can pursue their passions while gaining advantages in college admissions and careers The Woodward Fund allows the Academy to offer programming for distinctions In Global Studies for example students can experience the language immersion and cultural exposure that only global travel and exchange can bring The Sustainability distinction provides an accelerated path for students who are passionate about the environment and protecting our natural resources Service Learning allows students to focus on volunteerism community engagement student advocacy and philanthropy With any of these distinctions graduates leave Woodward prepared to take on complex problems facing our communities and our world The first Global Studies graduates were Samantha Humphrey Allison Belkeir Sarah Olatidoye Bailey Tucker Megan Chen and Zoe Jafflin not pictured 8 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y All Girls Robotics Team T he Black Widows has to be the best name ever for an all female robotics team a first this year at our Middle School Heather Frisch Lily Pamphile Trinity Knox Madison Winston and LiLi Mirzai discovered their shared love for robotics and engineering in David Makkers eighth grade Advanced Robotics class While girls are often underrepresented in robotics the Black Widows won t let that stop them Before coming to Woodward for Middle School the girls hadn t experienced robust robotics programs at their previous schools but their parents encouraged their interests by sending them to summer camps and after school clubs It s good that Woodward offers STEAM to all kids in the seventh grade That way girls can discover it Heather said Woodward is well positioned for STEAM learning school wide thanks to support from The Woodward Fund

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PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION SPACES War Eagles Playing on New Turf Thanks to The Woodward Fund the Academy was able to update the artificial turf on Graham Hixon Field at Colquitt Stadium The state of the art turf looks great from the stands but its benefits far surpass its good looks according to Gene Patterson head athletic trainer and assistant athletic director Advancements in turf technology and installation have led to a lower incidence of sprains strains and concussions among student athletes And Woodward s new turf is installed with Field Turf s Cool Play product which is designed to help reduce surface temperature during practice and games When the lobby of the Thalia Carlos Science Building needed a refresh a team of faculty and staff got together to brainstorm ways to best use the space Thanks to The Woodward Fund now the lobby functions as a flexible learning laboratory and showcase for the Upper School s incredible science offerings Installations include a space shuttle wheel a Woodward periodic table of the elements relevant quotes to inspire students and a DNA strand sculpture by Andy Cunningham Upper School art teacher P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 9

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PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION SPACES Anatomy of a Classroom L et s take a look inside the fourth grade classroom of Danielle Lefevers 08 for insight into the specific ways Woodward Fund dollars support learning every day of the school year New tables provide features such as durable butcher block surfaces for experiments like building cardboard houses and wiring them with electricity the chairs swivel 360 degrees allowing movement for kinetic learners 1 Locking wheels allow teachers to easily rearrange the tables for special activities for example the class moved tables to face each other for a debate on the merits of solar powered highways 2 The fourth graders keep interactive journals where they make notes drawings and diagrams their journals are used alongside Ms Lefevers notes which she shares on the projector see No 5 3 Look What s Happening It may seem simple but this whiteboard daily schedule is intentional It s part of a scaffolding approach to teaching 4 10 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y executive functioning skills to prepare fourth graders for middle and high school Teachers communicate quizzes and tests and students use their agendas to track and highlight what s ahead including after school activities so they learn organizational and study skills These new Epson projectors are improvements on SmartBoards teachers and students can write on the screens with whiteboard markers and manipulate them with their hands instead of a special stylus Ms Lefevers records her notes for all five science classes so students can review anything they miss in class or catch up if they re absent 5 The Comfy Corner is a welcoming gathering space for class meetings and group activities it s hard for fourth graders to sit still for 45 minute classes Movement to another space helps keep kids engaged 6 Windows to the world allow natural light into the classroom which research shows is beneficial to learning Ms Lefevers feels its especially important to keep the outside world where science is always happening in view every day 7

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5 4 7 6 3 1 2 P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 11

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PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION EXPERIENCES Student Journalism T he Eagle Exchange The Phoenix Silent Voices The Blade and its digital sibling the cleverly named Butterknife Whether via podcast or yearbook literary magazine or email newsletter student journalists cover the Academy with passion and insight into the school and the world around them journalism and related fields says Rebekah Goode director of Student Publications Students whose sights are set on other fields learn project management leadership communication and critical thinking skills Everyone learns to recognize bias and exercise critical thinking skills when consuming news she adds Woodward prepares students to get into the most competitive college journalism programs and land prestigious internships while learning skills for jobs in The Student Publications staff won the 2019 Journalism Education Association s Diversity Award This summer Matthew O Stricker 20 and Maya Packer 22 won scholarships to the Investigative Journalism Workshop at the University of Missouri while Aspen Andrews 20 Jackson Fryburger 21 and Jack Pressgrove 20 were accepted into Stanford University s Newsroom by the Bay The Blade and Silent Voices received the National Scholastic Press Association s Pacemaker awards while Silent Voices has won multiple Gold Crowns 12 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y Thanks to The Woodward Fund student journalists do their work in a studio classroom outfitted with desktop computers a photo studio and a variety of workspaces The school also covers registration fees and food for travel to journalism conferences

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PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION EXPERIENCES Field Trips T hose two words signal fun for kids from pre K to 12th grade in schools everywhere and Woodward students enjoy many opportunities to take inventive and interesting field trips each year Sixth graders enjoy a camp experience every year Here are just a few examples from 2018 2019 In the spring first graders learned about robotics and got inspired to excel in science and technology at the Johnson STEM Activity Center A fun bonus They also got to check out prototypes of the Super Soaker the high powered water gun invented by former NASA engineer Dr Lonnie Johnson Back in the fall sixth graders from Main Campus and Woodward North spent two nights at Rock Eagle where they took classes on herpetology watershed studies and Native American skills participated in a challenge course emphasizing teamwork and learned to canoe and line dance The sixth grade trip is a fall Academy tradition that helps students from the two campuses make new friends and bond as a class before heading to Middle School the following year Thanks to support from The Woodward Fund opportunities like these take learning fun and friendship outside the four walls of the classroom and into locations around our city and region every school year P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 13

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THE WOODWARD FUND SUPPORTS Classroom Enhancements STEAM Resources Field Trips PE Equipment Art Supplies Science Lab Supplies Equipment Carlos Hall Renovation Faculty Development 1 957 209 93 Total Dollars Raised for The Woodward Fund 2 923 Total Number of Donors 14 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y Faculty and Staff Participation

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hool 80 l 68 h d Nort w ar d o 62 h o ol 60 ol 49 Prim ary Sc oo er Sch Low Wo U dd Mi pp c le S S er c ho Parent Participation by School Parent Participation 56 Overall 62 New 100 Participation by the Alumni Board Parent Community Board Governing Board P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 15

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THE WOODWARD FUND The Woodward Fund which includes The Woodward Alumni Fund and The GMA Alumni Fund is the Academy s annual giving program Every year gifts from parents alumni grandparents parents of alumni faculty staff and friends directly support the experience of all students Thank you to the following donors who made gifts between June 1 2018 and May 31 2019 Your participation allows Woodward to fulfill its mission The President s Circle GOLD 5 000 9 999 PLATINUM 25 000 or more Anonymous 2 Joe M Almand Jr 69 and Gayle J Almand Mr and Mrs John G Alston Ms Shannon H Anderson Farideh K and Al Azadi Farideh and Al Azadi Foundation Vicki S and Gerald R Benjamin Mr and Ms Douglas N Beveridge Mr Jon Bloomfield and Mrs Bonnie Seabrooke Mr and Mrs Burrell M Brown Mason Lee Cardwell 98 and Leigh Shattles Cardwell 98 Donald M Cathy 72 Chick fil A Inc Giving Fund Mr Alfred Cole Jr 80 and Mrs Kimberly Cole Mr and Mrs James L S Collins Mr and Mrs Clay Courts Clay and Missy Courts Family Foundation Fund Frank and Sherry Cranford Donkey Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Mr and Mrs David Dorton Mr and Mrs Michael S Drucker Mr Douglas Duncan David and Debbie Cole Guest 82 President and Mrs F Stuart Gulley Vesta and William Hardman Jr Vesta W William J Hardman Jr Charitable Foundation Mr and Mrs Rodney S Harrison Harrison Sports Inc Dr and Mrs John G Heller Mr and Mrs David Higgins Jo Cranford Hodges 96 and Kevin M Hodges 96 Kimberly H and Matthew J Jewell Mr and Mrs Christian G Koch Mr and Mrs Donald Koch Mr and Mrs Sigmund Lee Erica Katz Lewis 93 and Greg S Lewis 92 Gregory and Erica Lewis Family Foundation Inc Michele and Ian Lloyd Jones H Bruce McEver 62 The Fred and Sue McGehee Family Charitable Fund Linda A McGehee 73 Dusty Milner Jr 71 and Rhonda Milner Mary A Montgomery Morris Family Foundation Mr and Mrs Charles F Palmer Palmer Family Charitable Trust Anonymous 3 Calvin R Allen Jr 67 and Carol Allen Calvin and Marisa Allen Foundation Inc Dr Jonathan C Bender and Ms Amy Edgar JBS Foundation Rhonda and Russ Welch Welch Family Charitable Fund Woodward Academy Parent Community Woodward Academy GMA Alumni Association DIAMOND 10 000 24 999 Mr and Mrs John G Alston Sr Mrs Janette B Bethea Bobby Bowers 74 and Cindy Bowers Mr Thomas L Bradbury 63 and Mrs Nell Bradbury Mr and Mrs Tom Bradbury Bradbury Family Foundation Matt H Brill 91 and Staci C Brill Ron and Lisa Brill Charitable Trust The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation Inc Mr Jasper K Cho Mr and Mrs Alfred J Cole Sr Charlotte B Dixon Catherine W Dukehart Mr and Mrs Matthew Ferguson Mr and Mrs Charles J Foell Dr Jeffrey M Gallups Dr Nancy Howard Gallups 84 Susan C and James S Gantt The John N Goddard Foundation Inc Mr and Mrs Joseph Goodman Mr and Mrs Charles Hastie J C Kennedy Foundation Inc Sarah and Jim Kennedy The National Christian Foundation Mr and Mrs Eric W Ohlhausen Mr and Mrs Joshua S Pechter Deepak Raghavan and Priya Raghavan The Deepak Raghavan Family Foundation Inc Cameron and Stuart Sherrill Mr Lei Shi and Mrs Shao Li Mr and Mrs Lester Strain Strain Family Charitable Foundation Inc Sue Mills Inc James Sutherland Jr 86 and Delee Sutherland Mr James S Walker Jr Glenn and Susan Warren Glenn D Warren Family Fund 16 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y Vicki and John Palmer Dorrie L Paradies 10 Mr and Mrs Gregg Paradies Katie D Paradies 11 Molly H Paradies 15 Dr Harry F Rinker and Dr Anna M Kalynych Rick and LaKesha Robinson Michelle H and Jeffrey L Rosenthal Mr and Mrs Aldyn J Royes Reshma and Mit Shah Mr and Mrs James Simpson III Dr K Douglas Smith 74 K Douglas Smith Donor Advised Fund Lt Col and Mrs Christian M Sodemann Dr and Mrs Robert F Speyer Robert Speyer Advised Fund Kenneth D Steele 86 and Tonya B Steele Gene E Sutherland Sr 54 Mr and Mrs Bryan K Treadway Ms Kimberly Umphenour Mr Russell Umphenour III Mr and Mrs Jerel Verner Paul and Molly Weathington Weathington McGrew Mr and Mrs Taka Yamada Mr and Mrs Zhi M Zheng SILVER 2 500 4 999 Mr and Mrs Richard Aaronson Mr and Mrs Craig Ackerman Madelyn R Adams Marc and Tanya Alexander American Cardiovascular Centers P C Mr and Ms John C Ames Vandana C and Raj Anand Sharon and Bonneau Ansley Jr Mr and Mrs Brian Arnold Jeff and Sarah Arvin Tammy and Chad Bagwell Ms Waverly S Battaglia Mr and Mrs Gert Bekker Mr and Mrs Bilijack R Bell Mr and Mrs Howard M Benden Gregory S Berkey and Kathleen T Nixon Dr Kevin S Berman and Dr Heather S Weiner Mr and Mrs Matthew A Block Mr and Mrs Derek W Bottoms Helon W Brewster Mr and Mrs Quaphard Brown Mr and Mrs John P Brumbaugh Mr and Mrs Michael V Canzian Mr Paul Chancey Mr Mark B Chandler Mr and Mrs Franchot Chang Year milestone in consecutive giving Deceased

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Bill and Diane Clapes CLC Foundation Inc Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina Candy Shaw Codner 82 and Fred Codner Dr and Mrs Andre Cohen Ms Kathleen D Collins 78 Lee and Jenny Conner Cook Family LLC Julie Davis Couch 88 and Chuck A Couch Cary A Coutant 74 and Debbie Coutant Coutant Family Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs Drake J Craig Mr and Mrs Kevin Crow CSF Consulting Services Inc Erin K and Karl F Dasher Davis Family Foundation Inc Jack Davis 62 and Joy Davis Delta Community Credit Union Mr Aaron D Dent and Mrs Chiquita T Dent Mr and Mrs Aubrey Deupree Deupree Family Foundation Mr William B Dickerson Jr 75 and Mrs Patricia M Dickerson Mr and Mrs Sherard K Dixon Mr and Mrs Derek L Douglas Dr Xavier A Duralde 76 and Dr Mary E Barrett Susan Burnette Dutson 97 and Don Dutson III Dr and Mrs Yaman Z Eksioglu Mr and Mrs Dolan P Falconer Jr David R Forquer and Martha J Clinkscales Mr and Mrs Marc M Frediani Dr Chris M and Mrs Amanda Freer Mr and Mrs Jordy Gamson Mr and Mrs Ashley Gardner Ashley and Tyler Gardner Family Fund of Bank of America Charitable Gift The Rev Dr and Mrs Charles Z Gardner Mr Matthew C Gelber Dr Russell K Gore 93 and Dr Jane B Gore Mr and Mrs Andrew F Gosch Mr and Mrs Jonathan E Green Mr Thomas E Guillot Jr 73 and Dr Cris Glick The William R Gunby Jr Charitable Foundation Dr and Mrs Neal A Guttenberg Dr and Mrs Regis W Haid Mr and Mrs Jack Hall III Mr and Mrs Jason Hanges Mr George B Hanna Mr and Mrs Scott Hardesty Mr and Ms Charles N Hart Ms Susan K Hart and Ms Maura A Hart Mr and Mrs Ian Y Henderson Mr and Mrs Mark Herold Mr and Mrs Bob Hesskamp Deceased Mr and Mrs Scott C Hightower Mr and Mrs Charles F Hollis Laurie and Chad Hood Tatty and Harry Howard Mr Andre P Hylton 92 Industrial Solutions Group Mr and Mrs Stephen Inskeep Hon Reginald Jackson and Mrs Christy Davis Jackson Mr and Mrs Walter Jackson Dr and Mrs Michael S Jacobson Drs Gary and Angela Johnson James F Jones Jr 65 and Jan S Jones Mr and Mrs Mark Kaufman Sr Mr David H Keil and Mrs Suzanne E Krause Keil Keil Family Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs Michael Kenny Joseph A Kicklighter 63 Mr and Mrs Todd Klumok Mr and Mrs Peter M Kotchen Kulynych Family Foundation II Inc Mr Rajeev Kumar and Dr Aparna Kumar Mr and Ms Bryan B Lavine Bryan and Sylvia Lavine Caritable Gift Fund Mr Dominique Lequeux and Dr Katarina G Lequeux Nalovic Mr and Mrs John A Levinson Dr and Mrs Joseph P Luke Debbie and Joe Lundell William S Magill III 65 and Nancy C Magill Louise Mann Dr and Mrs Steven Marcet Mr and Mrs Christopher W Marinac C Brad Marsh 77 and Elizabeth A Obenshain Mr and Mrs Peter H Marte Mr Matthew McGivern and Dr Debra Houry David M McKenney 56 and Sarah McKenney Mr and Mrs Patrick J McManamy Nija and Joe Meyer Mr and Mrs Michael D Miller Mr and Mrs Todd H Miller Mr and Mrs Harry R Mitchell Marci and Eric Mitchell Mr and Mrs Kirk C Morris Mira and Christopher Moss Mr and Mrs Thomas Muir Mr and Mrs William P Muir Dr and Mrs Carlo Musso Drs Shirin J and Kambiz Nayebi Mr and Mrs Lawton Nease III Ms Margaret S Nease Jessica Ziegler Newth 97 and Ryan Newth Maribeth and Julian Nickell Novello Family Fund Mr Matthew R Nozemack and Prof Karie D Davis Nozemack Randall S Owen 78 Owen Associates Inc Jason and Sylvia Pace Dr Rajendra Paladugu and Dr Naga Doddapaneni Mr and Mrs Adam R Pannell R Alan Parrish 66 Mr and Mrs Gene W Patterson Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Anita Douglas Phillips 79 and Andy Phillips Mr Brian L Pilger and Ms Laura Lee G Gentry Mr and Mrs Arnie Pittman Mr Craig R Pohan and Mrs Kristen E Picano Mr and Mrs Louis Profumo Mr Kartik Ramakrishnan and Mrs Swarnim Kanth Mr and Mrs Asif Ramji John D Randolph Mr and Mrs Michael D Reese Dr and Mrs Shahram Rezaiamiri Mr Rickey L Richardson and Dr Kendra S Richardson Elizabeth and Al Robertson Mr and Mrs Kareem A Rogers Missy and Larry Sanchez Dr Brandon S and Dr Wendy Seigler Mr and Mrs Ricardo Simon Mr and Mrs George B Sloan Mr and Mrs Arthur Smalls Jr Dr and Mrs Kamau K Smith Southampton Row Trust Limited Marcia Prewitt Spiller and JP Campion Dr and Mrs Dean T Stamoulis Statim Holdings Inc Dr Douglas Stockel Susan and Eric Stoffer Mr and Mrs Winston Stokes Janice and Ed Story III Mrs Nan Halenza Street 88 and Mr Phillip Street Mr and Mrs Srinivas H Surapaneni Mr and Mrs Haynes Taylor Dr Brian L Thomas and Dr Lisa R Drake Mr and Mrs Knox Thompson Wayne and Jane Thorpe The Jane and Wayne Thorpe Fund Clara and Chuvalo Truesdell Truesdell Family Gifting Fund Amy and Robert Vassey Lee Walker Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Mr Robert Walker Jr and Ms Dawn McNaught Mr Zhijun Wang and Mrs Tianhua Cheng Glenn D Warren Jr 04 and Caroline Warren Anthony M Webb 99 and Rachel Webb Andrew J Welch III 90 and Cara T Welch Drs Chelsee and Nicholas Whitling Drs Deborah and Joseph Wilkes PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 17

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The President s Circle continued Christopher E Williams 89 and Kendrick Williams Mr and Mrs Jay Williams Dr and Mrs John Xerogeanes Mr and Mrs Eugene V Yu Randi and Nigel Zelcer FOUNDER S CIRCLE 1 900 2 499 Dr Ira Adams Chapman Karen Vaughn Burns 81 and William L Burns III Ms Sally L Burns 12 Mr and Mrs Socheat Chea Mr and Mrs Jason Cole Cole Family Fund Dr Phillip Griffiths Jr 56 and Dr Taffy Griffiths Griffiths Family Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs Qi Guo Leang Hourn and Chanthary Chea Fund Mr John Hsu and Ms Elizabeth Winterer Dr and Mrs Srikant Iyer Jamy Lea Juhan Mr Damien Leach and Mrs Velincia Shavers Leach Mr and Ms John Leddy Loomis Foundation MBC Concessions Inc Omega Bio Tek Inc The Parker Family Foundation Fund Steve E Roberts 65 Roberts Management Group Inc Alf Ruff Jr 62 Andrew and Donna Sullivan Sullivan Schlieman Wealth Management LLC Emmy Parker Temples 91 and Joseph C Temples 91 Dr Laura L Weakland and Ms Katina R Asbell Mary White and Robert Mann Mr and Mrs Kevin M Wood COLONEL S CIRCLE 1 000 1 899 Anonymous 2 Dr and Mrs Marshall Abes Scott Abramson 65 Justin H Alexander 99 and Tamu T Brown Mr and Mrs James Amick Jr Shelly C Anand 04 and Eric K Erzinger Mr and Mrs William Ansley III Mr and Mrs Sarfaraz M Araz Dr Rami B Arfoosh and Dr Rasha G Al Samara Atlanta Orthodontic Specialists P C Mr and Mrs Bryan Baer Mr and Mrs Chester F Beall Kenneth F and Cynthia E Beard Michael T Bennett Jr 88 and Abigail Ashworth Bennett 88 18 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Dr and Mrs Michael P Bernot Mr and Mrs Aditya Bhoopathy Mr Robert W Bickerstaff Mr and Mrs Corey A Bierria Kenny and Nancy Blank Ragmar Boecher 59 and Peggy Boecher Michael L Bost 66 Mr and Mrs Sean Boswell Mr and Mrs James M Braselton Mr and Mrs Gregory Bronstein Mr Julian M Brown and Dr Alia S Brown Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bullock Mr John J Callinan 55 Mr and Mrs Timothy L Cannon Mr and Mrs Bick W Cardwell Jr The Carrington Family Mr and Mrs Edward O Chapman Mr Gene Chayevsky and Dr Lina F Chayevsky Barbara M and William R Coats The William Barbara Coats Charitable Fund James M Collins Foundation Mr and Mrs Neil Collins Paula Dyer Crawford 78 and Bryce A Crawford Scott Crook Mr and Mrs Floyd W Culp Dr and Mrs Snehal C Dalal Mr and Mrs Deemer A Dana Robert and Kim Daugherty Mary Virginia and Jarre Davis Mr and Mrs Kirk Demetrops Mr and Mrs Donald S Dixon Dr Michelle R Duckett Hedgebeth 86 and Mr Reggie D Hedgebeth Ms Jeanine K Duke Mr and Mrs Kyle W Dunton Dr Rodrigo A Duralde 78 and Mrs Elizabeth Duralde Mr and Mrs W Mercer Dye Jr The Claud E Easterly Foundation Inc Judy and David E Easterly Mr Michael L Edmondson and Mrs Karen L Powers Mr David B Eller Eller Development Inc Mr and Mrs Andrew Ellis Harriet W and Edward P Ellis Charitable Trust Mr and Mrs Jonathan Epstein Mr Rick Felt Mr and Mrs Paul M Fenzl Mr and Mrs Evan Fishman Mr and Mrs Courtney Pete Fritts Fulton County Fraternal Order of Police No 64 Mr and Mrs Gerald L Funderburk Mr and Mrs Bradford J Fuson Dr Joseph C Galitzin and Dr Zia L Khan Galitzin Mr and Mrs Robert Gamson Mr Rui Gao and Mrs Yumin Chen Mr and Mrs Charles A Geis Arthur Gibson and Schenikka Davis Linda Hixon Gilmore 74 and John W Gilmore Jessica Savitz Goodman 97 and Joseph N Goodman 99 Paulette and Kevin Greaney Mr and Mrs Troy Green Mr and Mrs Todd E Grice Mr and Mrs Joel L Hartman Mr Kurt Hartman and Ms Sharon Warning Juanita W and Gary S Hathaway Marian Wells Hemmer 88 and Eric D Hemmer Mr and Mrs Marvin Hewatt Mr and Mrs Michael Hilkman Anne Steele Fortune Hinshaw 95 and Mark P Hinshaw Nina and Glenn Howard Dr and Mrs Jody Hughes Shannon and Thomas J Jackson Mr Pallav Jain and Mrs Rashmi Banthia Mr and Mrs Dwight James Mr and Ms Mark Jensen Mr Ben F Johnson III 61 and Mrs Ann Johnson Emily Watts Johnson 04 and Alfred Johnson F Ross Johnson Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs Neil R Johnson Mr and Mrs Conrad Kempinska Drs Panyavee V and Jeremy S Khan Mr and Mrs Charles T Kidd Dr Joung Yon Kim and Ms Gloria K Song Hilie J C and William M King Joy and Rohit Kirpalani Dr and Mrs Christopher J Lee Dr and Mrs Arthur Lesesne Mr and Mrs Saul Levy Mr David Li and Mrs Jane Du Stephanie M and Ho N Lin Mr and Mrs Nigel V Livingstone The Catherine L Edward A Lozick Foundation Thomas F Lozick 90 and Kay Lozick Ms Jennifer D Manning A Wright Marshall IV 91 and Michelle Marshall Alissa and Steve Marshall Daniel C Martin 64 and Glenn Ann B Martin Janine R and John M McKenney Mr Thomas K McQuarrie Jr 70 Mr and Mrs Todd S Melioris Mr and Mrs John Mobley Jr Mary S Moore 87 George Morgan Sr 69 and Candace Morgan Mr and Mrs Kevin Morton Mr Edgar J Mosley and Dr Mary J Mosley Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Dr Thippeswamy H Murthy and Dr Geetha S Rao Murthy Family Charitable Fund Mr Christopher T Myers 00 Dr and Mrs Moses C Norman Debbie and Ed Notestine Mr and Ms Kevin G Nuffer Marie Lupo Nygren 78 Charles N Okolo and Petronilla C Okere Okolo Mr and Mrs Mark D Oprisch Mr and Mrs Phani K Paladugu Cristale Brown Patterson 93 and Pickens A Patterson III Sherlita and Antwan Patton Susan V Patton Susi Van Vleck Patton Family Fund Dr and Mrs Rohan V Piyasena Christine and Andy Pons Mr and Mrs Theodore E G Pound Pulmonary and Sleep Specialists of NE Georgia Mr Kenneth L Quintana and Ms Beatriz R Perez Ms Alison Rand Jeanne Ann Ratliff Dr and Mrs Ashok S Reddy Greg Reynolds 97 and Tiffany Turner Reynolds 98 Mr and Mrs Gordon Ricker Jenny Byars Ritchie 88 and David L Ritchie III Mr and Mrs David Riviere Cyndy and Jim Roberts Howard J and Thelma M Robinson Katherine Wells Robson 01 and James A Robson Mr and Mrs Steven Rodgers Alexandria B Roman 07 Mr Shiv Roy and Ms Sharmistha Das Rubio Luengo Consulting LLC Dr Juan F Rubio Ramirez and Mrs Ana M Luengo Romero Dr Hugh M Ruppersburg 68 Margo and Peter Savitz Todd M Savitz 00 Zachary R Savitz 05 Mr and Mrs William H Schoeffler Robert W Schorr 56 and Alice Schorr Mr and Mrs Jonathan D Schwartz Mr and Mrs James P Shaughness Jing Shi and Jerry Zhou Virgil C Shutze III 85 and Robyn C Shutze Mr and Mrs Frederick T Simon Mr and Mrs Daryl E Sistrunk Six Feet Under Mr and Mrs Benjamin D Smith Mr Norman Smith R Ted Smith Jr 70 Sheri and V Smith Mr and Mrs Timothy Smith South Atlanta Digestive Diseases Associates Ms Angela M Spivey Ms Anne M Spratlin John L Stewart 99 Anthony L Thomas 98 and Valerie Thomas Dr and Mrs Maurice V Thompson Mr and Mrs Mark Verheyden Sarah Wigbels Volling 97 Mr and Mrs Robert Walton Jr Dr Jonathan Waltuck and Dr Robin Ikeda Mr and Mrs Robert A Wamser Mr and Mrs Jim Weathersby Cathy Weaver 73 Mr David A Weaver Mr and Mrs Todd Weinreb Connie White Mr Cecil C Whitmore and Dr Simone S Whitmore Mr Nicholas J Widener 09 Mr and Mrs Seymour G Williams Matthew D Wilson 99 and Abby Wilson Mr and Ms Milton R Wofford Jr Dr Dongjin D Yoon and Ms Hayoung M Park Mr Wu Yue and Ms Xiao Bo Chang Mr Steven P Zigler CAPTAIN S CIRCLE 500 999 Mr Randy Abbott and Mrs Karen Ramlall Abbott Dr Lauren E Abes Stephane and Amy Allagnon Jenifer Clifton Amos 88 and Tripp Amos W L Amos Sr Foundation Inc Kelly Brown Anderson 92 and Robert W Anderson Anne and John Appleby Dr Brian S Armour and Dr Marilyn M Pitts Simon E Arpiarian 94 and Felicia Arpiarian Mr and Mrs Adam Aspes Aspes Family Dr Robert Ayer and Dr Nazanin Jafarian Anya and Henry Bagley Fund Santa Fe Community Foundation Dr Becky A Bailey 79 Mr James R Barfield Ms L Erin Barnes Mr and Mrs Bob A Barnette Jr Mr and Mrs Scott D Bates Dr James C Beall 61 and Mrs Judy K Beall Dr and Mrs Raheem Beyah Philip H Bienert 86 and Betty F Bienert Mr and Mrs Mark Blanchard Roger E Blythe Jr 75 and Connie Blythe Mr and Mrs J K Boatwright Bo Bobinski Thomas L Bourne 94 and Ann Whitten Bourne Mr and Mrs Leon Bowles Jr Mr Lee Bradley and Dr Nikki Bradley Alexandria C Bragg Christopher and Kaye Brinson Mr Robert Brinson and Ms Michele Howard Mr and Mrs Bret A Brooks Mr John E Burgess and Dr Elizabeth H Burgess Dr and Mrs Thomas E Burgess Nancy Avans Bush 72 Mr Henry Carey and Mrs Melinda Marrs Adam S Carll 08 Mr and Mrs Edward Carr Mr and Mrs Carlos J Carreras Elaine T Carroll 75 Mr Desmond Carter and Dr Kisha Carter Mr and Mrs Carlos Cason Tom Cavanaugh 91 and Jennifer Cavanaugh Mr and Mrs Eugene C Chan Dr and Mrs William Chang Mr and Mrs Kevin T Charles Mr Austin Chase 93 and Mrs Meredith W Chase Ms Margaret Childers Ryan Clement Mr and Mrs Jeff Cobb Susan Bunker Cobb 90 and Dillon P Cobb 90 Mr and Mrs Jamaine Coleman Mr and Mrs Lasean Colon Mr and Ms James L Cook Caroline P Crews 14 John Crosland III 76 John Crosland III Charitable Foundation Debra and Terry Cullen Mr Thomas A Dalia Mr Clarence Davis 74 and Mrs Katherine Davis Mr and Mrs Luther C Davis Mr and Mrs Richard W Deriso Alok V Deshpande 94 and Nina Deshpande Roman Deville 63 and Diane Deville The Deville Foundation Mr and Mrs Mark Diedrich Diana and George Dietz Mr and Mrs John Doane Mr Carlos L Drayton and Dr Dekisha P Drayton Fernando A Duralde 73 and Susan W Duralde Mr John N Dyslin and Mrs Mae C Barnes Dr Cesar Egoavil and Dr Sara Mobasseri Egoavil Egoavil Family Charitable Fund Thomas J Ehrensperger 78 and Elizabeth J Ehrensperger Mr and Mrs Stephen Eith Mr Michael S Elder and Mrs Tara A Plimpton Martha L Elks 72 and John W Sawyer Jr PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 19

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Ms Sara C Elliot 07 Mr and Mrs James Ellison Mr Ronald Eustace and Ms Marcela Gomez Mr and Mrs Brandon Farley Dr and Mrs Thomas Faulkner Jose I and Kristen L Fernandez Matthew M Ficken IV 05 and Leah Gordon Mr and Mrs Darrell K Finney Mr and Ms Edward F Fitch Mr and Mrs Ethan Forchette Mr and Mrs Edwin B Fort Dr Stefan A France and Mrs Sara M Prince Mr and Mrs Robert W Francour Adam W Freeman 99 Mr Anthony Gee and Dr Jennifer Christie Gee Paula E Gentry Randal R Geoghagan 86 and Jennifer Geoghagan Lisa and Paul Gianneschi Gianneschi Family Fund Mr and Mrs John Ginley III Mr and Mrs J L Glover Jr Mr Christopher Goode and Ms Carla Johnson Charlotta A and Jason F Gordon Bill and Jennifer Gray Thomas M Grayson 88 John Guest Jr 62 and Rita Guest Fred Guin 76 Dr and Mrs Anuj Gupta Rupal P and Vipul Gupta Vipul Rupal Gupta Fund Mr and Mrs Malik W Hakeem Mr Sivakumar Haldurai and Dr Kalaivani Sivakumar Timothy J Hamling Mr and Mrs Robert Hammer Ms Glenda Harvey Dr and Mrs Brannan Hatfield Jonathan P Hayes 90 The Kimberley E and W Hayes Wilson Giving Fund Claire and Matt Hegarty Jeffrey M Hehir Jr 18 Blake Henderson 04 and Laura Alice Henderson Mr and Mrs Douglas A Henderson Drs Erin C and Andrew M Hendrick Regina and Steve Hennessy Mr and Mrs G Lemuel Hewes Shanequa Hill Margaret Hodges 74 and George Hodges Mr and Mrs Kevin Holcom Mr and Mrs William Hole Prof Jung Il J Hong and Prof Seong Hee S Kim Mr and Mrs Brian M Hudes Mr Hans J Hughes and Ms Aileen M Bell Hughes 20 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Mr and Mrs Gene Humphrey Dr Tara D Ingle Mr and Mrs Mark A Inman Lyn and Bob Isaacs Mr and Mrs Walter L Isom Daphne Bryson Jackson 81 Dr and Mrs Leopold L Jackson Mr and Mrs Luke Jackson Amit D Jagirdar 08 Ms Amy Jarratt Janie and Sheldon Jeter Benjamin F Johnson IV 87 and Jennifer Johnson Ms Kristen Johnson Liesa and James Johnson Mr and Mrs Darin Jones Tamara R Jones 88 Mr and Mrs Vipul H Kapadia Robert N Katz and Kathleen G Kelly Mr Richard Kaye and Mrs Liqun Zhou Kaye Rev Nan N Kennedy and Mr Stephen G Kennedy Mr Mark Kessler Sr Mr Martin S Kigudde and Ms Gwendolyn J Lee Mr and Mrs Mark Kilduff Dr Joon Y Kim and Dr Michelle S Lee Kiley Hodgson King 05 and Karl King Dr James C Knoer and Dr Kristan V Adams Mr and Mrs Mark E Kopcha Kopcha Family Charitable Fund Asheley Dillard Kotis 86 and William M Kotis Prof Michael Landau and Ms Brenda Seiton Mr and Mrs Francis A Landgraff Martha Larcom 82 Robert W Buzz Law 79 Mr and Mrs Steven E Leader Marianne Lecesne Drs Julie J and Benjamin C Lee Erik and Traci W Lerner Mr and Mrs Robert Levinson Robert Patricia Levinson Fund Mr and Mrs Jonathan Lohr Charles Loridans Foundation Mr and Mrs Charles H Lowe Margaret Parham Holt Loyd 06 Mr and Mrs Carlos A Lugo Ria Meade Malinak 81 and R Jeff Malinak Malinak Family Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs Pravin D Mane Ms MariaElena Marcet Beth and Mike Marien Drs Fonda and Todd Martin Prof and Mrs Clarence W Massie Jr Mr Joe Matthews and Dr Tricia Matthews Mr Murugesh Mayandi and Mrs Rashmi Thangam Malathy Michael J Mayeske Jr 97 and Anna Mayeske Mr and Mrs Gary McCarthy Mr and Mrs Michael J McCool Willa and Charlie McGimsey Jo McIver 66 Doug McKay 58 and Cookie McKay Mr and Mrs Christopher J McManus Peggy Dyer McNash 73 and Douglas McNash Lorrie McNeill Mr and Mrs Peyton McWhirter Mr and Ms Mitchell Meekins Dr and Mrs Alson E Mercurius Mr and Mrs Dave A Miller Mr and Mrs Jeff Miller Mr and Mrs David Y Millican IV Mr and Ms Christopher B Millner Mr and Mrs Alan W Moodie Mr and Mrs John W Moore Jr Kim and Jeff Moore Christy L Morrison 83 Margaret Spratt Moye 03 and Matthew Moye 03 Mr Sathyanarayan Nagesh and Mrs Jyothsna N Narayana Murthy Mr Joshua B Nelson and Mrs Heather Tawes Nelson Hina B and Amirali W Noorani Dr and Mrs Muhamad K Obideen Frederick A Olds 54 Mr Randy R O Neil and Mr David R O Neil Tom Owenby Mr and Ms Suraj A Palakshappa Mr and Mrs Brian K Panessa Mr and Mrs Charles C Parker Dr Mary Ann Parker Dr and Mrs Trevor P Parks Mr and Mrs Dan and Jessica Parsons Dr and Mrs Jay Patel Dr and Mrs Mayoor Patel James L Paulk 67 Damon H Peden 98 and Emily C Peden Leigh Ann Peek and Arthur Lee Peek Felicia and Roderick Perkins Mr and Mrs Ken Phillips Mr and Mrs Edmund Piper Gary Y Poole 64 Mr and Mrs Aaron H Pratt Anuradha S and Venkata Kishore S Puttagunta Joanna and Roger Quillen Ms Lisa Ragan Lisa Ragan Customs Brokerage Dr Ramesh Ramakrishnan and Prof Usha Ramakrishnan Mr and Mrs Jason Randolph Mr and Mrs John B Raulet Mr and Ms Howard W Reese III Graham H Reynolds 12 Jack Rhodes III 92 and Virginia Rhodes Mr Peter Richards and Ms Stephanie Arthur Raymond and Patricia Riddle Foundation Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Selma and Ray Ridgway Marjanita and Joseph M Ripley Mr Hugh Rivers Ms Malaika Rivers Linda and Kenneth Roberts Timothy F Robertson 00 and April Robertson Mr and Mrs Hansell Roddenbery Mr Kwame Royal and Ms Harneyca Hooper Mr and Mrs Ronny Rudzinski Jennifer Welch Rueter 04 and Nick Rueter Bryan Rutledge Drs Ritu and Rajesh Sachdeva Mr Thomas G Sampson II and Dr Sholah P Pittman Mr and Mrs Richard D Sanders Douglas Seeb and Jeanne Derderian Seven Stars Inc Mr and Mrs Shi Shailendra Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley Mr Robert N Sherman Andrew Smith 72 James E Smith Mr and Mrs Keller Smith Leena and Thomas W Smith Mr and Mrs Maurice Smith Mr and Mrs Harold Solomon Mr and Mrs Greg Soshnik Mr and Mrs Samuel T Spaulding Ms Ann M Speer Caroline Guest Stancil 03 and Josh Stancil William F and Kelli C Stanyard James L Starnes 64 Miss Marissa H Stephens Stephanie Stephens and Kevin Henderson Mr and Mrs Mark D Stewart Mr Walter Strickland 88 and Mrs Katherine Strickland Roger S Sumrall Mr and Mrs Tarveres Tate Sr Mr and Ms Robert W Taylor Mr and Ms Tim J Terry Maj and Mrs Robert L Tharp Mr Robert C Threlkeld and Dr Anisa B Threlkeld Mr Leo J Tucker and Ms Rachel L Spasser Mr and Mrs Phillip A Verduci Vision Development Construction Services LLC Mr and Mrs Andrew Waddell Mr and Mrs Gary W Waites Mr Hao Wang and Mrs Haiyan Ding Mr and Mrs Jerry Watkins David L Watson II 76 and Laura Watson Mr and Mrs Maurice Watson Mr and Mrs Mark A Weinstein Mr and Mrs Eric Weiss Deceased Susan Oliver Weiss 77 and Walter D Weiss Charles K Werk 69 Elizabeth B White 88 Mr and Mrs Kurt White David and Beth Widener Mr Damon Wiener and Mrs Kim Handleman Mr William T Wiggins and Mrs Malissa A Kaufold Wiggins Dr Martin F Wilkes 99 Drs Jennifer and Byron Williams III Mr and Mrs Matt T Williams Mr and Mrs Milton Williams Drs Kimberley E and W H Wilson Mr and Mrs Jeffrey L Wolff Mr Frederick L Wood III 64 Mr and Ms DeeRaheem Wright William B Wright Jr 53 and Elizabeth Wright Mr Qiang Wu and Mrs Ronghong Li Mr Xiaoqing Yang and Ms Fang Hua Hsu Ginny and Todd Yates Mr and Mrs Keith Young Mr Guo Hua Yu and Mrs Shuqing Yang Mr Russell Zaring 73 and Mrs Amy Zaring Mr and Mrs James Zigler CADET S CIRCLE 250 499 Anonymous 6 21st Century Leaders Inc Mr and Ms Andrew S Abend Mr William S Abrams Nicole Adams 76 Mr and Mrs Adeyemi Adiatu Dr and Mrs Wasiu Adisa Kara Nygren Adler 04 and Micah Adler Dr Kamar Alabi and Dr Rifquat Giwa Alabi Mr and Mrs Shahin Alavi Mr and Mrs Christopher Alexander Mr Syed Ally and Ms Karen Jackson American Heart Association Mr and Mrs Jim Andrew Dr and Mrs George Andrews Ms Margaret F Appleby 10 William C Appleby 15 Dr Ali A Araghi and Dr Mozhgan Zafar Julie J Askew Mr and Ms Jim Augustyn Tammy Bailey Mr and Mrs Adedayo T Bankole Mr Louis Bates II and Dr Faith Bates Mr and Mrs Thomas Beebe Danny Beerse Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bell Mr and Ms Daniel R Berman Joanne Berry Mr and Mrs Gurmeet S Bhatia Mr and Ms James Black Leroy W Blankenship 64 and Susan R Paoli Deborah Bodenbender Mr Matthew B Bowers 06 Dr Robert L Bowers 02 and Hayley S Bowers Ryan W Bowers 04 Sherry and Ridge Boynton Jeane Smith Brackman 73 and David A Brackman Stephen H Bridges 01 Jenny Broad Mr and Mrs Craig A Brookes Mr Rolf T Brothen and Ms Sunhee Park W Lawrence Brown 64 Mr and Mrs William D Buchanan Mr and Mrs Lawrence S Burnat Mr Claudio M Burtin Mr Justin Byczek Mr and Mrs Shaun A Campbell Javier and Noelle Ca as Mr and Mrs Ralph R Carnes Dr and Mrs Daniel Carothers Penny Carrington Carri Carver and Nancy Frey Mr James A Chambliss and Mrs Laura A McInnes Dr Robert Chen and Ms Ellen Wild Mr Grant F Christians 89 Mr Thomas T Chun and Ms Cecilia D Choi Mr Michael A Church and Mrs Jennifer L Sekel Church Kathryn and Jonathan Clayton Curtis C and Kendra C Clemons Tim Coats 11 Caryl and Howard Cohen The Caryl and Howard Cohen Donor Advised Fund Jennifer A and Matthew P Collins Mr and Ms Jerome Connell Jr J R and Sarah Cottingham Mr Terrance Cotton and Ms LaShonda Fuselier Carol Cottrell Ms Angela C Couch Jane and Bill Covington Jennifer A Cranford Thomas 95 and James P Thomas Drs Ann and Frank Critz Mr John A Cronin David Q Cross 94 and Denise H Cross Clay and Cheryl Cushman Ms Joan E Dana Kelsey R Darden 09 Mr and Mrs Suvajit Das Mr and Ms D Andre Davis Davis Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Mr and Mrs Harold L Davis Mr and Mrs Michael A Dawkins Mr Harold A Dawson Jr Mr and Mrs Jimmy S DeMyer Jr Drs Laura C and Adam T DePoe Debbie Piha Deutsch 90 and Mark Deutsch PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 21

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Mr and Mrs Thomas Dierdorff Dr and Mrs George Doane John Dove 74 Mr and Mrs Mark T Dunn Diana Sutherland Earwood 83 Carrie and Jacob Edmison Mr and Mrs Brantley Edwards Garrick Edwards and Robbie L Roberts Mr and Mrs Dorian Ellis Jennifer L Enloe 91 Lawrence E Epps 75 Robert D Evans 56 Kathryn N and John R Faison Sally M Faulkner 85 and Shawn D Smith Ms Barbara Felt Naylene and Rob Felt Bobbie B Fernander 49 Dr Bruce L Fetterman 80 and Mrs Sandy Fetterman Danise Gunter Fields 83 and David W Fields Mr and Mrs Philippe Fortmann Mr and Mrs Trammel Fox Sheila and Keith Foye Mr and Mrs Thierry J Francois Patrick K Franks 04 and Kate Franks Rebecca and Colin Fraser Mr and Mrs Richard Frisch Dr and Mrs Kenny Frontin Amanda and James Gaddy Valerie S and Hugh H Gallagher Newton M Galloway Dr Shivaprakash Gangappa and Dr Vajreshwari Shivaprakash Kimberly Stembridge Gary 95 and Thomas W Gary IV Mrs Ashley R Gelber Mr Qingjun Geng and Mrs Xiaoling Cao Mr and Mrs Derek C Gibson Mr and Mrs Douglas W Gilfillan Lisa Henry Goodbread 86 Alison Bell Goodman Scott P Goodson 08 Carrie Schwartz Gordon 99 and John Gordon Mrs Holly Gordon Mr and Mrs John S Gordon John S Gordon Family Charitable Fund Pramoda R and Srinivasa K Gorjala Jane Graham Ellen and Douglas Greer Leslie and Hal Greer Tucker H Griffin 12 Mr and Mrs Robert H Grigsby Susan and Sam Guest Ms Aoyue Guo Julian S Hailey 79 and Holly Hailey Mr and Mrs Keith Hansen Mary Leslie Hardy Lonnie Harrell III 64 Samuel F Hart 51 Mr and Mrs Steven R Hasen Mary Margaret and David Heaton 22 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Mr Nagaraja Hebbar and Dr Supriya Rao Ryan and Jessica Heming Mr Drake H Henderson and Dr Cecily L Haught Teresa Lewis Henderson 77 and Brian R Henderson Chato B and Douglas Hendrix Connie and Bill Herrell Jodi Hester Morgan Guest Hicks 11 and Ben H Hicks John G Hiles Jr 74 and Diane Hiles Aaron T and Tina L Hill Chip and Adrienne Hill Mr and Mrs Jarrett A Hines Ms Monique R Holloway Miss Lauren C Hood 98 Jessica Hubbard Catherine and John Huffines Mr and Mrs James T Humphrey Pedro Iau and Lydia Leong Dr Wesley W Ingwersen 95 Alice L Jackson Ms Sonji A Jacobs Mr Anil C Jagarlamudi and Mrs Mahalakshmi Sudanagunta Jagarlamudi Family Foundation Mr and Mrs Robert S James Mrs Joanna Jardina Mr and Mrs George T Jarrard Mr Sathish K John and Dr Priya D John David S Johnson 12 Pamela J and Antonio R Johnson Mr Patrick B Johnson and Mrs Lucy F Aiken Johnson Mr and Mrs Raylani Johnson Mrs Jasmine Johnson Wakeel 11 and Mr Muhasibi Wakeel Mr Gerald F Jones and Dr Karen D Godette Mr and Mrs John P Jones Mr Sergio Juarez and Mrs Marcela Perdomo Mr Nahashon K Kamau and Mrs Margaret W Kimani John R Kendall 61 Drs Afsheen and Shazib Khawaja Meri Khoury Rev Katie Kilpatrick Jane and Wayne King Ms Vanessa King Kenneth J Kirschner and Elizabeth A Lester Mr and Mrs Gopi K Koganti Mr Ravinder S Kohli and Dr Hira M Kohli Dee Koscik Joe Koscik Mr and Mrs Sean C Kulka Mr and Mrs Travis Lackey Patty and Robert Lamb Jr Linda and John Lane Robert Langdale 66 Mr and Mrs Drew T Lanham Tyice and Robert N Lawrence Sr Mr Jason Li and Ms Sarah Sun Mr and Mrs Joe C Liang Margie and Bill Lineberry Mr Hai Ou Liu and Ms Nan Jiang Ms YuShonda Lofton Mr and Mrs Robert A Lonergan Mr and Mrs Orville Mair Mr and Mrs Robert B Malone Kourtney Few Mance 91 Michael E Mandl 08 Andrea B and Randal A Mangham Mr and Mrs Robert E Manuel Mr XuanZhi Mao and Mrs Yilin Wang Mrs Carole Anne Marshall Ms Kristin Masterson Mr and Mrs William Mayfield Ellie and Claude Mays Mr and Mrs Andrew McBath Marcy McCall and Paul N Condolora Michael C McCann 53 Ty McCard and Melissa Sneed McCard McCreery Family Mr and Mrs Kurt McDonald Sr Mrs Laura M McElveen Mr and Mrs Christopher W McEntee Ms Kimberly J McIntosh and Ms Nichole R Stallworth James W C McKay Jr 57 Mr Ernest C McLean III Ms Kathleen McManus Dr and Mrs Donald W McMillian Jr McMillian Fund Eileen and Terry McWhorter Kirsten O and Brandon L Mednick Mr and Mrs Christopher Mercier Addison H Meriwether 93 and Krissy Meriwether Jonathan and Amy Merrill Ms Donna Meyer and Ms Cleo Meyer Mr and Mrs Jim Michael Mr John N Miles 65 Bob E Miller 58 and Patricia Miller Mr and Mrs Steve Miller Mr and Mrs Kenneth L Milton Jr Kechia Minter Dr and Mrs C Stanley Mitchell Jr Mr and Mrs Robert Monette Jr Araminta and Jason Montague Jessica and David Moore Joseph and Marci Morettini Mr and Mrs George N Mori Sr David and Jane Moss Louisa R and Michael Mousadis Jenna Murphy Mr Jay Nagar and Dr Ritu Nagar Mr and Mrs James A Novak Drs Agnes P and Abraham A Oyewo Necie Elizabeth Young Pable 90 and Lawrence J Pable Jr Dr Sri Palacharla and Dr Radhika Mudiyala Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Mrs Caroline LaBriola Pasternak 09 Dr Dinesh G Patel Dr and Mrs Milan R Patel Salil Patel and Anju Bhushan Ushma N and Tarun R Patel Mrs Deborah Payne Kathy Payne Mr and Mrs Tim A Payne Justin C Perlman 98 and Morgan Nugent Dr Janine Pettiford Mr Loren Pierce and Ms Jessica H Williams Drs Chudamani R and Pritam R Polkampally Mr Kenneth Potsic and Ms Jennifer Barlament James Potts 64 Joella Mercer Potts 93 and John M Potts III 93 John R Prall 97 and Krista N Prall Mr and Mrs Andreas A Preuss Stephanie Lee Pugh 90 and Reuben Pugh Jr William B Putman 86 and Dorothy Putman Jeffrey M Putnam 04 and Kathryn K Putnam Mr and Mrs Curtis T Raines Jennifer Grasser Rainwater 93 and Kevin Rainwater Rara Avis Inc Mat Raymond Jr 63 and Elizabeth Raymond Mr and Mrs Jack Reale Lakshmi Reddy 92 and Paul J Bernard Mr and Ms Mark E Reich Nancy and Vic Reinhold Katie Richards Hutchison Patricia and Charles Rodgers Charlie Rodriguez and Yesenia Guardado Mr and Mrs Roberto Rodriguez Christopher Rose Sr and Crystal M Anderson Rosebud Company LLC Mr and Mrs Chad Ross David Aaron Roth 10 Tad Sahara Stacey and Brett Sandifer Diane S and Stanley Sard Mr Christopher G Sawyer 12 Sawyer Family Charitable Fund Sheila and Joseph Schifilliti Sean M and Kerry A Scroggs Mr and Mrs Marco Seta Donald E Shamp James Z Shanks Jr Ena A Shaw 88 Helen C Shean Mr and Mrs Jamal Shears Miss Jessica D Sibley Mr Xavier A Silva 89 and Mrs Julie Oliver Silva 86 Cindy and Stan Silvert Mr and Mrs Gregory M A Simpson Mr and Ms Jamie R Sims Richard H Sinkfield III 87 Mr and Ms Keller P Smith Thanayi and David Smith Kate S and Andrew M Snell Mitzi Zieve Solomon 97 and Jeffrey M Solomon 97 Rajiv Sood 93 and Carey Sood Specialty Eggs LLC Shakeenah Faison and Alex Stafford Breanna L Stein 08 Mr and Mrs Greg Stoeckel Drs Samantha G and Steven C Storey Mr and Mrs William Stratton Jr Mrs Mindi Strianese Mr Sou Pen Su and Mrs Bernice Lin Mr and Mrs Frederick S Sugarman Maureen M and Michael A Sullivan Mary Lou Swann Mr Jun Tan and Mrs Hua Wang Mr and Mrs Josh Taylor Ms Alice Teichert Mary and Scott Thompson Mr and Mrs Matthew A Thompson Dr Winifred Wilkins Thompson 88 and Richard D Thompson Mr and Mrs Joseph D Tilman Katie Watt Tinsley 04 and Charles T Tinsley Mr and Mrs Quintin R Tookes Larissa and James A Toomey Dr and Mrs Brian J Tovin Drs Cassandra R and Antwan L Treadway Gina Marshall Tucker 94 and Fred Tucker Mr and Mrs Mehmet Tulgan The Twiss Family Christopher Vandiford 87 Kirsten B and Jack L Vangrofsky Mr and Mrs John C Varner III Mr Narendra Nath Vattikuti and Dr Mani Sandhya Vemulapalli Dr and Mrs Sreekanth Vemuri Mr and Mrs Jonathan A Ventulett Mr and Mrs Mihaita A Virjoghe Mr Robert J Waddell and Mr Gregory L Smith Mrs Tracy Wadhwania Mr and Ms David D Wagner Mr and Mrs Wade Walker Jr Mr and Mrs Richard M Warren Mr and Mrs Chad Watkins Joseph A Watkins 98 Mr and Mrs Dave Watson Dr and Mrs Christopher J Watts Sr Evan V Watts 03 Tonia R and Andy Webb Dr and Mrs Donald R Webster Mr Stephen Weinstein and Ms Elizabeth Searcy Mr and Mrs Philip Wheeler Bart White 88 Tonya Tolleson Whitmire 91 and Scott A Whitmire Michael B T Wilkes 70 and Harriet Wilkes Mr and Mrs Joshua R Williams Wanda and Scott Williams Mr Clarence T Williamson III 01 James H Wilson III 98 and Kathleen H Wilson Erica Forniss Wiltshire Dr Tracy E Wimbush Mr John Winford IV and Dr June Winford Ms Doris K Winston Stacie Shirley Wood 94 Mr Albert Woodard Linda S and Mark S Wyatt Dr Andy Xu and Dr Li Zhang Ronda and Bruce Zents Mr Yao Zhan and Ms Chunman Yu WAR EAGLE CIRCLE Up to 249 Anonymous 28 Ms Erika Y Aaron Keenan Aaron Selama Abdella Emanuel I Abdul Salaam 19 Mr and Mrs Luqman Abdur Rahman Abrakadoodle Sandy and Jerry Adamek Cassandra and Ozie Adams Jr Robert L Adams 76 and Cindee Adams Shelley N Adams 07 Ms Teresa L Adams Charles H Addison 09 Victoria A Adebayo 19 Oluwadurotimi A Adisa 19 Ellen and Todd Adolph Lacy Adolph Victor E Adoue 63 Alexander P Agle 92 Miss Chantay Agnew Mr and Mrs Matthew M Agurkis Aaron M Ahlzadeh 07 Maya Akbik 19 Mr Brian Albanese 97 Mr Edward H Alexander 05 Jean Verdel Alexander 76 and Bill Alexander Dr Margaret E Alexander Dr Ahmad H Al Hajj and Dr Abeer N Abouyabis Roba Ali Judith C Allen 79 Robert Allen 02 and Keli Allen Mr Matthew W Almand 02 Lee Altheimer 67 and Evelyn Altheimer Ms Lindsey M Alvarez 05 Frank L Alverson Jr 59 and Mary C Alverson Ariana N Alvord 19 The Alvord Family PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 23

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Mr Nasser M Amane and Ms Zebiba T Delil Pamela Allen Ambler 99 and Stewart Ambler Ms Amanda Ambrus Mr and Mrs Patrick K Amos Mr and Mrs Clay E Anderson James J Anderson 75 and Nancy D Anderson Marisa Amick Anderson 96 and James R Anderson Tisa Anderson Dr James and Rochelle Andrews Mr and Mrs Phil Andrews Emma E Anhalt 19 Dr Irfan Ansari and Mrs Rabia Khan Ms Alexis C Anzo 04 Barry D Applegate 83 Mr Joshua K Arensberg 93 Capt Alan D Armstrong USN and Ms Nicole L Chambers Tyson and Kate Armstrong Mr William C Arnold 09 Mr Gus Arrendale Robert L Ashe III 93 and Blake Ashe Bonnie Aspinwall Brooke A Aspinwall 13 Eddie Atkins Mr and Mrs Rajesh K Attra Mr and Mrs Jose A Auffant Elizabeth Jones Aull 89 and Jake Aull Samantha Mann Avent 07 Kwamena T Awotwi 19 Ms Kalen V Axam 10 Karaz P Axam 13 Dawn Axam Hocker Vernon S Aycock 58 and Ann Aycock Thomas A Azadi 19 Drs Wendy M and Jeffer T Baer Ms Debra H Bailey Lavern Bailey Mr Matthew B Bailey 92 Bart L Baker 87 and Lisa Baker Jackson M Baker 18 Joanne and Grant Baker Mr and Mrs Justin S Baker Isabela E Baldwin 19 Ms Muslimah Baldwin Dr and Mrs Michael A Balk Sayre J Balk 19 Mr and Mrs R Jonathan Balser Shannon Sheesley Balthaser 05 and Spencer A Balthaser Katherine Bandrowski Ingrid Banks Jamaul and Christine Banks Nan and David Banks Mr and Mrs William W Banks Jr Neel A Bansal 19 Elizabeth E Barber 19 Penny and Alan Barber Andrew C Barker 03 and Ries Barker Thomas F Barnard 19 Gale and Stephen Barnett 24 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Mr and Mrs Rashidi D L Barnett Jenifer and Harold Baro Maria Barrera Leo Barrios Dasani L Barrow 19 Mr and Mrs Olyn Barrow Lindsey Ives Barry 01 and Justin Barry Quinn Nygren Barry 06 Suzanne Barton Mrs Lexie Ziegler Batchelor 00 and Mr Wesley Batchelor Bill Batterman Audrey Baugh Mr and Ms Derek Baugh Mr and Mrs Adrian Bazemore Drs Joan F and Nicholas J Beaulieu Ashley Kushner Becknell 02 and John W Becknell Mrs Anne Beebe Mr and Mrs Amir Hossien Behnia Ms Ruth E Behr 12 Allison P Belkeir 19 Deaton Bell 86 Victoria M Beltran 01 and Timothy F Teck 01 Steven E Benatar 09 and Taylor Benatar Elyse R Benjamin 11 Erik M Benjamin 14 Mr and Mrs Elgin L Bennett Ella H Bennett 19 John E Bennett 62 and Beverly Bennett Michael T Bennett III 18 Mr John W Benson Nicholas J Benson 19 Mrs Brooke Weinstein Berger 99 Justin D Berger 17 Michael D Berkey 19 Dr and Mrs Eugene A Berkowitz Dr Keith M Berland and Ms Joan L Berland Danny Bermel Alexa Lieppe Bernstein 07 and Daniel J Bernstein 03 Lauren B Bernstein 96 Mr and Mrs Donald H Berthaume Maggie Berthiaume Roger Bertossi Dr and Mrs James S Bethea Sonali Bhakta 19 Mr and Ms Atul Bhatt Katherine A Bidwell 19 Dane C Bielfelt 99 and Anu Bielfelt Ms Kenzie M Biggins 99 Mr Paul R Billingsly Jr 99 Ms Tiffini N Billingsly 98 Ms Kelsey J Bilthouse 11 George W Bingham 51 Laurie and Mark Bird Lawton A Bird 19 Mrs Lindsey Keadle Birdsong 03 Charles B Bittinger 11 Mr Walter Blackmon III and Mrs Michael J Heard Blackmon Michael O Blackstock 93 and Tara B Blackstock Alysson Vogt Blackwelder 99 and Matthew Blackwelder Susan F and Paul M Blair Ms Ann Blakely David C Blakely 88 and Shannon M Blakely Jennifer N Blake Mahmud 01 Mr and Mrs David Blanke Ethan C Blase 19 Lauren Rawlins Blaszyk 93 and Jeffrey Blaszyk Ms CaroleAnne Block Marie Boatright Mrs Lynn T Bolander Jourdan A Bolton 19 Mr and Mrs Alexander G Bombeck James M Bondurant 13 Ruth Bonnevie Libo On and Darin Mickel Ryan Boone Charles T Borchers 19 Lance J Borders 19 Evan S Borenstein 99 and Lindsay Borenstein Richard A Borth Mr and Mrs Edward C Bosbyshell Nancy and Bud Boston Steve Boston Jennifer Bostwick Christine H and James Boucher Jill Bounds William B Bourne IV 92 and Emery Bourne Amanda Swint Boutelle 92 and Brian Boutelle Eric F Bowden 19 Gregory Bowden Jesse Bowen Phillip S Bowen 69 and Deborah C Bowen Mr Gerald Boyd Jr and Ms Priyanthi Marzorati Kim Landon Boyd 78 and Stephen Boyd Mr Doug D Boyer and Mrs Lisa S Smith Boyer Mr Mark A Boyles 09 Helen Lacy Brackett 75 and Robert L Brackett James W Braden 55 and June Braden Mr Tommie T Bradley and Mrs Althea Philord Bradley George Bradshaw Scarlette Branch Godwin Taylor E Brandon 17 Julia Branger de Guerra and Alvaro Guerra Ms Elizabeth F Braunstein 05 Mr and Mrs David S Breitzke Karyn Brelloch Mary Jane Stacy Brent 04 and James Brent John W Brinsfield Jr 62 Mahala J Broad 19 Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Trevon E Broad 92 Jacqueline and Eric Brooks Stacey S Brooks Annie Brown Brandie Brown Charles and Carolyn Sadberry Brown Jennifer and Eric A Brown Dr Judy Brown Kimberly Andrews Brown 83 Mary Brown Mr Stefan A Brown 11 Christy Browne Kelly Broyles Mr and Mrs Dennis J Bruce John W Bruce 18 Robert W Bruce III 11 David T Brumby 71 and Jane Brumby Mr John Brumfield and Ms Alicia K Black Kevin S Brumlow 85 Angie Bryant and Rebel Wesley Timothy Bryant Taylor B Buffington 07 Madeline Bulleit Delaney E Bunce 19 Mr Kenneth R Bunch and Mrs Angela J Boggs Elizabeth and Tyler Burbridge Ms Denice S Burch Mr and Mrs William J Burford Alex M Burgess 19 Joshua S Burgess 19 Gwendolyn Burnett Mr William R Burnette 03 Arthur Burns Mr Greg Burns and Mrs Irene Leyva Burns Ms Lauren A Bursh 03 Dr and Mrs Steven Bursian Lyndsey Miller Burton 01 and Daniel Burton Nia K N Burton 19 Adin B Burwell 19 Ms Lachlan A Busby 12 April N Bush 03 Donte D Bush 19 Cathy and Alan Butler Thomas F Byars 92 and Leslie H Byars Mr Kevin P Byers and Dr Sarah L Cook Mr Daniel Byrne Mr and Mrs Paul Byrnes Jr Connie Cabe Mr Harvey S Cain II and Ms Michelle A Williams Alexia S Cainion 19 Mr and Mrs Shaun Caldwell Caroline Calix Castro Gus A Callaway 76 and Lisa Callaway William P Calloway 70 Andrew Cameron 83 Mr and Mrs Robert G Cameron Laura and Charles Campbell Zachary A Canepa 19 E Rod Canfield 67 and Elizabeth Canfield Constance H Cantrell Goldman 78 and Steven M Goldman Kimberly Canty Winston B Cardwell III 91 and Jenn Cardwell Alexandra A Carmen 11 Emma E Carmical 19 Lesley A and Judgeston A Carnes Mason A Carnes 19 Rebecca A and James D Carpenter Mr and Mrs Kwame Carr Roger G Carr and Cheryl S Noel Ms Jessie H Cart 09 Drs Alexis and Shawn Carter Austin G Carter 19 Mr and Mrs Gary Carter Lin Price Carter 74 and Barry Carter Mr Russell E Carter and Ms Nakiya Fears Shelley and Kwesi Carter Mr Jack Cassell Cataloochee Ski Patrol Veronica Cato Mr Forrest Caton Edward N Caylor 70 Lily Chahine 19 Dany Chamseddine 19 Mia I Chan 19 Prescilla Chang Catherine Q Changus 19 Mr Maximillian J Changus and Dr Lori L Westphal Mr and Mrs Gregory K Chapin Jonathan M Chapman 03 Julian G Chapman 19 Mr Thomas M Chatham 93 Octavius Chatman Bineeta Chatterjee Mr Muhammad Chauhan and Ms Jessica Bennett Megan E Chen 19 Zhehao Chen 19 Sherry Cheng Vincy S Chiou 19 Ramana Kumar R Chittoor Govinda Reddy and Madhavi L Iguturi Roshani H Chokshi 09 Alisha M Chranya 19 Reid E Christensen 19 Mr and Mrs George Christy Avinash R Chugani 19 Robert W Church 76 and Linda Church Vernie Cincotta John F Cioci 91 Ms Mary Clapper Jason Clardy 96 Jacinda T and Clarence J Clark Mary and Steve Clark Mr and Mrs Charles Clarke Sr Class of 1993 Debra B and William G Clay Mary G Clayton 19 Mr and Mrs James E Clemo Cloud9 Technology Services Cheryl Gibson Cobb Harrison A A Cobb 13 Ms Lynn P Cobb Timothy F S Cobb Jr 17 Mr and Mrs William S Cobb III Brenda E and David C Cochran Jamison S Codner 07 Jenna S Codner 19 Jimmie Lee and Rich Cogburn Dr Genna R Cohen 03 Stanley C Coker 65 Heather and Blake Cole Mr Cassius Coleman and Mrs Aida Teferi Mr and Mrs Nathaniel Coleman Yolanda Coleman Sybil E Coley Ann Askew Colin 84 and Sam Colin Bailey K Collings 11 Mr and Mrs Courtney S Collins Jennifer Collins Ken B Collins 74 McKibben J Collins 19 Dr Loren K Colon 93 and Dr Marieli Colon Elisabeth H and David M Colquhoun Benjamin Condon 07 Lisa Lipscomb Connor 88 and Mark W Connor Walter W Constantine 99 and Elizabeth G Constantine Mr Hoke S Cooley Cameron A Cooper 16 Lillian Davis Cooper 78 Mary Elizabeth M Cooper 15 Reese M Cooper 19 Mr and Mrs Thomas H Cooper Emily Bent Corbin 08 and Thomas L Corbin 09 Karen and Mike Corbin Donald B Corder 51 and Charlotte Corder Mr and Mrs Byron Corley Jr Barrett N Cornelius 09 Sherald Y Cotton Mr and Mrs Aaron Coty Jackson W Couch 19 Mr and Mrs Errol Coutain Sr Cyclone Covey 97 and Affie N Covey Willie Covington and Denetra S Bates Margie and Tom Cowden April L Craig 83 Mr and Mrs Charles B Crawford Ms Jordan E Crawford 05 Mitchell S Crawford 19 Casey O Neal Creal 88 and George Creal Leah M Crider 19 Mr and Mrs John Cronin Sally E Crouse Andrew S Crowe 99 and Andrea Smith PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 25

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Anne Barr Cruz 97 Riley C Cullen 09 Ivie Cullen Dean 19 Andrew L Cunningham Jr Paul J Cunningham 46 and Patricia T Cunningham John Curran Ms Jackie Cushman Mr and Mrs Jerome Czerwinski Mr Edward Dacey and Ms Denise Koo Vuthanary H Dam Mr Gary Dandridge and Ms Charmelle C Harris Dandridge Carolyn D Angelo Mr and Mrs Jeffry Daniels Mr and Mrs George W Darden Lauren McClelland Darden 07 Isha D Darshane 19 Rev and Mrs Robert E Daugherty Mr and Mrs Godwin Davidson Alisha Davis Dr Cedrice Davis Danielle I Davis 08 Robin Davis Susanna Thomas Davis 95 Mr and Mrs Troy L Davis Mrs Veronica L Davis Mr W Ryan Davis and Inda Davis Kevin Dawkins Allison P Day 90 Mr and Mrs P Phillip Day Sara Notestine Day 04 and John Day Karen McCleskey Dean Mr Lloyd Dean Eleanor A and Edward A Dearolph Lt Col Ret Jeffery E Dearolph USMC 81 Rebecca I Dearolph Tonya and Christopher Dedeaux Aneel A Delawalla 98 and Zainab Delawalla Ms Tallia N Deljou 09 Larry DeMarcus 72 Meredith Koehler Dempsey 99 and Brian Dempsey Dr Yi Deng and Dr Henian Zhang Elizabeth M Denny 19 Kristen Williams Derk 98 and Daniel Derk Ms Anupa V Deshpande 93 Mrs Lynn Deyton and Ms Shelly L Sullivan Mr and Mrs Kashif A Dhatwani Ms Emily C Diamond 02 Adair Dickerson 11 Charles R Dickerson Jr 08 Charles R Dickerson Sr 75 and Janet E Dickerson Mr Robert Dickinson E Wayne Dill 56 Tambria Dixon Mr and Mrs Frank H Doherty Kelly S Donovan 09 Mr and Mrs Joseph Dorsett Mr and Mrs Anthony Dow 26 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Mr Andrew G Doyley Sr and Dr Cherice M Doyley Ms Terri L Dramis Lynch Meredith Draper Margaret McClellan Driscoll 88 and Sean F Driscoll Abby E Duke 19 Julia Bonds Duke 92 and Lee Duke Mr and Mrs Christopher S Dunaway Scott Dunbar 65 Arik D Duncan 19 David A Dundee Sara S Dundee 08 Erin Dunkle LaToya Dunn Lillian X D Duong 14 Monica X T Duong 16 Mr William A DuPre IV and Judge Leigh M DuPre Elena P Duralde 05 Jelani M Durley 19 Dale Blonder Dyer 83 and Jeff Dyer Elizabeth Ponder Dykstra 89 and Jay L Dykstra Mr and Mrs Johnny W Easterling Kim Edens RN Mr and Mrs Jason R Edgecombe Ms Clark L Edmond 09 Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds 96 and Joseph Edmonds Farron J Edmonds 19 Ms Ann Edmondson Mr Franklin R Edmondson Jr and Ms Bernetta Waller Christopher R Edwards 13 Mr Donald Edwards III Ms Lindsey C Eisenberg 03 Patricia and Jeffrey Elam Carl B Eleazer 76 Adrian J Elfersy 00 Nicholas E Eller 19 Helen W Ellis 98 John B Ellis III 99 and Mindy Ellis Suzy Ellis Stephen A Elmore Jr 94 and Demetria Elmore Kelsey Quillen Emerson and Benjamin L Emerson May Engelhardt Dan and Allison Englert Yosmin English Terrance D Epps 03 Mr and Mrs Thomas Erdmann Walter C Ernest IV 85 and Teresa Ernest Felice M Ernst 09 Rebecca Steinmark Erwin 93 and Ryan Erwin Zachary T Erwin Keisha Escoffery 93 and Martin Emmett Jason A Escolar 19 Mr and Mrs Paul Eskew Marcela Espinosa 08 Kristin Fair Ethridge 10 Samuel J Etkind 19 Mr and Mrs David B Evans Hannah A Evans 19 Pamela Zellmer Evett 03 and JD Evett Mr Lawrence O Eyinla and Ms Bola M Modupe Melissa Eyinla 19 Jill L and Terry S Fair Mr Chris Faircloth and Mrs Lina Bowman Dolan P Falconer III 16 Leo J Falkenstein 09 Ms Laura C Fanucchi 96 Sara S Fanucchi 00 and Thomas E Taylor Denise and Bob Farmer Patricia Farmer Sarah S Farrar 10 Stuart Farris 73 Mike Farry Joya F Faruque 10 Mr Charles F Faulkner Chris and Bob Fauls Mr Derrick F Faur 92 Bill and Pam Feaster Michael J Fedack 67 William J Fedack Jr 70 Dr and Mrs Trevor Feinstein Timothy Fenner Tyrone L and Wanda Y Fennie Brian Ferguson Dr Daniel S Ferguson 68 and Mrs Jennifer Ferguson Ferguson Family Charitable Account Frances Ann Ferguson Holly Ferguson Margaret Nottoli Ferrante 87 and Robert A Ferrante Mr and Mrs Joseph L Ferst Danion K Fields 19 Steven C Figiel 02 Janie Swanson Finch 74 Mr and Mrs Andrew Fischbach Mr and Mrs Brian Fisher Rosella Fisher Susan Fisher Jordan Arkin Fishman 05 and Matt Fishman Samuel H Fishman 13 Madeleine Flournoy Mrs Omega Flowers Julia H and Jeffrey K Floyd Mr and Mrs James D Fluker Megan E Foell 19 W Paul Folger 73 and Paige D Folger Kathryn Pierce Folk 94 and Lance Folk Teresa Fonseca Mr and Mrs Grant Ford Linda and Don Ford Laura Foreman Maya E Foreman 17 Morgan A Foreman 13 Mary E Fort 19 Greg Foster Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Marcus B Foston 99 Mr and Mrs Daniel Fowler Lily M Francour 19 Bradley R Freedman 18 Ms Jamilah Freeman Linda L Freeman William H Freer 19 Jason and Amber French Marquita Friday Mr and Mrs Alan Friedman Ms Tracy Friess Peter J Fritts 83 and Susan A Fritts Teagan S Fritts 19 Kenny M Frontin Jr 19 Mr and Mrs Todd Fryburger Ms Marsha L Fullard Garlan Barron Furin 84 and Brandt Furin Ryan L Furlough 05 and Katie Furlough Summer Goldberg Gabriel 07 and John Gabriel Owen Gaddis 01 and Chesley Gaddis Karnera D Gafford 19 The Honorable Crystal A Gaines and Mr Eric C Bond Stephanie Galanti Emily J Gallagher 19 William Gamson 19 Dr Ashish R Gandhi 09 Dr and Mrs Jignesh N Gandhi Sejal Gandhi 19 Begona B and Jose Garcia Katherine L Gardner 95 Kameron N Garmestani 19 Mr Walt Garrison Sherry I and Tom W Gary Tahj E Gary 19 Tajiah E Gary 19 Caroline R Gaster 19 Mr and Mrs Tom A Gaster Sydney C Gaxiola 12 Laura Flynn Heller George 06 Whitney Dickerson Gerkin 03 and David Gerkin Bethany M Getachew 19 Mr and Mrs Harold Geter Rebecca Giacchino Anna R Gianneschi 19 Kathleen Lawton Gibbon 99 and Brendan Gibbon Morgan Plank Gibney 07 and John Scott Gibney Mr Marlon L D Gibson and Dr Sheree L Gibson Mr Mike Gibson 78 Ms Paige C Gibson 10 Mr and Mrs Raymond C Gibson Mr Joseph Gilbert and Ms Padma Choudry Sabina Miller Gilbert 78 and Murphy P Gilbert Kathryn Autry Gilman 02 and Michael C Gilman 03 Merideth Fanning Gilmor 94 Mr and Mrs John Ginley II John J Ginley 19 George H Ginn 54 Agustin Giron Anna Wells Gjerlow 90 Russell and Kathy Gladding Reagan B Glass 19 Mr and Mrs Jante T Glenn Mr John Glenn and Mrs Fredricka Whitfield Glenn Mr and Mrs Matthew Glenn Maria Godinez Stacie Shattles Goins Gregory B Goldberg 04 Jacob L Goldberg 11 Destiny T Goldsmith 19 Mr and Mrs Terry Goldsmith Katherine E Goldstein 13 Mark G Goldstein 93 and Amanda M Goldstein Judith Golick Marshall T Golick 19 Warren B Gomel 04 and Amanda W Gomel Mr Frank Gomez 81 Marla Edwards Goncalves Juan Gonzalez Ma Gonzalez Ms Rebekah L Goode Kathryn P Goodgame 15 Wesley Goodwin 52 Mr and Mrs Ron Goodwyn Allison B Gordon 07 Madison Weiss Gordon 09 Rachel Fruchtman Gordon 06 Leonhard H Gorgens 09 Sophia V Gorgens 11 Ulrike R and Lutz Gorgens Asha D Gorjala 19 Andrew F Gosch 18 Lindsey Bornstein Gottlieb 04 Jenny Gould Camryn Graham 19 Dr and Mrs Samuel Graham Hannah L Granot 19 Mr and Mrs Brian A Grant Julian Grant 19 Nathan Grau Andrew L Gray 15 Joyce G and Jerry L Gray Kristi Gray Mr Gailand Green and Ms Nikole M Crow Jennifer E Green and Robert A Proctor Kelly S and Darrell C Green Kira N Green 19 Mr and Ms Mark J Green Mr Quinton Green and Ms Shanqueta Bradford Mr Wayne A Green and Dr Scott D McManus David H Greene Jr 19 Chris Greenway Ms Erin C Greenway 00 Ms Halle G Griffee Dean G C Griffin 15 Elizabeth Griffin George C Griffin II 79 and Carroll H Griffin Steve and Kathy Griffin Mrs Melodie Griffith Poindexter Tiana N Grissom 13 Kelly Gronka 07 JaKai M Grooms 17 Timothy Grooms Susan Gruber Stella Guerra Kelly M Guest 13 Marshall S Guest 00 and Sarah S Guest William A Guest M D 69 AnaSimone Guillaume 19 Miss Pamela E Gunby Ryan T Gunnigle Jr 19 Callum T Guo 19 Mr Stephen Gutman Ms Tracey Gutman Ayanna Habeel 19 The Haber Family Richard B Hadlow 70 and Cynthia E Hadlow Chelsea Hagan Carolyn and John Haldeman Lindsey M Haley 19 Charles C Hall 19 David M Hall 83 Mr Jay Hall Mr and Mrs Kelvin B Hall Kelvin Nathaniel Hall 19 Karen and Greg Hallas Sydney E Hallas 19 Mr and Mrs Ray Hamilton Mr David S Hammond Jr Mr Tripp Hammond Lena M Hanchard Bryan A Hancock 93 and Maryanne Q Hancock Courtney Guest Hannan 09 Jeffery A Hannon 83 and Katherine Hannon Ms Jennifer L Hanson 00 Jill Hanson John A Hanson 06 and Stephanie Hanson Mr and Mrs Mark Hanson Mr and Mrs Timothy Harben Mr Robert S Hardaway B Amrey Harden 72 Greer S Hardesty 19 Brandy and Christopher Hardin Akeem N Hardnett 04 Deborah Hardy Peggy and Jeremy Hardy Sage N Harley 19 Mr Arlon M Harper 11 Ms Barbara W Harris Beth Teital Harris PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 27

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Clifton T Harris 54 Guy M Harris 04 Holly E Harris 01 Kennedy C Harris 19 Linda and Jeff Harris Mr and Mrs Merlin Harris Sadreka Harris Mr Willie H Harris and Dr Sandea Harris Brenda Harrison Kitty McNeely Hartley 84 and David Hartley Mr and Mrs Damon M Harvey Haley Hasen 15 Samantha M Hasen 17 Linda Haskell Charles R Hatcher IV 19 Jessica I Hatfield 19 Meghan M Hauser 99 Mr Reynell D Hay and Mrs Lannetta N Easterling Hay Kimberly McCullough Hayes 87 and Kenny Hayes Mr and Mrs Stephon Hayes Katherine Healan Dr and Mrs Jay Hebert Emily Heilker Mr and Mrs Stephen S Heinz Mr and Mrs Phillip Heise Robbie S Helms George L Henderson 19 Ian C Henderson 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 Katherine Carll Hendrix 10 and Blake Hendrix Sara and Kyle Henggeler William A Hennessy 03 Mary Henry William S Henwood Jr 95 and Claire R Henwood Mr Peter K Herbert and Dr Velma Zahirovic Herbert Amy Giles Hershberg 93 and Lee Hershberg Lorri Hewett Gail and Lyons Heyman Bailey A Heywood 16 Mr and Ms Robert L Heywood Lisa and Forrest Hibbard The Hickox Family Mr and Mrs David Hicks Mr Trevor Hiestand and Ms BryAnn Chen Highland Mobile Veterinary Service LLC The Hildebrand Family Alexis B Hill 19 James F Hill and Tanya Rowe Hill James F Hill III 14 Otway B Hill 62 and Gail Hill Mr and Mrs Jason Hines Jesse Ben Hines Mr Timothy Hipp and Family Georgia W Hippe 19 Jeffrey R Hirsh 10 28 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Anna Kathryn Hodges 19 Jason and Meredith Hodges David B Hodgins 98 and Kate Hodgins Nancy M Hogan 11 Mr and Mrs Victor Hogan Grady R Hogg Jr 55 Jeffrey J Holder 93 and Ginn Jordan Holder 93 Pamela D Holder Mr and Mrs Shun Holder Charles F Hollis IV 19 Mrs Regina Hollis Scott R Holman 02 and Amy N Holman Allison White Holmes 03 and Darrell A Holmes Kadija Holmes Mark A Holmes 03 Mary Hollis Holmes Matt Holmes Randolph M Holmes 88 and Lauren Holmes Alexander N Holt 03 and Caroline P Holt Meredith Jackson Holt 96 Dr and Mrs Travon J Holt Mr and Mrs Joseph H Hood Jr Kira L Hooks 09 Ashley L Hopkins 05 Melissa Dupre Hopple 03 Mr and Mrs Jack Hopson Mr and Mrs Joseph Hord Mr Sasan Hosein and Mrs Noshin Najafi Maria and William Houser Mr and Mrs Patrick Howell Mr Jun Huang and Mrs Qiuen Xia Hannah M Hubbard 07 Julie A Hubschman 12 Frank M Huchingson Jr 63 Charles Huddleston Mr and Mrs Aaron J Hudson KiAndra Hudson Ms Brittany L Huet 05 Dr and Mrs Jarrod Huey Zoe R Huey 19 Kelsey Schmidt Huffines 10 and John W U Huffines Jr 10 Neta and Martin Huggins Kameron A Hughes 19 Mrs Susan Hull Samantha R Humphrey 19 Mr and Mrs Scott R Humphrey John S Hunsinger Jr 75 Henry B Hunt 19 Mr and Mrs John S Hunt Lauran Hunt Gordon Hunter and Sandra Broad Hunter Robbie Hunter MaryCarol E Huntz 19 John Hurston Kevin Hurysz Dr and Mrs John Huston Frederick W Hutchinson Jr Mr and Mrs G Duane Hutchison Susan L Hutto 02 and Eddie Wojnar Heather C Hviding Monica L and James H Hyder Evonne A Iau 19 Jennifer and Jeremy Inmon Mr Andrew C Irvin and Mrs Buddie K Amoah Irvin Tanna J Irvin 19 Mr and Mrs Kevin Isaacs Caitlin Ishibashi J G Consultants Inc Benjamin J Jackson 19 Bessie Jackson Brian Keith Jackson and Regina Leigh Calloway Kristin Jackson Vernetta Jackson Vicky and Tom Jackson Ms Jill Jacobs Kristin Overcash Jaen Zoe A M Jafflin 19 Mr Jonathan James Mr and Mrs Richard James Ms Susan James Mary Brooks Smalley Jamison 89 and Jay Jamison Kelly Nichols Janicki 04 Mr and Mrs Nicholas Jarman Milton Jarrell Jr 74 Dana Jefferson 87 Mr Jay Jenkins and Ms Mahlet B Gebremedhin Mr John P Jenkins 91 Mr William L Jenkins and Mrs Aneithia L Robertson Jenkins Ms Michon Jeter Rohan Jhanjee 19 Jameel S Jiwani 02 Mr Aldric Johns and Ms Morgana L Freeman Mrs Beverly K Johnson Christopher S Johnson 04 Mr and Mrs Daniel K Johnson Mr and Mrs Forrest Johnson Mr and Mrs George Johnson Ms Lauren D Johnson 99 Lily G Johnson 19 Maria Lievano Johnson 83 and James C Johnson Ms Sara E Johnson Shadae Johnson Wyatt S Johnson 19 Frank Johnston 96 Virginia Serrato Johnston 78 and Warwick A Johnston Alie Jones Andrew Jones Briggs H Jones 45 Catherine H Jones 19 Mr Elam D Jones 12 Emanuel D Jones II 08 Jennifer L Jones John Jerry Jones Family Trust Mr John E Ed Jones 57 Mr Lawson E Jones and Mrs Melissa Thurmond Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Linda Jones Richard Jones USNR Ret 57 Dr and Mrs Theron M Jones William H Jones 82 and Laura M Jones Adrienne Jones Reese Meg Jordan Arya B Joshi 19 Paul and Joyce Jurik Jennifer and Bill Kaduck Parker A Kahlert 19 Gobind Kala 14 Jayshri Kala Adem Kaleshi Mufail Kaleshi Shyhrete and Halim Kaleshi Mr and Mrs James R Kane Dr Varnada A Karriem Norwood Tejal Desai Kassatly 90 and Robert Kassatly Mr and Mrs Robert L Keber Tonya Keen Isaac E Keil 19 Mr Kent Kelley Mr Jon Peter Kelly and Ms Hannah Chung Mr and Mrs Kevin L Kelly Mr and Mrs Richard E Kelly Mr and Mrs Matt Kendall Ms Patricia Kenly Timothy F Kennedy 99 Dr and Mrs Chad Kessler Kellum D Key 19 Uswa Khan 19 Dr and Mrs Niraj Khandelwal Jayden A Khatib 19 Mr and Mrs Wallace Khatib Nia Kherani 19 Gail Kidd Joey Kiernan and Linda Loff Mr and Mrs Mark R Kilduff Dr and Mrs Babur Kilic Dr and Mrs Eunho Kim Jennifer L Kim 00 Joshua Y Kim 19 Mr and Mrs Charles Ray Kimbell II Candace McWhirter Kimbrough 99 and Todd Kimbrough Drs Heavenly and Damon C Kimes Zachary C Kimes 19 Cole W King 19 Mr and Mrs Kevin W King Mr Malik A King 91 Ms Marianna King Patricia A King Stephanie Fernald King 08 and Benjamin C King 06 Drew Kise H Martin Kite Jr 58 and Bobbie H Kite Rachel P Kittner 92 and Sean Rheuben Charles J Knight 09 Mrs Jennifer Knox 95 Carolyn G Koch 19 Deepika Koganti 05 Mr Srivishnu P Koganti 09 Jacob A Konas 10 Andrew S Koransky 91 Margaret J Koriwchak 19 Chelsea L Korski 10 Mollie and Robert Korski Ansley C Koscik 19 Mr and Mrs Kevin Kraselsky Mr Abhishek Krovi and Mrs Sripriya Ganta Christi Black Kruse 80 Steven and Monica Kuhlman Kim Kulka Frank T Kurzweg III 19 Hyuk J Kwon 88 Samuel Kwon 87 and Amy Kwon Bob and Jane Lafferty Thomas C Lafiandra 19 Katherine T LaFiandra McCall 13 Mr and Mrs Karim K Lakhani Karen Lakin Michelle T LaLonde 79 and Brian E Feldman Frederick Poole Landers Sr 67 Jacob M Landgraff 19 Sydney Horne Langdon 03 and Joel Langdon Joy Lanier Mr and Mrs Garfield Larmond Donald L Lassiter 74 and Sharon Lowe Lassiter William C Lathem 72 and Donna Lathem Carrie Gibson Lauchlan 97 and Alex J Lauchlan Ilana A Lavine 19 Gary Lawhon Ms Kimberly N Lawrence 00 Mr Robert N Lawrence Jr 03 John S Laws Jr 66 McKenzie Lawson Carrie Whiteman Layton 89 and William C Layton Christopher R Lea 14 Jacob E Leader 19 Mr and Mrs Russell Leake Amy Goldsmith Lee 99 and Jonathan R Lee Mr Harry Lee Jr and Ms Ashley Burgess Liz and Michael Lee Margaret Lee Michael J Lee 89 and Ji Y Lee Nanci UnJung Lee Mr Seung Ki Lee and Ms Soo Kyung Kwak Thomas E Lee 68 and Hyon H Lee Valaurie Bridges Lee 90 Danielle M LeFevers 08 Jennifer E Leighton 09 Ms Heidi Leithleiter Mr and Mrs Mc Alee Lemene Mr Philippe D LeRoy Ms Taryn D Lesniak 03 Mr Thomas D Lesniak Jr 01 Deborah S and David A Levine Liam E Levine 19 Dr Alan M Levy Tessa R Levy 19 Ms Whitney W Lewallem Calvin W and Tanisha L Lewis Gabrielle J Lewis 19 Jeremy D Lewis 96 Kenneth Lewis Mr Lloyd Lewis and Ms Darlene D Baltimore Mr and Mrs Orlin Lewis Mr and Mrs Pascal Lewis Sarah R Lewis 19 Seth M Lewis 19 Sierra T Lewis 19 Taylor D Lewis 09 Xinru Li 19 Valerie R Libby 03 Hailey M Lightner 19 Mr Zhiyong Lin and Mrs Jiaoyan Wang Mary Beth E Lineberry 05 Mr and Mrs Alonzo Little Ms Amy Little Hailey Little Mr Ryan M Locke and Ms Lee C Pressley Justin C Locklear 05 Allison M Lockwood 01 Mr and Mrs Stan W Logan Mr Keith Lollis and Dr Kirsten M Lollis Kai Cunningham Lombard 83 and Art Lombard Paul M Longino 83 and Cathy Longino Mr and Mrs Derrick H Lopez Jr Orlando F Lopez 74 Orlando F Lopez Jr 00 Sydney L Lopez 19 Mr and Mrs Heinrick Louis Pierre Hannah S Lovett 19 Dr Louis J Lovett and Dr Lisa S Rosof Alyson Lovingood Lisa and Alan Lubel Walter F Lubkin 55 Ms Adrienne Lance Lucas Sandra Lee Lucus Mr Frank Lummus Dr and Mrs William Lyday II Daniel J Lyle 88 and Becky Lyle Mr Kenneth Lynch Mr Nick H Lynton 00 Mr and Mrs Daniel Maas Mr Jacob D Mach Cathy Mack Mr and Mrs Lucius Mack Sr Tiffany Mack Tony Mack Donald S MacKerer 42 Ms Margaret Madden Mr and Mrs Jeffrey B Madere Dr and Mrs Hari G Madichetty Monisha P Mahadevan 19 Kayla Mahoney Amanosi N Maiki 19 Lindsey and Ibrahim O Majekodunmi PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 29

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Emanuel D Major 09 David Makkers Parvin Malcolm Mrs Shelley Malcolm Alicia Maldonado Kate Adornato Malone 03 and Chris Malone Anne Marie Maltbie Ms Jennifer Mancuso Mr Alex Maner Mr and Mrs Brian G Mann Teresa Lopez Mann 78 and John S Mann Mr and Mrs Gregory J Maples Mr and Mrs Christopher W Marek Drs Kimberly and Bryant Marks Ann O Marmo Ms Annette M Marshall Ms Beth Marshall Chuck Marshall Mr and Mrs Rasheed B Marshall Angela Martin James Martin 07 Louis J Martin II 73 and Alice H Martin Dr and Mrs Paul Martin Liliana and Javier Martinez Stephanie Martinez 19 Mr and Mrs Tsukasa Mashimo Edis Masic Darryl S Maslia 86 Bobby Mason Mr and Mrs Kevin Masters Maj Adam P Mathes 99 Anna C Mathis 86 Mr and Mrs Robert M Matre Miles K Matterson 19 Mr and Mrs Marcus Matthews Mr Mark E Matthews 70 Sally and Sandy Matthews Wesley D Maxey 19 John Maxwell Branden A May 07 and Brittany May Mr and Mrs Robert L Mayfield Maria Mays Matthew P McAdam 12 Mrs Carol D McBath Joann McBride Miss Leticia J McCadden McCann Family Fund Justin W McCart 06 Christelle and Cory McClean Lucy Fender McCloud 02 and Lyle McCloud Stewart W McCloud 00 Ms Kim W McClure Mr Robert McClure Linda and Ron McCollum Mr Cameron L McConnell 06 Mrs Carrianne B McCormack Mr and Mrs Ollie L McCoy Tamika S and Joe T McCoy Alan McCracken 63 Rachel A McCray 19 Tressa S and Kevin L McCray 30 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Mr Bennett E McCumber 99 Mr Sean S McDermott 10 Antoinette McDonald Eric B McDonald and Dawn Atkins McDonald Ms Virginia McDonough Brenda McDowell Mr and Mrs Robert E McEntee Elizabeth Gray McEver 04 and Hayward McEver Elizabeth T McFadden 93 Summer E McFadden 13 Tim McFarland William M McGarrah and Paige E McGarrah Mary D McGonigle 15 Mrs Sherrie McGrady Johnson Matthew P McGuire 84 and Christine McGuire Michael D McGuire 73 Jennifer Collier McKee 87 and Mike McKee Mr Reggie McKenzie Ms Morgan D McKinnon 12 Mr and Mrs Carl D McManamy Leah Fiorenza McNeill 01 Mr Emil Mehovic Mr Chris Mellett Mr John C Mellon Julie Hodges Melton 95 and Craig Melton Rabit Memeti and Hyrije Ajeti Casey Mendoza Hadrian Mendoza 09 Mr and Mrs Robert Mercado Ms Melissa A Merchant Molly E D Merchant 19 Erica S Merritt 02 Lisa G Merritt 84 Mr and Mrs Richard Meuris Joseph A Meyer III 19 Karen Middleton Mr and Mrs William J Milam Mr Jason Miles and Dr Kia Miles Jeffrey B Millar 74 Dr and Mrs Emmett H Miller Jr Gayle and Tracy Miller Gloria Miller Greg and Elizabeth Miller Jeffrey T Miller 85 Mr Joshua A Miller Lisa Miller 05 Mr Nathan Miller and Mrs Erin Murphy William C Miller Jr 08 Sarah Millette Ms Melanie Millner Wyatt M Millner 19 Mr and Mrs Ryan S Millward Avery E Milner 19 Mr and Mrs David E Milner MacKenzie Crain Minyard 03 and Nathan Minyard Drs Chante W and Davin G Mitchell Sr Dr and Mrs Eric S Mitchell George Mitchell Jerry Mitchell Maya S Mitchell 15 Richard A Mitchell Thomas M Mitchell 65 Mr and Mrs William N Mitchell Mr Clyde E Mize Jr and Dr Ida L Rose Mize Mr and Mrs Rubin Mohan Ms Jennifer Molner Laquinta M and Bill Montgomery Ms Kelly Rice Monts 05 Nikki and Hayes Moody Gregory Mooneyham Gigi Moore Laura and Richard Moore Donald R Moorhead 68 Rob Moran Thilenius Moreland Mr and Mrs John Morgan Stephanie S Morgan 10 Valerie and Harrison Morgan Ms Rochelle D Morgan Verdin 05 Amy and Tony Morris David W Morris 19 Eleni Snider Morris 06 and James W Morris Frances Morris Jacqueline M Morris 12 Jennifer Briggs Morris 00 and Dan Morris Juzelle Morris Margaret and Andy Morris Ms Sankeshia D Morrow Chase P Mortimer 04 Amanda and Kenneth Morton Torrance J Mosley 94 and Jocelyn Mosley Charley E Moulder 19 Mr Francis W Moyer and Mrs Holly R Henson Thomas F Moynahan 75 and Kathy Moynahan Lauren E Mueller 97 and Robert Brown Maximilian T Muir 19 Barbara and Jon Muirhead Tej P Munshi 19 Michael L Murphy Ms Wight E Murphy 10 Mr and Mrs Jay Myrick Allison W Nagel 19 Stephanie Nalley 95 and Street Nalley Viji and Ram Namburar Kristy Thomas Nardone 88 and Alexander R Nardone Mr and Mrs Viresh Nayar Mr and Mrs Justin D Needham Mr and Mrs Michael L Neff Carmen G Negrete Mr and Mrs Nikkia Nelson Michelle and Paul Nestlehutt Diane M Neumann Mr and Mrs Barry Newton Eric Newton Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Cecilia N Ng 19 Ms Carolyn Nichols Mr and Mrs Grady T Nichols Michelle Nichols Timothy Nichols III 83 and Sonia R Bell Nichols Mrs Jane S Nicholson Ms Lois Nicholson Susanne Nicholson Dr and Mrs William C Nicholson Amy B and Christos Nikolaou Ms Deborah Nixon Mr and Mrs Michel Y Njem Mr and Mrs Prince Njoku Alexandra N Noeltner 09 Erica Schwartz Nooromid 05 Jennifer Norman Lynne Davis Norman 75 and Scott T Norman Bernard Norton Drusilla Norton Dana L Notestine 02 and Matthew Sottnick Mr Justin Novellas Kimberly Eason Nubel 91 and Ryan E Nubel Joye Boyett Nurre 71 and Robert J Nurre Jean Nuttall Garnie M Nygren 02 and Matt Adolfi Anthony P Oberti 12 Jonathan D Oberti 12 Gail and Robert O Brien Dr and Mrs Abdul Odemuyiwa Haley O Donnell 19 Mr and Mrs Kevin P O Donnell Adele Hagedorn Ogilvie 71 and Robert J Ogilvie Hayes D Ogletree 19 Rebecca Genz Ogrin 02 George B O Hanlon 75 and Karen O Hanlon Anthony O Okolo 19 Ms Maenne G Okunola 06 Sarah A Olatidoye 19 Allison Wilensky Olim 93 and Lenny Olim John Oliver 80 and Donna A Oliver Sid Oliver Dallas S Olson Jr 91 and Ashley S Olson Jordan Olson Mr and Mrs Kendall A Olson Martha Olstin 00 Mr Paul Olstin Patrick L O Neal 01 Mr and Mrs Brian O Neill Mrs Elaine T O Neill John F O Neill 88 and Jada O Neill Zachary C Orig 16 Ms Lisa D Orkin Emmanuel Mr Shawn Orth and Ms Marcia Moore Carlos Ortiz Patricia Lee O Sullivan 83 Amanda Oudi Ms Kim S Outlaw Alphonzo Overstreet III 19 Alicia Owens Elizabeth R and Martin F Owens III J Owens Jr 66 and Melissa Owens Dwayne Owensby Calvin C Oxford II 00 Ms Caryn E Oxford Taylor Driskill Pafford 01 and John M Pafford Jr Mrs Ashley M Page Zander D Page 19 Mr Sabetay Palatchi and Mrs Jennifer Gold Palatchi Jennifer Bridgers Palmer 03 and Bo Palmer Sangeeta Panicker Van L Panter 83 Mr and Mrs Marcos Paredes Mr and Mrs George Park Swannee Park 97 Christopher Parker Jennifer Dye Parker 92 and Kelly L Parker Dr Christopher Parks and Dr Samantha Brown Parks Koury and Teleza Parks Linda Parrish Mr and Mrs Lee K Partiss III Ms Crista C Partlowe Hrydesh B Patel 19 Mr and Mrs Mehul G Patel Moana and Amar Patel Drs Neelam R and Neal Patel Mr and Mrs Nelish S Patel Mr and Mrs Paresh M Patel Ravi R Patel 08 Seeta Patel 19 Shayna R Patel 19 Andrea and Eric S Patterson Ann Hatfield Patterson 93 and Ryan J Patterson Robert B Patterson 89 Tinsley Patterson Mr and Mrs Coleman G Patton Jr Cross A Patton 19 Barbara Paul Mr Jamal Pearce and Dr Monica S Williams Hannah O Pearson 06 Hattie M Pearson 09 Stuart M Pearson 04 and Allison L Pearson Brent M Pease 01 and Erica S Pease Mr Evan D Pease 03 Mary E Peek 11 Ruth I and Ricardo A Pereira Hayley M Perlis 11 Caitlin R and Noah Z Perlman Robert J and Michelle E Petitto Morgan G Petrini 19 Mr Willie Pettaway Jr and Dr Glenda Pettaway Mr and Mrs Graham G Phillips Grayson G Phillips 19 Jadyn A Phillips 19 Joy Mayeske Phillips 95 and Stuart Phillips Julia R Phillips 19 Mr and Ms Levi J Pickett Jeffrey G Pierce 84 and Katherine Pierce Kathie and Richard Pierce Martha and William Pierce Mrs Kenya T Pierre Esq Carlyle G Pilger 19 Mr Dieter T Pinner Jeffrey S Plageman 02 James M Platt 11 Thomas M Platt 08 Mr Maxim Poliashenko Debra and Marcus Polk Madison S Polk 19 Martha Polk Mr and Mrs Donald E Pollard Kathryn S Pollard 05 Ben and Carolyn Poole James T Porter 05 and Megan Porter Mr and Mrs Descatur Potier Tracie Finley Potts 87 and Derek R Potts Kevin M Powell 19 Mr and Mrs Rodney Powers Susan Oliver Pratt 86 and Chris Pratt Mr and Mrs L Wayne Pressgrove Jr Susanna M Preuss 19 Margaret Primrose Damian O Pryor 99 and Whitnei Pryor Caroline R Ptacek 11 Mr Mshon K Pulliam 07 Coleman T Pusateri 10 Harry D Putt 19 Cynthia T and Ernest W Quarles Madison C Quarles 19 Mr and Mrs Quader Quddoos Margaret Hendee Quigley 03 and Blake P Quigley Eduardo Quiroz and Yolanda Martinez Mr Mohammed Rafi and Mrs Nazeeya Kokinti Jeffrey W Ragan Matthew A Rahn 00 David M Rainey 91 and Stacey Rainey Malia Raley Nancy Tribble Ralston 07 and Harris Ralston Mr Shyam S Ram 01 Mr and Mrs Wilfredo Ramos Kellie N Rauk 03 Christian T Raver 15 Kristin and Robert Reagan Morgan C Redding 19 Devan Reddy 19 Michael P Reddy Miller 06 Mr and Mrs Immanuel Reed Kerin and Mark Reed Mr and Mrs Robert Reed Ms Beverly Regan PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 31

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Patricia D Reid Mr and Mrs Samuel L Reid Mr Wayne D Reid Dana and Christopher E Reker Mr and Mrs Frank Reker Kamaljit and Gurvinder Singh Rekhi Mr and Mrs Oliver A Reynolds III Candace and Richard Rhinehart Allison Jackson Rhodes 95 and Bartly D Rhodes 96 Mrs Barrie Rhodes Joe A Rice 64 and Mary K Rice Bettie G Richardson Collin O Richardson 19 Metria and Brian Richardson Mr and Mrs Terrance Richardson Dana Richmond Ashley E Riggs 09 Dr April M Ripley 92 Heather M Ripley 02 Mr and Mrs Marc Ripps Mary Elise Carter Rising 01 and Clay Rising Alejandrina Rivera Marion P Rivers III 63 Rivers Family Charitable Fund Caroline G Roberts 09 Mr and Ms Earl A Roberts Mr and Mrs James Roberts William P Robertson 10 Mr Marques P W Robie 01 Alexandra F Robinson 19 Alexis M Robinson 19 Mrs Calita E Robinson Gibbs C Robinson 19 Lynn Robinson Madisyn A Robinson 19 Malachi Robinson 19 Mr and Mrs Tim Robinson Raul Rocamora Ernest Rochester Julien S Roddenbery 19 Elisha Roden Miguel Rodriguez Tiffani Roegiers and Kelcey Roegiers Gregory L Roesel 78 Anna Thomas Rogers 07 Darnella Rogers Ms Janice E Rogers Luann Rogers Malik Rogers Jason Rogers Williams 90 David J Rogie Mr and Ms George Rohrig Mr and Mrs Jamell M Romeo Ms Stephanie Roppolo Wynne S Rosenbleeth 09 Mrs Lois Rosenthal Robert A Ross 82 and Virginia Andre Ross 84 Mr and Mrs Stephen Rotz Regenia and John Rovsek John T Row Jr 50 Mr and Mrs Mitchell Rubin 32 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Michele and Brian Russell Lakisha and Jeremiah Rutledge Bailey Blair Sabulis 05 and Sam Sabulis Mr and Mrs Renzweb Sait Mr Pramod Sajja Noemi Salgado Jennifer Gussoff Salmenson 99 and Mark Salmenson Nicholas I Salomon 19 J Scott Sanchez 91 and Christin Carone Sanchez Suzanna B Sanchez 00 Ms Arielle C Sanders 12 Dr and Mrs Jim Sanders Alec J Sard 12 Mr and Mrs Jonathan Sard Mrs Jennifer McLarty Sardone 88 Mr and Mrs Wayne Sasser Samantha J Sater 09 Niharika C Savili 19 Sanil A M Sawja 19 Ava J Saykaly 19 Ms Samantha A Saykaly Cierra G Saylor 12 Charnan Cooke Scarborough 00 and James Scarborough Mr Edwin S Schiffer Mr and Mrs Louis Schlesinger Bette A Schlossberg 03 Caitlen E Schmidt 12 Cindy Schneider Ms Lillian E Schneider Scott S Schreiber 81 and Kathy D Schreiber Paula Thornton Schutz 78 and Mark S Schutz Christopher B Schwartz 04 Mr and Mrs Christopher J Scocos Mr and Mrs Linzy O Scott III Marcye M Scott 93 Mr and Mrs Peter W Scott Ronald Scott Ms Sophia L Scott 01 Mark Seal Ann and Stanley Seeb Danielle M Seligmann 93 Lisa and Lee M Sellers Amanda Bishop Sells 99 and Josh Sells Casey J Sentell 95 Mary Sessions 01 Mr and Mrs Clifford F Seyler Scott R Shaffer 86 Roshni M Shah 19 Erica M Shantha 04 Adam J Shapiro 06 Stacey Wolman Shapiro 99 and Stuart Shapiro Ariana S Sharafat 19 Ashani Sharma 19 Margaret and Greg Sharpe Duane Shaver 88 Ina and David Shaver Dr and Mrs Nakia Shaw Suzi S Sheffield 91 Leigh O Neal Shelor 98 Richard E Shelor 95 Mrs Bonita L Shelton Sihao Shen 19 Phyllis Sherard Eliana L Sherman 19 Linda M Shi 19 Susan Adams Shimer 87 and Randy Shimer Debbie and Andy Shipp Ms Dottie Shipskie Ben Shivers Mr and Mrs Stuart Shlien Jenny Schneider Shoemaker 89 and Brad Shoemaker John M Shoffner IV 78 and Karen Shoffner Mr and Mrs Lynn B Shuler Rachel F Shulman 04 Mr and Mrs Temano K Shurland Mr and Mrs David R Sibilsky Cynthia Siekmann Carolyn H and Steven R Sigman Joseph S Sigman 19 Lucy G Sileo 19 Mr Edward S Silver 06 Althea Simmons Dr Lorenza Simmons and Dr Charis Trench Simmons Dr and Mrs Sultan J Simms Sultan J Simms 19 Marshall W Simon II 18 Frampton E Simons Jr 13 Devon Simpson Mr and Mrs Keith Simpson C Paul Sims Jr 69 Michael C Sinagra 02 Nora K Singh 18 Mr and Mrs Peter Singleton III Susie and Mark Siskin Mr and Mrs Mark Skinner Nichole Davis Sloan 89 and Michael M Sloan Smile Center Villa Rica Baker A Smith 65 and Debby Smith Mr Brent Smith and Dr Margaret Smith Carol Cambra Smith 73 and Kenneth P Smith Cathleen Leonard Smith 03 and John Smith Dr Christopher M Smith 03 Mr and Mrs Dwayne L Smith Dwight Smith 71 Edith Smith Elizabeth M Smith 09 Gram Smith 02 Gregory J and Kit Smith Hunter H Smith Joyce Smith Julia K Smith 19 Roland C Smith 46 Romona X Smith Sarah Anding Smith 80 Year milestone in consecutive giving

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Scott R Smith 79 Steven W Smith 74 and Elizabeth Smith Steven W Smith Jr 13 Sylvie Smith Mr Timothy W Smith and Ms Deedee W Abbott Vancie Smith Kimberly Smith Fausset Mr Christopher R Smurda Clara H Snell 19 Laura T Snellings 19 Mr Haydn R Solomon and Dr Renee Green Solomon Mrs Kaethe Solomon Richard Rhodes Sommers Grace D Sorgeloos 19 Debra Harper Sorrow 71 and Michael F Sorrow Mr Michael F Sorrow Jr 92 and Mrs Meredith Greene Sorrow 91 Michael F Sorrow III 19 Kimberly Y Spear Todd Spencer 88 and Cynthia C Spencer Mr and Mrs Winston E Spencer Ms Sarah B Spicher Esq Ashleigh A Spiller 00 Kayla Stadeker 19 Henry W Stakely 62 Leslie Forsling Stalder 05 and Johnathan Stalder Mr and Mrs Cedric T Stallworth Lynette Stanley Kristin Petty Staunton 94 Mr and Mrs Lee Stebbins Joseph M Steed 69 and Rita K Steed Mr and Mrs Mark L Steele Stephanie Steiger Maxwell J Stein 04 Sam G Stein 06 Mr and Mrs Kevin A Stephens Angela Stephenson Mr and Mrs Jason Stewart Leslie Stewart Robert L Stewart 91 Ms Kathleen Stockman Mr and Mrs Terrence L Stocks Lauren Stoeckel 19 Mr and Mrs Matt Stone Leonard Stovall Mr and Mrs G Leighton Stradtman Mr and Mrs Lee Strange Mr Randall S Strat 10 Shawn Stratton Ms Krista A Straughn 90 Thomas C Stribling 67 John Strickland Jason Stump Evan C Sturgis 05 James C Sturgis 00 and Alden Sturgis George N Suddath 51 James E Suddath 77 Charles W Sullivan IV 09 Chelsea Symone Sullivan 08 Mr and Mrs Micheal D Sullivan Mr and Mrs Norris C Sullivan Timothy Sullivan 84 Mr and Mrs William H Sullivan Jr Haohan Sun 19 Alexandra J Sutherland 13 James E Sutherland III 15 Mr Kyle J Sunderland 09 William C Sutherland 17 Mr Christopher Swain and Mrs Shawana Sanders Swain Mr Rameshbabu Swarna and Ms Vineela Ghanta Micki and Derek Sweatman Rebecca Clapes Sweet 10 and Justin Sweet Kristina Swim and Samuel Miller Mr Matthew S Swope 01 Laura Parker Sykes 06 and Samuel S Sykes 06 Rachael Szymanski Mr and Mrs Ngano Takawira Roseta Tarras Dr Faye R Tate Rockale and Yvette Tatem Mr John H Tatum and Dr Samantha C Ricks Kim Tatum Alexander T Taylor 19 Ms Darla Taylor Elizabeth A Taylor 11 Jacqueline Taylor Kandice Taylor Molly B and Joshua B Taylor Sydney L Taylor 19 Mr William S Taylor 99 Safia S Tejani 19 Kamuran M Tekin 90 and Parker Tekin Mr Susheel Tenguria and Ms Sugandha Singh Mr Sidney S Terhune 56 and Mrs Herbena Terhune Mr and Mrs Ryshawn Terrell Mr and Mrs Adam F Terry Ms Kimberly Terry Mark J Terry 01 Mr Robert L Tharp Sr and Dr Mary A Tharp Jasmin M Theard 00 Margaret E Thoma M D 73 Constance S Thomas 69 Mr Craig Thomas and Ms Audey Curtis Noah Thomas 19 Allen K Thompson 19 Laurie A Thompson Riley S Thomson 19 Ms Latonya Thornton Ronette Bloom Throne 88 and Adam E Throne Ms Titilayo A Tinubu 99 Ms Darby Todd and Family Mr and Mrs Guillermo E Todd Jr Mr Jack D Todd Hudie Toles Mr and Mrs Jeffrey E Tompkins Drs Phyllis S and Frank C Tong Mr and Mrs Barckley W Toole Jared E Touchstone 04 Anne Lambert Tracht 92 and David B Tracht 92 Ms Carolyn Train William J Tribble 11 Trinity Presbyterian Church Mendy Trotter Linsey Whiteside Troutman 00 and Tony Troutman Beverly Leigh Truslow 76 and Donald Truslow Mr James Tubo and Ms Jennifer Coppler Kathy and Gary Tuchman Bailey F Tucker 19 Mrs Deignan Tucker Lakshmi S Tummala 01 Maria Tuohy Carol A Turner Dee Ann and C Ashley Turner Natalie Plowden Tyler Martin 99 and Clinton Tyler Martin Amy and Luke Underwood Laura A and Jon C Uphouse Shane E Vaiskauskas 04 Dr Ashish Vakharia and Mrs Angele Rishi Mr Matthew L Valdez and Ms Jennifer P James Mr and Mrs Geremy van Arkel Andrew J Van Epps 94 and Maria Pagan Jyotsna Vanapalli 88 Douglas A Vandiford II 89 Mr John F Varner Sydney G Varner 19 Stuart R Vassey 06 Alexander C Vaughan 19 Katie D Velazco 03 Mr Lakshmanan Venkatesan and Mrs Ally Pannirselvame Isabella M Ventulett 19 David B Vester 69 and Elsa Vester Lauren Dupre Vick 04 and Carter Vick Anya Vijayvergiya 19 Mr and Mrs Vikram Vijayvergiya Nikhil M Vishwanath 19 Cheryl and Larry Vitek Mrs Lauren M Vogler 99 Paul Angelo Vogt Craig L Vroom 64 Mr Hanumantharao Vuyyuru and Mrs Sailaja Ravi Mrs Jennifer L Waddy Mr John D Waddy III Joel and Elizabeth Wade Daniel Wages Kathleen Varner Wagner 03 and David W Wagner William P Wagner 19 PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 33

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Lisle Nunnally Waits 79 and Edward J Waits Jr 79 Amy and William M Walker Andrew R Walker 19 Brenda Walker J Walker and Associates LLC Mr J Frank Walker and Mrs Kathleen O Chapman Mr and Mrs James L Walker McGarrah J Walker 19 Stacie Walker Mr and Mrs David Wall Sylvia Wallace Ken Waller 77 and Elizabeth Waller Mr and Mrs Andrew Walter Zhenyan Wang 19 Mrs Christine Figiel Ward 04 Mr Darren P Warden Emily Warden Carly R Warren 19 Jane H Warren 80 Ms Stephanie H Warshaw 99 Mr Jermel Washington Mr and Mrs L T Washington Ms Shani Washington Ms India L Waters 06 Mr Jordan W B Watkins 12 Ms Julia W Watkins 10 Ms Olivia T Watkins 09 Hannah R Watkoske 18 Kelli Watling Mr and Mrs Corey C Watson Jacy D Watson 19 Reagan L O Watson 19 Anne Peden Robertson Watts 02 and Robert C Watts 02 Jane Webster Kordrey D and Keya E Weems Jenna N Weil 19 Robert G Weinstein 63 Mr and Mrs Paul Weintraub Addie Mae Spongberg Weiss 94 and Ryan Weiss Alison Weiss Remillard Mr Harry T Wells 57 and Mrs Lisa Wells Carter E Welsh 19 Andrew P Wener 04 Lucas M Werner 19 Annie and George Westlund Elizabeth G Wheeler 19 Sam and Anna Wheeler Mr and Mrs Charles Wheelock 34 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Clara E Wheelock 19 Roger C Whigham 73 Ms Deborah G Whitaker Alisha White Barry C White 93 Caroline G White 12 Gayle White Mary Katherine Thrash White 91 Mr and Mrs Michael L White Ms Rebecca L White 99 William Carter White 53 Mr and Mrs Charles T Whitehead Albert Whiteside IV 02 and Anita Whiteside Mary Raine Winfree Whyte Andrew D Widener 04 Darien D Wiggins 17 Dorothy P and John W Wiggins Mr Daniel Wilbanks Pelham Wilder IV 01 and Kathryn Wilder Zackary Wilder III Mr Malcolm D Wiley Sr and Mrs Deana L Timberlake Wiley Malcolm D Wiley II 19 David R Wilkes Reginald J Wilkins 98 and Catherine R Wilkins Adam Williams Jr Calvin L Williams Jr 93 Joel Williams Mr Mark A Williams Melanie L Williams 03 Naima and Adrian A Williams Ms Patricia D Williams Mr Rae Williams and Dr Kemberly Edwards Morris Sonya D Williams Erica Williamson Hugh Bruce Williamson III 72 Mr and Mrs Dennis Willis Fernaldo Willis Jacob P Willis 19 Andrew T Wilson 98 and Meredith Wilson Mr Eugene B Wimby III 11 Meredith Kendall Wince 99 Mr and Mrs Kenneth J and Nancy E Winfield Mr and Mrs Lorenzo R Winslow Michele Rothenberg Winter 83 and Stephen Winter Cassandra Wiseman Lori Beth and James Wiseman William Z Withers 54 and Sally Withers Benjamin M Wombough 19 Mr and Mrs Greg A Wombough Hee Seon Won 19 Jeff Wood 93 and Megan Wood Randall Wood William A Wood 19 Shayelyn C Woodbery 86 and David B Woodbery Suzanne Dunn Woodruff 77 and Timothy R Woodruff Dave Woods Mr and Mrs Edward Woods Allison L Woodward 09 Robert H Woodward 11 MaryAnn Woodworth 87 Maxanne and Don Woolf Jacob S Workman 19 Mr Charles R Wright and Mrs Nikki K Richardson Wright Mr Michael C Wu and Ms Tara A O brien Wu Mr and Ms Cornelis W Wurth Kelli D Wyble Christian G Wylder 19 Kathryn and Michael Wylder Huanle Xu 19 Yifei Xu 19 Brad Yakots 03 Jane and Steve Yakots Nyneishia Yancey Mr Charles J Yarbrough 77 Mr and Mrs Stephen M Yarbrough Mr Satya Kama Babu Yerramsetti Mr Zeyde Yimam and Mrs Yejimawork Degefe Mr and Mrs Gerald B Yon Anjelica N Young 08 Ayanna Groves Young 09 Glenn and Dykie Young Mr and Mrs S Z Young Mr Marwan O Youssef and Mrs Rasha A R I Ahmed Trina Zackery Ms Meredith A Zaring 02 Olivia J Zervas 19 Kevin A Zheng 19 Derek P Zhou 19 Mr and Mrs Adam Zola Amy Zweng Year milestone in consecutive giving

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THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS The Advancement Office thanks the following volunteers who collaborated with Advancement staff during the 2018 2019 school year The Academy is grateful for each individual s role in advancing the school s mission through our fundraising efforts The Woodward Fund Cabinet fALL IN for WA Parent Volunteers Laura and Michael Drucker Woodward Fund Chairs Terri Alston David Caldwell Kisha Cameron Cedrice Davis Melodie Griffith Poindexter Jo Cranford Hodges 96 Laurie Hood Andre Hylton 92 Miriam Leake Ronna Levinson Erica Katz Lewis 93 Katie Marcet Rochelle Marte Kim McClure Tonya Miller Hina Noorani Catherine Pittman Greg Reynolds 97 Tiffany Turner Reynolds 98 Todd Miller Parent Community Advancement Committee Chair Carla Johnson Parent Community Advancement Committee Vice Chair Ronda Zents Faculty and Staff Chair If you are interested in serving as a volunteer please contact the Office of Advancement at 404 765 4030 or thewoodwardfund woodward edu Jennifer Srouji Julissa Sullivan Heather Weiner Cara Welch Chelsee Whitling Valerie Yu Faculty and Staff Volunteers Bonnie Aspinwall Lavern Bailey George Dietz Deborah Hardy Mary Leslie Hardy Jennifer Jones Anne Marie Maltbie Karen Middleton Chris Myers 00 Kerin Reed PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 35

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GIFTS IN HONOR Many of our donors choose to make their gifts in honor of specific individuals who have made a positive impact on their lives These gifts support The Woodward Fund The Woodward Alumni Fund The GMA Alumni Fund endowed funds and capital projects benefiting all of our students Kimnese and Ishmael H Abdul Salaam Emanuel I Abdul Salaam 19 Sandra V Adamek Taylor B Buffington 07 Maryam Autry Gilman 02 and Michael C Gilman 03 Carrie Schwartz Gordon 99 and John Gordon Necie Elizabeth Young Pable 90 and Lawrence J Pable Jr Modupeola and Monsuru Adebayo Victoria A Adebayo 19 Lacy Adolph Mr and Mrs Michel Y Njem Mr and Mrs Greg Soshnik Stephane Allagnon Mr Zhijun Wang and Mrs Tianhua Cheng Lucy Xu 19 Mary Lou Almand Mr and Mrs William S Cobb III Olivia Anderson 16 Ms Shannon H Anderson Vesta and William Hardman Jr Kathryn S Armstrong Olivia P Henderson 19 Julie J Askew James Z Shanks Jr Sierra J Bagwell 20 Bob and Jane Lafferty Jennifer R Broad Madisyn A Robinson 19 Daniel B Berkowitz 95 and Stella Berkowitz Richard E Berkowitz 50 and Lynn R Berkowitz Trevon E Broad 92 Destiny T Goldsmith 19 Joanne H Berry Mr and Mrs William S Cobb III Anu Bielfelt Mr Dane C Bielfelt 99 Madisyn A Robinson 19 Jag Bielfelt Mr Dane C Bielfelt 99 Charles G Brodie Jr Elizabeth T McFadden 93 Jacqueline V Brooks Olivia P Henderson 19 Kelly J Broyles Olivia P Henderson 19 James F Black 26 Mr and Mrs James Black Elizabeth Burbridge Caroline R Gaster 19 Bethany M Getachew 19 Jayden A Khatib 19 Michelle H and Jeffrey L Rosenthal Marie and Leonard Borders Lance J Borders 19 Andrew C Burgess 22 Diana and George Dietz Richard A Borth Jennifer N Blake Mahmud 01 Kaye O W Burwell Adin B Burwell 19 Blake R Boston 86 Nancy and Bud Boston Eli J Byczek 31 Ms Lisa Ragan Brent R Boston 85 Nancy and Bud Boston Emery E Byczek 30 Ms Lisa Ragan Nancy J Boston Sarah S Farrar 10 Mr Clarence T Williamson III 01 Gina Calloway Anna Kathryn Hodges 19 Evonne A Iau 19 Liam E Levine 19 Maximilian T Muir 19 Safia S Tejani 19 Jacob P Willis 19 Frank Boulware Sr Mr and Mrs Lucius Mack Sr Nan Banks Mr and Mrs Eugene V Yu Jill Bounds Lindsey M Haley 19 Rohan Jhanjee 19 Ilana A Lavine 19 Tessa R Levy 19 Charley E Moulder 19 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Clara H Snell 19 Reagan L O Watson 19 Jenifer Baro Olivia P Henderson 19 Ernest K Brantley Scott Dunbar 65 Olga E Carter 23 Drs Alexis and Shawn Carter Kenneth F Beard Vincy S Chiou 19 Amanosi N Maiki 19 Lisa Brill Ms Dottie Shipskie Carri A Carver Olivia P Henderson 19 Ronald M Brill Ms Dottie Shipskie Mr Craig Thomas and Ms Audey Curtis Stephen Clark Isha D Darshane 19 Phyllis Cannatella Baines Maj Adam P Mathes 99 Katherine B Bandrowski Jacy D Watson 19 Morris L Benatar Steven E Benatar 09 and Taylor Benatar 36 Jenna J Benedict 20 21st Century Leaders WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Laura Campbell Ilana A Lavine 19 Noelle Ca as Olivia P Henderson 19 Dmitri A Carter 30 Drs Alexis and Shawn Carter

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Class of 1954 Frederick A Olds 54 Romesa B Davis Olivia P Henderson 19 Class of 1986 Randal R Geoghagan 86 and Jennifer Geoghagan Ryan Davis Jadyn A Phillips 19 Christian Clement 20 Mr and Mrs Orlin Lewis Gus Dearolph Ms Heather M Ripley 02 John R Faison Camryn Graham 19 Rohan Jhanjee 19 Michael Farry Olivia P Henderson 19 Carolyn G Koch 19 Tonya Y Dedeaux Penny and Alan Barber Annalise V Felt 30 Mr Rick Felt Cheryl and Larry Vitek Fred Dement 56 E Wayne Dill 56 Jose I Fernandez Michael F Sorrow III 19 Carlton A Diedrich 24 Mr and Mrs Mark Diedrich Danise Gunter Fields 83 Olivia P Henderson 19 Lucile J Condolora 12 Marcy McCall and Paul N Condolora George A Dietz Sydney E Hallas 19 Julie A Hubschman 12 Samantha R Humphrey 19 Mrs Beverly K Johnson Necie Elizabeth Young Pable 90 and Lawrence J Pable Jr Mr and Mrs Louis Profumo Robert A Ross 82 and Virginia Andre Ross 84 Ms India L Waters 06 Jeffrey K Floyd Evan S Borenstein 99 and Lindsay Borenstein William H Freer 19 Emily J Gallagher 19 Destiny T Goldsmith 19 AnaSimone Guillaume 19 Sarah A Olatidoye 19 Alexandra F Robinson 19 Joseph S Sigman 19 Derek P Zhou 19 John A Cronin 23 Mr and Mrs John Cronin Mollie A Dramis 15 Ms Terri L Dramis Lynch Charles L Freer 27 Dr and Mrs Arthur Lesesne Madelynn M Cronin 20 Mr and Mrs John Cronin Linda and Donald Edwards Mr and Mrs Frank Reker Scott A Crook Jackson W Couch 19 Leah M Crider 19 Mr Christopher T Myers 00 Thomas J Ehrensperger 78 Gabrielle J Lewis 19 Maximilian T Muir 19 Gibbs C Robinson 19 Chris M Freer Kara Nygren Adler 04 and Micah Adler Margie and Bill Lineberry Mr Christopher T Myers 00 Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley John L Stewart 99 Willie K Crum IV 19 Mr and Mrs Harold Geter Sara C Elliot 07 Jackson W Couch 19 Elizabeth M Denny 19 Ansley C Koscik 19 William P Robertson 10 Thomas F Freer 22 Dr and Mrs Arthur Lesesne Kelsey Q Emerson Charles C Hall 19 Ilana A Lavine 19 Carlyle G Pilger 19 Pete Fritts Jr 83 Jackson W Couch 19 Maya E Foreman 17 Morgan A Foreman 13 Mr and Mrs Courtney Pete Fritts Ayanna Habeel 19 Greer S Hardesty 19 Thomas D Lesniak Jr 01 Jacob P Willis 19 Cheryl G Cobb Jennifer N Blake Mahmud 01 Lakshmi S Tummala 02 Sarah F Cohen Allison W Nagel 19 Lauren Collins Olivia P Henderson 19 Linda C Collins Debbie and Joe Lundell Matthew Colon 24 Dr Loren K Colon 93 and Dr Marieli Colon Andrew L Cunningham Jr Sayre J Balk 19 MaryCarol E Huntz 19 Shayna R Patel 19 Susanna M Preuss 19 Ms Arielle C Sanders 12 Isabella M Ventulett 19 Jackson D Dana 22 Ms Joan E Dana Lee H Enloe II Jennifer L Enloe 91 Robert E Daugherty II Mr and Mrs Daniel Maas Narayan Erzinger 32 Vandana C and Raj Anand Brandon M Davis 30 Mr and Mrs Luther C Davis Ashley N Fair 16 Kristin Fair Ethridge 10 London C Davis 23 Mr and Mrs Luther C Davis Rachel A Fair 13 Kristin Fair Ethridge 10 William H Freer 19 Dr and Mrs Arthur Lesesne Paula E Gentry Lauren Stoeckel 19 Adam P Gibson 32 Ms Patricia D Williams PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 37

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John Ginley III Mr and Mrs John Ginley II Charles C Hall 19 Kameron N Garmestani 19 Tina and Rodney Glass Reagan B Glass 19 Timothy J Hamling Lawton A Bird 19 Jackson W Couch 19 Mr and Mrs David Dorton Kimberly H and Matthew J Jewell Mr and Mrs Sigmund Lee Cecilia N Ng 19 Grace D Sorgeloos 19 Anya Vijayvergiya 19 Clarence T Williamson III 01 Rebekah L Goode Jayden A Khatib 19 Ilana A Lavine 19 Sarah A Olatidoye 19 Jane F Graham Olivia P Henderson 19 Matthew D Wilson 99 and Abby Wilson Shalonda L Graham Camryn Graham 19 Kevin M Greaney Nicholas J Benson 19 Jennifer E Green Lauren Stoeckel 19 Lucas M Werner 19 John Jackson Green 27 Mr and Mrs Troy Green David Greene 84 and Jackie Green David H Greene Jr 19 Chris Greenway Lillian X D Duong 14 Monica X T Duong 16 Teagan S Fritts 19 Ms Erin C Greenway 00 Charley E Moulder 19 Heather M Ripley 02 Arielle C Sanders 12 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Elizabeth Griffin Danny Chen 19 Jackson W Couch 19 Tim Grooms Mr and Mrs Christopher J Scocos President F Stuart Gulley Mr and Mrs J K Boatwright Denise and Bob Farmer Mr Marlon L D Gibson and Dr Sheree L Gibson Mr and Mrs G Lemuel Hewes Suzanna B Sanchez 00 Chelsea Hagan Tajiah E Gary 19 Carter E Welsh 19 Claire A Hailey 20 Lisle Nunnally Waits 79 and Edward J Waits Jr 79 38 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Jessica E Hubbard Tajiah E Gary 19 Joshua Y Kim 19 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Bennett C Hudes 25 Mr and Mrs Brian M Hudes Peyton W Hudes 28 Mr and Mrs Brian M Hudes Aileen M Bell Hughes Kameron A Hughes 19 Tammy D Harley Sage N Harley 19 Lauran D Hunt Andrew R Walker 19 Bobby G Harrelson 75 James J Anderson 75 and Nancy D Anderson John Hurston Charles F Hollis IV 19 Allen K Thompson 19 Kenneth J Harris 86 Ms Barbara W Harris Fritz Hutchinson William J Tribble 11 Caroline Guest Stancil 03 Elayna Hedgebeth 15 Dr Michelle R Duckett Hedgebeth 86 and Mr Reggie D Hedgebeth Kittie Hedgebeth 21 Dr Michelle R Duckett Hedgebeth 86 and Mr Reggie D Hedgebeth Kevin Henderson Olivia P Henderson 19 Jodi C Hester Morgan A Foreman 13 Lorri A Hewett Sydney L Taylor 19 Sydney G Varner 19 Jenna N Weil 19 Morgan Guest Hicks 11 Mr John W Benson Nicholas J Benson 19 Zoe A M Jafflin 19 Timothy Hipp Kameron A Hughes 19 James C Hodges 28 Frank and Sherry Cranford Mary H Holmes Randolph M Holmes 88 and Lauren Holmes Matthew J Holmes Joseph A Meyer III 19 Alexis Horder Leah M Crider 19 Tara D Ingle Alexandra F Robinson 19 Meryl A Inman 21 Mr and Mrs Mark A Inman Brian K Jackson Carolyn G Koch 19 Jill Jacobs Sarah R Lewis 19 Stuart A James 20 Mr and Mrs Robert S James Shirley and Samuel Jamison Zachary A Canepa 19 Dana Jefferson 87 Jadyn A Phillips 19 Ben F Johnson III 61 Invesco Ltd Joe M Johnson Olivia P Henderson 19 Katherine E Johnson 16 Mr and Mrs Daniel K Johnson Lauren A Johnson 05 Liesa and James Johnson Andrew T Jones 63 and Judy S Jones Mr Mark B Chandler Jennifer Jones Naylene and Rob Felt

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Ann and Bryan Jones Catherine H Jones 19 Samuel C Jung 22 Diana and George Dietz Thomas M Kaufman 23 Mr and Mrs Richard James Margaret M Lee Rachel A McCray 19 Sarah A Olatidoye 19 William A Wood 19 Traci W Lerner Asha D Gorjala 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 Madison S Polk 19 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Patrick H McManamy 25 Mr and Mrs Carl D McManamy Peggy Dyer McNash 73 Dale Blonder Dyer 83 and Jeff Dyer Necie Elizabeth Young Pable 90 and Lawrence J Pable Jr Angela D Kimbell Olivia P Henderson 19 Jordan H Levit 23 Dr and Mrs Marshall Abes Jonathan N Merrill Margie and Bill Lineberry Ms Melanie Millner Wyatt M Millner 19 David W Morris 19 Bailey Blair Sabulis 05 and Sam Sabulis Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley Jane R King William A Hennessy 03 Sandra D Lewis Jeremy D Lewis 96 Gregory Miller Mr and Ms Daniel R Berman Kenneth J Kirschner Dasani L Barrow 19 Sydney L Lopez 19 Bill Lineberry Jeffery A Hannon 83 and Katherine Hannon Necie Elizabeth Young Pable 90 and Lawrence J Pable Jr Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley Jeff Wood 93 and Megan Wood Quinn Millner 27 Ms Tracy Friess Katelyn O Kilpatrick Maya Akbik 19 Alisha M Chranya 19 Eliana L Sherman 19 Drew Kise Reagan B Glass 19 Evonne A Iau 19 Nia Kherani 19 Rachel A McCray 19 Hannah Won 19 Jennifer C Knox 95 Jessica I Hatfield 19 Sydney L Lopez 19 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Carly R Warren 19 Carolyn G Koch 19 Eliana L Sherman 19 Suzanne E Lamfalusi Richard E Berkowitz 50 and Lynn R Berkowitz John L Lane Ms Kelsey J Bilthouse 11 Gary L Lawhon Ryan T Gunnigle Jr 19 Charles C Hall 19 Gail T Lawler Olivia P Henderson 19 Gavin D Leach 32 Mr Damien Leach and Mrs Velincia Shavers Leach Marianne B Lecesne Rachel A McCray 19 Eli M Levit 26 Dr and Mrs Marshall Abes Cathy Longino Naylene and Rob Felt Kenyatta K Lucas II 16 Ms Adrienne Lance Lucas Katherine Mack Mr and Mrs Dwayne L Smith Lawson W Marshall 24 Mrs Carole Anne Marshall Turner W Marshall 26 Mrs Carole Anne Marshall Pierce C Martin 31 Dr and Mrs Paul Martin Mr and Mrs James Roberts Maria Mays Niharika C Savili 19 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Jane Catherine McBath 26 Mrs Carol D McBath David R McCollum Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley Angela C McCreery Sejal Gandhi 19 Eleanor D McManamy 22 Mr and Mrs Carl D McManamy Rainey M Mills 22 Diana and George Dietz Cheryl H Minor Elaine T Carroll 75 Carolyn and John Haldeman Tonia R and Andy Webb Jim Minor Noah Thomas 19 Tonia R and Andy Webb Mr Nicholas J Widener 09 Kechia E Minter Ariana S Sharafat 19 Eric Mitchell Mr Gailand Green and Ms Nikole M Crow Blythe E Morgan 20 Mr and Mrs John Morgan Maximilian T Muir 19 Mr and Mrs Thomas Muir Viji G Namburar Mr Ravinder S Kohli and Dr Hira M Kohli Abby Berkowitz Nelson 99 and Brian Nelson and Family Richard E Berkowitz 50 and Lynn R Berkowitz William C Nicholson Ariana N Alvord 19 Isha D Darshane 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 Haley O Donnell 19 Alexander T Taylor 19 PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 39

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Debbie Notestine David and Beth Widener Jessica L Parsons McGarrah J Walker 19 Ed Notestine Margaret F Appleby 10 William C Appleby 15 Paula Dyer Crawford 78 and Bryce A Crawford Mr W Ryan Davis and Inda Davis Diana and George Dietz Meredith Draper Laura Foreman Peter J Fritts 83 and Susan A Fritts Brandy and Christopher Hardin Katherine Healan Mr and Mrs John S Hunt Monica L and James H Hyder Shannon and Thomas J Jackson Dana Jefferson 87 Mr and Mrs Todd Klumok Ty McCard and Melissa Sneed McCard McCreery Family Lorrie McNeill Eileen and Terry McWhorter Nikki and Hayes Moody Louisa R and Michael Mousadis Patricia Lee O Sullivan 83 Jason and Sylvia Pace Mr and Mrs Dan and Jessica Parsons Mr and Mrs Louis Profumo Robert A Ross 82 and Virginia Andre Ross 84 Sean M and Kerry A Scroggs Dr Brandon S and Dr Wendy Seigler Leslie Stewart Roseta Tarras Kim Tatum Larissa and James A Toomey Paul Angelo Vogt Joel and Elizabeth Wade Annie and George Westlund Mary Raine Winfree Whyte David and Beth Widener Mr Nicholas J Widener 09 Wanda and Scott Williams Shyam N Patel 27 Mr and Mrs Nelish S Patel Sid Oliver Sydney E Hallas 19 Manaphy Wang 19 Alicia Owens Michelle H and Jeffrey L Rosenthal Swannee Park 97 Alexis B Hill 19 Nia Kherani 19 Alexander C Vaughan 19 40 Andrea Patterson Sejal Gandhi 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 Uswa Khan 19 Alexis B Rogers 21 Mrs Omega Flowers Janice E Rogers Jason Rogers Williams 90 Leigh Ann Peek Mary E Peek 11 Chad Ross Dany Chamseddine 19 Carter E Welsh 19 Erica R Pendleton Ariana S Sharafat 19 David A Roth 10 Seeta Patel 19 Caitlin R Perlman Mr Ravinder S Kohli and Dr Hira M Kohli Joy Rotz Joya F Faruque 10 Andy Phillips Cyclone Covey 97 and Affie N Covey Patricia and Charles Rodgers Stephen Rotz Catherine Q Changus 19 Joya F Faruque 10 Peri and Graham Phillips Grayson G Phillips 19 Regenia L Rovsek Ms Angela C Couch Mykal Poindexter 20 Mrs Melodie Griffith Poindexter Bryan Rutledge Reagan L O Watson 19 Jeffrey M Putnam 04 Shane E Vaiskauskas 04 Tad Sahara Megan E Chen 19 Amanosi N Maiki 19 Mr and Mrs Christopher J Scocos Lucy G Sileo 19 Rebecca Clapes Sweet 10 and Justin Sweet Jeffrey W Ragan Hayes D Ogletree 19 Cathy and Harold Rahn Matthew A Rahn 00 Malia K Raley Elizabeth M Denny 19 Jeanne Ann Ratliff Anonymous Elizabeth E Barber 19 Mrs Beverly K Johnson Sarah A Olatidoye 19 Jacy D Watson 19 Kellie N Rauk 03 Olivia P Henderson 19 Kristin Reagan Sierra T Lewis 19 Oliver A Reynolds IV 07 Mr and Mrs Oliver A Reynolds III Jennifer A Parker 92 Olivia P Henderson 19 Rhian Richardson 23 Metria and Brian Richardson Mr Kelly Parker Alexis M Robinson 19 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Collin W Roberts 18 Linda and Kenneth Roberts WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Elizabeth and Al Robertson Timothy F Robertson 00 and April Robertson Missy Sanchez Richard E Berkowitz 50 and Lynn R Berkowitz Zoe M Schwartz 22 Diana and George Dietz Brandon S Seigler Olivia P Henderson 19 Helen C Shean Laura Parker Sykes 06 and Samuel S Sykes 06 Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 Margie and Bill Lineberry Mr Christopher T Myers 00 Tonia R and Andy Webb Leigh O Neal Shelor 98 Penny and Alan Barber Ms Kelsey J Bilthouse 11 Jenna S Codner 19 Reese M Cooper 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 Zoe A M Jafflin 19

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Ben Shivers Ariana S Sharafat 19 Jacy D Watson 19 Tanaka N Takawira 32 Mr and Mrs Ngano Takawira Mary Raine W Whyte Mr and Mrs G Duane Hutchison Carolyn T Taylor Jacob S Workman 19 Beth Widener Carolyn and John Haldeman Brooke E Tharp 28 Maj and Mrs Robert L Tharp David H Widener Andrew D Widener 04 Ella C Shutze 21 Virgil C Shutze III 85 and Robyn C Shutze Holly M Tharp 30 Maj and Mrs Robert L Tharp Robert M Willsey Jr Malcolm D Wiley II 19 Gray E Sims 25 Mr and Ms Jamie R Sims Robert L Tharp 26 Maj and Mrs Robert L Tharp Erica F Wiltshire Olivia P Henderson 19 Russell L Slider 75 and Sandra Pounds Slider 75 C Brad Marsh 77 and Elizabeth A Obenshain Lynne Davis Norman 75 and Scott T Norman Anthony L Thomas 98 Ayanna Habeel 19 Madison E Winston 23 Ms Doris K Winston Caroline Casey Traxinger 73 Margaret E Thoma M D 73 Lori Beth Wiseman Anna R Gianneschi 19 Linsey Whiteside Troutman 00 AnaSimone Guillaume 19 Alexis B Hill 19 William A Wood 19 Bill and Pam Feaster Ava C Shutze 21 Virgil C Shutze III 85 and Robyn C Shutze Finn W Smith 24 Mr Normal Smith Hunter H Smith Olivia P Henderson 19 Haley O Donnell 19 William A Wood 19 Grace D Sorgeloos 19 Paul and Joyce Jurik Wilkie Stadeker and Marcia Bull Stadeker Kayla Stadeker 19 Lucas R Stephens 30 Mr and Mrs Marvin Hewatt Stephanie L Stephens Mitchell S Crawford 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 Ariana S Sharafat 19 Angela Stephenson Kelsey J Bilthouse 11 Reese M Cooper 19 Thomas E Story IV 06 Janice and Ed Story III Jason Stump Oluwadurotimi A Adisa 19 Anna R Gianneschi 19 Ian C Henderson 19 Niharika C Savili 19 Manaphy Wang 19 James E Suddath 77 George N Suddath 51 Anesu L Takawira 31 Mr and Mrs Ngano Takawira Amy Underwood David W Morris 19 Mr and Mrs Eugene V Yu Luke Underwood Megan E Foell 19 Gabrielle J Lewis 19 David W Morris 19 Mr and Mrs Eugene V Yu Elizabeth Wade Ryan T Gunnigle Jr 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 Jordan T Walker Olivia P Henderson 19 Thomas E Wamser 28 Mr and Mrs Robert A Wamser Lynwood W Ward Steven C Figiel 02 Katherine Weathington 21 Paul and Molly Weathington Tonia R Webb Ariana S Sharafat 19 Anne W Weidert Olivia P Henderson 19 Virginia White Mr and Mrs Tim A Payne Tonya T Whitmire 91 Roshni M Shah 19 Suzanne Dunn Woodruff 77 Joya F Faruque 10 Asha D Gorjala 19 Olivia P Henderson 19 McGarrah J Walker 19 Madison P Woods 22 Mr and Mrs Edward Woods Sayjal G Woods 22 Ms Lois Nicholson Woodward Academy 1984 Football Team Kevin S Brumlow 85 Woodward Academy Athletics Department Ms Kelsey J Bilthouse 11 Woodward Academy Dining Services Department Ms Jeanine K Duke Woodward Academy Facilities Department Ms Jeanine K Duke Woodward Academy Faculty Mr John E Burgess and Dr Elizabeth H Burgess Ms Deborah G Whitaker Woodward Academy Student Transport Ms Jeanine K Duke Woodward Academy Upper School Social Studies Department Sally E Crouse PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 41

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Woodward North Faculty and Staff Rupal P and Vipul Gupta Dr and Mrs Christopher J Lee Kelli D Wyble Tonia R and Andy Webb Rusty Zaring 73 Ariana N Alvord 19 Simon E Arpiarian 94 and Felicia Arpiarian Jacob E Leader 19 Peggy Dyer McNash 73 and Douglas McNash Jane H Yakots Ruth I and Ricardo A Pereira Iris Zeng 22 Diana and George Dietz Ronda D Zents Seeta Patel 19 Gelila Zeyde Mr Zeyde Yimam and Mrs Yejimawork Degefe GIFTS IN MEMORY Memorial gifts are a special way to pay homage to those who have had a positive impact on our lives These gifts support The Woodward Fund The Woodward Alumni Fund The GMA Alumni Fund endowed funds and capital projects benefiting all of our students Bobby W Alford Frederick Poole Landers Sr 67 Marguerite and Bill Allen Judith C Allen 79 William G Anding Sarah Anding Smith 80 Charlie F Austin Patricia and Charles Rodgers Barbara Ayer Dr Robert Ayer and Dr Nazanin Jafarian Robert D Ballentine Dr Hugh M Ruppersburg 68 James D Bazemore III 57 Mr Harry T Wells 57 and Mrs Lisa Wells Linda K Bell Deaton Bell 86 Matthew Berman Mr and Mrs Saul Levy Mr and Mrs G W Bickerstaff Mr Robert W Bickerstaff Al Booher Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Christopher B Booker Mr and Mrs Christopher W Marinac Janet E Boyett 72 Joye Boyett Nurre 71 and Robert J Nurre Sherry Boynton Penny and Alan Barber 42 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Roy C Brady Joe M Almand Jr 69 and Gayle J Almand Candace McWhirter Kimbrough 99 and Todd Kimbrough Kitty Brewster Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Col and Mrs William R Brewster Sr Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson William R Brewster Jr 37 Drs Laura C and Adam T DePoe William S Magill III 65 and Nancy C Magill Kate Adornato Malone 03 and Chris Malone Bob E Miller 58 and Patricia Miller Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Robert G Weinstein 63 Allison L Woodward 09 Christian H Broder 02 Allison White Holmes 03 and Darrell A Holmes Tyler H Brown 96 Lauren B Bernstein 96 Jo McIver 66 Lane Fluker Perno 96 and Donn Perno Charles A Bryant Anonymous Madelyn R Adams Ms Alexis C Anzo 04 Ms Margaret F Appleby 10 William C Appleby 15 Sayre J Balk 19 Elyse R Benjamin 11 Erik M Benjamin 14 Vicki S and Gerald R Benjamin Justin D Berger 17 Gregory S Berkey and Kathleen T Nixon Lawton A Bird 19 Charles B Bittinger 11 Mr and Mrs Edward C Bosbyshell Dr Robert L Bowers 02 and Hayley S Bowers Mr Stefan A Brown 11 Adam S Carll 08 Alisha M Chranya 19 Kathryn and Jonathan Clayton Mary G Clayton 19 Harrison A A Cobb 13 Timothy F S Cobb Jr 17 Sybil E Coley Benjamin Condon 07 Mitchell S Crawford 19 Mr and Mrs Harold L Davis Mr and Mrs Daniel Fowler William H Freer 19 John J Ginley 19 Marshall T Golick 19 Ellen and Douglas Greer President and Mrs F Stuart Gulley Mr Jay Hall Greer S Hardesty 19 Mr and Mrs Phillip Heise Regina and Steve Hennessy Georgia W Hippe 19 Charles F Hollis IV 19 Mr and Mrs Scott R Humphrey Tanna J Irvin 19 Emily Watts Johnson 04 and Alfred Johnson Lily G Johnson 19 Ms Sara E Johnson Arya B Joshi 19 Tessa R Levy 19 Willa and Charlie McGimsey Mary D McGonigle 15 Avery E Milner 19

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Stephanie S Morgan 10 Ms Wight E Murphy 10 Cecilia N Ng 19 Hrydesh B Patel 19 Jeffrey M Putnam 04 and Kathryn K Putnam Harry D Putt 19 Christian T Raver 15 Mr and Ms Mark E Reich Nicholas I Salomon 19 Ashani Sharma 19 Alexander T Taylor 19 Sydney L Taylor 19 Sydney G Varner 19 Nikhil M Vishwanath 19 Mrs Christine Figiel Ward 04 Caroline G White 12 William B Wright Jr 53 and Elizabeth Wright Kyle M Burnat 01 Victoria M Beltran 01 and Timothy F Teck 01 Stephen H Bridges 01 Mr and Mrs Lawrence S Burnat Mr and Mrs Stephen Deutsch Pelham Wilder IV 01 and Kathryn Wilder Henry R Cart 07 Ms Jessie H Cart 09 James R Chandler E Rod Canfield 67 and Elizabeth Canfield Lynda B Cioci John F Cioci 91 Jack Clarke 61 Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson J Fred Collins Anonymous Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Graham Collins Liam E Levine 19 Hannah Won 19 Mike Collins 10 Helen C Shean Thelma Cook Ms Erika Y Aaron Jennifer Marra Cronin Mr John A Cronin Ruth H Crook Jane Graham Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Cody S Dodson 06 Matthew B Bowers 06 Riley C Cullen 09 Branden A May 07 and Brittany May Cameron L McConnell 06 Rebecca L White 99 Tyler J Dodson 07 Jamison S Codner 07 Riley C Cullen 09 Branden A May 07 and Brittany May J Scott Payne 67 and Tricia Payne Paulette Durst Marie Boatright Miss Lauren C Hood 98 Mr Francis W Moyer and Mrs Holly R Henson William E Eason Sr Kimberly Eason Nubel 91 and Ryan E Nubel Charles R Evans Sr Class of 1930 Anonymous Steven E Fanning Sr 62 Merideth Fanning Gilmor 94 Burt Fargason Daniel C Martin 64 and Glenn Ann B Martin Sallyann W Faulkner Mr Charles F Faulkner William Fedack M D William J Fedack Jr 70 Abram T Ferguson Robert Langdale 66 John C Ferguson 85 Jeffrey G Pierce 84 and Katherine Pierce Clemmie Fernander Bobbie B Fernander 49 James Florence Ms Patricia Kenly Rosalind L Gamsey Ms Nancy N Ghertner Richard Gentry Carlyle G Pilger 19 Pete Goodwin David L Watson II 76 and Laura Watson Nancy E Gray Mr and Mrs Ron Goodwyn Gary Greene Nancy and Bud Boston Don Gross Nancy Avans Bush 72 Allen L Guin III 73 Fred Guin 76 Susan and Sigmund Guttenberg Dr and Mrs Neal A Guttenberg John T Hardin 69 Constance S Thomas 69 Scott E Harris 81 Ms Barbara W Harris Jeffrey A Haynie 79 Robert W Buzz Law 79 Scott R Smith 79 Betty B Hays Trevon E Broad 92 Gordon Hunter and Sandra Broad Hunter C Brad Marsh 77 and Elizabeth A Obenshain Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley Ted Hays Edward N Caylor 70 C Brad Marsh 77 and Elizabeth A Obenshain Carlos M Hemperley III 62 H Martin Kite Jr 58 and Bobbie H Kite Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson C Graham Hixon Jr Kevin S Brumlow 85 B Amrey Harden 72 Margaret C Hodges 11 Anonymous Ms Alexandra A Carmen 11 Mr and Mrs Russell B Davis Margaret Wade Hodges 74 and George Hodges Ben H Layne and Sherry K Gaines Katie D Paradies 11 Ayesha U Patel 11 Hayley M Perlis 11 Steve Holman Jr 98 Mary Lou and Wayne Almand Mr Richard D Agostino Denise and Bob Farmer Mr Luke Griffin Mr and Mrs Donald Gruver Sara Behr Hoffenberg 98 and Jonathan Hoffenberg PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 43

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Scott R Holman 02 and Amy N Holman Steve and Mary Jane Holman Mr Robert Muscala Mr and Mrs Stuart Saunders Mr and Mrs Monte Sharp James H Wilson III 98 and Kathleen H Wilson Mr Timothy Wilson Arthur F Krueger Sr Robert L Adams 76 and Cindee Adams Cleo C Hudson Dr Hugh M Ruppersburg 68 Dena Osborne Levy Dr Alan M Levy Lindsay F Hunt 09 Jennifer E Leighton 09 Jacob T Lyons 01 Victoria M Beltran 01 and Timothy F Teck 01 Helen C Shean Michael K Irwin Susanna Thomas Davis 95 Terrell Y Jackson 00 Allison Jackson Rhodes 95 and Bartly D Rhodes 96 James C Sturgis 00 and Alden Sturgis Donna K Lewis Ms Jill Jacobs Sarah R Lewis 19 Seth M Lewis 19 Dustin A Jenkins 14 Helen C Shean Dorothy and Walter Joseph Mr and Mrs Kurt White Charles D Joyner 09 Helen C Shean Nazim Karriem Dr Varnada A Karriem Norwood Julie Jacobs Langley 80 Walter C Ernest IV 85 and Teresa Ernest Ray Maddox Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Michael W Mann 04 Chase P Mortimer 04 Helen Bunkley Maples Mr and Mrs Gregory J Maples Joyce McAlpin Mr and Mrs Kevin Morton Brooks B McCall II Class of 1916 Marcy McCall and Paul N Condolora Jerrie McCullough Scott Crook Kimberly McCullough Hayes 87 and Kenny Hayes Stacy Norris Kessler Mr Mark Kessler Sr Thomas K McQuarrie 48 Mr Thomas K McQuarrie Jr 70 Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Ted Key Kellum D Key 19 Kenneth L Mercer 79 Scott R Smith 79 Shahida Khawaja Drs Afsheen and Shazib Khawaja Whitner Milner 04 Kara Nygren Adler 04 and Micah Adler A Greg Knox 79 Scott R Smith 79 Linda and Dick Mitchell Marla Edwards Goncalves Sudha Koganti 00 Roshani H Chokshi 09 Sara S Fanucchi 00 and Thomas E Taylor Deepika Koganti 05 Srivishnu P Koganti 09 Indra Mohan Mr and Mrs Rubin Mohan Beth Jones Kraft 76 Jean Verdel Alexander 76 and Bill Alexander 44 George C Lacy Jr Helen Lacy Brackett 75 and Robert L Brackett WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY John V Moore Thomas C Stribling 67 Gabrielle H Morrow 02 Andrea B and Randal A Mangham Lowell T Olmstead 18 Bart L Baker 87 and Lisa Baker Jackson M Baker 18 Jones Bell Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bell Charles A Bennett 20 Michael T Bennett Jr 88 and Abigail Ashworth Bennett 88 Michael T Bennett III 18 Ms CaroleAnne Block Mr and Mrs Dennis J Bruce John W Bruce 18 Davis Burch Ms Denice S Burch Mr Jack Cassell Mr Forrest Caton Ms Margaret Childers Mr Hoke Smith Cooley Ms Jackie Cushman Mr and Mrs Deemer A Dana Ms Joan E Dana Bradley R Freedman 18 Mr Walt Garrison Dean G C Griffin 15 George C Griffin II 79 and Carroll H Griffin Mr Tripp Hammond Christian Kelley Mr Kent Kelley Ms Marianna King Ms Vanessa King James Lewallen Ms Whitney W Lewallem Mr Frank Lummus Mr Kenneth Lynch Ms Jennifer Mancuso Michael Mancuso Mr Alex Maner Ms Beth Marshall Ms Virginia McDonough Mr Chris Mellett Ms Jennifer Molner Jonathan Molner Mr Justin Novellas Ms Lillian E Schneider Mr and Mrs Frederick T Simon Marshall W Simon II 18 Nora K Singh 18 Ms Carolyn Train Dee Ann and C Ashley Turner Mr J Frank Walker and Mrs Kathleen O Chapman Hannah R Watkoske 18 Mr Daniel Wilbanks Mr and Ms Milton R Wofford Jr Mr and Mrs Stephen M Yarbrough Jean W Olstin Sandy and Jerry Adamek Julie J Askew Dr Becky A Bailey 79 Joanne and Grant Baker Andrew C Barker 03 and Ries Barker Richard A Borth

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Stacey S Brooks Javier and Noelle Ca as Cheryl Gibson Cobb Susan Bunker Cobb 90 and Dillon P Cobb 90 Ann Askew Colin 84 and Sam Colin Elisabeth H and David M Colquhoun Ms Jordan E Crawford 05 Scott Crook Mr and Mrs P Phillip Day Eleanor A and Edward A Dearolph Zachary T Erwin Linda L Freeman Mr Frank Gomez 81 Carolyn and John Haldeman Mary Hollis Holmes Ms Brittany L Huet 05 Vicky and Tom Jackson Mr Ben F Johnson III 61 and Mrs Ann Johnson Mr and Mrs Robert L Keber Tyice and Robert N Lawrence Sr Danielle M LeFevers 08 Erik and Traci W Lerner Linda and Ron McCollum Matthew P McGuire 84 and Christine McGuire Jennifer Collier McKee 87 and Mike McKee Peggy Dyer McNash 73 and Douglas McNash Debbie and Ed Notestine Martha Olstin 00 Mr Paul Olstin Mrs Elaine T O Neill Patricia Lee O Sullivan 83 Swannee Park 97 Greg Reynolds 97 and Tiffany Turner Reynolds 98 Candace and Richard Rhinehart Lynn Robinson Missy and Larry Sanchez Mr and Mrs Wayne Sasser Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley Susan Adams Shimer 87 and Randy Shimer Mr Xavier A Silva 89 and Mrs Julie Oliver Silva 86 William F and Kelli C Stanyard Kristin Petty Staunton 94 Mr and Mrs Lee Strange Mr and Mrs David Wall Ken Waller 77 and Elizabeth Waller Jane H Warren 80 Jane Webster Mr and Mrs Dennis Willis Lori Beth and James Wiseman Maxanne and Don Woolf Thomas L O Rourke 01 Victoria M Beltran 01 and Timothy F Teck 01 Benjamin Overman 02 Helen C Shean Robert Smith Jennifer Briggs Morris 00 and Dan Morris Lois Overstreet Alphonzo Overstreet III 19 Johnny O Stallings Julie J Askew Paul R Billingsly Jr 99 Dolph C Bosse 72 and Margaret H Bosse Nancy and Bud Boston Bobby Bowers 74 and Cindy Bowers William P Calloway 70 Brenda and Dave Chandler Scott Crook Walter C Ernest IV 85 and Teresa Ernest Charles B Evans Jr 69 Linda L Freeman Mr and Mrs Courtney Pete Fritts Denise F Hemmann Mr Ben F Johnson III 61 and Mrs Ann Johnson Tom Jones 63 and Judy Jones Ms Lisa D Litzelman Linda and Ron McCollum Doug McKay 58 and Cookie McKay Mr O R Minton Jr 68 Donald R Moorhead 68 Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Anita Douglas Phillips 79 and Andy Phillips Blair C Rice 90 Helen C Shean C Christopher Turner 84 and Megan Turner Drs Deborah and Joseph Wilkes David S Owings 90 Necie Elizabeth Young Pable 90 and Lawrence J Pable Jr Stephen W Patterson Mr and Mrs Gene W Patterson Hank Payne Mrs Deborah Payne Stephen Pless 57 Richard Jones USNR Ret 57 Syed A Rahman 18 Jeffrey M Hehir Jr 18 Nikhil M Vishwanath 19 Julian P Raines 81 Lt Col Ret Jeffery E Dearolph USMC 81 John D Randolph Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Judy Reed Kathy Duncan Sheesley 78 and Jeffrey Sheesley Joy Fulton Richardson Lisa Henry Goodbread 86 Jane Graham Jenny Schneider Shoemaker 89 and Brad Shoemaker Norwood Richardson Mr Charles R Wright and Mrs Nikki K Richardson Wright Betty T Riley Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Col Russell James W Braden 55 and June Braden Craig Sabo Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Ava L Sentell Casey J Sentell 95 Mark David Shaughness Mr and Mrs James P Shaughness Mary Lou and Guy Sipe Dr and Mrs Neal A Guttenberg Steve Storm John Guest Jr 62 and Rita Guest Evelyn Christine Strickland Mr and Mrs Greg A Wombough Ronald N Suddath 75 James E Suddath 77 Gene Sutherland Sr 54 Mr Gus Arrendale Bobby Bowers 74 and Cindy Bowers Kimberly Andrews Brown 83 Julie Davis Couch 88 and Chuck A Couch Mr and Mrs George W Darden Mr and Mrs Kirk Driskell Diana Sutherland Earwood 83 President and Mrs F Stuart Gulley Mr and Mrs David Hole Mr and Mrs William Hole Linda and Ron McCollum Susan Brewster Patterson 65 and C Craig Patterson Mr Edwin S Schiffer Seven Stars Inc Specialty Eggs LLC Alexandra J Sutherland 13 James Sutherland Jr 86 and Delee Sutherland PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 45

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Douglas B Talley 56 Ms Ann Blakely Cataloochee Ski Patrol Mr Robert Dickinson Mr and Mrs Louis Schlesinger Carolyn Taylor Jacob S Workman 19 William H Woodward 40 Kate Adornato Malone 03 and Chris Malone Austin E Valentine Mr and Mrs Walter L Isom Isabel Roper Yates Sarah Wigbels Volling 97 Jamie Tanenbaum Wiegmann 93 Anonymous Dorothy and Fred Young Greg Reynolds 97 and Tiffany Turner Reynolds 98 Frances Wells Mr Harry T Wells 57 and Mrs Lisa Wells Anne Yates Wigbels Sarah Wigbels Volling 97 Lottie Wilson Leroy W Blankenship 64 and Susan R Paoli Mr Harry T Wells 57 and Mrs Lisa Wells William Z Withers 54 and Sally Withers 46 Linda P Wise Justin C Locklear 05 Taylor Driskill Pafford 01 and John M Pafford Jr WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY H Lane Young II 69 Anonymous 3 Raymond R Abramson 69 and Mockie Abramson Mr William P Aiken Joe M Almand Jr 69 and Gayle J Almand Mr Tim Arvidson Mr Julian Bobbitt John S Bretch 69 and Shirley S Bretch William P Calloway 70 Mr and Mrs Stephen C Collier Steven D Creel 69 John A Ferguson Jr 69 and Francesca F Ferguson Mr Michael Goldman Hawkins Parnell Thackston Young LLP Richard Inman Jr 69 Mr John R Ireland 69 Thomas Jones 69 Kurowski Shultz LLC Mr William Lucas Mr William Major Mr Kenneth W McAllister Mark McGriff 69 Mr Ernest C McLean III William F Morris III 69 and Doris Morris Lee W Plunkett 69 and Jenny Plunkett Chilton and Mark Pope Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs Thomas A Pritchard Mr and Mrs Jack N Sibley Mr and Mrs Mitchell F Simmons Jr Simon Greenstone Panatier Mr Jeffrey Simon Dr James H Weihe 69 Mr and Mrs Ernie Wetzler Mr and Mrs S Z Young

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ALUMNI FUND BY THE NUMBERS 359 111 13 Total Dollars Raised Alumni Participation 96 100 44 President s Circle Donors 100 Senior Giving Alumni Board Young Alumni President s Circle Donors P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 47

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ALUMNI FUND BY THE NUMBERS continued Top 15 Classes with highest participation During the second annual alumni giving day 346 alumni including 112 new donors made gifts totalling 34 673 in 1900 minutes 1999 20 2003 19 2004 17 1993 18 1983 14 1956 13 2009 18 2001 14 1963 13 1988 17 1951 13 1974 13 1954 13 2000 13 2002 13 48 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y HIGHLIGHT 2009 Class with the most gifts 1999 Class that raised the most Volunteers Justin Alexander 99 Kathleen Collins 78 Walter Constantine 99 Barrett Cornelius 09 Julie Davis Couch 88 Alok Despande 94 Sara Dundee 08 Sara Elliot 07 Matt Ficken 05 Carrie Schwartz Gordon 99 Tucker Griffin 12 Matt Kelly 08 Kiley Hodgson King 05 Christy Morrison 83 Chris Myers 00 Elizabeth Smith 09 Winnie Wilkins Thompson 88 Natalie Plowden Tyler Martin 99 Matt Wilson 99

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ALUMNI GIVING Following is a list of graduates by class year who supported the Academy with a gift to The Woodward Alumni Fund or The GMA Alumni Fund between June 1 2018 and May 31 2019 Alumni leadership donors are members of the President s Circle and the Young Alumni President s Circle and are denoted below The President s Circle includes alumni who have generously given a gift of 2 500 or more while the Young Alumni President s Circle enables alumni of the last 20 years to become leadership donors through a tiered giving structure Class of 1942 Donald S MacKerer Young Alumni President s Circle Class Years and Levels 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Any Gift 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 250 Class of 1945 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 500 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1 000 Briggs H Jones Class of 1956 Class of 1963 PARTICIPATION 13 PARTICIPATION 13 Bobbie B Fernander E Wayne Dill Robert D Evans Phillip A Griffiths Jr David M McKenneyRobert W Schorr Sidney S Terhune Class of 1950 Class of 1957 Victor E Adoue Thomas L BradburyRoman Deville Frank Huchingson Jr Joseph A KicklighterAlan J McCracken Mat C Raymond Jr Marion P Rivers III Robert G Weinstein Class of 1946 Paul J Cunningham Roland C Smith Class of 1949 John T Row Jr Class of 1951 PARTICIPATION 13 George W Bingham Donald B Corder Samuel F Hart George N Suddath Class of 1952 PARTICIPATION 4 PARTICIPATION 12 Richard T Jones Ed Jones James W C McKay Jr Harry T Wells Class of 1958 PARTICIPATION 7 Vernon S Aycock H Martin Kite Jr C Douglas McKay Bob Miller Wesley Goodwin Class of 1964 PARTICIPATION 12 Leroy W Blankenship W Lawrence Brown Lonnie C Harrell III Daniel C Martin Gary Y Poole James C Potts Joe A Rice Les Starnes Craig L Vroom Frederick L Wood III Class of 1959 Class of 1953 PARTICIPATION 6 Class of 1965 PARTICIPATION 7 Anonymous Frank L Alverson Jr Ragmar Boecher PARTICIPATION 10 Michael C McCann William Carter White William B Wright Jr Class of 1961 Class of 1954 PARTICIPATION 3 PARTICIPATION 13 James C Beall Ben F Johnson III John R Kendall George H Ginn Clifton T Harris Frederick A Olds Gene E Sutherland Sr Bill Withers Class of 1955 PARTICIPATION 9 James W Braden John J Callinan Grady R Hogg Jr Walter F Lubkin Deceased President s Circle Class of 1962 Anonymous Scott Abramson Stanley C Coker Scott D Dunbar James F Jones Jr William S Magill IIIJohn N Miles Thomas M Mitchell Susan Brewster PattersonStephen E Roberts Baker A Smith PARTICIPATION 9 John E Bennett John W Brinsfield Jr Jack DavisJohn F Guest Jr Otway B Hill H Bruce McEverAlf Ruff Jr Henry W Stakely Class of 1966 PARTICIPATION 8 Michael L Bost Robert H Langdale John Laws Jo Oden McIver J R Owens Jr R Alan Parrish P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 49

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Class of 1967 Class of 1973 PARTICIPATION 7 PARTICIPATION 11 Calvin R Allen Jr Lee Altheimer Rod Canfield Michael J Fedack Frederick Poole Landers Sr James L Paulk Thomas C Stribling Jeane Smith Brackman Fernando A Duralde Stuart G Farris W Paul Folger Thomas E Guillot Jr Louis J Martin II Linda A McGeheeMichael D McGuire Peggy Dyer McNash Carol Cambra Smith Margaret E Thoma Cathy Weaver Roger C Whigham Rusty A Zaring Class of 1968 PARTICIPATION 5 Dan S Ferguson Thomas E Lee Donald R Moorhead Hugh M Ruppersburg Carl B Eleazer Fred C Guin Beverly Leigh Truslow David L Watson II Class of 1977 PARTICIPATION 5 Teresa Lewis Henderson C Brad MarshJames E Suddath Ken Waller Susan Oliver Weiss Suzanne Dunn Woodruff Charles J Yarbrough Class of 1978 Class of 1974 PARTICIPATION 10 Class of 1969 PARTICIPATION 13 PARTICIPATION 8 Anonymous Robert E BowersLin Price Carter Ken B Collins Cary A CoutantClarence Davis John Dove Janie Swanson Finch Linda Hixon Gilmore John G Hiles Jr Margaret Wade Hodges Milton Jarrell Jr Donald L Lassiter Orlando F Lopez Jeffrey B Millar K Douglas SmithSteven W Smith Anonymous Kim Landon Boyd Constance H Cantrell Goldman Kathleen D CollinsLillian J Cooper Paula Dyer Crawford Rodrigo A Duralde Thomas J Ehrensperger Mike Gibson Sabina Miller Gilbert Virginia Serrato Johnston Teresa Lopez Mann Marie Lupo Nygren Randall S OwenGregory L Roesel Paula Thornton Schutz Kathy Duncan Sheesley John M Shoffner IV Class of 1975 Class of 1979 PARTICIPATION 9 PARTICIPATION 8 David T Brumby Gene Milner Jr Joye Boyett Nurre Adele Hagedorn Ogilvie Dwight H Smith Debra Harper Sorrow James J Anderson Roger E Blythe Jr Helen Lacy Brackett Elaine Toulon Carroll Charles R Dickerson Sr William B Dickerson Jr Lawrence E Epps John S Hunsinger Jr Thomas F Moynahan Lynne Davis Norman George B O Hanlon Judith C Allen Becky A Bailey George C Griffin II Julian S Hailey Michelle T LaLonde Buzz Law Anita Douglas PhillipsScott R Smith Edward J Waits Jr Lisle Nunnally Waits Class of 1972 Class of 1976 PARTICIPATION 4 PARTICIPATION 7 PARTICIPATION 9 Nancy Avans Bush Donald M CathyLarry A DeMarcus Martha L Elks Amrey Harden William C Lathem Andy Smith Hugh Bruce Williamson III Anonymous Robert L Adams Nicole Adams Jean Verdel Alexander Gus A Callaway III Robert W Church John Crosland III Xavier A Duralde Alfred J Cole Jr Bruce L Fetterman Christi Black Kruse John Oliver Sarah Anding Smith Jane H Warren Joe M Almand Jr Phillip S Bowen William A Guest George S Morgan Sr C Paul Sims Jr Joseph M Steed Constance S Thomas David B Vester Charles K Werk Class of 1970 PARTICIPATION 8 Willie Calloway Ed N Caylor William J Fedack Jr Richard B Hadlow Mark E Matthews Thomas K McQuarrie Jr R Ted Smith Jr Michael Wilkes Class of 1971 PARTICIPATION 6 Class of 1980 50 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Deceased President s Circle

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Class of 1981 Class of 1986 PARTICIPATION 6 PARTICIPATION 10 Anonymous Karen Vaughn Burns Jeffery E Dearolph Frank Gomez Daphne Bryson Jackson Ria Meade Malinak Scott S Schreiber Deaton Bell Philip H Bienert Michelle Duckett Hedgebeth Randal R Geoghagan Lisa Henry Goodbread Asheley Dillard Kotis Darryl S Maslia Anna C Mathis Susan Oliver Pratt William B Putman Scott R Shaffer Julie Oliver Silva Kenneth D SteeleJames E Sutherland Jr Shayelyn C Woodbery Class of 1982 PARTICIPATION 4 Candy Shaw CodnerDeborah Cole GuestMr William H Jones Martha Larcom Robert A Ross Class of 1987 Class of 1983 PARTICIPATION 8 PARTICIPATION 14 Bart L Baker Margaret Nottoli Ferrante Kimberly McCullough Hayes Dana Jefferson Ben F Johnson IV Samuel Kwon Jennifer Collier McKee Mary S Moore Tracie Finley Potts Susan Adams Shimer Richard Sinkfield III Christopher K Vandiford MaryAnn Woodworth Barry D Applegate Kimberly Andrews Brown Andrew Cameron April L Craig Dale Blonder Dyer Diana Sutherland Earwood Danise Gunter Fields Peter J Fritts David M Hall Jeffery A Hannon Maria Lievano Johnson Kai Cunningham Lombard Paul M Longino Christy L Morrison Timothy Nichols III Patricia Lee O Sullivan Van L Panter Michele Rothenberg Winter Class of 1984 PARTICIPATION 7 Ann Askew Colin Garlan Barron Furin Nancy Howard GallupsKitty McNeely Hartley Matthew P McGuire Lisa G Merritt Jeffrey G Pierce Virginia Andre Ross Timothy P Sullivan Class of 1985 PARTICIPATION 4 Kevin S Brumlow Walter C Ernest IV Sally M Faulkner Jeffrey T Miller Virgil C Shutze III Class of 1988 PARTICIPATION 17 Jenifer Clifton Amos Michael T Bennett Jr Abigail Ashworth Bennett David C Blakely Lisa Lipscomb Connor Julie Davis Couch Casey O Neal Creal Margaret McClellan Driscoll Thomas M Grayson Marian Wells Hemmer Randolph M Holmes Tamara R Jones Kathleen Hassinger Kellett Stiles A Kellett III Hyuk J Kwon Daniel J Lyle Kristy Thomas Nardone John F O Neill Jenny Byars Ritchie Jennifer McLarty Sardone Duane R Shaver Ena A Shaw Todd Spencer Nan Halenza StreetWalter Strickland Winifred Wilkins Thompson Ronette Bloom Throne Jyotsna Vanapalli Bart White Elizabeth Brum White Class of 1989 PARTICIPATION 6 Elizabeth Jones Aull Grant F Christians Elizabeth Ponder Dykstra Mary Brooks Smalley Jamison Carrie Whiteman Layton Michael J Lee Robert B Patterson Jenny Schneider Shoemaker Xavier A Silva Nichole Davis Sloan Douglas A Vandiford II Christopher E WilliamsClass of 1990 PARTICIPATION 8 Susan Bunker Cobb Dillon P Cobb Allison P Day Debbie Piha Deutsch Anna M C Gjerlow Jonathan P Hayes Tejal Desai Kassatly Valaurie Bridges Lee Thomas F Lozick Necie Elizabeth Young Pable Stephanie Lee Pugh Jason Rogers Williams Krista A Straughn Kamuran M Tekin Andrew J Welch IIIClass Of 1991 PARTICIPATION 12 Anonymous Matt H BrillBickerton W Cardwell III Tom Cavanaugh John F Cioci Jennifer L Enloe John P Jenkins Malik A King Andrew S Koransky Kourtney Few Mance Allen W Marshall IV Kimberly Eason Nubel Dallas S Olson Jr David M Rainey Scott Sanchez Suzi S Sheffield Meredith Greene Sorrow Robert L Stewart Emmy N Temples Joseph C Temples Mary Katherine Thrash White Tonya Tolleson Whitmire PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 51

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Class of 1992 PARTICIPATION 11 Alexander P Agle Kelly Brown Anderson Matthew B Bailey William B Bourne IV Amanda Swint Boutelle Trevon E Broad Thomas F Byars Julia Bonds Duke Derrick F Faur Andre P HyltonRachel P Kittner Greg S LewisJennifer Dye Parker Lakshmi Reddy Jack Rhodes III April M Ripley Michael F Sorrow Jr Anne Lambert Tracht David B Tracht Class of 1993 PARTICIPATION 18 Anonymous Joshua K Arensberg Robert L Ashe III Michael O Blackstock Lauren Rawlins Blaszyk C Austin Chase Thomas M Chatham Loren K Colon Anupa V Deshpande Rebecca Steinmark Erwin Keisha Escoffery Mark G Goldstein Russell K GoreBryan A Hancock Amy Giles Hershberg Jeffrey J Holder Ginn Jordan Holder Erica Katz LewisElizabeth T McFadden Addison H Meriwether Allison Wilensky Olim Cristale Brown Patterson Ann Hatfield Patterson John M Potts III Joella Mercer Potts Jennifer Grasser Rainwater Marcye M Scott Danielle M Seligmann Rajiv Sood Barry C White Calvin L Williams Jr Jeff Wood Class of 1994 PARTICIPATION 8 Simon E Arpiarian Thomas L Bourne David Q Cross 52 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Alok V Deshpande Stephen A Elmore Jr Kathryn Pierce Folk Merideth Fanning Gilmor Torrance J Mosley Kristin Petty Staunton Gina Marshall Tucker Andrew J Van Epps Addie Mae Spongberg Weiss Stacie Shirley Wood Class of 1995 PARTICIPATION 7 Jennifer A Cranford Thomas Susanna Thomas Davis Katherine L Gardner Kimberly Stembridge Gary William S Henwood Jr Anne Steele Fortune Hinshaw Wesley W Ingwersen Jennifer Knox Julie Hodges Melton Stephanie Simpson Nalley Joy Mayeske Phillips Allison Jackson Rhodes Casey J Sentell Richard E Shelor Class of 1996 PARTICIPATION 8 Anonymous Marisa Amick Anderson Lauren B Bernstein Jason Clardy Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds Laura C Fanucchi Kevin M HodgesJo Cranford HodgesMeredith Jackson Holt Frank Johnston Jeremy D Lewis Bartly D Rhodes Class of 1997 PARTICIPATION 9 Brian Albanese A Cyclone Covey Anne Barr Cruz Susan Burnette DutsonJessica Savitz Goodman Carrie Gibson Lauchlan Michael J Mayeske Jr Lauren Mueller Jessica Ziegler NewthSwannee Park John R Prall Gregory W Reynolds Jeffrey M Solomon Mitzi R Solomon Sarah Wigbels Volling Class of 1998 PARTICIPATION 9 Tiffini N Billingsly M Lee CardwellLeigh Shattles CardwellAneel A Delawalla Kristen Williams Derk Helen W Ellis David B Hodgins Lauren C Hood Damon H Peden Justin C Perlman Tiffany Turner ReynoldsLeigh O Neal Shelor Anthony L ThomasJoseph A Watkins Reginald J Wilkins Andrew T Wilson James H Wilson III Class of 1999 PARTICIPATION 20 Anonymous 2 Justin H AlexanderPamela Allen Ambler Brooke Weinstein Berger Dane C Bielfelt Kenzie M Biggins Paul R Billingsly Jr Alysson Vogt Blackwelder Evan S Borenstein Walter W Constantine Andrew S Crowe Meredith Koehler Dempsey John B Ellis III Marcus B Foston Adam W Freeman Kathleen Lawton Gibbon Joseph N GoodmanCarrie Schwartz Gordon Meghan M Hauser Lauren D Johnson Timothy F Kennedy Candace McWhirter Kimbrough Amy Goldsmith Lee Adam P Mathes Bennett E McCumber Damian O Pryor Jennifer Gussoff Salmenson Amanda Bishop Sells Stacey Wolman Shapiro John L StewartWilliam S Taylor Titilayo A Tinubu Natalie Plowden Tyler Martin Lauren Troutman Vogler Stephanie H Warshaw Anthony M WebbRebecca L White Martin F Wilkes Matthew D WilsonMeredith Kendall Wince President s Circle Young Alumni President s Circle

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Class of 2000 PARTICIPATION 13 Lexie Ziegler Batchelor Adrian J Elfersy Sara S Fanucchi Erin C Greenway Marshall S Guest Jennifer L Hanson Jennifer L Kim Kimberly N Lawrence Orlando F Lopez Jr Nick H Lynton Stewart W McCloud Jennifer Briggs Morris Christopher T MyersMartha Olstin Calvin C Oxford II Matthew A Rahn Timothy F Robertson Suzanna B Sanchez Todd M SavitzJess Cooke Scarborough Ashleigh A Spiller Colin Sturgis Jasmin M Theard Linsey Whiteside Troutman Class of 2001 PARTICIPATION 14 Anonymous 2 Lindsey Ives Barry Victoria M Beltran Jennifer N Blake Mahmud Stephen H Bridges Lyndsey Miller Burton Owen Gaddis Holly E Harris Thomas D Lesniak Jr Allison M Lockwood Leah Fiorenza McNeill Patrick L O Neal Taylor Driskill Pafford Brent M Pease Shyam S Ram Mary Elise Carter Rising Marques P W Robie Katherine Wells RobsonSophia L Scott Mary Sessions Matthew S Swope Timothy F Teck Mark J Terry Pelham Wilder IV Clarence T Williamson III Class of 2002 PARTICIPATION 13 Anonymous 3 Robert Allen Matthew W Almand Ashley Kushner Becknell Robert L Bowers Emily C Diamond Steven C Figiel Maryam Autry Gilman Scott R Holman Susan L Hutto Jameel S Jiwani Lucy Fender McCloud Erica S Merritt Dana L Notestine Garnie Nygren Rebecca Genz Ogrin Jeffrey S Plageman Heather M Ripley Michael C Sinagra Gram Smith Lakshmi S Tummala Robert C Watts Anne Peden Robertson Watts Albert Whiteside IV Meredith A Zaring Class of 2003 PARTICIPATION 19 Anonymous Andrew C Barker Daniel J Bernstein Lindsey Keadle Birdsong William R Burnette Lauren A Bursh April N Bush Jonathan M Chapman Genna R Cohen Lindsey C Eisenberg Terrance D Epps Pamela Zellmer Evett Whitney Dickerson Gerkin Michael C Gilman William A Hennessy Mark A Holmes Allison White Holmes Alexander N Holt Melissa Dupre Hopple Sydney Horne Langdon Robert N Lawrence Jr Taryn D Lesniak Valerie R Libby Kate Adornato Malone MacKenzie Crain Minyard Matthew MoyeMolly Spratt MoyeJennifer Bridgers Palmer Evan D Pease Meg Hendee Quigley Kellie N Rauk Bette Ann Schlossberg Cathleen Leonard Smith Christopher M Smith Caroline Guest StancilKatie D Velazco Kathleen Varner Wagner Evan V Watts Melanie L Williams Brad Yakots Class of 2004 PARTICIPATION 17 Anonymous 3 Kara Nygren Adler Shelly AnandAlexis C Anzo Ryan W Bowers Mary Jane Stacy Brent Sara Notestine Day Patrick K Franks Gregory B Goldberg Warren B Gomel Lindsey Bornstein Gottlieb Akeem N Hardnett Guy M Harris Blake HendersonKelly Nichols Janicki Christopher S Johnson Emily Watts JohnsonElizabeth Gray McEver Chase P Mortimer Stuart M Pearson Jeffrey M Putnam Jennifer Welch RueterChristopher B Schwartz Erica M Shantha Rachel Wilensky Shulman Maxwell J Stein Katie Watt Tinsley Jared E Touchstone Shane E Vaiskauskas Lauren Dupre Vick Christine Figiel Ward Glenn D Warren Jr Andrew P Wener Andrew D Widener Class of 2005 PARTICIPATION 12 Edward H Alexander Lindsey M Alvarez Shannon Sheesley Balthaser Elizabeth F Braunstein Jordan E Crawford Elena P Duralde Matthew M Ficken IVJordan Arkin Fishman Ryan L Furlough Ashley L Hopkins Brittany L Huet Kiley Hodgson KingDeepika Koganti Mary Beth E Lineberry Justin C Locklear Lisa Miller Kelly Rice Monts Rochelle D Morgan Verdin Erica Schwartz Nooromid Ryn S Pollard James T Porter Bailey Blair Sabulis Zachary R SavitzLeslie Forsling Stalder Evan C Sturgis PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 53

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Class of 2006 PARTICIPATION 10 Quinn Nygren Barry Matthew B Bowers Laura Flynn Heller George Rachel Fruchtman Gordon John A Hanson Benjamin C King Margaret Parham Holt LoydJustin W McCart Cameron L McConnell Eleni Snider Morris Maenne G Okunola Hannah O Pearson Michael P Reddy Miller Adam J Shapiro Edward S Silver Sam G Stein Laura Parker Sykes Samuel S Sykes Stuart R Vassey India L Waters Class of 2007 PARTICIPATION 10 Anonymous 2 Shelley N Adams Aaron M Ahlzadeh Samantha Mann Avent Alexa Lieppe Bernstein Taylor B Buffington Jamison S Codner Benjamin M Condon Lauren McClelland Darden Sara C ElliotSummer Goldberg Gabriel Morgan Plank Gibney Allison B Gordon Kelly S Gronka Hannah M Hubbard James Martin Branden A May Mshon K Pulliam Nancy Tribble Ralston Anna Thomas Rogers Alexandria B RomanClass of 2008 Thomas M Platt Breanna L SteinChelsea Symone Sullivan Anjelica N Young Class of 2009 PARTICIPATION 18 Anonymous Charles H Addison William C Arnold Steven E Benatar Mark A Boyles Jessie H Cart Roshani H Chokshi Thomas L Corbin Barrett N Cornelius Riley C Cullen Kelsey R DardenTallia N Deljou Kelly S Donovan Clark L Edmond Felice M Ernst Leo J Falkenstein Ashish R Gandhi Madison Weiss Gordon Leonhard H Gorgens Courtney Guest Hannan Kira L Hooks Charles J Knight Srivishnu P Koganti Jennifer E Leighton Taylor D Lewis Emanuel D Major Hadrian Mendoza Alexandra N Noeltner Caroline LaBriola PasternakHattie M Pearson Ashley E Riggs Caroline G Roberts Wynne S Rosenbleeth Samantha J Sater Elizabeth M Smith Charles W Sullivan IV Kyle J Sunderland Olivia T Watkins Nicholas J WidenerAllison L Woodward Ayanna Groves Young PARTICIPATION 9 Adam S CarllEmily Bent Corbin Danielle I Davis Charles R Dickerson Jr Sara S Dundee Marcela Espinosa Scott P GoodsonAmit D JagirdarEmanuel D Jones II Stephanie Fernald King Danielle M LeFevers Michael E MandlWilliam C Miller Jr Ravi R Patel 54 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Class of 2010 PARTICIPATION 10 Margaret F ApplebyKalen V Axam Kristin Fair Ethridge Sarah S Farrar Joya F Faruque Paige C Gibson Katherine Carll Hendrix Jeffrey R Hirsh Kelsey Schmidt Huffines John W U Huffines Jr Jacob A Konas Chelsea L Korski Sean S McDermott Stephanie S Morgan Wight E Murphy Dorrie L ParadiesColeman T Pusateri William P Robertson David A RothRandall S Strat Rebecca Clapes Sweet Julia W Watkins Class of 2011 PARTICIPATION 10 Anonymous Elyse R Benjamin Kelsey J Bilthouse Charles B Bittinger Stefan A Brown Robert W Bruce III Alexandra A Carmen Timothy W CoatsBailey K Collings Adair Dickerson Jacob L Goldberg Sophia V Gorgens Arlon M Harper Morgan Guest HicksNancy M Hogan Jasmine L Johnson WakeelKatie D ParadiesMary E Peek Hayley M Perlis James M Platt Caroline R Ptacek Elizabeth A Taylor William J Tribble Eugene B Wimby III Robert H Woodward Class of 2012 PARTICIPATION 10 Ruth E Behr Sally L BurnsLachlan A Busby Sydney C Gaxiola Tucker H GriffinJulie A Hubschman David S JohnsonElam D Jones Matthew P McAdam Morgan D McKinnon Jacqueline M Morris Anthony P Oberti Jonathan D Oberti Graham H ReynoldsArielle C Sanders Alec J Sard Christopher G SawyerCierra G Saylor Caitlen E Schmidt Jordan W B Watkins Caroline G White Young Alumni President s Circle

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All alumni from the classes of 2013 2018 who made a gift are recognized as members of the Young Alumni President s Circle Class of 2013 Class of 2015 Class of 2017 PARTICIPATION 7 PARTICIPATION 4 PARTICIPATION 3 Anonymous Brooke A Aspinwall Karaz P Axam James M Bondurant Harrison A A Cobb Christopher R Edwards Samuel H Fishman Morgan A Foreman Katherine E Goldstein Tiana N Grissom Kelly M Guest Katherine T LaFiandra McCall Summer E McFadden Frampton E Simons Jr Steven W Smith Jr Alexandra J Sutherland William C Appleby Mary Elizabeth M Cooper Kathryn P Goodgame Andrew L Gray Dean G C Griffin Haley Hasen Mary D McGonigle Maya S Mitchell Molly H Paradies Christian T Raver James E Sutherland III Justin D Berger Taylor E Brandon Timothy F S Cobb Jr Maya E Foreman JaKai M Grooms Samantha M Hasen William C Sutherland Darien D Wiggins Class of 2014 PARTICIPATION 3 Class of 2016 PARTICIPATION 2 Cameron A Cooper Monica X T Duong Dolan P Falconer III Bailey A Heywood Zachary C Orig Erik M Benjamin Caroline P Crews Lillian X D Duong James F Hill III Gobind Kala Christopher R Lea Class of 2018 PARTICIPATION 4 Jackson M Baker Michael T Bennett III John W Bruce Bradley R Freedman Andrew F Gosch Jeffrey M Hehir Jr Marshall W Simon II Nora K Singh Hannah R Watkoske SENIOR GIVING Senior Giving is an annual giving campaign that educates the senior class about the importance of giving back to the Academy as they prepare to transition from students to alumni By encouraging them to participate in The Woodward Alumni Fund as seniors they come together and make a lasting legacy for their class This year the Class of 2019 raised 4 128 with an impressive 96 participation Emanuel I Abdul Salaam Victoria A Adebayo Oluwadurotimi A Adisa Maya Akbik Ariana N Alvord Emma E Anhalt Kwamena T Awotwi Thomas A Azadi Isabela E Baldwin Sayre J Balk Neel A Bansal Elizabeth E Barber Thomas F Barnard Dasani L Barrow Allison P Belkeir Ella H Bennett Nicholas J Benson Michael D Berkey Sonali Bhakta Katherine A Bidwell Lawton A Bird Ethan C Blase Jourdan A Bolton Charles T Borchers Lance J Borders Eric F Bowden Mahala J Broad Delaney E Bunce Alex M Burgess Joshua S Burgess Nia K N Burton Adin B Burwell Donte D Bush Alexia S Cainion Zachary A Canepa Emma E Carmical Mason A Carnes Austin G Carter Lily Chahine Dany Chamseddine Mia I Chan Catherine Q Changus Julian G Chapman Danny Chen Megan E Chen Vincy S Chiou Alisha M Chranya Reid E Christensen Avinash R Chugani Mary G Clayton Jenna S Codner McKibben J Collins Reese M Cooper Jackson W Couch Mitchell S Crawford Leah M Crider Ivie Cullen Dean Isha D Darshane Elizabeth M Denny Abby E Duke Arik D Duncan Jelani M Durley Farron J Edmonds Nicholas E Eller PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 55

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Jason A Escolar Samuel J Etkind Hannah A Evans Melissa Eyinla Danion K Fields Megan E Foell Mary E Fort Lily M Francour William H Freer Teagan S Fritts Kenny M Frontin Jr Karnera D Gafford Emily J Gallagher William Gamson Sejal Gandhi Kameron N Garmestani Tahj E Gary Tajiah E Gary Caroline R Gaster Bethany M Getachew Anna R Gianneschi John J Ginley Reagan B Glass Destiny T Goldsmith Marshall T Golick Asha D Gorjala Camryn Graham Hannah L Granot Julian Grant Kira N Green David H Greene Jr AnaSimone Guillaume Ryan T Gunnigle Jr Callum T Guo Ayanna Habeel Lindsey M Haley Charles C Hall Nathaniel Hall Sydney E Hallas Greer S Hardesty Sage N Harley Kennedy C Harris Charles R Hatcher IV Jessica I Hatfield George L Henderson Ian C Henderson Olivia P Henderson Alexis B Hill Georgia W Hippe Anna Kathryn Hodges Charles F Hollis IV Zoe R Huey Kameron A Hughes Samantha R Humphrey Henry B Hunt MaryCarol E Huntz Evonne A Iau Tanna J Irvin Benjamin J Jackson Zoe A M Jafflin Rohan Jhanjee Lily G Johnson Wyatt S Johnson Catherine H Jones Arya B Joshi 56 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Parker A Kahlert Isaac E Keil Kellum D Key Uswa Khan Jayden A Khatib Nia Kherani Joshua Y Kim Zachary C Kimes Cole W King Carolyn G Koch Margaret J Koriwchak Ansley C Koscik Frank T Kurzweg III Thomas C Lafiandra Jacob M Landgraff Ilana A Lavine Jacob E Leader Liam E Levine Tessa R Levy Gabrielle J Lewis Sarah R Lewis Seth M Lewis Sierra T Lewis Isaac Li Hailey M Lightner Sydney L Lopez Hannah S Lovett Monisha P Mahadevan Amanosi N Maiki Stephanie Martinez Miles K Matterson Wesley D Maxey Rachel A McCray Molly E D Merchant Hans Meyer Wyatt M Millner Avery E Milner David W Morris Charley E Moulder Maximilian T Muir Tej P Munshi Allison W Nagel Cecilia N Ng Haley O Donnell Hayes D Ogletree Anthony O Okolo Sarah A Olatidoye Alphonzo Overstreet III Zander D Page Hrydesh B Patel Seeta Patel Shayna R Patel Cross A Patton Morgan G Petrini Grayson G Phillips Jadyn A Phillips Julia R Phillips Carlyle G Pilger Madison S Polk Kevin M Powell Susanna M Preuss Harry D Putt Madison C Quarles Morgan C Redding Devan Reddy Collin O Richardson Alexandra F Robinson Alexis M Robinson Gibbs C Robinson Madisyn A Robinson Malachi Robinson Julien S Roddenbery Nicholas I Salomon Niharika C Savili Sanil A M Sawja Ava J Saykaly Roshni M Shah Ariana S Sharafat Ashani Sharma Simon Shen Eliana L Sherman Linda M Shi Joseph S Sigman Lucy G Sileo Sultan J Simms Julia K Smith Clara H Snell Laura T Snellings Grace D Sorgeloos Michael F Sorrow III Kayla Stadeker Lauren Stoeckel Alex Sun Alexander T Taylor Sydney L Taylor Safia S Tejani Noah Thomas Allen K Thompson Riley S Thomson Bailey F Tucker Sydney G Varner Alexander C Vaughan Isabella M Ventulett Anya Vijayvergiya Nikhil M Vishwanath William P Wagner Andrew R Walker McGarrah J Walker Manaphy Wang Carly R Warren Jacy D Watson Reagan L O Watson Jenna N Weil Carter E Welsh Lucas M Werner Elizabeth G Wheeler Clara E Wheelock Malcolm D Wiley II Jacob P Willis Benjamin M Wombough Hannah Won William A Wood Jacob S Workman Christian G Wylder Lucy Xu Phoenix Xu Olivia J Zervas Kevin A Zheng Derek P Zhou

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ALUMNI VOLUNTEERS Thank you to all our alumni volunteers for your leadership and support this year 2018 2019 Alumni Association Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE Matthew Wilson 99 President Justin Alexander 99 President Elect Christy Morrison 83 Treasurer Matthew Ficken 05 Secretary Jessica Ziegler Newth 97 Past President DIRECTORS Walter Constantine 99 Julie Davis Couch 88 Alok Deshpande 94 Kiley Hodgson King 05 Jennifer Welch Rueter 04 Suzanna Sanchez 00 Winifred Wilkins Thompson 88 The Woodward Alumni Fund Chair Nicole Adams 76 2018 Reunion Volunteers Valerie Manis Egan Randy Holmes Michelle Maxwell Johnson Todd Spencer Kristy Thomas Nardone Nan Halenza Street Winnie Wilkins Thompson CL ASS OF 1993 25 th Reunion Shannon Barber Mike Blackstock Matt Chatham Loren Colon Matt Crowe Robert Engstrom Becky Steinmark Erwin Stephen Franklin Cristale Brown Patterson Danielle Seligmann Christine Williams Amanda Mutz Wolski Barry White CL ASS OF 1973 CL ASS OF 1998 45 th Reunion Paul Alarcon Maya Voljavec Booth Jeane Smith Brackman Bonnie Bailey Collings Fernando Duralde Peggy Dyer McNash Elena Strother Strickland Lisa Landrum Upton Cathy Weaver 20 th Reunion Liann Freeman Shelby Kammeyer Buso Lee Cardwell Leigh Shattles Cardwell Dana Elmore Sara Behr Hoffenberg Burt Jones Trey Kilpatrick Tiffany Turner Reynolds Emmy King Stanton Tony Watkins Harris Weinstein Anita Hsu Wilson Mary Stoney Lanigan Wright CL ASS OF 1978 40 th Reunion Valerie Schorr Bennington Kim Landon Boyd Temple Thomas Brooks Doug Bryant Kathleen Collins Rodrigo Duralde William Longino Steve Mairose Kent Parajon Steven Rivers Virginia Serrato Johnson John Shoffner CL ASS OF 2003 35 th Reunion Sheryl Powell McCollum Walter McCollum Christy Morrison Clark Spratlin 15 th Reunion Tyler Beddoe Whitney Dickerson Gerkin Riah Greathouse Carson Hammer Anna Mize Hammer Alex Holt Sydney Horne Langdon Valerie Libby Jessica Hood Mahle Timothy Obialo Cathleen Leonard Smith Caroline Guest Stancil Melanie Williams Shannon Womack CL ASS OF 1988 CL ASS OF 2008 30 th Reunion Lisha Bridges Burnett Jason Causey Julie Davis Couch 10 th Reunion Ashley Bush Tina Dhanani Brittany Hall CL ASS OF 1983 Emanuel Jones II Matthew Kelly Scottie Milner Miller Jamal Paige Kelsey Todd Pinckney Powell Porter Claire Sandburg Camille Spalding Chelsea Sullivan Mikaya Thurmond CL ASS OF 2013 5 th Reunion Karaz Axam Mary Helen deGolian Ethan Frank Kelly Guest Drew Jackson Annie Kempe Simone May Michelle Raphael Carter Roberts Ben Walker 2019 Golden War Eagle Volunteers CL ASS OF 1969 50 th Reunion Chop Evans Patty Lynn Street Guinn Tom Jones William Latimer George Morgan Paul Sims Joe Steed Connie Thomas CL ASS OF 1959 60 th Reunion Bill Evans Jerold Gray John Hudson Harry Youngblood Class Delegates Robin Beck 06 Taylor Buffington 07 Barrett Cornelius 09 Sara Dundee 08 Becky Steinmark Erwin 93 Laura Flynn Heller George 06 Lori Hanes 99 Michael Mandl 08 Lisa Miller 05 Jill Hertzberg Murphy 07 Nancy Tribble Ralston 07 Elizabeth Smith 09 Becky Clapes Sweet 10 Tony Watkins 98 Todd Williamson 01 PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 57

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The Woodward Academy GMA Alumni Association s 9th annual Big Chill event had yet another record breaking year raising 80 050 for need based student financial aid at the Academy Thanks to the following sponsors and volunteers for another successful year Platinum Partners The Bowers Family Leigh Shattles Cardwell 98 Lee Cardwell 98 Gold Partners Atlanta Orthodontic Specialists www atlantaortho com GH A Nicole Adams 76 Shelley Adams 07 Tamu Brown Justin Alexander 99 Rochelle Marte Pete Marte Jessica Ziegler Newth 97 Ryan Newth Anita Douglas Phillips 79 Andy Phillips Kathryn Kryder Putnam Jeffrey Putnam 04 Susan Warren Glenn Warren Sr T L A N T A P E R S O N A L I N J U R Y A T T O R N E Y S Caroline Warren Glenn Warren Jr 04 Rhonda Welch Russ Welch Abby Wilson Matt Wilson 99 Silver Partners begin at top of next page 58 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y

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Silver Partners Bronze Partners American Foot Leg Specialists Ginger Arnold Brian Arnold Camp Hollymont for Girls Julie Davis Couch 88 Chuck Couch Vanessa Erbrick Michael Erbrick Dovin Ficken LLC Jaime Foster Harry Foster 91 Carroll Griffin George Griffin 79 Tucker Griffin 12 Dean Griffin 15 Jo Cranford Hodges 96 Kevin Hodges 96 Anna Mayeske Jon Mayeske 97 Krissy Meriwether Addison Meriwether 93 Christy Morrison 83 Virginia Rhodes Jack Rhodes 92 Jen Welch Rueter 04 Nick Rueter Missy Sanchez Suzanna Sanchez 00 Robert L Stewart Esq 91 Warren Bond Photography Zifty com Pam Allen Ambler 99 Stewart Ambler Anne Appleby John Appleby Cajun Crawlers Creative Financial Group DEEL Media Beth English Bill English 82 Melanie Fabre Marc Fabre 93 Leah Gordon Matt Ficken 05 Jane Gore Rusty Gore 93 Greathouse Trial Law LLC Riah Greathouse 03 Sarah Guest Marshall Guest 00 Anna Mize Hammer 03 Carson Hammer 03 Jo Ann Herold Mark Herold Kiley Hodgson King 05 Harry Norman Realtors Katie Levensalor Alex Levensalor 05 Grady Luckey Jr 99 Marietta Dental Associates Dawn McNaught Walker Lee Walker Metro Green Construction Mr Mister Mosquito Control Betty Obenshain Brad Marsh 77 O Daniel McDonald LLC The Painted Duck The Painted Pin Ryn Pollard 05 Whitnei Pryor Damian Pryor 99 Ross Reaves 75 Red Door Realty Atlanta Rebekah Sanders Rich Sanders Susannah Suddath Sisson 84 Dan Sisson Smugs Fitness Southern Skies Imaging Morgan Guest Hicks 11 Benjamin Hicks Lolita Walker Snipes 82 Caroline Guest Stancil 03 Josh Stancil Stream Realty Partners Winifred Wilkins Thompson 88 Rich Thompson Suzi Thorp Ellis Thorp 83 United Development Services Dr Mia Y Walker 88 Bob Weinstein 63 President F Stuart Gulley Chris Johnson 04 Amanda Watkins Parisa Stein Max Stein 04 and Danny Bernstein 03 Jess Cooke Scarborough 00 Jocelyn Patterson Mosley Torrance Mosley 94 Alok Deshpande 94 and Nina Deshpande Jo Cranford Hodges 96 Missy Sanchez and Suzanna Sanchez 00 PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 59

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OTHER WAYS OF GIVING 1 774 042 68 Total Amount Raised for Capital and Endowment Projects Number of Named Endowed Funds 132 367 250 556 117 Total Endowment as of May 2019 Dollars Raised from Georgia GOAL Participants Two new endowment funds were announced in 2018 2019 The Ron M Brill Chair for Ethical Leadership Development pg 63 60 W O O D WA R D A C A D E M Y The H Lane Young II 69 Senior Class Leadership Award Fund pg 65

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ENDOWMENT FUNDS The following funds serve the Academy in three primary areas 1 student financial aid 2 student and teacher enrichment and 3 awards and prizes These funds are permanently restricted for the specific purposes described The market value listed with each fund reflects gifts received through May 31 2019 Endowed Student Financial Aid Funds These funds provide student financial aid for qualified students All of Woodward s financial aid funds are awarded solely based on demonstrated need Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation and others this fund provides financial assistance to qualified Academy students with first preference given to students who matriculate to Woodward from the Metro Atlanta KIPP charter schools Col John R Burnett Endowment Fund Alumni Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 54 012 MARKET VALUE 268 714 Established in 1988 through a gift from the Class of 1958 this fund honors the memory of Col John R Burnett longtime commandant of cadets at Georgia Military Academy This memorial fund provides need based tuition assistance to an Upper School student based on character with preference to a student with family military connections or a child of Academy faculty Multiple donors have contributed to this fund which was initiated in 1977 to provide tuition assistance to qualified students based on need and promise Beth and Jesse F Armistead Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 243 361 The Cousins Foundation Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 668 684 Established in 2008 with a grant from The Cousins Foundation this fund generates earnings to provide need based financial assistance with preference given to graduates of the Drew Charter School or other Atlanta area charter school students matriculating to Woodward Academy James Cox Jr Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 161 684 Initiated by the James Cox Foundation in 2002 this fund provides needbased financial aid to current Academy students Jill F Davis Memorial Endowment Fund Established in 1987 by the family of Jesse F Armistead this fund provides tuition assistance to students based on need and promise Class of 1975 Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 137 186 MARKET VALUE 10 785 Beauchamp Endowment Fund Established in 1995 through a gift from the Class of 1975 this fund provides need based tuition assistance to a qualified Academy student Established in 1986 by Mr Jack Davis 62 in memory of his daughter Jill Davis this fund provides tuition assistance to faculty children in the lower grades demonstrating need and promise MARKET VALUE 23 347 Initiated in 1983 and funded by the Beauchamp family in memory of their son Harold this endowment provides tuition assistance to students demonstrating need and promise Branan Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 72 464 Established in 1987 by the Branan family this fund provides need based tuition assistance to qualified students of the Academy Brewster Family Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 126 836 This fund made possible through gifts from the Brewster family provides need based financial aid for students of the Academy The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 480 192 Established in 2005 with gifts from members of the Brown family the Mary Class of 1976 Endowment Fund R H Dobbs 23 Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 19 594 MARKET VALUE 74 627 Established in 1996 through a gift from the Class of 1976 this fund provides need based tuition assistance to a qualified Academy student Initiated in 1989 by Mr R Howard Dobbs 23 this fund provides needbased tuition assistance for current Academy students Coca Cola Foundation Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 99 942 MARKET VALUE 148 566 Established in 2007 this fund provides need based student financial aid to qualified minority students Charles Evans Endowment Fund Established with an anonymous gift in 1985 in memory of Charles Evans this fund provides need based tuition assistance to qualified students of the Academy James A Colquitt 36 Endowment Fund Fleming Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 358 056 MARKET VALUE 18 224 The Colquitt Endowment Fund was created with the proceeds of the Woodward Academy Challenge and gifts from the Woodward Academy GMA Alumni Association and individuals The fund provides need based financial aid to a qualified Academy student Initiated in 1995 by Mr Stephen Fleming 79 this fund provides needbased financial aid to current Academy students PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 61

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Fouts Memorial Endowment Fund Gary M Jones Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 20 660 MARKET VALUE 145 523 Initiated in 1984 and made possible through the gifts of multiple donors this fund honors the memory of Leslie Fouts longtime coach at the Academy known particularly for his swimming teams Tuition assistance is provided to students based on need and promise with emphasis given to those students active in the swimming program A gift of the Loridan s Foundation in 1990 in honor of former Academy President Gary M Jones this fund provides need based financial aid to current Academy students Goizueta Joseph W Jones Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 1 290 743 This fund provides need based financial assistance to qualified Hispanic students Goizueta Transition Program Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 1 094 073 Established with a gift from the estate of Joseph W Jones in 2005 this fund was named in honor of the son of Mr Jones The income from earnings is used to provide financial assistance to qualified Academy students or for the benefit of students as determined by the senior staff MARKET VALUE 293 155 This endowment fund was established in 2004 by initial gifts from the Lanigan Insurance Group Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company and others in honor of longtime Transition Program Director and teacher Selma E Ridgway This fund has two purposes to provide need based financial aid to a qualified student in the Transition Program each year and to award a senior prize each year to a student who is wellrounded demonstrates high levels of good citizenship and represents the Academy s motto Excellence Character and Opportunity The Johnny O Stallings Sr Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 1 333 849 Beth Kennedy Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 123 446 Initiated in 2003 this fund provides need based financial assistance to current and qualified Academy students who are enrolled in the Transition Program MARKET VALUE 47 086 Established in 2010 this fund provides need based financial aid annually to a qualified student while also honoring Coach Stallings Coach worked at the Academy from 1967 to 1998 coaching thousands of Woodward students in football golf and wrestling To honor his love for sports and coaching while molding students into young men this fund was created by gifts from many of his former student athletes Ted C Hays and Betty B Hays Endowment Fund Initiated by Mr and Mrs Waldo Kennedy and Mrs Pauline Kennedy in 1982 this fund honors the memory of Beth Kennedy and provides tuition assistance to students based on need and promise MARKET VALUE 125 960 Sonny Kumar 86 Endowment Fund Initiated in 1983 and supported by multiple donors this fund honors the memory of longtime Academy band director Ted C Hays and his wife and awards tuition assistance to students based on need and promise with emphasis on instrumental music MARKET VALUE 65 198 James E Hickey II 48 Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 44 029 Established in 1992 by a gift from the estate of James E Hickey II 48 this fund provides need based financial aid for qualified students of the Academy A Thomas Jackson Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 144 667 Initiated in 2000 in honor of former Academy President A Thomas Jackson this fund provides need based financial assistance to current Academy students 62 John Vernon Jones 68 Endowment Fund Selma E Ridgway Prize and Endowment Fund WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Initiated in 1991 by Drs Veeni and Surender Kumar this fund provides need based financial assistance to current Academy students in memory of Sonny Kumar 86 The David R McCollum Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 120 979 Established upon his retirement in 2012 the purpose of the David R McCollum Endowment Fund is to provide qualified Upper School students who are receiving need based financial aid with assistance for incremental expenses beyond tuition Expenses may include school uniforms books art supplies team expenses and school trip fees McMaster Carr Supply Company Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 107 990 This fund initiated in 1995 provides need based financial aid to current Academy students The Strong Family Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 223 558 Established in 2016 with a gift from The Strong Family Fund this fund provides need based tuition assistance to qualified students of the Academy Thrash Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 128 891 Initiated in 1979 this fund provides tuition assistance to students showing promise and need in the Academy s Transition Program Randolph Thrower 30 Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 523 986 Established in 1987 by Margaret and Randolph Thrower 30 this fund provides an Upper School award up to 500 to one or more students who are members of the National Honor Society based on need and academic excellence

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The Thunder Bay Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 1 778 785 Established in October 2007 this fund provides financial aid support to qualified students from traditionally underserved populations in the Atlanta area enabling recipients to attend Woodward Academy Preference will be given to students matriculating to Woodward who also have been involved in the Boys Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta Transition Program Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 145 795 Initiated through an anonymous gift in 1987 this fund provides need based financial aid to current Academy students in the Transition Program Woodruff Fine Arts Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 288 599 This fund provided by Mr Robert W Woodruff Class of 1908 in 1986 provides awards based on need to students showing exceptional promise and talent in the performing or visual arts David Helen and Marian Woodward Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 72 464 Established in 1987 this fund provides need based tuition assistance to qualified Academy students Don A Woolf Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 146 343 Initiated in 2000 in honor of former Academy Headmaster Don A Woolf this fund provides need based financial assistance to current Academy students Endowed Enrichment Funds These funds provide resources for teacher enrichment enhancements facility maintenance or program support The Bobby West Alford Enrichment Fund MARKET VALUE 140 340 Established in 2010 this endowment from the estate of a longtime member of the Upper School English Department Bobby West Alford provides annual stipends for members of the Upper School English Department for study and travel to further their professional knowledge and to share with faculty and students Eligible faculty will be encouraged each year to apply for funds and distribution decisions will be made by the Upper School English Department chair and the assistant chair The Pauline and R L Brand Jr 35 Religious Studies Endowment Fund The Tyler H Brown 96 Leadership Speaker Series Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 139 498 Established in 2009 via gifts from many donors the purpose of this fund is to provide annual resources to cover the honorarium of a nationally renowned military leader to speak at the school s annual Veterans Day program As the market value increases earnings will also provide additional monies to cover the costs of securing leadership guest speakers of varied backgrounds to further educate Woodward Academy students about leadership and character building The Calloway Orchestra Enrichment Fund MARKET VALUE 58 217 Established in 2004 in honor of orchestra teacher Gina L Calloway with an anonymous gift and other gifts this fund provides enrichment to the orchestra program at the Academy MARKET VALUE 2 169 440 Established in April 2015 this endowment was created with gifts from the estate and family of Mr R L Brand Jr 35 to support and enhance religious studies at the Academy The earnings from this endowment will provide for a permanent teaching position for classroom instruction of religion It also will provide for visiting teachers speakers and other enrichment programs designed to enhance the study of religion and character development as well as study opportunities in religion outside the classroom for Academy students Income from the endowment also will support the Chaplain s Council in its efforts to enhance religious studies and the services of the Academy s Chaplain The Ron M Brill Chair for Ethical Leadership Development MARKET VALUE 292 851 Established in 2017 by Ron and Lisa Brill and their family this fund provides for staff and support programming dedicated to attuning Woodward students to their unique role in their community and the larger world The chair will strengthen Woodward students ability to act responsibly in the context of real world dilemmas and affect positive change in their communities in ways that align with each student s core values Class of 1978 Enrichment Program MARKET VALUE 69 584 Initiated in 1998 this fund was a gift from the Class of 1978 on the occasion of its 20 year class reunion The fund provides assistance to both the English and Transition departments for their curriculum faculty and equipment needs Class of 1989 Enrichment Program MARKET VALUE 20 131 Initiated in 2000 this fund was a gift from the Class of 1989 on the occasion of its 10 year class reunion The fund provides enhancements for Upper School student programs through the office of the Dean of Student Life Computer Science Chair Fund MARKET VALUE 252 009 A gift from the Loridan s Foundation in 1972 this fund supports faculty salaries in the area of computer science Frances and John Ferguson Library Fund MARKET VALUE 44 468 Initiated in 2001 by the John A Ferguson 43 family this fund provides support for Woodward Academy s libraries PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 63

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Anne G and Bernard Graliker Visiting Speaker Fund The Robert Warren Ross American History Enrichment Fund Kyle Burnat 01 Scholar Athlete Award MARKET VALUE 188 601 MARKET VALUE 149 514 MARKET VALUE 125 956 Initiated in 2002 by Stephen G Graliker 38 and named for his parents this fund exists to encourage leadership development at Woodward Academy This fund provides for an annual leadership speaker and a student leadership award The award recipient will be chosen based on an application essay and interview The student award will go toward funding a summer leadership experience for the recipient The Robert Warren Ross American History Scholar Award is awarded annually through a competitive process to a Woodward Academy rising senior This award is made possible by the Robert Warren Ross American History Enrichment Fund which was established in 2006 by gifts from Doug and Robyn Ross and their sons Stephen Ross 03 and Jacob Ross 08 in memory and honor of Doug s father Robert Warren Ross Mr Ross possessed a keen passion for studying and teaching American History The Robert Warren Ross American History Enrichment Fund supports programs to stimulate interest in American History among Woodward Academy students Established in 2003 this fund provides a prize to a graduating senior athlete who plans to participate in an intercollegiate sport in college with a strong preference given to football or baseball This student will have an outstanding academic record and exemplify character leadership sportsmanship and unselfish attitude both on and off the athletic field A Thomas Jackson Professorship Fund MARKET VALUE 144 668 A gift of the Loridan s Foundation in 2000 this fund provides salary enhancements for faculty of the Academy Vasser Wooley Professorship Fund Ann and Ben Johnson 61 Center Fund MARKET VALUE 215 260 Initiated in 1999 in honor of Ann and Ben Johnson 61 multiple donors have contributed to this fund which provides support for the maintenance of the Ann and Ben Johnson 61 Alumni Center MARKET VALUE 40 263 Established in 1987 by a gift from the Vasser Wooley Foundation this fund provides faculty salary assistance to Academy teachers Sally Anne Walker 76 Memorial Fund MARKET VALUE 15 163 Ben F Johnson 61 Professorship Fund MARKET VALUE 293 479 This professorship made possible through the Loridan s Foundation in 1991 provides multiple year faculty salary enhancements Created by multiple donors in 2001 this fund honors the memory of Sally Anne Walker 76 Proceeds benefit the Academy s swimming program Endowed Prize Funds The Lewis Sidney Mercado Enrichment Fund These funds provide resources for awards to outstanding students MARKET VALUE 49 578 Established in 2018 in memory of Mr Lewis Sidney Mercado this fund provides enrichment to the transition program at the Academy Roy Richards 76 Faculty Development Fund MARKET VALUE 157 256 Initiated in 2001 by Roy Richards Jr 76 this fund provides support for faculty development and enhanced use of technology by Academy faculty 64 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Tyler H Brown 96 Endowment Prize Fund MARKET VALUE 39 197 This fund was established in 2006 2007 with lead gifts from the Sartain Lanier Family Foundation Jo Cranford Hodges 96 and Kevin M Hodges 96 and others to honor the memory of Tyler H Brown 96 who was killed in the line of duty in Iraq The prize will be awarded each year to Upper School students who demonstrate strong leadership skills Tyler Dodson Memorial Prize Fund MARKET VALUE 53 469 Established in 2003 in memory of eighth grade student Tyler Dodson with gifts from family and friends the purpose of the endowment is to provide an award to a qualified Middle School student each year The recipient will exemplify many of the same good citizenship characteristics demonstrated by Tyler during his life a passion for learning achievement friendliness enthusiasm compassion for his classmates and others a desire to please and a love for life Charles G Hixon III 67 Computer Science Award MARKET VALUE 22 088 Endowed by a gift from retired faculty member Julie J Askew the Charles G Hixon III 67 Award is given annually to a Woodward Academy senior who demonstrates creative solutions to problems while maintaining attention to program details qualities of high integrity citizenship and cooperativeness in his her work This award is presented annually at the Senior Banquet in honor of the many positive initiatives instituted by Dr Hixon and his staff from the early years of computer programs classes and networks to the present The Margaret C Hodges 11 Academy Citizenship Award Fund MARKET VALUE 33 802 This award established in 2016 from the gifts of many individuals honors the memory of Margaret C Hodges a 2011 Woodward Academy graduate and a member of the College Park community

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This award will honor a member of the graduating class who best represents the qualities of genuine citizenship through their actions both within and without the Woodward community The recipient will share an outlook on life that reflects Margaret s inclusive loving spirit and will strive to make the world a better place The honor carries with it a cash award prize fund is endowed to perpetuate this award given to a junior student with superior writing skills to honor Mrs Hudson s years of working with junior students and her love of writing The award carries with it a cash prize and is presented at the Junior Honors Banquet in May Each recipient will have his or her name displayed on a permanent plaque The Steve Holman Jr 98 Media Award Fund The Cleo Carmack Hudson Poetry Award MARKET VALUE 26 083 MARKET VALUE 5 296 This award established in 2018 honors the memory of Steve Holman Jr a 1998 Woodward Academy graduate While a high school student at Woodward Steve played football and was part of the WATV Morning Show Crew Steve had a strong interest in journalism and media relations which carried on in his professional career working in politics Created by gifts given in memory of Mrs Hudson at the time of her passing and in honor of her passion for the arts this award is given to the best poet from grades 9 12 and carries with it a cash award It is awarded each year at the honors banquet for the recipient s grade level Each recipient will have his or her name displayed on a permanent plaque This award will be presented annually at the Senior Banquet to honor a member of the graduating class who has made a significant contribution to student journalism at Woodward in student publications or WATV and is interested in pursuing journalism in college The Cleo Carmack Hudson Best Writer in Junior English Award Lottie Wilson Endowment Fund MARKET VALUE 92 625 Established in 1982 through the estate of Mrs Lottie Wilson longtime mathematics instructor this fund provides a prize to a rising senior with outstanding mathematics credentials at the direction of the math department to the top five students in each of the classes entering their 8th 9th 10th 11th and 12th grade years The fund also provides need based financial aid to qualified students The H Lane Young II 69 Senior Class Leadership Award Fund MARKET VALUE 47 934 This award honors the memory of H Lane Young II 69 While a student at Woodward Lane served as the senior class president earned Gold Eagle Honor Roll all four years and competed in football wrestling and basketball Lane served as captain of the football team his senior year and was a member of the National Honors Society During his time at Woodward Academy Lane Young epitomized the qualities of the scholar athlete leader for which the school prides itself This award will be presented annually at the senior banquet to honor the senior class president of the graduating class who has earned at least one varsity athletic letter and received Gold Eagle honor roll If the senior class president does not meet these qualifications the award will remain in the fund for that year Woodruff Academic Prize Fund MARKET VALUE 4 873 MARKET VALUE 1 828 432 Created originally in 2008 by a gift from Sam Hodges 73 and from multiple gifts in Mrs Hudson s memory this Initiated in 1985 by Mr Robert W Woodruff Class of 1908 this fund provides merit based financial awards PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 65

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CONTRIBUTIONS TO ENDOWMENT FUNDS Thank you to the following donors who made gifts to endowed funds between June 1 2018 and May 31 2019 The Bobby West Alford Enrichment Fund Frederick Poole Landers Sr 67 Alumni Endowment Fund Mary S Moore 87 Woodward Academy GMA Alumni Association Beth and Jesse Armistead Endowment Fund Mr Ben F Johnson III 61 and Mrs Ann Johnson Charles Loridans Foundation The Pauline and R L Brand Jr 35 Religious Studies Endowment Fund Dr and Mrs Robert L Brand 60 Ms Beverly Moye The Ron M Brill Chair for Ethical Leadership Development Ron and Lisa Brill Charitable Trust Matt H Brill 91 and Staci C Brill Tyler H Brown 96 Endowment Prize Fund Sandy and Dave Ferguson Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs David S Ferguson Jo McIver 66 Lane Fluker Perno 96 and Donn Perno Mr and Mrs Gregory B Pritchard The Tyler H Brown 96 Leadership Speaker Series Endowment Fund Ms Faye L McCorkle Kyle Burnat 01 Scholar Athlete Award Mr and Mrs Lawrence S Burnat Deutsch Family Fund Mr and Mrs Stephen Deutsch Ms Nancy N Ghertner Col John R Burnett Endowment Fund H Martin Kite Jr 58 and Bobbie H Kite Doug McKay 58 and Cookie McKay Bob E Miller 58 and Patricia Miller Robert W Schorr 56 and Alice Schorr Coca Cola Foundation Endowment Fund Vicki and John Palmer Jill F Davis Memorial Endowment Fund Davis Family Foundation Inc Jack Davis 62 and Joy Davis 66 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Tyler Dodson Memorial Prize Fund J Scott Payne 67 and Tricia Payne Charles Evans Endowment Fund Anonymous Frances A and John Ferguson Library Fund Julie F Sawyer 71 and Chris G Sawyer Fouts Memorial Endowment Fund James T McKay 60 Charles G Hixon III 67 Computer Science Award Julie J Askew Linda Hixon Gilmore 74 and John W Gilmore The Margaret C Hodges 11 Academy Citizenship Award Fund Anonymous Mr and Mrs Russell B Davis Ben H Layne and Sherry K Gaines Ms Ayesha U Patel 11 The Steve Holman Jr Media Award Fund Mary Lou and Wayne Almand Mr Richard D Agostino Denise and Bob Farmer Mr Luke Griffin Mr and Mrs Donald Gruver Sara E Behr Hoffenberg 98 and Jonathan Hoffenberg Steve and Mary Jane Holman Mr Robert Muscala Mr and Mrs Stuart Saunders Mr and Mrs Monte Sharp Mr John B Sterling Mr Timothy Wilson Ben F Johnson 61 Professorship Fund Invesco Ltd John Vernon Jones Endowment Fund Estate of Joseph West Jones The Johnny O Stallings Sr Endowment Fund Julie J Askew Dolph C Bosse 72 and Margaret H Bosse Nancy and Bud Boston Brenda and Dave Chandler Charles B Evans Jr 69 Linda L Freeman Timothy J Hamling Denise F Hemmann Mr Ben F Johnson III 61 and Mrs Ann Johnson Tom Jones 63 and Judy Jones Ms Lisa D Litzelman Linda and Ron McCollum Doug McKay 58 and Cookie McKay Mr O R Minton Jr 68 Donald R Moorhead 68 Anita Douglas Phillips 79 and Andy Phillips Blair C Rice 90 Helen C Shean C Christopher Turner 84 and Megan Turner Drs Deborah and Joseph Wilkes Don A Woolf Endowment Fund Maxanne and Don Woolf The H Lane Young II 69 Senior Class Leadership Award Fund Anonymous 3 Raymond R Abramson 69 and Mockie Abramson Mr William P Aiken Joe M Almand Jr 69 and Gayle J Almand Mr Tim Arvidson Curtis D Bain 69 and Donna P Bain Mr Julian Bobbitt John S Bretch 69 and Shirley S Bretch William P Calloway 70 Mr and Mrs Stephen C Collier Steven D Creel 69 John A Ferguson Jr 69 and Francesca F Ferguson Hawkins Parnell Thackston Young LLP Richard Inman Jr 69 Mr John R Ireland 69 Thomas Jones 69 and Linda Jones Kurowski Shultz LLC Mr William Lucas Mr William Major Mr Kenneth W McAllister Mark McGriff 69 Mr Ernest C McLean III William F Morris III 69 and Doris Morris Lee W Plunkett 69 and Jenny Plunkett Chilton and Mark Pope Charitable Fund Mr and Mrs Thomas A Pritchard Mr and Mrs Jack N Sibley Mr and Mrs Mitchell F Simmons Jr Simon Greenstone Panatier Mr Jeffrey Simon Dr James H Weihe 69 Mr and Mrs Ernie Wetzler Unrestricted Endowment Anonymous 3 Clarence Davis Law Group LLC The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Inc Deceased

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Mr Clarence Davis 74 and Mrs Katherine Davis Mr Aaron D Dent and Mrs Chiquita T Dent Dr Xavier A Duralde 76 and Dr Mary E Barrett Dr Chris M and Mrs Amanda Freer President and Mrs F Stuart Gulley Jo Cranford Hodges 96 and Kevin M Hodges 96 Kevin and Jo Hodges of the Ayco Charitable Foundation Erica Katz Lewis 93 and Greg S Lewis 92 Gregory and Erica Lewis Family Foundation Inc C Brad Marsh 77 and Elizabeth A Obenshain Nija and Joe Meyer Morris Family Foundation Steve E Roberts 65 Roberts Management Group Inc Cameron and Stuart Sherrill Mr and Mrs Ricardo Simon Marcia Prewitt Spiller and JP Campion Statim Holdings Inc James Sutherland Jr 86 and Delee Sutherland Gene E Sutherland Sr 54 Thalia and Michael C Carlos Advised Fund R L BRAND JR 35 SOCIETY The R L Brand Jr 35 Society established in 2004 is an honorary association of alumni parents and friends who have officially included Woodward Academy as a beneficiary in their estate plans This includes gifts by will life insurance charitable annuities and trusts The results of their kindness will eventually provide valuable resources to further enhance student programs Anonymous Richard E Berkowitz 50 and Lynn R Berkowitz Michael O Blackstock 93 and Tara B Blackstock Helon W Brewster Mason Lee Cardwell 98 and Leigh Shattles Cardwell 98 Mr and Mrs Frank Carter Felix Dorough 51 and Jeanne Dorough President and Mrs F Stuart Gulley Robert G Holmes 62 Barbara E Hutto Dr Surender V Kumar and Dr Veeni Kumar Gail Cook and Lance Lipman Dr Thomas L Lyons 66 and Mrs Cheryl Lyons H Bruce McEver 62 Susan B and Kevin M McGonigle Bob E Miller 58 and Patricia Miller Mrs Albert N Parker Rowland A Radford Jr 47 Jennifer Edgerly Ruff 93 and John E Ruff Missy and Larry Sanchez Mr Todd Sentell 79 Amy and Robert Vassey GATEWAY SOCIETY Membership in the Gateway Society honors families individuals and foundations who have supported the vision and mission of Woodward Academy with cumulative gifts of 1 000 000 or more in their lifetime 10 000 0000 Robert W Woodruff 1908 Robert W Woodruff Foundation Mrs Cecy Jones and Mr Joseph W Jones Joseph H Moss Jane Woodruff 5 000 000 to 9 999 999 1 000 000 to 4 999 999 Mrs Thalia N Carlos and Mr Michael C Carlos 44 Friend of Woodward Bobby Bowers 74 and Cindy Bowers Pauline and R L Brand Jr 35 R Howard Dobbs Jr 1923 The Goizueta Foundation The Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation Mr and Mrs James C Kennedy Mr Peter Kight and Mrs Terri Kight The Marcus Foundation Inc The Tull Charitable Foundation Mr J Russell Welch and Mrs Rhonda Welch Woodward Academy Parent Community CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS Thank you to the following donors who continue to support projects that enhance our campus Campaign Woodward Madelyn R Adams Mr Alfred Cole Jr 80 and Mrs Kimberly Cole Deceased Dr Nancy Howard Gallups 84 and Dr Jeffrey M Gallups Mr Cecil C Whitmore and Dr Simone S Whitmore Nathan T Cole 90 Diamond Complex Bobby Bowers 74 and Cindy Bowers PHIL ANTHROPY REPORT 2018 2019 67

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GEORGIA GOAL PARTICIPANTS The Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program allows participants to redirect a portion of their Georgia tax liability through the Education Expense Credit program to support need based student financial aid at Woodward Thank you to those that follow for participating in this important program Mr Bharath V Achanta and Ms Thejaswi Karumanchi Marc and Tanya Alexander Mr and Mrs Edward B Andrews Mr and Mrs Phil Andrews Dr Sudhindra Anegundi and Ms Cathalene M Teahan Mr and Mrs Jose A Auffant Tammy and Chad Bagwell Carl V Baker 63 and Nancy M Baker Mr and Mrs James L Barkin Gale and Stephen Barnett Mr Louis Bates II and Dr Faith Bates Drs Laura M and Mark M Beaty Dr Rabih I Bechara and Maj Kellie A Bechara Steven E Benatar 09 and Taylor Benatar Dr Jonathan C Bender Gregory S Berkey and Kathleen T Nixon Dr Keith M Berland and Ms Joan L Berland Julian S Betts Jr 67 and Joan S Betts Mr and Mrs Aditya Bhoopathy Mr Robert W Bickerstaff Eleanor and Theodorus Botha Christine H and James Boucher Jeane Smith Brackman 73 and David A Brackman Mr and Mrs James M Braselton Ron and Lisa Brill Mr Robert Brinson and Ms Michele Howard Mr and Mrs Carey H Brown Debra and Paul Brown Melanie and Michael Burt Nancy Avans Bush 72 Caroline and David Caldwell Susan and Darrell Carmen Mr and Mrs Carlos J Carreras Penny Carrington Mr Austin Chase 93 and Mrs Meredith W Chase Dr Robert Chen and Ms Ellen Wild Lata and Manjeet Chinnan Barbara M and William R Coats Dr John D Cochran and Mrs Ronda L Cochran Mr and Mrs Alfred J Cole Sr Mr and Mrs Jason Cole Mr Thomas O Coleman Jr and Mrs Eileen Murphy Lee and Jenny Conner Bobette and Kurt Cooper Mr and Mrs Thomas H Cooper Claire and Alex Crumbley Debra and Terry Cullen Tina and Dennis Cutshall Mr Edward Dacey and Ms Denise Koo 68 WO O DWA RD AC A D EMY Dr and Mrs Snehal C Dalal Jonathan Darsey 86 Mr Earnest J Davis III Alok V Deshpande 94 and Nina Deshpande Mr and Mrs Ricardo Diaz Mr William B Dickerson Jr 75 and Mrs Patricia M Dickerson Mr and Mrs Michael S Drucker Dr Xavier A Duralde 76 and Dr Mary E Barrett Mrs Judy Eason Patricia and Joseph Englert Mr and Mrs Donald English Dr and Mrs Mauro Folgosa David R Forquer and Martha J Clinkscales Dr Chris M and Mrs Amanda Freer Jeffrey Friedman Mr and Mrs Courtney Pete Fritts Cynthia and John Glover Mr and Mrs Jonathan E Green Mr and Ms Mark J Green Mr and Mrs Troy Green President and Mrs F Stuart Gulley Robert and Candace Hancock Mr and Mrs Joseph B Harland II Mr and Ms Charles N Hart Ms Susan K Hart and Ms Maura A Hart Mr Edward N Hatch and Mrs Crystal O Slade Dr and Mrs John G Heller Teresa Henderson Michal and Jack Hillman Jo Cranford Hodges 96 and Kevin M Hodges 96 Mr and Mrs Charles F Hollis Mr and Mrs Joseph H Hood Jr Mr and Mrs Kenneth J Hughes Mr and Mrs Joel Hughey Mr and Mrs Scott R Humphrey Mr and Mrs John J Huntz Jr Mr Jinho J Im and Dr Nakyoung J Nam Mr and Mrs Mark A Inman Debra Venner and Douglas Isenstein Janie and Sheldon Jeter Liesa and James Johnson Mr and Mrs Vipul H Kapadia Mr and Mrs Richard E Kelly Drs Panyavee V and Jeremy S Khan Joy and Rohit Kirpalani Dr James C Knoer and Dr Kristan V Adams Dr Anne Koenig Mr and Mrs Mark E Kopcha Christi Black Kruse 80 Dr Surender V Kumar and Dr Veeni Kumar Robert W Buzz Law 79 Marianne Lecesne Drs Julie J and Benjamin C Lee Mary and Richard Leslie Randee and Bill Lieppe Mr and Mrs Stan W Logan Mr and Mrs Robert A Lonergan Vimla and Celestine Maiki Mr and Mrs Donald E Manning Ms Jennifer D Manning Dr and Mrs Steven Marcet Letsa D Marietta Juanita and Myron Maxey Susan B and Kevin M McGonigle Jo McIver 66 David M McKenney 56 and Sarah McKenney Mr and Mrs Jim Michael Mr and Ms Christopher B Millner Dr and Mrs Eric S Mitchell Richard A Mitchell Mr and Mrs John W Moore Jr Mary S Moore 87 Ms Ann M Moorhouse Mr and Mrs George N Mori Sr Jennifer Briggs Morris 00 and Dan Morris Barbara and Jon Muirhead Mr and Mrs Vernon J Nagel Mr and Mrs Michael L Neff Mr and Mrs Barry Newton Dana and Jeffrey Nolan Mr and Mrs Charles F Palmer Mr and Mrs George Park Mr and Mrs Christopher R Partin Pyush and Harshna Patel Ushma N and Tarun R Patel Jennifer and Joe Phillips Mrs Kenya T Pierre Esq Mr and Mrs Aaron H Pratt Mr and Mrs Louis Profumo Deepak Raghavan and Priya Raghavan Mr Kartik Ramakrishnan and Mrs Swarnim Kanth Ms Alison Rand Mr and Mrs Michael D Reese Greg Reynolds 97 and Tiffany Turner Reynolds 98 Amy and Jason Rich Michelle H and Jeffrey L Rosenthal Mr and Mrs Jonathan Sard Sheila and Joseph Schifilliti Mr and Mrs Jonathan D Schwartz Mr and Mrs Robert L Scott Douglas Seeb and Jeanne Derderian Reshma and Mit Shah Ms Teri A Simmons Mr and Ms Jamie R Sims

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Gregory J and Kit Smith Dr K Douglas Smith 74 Mr and Mrs Harold Solomon Mr and Mrs Greg Soshnik Dr and Mrs Dean T Stamoulis Jeff and Sandra Steinbook and Family Mr and Mrs Winston Stokes Mr and Mrs Hugh K Switzer Ann and Sheldon Taylor Mr Robert L Tharp Sr and Dr Mary A Tharp Gerald and Jennifer Thomas Mr and Mrs Bryan K Treadway Amy and Robert Vassey Mr and Mrs Mark Verheyden Mr James S Walker Jr Mr Richard J Warren and Ms Halli D Cohn Ms Shani Washington Rhonda and Russ Welch Roger C Whigham 73 Mr Damon Wiener and Mrs Kim Handleman Drs Deborah and Joseph Wilkes Beth D and Thomas S Wilkinson Drs Jennifer and Byron Williams III Nancy Williams and James Mallard Jeff Wood 93 and Megan Wood Mr and Mrs Matthew A Woodward Craig S Workman and Jane C Taylor Dr and Ms Liang You David Zakin and Andrea Allyn Randi and Nigel Zelcer Dr and Mrs Rick Zellmer Donna and James Ziegelbauer MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Many companies show their support of independent schools by matching dollar for dollar or more the gifts that their employees make to schools such as Woodward The Matching Gifts Program is an excellent opportunity to increase the impact of your gift 21st Century Fox Acuity Brands Inc Amgen Pac Match Gift Program Assurant Inc Atlantic Capital Bank The Benefit Company The Benevity Community Impact Fund Charities Aid Foundation of America Cigna Foundation The Coca Cola Company Costco Wholesale Executive Match Delta Air Lines Foundation DonateWell Duke Energy Foundation EnPro Industries Inc Equifax Inc First Tennessee Foundation GE Foundation Global Charitable Fund The Home Depot Foundation Kimberly Clark Foundation Leidos Inc Marsh McLennan Companies MasterCard McKesson Foundation Inc Microsoft Corporation Milliken Company NEPC LLC Norfolk Southern Corporation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Once For All Inc Oracle Corporation PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer Matching Gifts Program The Prudential Foundation Quest Diagnostics RSUI Indnemnity Company Salesforce org SAP Software Solutions The Standard Starr Indemnity Liability Company SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program ThermoFisher Scientific Turner Broadcasting System Inc U S Bank Foundation USAA Voya Vulcan Materials Company Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign The William Carter Company YourCause LLC GIFTS IN KIND The following individuals made non cash gifts to enhance opportunities for our students Erin and Jim McCutcheon Debbie and Ed Notestine Ms Stephanie Roppolo Reshma and Mit Shah P H I L A N T H R O P Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 69

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MISSION Woodward Academy combines the proud traditions of Atlanta s oldest college preparatory school with an innovative challenging and well rounded educational experience In a broadly diverse and caring community Woodward embraces the uniqueness of each individual Guided by our core values of Excellence Character and Opportunity we champion student success VISION Woodward Academy will be a national model in college preparatory education developing critical thinkers and ethical problem solvers in an inclusive community rich in opportunities for student success MOTTO Excellence Character Opportunity 1662 Rugby Avenue College Park Georgia 30337 woodward edu