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Permit Module Intro Registration

Page 1 (501) 801-3573 (Fax) Registration for Permit Module Introduction Steve Burton will be providing a short introduction to small groups in November. Sign up to see if the Permit Module would make your or your co-worker's jobs easier. No more keeping up with everything in a worksheet, and the permits will be designed, printed, and receipted in CenterPoint. Permits Module (From Red Wing CenterPoint Information • The Permits module for CenterPoint Fund Accounting for Municipals allows municipal organizations complete management of their permits, including setup and maintenance, processing, and permit payments. • Permit Setup o Easily customize each permit and its process flow, so the processing and payment flows easily. o A built-in forms designer makes it easy to create permit forms that fit for your municipal. o Set up each permit with the option to print up to three forms: the permit, invoice and receipt. All three are created and maintained in the permit forms designer. o Easily create permit transactions which control the fund, accounting, items, sequence, and expiration date. For example, Building Permit, Roofing Permit, Garage Sale Permit, Picnic Permit, Park Use Permit, etc. Once set up, the flow of processing each permit is seamless. o An optional Properties setup function allows properties to be assigned to Building type permits to report all permits to a particular piece of real estate. o Each permit payment can be set up to print up to three transactions: the permit, invoice, and receipt. • Permit Processing & Payments o Easily email permit forms to customers or print them. o Customers can pay immediately and receive a receipt, or if Accounts Receivable is selected as a payment option, the payment is saved for later payment, perfect in the case a customer needs to go to another department to make a payment. o Run Permit reports by expiration date, sequence number, fund, account, and active status. Check Time Attending:  Tuesday, November 7th @ 2:00 p.m. (CST)  Thursday, November 16th @ 9:30 a.m. (CST) City Name: Attendee: Email Address: