GENERAL QUESTIONS2. What purpose will be served in raising these funds?3. Who is involved in the processes that got us to this point?1. I know the congregation voted overwhelmingly in favor of adding a new sanctuaryat our existing location, but how did we get to that point?Years of planning preceded the recommendation from the Building Committee and the Church Board. In2019, we formed an exploratory committee, and from that committee, a building committee was formedin 2021. The plan we are currently proposing is a result of the many options considered by bothcommittees.This project began with The Exploratory Committee, which consisted of Ken Bontrager, PhilGingerich, and Matthew Miller. Formed in 2019, they explored many ideas and guided the church tothe point of creating a Building Committee. The Building Committee was formed and consists of Phil Gingerich, John Hochstetler, and JaydenZimmerman. They have provided guidance and spent many hours meeting and working together overthe past several years. DJ Construction has been working with the building committee for several years, quoting the projectand drawing different adaptions of plans. Church Growth Services is an advisor in raising funds and providing guidance.The Campaign committee has been appointed to help navigate the fundraising process to help finalizehow we move forward. Accommodating recent as well as potential future growth, particularly for families with children (Moresanctuary, nursery, and classroom space)Creating more parking on the east side of the buildingThe newly designed foyer will be accessible from the east and west sides.Improving the lobby area by including a family restroom that is ADA-compliant for all ages and needs
PROJECT QUESTIONS4. Who do I talk to if I have questions?2. What is the expected time frame of the project? 3. Have we also considered adding to the Fellowship Hall at this time?1. How and where will we meet while the building is being constructed?Related to giving or commitments - See Derek Flora or Ora Miller. Related to project specifics - See Phil Gingerich, John Hochstetler, or JaydenZimmerman. Any general questions regarding the campaign - See Wayne or NormaSchrockThe timing of any construction project is always an important factor. We will continue to use the currentsanctuary during most of the construction. While planning, DJ Construction has considered our needs,and their plans include staging the project for minimal disruption during the construction process. Manyof these details will be impacted by the time of year the construction begins. From start to finish, we expect the project to take about 12 months, aside from any delays. Weunderstand that the timeline for this project could be affected by various factors, including the time ofyear, that the project begins, weather-related delays, and DJ Construction's current lead time. We plan towork diligently to ensure the project is completed in 12 months; however, the timeline could be extendeddepending on unforeseen issues. Given the current cost of building and construction, we weren’t sure if our congregation was ready to takeon the additional expense of expanding the fellowship hall at this time. This is certainly open for more conversation. If the congregation is ready and financially able to consider this option, we would be happy to explore possibilities. Our current fellowship hall was built so that the east classrooms could be removed at minimal cost, providing table space for approximately 50 more people.
FINANCIAL QUESTIONS 1. What is the total expansion cost?4. Why is our church involved in a capital campaign?3. Is it wise for us to expand our facility at this time when there are so many otherneeds? 5. How much money are we trusting the Lord to supply in this campaign, and how willthat amount be funded? At Milford Chapel, we believe that caring for people is the heart of our ministry and that investing in thefuture generations God is bringing to us is essential. We are committed to providing a space to serve thepeople God brings to us and growing our fellowship with Him and each other. We look forward to being able to continue using this space to serve the people in our church and our community, and we believe this expansion is an investment that serves that purpose.While finances committed will help us to find direction, our ultimate vision is to become fully committeddisciples in all areas of life. This campaign allows us to challenge one another to prayerfully consider ourindividual involvement in the campaign and our personal commitments to the Lord. Let's strive to befaithful to Him in every aspect of our lives.The projected cost of this project is approximately 2 million. We have set a faith goal to raise 1 million inthis campaign. When added to cash on hand, this will enable us to renovate our existing building toaccommodate the growth of present ministries and provide new opportunities for community outreach. We understand that completing the project may require borrowing, and we will evaluate that option after looking over the response to the campaign. Should the need arise to borrow funds, the church body would be involved in this decision. We have set a goal of 1 million increased giving over the next three years. There are four sources availableto fund our expansion project. They are:Cash that is currently in our Building Fund.Immediate cash and non-cash gifts.Regular weekly or monthly gifts given over the next three years.Borrowed funds. (Should we agree to take that step, the more that is raised in the capital campaign, the less will need to be borrowed).
COMMITMENT QUESTIONS4. When will commitments be made?6. When am I supposed to start giving? 7. Will I have an opportunity to revise my commitment?3. Can we make one commitment for our entire family? 1. Will my commitment constitute a permanent investment? 2. Is there a certain amount of money I'm expected to commit to the capital campaign?Yes, you may. However, We strongly encourage you to involve your children of any age in some way.Their participation is essential and is something that will make an impact on their lives.No. After asking God for guidance in the decision, each person will decide their individual commitment. Noone will be pressured. Your commitment is a private matter between you and God. The goal is not equal gifts but equal sacrifice. We hope everyone can find a way to contribute that is meaningful to them. Yes. We understand that commitments can change and are here to help you with any revisions. If youwant to make any changes to your commitment, please feel free to reach out. We strongly believe that the Bible teaches that the gifts you give to expand God's Kingdom here willflourish and bear fruit as God adds His blessing to your faithfulness. What a wonderful thing it is togive to further God’s kingdom and trust that He will multiply our efforts.We anticipate giving toward commitments to begin on Celebration Sunday, April 16. Of course, werecognize that not everyone receives a weekly paycheck. Therefore, you may start honoring yourcommitment based on the timing that you have designated on your Commitment Card and according to your income schedule. Commitments can be submitted on Commitment Sunday, March 26, during our church service. You willplace your financial commitment in the provided envelope so that the confidentiality of your commitmentcan be maintained. A representative of Church Growth Services will receive your sealed Commitmentenvelope. The total dollar amount of all commitments will be reported back to the campaign chairs. Wewill not make these numbers public knowledge in any way, shape, or form.