fire: wild vs. prescribedPrescribedBurningPrescribed burns differ greatly fromwildfires. Wildfires often do greatharm because they are unpredictableand difficult to control, threateningpeople’s safety and their property.Prescribed burns, on the other hand,are set intentionally and only afterconsidering the safety of people andproperty.Prescribed burns are planned toachieve specific managementobjectives which may includesimulating the benefits of natural fire.Prescribed burns are conducted in adesignated area during appropriateweather conditions and incooperation with the properauthorities. Trained crews usingspecialized equipment keep fire undercontrol throughout the process. “using fire wisely”ksprescribedfirecouncil@gmail.comwww.ksfire.orgkansas prescribedfire councilOur Mission: To promote greater understanding ofthe safe, legal and responsible use ofprescribed fire as a natural resourcemanagement tool. The council (KPFC) was established inSeptember 2008 to protect private landownerrights and public land manager options toresponsibly use prescribed fire as a grasslandnatural resource management tool. Partnering With:Kansas Grazing Lands CoalitionKansas Prescribed Burn Association
Prescribed fire is essential forenhancing carbon sequestration inKansas rangelands. Prescribed burning allows for:Management of invasive speciesPromotion of native grasses withdeep root systems that store morecarbonImproved soil health throughincreased organic matter andnutrient cyclingMaintenance of plant diversity Reduced wildfire risk by decreasingfuel loadsSupport for a stable ecosystemOverall, it's a cost-effective way to boostcarbon storage and rangeland healthwhile controlling invasive species.Prescribed Burning is a process ofmaintaining biological diversity andbalance. Many plant and wildlifespecies are dependent on periodicfires. Plant species have developedfire tolerant tendencies. Many speciesdepend on fire for their survival.Simply replanting areas with localspecies is not adequate for naturalsystems restoration. PrescribedBurning is critical to replenishing typesof vegetation that attract wildlife tothe area. The Prescribed Burn Association is acooperative that organizes landownersto conduct prescribed burns byproviding the manpower, training, andequipment to safely conductprescribed burns. Contact your localPBA for more information. In the Great Plains, Native Americansused fire to clear camp sites, improvehunting and as a weapon of war. Landmanagers have used fire since the1800’s. In Kansas controlled burninghas many economic and ecologicalbenefits when applied properly. The Prescribedburn associationHistorybiological communityrestoration &maintenancewhy we burnFIND YOUR LOCAL PBA OR GETADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Prescribed fire is essential forenhancing carbon sequestration inKansas rangelands. Prescribed burning allows for:Management of invasive speciesPromotion of native grasses withdeep root systems that store morecarbonImproved soil health throughincreased organic matter andnutrient cyclingMaintenance of plant diversity Reduced wildfire risk by decreasingfuel loadsSupport for a stable ecosystemOverall, it's a cost-effective way to boostcarbon storage and rangeland healthwhile controlling invasive species.Prescribed Burning is a process ofmaintaining biological diversity andbalance. Many plant and wildlifespecies are dependent on periodicfires. Plant species have developedfire tolerant tendencies. Many speciesdepend on fire for their survival.Simply replanting areas with localspecies is not adequate for naturalsystems restoration. PrescribedBurning is critical to replenishing typesof vegetation that attract wildlife tothe area. The Prescribed Burn Association is acooperative that organizes landownersto conduct prescribed burns byproviding the manpower, training, andequipment to safely conductprescribed burns. Contact your localPBA for more information. In the Great Plains, Native Americansused fire to clear camp sites, improvehunting and as a weapon of war. Landmanagers have used fire since the1800’s. In Kansas controlled burninghas many economic and ecologicalbenefits when applied properly. The Prescribedburn associationHistorybiological communityrestoration &maintenancewhy we burnFIND YOUR LOCAL PBA OR GETADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Prescribed fire is essential forenhancing carbon sequestration inKansas rangelands. Prescribed burning allows for:Management of invasive speciesPromotion of native grasses withdeep root systems that store morecarbonImproved soil health throughincreased organic matter andnutrient cyclingMaintenance of plant diversity Reduced wildfire risk by decreasingfuel loadsSupport for a stable ecosystemOverall, it's a cost-effective way to boostcarbon storage and rangeland healthwhile controlling invasive species.Prescribed Burning is a process ofmaintaining biological diversity andbalance. Many plant and wildlifespecies are dependent on periodicfires. Plant species have developedfire tolerant tendencies. Many speciesdepend on fire for their survival.Simply replanting areas with localspecies is not adequate for naturalsystems restoration. PrescribedBurning is critical to replenishing typesof vegetation that attract wildlife tothe area. The Prescribed Burn Association is acooperative that organizes landownersto conduct prescribed burns byproviding the manpower, training, andequipment to safely conductprescribed burns. Contact your localPBA for more information. In the Great Plains, Native Americansused fire to clear camp sites, improvehunting and as a weapon of war. Landmanagers have used fire since the1800’s. In Kansas controlled burninghas many economic and ecologicalbenefits when applied properly. The Prescribedburn associationHistorybiological communityrestoration &maintenancewhy we burnFIND YOUR LOCAL PBA OR GETADDITIONAL INFORMATION
fire: wild vs. prescribedPrescribedBurningPrescribed burns differ greatly fromwildfires. Wildfires often do greatharm because they are unpredictableand difficult to control, threateningpeople’s safety and their property.Prescribed burns, on the other hand,are set intentionally and only afterconsidering the safety of people andproperty.Prescribed burns are planned toachieve specific managementobjectives which may includesimulating the benefits of natural fire.Prescribed burns are conducted in adesignated area during appropriateweather conditions and incooperation with the properauthorities. Trained crews usingspecialized equipment keep fire undercontrol throughout the process. “using fire wisely”ksprescribedfirecouncil@gmail.comwww.ksfire.orgkansas prescribedfire councilOur Mission: To promote greater understanding ofthe safe, legal and responsible use ofprescribed fire as a natural resourcemanagement tool. The council (KPFC) was established inSeptember 2008 to protect private landownerrights and public land manager options toresponsibly use prescribed fire as a grasslandnatural resource management tool. Partnering With:Kansas Grazing Lands CoalitionKansas Prescribed Burn Association
fire: wild vs. prescribedPrescribedBurningPrescribed burns differ greatly fromwildfires. Wildfires often do greatharm because they are unpredictableand difficult to control, threateningpeople’s safety and their property.Prescribed burns, on the other hand,are set intentionally and only afterconsidering the safety of people andproperty.Prescribed burns are planned toachieve specific managementobjectives which may includesimulating the benefits of natural fire.Prescribed burns are conducted in adesignated area during appropriateweather conditions and incooperation with the properauthorities. Trained crews usingspecialized equipment keep fire undercontrol throughout the process. “using fire wisely”ksprescribedfirecouncil@gmail.comwww.ksfire.orgkansas prescribedfire councilOur Mission: To promote greater understanding ofthe safe, legal and responsible use ofprescribed fire as a natural resourcemanagement tool. The council (KPFC) was established inSeptember 2008 to protect private landownerrights and public land manager options toresponsibly use prescribed fire as a grasslandnatural resource management tool. Partnering With:Kansas Grazing Lands CoalitionKansas Prescribed Burn Association