PETBARSUBMISSIONSEmail us at submissions@petbarmagazine.comCONTACTIf you have any questions or comments write to us at info@petbarmagazine.comADVERTISINGIf you would like to advertise in PETBAR email us at sales@petbarmagazine.comFOLLOW USFollow us on social media @petbarapp. Feel free to tag us or comment and let us know how much you love the Petbar Mag #petbarmag.EDITORINCHIEFAlyssa LoGiudiceCREATIVE DIRECTORJohn SerourCONTRIBUTORSChris Hartnett Adam Lee Darcie Carruthers Sue Jaensch Tessa McLachlan Angus Pitkethley Brianna Aardema Timothy Hopkins Rebecca Moss Laura Labelle Michelle Silva Rebecca Day Adam ReedFlorence Herbert Jessie Ford Mel WestwoodON THE COVERZOOS VICTORIAAll rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission from the publisher. The views expressed in PETBAR are those of the respective contributors and not necessarily shared by PETBAR.
LETTER FROM THE EDITORWith all this time in isolation – we have made sure Issue 8 of Petbar Magazine is our best yet! With our major feature story on Zoo’s Victoria and the amazing work that they have been doing with the beautiful animals of Australia and recovering from the bushfires that occurred at the start of the year, we got chatting to a number of their staff members about the new initiatives they have been implementing! This issue is also full of features from our favourite celebrity influencers like Billie Bean Herbert – the pooch of famous twin models Elisha and Renee; as well as Golden Unicorn Rae one of the most inspiring pups on the internet! And how could I forget about Bruley and Olee – gathering their stardom from the hit American show ‘Queer Eye’ we were lucky enough to catch up with their owner and chat about their exciting life in the spotlight!We have also introduced a new ‘Ask a Vet: Q & A’ section where we spoke to the Dr Timo-thy Hopkins, an Emergency Veterinarian from SASH Vets and got all the questions that you have been wanting to know, answered by a professional!With our travel segment we have put together a list of our ‘go-to’ places for your post quar-antine bucket list and of course we are back with delicious fresh recipes to keep you busy at home! Make sure you jump onto Petbar to stay in touch with us and let us know what you would like to see featured in the next issue of the magazine. We hope you enjoy reading the issue as much as we loved creating it!P.S Don’t forget to come and say hello over at @Petbarapp!PETBAR6
1. NUTRITIONA healthy and nutritional diet is one of the main things that comes with keeping a healthy coat for your pet. Your pet’s fur is one of the first key indicators that your pet is lacking nutrients and you will notice the fur begins to get dry and lifeless. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are important nutrients that your dog needs which will help to ensure their coat is shiny and fluffy.2. GROOMING PRODUCTSA more obvious one when it comes to keeping your pet’s coat rich and looking good is to ensure you are choosing the right grooming products for your fur baby. Each pet breed will have a specific way that they should be bathed and groomed, and it is important that you choose the shampoo that matches your pet’s hair and skin type. This may mean getting specialised shampoo that will specifically match the needs of your pet. Shine-boosting shampoos that have vitamins, proteins and minerals which will help with your pet’s skin and fur. Top Tip: Try an oatmeal-based shampoo! Oatmeal based shampoos soothe the skin and keep your pet’s skin looking great and shiny!3. FISH OILSAs mentioned above, fish oils like Omega 3 are great for keeping your dog’s coat looking fresh and healthy. These oils may come in the form of supplements that you can add to your pet’s food or adding oily fish to your pet’s diet such as salmon, sardines or tuna. 4. EGGSEggs are a source of nutrition that is great for your dog’s skincare and coat maintenance… even the shells! Adding raw egg to your pet’s diet is great for their coat care, and if you want to make use of the eggshells (which contain calcium and phosphorus) you can grind them down into a power and sprinkle them through your pet’s food.5. BRUSHINGIt is so important to brush your pet, if not every day but every second-third day. Regular brushing will remove excess hair from your fur baby’s coat and it also helps to distribute all of the natural oils in your pet’s skin and fur to ensure that their coat is looking fresh and its best.PETBARThe maintenance of your pet’s coat is something that is sometimes overlooked by pet owners when it comes to basic pet care. A lot of what comes with keeping your pet’s coat shiny and healthy comes down to proper care and grooming of your pet and here are some ways to ensure your pet’s coat stays healthy.11
LIFE IN LOCKDOWN WITH MY FUR BABYThis covid-19 period of lockdown and quarantine has been taxing on everyone across the world, and it has been tricky trying to adapt to these new and restricted ways of life. When Australia went into a period of lockdown and required self-isolation months ago, I like many others in the country and across the world, prepared myself for a long time at home with my family and 7-year-old Bichon Poodle, Daisy. PETBAR13
Safe to say that day to day life in isolation is pretty repetitive and unexciting and there is only so many movies and tv shows on Netflix that I could binge before I started needing a little more stimulation…. And Daisy (my dog) I think felt the same. She would lounge around all day with me moving from one room to the next and after the first week safe to say she was jumping around the house biting her tail for some fun and I was ready to do the same!At the beginning of week two (and from then on) I started waking up earlier and kick starting my day by taking myself and Daisy on a walk. This hour of exercise in the early morning saved us both from the restlessness that would normally set in throughout the day. Even though I would let Daisy outside to roam the backyard throughout the day, I think that getting out of the confinement of our house was important for our mental and physical wellbeing (and of course some new and different scenery was nice)!As the weeks went on our walks got longer and we would see other dogs and their owners out and about on the street giving us the chance to interact with people other than the family! Isolating with my whole family, consisting of my brother, sister and parents was great…. but safe to say after a few weeks, it was nice to interact with people other than them!I am so grateful that I had Daisy with me. She acted as such a loving and positive presence when our house got tense after weeks of being inside and doing the same thing day in, day out. I thought it was really interesting the way that our daily habits changed through the isolation period and what started off as an uncomfortable and agitated situation moulded into a peaceful and calm respite. This is almost to the point that, as restrictions are beginning to ease and I am getting out and about more, I miss spending the quality time with my family and my fur baby.I noticed so much pet positivity throughout the isolation period and it is not only important but significant the way that so many people on a global scale came together and showed way that their pets acted as key figures to help get through isolation and stay optimistic. I know I am personally grateful for my fur baby and the company and fun energy she brought to the family during isolation and safe to say that she even taught me patience and appreciation through this period.As the world works together to help each other through this period it is important to remember our pets and acknowledge the light they bring to our lives and the companionship that they offer in all areas of life from stressful times to those happy and exciting times!MEETDAISY14
SASHVETSSASH is a Veterinary Clinic in New South Wales, Australia that offers up a dedicated and loving expert team who offer a range of services to make sure your pet gets the high-quality care that they need. We spoke to Dr. Timothy Hopkins one of the SASH Emergency Veterinarians about some of the most common pet related questions right now!PETBAR18
PETBARWHAT IS A COMMON PROBLEM YOU SEE PEOPLE BRINGING THEIR PETS IN FOR? As emergency vets, we end up seeing the whole gamut of conditions that can occur in companion animals in Sydney.We commonly treat animals that are in pain or are medically unstable, so we see a lot of trauma cases, heart disease, epilepsy, gastrointestinal disease, toxicities, and metabolic conditions like uncontrolled diabetes. If you are ever concerned about your pet you should attend or call your local 24 hour veterinary emergency centre. HOW CAN WE PROTECT OUR PETS DURING THIS CORONAVIRUS PERIOD? A tiny number of dogs and cats have been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 but there are no reports of pets passing the infection to people. Cats and ferrets appear to show signs of COVID-19 while dogs do not. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and you are able to contain your cat indoors, you should do so, to reduce the risk of your cat physically transferring the virus to others. This is an example of your cat acting as a ‘fomite’, where the virus is on their fur, much like a doorknob or tabletop that can transfer the virus by being touched. This is why good hand hygiene remains the most important protection measure for pet owners. Some cats cannot stay indoors due to stress-related medical conditions, so please consult your primary veterinarian before containing your otherwise outdoor cat. HOW DO WE GET AROUND THE SEPARATION ANXIETY THAT OUR PETS MAY FEEL AS LIFE OUT OF ISOLATION BEGINS? While most cats will be happy to spend less time around their humans, many dogs will be confused and upset by the change in routine as we transition away from lockdown. The RSPCA has issued some useful advice to prepare dogs for the transition from having us around a lot of the time to being alone. This will be particularly important for puppies born during the pandemic who have not experienced much alone time. The RSPCA recommends: Let sleeping dogs lie! Dogs should be left to rest and only interacted with when they have woken up on their own. Don’t over do the walks: most healthy adult dogs need about 30 to 45 minutes of anaerobic exercise. Try to limit their exercise to an amount that you can maintain once normality returns.Behavioural enrichment, such as smearing toys with food or using toys that distribute a meal over time, will greatly increase the value of those toys and provide entertainment for when you are not around. Be sure to clean and rotatetoys, rather than leaving them out – this will make them more noveland exciting when they do reappear.Separation anxiety is a severe condition that can include destructive behaviours, like howling, pacing andinappropriateurinationand defecation. Separation anxiety should be diagnosed by a veterinarian, preferably a veterinary behaviourist, as each dog will require its own treatment plan.Do notuse punishment deviceslike shock collars, as they will make the problem worse, and are illegal insomestates.20
HOW DO I KNOW IF MY PETS GUMS AND TEETH ARE HEALTHY? Just like people, dogs and cats develop tartar on their teeth which can progress to gum disease, abscesses and tooth loss. Most dental conditions will be painful so you should keep a close eye on your pets’ teeth, gums and eating habits and regularly check in with your primary veterinarian. One important sign of dental disease is brown mineral deposits (tartar) on the tooth surface, as in the photo on the left. Over time, tartar allows bacteria to hide out underneath the gum line, leading to gum recession, loss of the ligament holding the tooth in place and, eventually, tooth loss. Most dogs with this level of tartar will have smelly breath. If they develop severe dental disease you might notice excessive drooling, reduced appetite, difficulty picking up food, or reddened and bloody gums. Not all dental disease requires an veterinary intervention like a scale and polish under anaesthetic. Sometimes dietary modification, dental chews and brushing at home will be enough, but it’s important that your primary veterinarian is involved, to monitor and advise. IS IT BAD THAT MY PET DOESN’T EAT FOR A DAY OR TWO? Most dogs and cats are creatures of habit and will appreciate routine mealtimes. Feeding twice daily, about 12 hours apart, is an ideal pattern. While many pets are fed from feeding stations and allow to ‘graze’ this can be problematic when it comes time to medicate, or manage weight gain. As above, feeding via toys is a great way to enrich your pet’s environment. WHAT VACCINES ARE ESSENTIAL? You should always discuss your vaccine requirements with a veterinarian. Each species has their own recommended vaccines but we also consider any medical conditions, vaccine reactions, the animal’s lifestyle and evidence of immunity before deciding on a vaccine schedule. WHY DOES MY CAT (INDOOR) NEED FLEA PROTECTION? Yes, indoor cats can develop flea infestations, and they’re all the more difficult to treat if your cat spends all the time indoors. We can trapse flea eggs into the house on our shoes, clothes or other items like fabric bags. HOW DO I KNOW IF MY DOG IS OVERWEIGHT? About half our canine friends are overweight or obese. Just as in people, obesity in dogs is associated with a raft of painful and life-shortening conditions. You should always be able to feel your dog’s individual ribs with ease, which is proof that they do not have too much subcutaneous fat. Also, when viewed from above they should have a slight waist , as shown in the diagrams below:If you are concerned that your pet may be in poor body condition, take them to your regular veterinarian to confirm. Sometimes poor body condition can be a sign of a hormonal condition like Cushing’s disease, so veterinary advice should be sought before embarking on a dietary or exercise plan.PETBAR23
GOLDEN UNICORN RAETHE ONE EARED MIRACLE DOGPETBARThe inspirational story of this golden retriever has captured the world’s heart and we were lucky enough to speak to Brianna, Rae’s owner about how the young pup’s injury during birth left her with one ear to only go on and take it in her stride and inspire us all.24
PETBARTELL US ABOUT RAE AND HOW SHE/HE IS SO UNIQUE?She had a pretty extensive surgery right after birth where the side of her face and neck were completely degloved and her ear was removed with the injury. Her mom was too rough cleaning her up when she was born and actually is the one who injured her.We didn’t know If she would survive or needing multiple surgeries in her future. Luckily, we just needed to manage her incision to ensure that she healed appropriately. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE RAE’S PERSONALITY?She’s always happy, very sassy, and also has a lot of loving qualities like your typical pet would have.HOW DID YOU WIND UP WITH RAE AND WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO HER?The breeder surrendered her to me because of the care that she needed to have, and I brought her to work with me every single day and had her monitored while I was there with her incision. I had a love of golden retriever since I lost my first golden retriever at a very young age to lymph Phoma. When Ray came in and was probably going to be surrendered by the breeder for her needing intensive care and being bottle-fed and raised, I knew I was ready for the challenge because I needed another golden in my life.WHAT ARE RAE’S FAVOURITE THINGS TO DO?She doesn’t really have a favorite thing because she loves to do everything. She loves to go for long walks and hikes, go to her favorite dog park, chew on sticks, and play with her best friends.DOES RAE HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH HEARING? CAN SHE HEAR OUT OF HER TOP EAR?We were not clear if she’s had brain damage or have ear issues from the canal that was closed over it.The first few weeks were rough, but she healed up nicely and, yes she can hear from her top ear!HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE NAME RAE?Her name is actually ear backwards since she only has one! LOL!HOW OLD IS RAE?She’s almost 6 months old and she is doing great!HOW DOES RAE INSPIRE YOU?She inspires me every day to have patience, she inspires me to not give up, and she is always by my side if I’m having a bad day and she gets me up and out and in new adventures. I love her being my sidekick. She makes the best companion because she’s so loving, so goofy, and always entertaining.GOLDENUNICORNRAE25
PETBARTHE LABELLE FOUNDATIONOver the quarantine/isolation period we have seen so many beautiful stories of puppies that have been fostered with a loving home, and the The Labelle Foundation is one of the many that makes this possible. The Labelle Foundation is a Los Angeles foster based animal rescue organization that is devoted to rescuing, rehabilitating and advocating for dogs. We were lucky enough to chat to Laura Labelle herself to discuss the foundation and the amazing things that it does.26
WHEN WAS THE LABELLE FOUNDATION STARTED AND HOW DID IT COME ABOUT?About 8 years ago, I fostered a deaf white pitbull puppy. Shortly after, I was asked to take the two runts of a Pitbull puppy litter someone had put in a trash bag and left to die in a dumpster. They were only a few hours old when I took them in. From that moment, my daughters, Juliette and Sabrina, and I were committed to saving dogs’ lives.I then founded The Labelle Foundation with my daughter, Sabrina in January of 2018. Since then the Labelle Foundation has expanded and grown to include our foster network of 300+ fosters, over 2000 adopters, and 145 dogs currently in foster care. We’ve built up a wonderful network of trusted and capable fosters, who house all our dogs and give them a loving environment, to heal and get them ready for adoption. COVID-19 really advanced us to where we are today and forced us to grow and develop incredibly fast. We went from receiving about 1 foster application a week, and about 3 to 4 applications per dog, to 3,000 foster applications in the first week of quarantine and between 25 to 50 applications per dog. We added 3 new women to our team and have had to update our infrastructure and website to handle demand. It is inspiring and heartwarming to see how many people want to foster and adopt.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION AS A RESCUE FOUNDATION?The Labelle Foundation is a Los Angeles foster-based not-for-profit devoted to rescuing, rehabilitating, advocating for dogs. Our mission is to help our dogs find perfect forever families. We also specialize in neonatal orphans and sick or special needs medical puppies and dogs. We save dogs from a variety of situations - tend to their medical or behavior needs and get them into foster.Rescue is also a team effort. Once we take a dog into our care, we are committed to advocating for the dog for the entirety of the dog’s life. This includes medical support, behavioral care and diligent reviews of adoption applications to make each person and dog with the best fit for the dog’s personality. We work with rescues in Bakersfield and Los Angeles to most effectively rescue as many dogs as possible by sponsoring medical, taking neonatal babies, and occasionally partnering with rescues on certain litters. We rely on donations from those supporting us to do all of this work and save as many pups as possible.WHAT DO YOU PROVIDE AS A RESCUE FOUNDATION? DO YOU OFFER MEDICAL CARE TO YOUR RESCUES?Something that we are proud of as a rescue is that we are a no-mother-left-behind organziation. Quite often pregnant dogs are left discarded at the shelters.PETBAR28
They are neglected and often need specific care and we pride ourselves on being able to attend to those needs.At Labelle, our primary specialty is taking orphaned puppies and mom dogs with babies. Orphaned puppies require a lot of time and medical attention and they cannot survive without being bottle or tube fed. These puppies need to be nursed every three hours by the foster because they do not have a mother to nurse them.We specialize in taking care of adult dogs with medical needs, helping them get the vet attention they require, and providing any surgeries or medicine/care in order to better their quality of life. We also provide dogs with behavioral assistance if needed by working with trainers to help correct aggression, anxiety, and more.WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISCONCEPTIONS WHEN IT COMES TO ADOPTING A RESCUE PUP?The hardest part about rescue is managing people’s expectations. Since this is a rescue, oftentimes we don’t know the backstory or what happened before they came to us. We also foster based which means the people caring for the dog are doing their best to socialize, potty train and get the dogs on a routine. However, it’s often more difficult than it sounds. We try and brace everyone for an adjustment period with the dog and we look for adopters who are committed to trying no matter what. Because we are not a breeder, we rarely know the full breed of a lot of the dogs we get in. We have been doing this a while and can make educated guesses, but with puppies we can only estimate how large they will become. We have amazing adopters and applicants who are flexible and willing to commit and love a dog no matter what they are like!TELL US A BIT ABOUT FOSTERING AND FOSTER BASED RESCUE AS A PART OF YOUR FOUNDATION?We are a foster-based rescue, which means all dogs that come to us go to people’s homes instead of staying in a kennel. We have a team of people that work behind the scenes to review foster applications and make sure that our dogs are being placed with the foster that will work best for their needs. We work around the clock to make sure our fosters and dogs are in a situation where they are set up for success. If we have a Husky, they need to be fostered with a fenced yard and not in an apartment building, if the dog is an sick or incredibly shy, being in a home with other dogs would not be the right choice.Once fosters go through the application process and we have the right dog for them, our foster coordinators contact the foster and schedule a time to pick up the dog and supplies to support the pup. We provide our fosters with supplies for the dogs to help make sure the dog is comfortable and healthy! Our foster coordinator is thenin touch with the fosters throughout the entire fostering time. Fosters are responsible for helping our rescue dogs get ready for adoption! They take them to any necessary vet appointments, help them with any bad habits and most importantly show them love that they were missing out on when abandoned. We couldn’t do it without our fosters!Is there a specific breed/type of dog that you work to rescue (for example just pitbulls/just newborns)?We work with all dogs - all breeds, cleft palate, medical, large breed, small breed - you name it!WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS FOR THE FUTURE IN TERMS OF THE FOUNDATION?We would love to raise enough money to have a facility where the animals could board if needed, get exposure to other dogs, host adoption events, and have transports drop off. This is about a $200,000 dream! WHEN IT COMES TO ANIMAL ABANDONMENT, DOES IT SHOCK YOU THE AMOUNT OF STRAY ANIMALS YOU FIND?Yes, it’s horrifying the traumatic things these dogs go through - from an owner leaving their Pitbull in an abandoned apartment for two weeks with no food to finding two mom dogs and 7 puppies left in a field surrounded by Coyotes - the stories are never ending. This is why we do this job, we want to make sure these dogs get the lives and the love they deserve. WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND DOING IF ONE FINDS AN ABANDONED DOG IN NEED OF RESCUING?If someone finds a dog that needs rescuing, please contact a local rescue or non-kill shelter. Take the dog to a vet to make sure there is no microchip linking the dog to the owner. Sometimes shelters do not have the capacity to have certain dogs and they end up in horrible situations. There are a lot of rescue groups in Los Angeles willing to help.PETBARTHELABELLEFOUNDATION30
barkbustermovie guideWe have seen animals in film for many years but over the last few years we have noticed animals, specifically dogs, taking the cinematic world by storm! From Disney’s 1957 film ‘Old Yeller’ to the recent cartoon adaption of Scooby Doo, ‘Scoob!’, seeing animals at the forefront of film is becoming more and more common and maintains a beautiful message about the power of the human-animal bond.PETBAR32
Here’s a line-up of our favouriteanimal performances in film:LADY & THE TRAMP2019A modern adaptation of the 1955 Walt Disney film finds us reconnecting in the love story between a middle-class cocker-spaniel (Lady) and a stray schnauzer (Tramp). This modern remake of a classic uses the magic of computers to bring these too originally cartoon characters to life bringing enough charm to the screen for any dog lovers to enjoy.MARLEY AND ME 2008Marley and Me is a classic story about a free spirited pup and her journey growing with her owners. The film is a tribute to all dog lovers and pet owners in general and perfectly portrays the amazing bond between dogs and their owners and the lessons learnt along the way. Marley’s cheeky and neurotic personality was brought to life in the movie and allowed us to feel every emotion whilst watching.SCOOB!2020Scooby-Doo is a character that has been around for years that we all know and love. Scoob! takes us on a journey of the much loved and known friendship between Shaggy and Scooby-Doo, and its light-hearted and fun nature is great for watching with your family and friends.PETBAR34
A DOG’S PURPOSE2017This movie takes you on an emotional rollercoaster of laughs, sadness and love through its unique plot line about a dog’s life cycle being reincarnated into other dogs and trying to find his purpose through his journey with new owners in all different walks of life. The dog protagonist in this movie, is witty, funny and amusing and depicts the overall love a dog has for man creates a tear-jerking story. CALL OF THE WILD2020Call of the Wild is a new movie starring Harrison Ford who acts alongside a beautiful St. Bernard dog in this exciting plot. The story is a classic man and dog journey that takes you on an exciting escape without lacking a wholesome narrative that is sure to offer you and your family something to smile about. Buck, the canine protagonist, has no dialogue but manages to sweep you up in his loyal and loving charm.ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN2019This film follows a Formula One race car driver who is navigating everyday life on and off the racetrack with his best furry pal. Although it does follow the classic storyline of a dog’s relationship with their owner, it was a heart-warming and feel good film and did not lack in drama or tears. PETBAR35
GOODVSBADPETBARAs a pet owner there are so many misconceptions and fads about what to feed your dog; what’s good for them, what they need, what can kill them – and it gets hard to know what is true and what isn’t!DOG FOOD EDITION37
WE’VE CREATED A GUIDE FOR YOU TO KNOW ALL THE DO’S AND DON’TS WHEN IT COMES TO KNOWING WHAT AND WHAT NOT TO FEED YOUR DOG.GOODCARROTSCarrots are great for dogs as chewing on them helps to remove plaque from their teeth. They also provide vitamin A which helps with the maintenance of a dog’s skin and coat. *Too much vitamin A can be toxic so carrots must be fed to dogs in moderation.APPLESApples are packed with essential vitamins (such as A and C) which are beneficial for dogs. They are also packed with fiber which helps to regulate digestion.WATERMELONWatermelon is another snack great for dogs, and its high-water content helps to keep dogs hydrated whilst also providing them with a good source of rich vitamins such as vitamins A, C and B-6. *You must ensure that you remove all of the seeds and the rind of the watermelon as ingesting these can cause an upset stomach.BADAVOCADOAvocado contains a toxin called persin which is toxic to dogs and can cause digestive issue such as vomiting and diarrhoea. Although persin can specifically be toxic in high doses and dogs are fairly resistant to this, it is recommended that you do not feed your dog avocado.CHERRIESCherry pit’s contain cyanide which is toxic to dogs. They may also block intestines if a dog swallows them or act as a choking hazard.DAIRYDue to the fact that dogs do not possess high amounts of lactase (an enzyme that helps to break down lactose), dogs find difficulty digesting dairy products. Milk can also trigger food allergies in dogs which can cause them to itch.PETBAR38
GOODWHITE RICECooked white rice is perfect for dogs who have digestive problems and is a great option for dogs with an upset stomach. *White rice may cause a rise in blood sugar so dog’s with diabetes must ensure moderation when eating this.FISHCooked fish such as shrimp, tuna and salmon are great sources of protein for dogs. They are also rich in Omega-3 which helps with the maintenance of a dog’s coat.CHICKENPlain chicken with no seasoning is great for dogs especially when they have an upset stomach.UNSALTED PEANUT BUTTERUnsalted peanut butter is a good treat for dogs in moderation. You must check that the peanut butter has no added sugar or sweetener, however the beneficial features of peanut butter include vitamin B and E, niacin, healthy fats and protein.* You must check that the peanut butter does not contain xylitol (a sweetener) as this is toxic to dogs.PLAIN POPCORNPlain air-popped popcorn that is unsalted and unbuttered is another good treat for dogs as popcorn is full of magnesium, phosphorus and zinc which promotes bone health and overall dog health. *Ensure that dogs do not eat the popcorn kernels as they may choke on the small bead.PORKCooked pork that is unseasoned is good for dogs as it provides them with a sufficient amount of protein that is essential for them. *Dog’s should only consume small portions of pork as their high fat content can cause inflammation or pancreatitis as it is hard to digest.CUCUMBERCucumber is a great low-calorie snack for dogs, and if you are trying to get your pooch on a diet, feeding them cucumber is a great alternative. Cucumber contains many vitamins and minerals that are good for dogs health.BADCHOCOLATE/CAFFEINEChocolate or anything containing caffeine contains methylxanthines which are chemicals that are highly poisonous to dogs. They can cause vomiting, seizures and an abnormal heart rate.GRAPES/RAISINSGrapes, sultanas, currants and raisins are very toxic to dogs. They can cause kidney failure and even death if consumed without moderation.NUTSAlthough some nuts are okay, it is best to avoid giving any nuts to dogs. Macadamia nuts are completely toxic to dogs and can cause muscle weakness, hyperthermia and digestive problems. Salted almonds are also especially dangerous as they can increase water retention which fatal to dogs which are prone to heart disease.ONIONS AND GARLICGarlic and onion contain substances called organosulfoxides which are toxic to dogs and lead to many digestive issues. Onion and garlic are part of the allium family and are five times more toxic than other allium plants. Garlic can create anaemia in dogs and dogs are easily susceptible to garlic and onion poisoning.CINNAMONCinnamon is not actually toxic to dogs however it is better avoided as its oils can aggravate the inside of dog’s mouths. Cinnamon may also cause a dogs blood pressure to plummet and lead to digestive issues as well as difficulty breathing if inhaled.FAT TRIMMINGS & COOKED BONESFat trimmings from meat can cause pancreatitis in dogs and it is better avoided. Cooked bones are also very bad for dogs as they can cause splinters, cuts and blockages in your dog’s digestive system and furthermore raw bones are recommended.COCONUTCoconut and coconut-based products are bad for the overall health of your dog. Although when ingested in moderations they are unlikely to cause serious harm, coconut flesh and milk can cause an upset stomach due to the large amount of oils that they contain. Coconut water is very high in potassium and is not good for your dog.PETBAR39
LIVING THE HIGH LifeThe Park Hyatt New York overlooking Central Park is known for its extravagance and luxurious treatment for all of its guests, and the best thing is – it’s pet friendly! Experience the luxe life with your Furbaby by your side in one of the Park Hyatt’s many global venues, New York City.THE PARK HYATT NEW YORKPETBAR41
HOW LONG HAS THE PARK HYATT BEEN AROUND IN NEW YORK AND HAVE YOU ALWAYS BEEN PET FRIENDLY?Park Hyatt New York opened in 2014. This August, we will be celebrating our 6 year anniversary. New York is a very dog friendly city and we have welcomed dogs to the hotel since we first opened.WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING A PET FRIENDLY LUXURY HOTEL?Welcoming dogs as well as humans makes for a relaxed, yet informal environment in the hotel. We find that dogs break down barriers between guests and they are often a source of socializing in the lobby. They are always a hit with children staying at the hotel!ARE ALL OF YOUR ROOMS PET FRIENDLY OR DO YOU HAVE A SELECTED NUMBER OF PETFRIENDLY ROOMS?Yes, all 211 rooms and suites are pet friendly.WHAT SERVICES DO YOU OFFER AS A PET FRIENDLY HOTEL?Explore Manhattan with your canine companions during your stay at Park Hyatt New York, with its coveted location just steps from Central Park’s myriad walking paths. In the room, your pet will enjoy its own pet bed, dog bowl with water, and treats. If you are planning an extended stay, contact our staff directly at (646) 774-1234. Fees: A pet fee of USD$100.00 per stay is added with a stay of up to six (6) nights, while stays of seven (7) PETBARto 30 nights include an additional USD$100.00 deep-cleaning fee. Weight Limits: Please note that pets must weigh 50 pounds / 30 kgs at most to stay at Park Hyatt New York.HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE PET CULTURE IN NEW YORK CITY?New York is famous for its dogs and one of the most dog-friendly cities in the US. They come in all shapes and sizes and on any given day, you will often see owners and dog walkers exercising them at the many parks throughout the city.WOULD YOU SAY THERE ARE ANY DIFFICULTIES IN BEING A FURFRIENDLY HOTEL?Being prepared in advance and knowing that a particular guest will be traveling with their dog allows us to make practical decisions about which room or suite to allocate and on which floor. We also try not allocate two dogs to the same floor to avoid contact between the dogs but also dogs have very sensitive smell and sometimes they can get territorial.WOULD YOU SAY THAT BEING PETFRIENDLY IS IMPORTANT/NECESSARY IN A HOTEL?Park Hyatt New York welcomes a diverse community of guests and it’s becoming more and more common for guests to travel with their dogs. We want our guests to feel as welcomed and relaxed staying at the hotel as they would if they were traveling without their dog.42
ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT PETS RUINING THE FURNITURE IN THE ROOMS? HAVE YOU HAD ANY FUNNY EXPERIENCES WITH YOU FURRY GUESTS?All guest rooms and suites at Park Hyatt New York have natural stone flooring, which is very pet friendly. It also minimizes the risk of damage to the floors as we don’t have carpets. When guests are welcomed to their room, we do ask our guests not to leave their dogs unattended in their room which means there’s always a pair of eyes watching over them!WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS THE BEST PART ABOUT OPENING YOURSELF UP AS A HOTEL TO NOT ONLY HUMANS, BUT THEIR FURRY COUNTERPARTS?Our close proximity to Central Park – just one block – is a great reason for both our human and four -legged friends to choose Park Hyatt New York. The park offers an array of dog amenities including dedicated dog walking enclosures.One of the many celebrity guests to pass through the Park Hyatt New York is pet influencer Buddy from Buddy + Boo Waggy Tails!BUDDYBOOWAGGYTAILS44
HUNTER + HOUNDsupply co
Zoo’s Victoria is a world-leading zoo-based conservation organisation, dedicated to fighting wildlife extinction. There are three zoos that are part of ‘Zoos Victoria’ those being Healesville Sanctuary, Melbourne Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo. Each zoo provides a unique and exciting experience allowing people to get up close and personal and immerse themselves in an unforgettable and personal wildlife experience. Asa world-leading zoo-based conservation organisation, Zoos Victoria worlds to fight wildlife extinction through many initiatives and they have created breeding programs and partnerships with people from across the world to do all they can for animal conservation. We were able to speak to four different departments at Zoos Victoria about animal welfare, conservation and different initiatives that the Zoos have underway to work towards combatting these issues.To donate to Zoos Victoria go to their website VICTORIADEDICATED TO FIGHTINGWILDLIFE EXTINCTIONZOOSVICTORIA46
PETBARTELL US ABOUT THE ‘BUBBLES NOT BALLOONS’ CAMPAIGN AND THE IMPACT IT HAS HAD ON SEABIRDS.Balloons might be associated with fun and celebration, but they also are the number one most deadly item to seabirds.Every day, balloons are purposely released or accidentally escape from outdoor events and can float hundreds of kilometres before landing in the ocean or rivers. There, animals such as seabirds can mistake burst balloons, their clips and strings as food, eating them and also feeding them to their chicks. In many cases, this causes the birds to starve to death with their stomachs full of litter.On Lord Howe Island (NSW) over 80% of Flesh-footed Shearwater chicks have rubbish in their stomachs and balloons and their attachments are one of the most commonly identified items found inside them. Many of the balloons that reach places like Lord Howe Island have been released or escaped from events on mainland Australia. But it doesn’t have to be this way!Zoos Victoria and Phillip Island Nature Parks have created a community of people that use wildlife-friendly alternatives to balloons at outdoor events. 220,000 people have made the promise to blow bubbles instead of balloons and hundreds of businesses, councils and schools have changed events and traditions so that they no longer include balloons outdoors.Zoos Victoria and partners aim to reduce and eventually eliminate balloons from the marine environment and removing this threat from wildlife. To measure this, we must monitor the prevalence of balloons found on beaches and in the stomachs of birds such as shearwater chicks over time.Zoos Victoria and partners aim to reduce and eventually eliminate balloons from the marine environment andBUBBLESNOT BALLOONSDarcie Carruthers, Conservation Campaigner, Wildlife Conservation and Science.removing this threat from wildlife. To measure this, we must monitor the prevalence of balloons found on beaches and in the stomachs of birds such as shearwater chicks over time.CAN YOU SHED SOME LIGHT ON THE STATISTICS THAT COME WITH THIS FACT?In December 2017, the same year the campaign launched, Phillip Island Nature Parks observed a spike in the number of balloons, strings and clips appearing on the island’s beaches. A year later in December 2018, there was a 90% reduction in the appearance of these items. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THE CONTINUATION OF THE USE OF BALLOONS AND THE AMOUNTS OF RUBBISH FOUND AND INGESTED BY SEABIRDS COULD LEAD TO THEIR EXTINCTION?Yes. Populations of seabird species such as Flesh-footed Shearwaters are decreasing. Along with other threats, marine pollution is one of the main reasons for this decline. As balloons are the most deadly item when swallowed by seabirds, scientists have recommended urgent policy changes to prevent them entering the marine environment. This is particularly important in Australia where the Tasman Sea is the area of highest expected impact of marine debris on seabirds in the entire world. HOW IS THE CAMPAIGN MEASURING THE IMPACT OF THIS INITIATIVE?As well as measuring the prevalence of balloons on beaches and in birds in areas such as Phillip Island (VIC) and Lord Howe Island (NSW) – as mentioned above - Zoos Victoria measures the social impact of the campaign among our visitors.Six months after campaign launch, 69% of people surveyed reported having changed their behaviour with regard using balloons outdoors because of their visit to Melbourne Zoo. Twelve months after the campaign started, Zoos Victoria measured a 15% increase in visitors who reported they were unlikely to use balloons at future outdoor events. These are just two examples of many ways that we measure the social impact of the campaign.48
PETBARWHAT IS INVOLVED WITH BEING AN ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SPECIALIST?There is no one way to get to become an Animal Behaviour Specialist, for me, it started with completing a Bachelor of Science majoring in Zoology back in 2000. I initially went to work for the RSPCAVic before moving to Zoos Victoria in 2009. I am a self-proclaimed “behaviour nerd” and invest a lot of my time (and money) into learning about this fascinating subject. Over time, I have grown my knowledge and skills in animal training, enrichment and behaviour. Today, as the Animal Behaviour Specialist at Zoos Victoria, I work closely with our Animal Training Coordinators, Zoo Keeping, Vets and Management teams to support animal training and enrichment programs across our three zoos.On any given day, you will find me meeting with a team to discuss the behaviour of one of their animals, from gorillas to turtles, Tasmanian devils to parrots and everything in between. There is never a dull day, to give you an example, we could be talking about; how do we feed an aviary of birds without one bird eating all the mealworms and leaving none for everybody else; how we can provide environmental enrichment for our nocturnal animals when we have all gone home; or how can we teach an ape to swallow the pills that the vets have prescribed her. Sadly it is less hands on with the animals these days, but truth be told I don’t mind one bit. It’s all behaviour after all.WHEN IT COMES TO UNDERSTANDING HOW TO INTERPRET AN ENVIRONMENT LIKE YOUR ANIMAL WOULD, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS THE FIRST STEP?The first three (can I give you three?) would be:a) learn about the natural history of the species. What is important to them? For dogs and cats, reading up about the breed can give you loads of helpful information.b) put yourselves in their shoes, what is their sensory experience of the environment. Many of the animals we live and work with see, hear and small the world very differently to us. What does the world look like from their level – is a good place to start.c) consider the individual animal. What is their prior experiences?ANIMAL BEHAVIOURSue Jaensch, Animal Behaviour Specialist,Wildlife Conservation and Science50
WOULD YOU SAY THAT THE WAY THAT YOUR PET’S BEHAVIOUR REFLECTS THEIR OWNERS’ BEHAVIOUR OR HUMAN BEHAVIOURS IN GENERAL?We have learnt a lot about animals over the years, including their ability to experience emotions, and even display empathy, just like people. Often, when I try to convey why an animal is behaving a particular way, I ask people to imagine themselves in a similar situation, consider the aspects that I mentioned above, and asses how it might make them feel. It can really help people understand what is causing or maintaining their animals behaviour, which is the first step to working out how you can change that behaviour if you need to.HOW CAN YOU TELL WHETHER AN ANIMAL IS FEELING COMFORTABLE OR NOT IN AN ENVIRONMENT AND WHAT ARE SOME STRATEGIES FOR HELPING YOUR (PET) SETTLE IN?We can interpret how an animal is feeling by accurately interpreting their body language and behaviour. Animals generally move towards things they like and move away from things they don’t like. (Or they may rush towards something with the aim to move it away, which is a bit confusing but important to know) At Zoos Victoria we encourage our staff to work with the animals in such a way that they give the animal a voice. What I mean by that is, if the animal’s body language and behaviour is saying that they don’t like something, then we respect that and find a way to change the environment so the animal is more comfortable. We then work at their pace to build up their confidence. We use animal training methods like Counter Conditioning and Systematic desensitization to help the animals adjust to new situations.WHEN PLACING AN ANIMAL IN AN ENVIRONMENT WITH ANOTHER ANIMAL, HOW CAN YOU HANDLE THE INITIAL CONFRONTATION WITH THE ‘STRANGER ’?We take our introductions very seriously. This often means going slowly. Introducing the smell and sight of each animal before any ‘face to face meetings’ and offering lots of rewards when the do see/smell each other (counter conditioning). When it comes to the actual introduction, we use a combination of environmental enrichment, changes in feeding strategies and short intros to start with. All with the aim to make those first interactions easy, fun and positive for both animals.PETBAR51
PETBARHOW DOES YOUR DETECTION DOG PROGRAM DIFFER FROM YOUR GUARDIAN DOG PROGRAM?Zoos Victoria’s Conservation Dog Squad incorporates two branches – the Detection Dogs and the Guardian Dogs. Each contributes to threatened species conservation in a different way.Detection Dogs are specially trained to locate threatened species in the wild, either indirectly through traces such as scats or feathers, or directly, such as indicating the presence of an animal in a burrow. Detection Dogs are particularly helpful in locating species that are rare and/ or cryptic (well camouflaged), and therefore more difficult to find using other survey methods such as cameras, or those that rely on human vision such as spotlighting. Almost any dog breed can be a successful detection dog, depending on their individual personality and drive to work. Zoos Victoria’s first Detection Dogs were Border Collies, known for their intelligence and high energy, but I’ve even heard of a Chihuahua who researchers carry in his own customised backpack to remote field sites where he works on frog detection.Guardian Dogs, on the other hand, are trained to protect species like the Eastern barred bandicoot from introduced predators (foxes/cats). Zoos Victoria uses Maremmas, an ancient breed of Guardian Dogs used for centuries to protect sheep and other livestock. The Maremmas are bonded to a flock of sheep that they will instinctively guard, and their presence deters predators, which has a flow-on benefit for the bandicoots who share that environment.HOW LONG AS THE DETECTION DOG PROGRAM BEEN RUNNING?The first trial phase of the Detection Dog program began in 2016. After months of expert training, we assessed the ability of two Border Collies named Rubble and Uda to detect the Baw Baw frog.DETECTIONDOGPROGRAMChris Hartnett, Threatened Species Project Officer, Wildlife Conservation and ScienceThe dogs were successful in detecting these very cryptic little brown frogs in the wild, and this success prompted the launch of a full-scale Zoos Victoria Detection Dog program based at Healesville Sanctuary.ARE THE DOGS THAT WORK FOR THE PROGRAM BRED FOR BECOMING A DETECTION DOG?No, and in future, we’re actually planning to train dogs from rescue shelters to join the Zoos Victoria Detection Dog team. Before they join the program, each dog is carefully assessed by the Zoos Victoria Wildlife Detection Dog Officers and vets to ensure they have the appropriate personality traits and physical fitness to do threatened species detection work. We need very focused dogs who love having a job to do, and who can be trained to concentrate on their task in complex and sometimes challenging environments. Every one of our detection dogs is trained to have perfect stop and recall abilities so that, when required, their handlers can give a short command or gesture to tell the dog to stop or return to the handler’s side.THE BAW BAW FROG AND PLAINS-WANDERER ARE TWO OF MANY THREATENED SPECIES THAT THE DETECTION DOG PROGRAM AIMS TO PROTECT. HOW DO THE DOGS ADAPT AND WORK TO PROTECT THE DIFFERENT ANIMAL SPECIES?When we need the detection dogs to learn a new species odour, or ‘scent profile’ we prepare them with several months of training. This begins with training on the scent of samples such as skin swabs, scats, feathers or nesting material, before (in some cases), we move on to training with a live animal. Zoos Victoria has very high welfare standards, and we design the training to ensure all animals are protected from experiencing any stress. A single detection dog can be trained to detect a number of different species odours, but most will specialise on a maximum of two or three.Each of the threatened species we work with will have different qualities, including where and how they live. The Baw Baw frog, for example, burrows down into mud or rock crevices high in the forested alpine region, while the Plains-wanderer is found nesting on the ground in relatively sparse grasslands. The dogs are assessed for their suitability to work in these vastly different environments, and this is where one breed may be more suited to the task than another.55
WILDLIFEBUSHFIRERECOVERY UPDATEHOW WOULD YOU SAY THE FIRES IMPACTED NATIVE AUSTRALIAN WILDLIFE IN COMPARISON TO FIRES IN PAST YEARS?The recent fires have had an incredibly devastating impact on Australian wildlife and the aftermath of the recent disaster will be felt for many years to come. Not only has wildlife lost significant areas of habitat, the widespread destruction cause by the severity and intensity of the current fires in comparison to previous years means that there will also be many longer lasting effects. There is the initial impacts of death and injury from fire, as well as the longer lasting impacts to the ecosystem from ash and fire retardants affecting waterways, widespread impacts to loss of wildlife populations, increased predation and reduced resources such as food and shelter.The remoteness of fire locations, scale and severity of the fires, and the cumulative effects of climate change such as extreme temperatures and reduced rainfall, have all contributed to the conditions that have led to the potential for such a dramatic catastrophe. Whilst previous fires have had a larger impact on human life and property, these fires have been unprecedented in scale and impact on the environment and biodiversity.CAN YOU GIVE US SOME STATISTICS ABOUT THE IMPACT THAT THE 2019/20 BUSHFIRES HAD ON WILDLIFE IN AUSTRALIA, AND HOW RECOVERY IS GOING FOR THEM?Current estimates are that over 1.5 billion animals have perished in the recent mega fires that have swept across the country burning over 12 million hectares (in comparison to 450,000 hectares in the Black Saturday fires).Adam Lee – Research Assistant, Threatened Species and Welfare, Wildlife Conservation and SciencePETBARIt is difficult to get complete and accurate assessments as to the extent of the damage with some fires still burning and many fire grounds remaining unsafe to enter.Significant areas of habitat have been lost for many species with over 170 of Victoria’s already rare/ threatened species having lost at least 50% of their habitat to fire. For these species that were already endangered there is a very real possibility that species and local extinctions may occur.Recovery from a disaster such as the recent fires will take decades for ecosystems and wildlife populations; however, there are glimmers of hope and some stories of survival emerging. Around 30 endangered Brush-tailed rock wallabies managed to take refuge in an unburnt gully, and 1/3 of critically endangered Southern Corroboree Frogs burrowed deep into their field enclosure sphagnum bogs to survive the fires.HOW LONG DO YOU THINK THAT WILDLIFE HABITATS WILL TAKE TO REBUILD AS A RESULT OF THE BUSHFIRES?Wildlife habitats will take decades to fully recover, particularly in badly burned areas. Whilst the Australian bush is resilient and partially adapted to fire events, the severity and intensity of the most recent fires have reduced the ability of many species of flora to be able to regenerate. Recent rainfalls have allowed for some encouraging signs of regrowth to emerge in fire grounds; however, these will still take many years for the complexity of habitat structure to return for it to once again be suitable for most species.Strategies and actions are currently being developed by various agencies in order to help support the recovery of environments and wildlife populations. This may involve captive breeding programs to help supplement wild populations, revegetation of affected fire grounds, translocation of animals to unburnt areas, and pest control to reduce competition and predation for native wildlife.As one part of supporting recovery, Zoos Victoria has commenced a targeted supplementary feeding trial for Mountain Pygmy Possums, which has shown some early signs success. Closely monitored feeding stations have revealed that Bushrats, Dusky antechinus, Mountain Brushtail Possums and even Black Rock Skinks have also been using the food provided.WHERE HAVE THE ANIMALS SAVED IN THE FIRES BEEN RELOCATED TO HEAL AND BE TAKEN CARE OF?Zoos Victoria has been involved heavily in the bushfire response supporting our partners and led by the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning (DELWP).56
The response has been multi-faceted and involves not only the immediate actions, but also planning for short, medium and long term responses as the aftermath of these recent fires becomes properly assessed.The immediate response involved the establishment of wildlife triage centres in key locations in Victoria to treat fire injured wildlife. Those requiring more intensive care were sent to Zoos Victoria sites (Melbourne Zoo, Werribee Open Range Zoo and Healesville Sanctuary) and to wildlife carers where appropriate.Additionally to the immediate response for injured wildlife, Zoos Victoria has also helped co-ordinate an emergency evacuation of the endangered Eastern Bristlebird ahead of an oncoming fire front. Over a dozen individuals were rescued from East of Mallacoota and taken to Melbourne Zoo where they will be held for safekeeping until the fire threat has passed and they can hopefully be released back into their natural habitat.Agencies are now shifting from the immediate responses of rescue and salvage to look at the long term strategies required to support recovery of wildlife populations. Zoos Victoria already has many relevant actions outlined in its Conservation Masterplan to Fight Extinction for its 27 priority species. The identified recovery strategies are even more pertinent in light of the recent bushfire crisis and we will work closely with our partners to ensure we do all we can to give these threatened species the best chance of recovery.WHAT WOULD PEOPLE DO IF THEY SEE ANY ANIMALS IN NEED OF RESCUING?Please do not enter fire grounds. Even if the fire is extinguished and you think it might be safe. DELWP is sending trained assessment teams into fire grounds to locate injured wildlife and the general public should not do this themselves as fire grounds can be very dangerous. Once the fire threat has passed, falling trees and limbs remain a significant risk.If you see injured wildlife – the best thing to do is contact your local wildlife rescue service, DELWP or Wildlife Victoria, to send trained and experienced personnel to assist. In case of severely affected wildlife, a towel may be wrapped around the injured animal and they should be taken as quickly as possible to the nearest Vet for treatment.HOW CAN PEOPLE HELP BUSHFIRE-AFFECTED WILDLIFE?In times of crisis such as this many people are looking for ways to help. Fortunately, there are many agencies led by DELWP such as Zoos Victoria, Wildlife Victoria and Parks Victoria, which are already acting to help bushfire- affected wildlife.•Do not enter any unsafe bushfire zones. Your safety remains the number one priority•Fire-affected wildlife who have lost their habitat will now be dispersing as they look for food, habitat and water. If you see one, please keep your dogs and cats inside, keep noise to a minimum, and watch them for some time. If they are not injured, leave them alone and let them find their way. If they are injured, take them to your local vet hospital.•Please take any wildlife needing urgent medical assistance to your nearest vet•Please put water out for wildlife at all levels of the bush: in trees and on the ground. Rocks and sticks in water sources can also help smaller wildlife from falling in and drowning.•We do not encourage you to put food out for wildlife as it can cause damage to the animals eating it. Illness from inappropriate food items, attracting predators, and luring animals into unsafe spaces can put already impacted wildlife at further risk.•Please keep pet cats and dogs inside to protect wild animals. Heat-stressed wildlife are often weak and more susceptible to bites from dogs and catsThe best way you can assist wildlife is in the form of financial donation to the Zoos Victoria Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund of all donations received will be going directly to bushfire related activities to support local wildlife in the short, medium and long term periods of recovery.PETBAR59
MOST Inspiring PET INFLUENCERSPETBARWELCOME TO THE WORLD OF PET INFLUENCERSIn this issue we have rounded up 4 of the most inspiring pet influencer’s – all unique in their own way these loveable pets have captured the internet’s heart by embracing their individuality and making the most out of the cards they have been dealt!60
INFLUENCERSBlondie is a 4-year-old bird lovebird born with psittacine beak feather disease (PBFD) causing it to lose all of its feathers and his ability to fly. With the help of his loving owners, Blondie has taken it in his stride and caused the world to fall in love with the little naked bird. His owners give him toys to play with and make sure that they provide everyone with lots of fun content to spread the word about PBFD!Brewski is a beautiful Golden Retriever from New Jersey that was born with a birth defect causing him to only have three legs. This happy-go-lucky pup doesn’t let that get her down and hops through life ‘3 legs at a time’, and it certainly doesn’t stop her from getting into mischief and running around like any other dog! PETBARBLONDIE 62.1K FOLLOWERSBREWSKI 35.4K FOLLOWERSBLONDIE_THELOVEBIRD BREWSKI.O62
INFLUENCERSCalista is a Pitbull that was found wandering the streets in Phoenix by a police officer. The abandoned pup was found in terrible condition with bite wounds on her ears and ticks on her body. When she was taken to the vet, Jeannette (Calista’s owner) agreed to foster her and helped her through all of the surgeries and operations which have led her to be the happiest little Pitbull! She overcame her past and has gone on to become a certified therapy dog to help bring a smile to people’s faces!Maggie has been through a lot, from being shot to having her ear cut off – but she is one of the best success stories yet! Maggie is ‘blind but beautiful’ and the big love and fun energy that she gives off is sure to put a smile on your face. She runs and plays like every other dog, and her owners love to dress her up and take photos (just the same as she love to pose for the camera!). PETBARCALISTA 243K FOLLOWERSMAGGIE 426K FOLLOWERSCALISTATHEPITBULL MAGGIETHEWUNDERDOG63
Pet birds are becoming increasingly popular and the wide variety means it is hard to find the perfect pal for you! Birds are great pets in that they are low-maintenance and don’t require the amount of attention that you would need to give to a dog or a cat or even a rabbit. No training, no walking and no entertaining – but don’t be fooled, they still require commitment, time and of course love!We have put together a guide to help you find your perfect pet bird!PETBARBIRD SIZE LIFE SPAN COLOUR SOUNDS INTERACTIONBlue and Gold MacawCockatooGreen-Winged MacawHahn’s MacawHyancith MacawMacawMoluccan CockatooScarlet MacawParrotLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeMediumSmall30+ years30+ years30+ years30+ years30+ years30+ years30+ years30+ years30+ yearsBlue YellowBlack, Gray, PinkWhiteRedGreenBlue, YellowBlue, Green, RedPinkBlue, Red, YellowMany ColoursVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorWhistlerVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorWhistlerChattererHighly SocialHighly SocialSocialSocialSocialHighly SocialHighly SocialSocialHands OffHighly SocialSocialSomewhat Social65
PETBARBIRD SIZE LIFE SPAN COLOUR SOUNDS INTERACTIONUmbrella CockatooConureCaiqueCockatielFischer’s LovebirdJenday ConureLovebirdPacific ParrotletSun ConureRosellaLargeMediumSmallMediumSmallSmallSmallSmallSmallSmallSmall30+ yearsUp to 20 yearsUp to 30 yearsUp to 20 yearsUp to 20 yearsUp to 20 years Up to 20 yearsUp to 20 yearsUp to 20 yearsUp to 30 yearsWhiteBlue, Green, Orange, YellowMany coloursGrey, White, YellowGreen, OrangeYellowGreen, OrangeYellowBlue, Green,Orange, YellowBlue, GreenYellowOrange, YellowMulti-colouredRedVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorWhistlerWhistlerChattererVocal CommunicatorWhistlerChattererVocal CommunicatorVocal CommunicatorChattererWhistlerHighly SocialHighly SocialHighly SocialSocialSocialHighly SocialSocialSocialSocialSomewhat Social66
PETHAUSPethaus was founded in 2014 over a few drinks at a Melbourne burger joint! So I guess we can thank wine and burgers. Our tiny new English Toy Terrier puppy Willie was getting cold while we ate outside so we tried hunting online for a little coat for him. We couldn’t find anything that remotely suited his already badass attitude or our style, so we decided to hand make him a denim patched battle vest to match his dads, “denim for dogs” was born. After we created the original battle vest for dogs we got stopped on the streets of Melbourne so many times we eventually created an online store to keep up with demand, and soon dogs worldwide were patching up in Pethaus denim.PETBAR67
PETBARWHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS UNIQUE ABOUT YOU AS PRODUCERS OF PET CLOTHES?Personality! We stay true to our rock n roll and vintage roots. “We make dog gear that even we would wear!” Seriously though… don’t dress your dog like toy or in a costume, show some respect.Quality, fit and functionality are super important to us, all our designs are our own original fits which we test rigorously for durability during rough play and for comfort. Pethaus doesn’t follow the current trends, we focus on creating pieces we know our pack will love and use forever.WHAT PETS DO YOU HAVE? HOW DID THEY INSPIRE YOUR BRAND?WILLIE: - English Toy Terrier - 6 yrs old - Ladies man - The original brand inspirationTRIGGER: - English Toy Terrier - 3 yrs old (half bro from another mother to Willie) - The real family badass! Cheeky monkey, tree climber - rough houser! Official durability tester, this guy goes so hard at life if he doesn’t kill a product in 3mths we know it’s up to standard.DIEGO: - Abyssinian cat - 14yrs old The Cat overlord of the whole operation, likes to start work at 5am.THE ROCKER VIBE THAT YOUR CLOTHES HAVE IS SUPER FUN! WHAT 3 WORDS WOULD YOU USE TO DESCRIBE YOUR BRAND?Badass, quality, fun!!! WHERE DO YOU WANT YOUR COMPANY TO BE IN 5 YEARS?Continuing to lead the denim for dogs market worldwide, and keeping it real!DENIMFORDOGS!WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS YOUR MOST POPULAR ITEM?Denim! Our denim vests are coveted by dogs worldwide, they are the perfect canvas for dog folk to express their pooches personality with our enormous dog-centric curated patch range and personalised name or text patches.DO YOU CUSTOM (*PERSONALISE) MAKE ANY OF YOUR JACKETS/VESTS?We are all about expressing your dog / cats style. (Thats right we don’t discriminate against pussy. Our gear is feline friendly and tested.) Our denim, hoodies, tees, bandanas and patches can all be personalised with loads of styles and options available.We also source patches worldwide so you can theme up a totally unique creation if we don’t have what you want in our already huge collection*editor note… we are too busy these days to create one off patterns for clients particular sizes etc - so we try to lean on the word ‘personalise’ so folk don’t get confused thinking custom means a whole pattern made from scratch.HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE MARKET FOR BUYING PET CLOTHES?Comical - with moments of genius! - It’s really split into 3 groups. Costumes - Fast fashion trend based, usually poorly made and cheaply priced landfill , or - Design based, thought out pieces with the dogs personality, comfort and functionality at the core.What excites us is to see the 3rd category growing in popularity.68
PETBARASEOP ANIMAL $40.00aseop.comLEAN LIX$9.99smagdog.comPAWEVER PETS PORTABLE SOFT PET PLAYPEN $69.99kogan.comSTUDDED DENIM DOG VEST $ HIGH CHAIR $49.95hammacher.comPET FIRST AID KIT $35.00amazon.comPET PRODUCT GUIDEAnother month – another set of goods that you MUST get for your pet! Online shopping has been at an all-time high during the isolation/quarantine period and instead of just buying things to treat yourself, buy some things to treat your pet too! We have rounded up 6 of the ‘must-buy’s’ for pet owners!71
TELL US ABOUT LIFE AS A PET INFLUENCER?You know those pictures of all the boyfriends behind the scenes capturing the perfect picture of their girlfriend on the beach, as if she’s alone at sunset, just gazing off into the horizon? I’ve somehow become the boyfriend expect I’m holding three treats, making weird sounds, and I have an unwilling subject who would rather sniff the seaweed! But I wouldn’t trade it! I didn’t set out to become a dogfluencer; I fell into this life! Perhaps it’s better to say, I walked into it, chasing my dog who walked into the loft on camera.I wasn’t sure what would happen to the account when Bruley passed away, but it’s been an amazing surprise to see Olee and the Bru Cru dogs gain their own fan base. I get so many comments and DM’s from people invested in Olee’s story. A lot of people have questions about fostering and rescuing. I’m no expert and am learning as I go, but I absolutely love every moment of it. I truly feel it’s a gift Bruley gave me. The best part of having a successful dog instagram account is that it gives me an excuseto hang out with my dog more. I’m often late because I need to get “just one more picture” or finish up a caption, but those are really just code words for wanting a little extra time with my little monster. I think I just blew my own cover!WHAT WAS A TYPICAL DAY FOR BRULEY?Bruley was always on his own schedule! There were days he wanted to go for long walks, and other days he would stay in bed until noon. I always said, “it’s his world, and I am just living in it!” During the filming of Queer Eye, I wouldn’t always be able to bring him to and from set. We had an amazing team of associate produces and production assistants that would help wrangle Bruley. They would go to my apartment, coax him out of bed with a treat, and bring him to the loft. Bruley was a sucker for snacks!TELL US ABOUT BRULEY’S APPEARANCES ON QUEER EYE AND WHY YOU THINK THE WORLD CAME TO LOVE HIS CAMEOS?Prior to appearing on Queer Eye, Bruley was always a little star. I could rarely take him on a walk without someone stopping and commenting on his adorableness. He would absolutely STRUT. One time in West Hollywood, a man pulled over and shouted out, “Now that is the Rolls-Royce of French Bulldogs!” Aside from just being cute, I think Bruley represented all that was good. On the show, there was really no rhyme or reason to his appearances. Sometimes he was in the loft, sometimes he wasn’t. When he appeared, it was a little moment of joy.PETBARBRULEY& OLEE74
HOW DID BRULEY DIE AND HOW OLD WAS HE?Just before Bruley turned ten, he started to struggle to breathe. The vets thought it was bronchitis and put him on antibiotics. About a month later, he could barely walk or sleep comfortably. I rushed him to the hospital, where we met Dr. Courtney Smith, who is a true angel on earth. As a veterinary cardiologist, she diagnosed him with cardiomyopathy and found a blockage in his heart. It was one of the most difficult days of my life holding my little guy, hearing this awful diagnosis. It was even worse when Dr. Smith told me it may be related to his diet. The FDA has recently come out with a list of dog foods linked to cardiomyopathy.Specifically, there’s a new school of though that grain-free diets that lack taurine may not be what’s best for our dogs after all. It’s frustrating because as a pet owner, you just want to do what’s best for your animal. I gave him the very best food I thought was good for him that he also enjoyed. Bruley’s taurine levels were actually normal, so it’s hard to say if it was his diet or perhaps a hereditary condition. Ten months later, he passed away in my arms after suffering a brief seizure like episode. I try not to look back with anger or negativity and instead appreciate the almost 11 years we had together. We spent his last few months side by side, savoring every last minute.WHAT DID HE MEAN TO YOU AND HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO KEEP HIS PLAYFUL SPIRIT ALIVE IN YOUR LIFE?Bruley was everything to me. My best friend, my little love bug, my constant. As a TV producer, my job has taken me all over the world. Friends, relationships, apartments, etc. all came and went, but Bruley was always there. He was there when no one else was. We had a connection I can’t explain other than it feels bigger than this life. I absolutely believe I will see Bruley again, some way, some how. Until then, I’ve taken in foster dogs and try to give them the best life I can and take them to do the things that Bruley loved. Bruley gave me so much, I want to give back as much as I can.TELL US ABOUT WHO OLEE IS?Olee is our crazy-eyed little cow! After Bruley passed away, my boyfriend, Daniel, and I began fostering dogs with Road Dogs, a local rescue in Los Angeles. They partner with the an organization called the Slaughterhouse Survivors out of Harbin, China. The women who run the rescue in China are true heroes, as they save dogs from the meat trade. I saw pictures of Olee, who was named Charlie Blue at the time while he was at the safe house and was intrigued. He looked like he had a little spunk. I was wrong. He has a LOT of spunk! We agreed to pick him up at LAX last November as a foster. By Christmas, it was clear he belonged with us, and we adopted him. He is an adventurous, playful, curious little troublemaker who makes us laugh everyday.PETBARWHY BULLDOGS?I ask myself that constantly! I grew up with a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever. We were NOT a bulldog family. Bruley’s best friend (@almostfamousfrank) is an Australian Shepherd, and he’s SO well behaved. Shepherds and Retrievers want to please you. They want to learn. Sometimes I spend time with Frank and think, “Wow, this is so easy and so different from my little punks!” But then Olee will accidentally roll off the bed playing with his toy and pop back up with the goofiest grin on his face, ready for more. Bulldogs are comedians at heart. They may be sloppy and snotty and not always the quickest to pick up on commands, but they are bring so much love and laughter into a home. I can’t help it, I love them.WHAT THREE WORDS WOULD YOU USE TO DESCRIBE BRULEY’S PERSONALITY?Sweet, sophisticated, pure.WHAT CONNECTION DID THE ‘FAB FIVE’ HAVE TO BRULEY?Bruley was smart. He followed food. Naturally, he gravitated towards Antoni and knew standing under him would usually result in a delicious morsel of food being dropped in his path. I often joked that Bruley ate better than most people in the world! Ultimately, Bruley had the strongest connection with Bobby. Bobby actually had a French Bulldog who passed away, so Bobby understood the sounds and occasional smells that came from Bruley, often unexpectedly. The loft shoots can be long days, and Bruley wasn’t a trained set animal. Bobby was the most patient with him and would snuggle him when the cameras weren’t rolling. When he returned from Kansas City, I would bring Bruley to Bobby’s house in LA where he would continue to lick Bobby to death. They were buddies.76
PETBARTELL US ABOUT OLEE’S PERSONALITY? IS HE SIMILAR TO BRULEY?Olee and Bruley couldn’t be more different! I often wonder what they would think of each other had they met. Bruley was a true only child, a prince even. He wasn’t interested in playing with a lot of dogs, and he was known for his “jump kiss.” He would jump up and try to lick your face, even if you didn’t want it. He LOVED people. Olee is a dog’s dog. He LOVES dogs. He wants to play ALL THE TIME. We are lucky to live on the beach where he can run off leash, but we are working on him not chasing every dog he sees. We post videos of his “stalking” which is an unusual move from a Frenchie. He gets REALLY low, as if no one can see him one the beach, and then he pounces. He actually got kicked out of a daycare because he started a riot. He would never hurt another animal, but he doesn’t pick up on cues from other dogs that they don’t want to play. We’re sort of proud we have the “bad kid” who is actually a total sweetheart. I think Bruley would have judged Olee, but Olee wouldn’t get it. It would have worked out for both of them.WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SOMEONE WHO HAS LOST A PET?The first thing I tell people is: “It was real.” When you lose a pet, it can be so unbelievably devastating. This massive hole in your heart is just left there, gaping wide. It’s a pain that takes over your whole mind and body, but it can feel a little silly trying to explain it--especially when we are living in a world where people are losing their spouses, parents, children, etc. without even getting to say goodbye. Losing a pet by comparison can feel trivial almost. But the connection you felt, the bond you had, the love that was created WAS real. I question where those 10+ years of my life with him went. It went too fast!To everyone else, he was a cute dog, and it was sad when he died. For me, it was a clear defining moment of my life. There’s now “before Bru” and “after Bru.” But I remind myself, it was REAL, and it meant something. You don’t have to justify the love or the pain you feel. If it was real to you, that’s all that matters....and I highly recommend fostering! Every home should have the pitter patter of four little paws running around. It’s not too soon, I promise.78
PETBARTELL US ABOUT CROWN AND PAW AND WHAT YOU DO?Crown and Paw turns your pet in to a renaissance masterpiece. We take your pet photo and produce you a gallery quality portrait showcasing your pet in all of their glory! We offer lots of costume options, from regal kings and queens to your favourite movie characters.HOW DID YOU GET INTO THIS UNIQUE BUSINESS?I had the idea after a trip to Amsterdam. We had been in the Rijksmuseum looking at a lot of amazing oil paintings. When I got back from the trip the idea hit me while looking for a gift for a pet owner online. I thought it would be the most hilarious gift I would ever give, and I was right!HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO CREATE ONE OF THE ARTWORKS?We have quite a large team who are fully trained on our design processes, so we can produce artwork within a few days.How many designers do you have that help work on the artworks?Over 100 artists are on the team!HOW LONG HAS CROWN AND PAW BEEN RUNNING?Not that long, we turned 1 year old in March 2020!WHY DO YOU THINK THIS IS SUCH AN APPEALING IDEA TO SO MANY PEOPLE?It’s just a very eye-catching, totally different way of expressing your love for your pet. We’re proud of our range of costumes and try to make sure we have something for every different pet personality out there. Plus, every pet owner knows that teir pet secretly (or not so secretly) rules their life... And to have a regal renaissance style canvas of your pet hanging in pride of place in your home tells any friends and family who the boss is the moment they lay their eyes on it!WHY RENAISSANCE PAINTINGS?We started with Renaissance but we actually offer a lot of different costumes now, like Football and Soccer jerseys, as well as modern military uniforms, superheroes and many more.WHAT INSPIRES YOU?Reaction videos from our customers. I can spend hours just watching videos shared by our customers of their loved ones opening and reacting to their portraits. There are laughs, there are tears, but every single video has so much joy. It’s by far the biggest motivation for us - we want to see a reaction video from every customer we have, we love them!DO YOU HAVE A MUSE OR A DOG OF YOUR OWN?My muse I wouldsay in the beginning was my family pet, Coco. But now honestly, I really enjoy browsing the pet photos and portraitswe have in our collection. We’ve produced over 200,000 portraits in just over a year and I’m always looking at recent ones we’ve produced. I have a few favourites which I think are just amazing, I’d say these are my new muse. I’m also trying to improve by ability to spot a specific dog breed from a single photo, no matter how quirky the breed!81
POST COVIDTRAVELYep, covid-19 ruining the 2020 travel plans – a typical story for so many across the world in this confusing time. I for one can say I was excited for my big Europe trip with all of my friends, with basically everything planned and ready to go, safe to say I was sad that postponing was the only option. I am sure everyone has the itch to travel like I do and lucky for you we have put together a holiday bucket list for our top places to travel in 2021 (or whenever we can…).PETBAR83
PETBARIf you’re looking to jump off the grid and kick back and relax, the Maldives is definitely the destination for you. With 90 islands dedicated to resorts across the Indian Ocean, this tropical getaway is a perfect way to experience nature in its purest form.There are so many islands across the Maldives that you are able to stay on however the main islands are Malé or Hulhumale. The Maldives offers world-class snorkelling and scuba diving experiences in some of the most blue water you will ever see. Many of the resorts have their own private beaches however you can hire charter yachts or catamarans as a great way to go on and see the other islands, lagoons and coral reef swimming spots. If you are looking for luxury, beaches, water sports and sunbathing, the Maldives is for you.Top Travel Questions about The Maldives:HOW DO I GET TO THE MALDIVES?International flights arrive at the main island of the Maldives (Malé) Hulhule airport and there are many airlines that fly here – Emirates (via Dubai), Air Sri Lanka (via Columbo), Singapore Airlines (via Singapore) and Qatar (via Doha). Once you arrive in Malé, you will be able to take a chartered boat or sea plane to the island where you will be staying.IS THE MALDIVES EXPENSIVE FOR A HOLIDAY?The Maldives is definitely not cheap, and if you are looking for a luxe vacation, it ticks all of those boxes. In terms of the airfare it is nothing over your average international airfare prices, however it is the accommodation that may sting you. Although many of the resorts in the Maldives are all inclusive, making the hefty price a touch more acceptable, expect the accommodation to be pricey.HOW LONG SHOULD I STAY IN THE MALDIVES FOR A HOLIDAY?This is ultimately depending on what sort of holiday you are looking for and in a lot of cases, people will add the Maldives as a 5-7 day stop on their trip to surrounding countries like Singapore or Dubai. However, if you are going for a holiday in the Maldives, and only the Maldives, I would recommend 10-14 days as sufficient enough for you to come out the end of your trip relaxed and rejuvenated. Due to the nature of the country being small islands, in terms of things to do (apart from swimming, water sports, eating and sunbathing) there is not too much so if you are one that wants adventure, history and excitement on your holiday; your itch to get out and explore may come after a few days on the island.MALDIVESWHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT THEMALDIVES?In terms of weather, the best time to travel to the Maldives to ensure you get sun and blue skies would be from November through to April; with the peak season being from December-March. If you are looking for the cheapest time to go to the Maldives, going between April-June would be ideal if you are willing to take the gamble and maybe experience some slight rain – but expect warm temperatures at any time of year. Our ‘Must-Go’ Recommendations:City/Place to go: MilaidhooBeach: Gangehi IslandGallery/Museum: Grand Friday Mosque, MaléHotel: Hard Rock Hotel Maldives, South Malé AtollNightlife: Kurumba, Vihamanaafushi85
PETBARTravelling through Japan will take you on a journey like no other -Tokyo being like you have stepped into an alternate future universe with neon lights and amazing technology or Kyoto taking you back in time to experience culture and history in it’s purest form with classical temples, gardens and imperial palaces – Japan is unique and has something for everyone.Japan and everything it has to offer is sure to have you falling in love with the country the moment your flight lands. From the amazing food, to the rich history, to the upscale city and technology to the temples and beautiful gardens, Japan takes you on a cultural adventure like no other. When visiting Tokyo expect an amalgamation of the ultramodern and traditional from bright skyscrapers to historic temples. Similarly, cities like Osaka, Shinjuku, Shibuya and Sapporo offer the excitement of modern cities with hidden traditional gems. On the reverse, head to Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima or Matsumoto to experience much more traditional history and formal traditions. Top Travel Questions about Japan::WHEN SHOULD I VISIT JAPAN?Japan is a great holiday destination all year round – depending on what you are looking for. Generally, visiting Japan during the late spring and autumn months is popular as the weather is mild and dry, and the cherry blossoms and scenery is amazing. If you are a skier or love the snow, visiting japan during ski season (January-March) is amazing with some of the best skiing and snowboarding mountains in the world.WHERE DO I GO IN JAPAN?It can be very overwhelming with the amount of amazing places Japan has to offer, and it is impossible to see it all in one trip so narrowing down the right places to go is hard. It is recommended that the ultimate places to go for first timers is to take the Golden Route Tour. This consists of Tokyo – Osaka – Kyoto. HOW DO I GET AROUND JAPAN? The train system in Japan is up there with the best in the world. Whether you are travelling through the countryside on the famous bullet train or you are zipping around town, the trains in Japan are punctual, safe, comfortable and extremely clean.JAPANOur ‘Must-Go’ Recommendations:City/Place to go: TokyoBeach: Sunayama Beach, MiyakojimaGallery/Museum: Teamlab Borderless, TokyoHotel: Hoshinoya KyotoNightlife: Ginza district86
PETBARA wonder of Southeast Europe, Croatia is full of cobblestone streets, historic towns, white sand beaches and amazing local food. Discover Zagreb, the country’s capital to experience art and culture in all of its museums, galleries and culinary delicacies. Go to Dubrovnik to see the home of Game of Thrones and swim in some of the most beautiful blue water beaches you will ever experience; or head to Split for some fun island hopping across the Adriatic Sea.A great way to experience all of Croatia is to go on Sail Croatia – a cruise that takes you to all the ‘must-go’ places in the country. Sail Croatia is a cruise line that takes you across all of stunning Croatia for the most unique travel experience you will ever have. Ranging from luxury cruises, to budget cruises or to party and active cruises, Sail Croatia has something for everyone and includes daily activities, 3 course meals, and the opportunity to experience Croatia in a fun and exciting way.Top Travel Questions about Croatia:WHICH CROATIA AIRPORTS CAN I FLY INTO?These are the top international airports of Croatia:• Split (SPU)• Zagreb (ZAG)• Dubrovnik (DBV)WHAT IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR TO VISIT CROATIA?The best time to visit Croatia would be between the months of May/June and September/October where you can guarantee that the weather will be sunny and ideal for swimming, but not too busy. During July and August, expect big crowds in Croatia and the heat at its maximum, making it hard to walk around and see the sights with big lines alongside excruciating heat. HOW LONG SHOULD I SPEND IN CROATIA?Ideally 10 days to fully experience Croatia would be perfect. 10 days will allow you to jump between the cities and take in the sights whilst also having time to relax and enjoy the beauty of the country without being in a rush.CROATIAOur ‘Must-Go’ Recommendations:City/Place to go: SplitBeach: Zlatni Rat, BračGallery/Museum: Museum of Fine art, SplitHotel: Palmizana Hotel, HvarNightlife: Aquarius Club, Zagreb89
PETBARCuba is a country located in the Northern Caribbean and is a fun idea for an off-beat vacation. Cuba will take you back in time with colourful 50’s Cadillacs, live music, cigars and subdued Spanish colonial culture. Experience Havana, Cuba’s must popular destination with many cultural offerings and amazing nightlife experience (not to mention the amazing street food). If you love your cigars, head to Viñales, the tobacco heartland of Cuba and head over to the tobacco farms to get the freshest Cuban cigars from the plantation itself. The colonial town of Trinidad is history at its finest, full of old charm and majestic atmosphere, this UNESCO site has some of the oldest architecture in North America and is worth a visit.A great way to experience Cuba is to hire a classic fifties Cadillac and drive around to take in the sites from a unique perspective. You may drive yourself or a good idea may be to hire a private tour guide/driver who will be able to tell the tales of the country from a local perspective, expanding your wealth of knowledge in the upmost enriching way.Top Travel Questions about Croatia:WHEN IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR TO VISIT CUBA?Cuba’s dry season runs from November-April and it is during this period that you will get to best experience its tropical climate. If you are willing to experience a little rain, going between the summer period of May-October will be sure to save you some money and crowds however the November-April period is most popular.HOW DO I GET AROUND CUBA?The public transport systems in Cuba is infrequent and undependable making taxi’s the best option for getting around within cities. Car rental is also a relatively cheap and popular option for getting around Cuba.WHAT IS THE CURRENCY IN CUBA?There are currently two currencies that are used in Cuba – The Cuban Peso (CUP) and the Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC). The Cuban Peso is the currency in which locals earn and the Cuban Convertible Pesos are issued to tourists as they travel currency. Most items are priced in Cuban Covertible Pesos.CUBAOur ‘Must-Go’ Recommendations:City/Place to go: HavanaBeach: Playa Paraiso, Cayo LargoGallery/Museum: Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Centre, HavanaHotel: Hotel Saratoga, HavanaNightlife: El Floridita, Havana90
SETTING UP YOUR RABBITS HOMEUnlike a dog or a cat, rabbits need an enclosed area like a hutch or a cage to call home. It is important that you get your rabbit a cage that is spacious and easy for your rabbit to move in and out of so that they can move freely. To set up your bunny’s sleeping area you will need to provide a hideaway for your rabbit to snooze and hide in.You must also sort out a toilet corner or litter tray for your rabbit’s toilet training! With this obviously comes feeding accessories like a water bottle, hay manger, vegetable basket and ceramic bowl for your bunny to eat from. FEEDING YOUR RABBITA rabbit’s diet should consist of 80% grass (or grass hay), 10% vegetables and 10% rabbit pellets. Fresh grass hay is vital to a rabbit’s diet to ensure their digestive system is constant and their teeth are trimmed. Vegetables such as basil, carrot, broccoli, celery, and mint are great for your rabbit’s health whereas vegetables like potatoes and tomato must be avoided. Fruit may also be fed to your rabbit but due to the high sugar content in fruit, it must be fed to your rabbit in moderation.PLAYING WITH AND TRAINING YOUR RABBITRabbits are playful, active and require company, so it is important that you give them attention and ensure that they are being stimulated during the day. Getting your bunny, a variety of toys to keep them occupied is a good idea for their mental and physical health. Providing your rabbit with cardboard to spend hours chewing on is a good idea to stimulate them as well as taking them out of their cage time to time, to allowed them to roam free and jump around. GROOMING AND TRAINING YOUR RABBITPet rabbits require grooming just as cats and dogs do. Although rabbits are naturally clean animals and wash themselves frequently, rabbits go through shedding cycles usually twice a year so for this it is important that you brush your rabbit from time to time to remove all of the excess fur. Regular nail clipping is also an important part of the grooming process for your rabbit as long nails can curl into your rabbits’ paw and hurt them.When it comes to understanding and training your pet rabbit, you must watch and analyse your rabbit’s unique personality and inclinations to manoeuvre the best way to go about building a trust with your pet.Rabbits are becoming more common as household pets and contrary to popular belief, they do require quite a bit of work just as looking after any other animal would! Here is everything you need to know about caring for your pet rabbit.PETBAR93
Jessie Ford is a Melbourne based artist that specializes in botanical art and pet portraits! Each pet portrait is drawn thoroughly and thoughtfully using grey lead pencil on white paper, bringing out the depth and personality that you pet has to offer. We got the chance to chat to Jessie about her career as an artist and more specifically what it is like doing pet portraits!TELL US ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS!I’m predominantly a botanical artist, which involves creating realistic watercolour paintings of leaves, plants and flowers. I also teach botanical art workshops and term classes, which will be available online soon! Pet portraits have become the main type of commission request that I receive. I love drawing them as they bring people so much joy.HOW DID YOU GET INTO DRAWING AND ART? HAVE YOU ALWAYS HAD THAT ARTISTIC SIDE TO YOU?I have always loved drawing and painting since I was young. When I finished school I considered graphic design but was always drawn back into art and illustration, mainly using traditional methods. About 7 years ago I started painting house plants and flowers and realised I could follow and artistic career that allowed me to embrace my love for nature with realistic drawing and painting! From there I slowly grew my business.WHY PET PORTRAITS?The first pet portrait I drew was a birthday present for my partner at the time who loves his dog. After that I gained interest from friends, which slowly spread outward to friends of friends and then complete strangers.HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO CAPTURE THE EMOTION AND PERSONALITY OF ONES PET THROUGH YOUR WORKS?I think of human faces and emotions when I draw pets! I never meet the pet so I love to hear what their personality is like and any interesting information that can help me in understanding what side of their personality to capture. I work off a few different photographs too.WHAT MATERIALS DO YOU USE IN YOUR ARTWORK?I draw my pet portraits using grey lead pencils, often using a wide range from 6H to 9B. I also make use of a kneadable eraser, paper stumps and sanding paper when I need an ultra sharp pencil.WHAT SIZES/SERVICES DO YOU OFFER FOR YOUR WORKS?I offer A5, A4 and A3 sized drawings. I also welcome botanical art commissions and recently was excited to blend the two - a pet portrait with flowers.HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO DO ONE PIECE?This depends on the size, I like to allow for one month minimum from initial request to shipping date. The actual drawing can take a minimum of 7 hours for the smallest size, but I like to almost finish it, take a good break and then come back to it with a pair of fresh eyes to finish off the final details.WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR GETTING A PET PORTRAIT?All I require is one main reference photograph that is of high quality and a few extra photos for additional character and detail reference. Once I receive these and we have discussed the size and any other relevant information I start with a draft sketch, which is approved before I begin the final drawing.WOULD YOU SAY THAT THERE IS A BIG MARKET FOR THESE?People love their pets! I don’t think this will ever change, so I’d say there’s a market for it, yes.WHAT IS YOUR CAREER LIKE AS AN ARTIST? WHICH ARTISTS INSPIRE YOU?Choosing an artistic career can be extremely rewarding, it can also be very challenging at times with a lot of self discipline involved. I love being able to work to my own hours and getting paid to draw and paint is amazing, my studio is my happy place. There are so many artists that inspire me, either because of their artistic style and/or work ethic such as Jess Shepherd from Inky Leaves, Mali Moir was my botanical illustration teacher and is someone I admire, my friend Cameron Gill creates beautiful nature inspired oil pantings that I absolutely love and I often look to old botanical art prints from 18th and 19th Century for painting or colour inspiration.PETBAR95
BILLIE BEAN HERBERTBillie Bean Herbet is a miniature dachshund from sunny Queensland Australia that lives the life of luxury. Not only are her two owners Instagram starlets but so is she, known for her petite figure and puppy-dog eyes that you are unable to say no to, we were lucky enough to chat to one of her owners about life as an influencer!BILLIEBEAN_
TELL US ABOUT BILLIE BEAN, HOW OLD SHE IS AND WHAT BREED OF PUP SHE IS?Billie Bean Herbert is long haired miniature silver dapple dachshund. We have always loved dachshunds. We decided on a long haired as they are a little more placid in nature.Billie was born on 6th May 2018 and has just had her 2nd birthday.WHERE IN THE WORLD IS BILLIE BEAN LIVING AT THE MOMENT?She lives in Pelican Waters on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and due to Renee & Elisha busy schedule and half their time in America she lives with their mum Florence. TELL US ABOUT HOW YOU GOT BILLIE BEAN? HOW DID YOU KNOW SHE WAS THE PUP FOR YOU?Her birthplace was Toowoomba and the 3 of us travelled 3 hours to get her as long-haired dachshunds are not so common and harder to find.The breeder told us that Billie was a boy and hence we decided on Billie Bean (the girls are huge Michael Jackson fans and she is named after the song Billie Jean).We discovered she was a girl once we got her home and decided to keep the name. Her first Instagram photo has her with a blue bow.My eldest son Jordan (Renee & Elisha’s) oldest brother got a miniature short haired red dachshund called Franklin we love him so much that we decided to get one for Renee & Elisha’s 19th birthday.WHAT ARE THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOUR FUR BABY’S PERSONALITY?She is very loyal, devoted and intelligent! She loves to go exploring in the garden and she loves being the centre of attention and has no problem letting you know if sheis being ignored.WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS MOST UNIQUE ABOUT THE PUP?She is unique in the way that she tries to talk to us when she wants us to play fetch her toy.Billie’s first love is food - no surprise for a Dachshund, so she is on a strict diet so as to not cause her any back problems given her long sausage like shape. It is important to exercise her, and we walk every day. She attended puppy preschool to learn the correct way to train her. Dachshunds to not respond well to punishments they hold a grudge and can be very stubborn.WHAT IS BILLIE BEANS FAVOURITE THING TO DO?Billie is very affectionate and playful. She loves to sunbake her belly in the sun, she enjoys bike rides, the beach, surfing, swimming, car and boat rides!WHAT IS BILLIE BEANS FAVOURITE SNACK?Her favourite snack is dried pig ears , and raw lamb bones that she only gets very occasionally.PETBAR97
CHEEKY CHOCOLATE QUEENRebecca Day – The Cheeky Chocolate Queen! Rebecca is known around South Australia as ‘The Cheeky Chocolate Queen’ with her unique and handcrafted chocolate business. With hundreds of fun and gourmet flavours, she is a chocolate lovers idol…. and the best thing is – she just started creating dog friendly chocolates! The Cheeky Chocolate Queen has just done a collaboration with Veggie Paws, an Australia based dog treat company – so you can now enjoy these delicious treats with your furbaby too!PETBAR98
WHAT IS THE CHEEKY CHOCOLATE QUEEN AND HOW DID YOU GET INTO THE BUSINESS?The Cheeky Chocolate Queen is company in SA. I make and sell chocolates in well over 100 flavours and can make chocolates for any theme or occasion.I started 10 years making rocky road for family and friends, then went onto selling it at markets. That is how I started.HOW DID YOU GET INTO MAKING CHOCOLATE FOR DOGS?Nicole from Veggie Paws contacted The Cheeky Chocolate Queen in early 2020 about making some Easter eggs for her dog treat business. She has been a long-term customer of The Cheeky Chocolate Queen and wanted to collaborate with one of her favourite local businesses to create dog-friendly Easter chocolates. The Cheeky Chocolate Queen was able to create foil-wrapped Easter eggs for dogs which Veggie Paws packaged in compostable cello bags and sold online and at local markets.TELL US ABOUT VEGGIEPAWSVeggie Paws is a small business in South Australia creating gourmet, fruit and veggie flavoured treats for dogs. With healthy ingredients free from wheat, sugar, salt and preservatives, and a range of flavours such as “Carrot Cake” and “Blueberry Pie”, they will get both you and your dog drooling!DO YOU THINK THERE IS A HIGH DEMAND FOR DOG FRIENDLY CHOCOLATES?There is definitely a demand for dog-friendly chocolates. People love to treat their dogs and they want to be able to share their favourite foods with their dogs, too. While chocolate is toxic to dogs, carob is a 100% dog-friendly alternative. It has a naturally sweet taste, and dogs love it.PETBARWHAT ARE YOUR DOG FRIENDLY CHOCOLATES MADE WITH?My dog friendly treats are made with carob and soy to keep them vegan and gluten free also.TELL US ABOUT THE CHOCOLATES THAT YOU MAKE!I first started making chocolate frogs that I now make in over 60 flavours. Also gourmet blocks in over 20 flavours such as Lemon Meringue and Apple Crumble. But it is my Vegan chocolates that now outsell anything else. My Vegan range boomed when I took it to The Adelaide Royal Show to sell. Vegan blocks in over 30 flavours to choose from get posted interstate all the time, most popular flavours would be Banana Split, Honeycomb, Raspberry and Freckle.DO YOU HAVE A DOG OF YOUR OWN?I have two very cute but naughty Maltese Shitzhu pups Cookie and Cinnamon who from the same litter and are now 16-months old.WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS FURTHER INTO THE PET INDUSTRY?Yes, I definitely can see people buying chocolate for dogs, my girls get a Veggie paw treat after dinner every night, so would be great to give them a choc treat also.Nicole from Veggie Paws is in the process of working out what flavours she would like me to make for her business. So, hears to hoping other dog parents think the same way we do.100
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PETBAR RECIPESSimple and delicious recipes recommended by petbardesigned to inspire you in the kitchen!-NAKED BURGERDAIRY FREE CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSESPICY AVOCADO DIP102
PETBARMETHOD1. Cut capsicum into slices and do the same with onion before placing together in a bowl. 2. Heat a pan on medium heat and with a teaspoon of oil place capsicum and onion mix into pan and cara-melise. 3. While waiting 3-5 minutes for ingredients to become soft, slice avocado and begin to heat another pan for the beef. 4. Take even parts of the beef mince and roll then flatten into medium sized patties. 5. Place patties on frypan and cook for around 3 minutes on each side (or until cooked to your liking). 6. Wash lettuce leaves and dry before placing on a plate to serve. 7. Layer condiments – beef patty, avocado slices, onion and capsicum mix. 8. Use pan to fry an egg before placing on top of naked burger. 9. Season with salt and pepper before serving.WHAT YOU NEED:• 500g Beef mince• 1 Red Capsicum• 1 Red Onion (sliced)• 1 Avocado (sliced)• 2 Eggs• 4 Iceberg Lettuce Leaves• 1 Tsp Olive Oil• Salt• PepperNAKED BURGERSERVES: 2CALORIES (1 SERVING): 642 CALORIES*Can make an extra patty for your furbaby!103
PETBARMETHOD1. Cut avocados into slices and remove the pip before scooping avocado into a bowl ready to process with a food processor. 2. Add cocoa powder, vanilla, date syrup, coconut milk and banana and blend thoroughly. 3. Process until smooth and then go on to add the melted dark chocolate. 4. Process until creamy and serve with fresh raspberries.WHAT YOU NEED:• 2 Avocados• ½ Cup Cocoa Powder• 3 Tbsp Date Syrup• 2 Tsp Vanilla Extract• 1/3 Cup Coconut Milk• 145g dark Chocolate (melted)• 1 Banana• Fresh RaspberriesDAIRY FREE CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSESERVES: 6CALORIES (1 SERVING): 381104
PETBARMETHOD1. Mash avocados in a bowl before adding yogurt, garlic, chilli flakes and lemon juice and mixing through. 2. Season with salt and pepper before serving.WHAT YOU NEED:• ½ cup Greek yogurt• 2 whole avocados• Juice of 1 lemon• 2 cloves minced garlic• 3 tbsp chilli flakes• Salt• Pepper• Carrots/tortilla chips to serveSPICY AVOCADO DIPSERVES: 4CALORIES (1 SERVING): 140105
PETBARpetbarmagazine.comISSUE #08 JUN-SEP 2020108