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Payroll Referrals 2023

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Referrals of CenterPoint Payroll J'Anna Couch City Clerk/ Treasure City of Corning, AR Population 3,227" I was elected in 2019. That year I worked so many late nights because Payroll would take me two days to complete. What was passed down to me was an excel sheet to figure up APERS and EFTPS and it was a nightmare. I attended my first Municipal League Conference and Scott was showing a demo of how the system worked and I was SOLD!! I know change is scary sometimes but this will be the best decision not only for you but the ones who follow you." Cynthia Conner, City Clerk/Treasurer, City of Earle, AR Population 1,831The City of Earle has been with Centerpoint since 2009. They have excellent customer support if you have any problems with payroll, financial statements, reports, and journals a few to name. It doesn't take me any time to do my weekly payroll. For any report that you will ever need for auditing purposes, CSA can set that up for you. I love CSA. It's one of the best investments your city could ever make. Nayana Patel, Forrest City Water Utility, City of Forrest City, AR Population 12,676When I started working for the Forrest City Water Utility in 2018, I did not know anything about CenterPoint software. It is amazingly easy to learn, and I enjoy working with this program. Payroll is extremely easy. All payroll reports including federal, state taxes and quarterly payrolls reports done in Center Point are quite easy. If you are unhappy with what you have, I would encourage you to switch to CenterPoint." Crystal L. Hatfield, Treasurer, City of Mayflower, Population 2,052I came to work for the City of Mayflower in 2015 and CenterPoint was already in use. In these past 8 years, I have had the best support that I have ever had from any software provider. There has been a lot going on in the past few years with special reporting (Federal Covid funding, Police Stipends, etc.) and they have actually done the reporting for me! CenterPoint helps insure that my payroll taxes are correct, my audits are tidy and my employees are taken care of. In addition to a fantastic product, the customer service is absolutely stellar! Starla Billington, Treasurer, City of Pea Ridge, AR Population 7,852I started in June 2013. At that time, the city was using the Perception. CSA did the support for that system also. The majority of the city wanted to do direct deposit and there was objection to changing systems and doing direct deposit. With CSA’s help, we switched to CenterPoint. I love CenterPoint. All of the quarterly and annual reports were done by hand with Perception and now I do them via CenterPoint and it much faster. Payroll is so much easier and doing direction deposit was just what we wanted and needed. Patrick Pianalto, Accounting, City of Tontitown, AR Population 6,529We converted to CenterPoint fun accounting in May 2015. At the time of conversion, we were looking for something with more options, user controls, and more importantly security levels by users. It was an easy conversion and a very user-friendly system. Also, at the time, we were using an outside vendor to do our payroll for the City. CenterPoint Payroll module was a great module that we also implemented. It is very user friendly, and the reporting options, payables, tax reporting and year end requirements along with the entire system works very well. If you are interested in looking to a great accounting & payroll system for you organization, I would highly recommend you check out all the features and benefits that CenterPoint has to offer.