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Permit/Business License Example

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M A N A G E Y O U R C I T Y ’ S P E R M I T S W I T H E A S E .Permits Module forCenterPoint® FundAccounting forMunicipals.The Permits module forThe Permits module forCenterPoint Fund Accounting forCenterPoint Fund Accounting forMunicipals allows municipalMunicipals allows municipalorganizations to completeorganizations to completemanagement of their permits,management of their permits,including setup and maintenance,including setup and maintenance,processing, and permit payments.processing, and permit payments.800-264-4465

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800-264-4465 Individualize setup for each type of permit to customize its process flow. Forexample, Building Permit, Roofing Permit, Garage Sale Permit, Park Use Permit, etc.can be set up with the corresponding fund, accounting, items, sequence andexpiration date. Once they are all set up, the process flows seamlessly for easytransaction entry.A built-in forms designer makes it easy to create permit forms that fit your needs.Set up each permit with the option to print whichever forms fit your process: permit,invoice and receipt. All three are created and maintained in the permit formsdesigner. (Most municipals will print either a permit and a receipt, or a permit and aninvoice.)An optional Properties setup function allows properties to be assigned to Buildingtype permits to report all permits to a particular piece of real estate.Permit Setup

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800-264-4465Easily email permit forms to customers or print them.Quickly create permit sales transactions based on permit setup.The customized permit setup flows to the transaction forprocessing with minimal additional data entry.Customers can pay immediately and receive a receipt or ifAccounts Receivable is selected, a receivable invoice transactionis created, perfect in the case a customer needs to go to anotherdepartment to make a payment.Run Permit reports by expiration date, sequence number, fund,account, and active status.Permit Processing & Payments

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No BL10110 62 50 BUSINESS LICENSE The City of Cabot hereby gives and grants unto A C Rescue Guy full power to engage in a business or profession in the City of Cabot for which you have applied subject to the regulations now imposed by Ordinances of said City and said Business for the full term of One year from June 1 2019 to May 31 2020 This License is granted for and in consideration of the sum of 62 50 paid to the City of Cabot a receipt therefore having been shown to me Witness my hand and seal of the City this September 09 2019 RCT 136587 Tammy Yocom City Clerk Treasurer A C Rescue Guy 3001 W Main St Apt 318 Cabot AR 72023

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BUSINESS LICENSE Classification Business Contact Phone VENDOR ICE CREAM MOBILE AMBER FIELDS ICE CREAM 3109 FAIRVIEW ROAD PARAGOULD AR 72450 This is to Certify that the person firm or corporation named herein having paid the tax required by municipal ordinance is hereby licensed to engage in the business named above REVENUE COLLECTOR License 2019 0062 Business P 1180 Issued 09 09 2019 Expires 12 31 2019 Amount 55 00 BUSINESS LICENSE Classification Business Contact Phone VENDOR ICE CREAM MOBILE AMBER FIELDS ICE CREAM 3109 FAIRVIEW ROAD PARAGOULD AR 72450 This is to Certify that the person firm or corporation named herein having paid the tax required by municipal ordinance is hereby licensed to engage in the business named above REVENUE COLLECTOR License 2019 0062 Business P 1180 Issued 09 09 2019 Expires 12 31 2019 Amount 55 00

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P O Box 2170 El Dorado AR 71731 Public Works 870 863 4244 City Inspector 870 881 4869 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL Issued To GLENN MECHANICAL CO 512 W HILLSBORO EL DORADO AR 71730 Permit Number 100041 Date 08 04 2020 Job Address 1720 North West Ave Job Valuation Sq Ft 53 250 00 700 Permit Fees Building Repair Remodel 49001 to 50000 Building Repair Remodel Per 1 000 or part thereof over 50 000 Commercial Construction Tax 343 00 13 00 26 63 Total 382 63 Public Works Department Representative