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PFP 04-21-2023

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APRIL 21, 2023

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Pathology Free PressPathology Free PressPathology Free PressKudos to Dr. Eva Wojcik, MD, Chair, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Medical Director, Regional Laboratory, who recently attended the 2023 Pathology Leadership Summit in Washington, DC."We, pathologists, have to advocate for ourselves. This is the duty to our profession. We have to do it through the work of our state societies and the College of American Pathologists. Every year, pathologists, organized by CAP, meet in Washington and prepare for a "Hill day". This year asks were to support passage of the Saving Access to Laboratory Services (SALSA), mitigate Medicare cuts, delay clinical lab fee cut, among others. In addition, during the meeting, numerous issues related to our practices were discussed, including: scope of practice, VALID act, AI and remote sign-out, Prevent Pandemic Act, as a well as wellness, burn out, pipelines and need for expansion of GME slots."

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Pathology Free PressPathology Free PressPathology Free PressDr. Mitul B. ModiDermatopathology Fellow Physician• “He is a great communicator and keeps us updated on expected turnaround times for derm biopsies. We appreciate his collaboration.”• “He communicates with us every single time a specimen needs to be processed STAT and is always willing to answer questions.”Congratulations to our residents and fellows who have received wonderful shout outs through the Housestaff KUDOS Program. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication!Rachel S. Gordezky MD, Residency Program DirectorDirector of Autopsy ServiceDr. Alessa Aragao, MDCytopathology Fellow Physician• “Dr. Aragao is handling the Cytopathology section, by herself, very well. She always strives to give the best patient care possible! Her positive attitude is infectious.”• “Dr. Aragao has shown exceptional skill and commitment to patient’s care.”

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Pathology Free PressPathology Free PressPathology Free PressDr. Thanchanok (Friend) Chaiprasit, MDPathology Resident Physician, PGY2• “She is a great resident. We appreciate her positive, upbeat personality.”Drs. Sandra Haddad,PGY3, Friend Chaiprasit, PGY2, Aayushma Regmi (Chief Resident), PGY3,Elnaz Panah, PGY3, Maitri Mehta, PGY1 (From left):Pathology Resident Physicians• “These women hold together the surgical pathology residents. They do amazing work and deserve all of the kudos. They play an integral role in patient care.”• “These residents go above and beyond for patients, and I have personally witnessed their hard work and dedication to this field. It is not an easy nor pretty field to be in, so I have immense respect for all of these women and want them to be recognized for this.”Dr. Constantine (Aki) Kanakis, MDPathology Resident Physician, PGY3• “Aki is a great educator. He is always happy to assist with various questions and explains difficult concepts in simple terms.”

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Pathology Free PressPathology Free PressPathology Free PressKudos to Dr. Kamran Mirza, MD, PhD who presented at the Central Group on Education Affairs (CGEA) Annual Meeting recently in Indianapolis.Dr. Mirza was named the new Central Group on Education Affairs (CGEA) Chair during the annual meeting as well!!Outgoing CGEA Chair, Elissa Hall, passed the swag wand and traditional “Top Gun” hat to new incoming Chair Dr. Kamran Mirza, MD, PhD.

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MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYMEDICAL LABORATORY PROFESSIONALSWEEK APRIL 23 - 29TH 2023@MLSATLOYOLA M.S MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE PROGRAMOPEN TO PUBLICChallenging Interpretations in Capillary Electrophoresis for Immunotyping9 AM, Cuneo 480MLS Lab Week Events MLS Students only Parkinson Innovation lab 1 PM -2 PMVolunteer Event Project C.U.R.E Woodridge, IL9 AM -2 PM OPEN TO PUBLICCoffee Break MLS students only9:45 amCuneo 480Blood Drive HSC Fitness Center11 AM -3PMBlood, Sweat, and Advocacy12 -1PMCUNEO 480 OPEN TO PUBLICOPEN TO PUBLICBuilding a Brand & NetworkingCTRE 152A, HSC 10 AM -11 AMLab Week Run Loyola, HSC 12 PM -1 PMREGISTRATION/ZOOM LINKS ATTACHED BELOW

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Kamran Mirza, MD, PhDDr. Mirza is the MLS Medical Director, Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Medical Education and Assistant Dean of DEI for SSOM.O@KmirzaO@mlsatloyolaLOYOLA1,/Nl\l.. lln CHICAGO?>,.•·.g"I'PSCAHOORLofKIIEIALNTIISSCOIENCNESAND PUBLIC HEALTH1),? A,.ur,,\'

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© 2023 The American National Red Cross | 411401-10 MSBe cool. Give blood.© 2023 The American National Red Cross© 2023 Peanuts Worldwide | 1-800-RED CROSS | 1-800-733-2767 | Download the Blood Donor App[ 316 ] • Order ID: 1491813 • Item ID: 6727264 • Qty: 1 of 1 • 040676549 • 2015-APL-01955 • ARCG •231480Medical Laboratory Professionals Week Blood Drive Loyola Center for Fitness GymnasiumEnter hospital at the 17th Street traffic light and follow signs for the fitness center.2160 S. First Ave Building 130Maywood, IL 60153Tuesday, April 25, 202311:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Hosted by the M S Medical Laboratory Science Program at LUCFor an appointment call 1-800-RED C R O S S (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.orgsponsor code: Loyola MaywoodEat a healthy meal and drink an extra 16 oz. of water and fluids before the donation.Appointments preferred; walk-ins welcome upon availability.Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.Sca n to schedulean appointment.

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With the advent of the CURES Act, patients will have infinitely more access to their direct healthcare data. As members of the medical laboratory professional community, already ensuring thehighest level of patient safety and accountability, there is a unique opportunity to become patientadvocates. With a few examples, we will explore just what this looks like for the MLS professionalcommunityLAB WEEK EVENTBlood, Sweat, and Advocacy from the Bench to the BedsideDr. Constantine Kanakis, MD MSc, MLS(ASCP)CMApril 26th, 202312 - 1PMCUNEO 480@CEKanakisMD@MLSatLoyolaScan to join viaZoom!Meeting ID:883 0949 8761

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LABWEEKEVENTMS MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCEPROGRAM PRESENTS...CHALLENGINGINTERPRETATIONSIN CAPILLARYELECTROPHORESISFOR IMMUNOTYPINGSPEAKERDR. JACK MAGGIOREPHD, MT(ASCP) DABCC, FAACCAPRIL27TH,2023Cuneo4809:00AMto 10:00AMSCAN HERE FOR ZOOM LINKMEETING ID: 822 0631 9455Serum protein electrophoresis and immunotyping remain at the heart of diagnostic process of identifying plasma cell dyscrasia. Technologies have been developed to more fullyautomate this testing process and reduce the subjective interpretations of the findings.Join Dr. Maggioreas he provides an overviewof these laboratory technologies, and leads interactive discussions on the interpretation of several challenging cases.Attend this event in-person or vitually.@MLSATLOYOLA @DOCMAGGIORE

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