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P&H 4-7

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SCHOOL DISTRICT 20Learning for JusticeCanadian Centre for Child ProtectionThe Physical & Health Educationcurriculum includes topics related toreproduction and sexuality that somestudents and their parents/guardiansmay feel more comfortable addressingby means other than instruction by ateacher in a regular classroom setting. Families can arrange to addressPhysical & Health Education topicsrelated to reproduction and sexuality(4-10) by an alternative means bymaking a plan for alternate deliverywith the school. The alternate delivery policy does notallow students to “opt-out” of learningabout these topics. It is expected thatstudents will, in consultation with theirschool, demonstrate their knowledgeof the Physical & Health learningstandard(s)by alternative means. Alternate delivery policy applies only toPhysical & Health Education (4-10)learning standards related to sexualityand reproduction. It does not apply toany other British Columbia provincialcurriculum. Kids in the Know4 - 7Alternate Delivery of Physical & HealthCurriculum RESOURCESK-10Educate to Empower PublishingKids Health in the ClassroomOptions for Sexual HealthNeed Help NowSex & USOGI 123PHE CanadaTeaching Sexual HealthSupporting Student Health UNDERSTANDINGCURRICULUM RELATED TOPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION ANDDIVERSITY

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physical, emotional, and socialchanges at puberty, including thoseinvolving sexuality and sexualidentitypersonal and online safety:boundaries, consent and healthyrelationshipsbody image in media and changesto body and self conceptstrategies for responding to bullying,stereotyping and discriminationcommunicable and non-communicable illnesses and illnesspreventionDIVERSITYCOMPETENCIES 4-7PARENTCOMMUNICATION/INFORMATIONParents/Guardians will receive aletter about Physical & HealthEducation Curriculum at thebeginning of each school year.If you have any questions, or areconsidering alternative delivery forthis curriculum related to sexualityand reproduction in grade 4-10,please contact your school principal.PHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION4&5 6 &7physical, emotional, and socialchanges at pubertyinfluences on individual identity,including values, beliefs, sexualidentity and genderpersonal and online safety:boundaries, consent and healthyrelationshipsstrategies for responding to bullying,stereotyping, harassment, violenceand discriminationpractices that reduce the risk ofSexually Transmitted InfectionsSchools will empower students tovalue diversity, defend human rights,advocate for issues, and interactethically with others as part of theProvincial Core Competencies. As acommitment to developing positivecommunities, students will learn tobe inclusive in their language andbehaviour, and recognize everyonehas something to contribute. describe the importance ofprotecting minority rights ina democracydemonstrate respect fordifferences in the classroomdevelop cultural and socialawarenessSOCIAL AWARENESS &RESPONSIBILITY K-10appreciate the importance ofrespect, inclusivity, and otherpositive behaviours in diverse,collaborative learning andwork environments.Recognize and identify therole of personal, social, andcultural contexts, values, andperspectives in texts4-7CONTENT:Learning about diversity is alignedwith the BC Human Rights Code, isshared across various curricularareas, and is not open to request foralternate delivery.

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physical, emotional, and socialchanges at puberty, including thoseinvolving sexuality and sexualidentitypersonal and online safety:boundaries, consent and healthyrelationshipsbody image in media and changesto body and self conceptstrategies for responding to bullying,stereotyping and discriminationcommunicable and non-communicable illnesses and illnesspreventionDIVERSITYCOMPETENCIES 4-7PARENTCOMMUNICATION/INFORMATIONParents/Guardians will receive aletter about Physical & HealthEducation Curriculum at thebeginning of each school year.If you have any questions, or areconsidering alternative delivery forthis curriculum related to sexualityand reproduction in grade 4-10,please contact your school principal.PHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION4&5 6 &7physical, emotional, and socialchanges at pubertyinfluences on individual identity,including values, beliefs, sexualidentity and genderpersonal and online safety:boundaries, consent and healthyrelationshipsstrategies for responding to bullying,stereotyping, harassment, violenceand discriminationpractices that reduce the risk ofSexually Transmitted InfectionsSchools will empower students tovalue diversity, defend human rights,advocate for issues, and interactethically with others as part of theProvincial Core Competencies. As acommitment to developing positivecommunities, students will learn tobe inclusive in their language andbehaviour, and recognize everyonehas something to contribute. describe the importance ofprotecting minority rights ina democracydemonstrate respect fordifferences in the classroomdevelop cultural and socialawarenessSOCIAL AWARENESS &RESPONSIBILITY K-10appreciate the importance ofrespect, inclusivity, and otherpositive behaviours in diverse,collaborative learning andwork environments.Recognize and identify therole of personal, social, andcultural contexts, values, andperspectives in texts4-7CONTENT:Learning about diversity is alignedwith the BC Human Rights Code, isshared across various curricularareas, and is not open to request foralternate delivery.

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physical, emotional, and socialchanges at puberty, including thoseinvolving sexuality and sexualidentitypersonal and online safety:boundaries, consent and healthyrelationshipsbody image in media and changesto body and self conceptstrategies for responding to bullying,stereotyping and discriminationcommunicable and non-communicable illnesses and illnesspreventionDIVERSITYCOMPETENCIES 4-7PARENTCOMMUNICATION/INFORMATIONParents/Guardians will receive aletter about Physical & HealthEducation Curriculum at thebeginning of each school year.If you have any questions, or areconsidering alternative delivery forthis curriculum related to sexualityand reproduction in grade 4-10,please contact your school principal.PHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION4&5 6 &7physical, emotional, and socialchanges at pubertyinfluences on individual identity,including values, beliefs, sexualidentity and genderpersonal and online safety:boundaries, consent and healthyrelationshipsstrategies for responding to bullying,stereotyping, harassment, violenceand discriminationpractices that reduce the risk ofSexually Transmitted InfectionsSchools will empower students tovalue diversity, defend human rights,advocate for issues, and interactethically with others as part of theProvincial Core Competencies. As acommitment to developing positivecommunities, students will learn tobe inclusive in their language andbehaviour, and recognize everyonehas something to contribute. describe the importance ofprotecting minority rights ina democracydemonstrate respect fordifferences in the classroomdevelop cultural and socialawarenessSOCIAL AWARENESS &RESPONSIBILITY K-10appreciate the importance ofrespect, inclusivity, and otherpositive behaviours in diverse,collaborative learning andwork environments.Recognize and identify therole of personal, social, andcultural contexts, values, andperspectives in texts4-7CONTENT:Learning about diversity is alignedwith the BC Human Rights Code, isshared across various curricularareas, and is not open to request foralternate delivery.

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SCHOOL DISTRICT 20Learning for JusticeCanadian Centre for Child ProtectionThe Physical & Health Educationcurriculum includes topics related toreproduction and sexuality that somestudents and their parents/guardiansmay feel more comfortable addressingby means other than instruction by ateacher in a regular classroom setting. Families can arrange to addressPhysical & Health Education topicsrelated to reproduction and sexuality(4-10) by an alternative means bymaking a plan for alternate deliverywith the school. The alternate delivery policy does notallow students to “opt-out” of learningabout these topics. It is expected thatstudents will, in consultation with theirschool, demonstrate their knowledgeof the Physical & Health learningstandard(s)by alternative means. Alternate delivery policy applies only toPhysical & Health Education (4-10)learning standards related to sexualityand reproduction. It does not apply toany other British Columbia provincialcurriculum. Kids in the Know4 - 7Alternate Delivery of Physical & HealthCurriculum RESOURCESK-10Educate to Empower PublishingKids Health in the ClassroomOptions for Sexual HealthNeed Help NowSex & USOGI 123PHE CanadaTeaching Sexual HealthSupporting Student Health UNDERSTANDINGCURRICULUM RELATED TOPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION ANDDIVERSITY

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SCHOOL DISTRICT 20Learning for JusticeCanadian Centre for Child ProtectionThe Physical & Health Educationcurriculum includes topics related toreproduction and sexuality that somestudents and their parents/guardiansmay feel more comfortable addressingby means other than instruction by ateacher in a regular classroom setting. Families can arrange to addressPhysical & Health Education topicsrelated to reproduction and sexuality(4-10) by an alternative means bymaking a plan for alternate deliverywith the school. The alternate delivery policy does notallow students to “opt-out” of learningabout these topics. It is expected thatstudents will, in consultation with theirschool, demonstrate their knowledgeof the Physical & Health learningstandard(s)by alternative means. Alternate delivery policy applies only toPhysical & Health Education (4-10)learning standards related to sexualityand reproduction. It does not apply toany other British Columbia provincialcurriculum. Kids in the Know4 - 7Alternate Delivery of Physical & HealthCurriculum RESOURCESK-10Educate to Empower PublishingKids Health in the ClassroomOptions for Sexual HealthNeed Help NowSex & USOGI 123PHE CanadaTeaching Sexual HealthSupporting Student Health UNDERSTANDINGCURRICULUM RELATED TOPHYSICAL & HEALTHEDUCATION ANDDIVERSITY