FEMALEENTREPRENEURSTHE FIRST & MOST SPECIAL EDITION!Meet the Women Behind theirGlam & Party BusinessesSPRING 2019POP STAR VIPTRAVELConciergeConcert VacationsMoms & Daughters Celebrate in StyleGLAM FEST!MUSIC | PARTIES | GLAM
Celebrate Mother's Day weekend with your daughter & meet all of the fabulous female entrepreneur event partners. Get your hair braided, makeup applied, have a photoshoot, sip on mocktails, enjoy some apps & desserts, sing on stage to karaoke & take home a swag bag!Purchase $25 VIP Tickets per Mom and Daughterwww.partylikeapopstar.caSA T UR D AY , M A Y 1 1T H , 2 01 9 | 12 : 00 P M- 4 :0 0 PMGLAM FEST!PARTNERS& MagazineLaunch Party
CREATIVE DIRECTORCOLUMNIST PARTNERSROBYN PAUHLMICHELLE WAGMANLAURA BRADBURN,JULIE LEJEUNE,LISA NICOL,JULIE HEWINGS,ROLA ALSHAER & AISHA AGINA,LAURA LECK,AMANDA POPKO,ROBYN RUSSELLwww.partylikeapopstar.caParty Like A Pop Star Inc.919 Fraser Drive, unit 10, Burlington, ON, L7L 4X8© All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, photograph or artwork without permission is strictly prohibited. All photos havebeen credited, used with permission, or attempts have been made to locate owner.party_like_a_popstar partylikeapopstar
19 322720 070607101920 Party Like A Pop Star ServicesFabulous Female EntrepreneursB Town Sound Studio & Venue Pop Star CampBackyard Teen Parties2730313238 Pop Star VIP TravelAll About The MusicPop Album ReviewsLuxury Slumber Party TentsArtist Spotlight
I am very excited to share with you the first edition ofParty Like A Pop Star Magazine. My background andeducation is in music performance, but I have alwaysenvisioned myself as an Editor and Creative Director ofa Magazine. I used to watch the movies, "The DevilWears Prada" and "13 Going on 30", and thought I wouldexcel at publishing a magazine. So I decided to createmy own! Life can be ANYTHING you want it to be. I have beenmarried now for almost six years and the amount ofcreative projects and renovation in our house andstudio are astounding. Oh and not to mention raisingmy two step children, the birth of our son, braces,refinancing our house, trying to keep a dog happy, andrunning two businesses, B Town Sound and Party Like APop Star. I love the challenge of it all. A lot of women in business are talking about the “why”.Why we do what we do and what keeps us motivated.This Glam Fest on Mother's Day weekend, started as away to promote Party Like A Pop Star and local femaleentrepreneurs. It has now grown into a community ofpeople sharing their talents with moms and daughtersthat will create lastingmemories. This magazine will bea medium for businesses to share their stories,collaborate, and advertise their skills. In the articles you notice that I merged theentrepreneurs' names with their businesses becausethey are synonymous with each other. We are soinvested. Our creativity and love is completelyintertwind. I hope to release this magazine biannually andcontinue to support all people in the Music, Party, andGlam industries. I invite you to follow us on social mediaand welcome all comments and recommendations. Thank you,Robyn Russell
B Town Sound is an award-winning Recording | Rehearsal | EventFacility set in an urban and industrial area of Burlington, ON. From Rock and Country to Hip Hop we've had the pleasure of workingwith some of the best names in the industry and have been doing so forthe last thirteen years. We have hosted numerous events for businesses, art galleries, silentauctions, charities, cocktail parties, weddings, showers, fashion shows,CD release parties, and video productions.
J E W E L B E L O V E DI’ve been a maker my wholelife, I can’t even help myself! Jewel BeLoved is theoutcome of my passion forcreative style, and hasblossomed into a businesswhere I can literally sharethe stories of fashion thatare constantly buzzing inmy head. My closet wasbursting with amazingitems I could not possiblypass up, and so I decidedto share my gift of thriftwith the world, and startJewel Beloved, anInstagram businessdevoted to mixing glamwith street style, vintage,and some good naturedrebellion. All items are thrifted, oftenre-styled, for sale, andmeant to raise an eyebrowor two.I have an eye for fashion that gets noticed,and as a result I’ve also had the opportunityto work as a stylist for a variety of clientele. My mother always encouraged my creativewardrobe ideas. She taught me how to sew ata young age, and would take me downtownto thrift stores where we would wildlycollaborate our ideas of how to make those“items with potential” into amazing covetedpieces and labours of love. And so I began to see valuein things like a jar full ofbuttons, fabrics, jeansworn to perfection, andarmy boots :) Making myown adjustments andalterations on a whim,often cutting up myperfectly good clothing,blankets etc to make newthings was my jam... So now fast forward to mein my early 40s... stillcutting things up to createa look that gets noticed. As a mother of 3 children,my world is a busy place. Itis very challenging to get itall in. The photo shoots,styling gigs, crafting,shipping and vendingkeeps me hopping. I domost of my work with myheadphones on, whilemykids are asleep. j e w e l b e l o v e d 1O f f C e n t r e P h o t o g r a p h y- 12 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
And when I am in the zone,and doing my thing, I feel thatI’m in my happy place, andwinning the work/life balancegame (most days!) The biggest positives I receiveare the reactions andenthusiastic feedback from myclients. A crazy big smile andremarks like “THIS isawesome!!” are the successesthat keep me going. I can put someone in a lookthat expresses who they are, atype of music or era they love,with an ease that is not tryingtoo hard. It’s what I do. Whentheir eyes light up and I cantell they are feeling like theywant to strut.... well, that’s itright there. It's the JOY! So whats next? So far this yearI have really enjoyednetworking and collaboratingwith other artists on projectsand events, which I would ofcourse like to continue. I amcurrently working on makingmy items available on anonline marketplace. I would like to grow the stylingaspect of my business toinclude home visits for “closetrehab”, a service toreconstruct a client's currentwardrobe to new possibilities.More sewing, more stitching,more time to create and morepeople watching to gaininspiration! The future’s so bright... I gottawear shades ;)- 13 - PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
I've always loved beingcreative and all types of art.When it came time to decidewhat I wanted to do afterhigh school, I knew I didn'twant an ordinary office joband would never find joy init. I chose to go to Collegefor Cosmetology, Aestheticsand Aromatherapy. I wasable to spend quality timewith clients to not only makethem look better, but alsofeel better. I believe in energyand that's why I named bybusiness Lightworker BeautyServices to reflect mymission to be a bright lightin this world. The purpose of a Lightworker is towork in a concerted effort to spreadloving energy and dissipate thedestructive and negative massconsciousness. After working at many different spasand salons gaining valuableexperience in the industry, I feltmakeup artistry was my real passionand enjoyed bridal events and all theexcitement that came with them. I amgrateful to have worked with hundredsof brides on their special day. Over theyears I've also had the opportunity towork with tons of differentphotographers for events. I alsoworked at Mac cosmetics for 7 yearsand really mastered all there L I G H T W O R K E R B E A U T YS E R V I C E Sh a m i l t o n b r o w b e a u t y- 14 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
was to know about different skin types and colorsand figuring out what looks best on my clients. A few of my most memorable moments would be Keymakeup artist for a Monster Truck music video andmakeup artist for an official Playboy bunny event. Ithen decided to keep furthering my beautyknowledge by taking courses to learn cosmetictattooing to be able to give women perfectwaterproof eyebrows was pretty great. I also amtrained in Lash lifts, which is another amazingservice and Tooth Gems, which is picking up inpopularity. I only offer services that I myself ampassionate about and know will benefit others. I now offer freelance mobile services from Niagara toToronto and work out of a tattoo shop. Although it isa challenging industry working for yourself, I verymuch enjoy being my own boss. My future plans are to start doing more events,especially focusing on Tooth Jewelry, as its such afun thing to have that doesn't damage teeth andcan help people express their individuality. I wouldalso like to enroll in soul coach training that can beincorporated into my services. Zac JolliffeeMoses Leal- 15 - PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
I had been working in the non-profit sector for nearly 20 yearsand was a volunteer at a local food bank. I started to noticesmall, local charities don't always have the time or the meansto raise funds and awareness the way that larger, national,more well-known charities do. These organizations, that canmake an incredible difference at the grassroots level, barelyhave the time or the staff to fundraise. In fact, they sometimesstruggle just to keep the lights on. At the same time, I was hearing from friends and colleaguesthat they have a real desire to give back to their community,but don't have the time to volunteer. Everyone is busy with workand family, but I also noticed that time was being eaten up byevents we all plan, such as baby and wedding showers,housewarming parties, anniversaries, birthday parties,graduations, and more. It occurred to me that these eventscould become a way for people to give back. I set out to find away to help people fundraise through the events they arealready spending their time planning.And that's how Wish & Give was born.I’ve developed a unique, easy-to-useplatform for community members toplan events and raise money fortheir favourite local charity. We arehelping Canadians, help localcharities, help others. Everyone wins! Through Wish & Give, Canadians cansell tickets or send out invitations totheir events and then, through thesite, allow their guests to make acharitable contribution to one of86,000 organizations across thecountry. As Wish & Give has grown andevolved, I've continued to focus onlocal, grassroots charities that mightnot otherwise have the benefit oflarge donations. I truly believe in thelocal movement and wanted Wish &Give to reflect that. So, through Wish& Give, event hosts can choose anyCanadian charity, no matter howsmall. In addition, I wanted to make surethat giving was accessible toeveryone - so our site doesn't have aminimum donation amount. Little bylittle, every single donation adds upto big change in our communities.Not to mention the difference thatcan be made by reducing waste byeliminating gift-wrapping andunwanted gifts! What makes it even better? Thebirthday kid still gets a gift! Theyreceive a group gift from theirfriends rather than a bunch ofunwanted gifts that end up gettingreturned or worse never played with.W I S H & G I V EMichelle Haurilakw i s h a n d g i v e- 16 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
Guests decide how much they contribute to thegift and the donation. No more guess work in giftgiving, no more shopping, wrapping or stress. In the coming years, I hope to further establishmyself in my local community -- helping moresmall charities get a leg-up, and eventuallyscaling up across Canada. More importantly tome, I look forward to empowering even morepeople to find a way to support localorganizations. In particular, I love seeing kidsrealize that their birthdays can be about morethan unwrapping a pile of presents and canactually be about helping others. C o m m u n i t y C h a m p i o nC o m m u n i t y C h a m p i o n
J U L Y 1 5 T H - 1 9 T H & A U G U S T 1 2 T H - 1 6 T HSING > GLAM > DANCE > CRAFTS > CONCERTwww.partylikeapopstar.ca
There is a beginning toeverything and The White HouseEvents all started last year in2018. It all beganwith a desire I hadto start a business of my ownand to enter the event industry.I really enjoy workingwithpeople and although I lovebeing a stay at home mom, Ialso missed helping andworking with people on a dailybasis. I could not be happier to wherethe adventure of starting abusiness has lead me and thecompany today. As a first time business ownerand operator, I face the daily challenge of wearing multiple hatswithin thecompany. Learning everything frommarketing and building a brandto taxes and time management. T H E W H I T E H O U S EE V E N T S- 22 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
I enjoy the challenge and love learning,growing and bettering from mistakesalong the way. I havealways been acreative person so to create somethingfrom scratch has been a dream cometrue. Life for me couldn't be more full of joyat the moment. Having the privilege ofraising my kids at home along side ofrunning and building a business I trulyenjoy and live for, is all I could ask for. Family is atrue value of mine andhaving my husbands support along theway has really pushed me to buildsomething that will last and have animpact on our family and community.thewhitehouseevents- 23 - PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019www.thewhitehouseevents.comOphra Alexandra
On one particularly memorableOctober night, we threw our legson the couch, picked a Halloweenmovie to spark the fall festivities,and started our Friday night theway we knew best. Somewherealong the way, much like anyoneelse, Aisha and I found ourselvesreminiscing on the year that wasquickly coming to an end. Wehighlighted and laughed as weremembered some of our favoritemoments spent togetherthroughout the year. As common as it was to talk toeach other about starting abusiness together, we never foundourselves stumbling upon an ideaworth pursuing. However,inspiration quickly stemmed asthe burning desire to work forourselves continued to grow. Onthat particular day, it took me bysurprise when Aisha put forth theidea that we could start our ownphotobooth business together.It seemed as though this wasthe idea we were waiting tohear, that sparked instantexcitement from the both of us.Knowing that I was a Universitystudent looking for a job withflexible hours, and that Aishawas already a small businessowner who was looking todiversify, this idea seemedalmost perfect. However, similar to any newstartup, we knew that therewould be obstacles that wewould need to overcome. Withno surprise, we realized that wein fact did not know where toacquire a booth. However, afterdoing our research, we cameacross this retro looking booth,different from anything we hadseen before. We knew it wasdestined to be ours once wesaw it.C A P T U R E P H O T O B O O T H- 24 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
We listened to the advice and learned the system, quickly falling inlove with it. Just like that, we were ready to take the first big step instarting the business. We knew that capturing the most livelymoments of any day was what excited us the most, hence the name,Capture Photobooth. We made our debut at a New Year's Eve Gala inthe GTA where we knew all our friends would be. Instantly, we knew wemade the right decision. Now, not all ran smoothly. Only as we got ready to begin, we realized that our backdrop was toosmall and we lacked an efficient amount of props. However, welearned from our mistakes and continued to strive for perfection. Nevertheless, we have successfully surpassed the mental goal we hadset for ourselves, and booked more events than we planned in thefirst few months. Though still being new to the industry, we can saywith all confidence that we are proud of our accomplishments. In the near future, we see ourselves expanding throughout the GTAand signing deals with different event halls. Our long term goal is todesign and create our own photobooth with the help of a 3D printer.We encourage and invite others to join us on our journey.capturephotobooth_gta- 25 - PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
I started my career in restaurants at the youngage of fourteen, often citing my career a productof circumstance, I would consider myself a truehospitality kid turned success story. With nearlythirty years experience in the industry, I haveworked in many facets of the job, includingstepping back from daily operations to providethe Marketing and Graphic Design for more thantwelve restaurant brands, as well as beinginvolved in the build and design of severalBurlington restaurants, including SB Prime whereI have been at the helm for the past three years. Since stepping into the role and taking overdaily operations, SB Prime has consistently beengaining a following. Originally known for itsSteak, Wine and Piano lounge, I recognized theneed to make the brand more attainable to theaverage consumer, to appeal to a largerdemographic. I successfully introduced the‘Burger Boutique’, set up a record player in thecorner where my vinyl collection continues togrow, and set out to build the city’s largest gincollection.S B P R I M E- 28 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
What does the future hold for me? Hopefully it includes asunny beach, or maybe a smoky jazz bar. For now, raised in Burlington, and currently living in thedowntown core with my teenage son, when not at work I canbe found walking my chocolate lab, grabbing coffee orutilizing many of the great businesses and amenitiesdowntown has to offer. “Give people what they want,then later you can give themwhat you want” – Pascal (Big Night) Once the preferred caterer forthe Art Gallery of Burlington,Burlington Performing ArtsCenter and Smith’s FuneralHomes to name a few, I nowfocus on the things thatinterest me and align with mynew vision for the brand. Partof this was purging cateringwares to 100 pieces, aligningmyself with venues like B TownSound and partners like PartyLike A Pop Star. Providingbackstage food for the bandsat the Sound of Music Festivaland running Cocktail Partiesout of my own venue. sb.prime | www.sbprime.com- 29 - PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
I love what I do! Not a lot of people can saythat, but I truly love what I do. I get to singand perform, and help others do the same! I have always wanted to be a singer - from ayoung age I would use my hairbrush as amicrophone and belt out my favourite songs.My parents always supported me by puttingme in singing lessons, and enrolling me intheatre schools and community theatreproductions. I worked hard training to be thebest I could be, and even graduated fromCanada’s number one Music TheatrePerformance Program. I went on to perform professionally on stagesacross the country, and I have spent the lastten years performing as my favourite DisneyPrincesses! I get to sing for a living, andstarted teaching others how to sing as well. 12345michellewsings- 30 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019Wendy Alana
ABOUTF E L I C I AS I M M O N SWhen I was a kid, I took my first camera (aCanon SLR) wherever I went. I was alwaystaking photos of my friends at school and ofmy family at home. It quickly became not onlyan obsession, but my identity.Growing up inthe film era, I learned very quickly how tomake each shot count. With only a roll of 24(or 36), there wasn't much room for error. I learned that patience is a virtue and thatmistakes can be costly, but ultimately Ilearned my craft in the best way possible andI'm a better person for it today. Photography was a passion. My photographswere a way for me to connect to the people Iloved. To share a skill. A gift that I felt in mybones. Little did I know that it would becomemy full time career years after havinggraduated University with a completelydifferent degree and skill set. But it was my calling. P H O T O G R A P H YLea Marcucci
(04) 298 1092 4091info@feliciasimmons.comwww.feliciasimmons.comPhotography wasn’t just about documenting amoment. It was about that particular memoryunfolding in front of my eyes and having the abilityto freeze that moment in time forever. It is about thestory. The people. The sights and smells. The lightand composition. Would this photo and the imagery attached to it bespecial years later? Would it continue to havemeaning and bring joy? I have always believed that photography should tella story and that’s what I aim to do with my brand.They say first impressions are lasting impressionsand I live by this motto. Making the time to document your life is importantto me and it's important to the people who willcherish the moments you plan to share. Love is oneof life's greatest gifts worth capturing. It's somethingwe all share.robynsrussell | www.robynsrussell.com- 35 - PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
I started my work life at 11 years old…and never lookedback. Most of my career had been spent in customer serviceand management, but I knew deep down, that I was meantto do more. Something ticked inside me (and still does) topush my capabilities and see what I can really do. I alwaysknew I wanted a brick & mortar business of my own andstarted to look for a need within the community thatwasn't being met, while I was on mat leave with myyoungest. The ‘style only’ concept had not made it toBurlington and I had no idea why. I had visited blow drybars in western Canada, which opened my eyes to thepotential. I saw the opportunity to create a space forwomen to gather, relax and indulge in self-care in aninviting, warm, and affordable way. There seemed to be many places, gearedtowards men, to take part in, what I like tocall “social pampering” with the influx ofnew aged barbershops. Come in, get ashave, get a haircut, have a scotch or beer,and relax and chat with other patrons, butthere was nowhere a woman wasencouraged to do the same. As of today, Styled is a style only concepthair & esthetics lounge offering blowouts,braids, manicures, pedicures & make upapplication, waxing and sugaring. We arealso a private event venue, hosting groupevents such as workshops, networkingevents and parties in a fully licenced space,offering wines, beers, and select cocktails. I have been very fortunate to be welcomedinto the small business community indowntown Burlington and hope to havemany more years there. I recently expandedinto the space next door adding anadditional 800 square feet and with thatcomes endless opportunities forpartnerships, collaborations and creativity. S T Y L E D L O U N G EJessica Waugh- 36 -PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019
I am occasionally asked why I dowhat I do. It took some time anddeep reflection to really get down tothe ‘why’, but I’ve realized my answeris fairly simple. My motivation comesfrom the drive to make a positiveimpact within my community and tocreate a future for myself & my familythat allows us to live a fulfilled andexpansive life, where we can enjoy &learn from all that this beautifulworld has to offer. I am fortunate enough to be a wife toa seriously gorgeous husband andmama to two tremendous minis. Ihope to show my kids that you are inthe driver’s seat of your life, takingscary risks is the only way to seewhat you’re made of and thatkindness will get you everywhere. What’s next?... Who knows? As long asI have my family, my health and myever nagging curiosity… I could endup anywhere. And I love that.styled.loungewww.styledlounge.ca- 37 - PARTY LIKE A POP STAR SPRING 2019AR
ARTISTSPOTTamara MaddalenAvailable for purchase on all music platformsLIG
LIGHTSinger-songwriter Tamara Maddalengraces the Canadian music scene withher beautifully crafted songs and clear,powerful vocals. Since 2017, she has beencollaborating with producer andengineer Justin Koop (Walk Off TheEarth, Finger Eleven, The Shyp, TomiSwick, The Tenors, New World Son) atBurlington’s, B Town Sound to recordher third upcoming full-length album. Tamara delivers this intimate and laid-back track, blending elements ofAmericana and Roots Rock, featuringhigh emotion, clear vocals, catchymelody; a dusty tumble-downinstrumentation taking you on a journeySouth. "Fade Away", references forbiddensoulmates, missed opportunities andwhat could have been. This song isabout unrequited love and longing. It isthe first single off her forthcoming full-length album, "Mint Green Mercury"Andrea Hunter