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Personal Business Plan Final

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WHAT IS THE PERSONAL BUSINESS PLAN?FLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE ONEThe Personal Business Plan (PBP) is a new FloridaDECA initiative that provides student members witha guide for year-round engagement and enhancesthe benefits of membership in Florida DECA.Through the completion of the PBP, members can“Be the One” with Florida DECA. Activities arecategorized using DECA’s guiding principles in aneffort to encourage a well-rounded high schoolexperience. TEAM 67

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CRITERIAMembers can earn the Personal Business Plan Award by completing the base requirements, plusvarious tasks from each category depending on the level you want to achieve. All submissionsmust be submitted by January 17, 2025. Submissions must be submitted through the JOT form.Please see the remaining pages for further requirements.Members who participate in the following tasks will gain valuable learning and professionalexperiences. Members who achieve any level of the Personal Business Plan will receive thefollowing: Members who complete the PersonalBusiness Plan will be recognized at theFlorida DECA Career DevelopmentConference (CDC).Members who complete the PersonalBusiness Plan will be able to utilizetheir experiences for their personalresume as an achievement.RECOGNITIONFLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE TWOSUBMISSION PROCEDURESTo submit the Personal Business Plan (PBP) each student must create a narrated videopresentation. The file must be a "stand-alone" presentation, meaning it has audio that narrateseach slide. Each task should be covered within 1-2 slides of the presentation. Members should becreative with the design and construction of their presentations. On the following page there are2 QR codes required in the PBP submission. On the left-hand side is the Statement of Assurance.This document is an agreement prohibiting cheating, AI usage, and plagiarism. On the right-handside, is the PBP submission form. In this form check off each completed task and upload yourprofessional DECA headshot, video presentation and signed Statement of Assurance. It isessential to strictly follow the criteria for each task when grading PBPs; accurate adherence to theinstructions is the only way to ensure credit for your work.Personal AchievementPersonal Business Plan Achievement Award

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PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANACHIEVEMENT LEVELSStatement ofAssuranceSubmission FormSILVERGOLD DIAMONDMUST DOREQUIREMENTSSECTIONREQUIREMENTSTOTALALL EIGHT TASKSNONE REQUIRED8 TASKSALL EIGHT TASKSALL EIGHT TASKS2 TASKS FROM EACH CHECKLIST16 TASKS 28 TASKS5 TASKS FROM EACH CHECKLISTFLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE THREEQR CODES FOR SUBMISSIONAll work must be from the 2024-2025 school year. Tasks must be completed with integrity andaccurately fulfill the task descriptions. Chapters MUST fill out a Statement of Assurances relatedto cheating, AI usage, and plagiarism and submit with their presentation. Submissions withouta Statement of Assurances will not be considered for recognition.Please direct your Personal Business Plan-related inquiries to your Executives and Vice Presidents.

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PERSONAL BUSINESS PLAN TASKCHECKLISTFLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE FOURTASK HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR POINTCreate and share apiece of media (video,flier, PSA, etc.)promoting an ethicalbusiness practice andits significance.Specify where it was shared, submita screenshot of the media shared onchosen platform, and upload themedia.Attend 4 CallingFlorida Forward (CFF)calls between August2024 and January2025.BASE REQUIREMENTS (ALL LEVELS)VP’s will take attendance (the individual isresponsible for ensuring that the VP knowsthey are participating in the PBP so properattendance can be taken).Attend a DECA chapter event.Specify what chapter, what the event is, whenit is meant to be due, and two pictures.Participate in acompetitive event at thedistrict level.Submit your member ID.Complete a DECA+ cluster test.Submit a picture of your score breakdown.Participate in FallHelping Hands.Complete the form distinguished by yourDistrict. (Separate from chapter)Volunteer 20 hours at anon-profit organization.Upload verification letter(s).

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FLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE FIVECreate a LinkedInaccount and make 15connections OR curate aresume and have itreviewed and critiquedby industryprofessionals.Submit pictures of your connectionsOR your finished resume.ACADEMICALLY PREPAREDCreate and distribute amarketing piece for achapter event.Submit marketing piece and method ofdistribution. Participate in and/or aidin hosting a mockcompetition.Submit a 30 second video of the competitionin action. Present a competitiveevent training sessionyou have preparedyourself (at least 15minutes in length) tomembers of yourchapter.Include pictures as well as any visualsused in training sessions.Create a list of threeacademic goals youhave for the year.Submit academic goals in S.M.A.R.Tformat; You should submit 3 goals andobjectives that satisfy each letter.Create and present aFinancial Literacypresentation.Include a picture of you presentingyour presentation.Video testimonial from participant anddescription that includes the when,where, how and why of the activity. Complete a mentalhealth activity andexplain its benefits.

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FLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE SIXSubmit questions forprofessional speakerson CFF calls (promptsposted on Instagramthe week before). When you submit your questions includethe “#PBP” as well as your name.Participate in a collegevisit, presentation,virtual informationsession, or fair (at least4 schools).Include promotional material for eachexperience as well as a photo for eachexperience. COMMUNITY ORIENTEDParticipate in settingup a fundraiser orcharity drive.Submit pictures of the fundraiser in action,description including the method offundraising or items collected and themetric that shows impact.Help organize orparticipate in a chapterproject in cooperationwith another studentorganization oncampus.Submit a document including a picture ofmembers from different organizations anda description that includes the when,where, how, and why of the activity. Participate in school-sponsored communityservice project.Submit pictures, including proof ofproject, description of purpose andmetric of project proving impact.Discuss yourindividualcontribution to thecommunity throughyour DECA chapter.Provide a 60 second video.

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FLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE SEVENWrite a letter to acongressmanadvocating on behalf ofCareer and TechnicalEducation.Send receipt of the email and responseif one was received.Attend your towncouncil meeting,Chamber of CommerceEvent, or School Boardmeeting.Provide a date and at least one picturefrom the event.Help plan andparticipate in a“nationally” recognizedcommunity serviceproject (i.e. FeedingAmerica).Submit a picture of you participating,specify what organization and what theservice project was.Tutor a competitor in acompetitive event.Submit video testimonial fromcompetitor.PROFESSIONALLY RESPONSIBLEAcquire an internshipor job experience andshare how it pertainsto the DECA careerclusters.Detail the job/internship, where/who youwere employed by, and a 100 worddescription of how the job pertains to thecareer clusters (form will be provided).Invite an alumnimember, professionaldivision member, orother businessprofessional as a guestspeaker to a chapterevent.Provide receipt of initial contact and twopictures of the invited individualspeaking at event.

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FLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE EIGHTReach out toprofessional in desiredfield/job and sharewhat you learned fromthem.Submit proof of initial contact and awritten or recorded testimony of whatyou learned.Create a CareerPathway Vision Board.Submit picture/file of finishedboard with a short explanation.Speak about DECA ata non-chaptermeeting.Specify where you spoke, to whom,when, and provide a picture or video ofyou speaking.Attend Career Fair.Provide two pictures of you at the fairand a short description of a career youlearned about.Obtain Industrycertification, onlinecertification, Canvacourse, etc.Submit a screenshot of certification.Host a businessprofessional or alumni tospeak to chaptermembers about careerinsights.Provide details of how you contacted thespeaker, a picture of the speakerpresenting to chapter, and a shortdescription of what they talked about.EXPERIENCED LEADERSInterview a DECAalumni about theirexperiences and theirpath to leadership, thenwrite about theinterview and post tosocial media or submitto DECA Direct Online.Include the alumni's name, writtensubmission, picture of social media posttagging @floridadeca/DECA Directarticle submission.

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FLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE NINEHold a chapter orassociation leadershipposition.Have chapter advisor sign the e-signature as well as include yourposition.Share your best elevatorpitch for ‘What isDECA?’ via video.Submit a 30 second video.Participate inENVISION.Florida DECA association officerwill verify attendance.Provide a referral of abusiness professional,CTE specialist, orgovernment official toeither your districtrepresentative orexecutive officers forthe Florida DECAAdvocacy board. Submit Form.Send an email to agovernment officialabout DECA.Submit a picture the email andinclude the name and position of thegovernment official.Secure a donationto FL DECA’s Dollarsfor Diamonds.FL DECA staff will verify donationupon receiving the check, seedonation form link.DEADLINE TO SUBMT: JANUARY 17TH, 2025PBP’S THAT DO NOT HAVE STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE WILL NOT BEEVALUATED

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District 7District 9District 8District 10District 6District 5District 4District 3District 2FALL HELPINGHANDSVERIFICATIONFORMSDistrict 1FLORIDA DECA PERSONAL BUSINESS PLANPAGE TEN