S-94Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 20201Rheumatology Unit, University of Messina; 2Trauma and Orthopaedic Unit, Santissima Trinità Hospital, Cagliari; 3Department of Rheumatology, ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco, Milan; 4Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Villa S. Benedetto Menni Hospital, Albese (Como); 5Humanitas Clinical and Research Centre, IRCCS, Rozzano, Italy.Fabiola Atzeni, MD, PhDIgnazio Francesco Masala, MDMariateresa Cirillo, MDLaura Boccassini, MDStefania Sorbara, MDAlessandra Alciati, MDPlease address correspondence to:Fabiola Atzeni, Dipartimento di Reumatologia Università di Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98100 Messina, Italy.E-mail: atzenifabiola@hotmail.com Received on October 2, 2019; accepted in revised form on December 16, 2019.Clin Exp Rheumatol 2020; 38 (Suppl. 123): S94-S98.© Copyright CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2020.Key words: Competing interests: none declared.ABSTRACTObjectivethe therapeutic mechanisms underlying hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), and reviews data concerning its effects Methods. The studies included in this review all evaluated the effect of HBOT in patients with diseases involv-ing CNS. The PubMed databases were searched from 1980 to September 2019 -Results. HBOT is already indicated in various diseases and is the subject of continuous research and develop-ment. Data from models of PD show that it may play a neuroprotective role because of its ability to reduce oxida-tive stress and neurodegeneration, and protect against neuronal apoptosis. It is effective in improving the symptoms --tivity in pain-related areas. Evidence from animal studies supports its use as an alternative treatment for other rheu-matic diseases as it alleviates pain and Conclusion. Data mainly from animal studies support the use of HBOT in the treatment of PD and rheumatic dis-clarify its therapeutic role in patients with these chronic disorders. Introduction -- -- ----Principles of hyperbaric oxygen therapy - -- - - Review
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020Hyperbaric therapy in chronic diseases / F. Atzeni et al.- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - ----
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020 -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --et al.- - - et al. i.e. - - - - - -- -Parkinson’s disease-- ----- Hyperbaric therapy in chronic diseases / F. Atzeni et al.
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020Hyperbaric therapy in chronic diseases / F. Atzeni et al. - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - Conclusions - References J Intensive Care Med J Vet Emerg Crit Care -Neurosci Lett et al - Plos One - - Plast Reconstr Surg N Engl J Med J Cardiovasc Surg -Arch Surg et al - - - - -Surgery -Toxic ol A ppl Pha rmaco l --Plastic Reconstr Surg -Int Anesthesiol Clin et al Undersea Biomed Res--et al. Aviat Space Environ Med--Acta Ophthalmol Scand Eur Respir J
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020Hyperbaric therapy in chronic diseases / F. Atzeni et al. Nat Rev Dis Primers et al Biochim Biophys Acta- --Int J Neurol Neurosurg - J Formos Med Assoc- - -Clin BiochemVA N -Resuscitation Medicine et al -Isr Med Assoc J et alJ Rheumatol et al.- Arthritis Rheum et al Ger Med Sci Scand J Rheumatolet al -et al - - FrontPsychol Set al - Front Psychol et al - Clin Exp Rheumatol et al ---Clin Exp Rheumatol et al - Clin Exp Rheumatol -- Brain Res Arthri-tis Rheum Br J Rheumatol -J Painet alPain Physician - - -J Appl Physiol--Clin Exp Immunol et al Clin Immunol- J Rheuma-tol Int J Rheum Dis- Ital J Pediatr Clin Exp Dermatol
Parkinson’sandHBOTParkinson’sdiseaseorPDisadisorderofthecentralnervoussystemthatimpairsmotorskills, speechandothermentalfunctions.PD belongs toagroupcalledmovementdisorders.Thesedisorders typicallyproducemusclerigidity,tremorandageneralslowingofphysicalmovement. PDaffectsadultsofallagesbutisnotconsideredfatal.However,latestageParkinson’smayleadtochoking,pneumoniaorseriousfalls,allofwhichcancausedeathordisability.WhatHBOTcandoThesymptomsofParkinson’scanvaryintypeandseveritythereforeitcanbedifficulttopredictresults.OftenHBOThasbeen discoveredeffective by “accident” as in the case where a diabetic patient tried HBOT for a foot ulcer but foundthat the treatment vastly improved his Parkinson’s symptoms. After 50 years of HBOT treatment we do know thathyperbaricoxygenwillnotworsenPD.NumerousanimalstudieshaveshownthatHBOTworksasanantiinflammatory andmaybeusedinthiswaytoalleviatethesymptomsofPD.WhyisParkinson’sDiseaseamenabletooxygentherapy?Extensiveanimalresearchhasdemonstratedanonspecificchronicinflammatoryconditioninthesubstantianigraofthebrain.Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been shownto be an antiinflammatory drug in many conditions.AnecdotalevidenceofmanypatientswithwellestablishedPDhavebeen treatedwithHBOTforotherconditionssuchasdiabetic foot ulcers.For example, a patient with advanced PD who is confined to a wheelchair may get up and walkacrosstheroomafteraseriesofHBOT.WhatbenefitscanIexpectfromoxygentherapyforParkinson’sDisease?Sinceeverypatientisdifferentitishardtopredicttheresultineachindividualcase.However,weknowfrom50yearsofexperience thatHBOTissafeandwillnotmakethepatientworse.Theusualcourseofoxygentherapyisoncedaily,fivedaysa week (MF)for eight weeks.Ifasignificantresponse is noted after40HBOTadditional treatments maybehelpful.OneTwoPunch:GlutathioneandHBOTJulianWhitaker,MDParkinson’s disease iscaused by thedegeneration of neurons in the area of the brain that manufactures dopamine, aneurotransmitter that affects movement. As dopamine production drops, characteristic tremors and speech, balance,and motor problems develop. The primary treatment for Parkinson’s is drugs that replace or mimic dopamine, andthoughthesemedsimprovesymptoms,theydonotslowdiseaseprogressionandtheirsideeffectsincreasewithlongtermuse.Although there’s a lot that medical science does not know about Parkinson’s, we do know that freeradical damagecontributestoitsprogressivenature.That’swhyweuseglutathione.Glutathione/HBOTtotheRescueGlutathioneisapowerfulnaturalantioxidant,andpatientswithParkinson’shavedangerouslylowlevelsofglutathioneintheaffectedareaofthebrain.Boostingstoresofthisprotectiveantioxida ntnotonlyguardsagainstfurtherdamage,italsoenhancesthefunctionofsurvivingneurons.
Unfortunately, oral glutathione has a hard time crossing the bloodbrain barrier, so supplements aren’t very helpful.When glutathione isinfused intravenously, however, it hits its target.Most patients see dramatic improvementsafterjustahandfuloftreatments—andmanyperkupaftertheirfirstinfusion.Evenbetter,studiessuggestthatbenefitslast fortwotofourmonthsafteratreatmentcourse.Our patients with Parkinson’s disease are also treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT is highly beneficial forstroke, multiple sclerosis, and brain injuries. It floods the brain with oxygen, slows neuronal degeneration, mobilizesrejuvenatingstemcel ls,andenhancesangiogenesis(thegrowthofnewbloodvesselsthatnurturedamagedareas).Itis thecombinationofthesetwotreatments,workingsynergistically,thatprovidessuchremarkableresults.SeriousCondition,SeriousInterventionParkinson’s is a serious condition that requires serious intervention. Coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, fish oil, curcumin,creatine, and vitamin D, along with Nacetylcysteine and vitamin C (both of which boost glutathione levels), showpromise in improving symptoms and even slowing progression. I certainly recommend taking them. However, thesesupplementsdonotcomeclosetoapproachingthetherapeuticpowerofIVglutathioneandHBOT.Sadly, very few medical facilities offer these therapies.In fact, many physicians don’t know a thing about them!Furthermore, although benefits are enduring, they don’t last forever, and maintenance treatments are required foroptimalfunction.Idon’tknowwhatit’sgoingtotaketogetconventionalphysicianstoembraceIVglutathioneandHBOT,butdon’tholdyour breath waiting for your docto come around. I stronglyurge you to find a treatmentcenter near you, andif youcan’t,considercomingtotheWhitakerWellnessInstitute .RecommendationsThesuggesteddailydosesofsupplementsforParkinson’sdiseasearecoenzymeQ10,aminimumof1,200IU;vitaminE,400–800IU;fishoil,6–8g;curcumin,1,000–2,000mg;creatine10g;vitaminD2,000–4,000IU;Nacetylcysteine1,200–1,800mg;andvitaminC,1,000–2,000mg.Lookfortheminyourhealthfoodstoreorcall(800)8106655toorder.Tak eindivideddoses.ReferencesHoggardM,etal.HyperbaricoxygentreatmentonaParkinson’sdiseasepatient:acasestudy.Proceedingsofthe14thInternationalCongressofHyperbaricMedicine,SanFr ancisco,CA,2002.Sechi G, et al. Reduced intravenous glutathione in the treatment of early Parkinson’s disease. ProgNeuropsychopharmacolBiolPsychiatry.1996Oct;20(7):1159–1170.ModifiedfromHealth&HealingwithpermissionfromHealthyDirections,LLC.Photocopying,reproduction,orquotationstrictlyprohibitedwithoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher.HyperbaricOxygenationDuringtheComplexTreatmentofParkinsonismV.YaNeretin,M.A.Lobov, S. V. Kotov,G.F.Cheskidova,G. S. Mo1chanova and0.GSafronova.Neurology Department(headed by Prof V. Ya. Neretin), M. F. Viadimirsky Regional Research Institute of Clinical Medicine (DirectorG. A.Onopriyenko),Moscow.Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO2) was used to treat 64 patients suffering from parkinsonis m of diverse etiology. HBO2sessionswereprovideddaily)812percourse;treatmentpressurerangedfrom1.3to2atmandexposuretimeranged
from40to60minutes.Amarkedbeneficialeffectwasnotedin55patients.HBO2treatmentproducedbetterresultsinthepresenceofvascillar parkinsonism,inpatientsunder65yearsofage,andwhenthehistoryofdiseaserangedfrom1to 5 years. The akineticorigid syndrome regressed to a greater extent, with HBO2 proving to be less effective whentremblinghyperkinesiswas present Su bmittedtotheeditorialofficeon03March1988 HyperbaricOxygenTreatmentonaParkinson’sDiseasePatient:ACaseStudyHoggardML,JohnsonKEandShirachiDY.Chico Hyperbaric Center, Chico, CA 95926 and Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, T. J. Long School ofPharmacy,UniversityofthePacific,Stockton,CA95207,USA.INTRODUCTIONParkinson’s Disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegener ative disorder, which is characterized by the loss of dopaminergicneurons whose cell bodies are located in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and project to the striatum. Theinitiation of this neuronal degeneration is not known, however the process of neuronal loss is suggested to occur viaapoptosisratherthanbynecrosis(1).Withtheonsetoftheneurodegenerationoftheseneuronsistheassociatedlossofthe neurotransmitter, dopamine (DA), from its nerve endings and its subsequent release in the striatum. The majorsymptomswhichareobservedduetotheprogressivelossinfunctionofthenigrostriataldopaminergicneuronsmaybeone or more of the following: resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and/or postural instability. The actual clinicalmanifestationofthediseaseinanyonepatientishighlydependen tuponthedegreeofseverityoftheneuronalloss,ageof the patient and the length of time passed between the onset of the symptoms and the time of diagnosis. Earlydetectionisimportantinordertoinstitutea therapeuticstrategytorelievethesymptomsand/ordelaytheprogressionofthediseasestate.ThemajortreatmentstrategycurrentlyusedistoaffectthefunctionofDA.BecausesystemicallyadministeredDAdoesnotcrossthebloodbrainbarrier;Levodopa(prodrug)isadministered,whichistakenupintothebrain.SinceLevodopaismetabolizedbothperipherallyandcentrallytoDAbyaDOPAdecarboxylase,carbidopaaninhibitorofthisenzymeisadministeredincombinationwithLevodopatodecreaseitsmetabolismperipherallyincreasingitsuptakeintothebrain.DA agonists andmonamine oxidaseB(MAOB) inhibitors are also administered asa mono therapy or as an adjunct toLevodopacarbidopa(Sinemet)therapy,dependingupontheclinicalcondition.TakingaverydifferentapproachinthetreatmentofPD,Borromeietal.in1996showedthathyperbaricoxygen(HBO)therapyappearedtobeeffectiveinamelioratingmanyofthebehavioralandmotordeficitsobservedinPDpatients(2).The objective of this study was to determine whether HBO therapy might enhance the effects of an antiparkinsontreatmentinaPDpatientasanadjuncttherapeuticmodality.METHODSBriefpatienthistory:A72yearoldmalewasdiagnosedwithidiopathicPDandplacedonSinemet(10/100)threedoses3timesdaily.Oneyearafterdiagnosis forPDthepatientwasdiagnosedwithtotalocclusionoftherightcoronaryartery.Asuccessful total occlusion angioplasty was performed and he was placed on Lopressor and Lipitor 10 mg daily. Therewere no complications from this surgical procedure. Eighteen months after being diagn o sed as a PD patient he wastreated with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) at 1.9 ATA for 90 min. The patient was treated daily 5 times each week for 5weeks(25treatments).DuringthetreatmentthepatientgraduallyreducedhisdoseofSinemetuntilhewascompletelyoff of this medication between the 3rd and 4th week of HBO treatment. At this point his physician placed him onselegiline10mgtwicedaily.
Clinicaltesting:Thepatient’svoiceandspeechwereevaluatedby aspeechlanguagepathologist, andtheJebsenTaylorhand function test was performed by an occupational therapist prior to and after the end of the HBO therapy. Thepatientwasinformedofallaspectsofhyperbaricoxygentherapy,includingallrisksofadverseeffectsaccordingtotheDeclarationofHelsinki.Thepatientalsosignedaninformedconsentformdetailingthetreatmentandtherightsofthepatient.RESULTSVoice and speech. There was little change in the overall evaluation of voice and speech after HBO therapy.Communicationstatuschangedverylittle.Heappearedtobetalkingmoreandhisratewassomewhatimproved.Hestill haddifficultyprojectinghisvoice.JebsenTaylorHandFunctionTest.Theresultsofthis testareshowninTable1.IntestingthedominanthandthereweresmallincrementsofimprovementafterHBO.Thetotalimprovementwasmorethan10%,whiletheimprovementinthenondominanthandwasnearly32%.During the treatment period, the patient voluntarily reduced his Sinemet doses until he was completely off the drugafter34weeksofHBOtherapy,whichwasanunexpectedresult.HehascontinuedtoremainoffofSinemettherapy.Nocomplicationsoradversesideeffectssuchasmyopiawereobserved.ThelongtermexposureofHBOwastoleratedwellbythepatient.DISCUSSIONPDischaracterizedbytheloss ofdopaminergi c neuronsofthe nigrostriatalpathway.Itisnotclearhowthisneuronaldegeneration is initiated, but there appears to be a number of potential ways in which this might occur in any oneindividual, including genetics, disease, drugs or other chemicals, oxidative stress and/or other environmental factors. However, once it is initiated there seems to be agreement that the degenerative process involves apoptosis and notnecrosis.TheresultsofthisstudysuggestthatHBOmightbeapossiblenewmodalityoftreatmentforPDbecauseitappearedtobeabletoreplaceSinemetasatherapeuticregimen.ThemechanismbywhichtheHBOeffectmightbeoccurringmaybepartlyduetoanantiapoptoticeffect.IthasbeenshownthatHBOincreasedtheexpressionofBcl2protein,amajorantiapoptoticprotein,intreatingforebraincerebralischemiaingerbils(3).TheBcl2proteinhasalsobeenelevatedbyrepeated HBO treatment in normal gerbils (4). So itis possible thatHBOinthisstudyinhibited the apoptotic pathwayinvolvedintheprogressiveneuronaldegenerationbystimulatingtheexpressionoftheBcl2proteins.OtherpossibleHBOeffectsshouldnotbediscountedsuchasimprovedoxygenperfusionduetoincreasedextravascularoxygen diffusion and to possible angiogenesis (5). Axonal repair and regeneration and/or synaptogenesis could occurdue to increased expression of neurotrophin(s), since HBO has been shown to increase vascular endothelial growthfactor(6)andactsynergisticallywithplateletderivedgrowthfactorandtransforminggrowthfactorbeta(7).The results of this case study agree with much of the results observed in the clinical studyby Borromei and hiscoworkers. It is not clear from their study whether some of their patients were concurrently being treated with antiparkinsondrugs.Inourstudy,HBOreplacedtheSinemettherapyandappeare dtoimprovetheclinicalcondition.Thus,results from this case study suggest that HBO therapy might be a potential therapeutic modality in treating patientssufferingfromPDwithoutcausinguntowardsideeffectssuchasdyskinesiaobservedinlongtermSinemettherapy.Inconclusion,wesuggestthatHBOtherapymightbeneuroprotective innaturetothenigrostriatalneuronsbyactingasan antiapoptotic process. This couldstabilizeneuronal function, thereby pote ntially decreasing the progression of theneurodegenerationobservedinParkinson’sDisease.
REFERENCES1. ThatteUandDahanukarS.Apoptosis:clinicalrelevanceandpharmacologicalmanipulation.Drugs.1997;54(4):511532.2. Borromei A. OTI efficiency in decompensatedcomplicated Parkinson’s Disease. In: Proceedings of theInternationalJointMeetingonHyperbaricandUnderwaterMedicine.MarroniA,OrianiGandWattelF,eds.XIIInternationalCongressonHyperbaricMedicine.Mila no,Italy.1996,pp599604.3. Zhou JG, Liu JC andFang YQ. Effect of hyperbaric oxygenonthe expression of proteins Bcl2and Bax in thegerbilhippocampusCA1followingforebrainischemiareperfusion.ChinJApplPhysiol.2000;16(4):298301.4. Wada K, Miyazawa T, Nomura N, Yano A, Tsuzuki N, Nawashiro H and Shima K. MnSOD and Bcl2 expressionafterrepeatedhyperbaricoxygen.ActaNeurochir.2000(Suppl)76:285290.5. Marx RE. Radiation injury to tissue. In: Kindwall EP, (Ed) Hyperbaric Medicine Practice. Best Publishing Co.Flagstaff,AZ.1995:450455.6. SheikhAY,GibsonJJ,RollinsMD,HopfHW,HussainZandHuntTK.Effectofhyperoxiaonvasculargrowthfactorlevelsinawoundmodel.ArchSurg.2000;135(11):129397.7. ZhaoLL,DavidsonJD,WeeSC,RothSIandMustoeTA.Effectofhyperbaricoxygenandgrowthfactorsonrabbitearischemiculcers.ArchSurg.1994;129(10):10439.Table1.JebsenTaylorHandFunctionTest.ClinicalTesting:Time(insec) PreHBO PostHBODominantHandWriting 14 12CardTurning 7 6ManipulatingSmallObjects 11 11SimulatedFeeding 11 10StackingSmallObjects 8 5LiftingLargeLightObjects 11 10LiftingLargeHeavyObjects 8 6Total 70 60NonDominantHandWriting 41 28CardTurning 8 4ManipulatingSmallObjects 11 7SimulatedFeeding 12 12StackingSmallObjects 13 8LiftingLargeLightObjects 9 6LiftingLargeHeavyObjects 7 5Total 101 70
TheSecondWaveOfOxygen:HyperbaricOxygentherapy(HBOT)There is growing interest in the use of HBOT to treat the neurotoxicit y induced by longterm alcohol andpsychostimulantabuse.Evenintheabsenceofdoubleblindstudies,thereisenoughpositiveanecdotalinformationandcasestudiestowarrantintensiveinvestigationinresidentialtreatment.Anexampleisthecaseofa19yearoldseriousdrug abuser with a preliminary brain SPECTscan that looked as bad as the scan of a demented 74yearold man. Thescanof the drug abuser showed a markedimprovement in blood flow afterjustoneHBOTsession (Harch, 2007).It isconjecturedthat the ‘mechanism of benefit’ involves supplying additional oxygen to hasten the combustion ofneurotoxins that accumulate in the brain from the excess intake of alcohol. Previous research from our laboratoryshowedthatraisingendorphinlevelsinthebrainincreases bloodflowintherewardsiteofthebrain(Blumetal., 1985).Synaptoseraises brainlevelsofendorphinsbypreventing theirbreakdown.Coupledwith anenhancedoxygenation byHBOT,thesynergyshouldtranslatetoimprovingbrainhealthinaddicts.Brainhealingisnecessaryinordertoovercomeneurological deficits that result fromSUD. HBOT has been used to successfully treata myriad of other neurologicallybased disorders including: traumatic brain injuries, cardiovascular accidents, posttraumatic stress disorder, dementiaandParkinson’sDisease.HarchPGandMccoullough,“TheOxygenRevolution”HatherleighPress,2007,NewYorkpage151–152.HyperbaricOxygenationTherapyInanItalianstudy,55of63patientsshowedsignificantimprovementafterhyperbaricoxygenationtherapy.Thistherapyis beginning to be widely used in neurodegenerative conditions, particularly movement disorders. More and moreresearchisbeingpublishedonthebenefitsofHBOTinParkinson’sdisease/syndrome.Research suggests that glutathione, a critically important brain chemical, is deficient in Parkinson's patients and mayplayasignificantroleinthetreatment ofthisdisease.Glutathioneisa powerfulantioxidant,andhelpsto preventfreeradical damage to brain tissue. So far, the intravenous use of glutathione has shown promising results in reducingtremorsandimprovingmovementandbalance.Ongoing clinical trials suggest that multimodality therapy, combining intravenous glutathione with Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy (HBOT) and nutritional supplemen tation, may be more effective than glutathione alone. HOC iscurrentlycon ductingclinical trialsoncombinationtherapyforParkinson'sdiseaseandislookingforparticipants.PleasecontactDr.TasreenAlibhai,NDat6045203941forfurther information.VideoReferenceshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECncQzGXrC4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbFs9NN__Mk&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78PXByMI5J8
Information gathered by AHA Hyperbarics ase is a neurological disorder and research has shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps those suffering from it to better wellbeing and alleviates tremors. Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects how the person moves, including how they speak and write. Symptoms develop gradually, and may start off with ever-so-slight tremors in one hand. People with Parkinson's disease also experience stiffness and find they cannot carry out movements as rapidly as before - this is called bradykinesia. The muscles of a person with Parkinson's become weaker and the individual may assume an unusual posture. Parkinson's disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders. Movement disorders describe a variety of abnormal body movements that have a neurological basis, and include such conditions as cerebral palsy, ataxia, and Tourette syndrome. The disease also affects the voice and sense of smell. HBOT alleviates tremors On the Advanced Hyperbaric Recovery website we can find an article detailing the cases of All 5 patients reported a decrease in tremors and an improvement in general well-being. The patients under went an initial course of 10 treatments and were allowed to continue treatment as needed until they perceived a plateau in benefit. The treatment benefit appeared sustained for approximately 1-5 months, and was re-established following additional HBOT. There were no complications. HBOT may be a safe and effective treatment option for patients with PD.here or by following the 2nd link under references. HBOT is a safe, easily administered, and relatively inexpensive treatment. K.H. Holbach reported that HBOT treatment at 1.5 ATA resulted in a balanced cerebral glucose metabolism, which indicated an improved oxygenation and energy production of the injured brain. In this preliminary study to determine if HBOT could play a role in treatment of PD, patients were treated, depending on the severity of their symptoms, from 1.5-2.0 ATA. The treatment ATA and the number of treatments were determined by the patient symptoms in relation to their givers. The positive preliminary results reported in this small group of patients may be due to a placebo effect. A prospective study using a constant ATA and objective assessment of effectiveness should now be performed to further evaluate the role of HBOT in the treatment of PD. Read another detailed case report here.
HBOT for Parkinson’sDiseaseAround 1 in 20 people under the age of40 years old are diagnosed withParkinson’s Disease each year!
10 Facts about Parkinson’s Disease5 patients with a history of Parkinson’s Disease(PD)were treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy(HBOT) for 1 hour at 1.5-2.0 ATA. All 5 patients reported adecrease in tremors and an improvement in general well-being. The patients under went an initial course of 10
treatments and were allowed to continue treatment asneeded until they perceived a plateau in benefit. Thetreatment benefit appeared sustained for approximately 1-5 months, and was re-established following additionalHBOT. There were no complications. HBOT may be a safeand effective treatment option for patients with PD.PD is a progressive neurological disorder affecting at least500,000 people in the United States. ParkinsonianSyndrome (PS) includes the idiopathic or typical PD whichaccounts for 85% of PS cases, neuroleptic-induced whichaccounts for 7-9% of PS and is reversible, and other typessuch as progressive supra nuclear palsy, multiple systemsatrophy, corticobasal degeneration, vascular, toxins, andrecurrent head trauma, all accounting for less than 10% ofcases.It has been demonstrated that even early stage PDexhibits a subnormal response to hypoxia. A discrepancyin ventilatory response to isocapnic, progressive hypoxicrebreathing in PD patients under minor and severehypoxia was felt to be due to a dysfunction inchemoreception. The reduction in aveolar ventilationcould not be attributed to mechanical restriction of lungfunction, and was unrelated to whether or not the patientwas being treated with dopaminergic drugs.Case 1:This physician’s 86 year old mother with a 15-year history
of PD and tremors at rest, bradykinesia, sleepdisturbance, and depression taking 5 medications for PDunder went a course of 10 HBOT at 1.5 ATA. She reportedan improvement in well-being and was observed to have adecrease in tremors. She underwent an additional 3 HBOTat 1.5 atA. The beneficial effects of the treatmentappeared to be sustained over the course of the next 4months.Case 2:This 75 year old former corperate vice president with a 6year history of PD taking dopaminergic drugs with restingtremors, difficulty with balance, and insomnia underwent20 HBOT at 1.5 ATA and 3 treatments at 1.75 ATA. Therewas a significant improvement in tremors, balance, andinsomnia, which has been maintained for 5 months. Thetremors began to return, and the patient underwent 5additional HBOT treatments with an improvement insymptoms.Case 3:This 63 year old former fire fighter with a 6 year history ofPD like symptoms diagnosed with PD 4 years ago haddiscontinued his dopaminergic agents, but continuedtaking amantadine for his tremors without effect. Heunderwent 30 HBOT at 2.0 ATA and had a completeresolution of his right hand tremor, which has been
maintained for the last 5 months.Case 4:This 69 year old practicing physician with a 3 year historyof PD on dopaminergic medication had discontinueddriving and reported difficulty in writing, episodes ofrigidity, and always feeling “washed out”. Afetr one HBOTtreatment at 1.5 ATA, he reported feeling like “his own selfagain”, and after 7 treatments resumed driving. Thetreatment benefit appeared to last for 24 to 48 hours- theend point of the benefit strongly related to stressexperienced at work. The patient underwent 13 additionalHBOT treatments at 2.0 ATA (20 treatments total), and hereported a complete resolution of symptoms for 1 month.The “washed out” feeling returned and after undergoingand additional 2 HBOT treatments, he again felt “well”.HBOT is a safe, easily administered, and relativelyinexpensive treatment. K.H. Holbach reported that HBOTtreatment at 1.5 ATA resulted in a balanced cerebralglucose metabolism, which indicated an improvedoxygenation and energy production of the injured brain. Inthis preliminary study to determine if HBOT could play arole in treatment of PD, patients were treated, dependingon the severity of their symptoms, from 1.5-2.0 ATA. Thetreatment ATA and the number of treatments weredetermined by the patient symptoms in relation to theirsubjective perceived benefit of treatment and the
observations of the patient’s spouses or care givers. Thepositive preliminary results reported in this small group ofpatients may be due to a placebo effect. A prospectivestudy using a constant ATA and objective assessment ofeffectiveness should now be performed to furtherevaluate the role of HBOT in the treatment of PD.Reference:Weiss, Jefferey N., Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment ofParkinson’s Disease WCHM, 40-42
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for Parkinson’sdisease with severe depression and anxietyA case reportJin-Jin Xu, MD, Si-Tong Yang, MD, Ying Sha, MD, Yuan-Yuan Ge, MD, Jian-Meng Wang, MD∗AbstractRationale: Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) frequently suffer from psychiatric disorders, and treating these symptomwhereas managing the motor symptoms associated with PD can be a therapeutic challenge.Patient concerns: We report a case of PD patient with severe depression and anxiety that refused to be treated withdopaminagonists or SSRIs, the most common treatments for PD patients suffering from psychiatric symptoms.Diagnoses: Parkinson’s disease with severe depression and anxiety.Interventions: This man was treated with hyperbaric oxygen treatment for 30 days.Outcomes: Clinical assessment scores for depression and anxiety, including Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating ScaleI (UPDRS I),UPDRS II, Hanmilton Depression Rating Scale, and Hamiliton Anxiety Rating Scale, were improved following the hyperbaric oxygentreatment.Lessons: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment may be a potential therapeutic method for PD patient suffering from depression andanxiety. Further research is needed to validate this finding and explore a potential mechanism.Abbreviations: MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, PD = Parkinson’s disease, SSRIs = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,UPDRS = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale I.Keywords: anxiety, depression, hyperbaric oxygen, Parkinson’s disease1. IntroductionPatients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) frequently suffer fromnonmotor symptoms, with up to 40% to 60% of PD patientssuffering from psychiatric symptoms.[1]Psychiatric symptomscan exacerbate the neuromotor symptoms of PD, complicatingthe care of patients with PD.[2,3]Previous research has suggestedthat psychiatric symptoms comorbid with PD decreases thequality of life for the patient and increases the burden on thecaregiver.[4]However, the treatment options for psychiatricsymptoms of patients with PD are limited. Currently, the maintreatment strategies for these patients involve the use of dopamineagonists or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Thiscase report presents a PD patient with severe depression andanxiety who showed marked psychiatric improvement usinghyperbaric oxygen treatment after refusing conventional phar-maceutical treatments.2. Case reportThe study was approved by the ethical committee of FirstHospital of Jilin University, China. Written informed consentwas obtained.A 45-year-old male patient initially presented 1.5 years agowith resting tremor and bradykinesia in the left upper limb.Symptoms subsequently developed in the left lower limb andright limbs. He was diagnosed with PD, and anti-Parkinsonianagents were prescribed. The exact details of his prescription areunknown, as the patient refused any medication because hebelieved the drug treatment was ineffective.Three months ago, the resting tremor and bradykinesiaprogressively intensified. Additionally, he began to presentpsychiatric symptoms, including a loss of interest in daily life,unwilling to communicate with others, and often having suicidalthoughts. He was diagnosed with severe depression and anxietyassociated with PD at another hospital, and prescribedcitalopram and pramipexole. However, again the patient refusedto accept the drug treatment. At admission to our hospital, he hada poor diet, extremely inadequate sleep (about 2–3 hours per dayon average), and weight loss of about 20 kg from the onset of PD.He had no previous history of medical illness. His mother hadsuffered from PD, with an initial onset around 40 years old. Theneurological examination on admission found slightly clumsyspeech patterns, masking face, and increased muscle tone andhyperactive deep tendon reflexes in the limbs. All otherparameters of the neurological examination were within normallimits. In addition, nonenhanced cranial magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) scan and Doppler ultrasound of the head andneck did not identify any evidence of pathology. Depression andanxiety were assessed clinically using several rating systems,Editor: N/A.The authors declare no conflicts of interest.Department of Geriatrics, the First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China.∗Correspondence: Jian-Meng Wang, Department of Geriatrics, First Hospital ofJilin University, Changchun 130021, China (e-mail: 2444862570@qq.com).Copyright © 2018 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-NoDerivatives License 4.0, which allows for redistribution, commercialand non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, withcredit to the author.Medicine (2018) 97:9(e0029)Received: 29 December 2017 / Accepted: 6 February 2018http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000010029Clinical Case ReportMedicine®OPEN1
including the Uni fied Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale I(UPDRSI), UPDRS II, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale(HAM-D), and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A). Theresults are summarized in Table 1.After admission, the patient again refused conventional drugtreatment. He was instead treated with hyperbaric oxygentreatment as an alternative to pharmaceutical therapy. Theprotocols of hyperbaric oxygen treatment were as follows: thepatient inhaled pure oxygen through a mask in 2 sessions of 40minutes, separated by a 10 minute break, in hyperbaric chamber.The pressure was set at 2.0 ATA (atmosphere absolute). After 4days of hyperbaric oxygen treatment, the patient had significantlyimproved sleepingquality, increasing sleeping duration from 2 to 3hours prior to admission to about 5 hours per night. Coincidental-ly, his overall mood improved. The patient continued to receivehyperbaric oxygen treatment for 1 month. The treatment coursewas smooth and without complications. After ending treatment,the sleeping time recovered to within normal limits, with theduration of 8 to 10hours, and body weight increased by about 10kg. Additionally, the resting tremor and bradykinesia improvedsignificantly. Table 1 summarizes the results of the clinicalassessments performed both before and after the end of hyperbaricoxygen treatment. Although the scores after hyperbaric oxygentreatment decreased significantly, they remained in the abnormalrange. Follow-up 1 month after discharge indicated that theimprovements in the patient’s sleep and mood persisted, and he didnot need assistance in his daily life.3. DiscussionPD occurs in 0.3% of the general population and about 1% to2% of individuals older than 60 years.[5]Patients with PD oftenalso suffer from depression and anxiety, which are the mostcommon psychiatric complications for these patients. In fact,these 2 psychiatric disorders are more prevalent in PD patientsthan in the general population, with a lifetime risk of developingdepression or anxiety of about 60%, with the cross-sectionalprevalence for each disorder only being 30% to 40%.[1].Idiopathic Parkinson disease is the most common cause ofParkinsonism, which has four cardinal manifestations includingresting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and gait disturbance.[6]Parkinson disease also causes important nonmotor symptoms,such as sleep disturbance, mood disorder, cognitive impairment,and autonomic dysfunction. The patient’s initial symptomspresented in this paper were resting tremor and bradykinesia.Over time, he developed nonmotor symptoms, including sleepdisturbance, and mood disorder. Affective disorders have a strongeffect on quality of life and increase PD patient disability, somanagement of anxiety and depression for this patient, particu-larly because of his refusal of other drug treatments, was a priority.Several medications are available for treatment of both themotor symptoms and nonmotor symptoms of PD. The choice oftreatment for an individual patient is based on their specificsymptoms, age, disease stage, functional disability, and generallevel of physical activity and productivity. In the clinic, levodopaor dopamine agonists, such as pramipexole, are the 2recommended effective drugs for the treatment of the motorsymptoms of PD.[7]Several randomized controlled trials haveshown that dopamine agonists provide effective monotherapy inearly PD, and in patients with more advanced disease who displaysuboptimal responses to levodopa.Adverse effects can accompany the treatment with levodopa ordopamine agonists. For example, nausea, vomiting, andorthostatic hypotension may occur early in the treatment processof PD, whereas dyskinesia, visual hallucinations, and psychiatricsymptoms sometimes occur after treatment in more advancedstages of the disease.[8]These adverse effects significantlydecrease the treatment compliance in the clinic, and more effortsshould be made to address them. Although motor function mayworsen, stopping or reducing the levodopa or dopamine agoniststo control the nonmotor symptoms, especially psychiatricsymptoms, may be a better choice for the overall well-being ofthe patient. Additionally, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) may be effective in controlling the psychiatric symptoms.Psychiatric symptoms can exacerbate the debility of PD andcreate complexities in treating both the motor and nonmotorsymptoms of patients with PD.In the present study, the patient refused currently accepteddrug therapies to treat his symptoms of PD. To treat this patient,we were compelled to explore other potentially effectivetreatment strategies. In recent years, hyperbaric oxygen treatmenthas emerged as a potential treatment for neurological disorders,including PD, by providing neuroprotective effects.[9,10]Severalmechanisms underlying the neuroprotective effects of hyperbaricoxygen treatment in PD have been explored in the previousstudies. One possibility is that hyperbaric oxygen treatment couldreduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which are knownfactors in the pathogenesis of PD.[11]For example, in a rat modelof middle cerebral artery occlusion, hyperbaric oxygen treatmentdramatically reduced the formation of hydroxyl free radicals inthe striatum, which was associated with increased superoxidedismutase and catalase activity and the reduction of malondial-dehyde and lipid peroxidation levels.[12]Additionally, hyperbaricoxygen treatment is associated with reduced myeloperoxidaseactivity and inhibition of neutrophil infiltration, biomarkersindicating inflammation.[13,14]Although the potential mecha-nisms accounting for the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygentreatment were not addressed for this patient, further studiesshould be conducted to verify the effectiveness of this treatment inother patients, as well as to understand the underlying molecularmechanism.Studies have shown that hyperbaric oxygen treatmentcombined with other therapies is effective in improving thenonmotor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.[15,16]However, afew report is available that evaluating the effects of hyperbaricoxygen treatment using specific scientific scales includingUPDRSI, UPDRS II, HAM-D, and HAM-A as described in thepresent study. Further well-designed randomized controlled trialsusing abovementioned scientific scales are needed to evaluate thetreatment efficacy.In conclusion, this report suggests that hyperbaric oxygentreatment may be a potential therapeutic method for treatingpsychiatric symptoms in patients with PD. However, furtherresearch is needed to validate its effects and explore itsmechanism.Table 1Patient scores on clinical tests before and after hyperbaric oxygentreatment.UPDRS I UPDRS II HAM-D HAM-ABefore treatment 38 15 31 32After 1 month treatment 20 8 19 17HAM-A = Hamilton Anxiety Ratin g Scale, HAM-D = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, UPDRS =Unified Parkinson ’ s Disease Rating Scale.Xu et al. Medicine (2018) 97:9 Medicine2
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Effects of high-intensity intervaltraining with hyperbaric oxygenMiguel Alvarez Villela1†, Sophia A. Dunworth1,2†,Bryan D. Kraft1,3†, Nicole P. Harlan1,3, Michael J. Natoli1,Hagir B. Suliman1and Richard E. Moon1,2,3*1Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology, Duke University Medical Center,Durham, NC, United States,2Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,NC, United States,3Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine,Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United StatesHyperbaric Oxygen (HBO2) has been proposed as a pre-conditioning method toenhance exercise performance. Most prior studies testing this effect have beenlimited by inadequate methodologies. Its potential ef ficacy and mechanism ofaction remain unknown. We hypothesized that HBO2could enhance aerobiccapacity by inducing mitochondrial biogenesis via redox signaling in skeletalmuscle. HBO2was administered in combination with high-intensity intervaltraining (HIIT), a potent redox stimulus known to induce mitochondrialbiogenesis. Aerobic capacity was tested during acute hypobaric hypoxiaseeking to shift the limiting site of whole body V_O2 from convection todiffusion, more closely isolating any effect of improved oxidative capacity.Healthy volunteers were screened with sea-level (SL) V_O2peak testing.Seventeen subjects were enrolled (10 men, 7 women, ages 26.5±1.3 years,BMI 24.6±0.6 kg m−2,V_O2peak SL = 43.4±2.1). Each completed 6 HIIT sessionsover 2 weeks randomized to breathing normobaric air, “HIIT+Air” (PiO2=0.21 ATM) or HBO2(PiO2= 1.4 ATM) during training, “HIIT+HBO2”group. Training workloads were individualized based on V_O2peak SL test.Vastus Lateralis (VL) muscle biopsies were performed before and after HIITin both groups. Baseline and post-training V_O2peak tests were conducted in ahypobaric chamber at PiO2 = 0.12 ATM. HIIT significantly increased V_O2peak inboth groups: HIIT+HBO231.4±1.5 to 35.2±1.2 ml kg−1·min−1and HIIT+Air29.0±3.1 to 33.2±2.5 ml kg−1·min−1(p = 0.005) without an additional effect ofHBO2(p = 0.9 for interaction of HIIT x HBO2). Subjects randomized toHIIT+HBO2displayed higher skeletal muscle mRNA levels of PPARGC1A,aregulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, and HK2 and SLC2A4, regulators ofglucose utilization and storage. All other tested markers of mitochondrialbiogenesis showed no additional effect of HBO2to HIIT. When combinedwith HIIT, short-term modest HBO2(1.4 ATA) has does not increase whole-body V_O2peak during acute hypobaric hypoxia. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:NCT02356900; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02356900).KEYWORDShigh-intensity interval training, hyperbaric oxygenation, mitochondrial turnover, high-altitude, oxygen consumptionOPEN ACCESSEDITED BYGiuseppe De Vito,University of Padua, ItalyREVIEWED BYGraham Ripley McGinnis,University of Nevada, United StatesLynn Hartzler,Wright State University, United States*CORRESPONDENCERichard E. Moon,richard.moon@duke.edu†These authors have contributed equallyto this work and share first authorshipSPECIALTY SECTIONThis article was submittedto Exercise Physiology,a section of the journalFrontiers in PhysiologyRECEIVED 07 June 2022ACCEPTED 27 July 2022PUBLISHED 19 August 2022CITATIONAlvarez Villela M, Dunworth SA, Kraft BD,Harlan NP, Natoli MJ, Suliman HB andMoon RE (2022), Effects of high-intensity interval training withhyperbaric oxygen.Front. Physiol. 13:963799.doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799COPYRIGHT©2022AlvarezVillela,Dunworth,Kraft,Harlan, Natoli, Suliman and Moon. Thisis an open-access article distributedunder the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (CC BY).The use, distribution or reproduction inother forums is permitted, provided theoriginal author(s) and the copyrightowner(s) are credited and that theoriginal publication in this journal iscited, in accordance with acceptedacademic practice. No use, distributionor reproduction is permitted which doesnot comply with these terms.Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org01TYPE Original ResearchPUBLISHED 19 August 2022DOI 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
IntroductionHyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) has been proposed as a methodfor pre-conditioning to enhance exercise performance. Manyathletes have admitted to using HBO2(for instance, 1.3 -2.8 atmospheres absolute [ATA] for 50 - 90 minutes) basedon the principle that short exposures to HBO2immediatelybefore maximal exercise testing facilitates “oxygen loading”(Cabric et al., 1991; McGavock et al., 1999; Rozenek et al.,2007; Kawada et al., 2008). While tissue oxygen levelsnormalize almost immediately after removal from thehyperoxic environment, in one study, HBO2therapy led toincreased peak oxygen uptake (V_O2peak) that was linked toincreased skeletal muscle mitochondrial mass (Hadanny et al.,2022).Hyperbaric oxygen has also been studied in combinationwith exercise training, albeit with mixed results. Whenadministered in combination with moderate continuoustraining in athletes, it resulted in no additional improvementson V_O2peak compared with training under normoxic conditions(Burgos et al., 2016). However, in a more recent study, HBO2wasadministered in combination with high-intensity intervaltraining (HIIT) and led to increased peak work rate and peakminute ventilation compared with air controls, but no differencesin V_O2peak (DeCato et al., 2019). The underlying hypothesis isthat the mitochondrial bioenergetic program is synergisticallyactivated by these two stimuli, potentially via redox signaling.The mitochondrial biogenesis program is cytoprotective andgenerates and distributes healthy mitochondria throughout thecell in response to oxidant and other stresses (Piantadosi andSuliman, 2012). Given the link between mitochondrial mass andaerobic capacity (Weibel et al., 1991), we proposed that inductionof the mitochondrial biogenesis program would result indetectable improvements in V_O2peak.The co-activator and binding partner peroxisomeproliferator-activated rece ptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha(PGC-1α)isareliablemarkerforactivationofthisbigenomic program in humanskeletalmuscle.Bothendurance and interval exercise training consistentlyincrease its expression (Pilegaard et a l., 2003; Calvo et al.,2008; Gibala et al., 2009; Olesen et al., 2010), and there isevidence that the r elationship between PGC-1 α and exercisemay be bidirectional, as overexpression of this molecule intransgenic mice increases mitochondrial content and, in turn,improves exercise performance (Calvo et al., 2008). Activationof skel etal muscle P GC-1α is also seen with low-dosehyperbaric exposure (1.25 ATA with FiO20.36) (Takemuraand Ishihara, 2017 )andotherstudieshavefoundHBO2canactivate mitoc hondrial biogenesis in the brain (Gutsa eva et al.,2006; Hsu et al., 2022 ). Hence, HIIT and HBO2together couldsynergistically increase PGC -1α and improve exercisecapacity. However, HBO2showed a neutral effect onV_O2peak compared to HIIT alone (DeCato et al., 2019).In the present study we directly examined the combinedeffect of HBO2and HIIT on skeletal muscle bioenergetics as wellas the attendant changes on V_O2peak during acute hypobarichypoxia. We chose a HIIT regimen similar to that employed byDeCato, et al. (DeCato et al., 2019), and measured changes inexercise capacity in a hypobaric hypoxic environment becausehypoxic conditions (reduced oxygen supply) were believed toemphasize the role of peripheral determinants of V_O2(i.e.capillary surface area and mitochondrial capacity) more sothan central determinants (i.e. lung capacity, heart function,and oxygen carrying capacity) (di Prampero, 2003). Thisstrategy therefore allowed us focus as much as possible on themitochondrial contributions of VO2and concurrently measurechanges in the skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesisprogram.Materials and methodsSubjects and study enrollmentAfter institutional review board (IRB) approval and writteninformed consent, healthy non-smoker volunteers, ages 18 to35 years, were screened. Subjects were excluded who had chroniccomorbidities, pregnancy, sickle cell heterozygosity (African-American candidates were screened), physicaldeconditioning (sea-level V_O2peak below 35 mL.kg-1.min-1formen or 30 mL.kg-1.min-1for women) (Gill et al., 2014; Bennett-Guerrero et al., 2017; Bennett-Guerrero et al., 2021), or wereunable to provide written informed consent in English.Study design overviewTo determine study eligibility, potential subjects underwent abaseline medical history, physical exam, and sea-level (SL)graded maximal exercise test on a cycle ergometer. If eligiblefor participation, subjects were enrolled and underwent a vastuslateralis (VL) muscle biopsy followed 48 hours later by a gradedmaximal exercise test to exhaustion during acute hypobarichypoxia (HH) in a hypobaric chamber decompressed to abarometric pressure of 429 mmHg (PiO2=0.12 atmospheres[ATM]) (Figure 1). Participants were then randomized 1:1 toa supervised, 6 session, high-intensity interval training programwhile breathing normobaric air, “HIIT+Air” group(PiO2=0.21 ATM), or 100% oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber“HIIT+HBO2” group (PiO2=1.4 ATM). Selection of the PO2wasbased on a balance between the likelihood of a positive effect andan acceptable risk of central nervous system oxygen toxicityduring exercise (Koch et al., 2013). One day after the last trainingsession, a VL biopsy was obtained from the contralateral leg and amaximal exercise test during acute HH (PiO2=0.12 ATM) wasrepeated after a two-day recovery period. Subjects wereFrontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org02Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
instructed to continue their usual level of activity during thestudy, to avoid caffeine beverages on the day of exercise testing,and to avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)24 hours before muscle biopsies.Exercise protocolAll exercise sessions were performed on an upright cycleergometer (Monark, model 818E). Seat height, handlebarelevation and angle and pedal strapping established during theinitial briefing visit were maintained for each subject in alltraining and testing sessions.Sea-level maximal exercise testing protocol: Subjects cycled at75 rpm starting at 50 Watts (W) and workload was increased by50 W increments every 3 minutes. Verbal encouragement wasprovided throughout the test to elicit maximal effort. ContinuousECG and pulse-oximetry monitoring were provided. The test wasterminated for inability to maintain cadence, muscle cramping orsubject request. During each test, subjects wore a nose-clip andbreathed air through a two-way non-rebreathing valve (HansRudolf, model 2700) connected to a metabolic cart (ConsentiusTechnologies, ParvoMedics TrueMax 2400). Mixed expiredoxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), respiratory rate, minuteventilation, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), O2consumption(V_O2), and CO2elimination (V_CO2) were measured with themetabolic cart and recorded every 30 s as 30 s averages. V_O2peakwas recorded as the highest O2uptake (V_O2) reached during thetest. Ventilatory threshold (VT) was calculated using themodified V-slope method (30s averages) (Gaskill et al., 2001).High Intensity Interval Training: Six training sessions werecompleted over a two-week period (Figure 1) by subjects in bothFIGURE 1Study design. After a sea-level screening VO2peak test, subjects underwent a V_O2peak test at altitude and were then randomized to HIIT + Airor HIIT + HBO2. After six HIIT sessions, subjects underwent a final V_O2peak test at altitude. Abbreviations :ATM,atmospheres;HBO2, hyperbaricoxygen; HIIT, high-intensity interval training; PiO2, pressure of inspired oxygen; VL, vastus lateralis; V_O2, oxygen consumption.FIGURE 2High-Intensity Interval Training. Timeline of a single 30-minHIIT session as a function of percent of V_O2peak workload (W).Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org03Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
groups using identical cycle ergometer setups and two-way non-rebreathing valve systems. Continuous ECG and periodic bloodpressure monitoring were performed during each session.Subjects in the HIIT+Air group acted as controls training inour physiology laboratory at sea-level with the on-demandbreathing system in direct communication with surroundingambient air. Subjects randomized to train in the HBO2groupwere pressurized in a dry hyperbaric chamber to a pressure of1.4 ATA over 1 minute, or slower depending upon subjectcomfort. The described on-demand breathing system wasconnected to a pure oxygen source (FiO2=100%). A studyinvestigator acted as a tender inside the chamber throughouteach training session. Subjects were attached to a safety harnessto avoid trauma in the event of an oxygen-induced convulsion.The chamber was decompressed back to sea-level pressure(1 ATA) over 2 minutes. Each training session consisted of atotal of 30 minutes of exercise: Three minutes of warm-up,followed by six 30-second high-intensity interval periodsinterspersed with six 4-minute active recovery periods(Figure 2). Prescribed workloads for each period werecalculated as percentages of the subject’s own peak workload(Watts) achieved during the screening SL maximal exercise test:60% of peak output for the warm-up period, 120% for the high-intensity intervals and 50% for the recovery periods (Figure 2).During training, subjects were encouraged to maintain a cadenceof 75 rpm while the pedaling resistance was adjusted by thesupervising investigator to the prescribed workload for eachperiod.Acute hypobaric hypoxia maximal exercise testing: Maximalexercise tests were performed 1 week before and 1 week after thelast HIIT session (Figure 1) in a hypobaric chamber at asimulated atmospheric pressure of 429 mmHg and FiO2=21%,(PiO2=0.12 ATM). Workload increments at altitude were 25Wevery 3 minutes. For each test, the chamber was depressurized at2,000 ft per minute for 7.5 minutes to 15,000 ft. Recalibration ofthe metabolic cart was performed at target atmospheric pressure.A study investigator was present inside the chamber throughoutcompletion of the test and the subject was attached to a safetyharness to avoid trauma in the event of hypoxia-inducedsyncope. In addition to inability to maintain cadence, subjectrequest and muscle cramping, tests were also terminated forsevere hypoxemia (persistent O2saturation of <70% on pulse-oximetry).Skeletal muscle biopsiesVastus lateralis (VL) muscle biopsies were performed understerile technique, using local anesthesia and a University CollegeHospital Muscle Biopsy Needle (120 mm, 5.0 mm OD, Popper &Sons, New Hyde Park, NY). Samples were obtained (total weight200 mg), snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80°C.Western blot studiesMuscle proteins were separated by SDS-PA GE andidentified by Western blot analysis (Suliman et al., 200 7a).Membranes were incubated with validat ed antibodies againstmitofusin-2 (Mfn2, 1:800, sc- 50331), dynamin-1-like protein(Drp1, 1:1000, sc-271583), citrate synthas e (1:2000,ab129095), ATP synthase subunit a (ATPase6, 1:1000,ab219825), cyt ochrome c oxidase (COI, 1: 1000, PA 5-26688), NADH de hydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1, 1:1000,ab181848), catalase (1:1500, ab209211), heme oxygenase-1(HO-1, 1 :1000, BML-HC3001), and superoxide dismutase-2(SOD2, 1:2000, sc-137254), using GAPDH (1:5,000, G9545 ) orporin (1:5,000, PC548) ant ibody (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) as aloading control. After three washes in Tris-buffered salinewith Tween, membranes were incubated with the appropriatehorseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody (anti-goat, sc-2354, or anti-rabbit sc-2357 antibodies, both 1:10,000). Blots were developed with enhancedchemiluminescence (Wes tern Blot ting Luminol Reagent, sc-2048). Proteins we re quantified by densitometry on digitizedimages from the mid dynamic range using Quantity One (Bio-Rad) and expressed relative t o GAPDH or porin.Polymerase chain reaction studiesTotal RNA was extracted from the muscle samples andanalyzed by RT-PCR as previously described (Pecorella et al.,2015). RNA (1 μg) was reverse-transcribed by u sing randomhexamer primers and a Superscript enzyme (Invitrogen) andreal-time PCR was performe d with a StepOne plus and geneexpression master mix (Applied Biosystems, Fost er City, CA).Primers and probes from Applied Biosystems were used fornuclear respiratory factor-2 (NRF2), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PPARGC1A),mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM ), DNApolymerase subunit gamma-1 (POLG), mitochondrialDNA-directed RNA polymerase (POLRMT), glucosetransporter 4 (SLC2A4), glucose transporter 1 (SLC 2A1),and hexokinase-2 (HK2 ). 18S rRNA was used as aninternal control. For the quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR)reaction, a difference of 1.0 in Ct value represents atwofold difference in transcript level. QRT-PC R wasperformed in triplicate. Quantitative PCR was then used tomeasure mtDNA copy number. Total mtDNA was isolatedfrom muscle samples and determined by real-time PCR asdescribed (Pecorella et al., 2015). Briefl y, RT-PCR wasperformed using SYBR green qPCR Super Mix UDG(Invitrogen). The StepOne plus sequence detector s ystem(Applied Biosystems) was used to record and analyzefluorescence intensities during PCR.Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org04Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
Statistical analysesBased on previous studies by our laboratory measuring PGC-1αprotein expression in healthy subjects after exercise training, wecalculated that a sample size of at least 18 subjects (9 in each group)was required for 80% power to detect a significant change (alpha0.05) in molecular markers of mitochondrial biogenesis followingour intervention. The pre-specified primary outcomes includedchange (pre-HIIT vs. post-HIIT) in V_O2peak, V_O2 at VT,mitochondrial mass, Tfam expression, and PGC-1α expression.Grouped data are reported as means ± SEM unless otherwiseindicated, and analyzed via repeated-measures two-way ANOVA(or if missing values, by mixed-effects analysis) with Fisher’sleastsignificant difference post-hoc testing (GraphPad Prism v8, SanDiego, CA). p <0.05 was considered statistically significant .ResultsEnrollment and baseline characteristicsTwenty-five subjects were screened, four were excluded prior torandomization: one for below cut-off sea-level V_O2peak, one due tosyncope during first VL biopsy, and two because of training sessionscheduling conflicts. Twenty-one subjects completed the studyprotocol. Four were excluded from the data analysis due tosubmaximal effort on sea-level or altitude testing (RER<1.0), ordue to technical failures related to calorimetric gas analysis ataltitude. Therefore, 17 subjects (10 men, 7 women) wereincluded in the data analysis. Nine were in the air group and8intheHBO2group. Ages ranged 19–35 years, BMI24.6±0.6 kg m−2,sea-level(SL)V_O2peak 43.4±9 ml kg−1·min−1andbaseline hypobaric hypoxia (HH) V_O2peak 30.1±1.7 ml kg−1·min−1(Table 1). Baseline characteristics are summarized in Table 1.Subjects in both groups were s imil ar in age, BMI and fitnesslevel (V_O2peak SL HIIT+HBO2group = 45.2±2.69 ml·kg·min−1vs. HIIT+Air 41.7±3.30 ml kg−1·min−1; p =0.31).Effects of acute hypobaric hypoxiaMaximal exercise testing during acute HH (barometricpressure = 429mmHg; PiO2=0.12ATM)resultedinanequal(non-statistically significant) Δ V_O2peak from sea-level in bothgroups, -13.5±4.6 ml kg−1·min−1in the HIIT+HBO2group (48%decrease from baseline) and -13±3.9 ml kg−1·min−1in the HIIT+Airgroup (56% decrease from baseline). A linear correlation wasobserved between Δ V_O2peak with acute altitude exposure andsea-level V_O2peak values, with the largest drops occurring in thefittest subjects (R = 0.8; p <0.001). This was in keeping with priorreports on the effect of acute hypoxia upon peak oxygenconsumption (Lawler et al., 1988).Physiological effects of high-intensityinterval training at sea-level or hyperoxic-hyperbaric environmentHeart rates were measured for each subject during the first,third and sixth recovery periods of the 1stand 6thtraining sessionsbut were not statistically significant between the two groups(152 ± 13 in the HIIT+Air group and 142 ± 21 in theHIIT+HBO2group). Average workload (Watts) performedduring each training session was also similar between bothgroups, 736±53.7 W in the HIIT+Air group and 688±64 W inthe HIIT+HBO2group (p = 0.4). Physiologic and hemodynamicTABLE 1 Baseline Subject Characteristics including all subjects. All measurements performed before trainin g at sea-level (SL) and during hypobarichypoxia (HH) (mean ± SEM). †p-value represents comparison between groups. HH testing performed in a hypobaric chamber, PiO2=0.14.Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; HR, heart rate; PiO2,pressureofinspiredoxygen;RER,respiratoryexchangeratio;SBP,systolicbloodpressure;SL, sea-level; V_O2peak, peak oxygen consumption.HIIT+Air HIIT+HBO2All p-Value†N 9 8 17Age (years) 27.8 ± 1.9 25.0 ± 1.7 26.5 ± 1.3 0.3Sex (M/F) 5/4 5/3 10/7BMI (kg/m2) 25.4 ± 0.8 23.7 ± 0.8 24.6 ± 0.6 0.14Body Fat (%) 19.1 ± 3.1 13.8 ± 2.3 16.6 ± 2.0 0.18Resting HR SL (bpm) 76.9 ± 4.3 72.0 ± 3.2 74.6 ± 2.7 0.37Resting SBP SL (mmHg) 121.2 ± 3.7 118.6 ± 4.2 120.1 ± 2.7 0.64V_O2peak SL (mL·kg−1·min−1) 41.7 ± 3.3 45.2 ± 2.7 43.4 ± 2.1 0.42RER SL 1.21 ± 0.03 1.24 ± 0.01 1.23 ± 0.02 0.3Peak Work SL (Watt) 253.9 ± 18.4 237.4 ± 22.0 246.2 ± 13.9 0.57Baseline V_O2peak HH (mL·kg−1·min−1) 29.0 ± 3.1 31.4 ± 1.5 30.1 ± 1.7 0.49RER HH 1.32 ± 0.07 1.34 ± 0.06 1.33 ± 0.05 0.84Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org05Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
parameters during maximal exercise testing before and aftertraining are detailed in Table 2. The addition of HBO2toHIIT did not result in an additional effect on V_O2at VT orduring peak exercise compared to the effect of HIIT alone (p =0.0045 for training effect, p = 0.9 for training x exposure effect).VT as V_O2peak % remained unchanged in both groups aftertraining (air, 73.2±2.5 to 70±2.0% and HBO2, 66.2±2.7 to67±2.8%). There was no significant effect of training or HBO2exposure on systolic blood pressure (SBP) or heart rate (HR) atrest and at peak exercise. There was, however, a significant effectof HBO2on attenuating pulse pressure rise during exercise (p =0.05 for interaction, post-hoc comparison).Safety of training and hypobaric andhyperbaric exposuresNo adverse events occurred during training. In the HBO2group, there were no complications related to chambercompression/decompression and no oxygen-inducedconvulsions or symptoms suggestive of oxygen toxicity, suchas seizures or reductions in forced vital capacity. All acute high-altitude exposures were well tolerated, with no syncopal or pre-syncopal events. No tests were stopped due to hypoxemia(defined as SpO2<70%). One subject suffered vasovagalsyncope during baseline muscle biopsy with uneventfulrecovery and one other subject declined repeat biopsy due todiscomfort.Effects of high-intensity interval trainingand hyperbaric oxygen on skeletal muscleSkeletal muscle biopsies from a subset of subjects(HIIT+Air, n = 7; HIIT+HBO2, n = 6) were analyzed forchanges in protein and gene expression. We found increasedprotein expres sion in mitofusi n-2 (Mfn2), citrate synthase,ATPase 6 , cytochr ome c oxidase (COI), and ND1 fromexercise traini ng alone, but the addition of HBO2had noeffect (Figure 3). Neither intervention altere d express ion ofDrp1. Quantitative PCR analysis showed significantly increasedmuscl e expression of NRF2 and TFAM,twogenescriticaltoregul ation of mitochondrial biogenesis, from exercise trainingalone but not from HBO2(Figure 4). We also found thatexercise training but not HBO2increased gene expression ofthe poly meras es POLG and POLRMT, which are necessary formitochondrial DNA replication and transcription, respectively.Moreover, compared to baseline values, there was sig nificantlyhigher PPARGC1A expression and mtDNA copy number inmuscle samples taken after training. However, withHIIT+HBO2, PPARGC1A expression was further augmentedcompa red with t he HIIT+Air group (p =0.005).Because both HIIT and HBO2stimulate ROS production thatmay activate anti-oxidant responses, we measured expression ofselect mitochondrial anti-oxidant proteins (Figure 5). We foundsignificantly increased expression of HO-1 and SOD2 withexercise training in both groups but no effect from HBO2.However, compared to baseline and to the HIIT+Air Group,the addition of HBO2to HIIT significantly increased skeletalmuscle catalase expression (p <0.005).Finally, we investigated whether there were changes inmarkers of substrate (glucose) utilization (Figure 6). Wefound that exercise training alone significantly increased geneexpression of the glucose transporters SLC2A1 and SLC2A4;however, compared with air treated subjects, the addition ofHBO2further increased SLC2A4 expression (p = 0.0007).Additionally, while neither HIIT nor HBO2altered HK1expression, exercise training significantly increased HK2expression that was further increased by addition of HBO2(p = 0.02).TABLE 2 Physiologic effect of training in all subjects. N = 17. All measurements done during acute hypobaric hypoxia (HH), 429 mmHg barometricpressure (PiO2= 0.14) before and after training (mean ± SEM). *p <0.05. Abbreviations: HH, hypobaric hypoxia; HR, heart rate; PP, pulse pressure;SBP, systolic blood pressure; V_O2peak, peak oxygen uptake; VT, ventilatory threshold by modified V-slope method.HIIT+Air HIIT+HBO2p-Value Training Effect p-ValueInteractionTrainingx ExposurePre Post Pre PostV_O2peak HH (mL·kg−1·min−1) 29.0 ± 3.1 33.2 ± 2.5 31.4 ± 1.5 35.2 ± 1.2 0.0045* 0.9VT HH (mL·kg−1·min−1) 21.3 ± 2.4 23.6 ± 2.0 18.6 ± 1.8 21.8 ± 2.0 0.016* 0.7Peak Workload HH (W) 214 ± 13 217 ± 22 191 ± 13 200 ± 16 0.32 0.6Resting SBP HH (mmHg) 118 ± 4 120 ± 4 125 ± 7 117 ± 4 0.14 0.6Resting HR HH (bpm) 95 ± 3 92 ± 2 98 ± 9 88 ± 6 0.15 0.3Peak SBP HH (mmHg) 148 ± 5 154 ± 6 141 ± 7 139 ± 7 0.8 0.4Peak HR HH (bpm) 178 ± 5 176 ± 4 174 ± 3 178 ± 3 0.6 0.6Increase in PP Rest to Peak HH Exercise (mmHg) 29 41 28 23 0.7 0.05Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org06Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
DiscussionThe aim of our study was to examine the effect of HBO2combined with HIIT on activation of mitochondrialbiogenesis in skeletal muscle and maximal oxygen uptakeduring acute hypobaric hypoxia. Hypoxic conditions wereimplemented in an attempt to shift t he whole-body oxygenuptake kinetics towards diffusion and extraction (greaterFIGURE 3Mitochondrial protein expre ssion. Expression of the following skeletal muscle proteins was measured by western blot: (A) Mfn2, mitofusin-2; (B)Drp1, dynamin-1-like protein; (C) Citrate synthase; (D) ATPase6, mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit a; (E) COI, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1; and(F) ND1, NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1. Reference proteins were either GAPDH or Porin. Statistical analysis was 2-way ANOVA withrepeated measures and Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test. *p <0.05 shows significant within group comparison (i.e. baseline vs. post-HITT). Groups: air,black bars; HBO2,greybars.Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org07Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
dependence on mitochondrial function), and away fromconvection (di Prampero, 2003). HBO2was administered inconjunction with HIIT, a known stimulator of mitochondrialbiogenesis (Gibala et al., 200 9; Little et al., 2010)andhighlyefficient meth od f or improving aerobic capacity in trained a nduntrained i ndividuals (Laursen and Jenkins, 2002; Hazellet al., 2010). Our findings found HIIT to b e highlyefficacious at improving V_O2peak under acute hypoxicconditions. However, we found n o added effect of HBO2onaerobic capacity.FIGURE 4Mitochondrial gene expression. mRNA levels of the following genes were measured by quantitative PCR: (A) NRF2, nuclear respiratory factor 2;(B) PPARGC1A, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha; (C) TFAM, mitochondrial transcription factor a; (D) POLG,DNA polymerase subunit gamma-1; and (E) POLMRT, mitochondrial DNA-directed RNA polymerase. Reference mRNA was 18S and shown as fold-change. Mitochondrial DNA copy number was measured in (F) by PCR with 18S rDNA as reference and shown as fold-change. Statistical analysiswas 2-way ANOVA with rep eated measures and Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test. *p <0.05 shows significant within group comparison (i.e. baseline vs.post-HITT) and#p <0.05 shows significant between group comparisons (i.e. air, black bars vs. HBO2, grey bars).Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org08Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
We also found no effect of HBO2on the regulation ofmitochondrial biogenesis compared with air controls. WhilePPARGC1A mRNA levels were significantly higher in subjectsthat trained with HBO2compared with the air-only group (aprimary endpoint, and to which our study was powered), theHBO2group did not see increases in other associated markers,FIGURE 5Antioxidant response. Antioxidant protein expression of (A) SOD2, superoxide dismutase-2; (B) HO-1, heme oxygenase-1; and (C) catalase weremeasured by western blot and referenced to GAPDH expression. Statistical analysis was 2-way ANOVA with repeated measures and Fisher’sLSDpost-hoc test. *p <0.05 shows significant within group comparison (i.e. baseline vs. post-HITT) and#p <0.05 shows significant between groupcomparisons (i.e. air, black bars vs. HBO2, grey bars).FIGURE 6Glucose-related gene expression. mRNA levels of the following genes were measured by quantitative PCR: (A) SLC2A1,Solutecarrierfamily2,facilitated glucose transporter member 1; (B) SLC2A4, Solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 4; (C) HK1, hexokinase-1; and(D) HK2, hexokinase-2. Reference mRNA was 18S and shown as fold-change. Statistical analysis was 2-way ANOVA with repeated measures andFisher’sLSDpost-hoctest.*p <0.05 shows significant within group comparison (i.e. baseline vs. post-HITT) and#p <0.05 shows significantbetween group comparisons (i.e. air, black bars vs. HBO2, grey bars).Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org09Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
such as citrate synthase and ATPase6, which are measures ofmitochondrial volume density, or NRF2 and TFAM expression,which are measures of mitochondrial biogenesis activation. Thereasons for this are not clear, but could possibly relate todifferences in peak expression after HBO2, insufficient dose ofHBO2to fully activate mitochondrial biogenesis, or lack ofbiological effect by HBO2. These findings contrast with recentwork by Hadanny, et al. that found increased V_O2peak in healthymaster athletes after HBO2treatment that was linked to increasedskeletal muscle mitochondrial mass (Hadanny et al., 2022).However, we are skeptical of these molecular findings, asMitoTracker Green fluorescence was measured in fixedtissues, but is only validated and specific in live cells, and thePG1-alpha protein measurements were not stated as the nuclear(activated) fraction. Moreover, no changes were seen in MFN1/2 or OPA1, which are markers for mitochondrial quality andintegrity. Our study also differed from the Hadanny study, as itincluded younger subjects, fewer HBO2sessions, lower doses ofHBO2, and added the HIIT intervention. This latter differencemay be most relevant, as we found mitochondrial biogenesis(using appropriate techniques) was activated by HIIT alone,leading to increased mitochondrial mass. In fact, themitochondrial biogenesis program may have been maximallyactivated by HIIT and may have reduced our ability to detectfurther effects from HBO2. HIIT alone activated mitochondrialbiogenesis (evidenced by increased TFAM, NRF1, andPPARGCA1 gene expression), increased mitochondrial qualityand integrity (increased MFN2 protein expression), andincreased mitochondrial mass (increased citrate synthase andATPase 6 protein expression). Furthermore, to our knowledge,this is the first study to translate from rodents to humans thatinterval exercise training increases gene expression of POLG, themitochondrial DNA polymerase that repairs mtDNA damage(Clark-Matott et al., 2015) postulated to explain some of thehealth benefits of regular exercise (Garatachea et al., 2015). Wealso report for the first time in any species the exercise-inducedgene expression of mitochondrial DNA-directed RNApolymerase (POLRMT), which transcribes mtDNA to RNA,and may be a novel biomarker for mitochondrial exerciseresponse.Breathing hyperbaric oxygen significantly raises tissueoxygen levels and increases production of reactive oxygenspecies (ROS), predominantly at the mitochondrial electrontransport chain, where molecular oxygen is reduced to formsuperoxide (Jamieson et al., 1986). Superoxide is then convertedby superoxide dismutase (SOD) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), aless toxic intermediate that is converted to water by catalase. Wefound that exercise but not HBO2significantly increasedmitochondrial SOD (SOD2) expression. However, onlyexercise and HBO2together increased catalase expression. Weare not sure why attendant increases in SOD2 after HBO2werenot seen, as HBO2does increase superoxide formation (Jamiesonet al., 1986; Groger et al., 2009), but possible explanations includemissed peak expression, or reduced signal due to the highlyefficient nature of the SOD system. It is also possible that theHBO2host response is more dependent on cytosolic SOD3,which we did not measure. Regardless, the higher catalaseexpression seen after training with HBO2likely reflectselevated tissue levels of H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide can activatePGC-1α expression (St-Pierre et al., 2006) as well as other cellularredox sensors (e.g. Akt) (Suliman et al., 2007b; Piantadosi andSuliman, 2012), providing other plausible mechanisms for thehigher PPARGC1 mRNA levels seen after HBO2.Glucose is a critical energy source during exercise, and itsmetabolism is regulated by insulin-dependent cellular uptake viaglucose transporters and step-wise enzymatic catabolism. Wefound evidence this system was upregulated by exercise,consistent with prior studies (Pilegaard et al., 2003; Littleet al., 2010), and perhaps further augmented by addition ofHBO2. Specifically, compared to sea-level training, HIIT+HBO2subjects displayed significantly higher gene expression of SLC2A4(GLUT4), the dominant glucose transporter for skeletal muscle,and hexokinase-2 (HK2), a rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysisthat also couples glucose metabolism to oxidativephosphorylation (Roberts and Miyamoto, 2015). Thesechanges could be consistent with improved musclebioenergetic efficiency, and if so, parallel those seen withexogenous CO administration (Rhodes et al., 2009).Our study was limited by a number of factors. First, it ispossible that maximal exercise testing is not the best test toexamine the effects of changes in mitochondrial function, evenunder hypoxic conditions. Exercise efficiency during steady-stateexercise or time to exhaustion during constant speed exertionhave been proposed as more accurate methods for this purpose,and should be considered in future studies (Broskey et al., 2015).Secondly, our study design was based on the assumption that therate-limiting step in V_O2peak in healthy humans is oxygensupply. This was based on the concept of symmorphosis,which stipulates that biological structure is matched tophysiological functional capacity. In the case of oxygentransport (except for lung capacity which exceeds demand),symmorphosis predicts matching of oxygen supply anddemand in peripheral tissues at each step of the oxygencascade (Weibel et al., 1991). Hence, we proposed that anacute reduction in ambient oxygen tension during maximalexercise would allow for a more accurate assessment ofperipheral V_O2components, and more specifically, ofmitochondrial oxidative capacity upon oxygen consumptionrate (di Prampero, 2003). However, recent data calls intoquestion the validity of symmorphosis in trained individuals,finding that V_O2peak is limited by mitochondrial O2demandrather than supply (Gifford et al., 2016). However, that study wasconducted under different conditions (normoxia) and indifferent participants (endurance-trained athletes) than ourstudy. Nevertheless, it is possible that the use of acutehypobaric hypoxia in our study to isolate mitochondrial O2Frontiers in Physiology frontiersin.org10Alvarez Villela et al. 10.3389/fphys.2022.963799
demand as a determinant of V_O2peak may not have worked asexpected. Third, it is possible that subjects in the HBO2grouptrained at workloads that, although equivalent at sea-level to theAir group, represented a lower level of effort under theirhyperoxic training condition. Rate of perceived exertionduring training was not captured in our study. Fourth, thelack of morphological analysis of our muscle biopsies did notallow us to assess the effect of our intervention upon capillarydensity and muscle fiber remodeling, also important factorsaffecting the diffusion component of whole-body oxygenuptake. Fifth, we did not measure mitochondrial function(due to logistical and technical considerations) which mayhave uncovered underlying differences between the groupsthat were not otherwise evident. Finally, we cannot excludethe possibility of a beneficial training effect of higher PO2(e.g.2 ATA) when combined with HIIT; however, this was not studiedto the greater risk of central nervous system oxygen toxicity.In conclusion, our study found no beneficial effects of addingmodestly-dosed HBO2to HIIT for improving aerobic fitness andno definite molecular evidence of activation of skeletal musclemitochondrial biogenesis. Future studies could investigatewhether similar HBO2doses improve glucose utilization andstorage after HIIT and whether these accelerate recovery.Data availability statementThe raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will bemade available by the authors, without undue reservation.Ethics statementThe studies involving human participants were reviewed andapproved by Duke University Institutional Review Board. Thepatients/participants provided their written informed consent toparticipate in this study.Author contributionsMV, SD, and BK drafted the manuscript which was approvedby all authors. All authors collected, analyzed and/or interpretedthe data. RM conceived the overall study design.FundingThis study was funded by the Duke Center for HyperbaricMedicine and Environmental Physiology.AcknowledgmentsThe authors are grateful to Claude Piantadosi for hisguidance on study design and analysis. We are also gratefulfor the technical assistance of Eric Schinazi, Aaron Walker, andKenny Parker, and for the collaborations of Mona Parikh andBrye Roberts.Conflict of interestThe authors declare that the research was conducted in theabsence of any commercial or financial relationships that couldbe construed as a potential conflict of interest.Publisher’s noteAll claims expressed in this article are solely those of theauthors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliatedorganizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and thereviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, orclaim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed orendorsed by the publisher.ReferencesBennett-Guerrero, E., Lockhart, E. L., Bandarenko, N., Campbell, M. L., Natoli,M. J., Jamnik, V. K., et al. (2017). A randomized controlled pilot study of VO2 maxtesting: a potential model for measuring relative in vivo efficacy of different redblood cell products. 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Citation: Hsu, H.-T.; Yang, Y.-L.;Chang, W.-H.; Fang, W.-Y.;Huang, S.-H.; Chou, S.-H.; Lo, Y.-C.Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapyImproves Parkinson’s Disease byPromoting Mitochondrial Biogenesisvia the SIRT-1/PGC-1↵ Pathway.Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom12050661Academic Editors: VladimirN. Uversky and Liang-Jun YanReceived: 22 February 2022Accepted: 28 April 2022Published: 30 April 2022Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutralwith regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affil-iations.Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This article is an open access articledistributed under the terms andconditions of the Creative CommonsAttribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).biomoleculesArticleHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Parkinson’s Disease byPromoting Mitochondrial Biogenesis via theSIRT-1/PGC-1↵ PathwayHung-Te Hsu1,2,*, Ya-Lan Yang3, Wan-Hsuan Chang3,4, Wei-Yu Fang3, Shu-Hung Huang4,5,6,7,Shah-Hwa Chou8,9and Yi-Ching Lo3,4,10,11,*1Faculty of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University,Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan2Department of Anesthesia, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital,Kaohsiung 80756, Taiwan3Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University,Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan; tajen400221162@gmail.com (Y.-L.Y.); u109800003@kmu.edu.tw (W.-H.C.);tunafung@gmail.com (W.-Y.F.)4Graduate Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University,Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan; huangsh63@gmail.com5Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho MemorialHospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung 80756, Taiwan6Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University,Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan7Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital,Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung 80756, Taiwan8Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University,Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan; shhwch@kmu.edu.tw9Department of Chest Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital,Kaohsiung 80756, Taiwan10Department of Medical Research, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital,Kaohsiung 80756, Taiwan11School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan* Correspondence: hdhsu@kmu.edu.tw (H.-T.H.); yichlo@kmu.edu.tw (Y.-C.L.)Abstract:Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been suggested as a potential adjunctive therapyfor Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive lossof dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). The aim of this study wasto investigate the protective mechanisms of HBOT on neurons and motor function in a 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) mouse model of PD and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium(MPP+)-mediated neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y cells on the potential protective capability.In vivo: maleC57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into three groups: control, MPTP group and MPTP+HBOTgroup. The MPTP-treated mice were intraperitoneally received MPTP (20 mg/kg) four times at 2 hintervals within a day. The day after MPTP treatment, MPTP+HBOT mice were exposed to hyperbaricoxygen at 2.5 atmosphere absolute (ATA) with 100% oxygen for 1 h once daily for 7 consecutive days.In vitro: retinoic acid (RA)-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells were treated with MPP+for 1 h followed byhyperbaric oxygen at 2.5 ATA with 100% oxygen for 1 h. The results showed that MPTP induced asignificant loss in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons in the SNpc of mice. HBOT treatmentsignificantly increased the number of TH-positive neurons, with enhanced neurotrophic factor BDNF,decreased apoptotic signaling and attenuated inflammatory mediators in the midbrain of MPTP-treated mice. In addition, MPTP treatment decreased the locomotor activity and grip strength ofmice, and these effects were shown to improve after HBOT treatment. Furthermore, MPTP decreasedmitochondrial biogenesis signaling (SIRT-1, PGC-1↵and TFAM), as well as mitochondrial markerVDAC expression, while HBOT treatment was shown to upregulate protein expression. In cellexperiments, MPP+reduced neurite length, while HBOT treatment attenuated neurite retraction.Conclusions: the effects of HBOT in MPTP-treated mice might come from promoting mitochondrialBiomolecules 2022, 12, 661. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom12050661 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 2 of 14biogenesis, decreasing apoptotic signaling and attenuating inflammatory mediators in the midbrain,suggesting its potential benefits in PD treatment.Keywords: Parkinson’s disease; hyperbaric oxygen therapy; mitochondrial biogenesis1. IntroductionParkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative, motor disorder, whichaffects⇠1% of the population aged 60 years and over [1]. PD is characterized by thedegeneration of dopaminergic neurons within the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc),leading to symptoms of bradykinesia, resting tremor and muscle rigidity. The disease canalso present with non-motor symptoms, such as sleep dysfunction, cognitive impairmentand depression [2]. Although a variety of possible pathogenic mechanisms have beenproposed over the years, including the excessive release of oxygen free radicals duringenzymatic dopamine breakdown, damage to mitochondrial function, loss of nutritionalsupport, and kinase activity abnormalities, destruction of calcium homeostasis and proteindegradation dysfunction, detailed pathogenesis is still uncertain [3–5].Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a treatment that places patients in a hyperbaricchamber above 1.4 atmospheres absolute [6], allowing them to breathe pure oxygen natu-rally [7]. Compared with normal pressure, HBOT improves single-task or multi-task sportsand cognitive performance in healthy humans [8]; however, the mechanism of this uniquetreatment is not yet fully understood. Research on the neuroprotective effects of HBOThave shown that hyperbaric oxygen can inhibit inflammation, reduce hypoxia and improvenervous system microcirculation [9]. There have been case reports of HBOT being used inthe treatment of psychiatric symptoms in PD patients [10]. In addition, it has been shown ina Parkinson’s mouse model that HBOT can effectively inhibit the decrease in dopaminergiccells in the substantia nigra [11]. Although these research results show the potential ofHBOT in the treatment of PD, the detailed neuroprotective mechanism remains unclear.It is known that PD is associated with defects in mitochondrial respiration. This hypothesisarose in the late 1970s, when accidental exposure to1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine(MPTP), a contaminant from the synthesis of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-4-propionoxy-piperidine (MPPP),was found to cause parkinsonism and DA neurodegeneration [12]. There has also been strongrecent evidence implicating mitochondrial dysfunction as a primary pathogenic pathway leadingto the demise of dopaminergic neurons in PD [13]. The underlying mechanism may be theinhibition of complex I of the electron transport chain (ETC), which, in turn, increases reactiveoxygen species [14,15]. The substantia nigra, compared to other brain regions, is more prone tomitochondrial complex I dysfunction, which results from the generation of ROS in the substantianigra dopaminergic neurons during DA metabolism [16].Therefore, mitochondrial function, particularly its preservation or promotion, is ofspecial interest as a potential therapeutic target of PD and other neurodegenerative dis-orders. Mitochondrial biogenesis is a process by which new mitochondria are formed bythe growth and division of preexisting mitochondria. It involves synthesis of the innerand outer mitochondrial membranes and mitochondrial-encoded proteins, synthesis andimports of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins, and replication of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA). Mitochondrial biogenesis is tightly regulated by several cell-signaling pathways.The sirtuin-1 (SIRT-1) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1↵) is one such major pathway, and is considered to be the master regulator.PGC-1↵is responsible for activating mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) and bind-ing to promoter regions of nuclear genes that encode subunits of the five complexes in themitochondrial ETC, thereby increasing the assembly of the respiratory apparatus and regu-lating genes involved in heme biosynthesis, the import of nuclear-encoded mitochondrialproteins, and mtDNA replication and transcription [17].
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 3 of 14For a long time, mitochondrial-targeting strategies have been studied for their po-tential in the treatment of brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases, in the hopes ofproviding neuroprotection by improving neuronal mitochondrial function. In differentanimal models of brain injury, HBOT has improved mitochondrial redox by enhancingmitochondrial function in neurons and glial cells to reduce oxidative stress, maintain mito-chondrial integrity, and inhibit the mitochondrial-related apoptosis pathway to achieve aneuroprotective effect [18–20].Since HBOT is non-invasive and is effective and safe for the treatment of many diseases,the purpose of this study was to usein vitroandin vivomodels to investigate the detailedprotective mechanisms of HBOT on the DA neurons of the SNpc, as well as to evaluate itstherapeutic effects on motor symptoms in a Parkinson’s mouse model.2. Materials and Methods2.1. ReagentsFirst, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium(MPP+)werepurchasedfromSigma-Aldrich(St.Louis,MO,USA).Tyrosinehydroxylase(TH)waspurchased from Merck Millipore (Bedford, MA, USA). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax), cytochromec, mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM), and nuclear factor kappa B-p65 (NF-kB p65), werepurchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Phosphorylated cyclic AMP re-sponse element binding (pCREB), cyclic-AMP response element binding (CREB), sirtuin-1 (SIRT-1),peroxisome proliferator -activated receptor -coactivator 1-↵(PGC-1↵), cleaved caspase3, induciblenitric oxide synthase (iNOS), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-↵), and voltage-dependent anionchannel (VDAC), were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology (Beverly, MA, USA).-actinpurchased from Abcam (Cambridge, MA, USA) and all other chemicals used in this study were ofanalytical grade.2.2. Animals and MPTP-Treated MiceC57BL/6 male mice (25–30 g) were used in this study. The mice were acclimatized for7 days. The animals were maintained at (22±2C) on 12:12-hour light/dark cycle andwere allowed free access to pellet food and water. All experimental procedures conductedwere approved by the institutional animal ethics committee. Eighteen male mice wererandomly divided into 3 groups: Control group, MPTP group and MPTP+HBOT group(N=6 in each group). The MPTP group and MPTP+HBOT group mice were administeredMPTP via intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection (20 mg/kg) four times at 2 h intervals within a day.The day after MPTP treatment, the MPTP+HBOT mice were exposed to hyperbaric oxygenat 2.5 ATA with 100% oxygen for 1 h in HBO treatment chamber (Genmall BiotechnologyCo., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan) once daily for 7 consecutive days [21]. At the end of the treatmentschedule, behavioral tests were conducted. After behavior pattern analysis, the animalswere anesthetized, sacrificed, and immediately dissected. Brain samples were obtained andFrozen at80C for further analysis.2.3. Locomotor Activity TestThe mice were placed in the center of the open-field test chamber (a white50 ⇥ 50 ⇥ 25 cmchamber with an open top) and allowed to explore freely for 5 min. VideoTrack analysis sys-tem (V iewPoint Behavior Technology) was used to transmit the speed and distance of theexperimental animals in a unit of time and analyzed with the V ideoTrack software (Version2.5.0.25, ViewPoint, L yon, France).2.4. Grip Strength TestThe grip strength of the fore and hind limbs of C57BL/6 mice was measured with agrip strength meter (Bioseb, Model: BIO-GS3, France). The mice were placed on the gripstrength meter, and the mouse’s tail was pulled back at a constant speed after grasping thegrid until it left the grid. The peak force in grams was recorded when the mice released the
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 4 of 14paws from the grid for each measurement. The analysis was performed using the meanpeak force of ten trials. This test was performed by one person to ensure reliability.2.5. Rotarod Performance AssessmentRotarod was used to assess the motor coordination (Orchid Scientific, Maharashtra,India). The assessment depends upon the period of time that mice can retain themselves ona rotating rod. Prior to the test, each animal was given 1 min trial on the moving rod. Theywere placed on a rotating rod with acceleration ranges from 3 to 30 rpm and were assessedfor their motor coordination for 300 s, and the latency to fall was recorded. Normal micecould retain themselves on the rotating rod for an indefinite duration of time. The motorperformance was evaluated 3 times per day with 30 min intervals and the average retentiontime was calculated according to the previously studied protocol.2.6. ImmunohistochemistrySubstantia nigra tissues were fixed with 10% phosphate buffered formalin for 24 h,and paraffin sections were processed. The sections were then incubated with 0.3% H2O2for15 min at room temperature in the dark to exhaust endogenous peroxidase activity; thenthe slides were incubated with blocking buffer 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) at roomtemperature for 30 min. After this, the tissue sections were incubated with primary antibodyTH (1:500) at 4C overnight. Sections were washed three times in PBS then incubatedwith anti-rabbit horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated secondary antibody (1:400) foranother 30 min at room temperature. The sections were developed with diaminobenzidine(DAB) and the images were observed under a light microscope.2.7. Western Blot AnalysisIn brief, isolated midbrain tissues were homogenized using ice-cold RIPA buffer con-taining protease inhibitor cocktail. The protein concentration was estimated by nanodropspectrophotometer. First, 50µg of protein was loaded onto the 10% SDS-PAGE and theseparated proteins were transferred onto PVDF membranes. The membranes were blockedwith 5% BSA for 1 h before being incubated with respective primary antibodies (1:1000) at4C overnight. The membrane was incubated with secondary antibody HRP conjugate atroom temperature for 60 min. Finally, each membrane was developed using an enhancedchemiluminescence method for the detection of HRP. Signals were quantified using “ImageJ” analysis software (version 1.53r or higher, U.S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,MD, USA).2.8. SH-SY5Y Cell CultureThe SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cell line was purchased from ATCC (Manassas,VA, USA). Cells were cultured in SH-SY5Y growth medium consisting of Dulbecco’sModified Eagle Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and1% antibiotic antimycotic solution (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). In orderto induce the differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells into dopaminergic cells, the SH-SY5Y cellswere cultured for 3 days in MEM/F12 medium containing 10µM retinoic acid and 3% FBS.Cells were maintained at 37C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2.2.9. Immunofluorescence StainingThe neurons were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, incubated in 0.2% Triton for 20 minto permeabilize the cells, and then blocked in 3% BSA for 40 min at room temperature. Afterbeing washed with PBS, the cells were then incubated with ↵-Tubulin primary antibodiesat 4C overnight, and the bound antibodies were detected with Alexa Fluor 488 andAlexa Fluor 595 anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody for 1 h at room temperature. Afterthe cells were washed three times with PBS, the cell nuclei were then stained with DAPIfor 10 min. The fluorescence images were visualized under fluorescence microscope (CarlZeiss, Jena, Germany).
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 5 of 142.10. Statistical AnalysisThe results are presented as the mean±standard error of the mean (SEM) and wereevaluated with one-way analysis of variance using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(GraphPad Prism, software package version 5.0., San Diego, CA, USA.) and Tukey’s test wasused to compare significant variation between the groups p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and p < 0.001.3. Results3.1. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Attenuated Substantia Nigra Dopaminergic Neuronal Loss inMPTP-Treated MicePD is pathologically characterized by the death of dopaminergic neurons in the SNpc.We stained the tissues of the substantia nigra using a specific antibody against tyrosinehydroxylase (TH), which is a marker for dopaminergic neurons. As shown in Figure 1A,B,MPTP administration resulted in a drastic loss of dopaminergic neurons, showing a 28%loss of TH-positive neurons in the substantia nigra compared to the control (p < 0.01). HBOTshowed a significant protective effect on dopaminergic neurons against MPTP-inducedneurotoxicity, preserving up to 76% of TH-positive neurons compared to that of the MPTPgroup (p < 0.01). This was further confirmed by Western blot analysis, which demonstrateda higher TH protein level in the lesioned SNpc of HBOT-treated mice compared to that ofthe MPTP mice (Figure 1C). Therefore, HBOT attenuated the loss of dopaminergic neuronsinduced by MPTP in mice.Biomolecules 2022, 12, x 6 of 15 A. B. C. Figure 1. Effects of HBOT on TH-positive neurons in the SNpc of MPTP-treated mice. C57BL/6 mice were injected with MPTP (20 mg/kg, i.p.) four times at 2 h intervals for one day to induce PD model. One day after MPTP treatment, MPTP+HBOT group of mice were exposed to hy-perbaric oxygen at 2.5 ATA with 100% oxygen for 1 h once daily for 7 consecutive days. (A) Representative photographs and (B) quantification of TH-positive neurons in SNpc. (C) Protein expression of TH in the mid-brain of MPTP-treated mice was detected by Western blotting. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM. (n =5). # p < 0.05 and ## p < 0.01 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05 compared with the MPTP group. 3.2. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Motor Activity and Grip Strength in MPTP-Treated Mice To further explore the effect of HBOT on the motor symptoms of MPTP-treated mice, the locomotor activity test, grip strength test and rotarod test were administered. Follow-ing a 7-day treatment with HBOT, the total distance moved and mean velocity of the MPTP+HBOT treatment mice were significantly increased relative to the MPTP group (Figure 2B,C, p<0.001 or p<0.001, respectively). Furthermore, HBOT treatment enhanced extremity grip strength in MPTP+HBOT treatment mice to untreated MPTP mice (Figure Control MPTP MPTP+HBOT Figure 1.Effects of HBOT on TH-positive neurons in the SNpc of MPTP-treated mice. C57BL/6 micewere injected with MPTP (20 mg/kg, i.p.)fourtimesat2hintervalsforonedaytoinducePDmodel.One day after MPTP treatment, MPTP+HBOT group of mice were exposed to hyperbaric oxygen at2.5 ATA with 100% oxygen for 1 h once daily for 7 consecutive days. (A)Representativephotographsand (B)quantificationofTH-positiveneuronsinSNpc.(C)ProteinexpressionofTHinthemid-brainof MPTP-treated mice was detected by Western blotting. All data are expressed as mean±SEM. (n =5).# p <0.05and##p <0.01comparedwiththecontrolgroup;*p <0.05comparedwiththeMPTPgroup.
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 6 of 143.2. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Motor Activity and Grip Strength inMPTP-Treated MiceTo further explore the effect of HBOT on the motor symptoms of MPTP-treatedmice, the locomotor activity test, grip strength test and rotarod test were administered.Following a 7-day treatment with HBOT, the total distance moved and mean velocity ofthe MPTP+HBOT treatment mice were significantly increased relative to the MPTP group(Figure 2B,C, p < 0.001 or p < 0.001, respectively). Furthermore, HBOT treatment enhancedextremity grip strength in MPTP+HBOT treatment mice to untreated MPTP mice (Figure 2D,p < 0.05). The results of the rotarod test are shown in Figure 2E, where the MPTP mice tooksignificantly less time to fall off the rod than the control group (p < 0.01). Excitingly, thetreatment of the MPTP mice with HBOT significantly increased the time taken to fall relativeto untreated MPTP mice. These results indicate that HBOT improves the activity capabilityand muscle endurance of PD mice, and improves movement coordination, achieving thepossible reversal of MPTP-induced Parkinsonian dyskinesia.Biomolecules 2022, 12, x 7 of 15 2D, p < 0.05). The results of the rotarod test are shown in Figure 2E, where the MPTP mice took significantly less time to fall off the rod than the control group (p< 0.01). Excitingly, the treatment of the MPTP mice with HBOT significantly increased the time taken to fall relative to untreated MPTP mice. These results indicate that HBOT improves the activity capability and muscle endurance of PD mice, and improves movement coordination, achieving the possible reversal of MPTP-induced Parkinsonian dyskinesia. Figure 2. Effects of HBOT on locomotor activity, grip strength and motor performance in MPTP-treated mice. For locomotor activity test, (A) trace paths, (B) total distance and (C) mean velocity of mice were recorded in 5 min. (D) The maximum whole-limb muscle force was measured by grip strength meter. (E) Latency to fall was measured by rotarod. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 5). # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 and ### p < 0.001 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05 and *** p < 0.001 compared with the MPTP group. 3.3. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Inhibits Neuroinflammation in the Brain of MPTP-Treated Mice A. D. E. B. C. Figure 2.Effects of HBOT on locomotor activity, grip strength and motor performance in MPTP-treated mice. For locomotor activity test, (A) trace paths, (B) total distance and (C) mean velocity ofmice were recorded in 5 min. (D) The maximum whole-limb muscle force was measured by gripstrength meter. (E) Latency to fall was measured by rotarod. All data are expressed as mean±SEM(n = 5). # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 and ### p < 0.001 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05 and*** p < 0.001 compared with the MPTP group.
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 7 of 143.3. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Inhibits Neuroinflammation in the Brain of MPTP-Treated MiceAs shown in Figure 3, MPTP-treated mice showed significantly increased expressionof NF-B p65, COX-2, iNOS and TNF-↵in brain tissue when compared to the control group(Figure 3A–D, p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). In contrast, micetreated with HBOT in MPTP-treated mice demonstrated drastically decreased levels ofNF-B p65, COX-2, iNOS and TNF-↵expression compared to mice treated with MPTPalone (Figure 3A–D, p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively).Biomolecules 2022, 12, x 8 of 15 As shown in Figure 3, MPTP-treated mice showed significantly increased expression of NF-B p65, COX-2, iNOS and TNF- in brain tissue when compared to the control group (Figure 3A–D, p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). In contrast, mice treated with HBOT in MPTP-treated mice demonstrated drastically decreased levels of NF-B p65, COX-2, iNOS and TNF- expression compared to mice treated with MPTP alone (Figure 3A–D, p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001 and p<0.05, respectively). Figure 3. Effects of HBOT on the protein expression of inflammatory mediators in mid-brain tissue of MPTP-treated mice. Protein expression of (A) NF-B p65, (B) COX-2, (C) iNOS and (D) TNF- were detected by Western blotting. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3). # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 and ### p < 0.001 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 compared with the MPTP group. 3.4. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Attenuates Apoptosis of Midbrain Tissue in MPTP-Treated Mice The expression of anti- and pro-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bax in MPTP-treated mice brain tissue were detected by Western blot. MPTP significantly decreased Bcl-2 but increased the expression of Bax, cytochrome c, and cleaved caspase 3 (Figure 4A,B,D,E, p <0.01, p < 0.01, p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively). HBOT could reduce these phenomena and decrease the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 (Figure 4C, p < 0.01). These results indicate that HBOT attenuates the apoptosis of midbrain tissues in MPTP-treated mice. καA. B. D. C. Figure 3.Effects of HBOT on the protein expression of inflammatory mediators in mid-brain tissue ofMPTP-treated mice. Protein expression of (A) NF-B p65, (B) COX-2, (C) iNOS and (D) TNF-↵weredetected by Western blotting. All data are expressed as mean±SEM (n = 3). # p < 0.05,## p < 0.01and### p < 0.001 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 compared withthe MPTP group.
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 8 of 143.4. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Attenuates Apoptosis of Midbrain Tissue in MPTP-Treated MiceThe expression of anti- and pro-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bax in MPTP-treatedmice brain tissue were detected by Western blot. MPTP significantly decreased Bcl-2 butincreased the expression of Bax, cytochrome c, and cleaved caspase 3 (Figure 4A,B,D,E,p < 0.01, p < 0.01, p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively). HBOT could reduce these phenomenaand decrease the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 (Figure 4C, p < 0.01). These results indicate that HBOTattenuates the apoptosis of midbrain tissues in MPTP-treated mice.Biomolecules 2022, 12, x 9 of 15 Figure 4. Effects of HBOT on the protein expressions of apoptotic pathway in the mid-brain tissue of MPTP-treated mice. Protein expression of (A) Bcl-2, (B) Bax, (C) Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, (D) cytochrome c, and (E) cleaved caspase 3 were detected by Western blotting. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3–5). # p < 0.05 and ## p < 0.01 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01 compared with the MPTP group. 3.5. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Activates Neurotrophic Factor in MPTP-Treated Mice and Promotes the Neurite Outgrowth of MPP+-Treated SH-SY5Y Cells We found that MPTP-treated mice showed significantly reduced expression of pCREB/CREB and BDNF in brain tissue when compared to the control group (Figure 5A,B, p < 0.05 and p < 0.01). HBOT treatment significantly increased the expression of pCREB/CREB and BDNF when compared with the MPTP mice (Figure 5A,B, p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). As shown in Figure 5D, the neurite length of SH-SY5Y cells was reduced by MPP+ (p < 0.001), whereas HBOT treatment attenuated neurite retraction (p < 0.001). These results indicate that HBOT promotes neurite outgrowth by activating the pCREB/BDNF pathway. A. B. C. D. E. Figure 4.Effects of HBOT on the protein expressions of apoptotic pathway in the mid-brain tissue ofMPTP-treated mice. Protein expression of (A) Bcl-2, (B) Bax, (C) Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, (D) cytochrome c,and (E) cleaved caspase 3 were detected by Western blotting. All data are expressed asmean ± SEM(n = 3–5). # p < 0.05 and ## p < 0.01 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05 and** p < 0.01com-pared with the MPTP group.3.5. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Activates Neurotrophic Factor in MPTP-Treated Mice andPromotes the Neurite Outgrowth of MPP+-Treated SH-SY5Y CellsWe found that MPTP-treated mice showed significantly reduced expression of pCREB/CREB and BDNF in brain tissue when compared to the control group (Figure 5A,B,p <0.05andp <0.01).HBOTtreatmentsignificantlyincreasedtheexpressionofpCREB/CREBandBDNFwhen compared with the MPTP mice (Figure 5A,B, p <0.05andp <0.01,respectively).Asshown in Figure 5D, the neurite length of SH-SY5Y cells was reduced by MPP+(p <0.001),whereas HBOT treatment attenuated neurite retraction (p <0.001).TheseresultsindicatethatHBOT promotes neurite outgrowth by activating the pCREB/BDNF pathway.
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 9 of 14Biomolecules 2022, 12, x 10 of 15 Figure 5. Effects of HBOT on the protein expressions of CREB/BDNF signaling pathway in the mid-brain tissue of MPTP-treated mice and the neurite outgrowth of MPP+-treated SH-SY5Y cells. Protein expression of (A) pCREB/CREB and (B) BDNF were detected by Western blotting. RA-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells were treated with MPP+ (1 mM) for 1 h followed by hyperbaric oxy-gen at 2.5 ATA with 100% oxygen for 1 h. (C) Cells were stained with anti--Tubulin (neuronal marker) antibody and counterstained with DAPI for observing neurite (scale bar =50m) and (D) measuring the neurite length. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3). # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 and ### p < 0.001 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 compared with the MPTP or MPP+ group. 3.6. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Promotes Mitochondrial Biogenesis through the SIRT-1/PGC-1 Pathway in MPTP-Treated Mice In order to further investigate whether the neuroprotective mechanism of HBOT on MPTP-treated mice was related to mitochondrial functions, we performed Western blot to analyze mitochondrial-biogenesis-related proteins. As shown in Figure 6, MPTP-treated mice showed significantly reduced expression of SIRT-1, PGC-1, TFAM and mi-tochondrial marker VDAC in brain tissue when compared to the control group (Figure 6A–D, p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). However, HBOT pretreatment in MPTP-treated mice increased the levels of SIRT-1, PGC-1, TFAM and VDAC expres-sion compared to the mice treated with MPTP alone. These results demonstrate that HBOT stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis in the midbrain of MPTP-treated mice via the SIRT-1/PGC-1/TFAM pathway. α + A. C. D. B. Figure 5.Effects of HBOT on the protein expressions of CREB/BDNF signaling pathway in themid-brain tissue of MPTP-treated mice and the neurite outgrowth of MPP+-treated SH-SY5Y cells.Protein expression of (A) pCREB/CREB and (B) BDNF were detected by Western blotting. RA-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells were treated with MPP+(1 mM) for 1 h followed by hyperbaric oxygenat 2.5 ATA with 100% oxygen for 1 h. (C) Cells were stained with anti-↵-Tubulin (neuronal marker)antibody and counterstained with DAPI for observing neurite (scale bar = 50µm) and (D) measuringthe neurite length. All data are expressed as mean±SEM (n = 3). # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 and### p < 0.001compared with the control group; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 compared withthe MPTP or MPP+group.3.6. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Promotes Mitochondrial Biogenesis through the SIRT-1/PGC-1aPathway in MPTP-Treated MiceIn order to further investigate whether the neuroprotective mechanism of HBOT onMPTP-treated mice was related to mitochondrial functions, we performed Western blot toanalyze mitochondrial-biogenesis-related proteins. As shown in Figure 6, MPTP-treatedmice showed significantly reduced expression of SIRT-1, PGC-1↵, TFAM and mitochondrialmarker VDAC in brain tissue when compared to the control group (Figure 6A–D, p < 0.05,p < 0.01, p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). However, HBOT pretreatment in MPTP-treated mice increased the levels of SIRT-1, PGC-1↵, TFAM and VDAC expression comparedto the mice treated with MPTP alone. These results demonstrate that HBOT stimulatesmitochondrial biogenesis in the midbrain of MPTP-treated mice via the SIRT-1/PGC-1↵/TFAM pathway.
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 10 of 14Biomolecules 2022, 12, x 11 of 15 Figure 6. Effects of HBOT on the protein expressions of mitochondrial biogenesis in the midbrain tissue of MPTP-treated mice. Protein expression of (A) SIRT-1, (B) PGC-1, (C) TFAM and (D) VDAC were detected by Western blotting. All data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3–4). # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01 and ### p < 0.001 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05 and *** p < 0.001 com-pared with the MPTP group. 4. Discussion In the present study, we examined the effects of HBOT treatment on locomotor ac-tivities and dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of MPTP-treated mice. Accord-ing to our results, locomotor activities, as quantified by the total distance traveled, grip strength, and the time on rotarod, were improved in the MPTP+HBOT mice (Figure 2). Previous studies suggested that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen enhances the oxida-tive capacity of skeletal muscle fibers and the spinal motoneurons innervating them and, thus, has implications for locomotor activity. Our results appear to be concordant with these previous findings [22,23]. On the other hand, the selective degeneration of dopamin-ergic neurons and the reduced expression of TH in the SNpc, along with the decreased levels of DA transporter (DAT) and DA in the striatum, are the main pathological hall-marks of PD and correlate with motor dysfunction [24,25]. In our study, we observed that HBOT attenuated the decrease in dopaminergic cells and the reduced expression of TH in the midbrain of MPTP-treated mice (Figure 1). Therefore, HBOT appears to be a promis-ing treatment for PD, with exciting clinical potential. In addition, there are also case re-ports of the use of HBOT in the treatment of psychiatric symptoms in PD patients [10]. Although our experiments did not examine the emotional effects of HBOT in the animal model of Parkinson’s disease, the potential interference of motoric impairment and αA. B. C. D. Figure 6.Effects of HBOT on the protein expressions of mitochondrial biogenesis in the midbraintissue of MPTP-treated mice. Protein expression of (A) SIRT-1, (B) PGC-1↵,(C) TFAM and (D) VDACwere detected by Western blotting. All data are expressed as mean±SEM (n = 3–4). # p < 0.05,## p < 0.01and ### p < 0.001 compared with the control group; * p < 0.05 and *** p < 0.001 comparedwith the MPTP group.4. DiscussionIn the present study, we examined the effects of HBOT treatment on locomotor activi-ties and dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of MPTP-treated mice. According toour results, locomotor activities, as quantified by the total distance traveled, grip strength,and the time on rotarod, were improved in the MPTP+HBOT mice (Figure 2).Previous studies suggested that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen enhances the oxidativecapacity of skeletal muscle fibers and the spinal motoneurons innervating them and, thus,has implications for locomotor activity. Our results appear to be concordant with theseprevious findings [22,23]. On the other hand, the selective degeneration of dopaminergicneurons and the reduced expression of TH in the SNpc, along with the decreased levelsof DA transporter (DAT) and DA in the striatum, are the main pathological hallmarks ofPD and correlate with motor dysfunction [24,25]. In our study, we observed that HBOTattenuated the decrease in dopaminergic cells and the reduced expression of TH in themidbrain of MPTP-treated mice (Figure 1). Therefore, HBOT appears to be a promisingtreatment for PD, with exciting clinical potential. In addition, there are also case reports ofthe use of HBOT in the treatment of psychiatric symptoms in PD patients [10]. Althoughour experiments did not examine the emotional effects of HBOT in the animal model ofParkinson’s disease, the potential interference of motoric impairment and locomotor expres-sion in mood disorders are related to PD (anxiety, depression), which clearly demonstrated
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 11 of 14their impact on motor performance in the OF test [14,26]. Therefore, we cannot rule out thepossibility that HBOT can improve the results of locomotor behaviors by improving theanimal model’s psychiatric symptoms, and this requires further experiments to prove.Although HBOT has an effect on the preservation of dopaminergic cells and motorfunction in MPTP-treated mice, the exact mechanism is still unclear. Neuroinflammation isknown to be one of the most important processes involved in the pathogenesis of PD. MPTPis a potent neurotoxin used to mimic PD in a wide range of organisms, including non-human primates, guinea pigs, mice, dogs and cats [27]. Previous studies have demonstratedthat mice treated with MPTP have significantly increased inflammatory mediators, such asiNOS, COX-2, and TNF-↵in the SNpc [28,29]. In our study, we demonstrated that HBOTprotects against MPTP-induced neuroinflammation in PD by inhibiting the NF-B signalingpathway in the midbrain of MPTP-treated mice (Figure 3), indicating that HBOT has theeffect of suppressing neuroinflammation.In addition, the anti-apoptotic effect of HBOT has been demonstrated by mediatingthe enhancement of Bcl-2 expression and increasing intracellular oxygen bio-availability.Both of these may contribute to the preservation of mitochondrial integrity and reduce theactivation of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis [19]. At the same time, HBOT alsoattenuates the decrease in the Bcl-2/Bax ratio, and reduces the expression of cytochrome cand the rising level of cleaved caspase 3 in the midbrain of MPTP-treated mice (Figure 4).These results indicate that HBOT has the anti-apoptotic effect to counter the apoptosis ofDA neurons in PD.Neurogenesis is defined as the generation of neurons within the brain. It has beensuggested that HBOT exerts neuroprotective effects through the activation of cellulartranscription factors [30]. The CREB is an intracellular protein that regulates the expressionof genes that are important in dopaminergic neurons [31]. The activity of CREB in neuronshas been correlated with various intracellular processes, including differentiation, survival,and neurogenesis [32]. Activated CREB promotes the expression of BDNF, which belongsto a family of neurotrophic that have a crucial role in neuronal survival and enhanced nervetransmission via long-term potentiation. This combination of neurogenesis and optimizedneuronal function is believed to prevent neurogenerative diseases [33]. According toour results, HBOT may promote the activation of CREB and increase the expression ofBDNF in the substantia nigra of MPTP-treated mice (Figure 5). The increase in neuriteoutgrowth is observed in the MPP+-treated SH-SY5Y cells with HBOT (Figure 5). Theabove results suggest that HBOT may promote neurogenesis via the activation of theCREB/BDNF pathway.Mammalian sirtuins (SIRT-1–SIRT-7) have been implicated in a number of cellularand physiological processes, including gene silencing, apoptosis, mitochondrial function,energy homeostasis, and longevity [34]. Stimulation of SIRT-1 has been shown to increasethe expression and activity of PGC-1↵, a master regulator involved in mitochondrialbiogenesis [35]. In cellular disease models, the activation of PGC-1↵ blocks dopaminergicneuron loss induced by mutant↵-synuclein or the pesticide rotenone [36–38]. It acts asa coactivator for transcription factors, such as TFAM, which, in turn, increase mtDNAand mitochondrial biogenesis. In the substantia nigra of transgenic mice, inactivation ofTFAM alleles induces respiratory chain deficiency in dopaminergic neurons and aggravatesPD [39]. In addition, Voltage-Dependent Anion Channels (VDACs) also serve as dockingsites for misfolded or mutated proteins, associated with many neurodegenerative disorders,including PD. Interactions with these abnormal proteins alter the physiological activity ofVDAC, contributing to mitochondrial dysfunction typical of these pathologies [40,41]. TheVDAC proteins represent the most important pore-forming proteins of the mitochondrialouter membrane, directly involved in metabolism and apoptosis regulation [42]. Therefore,the SIRT-1/PGC-1↵signaling pathway plays a critical role in PD development and may bea potential target for PD therapy. In the present study, we demonstrated that HBOT causeda significant up-regulation of SIRT-1 expression, along with PGC-1↵and its downstreamtranscription factor TFAM and mitochondrial marker VDAC (Figure 6). The increased
Biomolecules 2022, 12, 661 12 of 14mitochondrial biogenesis has been further confirmed by the increased expression of TH,the key enzyme in DA synthesis, in the brain tissue of MPTP+HBOT-treated mice. This alsoprovided evidence for the hypothesis that HBOT treatment can improve mitochondrialbiogenesis by activating the SIRT-1 dependent PGC-l↵ signaling cascade.5. ConclusionsCurrently, the cause of PD in humans remains unclear and despite continuous progressin research, most of the treatment options are symptomatic and non-curative. In the presentstudy, we provide preliminary evidence that HBOT treatment may decrease neuroinflam-mation by inhibiting the NF-kB signaling pathway and promote neurogenesis via theactivation of the CREB/BDNF pathway. Furthermore, this therapy may improve mito-chondrial biogenesis via the SIRT-1/PGC-1↵-dependent signaling cascade and have theability to improve dopaminergic functions by increasing tyrosine hydroxylase expression.Hence, our results suggest that HBOT has potential as an adjunctive treatment, protectingdopaminergic neurons in the clinical treatment of PD.Author Contributions:Conceptualization, H.-T.H., S.-H.H. and Y.-C.L.; methodology, Y.-L.Y.,W.-H.C.and W.-Y.F.; investigation, Y.-L.Y., W.-H.C. and W.-Y.F.; resources, H.-T.H., S.-H.H. and Y.-C.L.; datacuration, H.-T.H.; writing—original draft preparation, H.-T.H. and Y.-L.Y.; writing—review andediting, W.-Y.F., Y.-C.L. and S.-H.C.; project administration, H.-T.H.; funding acquisition, H.-T.H. andY.-C.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.Funding:This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (grantnumber: MOST109-2314-B-037-013) and Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital(grant number: KMUH110-0M78) to Hung-Te Hsu.Institutional Review Board Statement:Experimental procedures were carried out in accordancewith the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved by the InstitutionalAnimal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Kaohsiung Medical University (IACUC ApprovalNo: 180267).Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.Data Availability Statement: Data available upon request from the corresponding authors.Acknowledgments: The authors thank Jadzia Tin-Tsen Chou for her help with language editing.Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.References1. Tysnes, O.B.; Storstein, A. Epidemiology of Parkinson’s disease. J. Neural Transm. 2017, 124, 901–905. [CrossRef][PubMed]2. Kalia, L.V.; Lang, A.E. Parkinson’s disease. Lancet 2015, 386, 896–912. [CrossRef]3.Siciliano, M.; Trojano, L.; Santangelo, G.; De Micco, R.; Tedeschi, G.; Tessitore, A. Fatigue in Parkinson’s disease: A systematicreview and meta-analysis. Mov. Disord. Off. J. Mov. Disord. Soc. 2018, 33, 1712–1723. [CrossRef][PubMed]4. Dick, F.D. Parkinson’s disease and pesticide exposures. Br. Med. Bull. 2006, 79–80, 219–231. [CrossRef]5.Block, M.L.; Hong, J.S. Microglia and inflammation-mediated neurodegeneration: Multiple triggers with a common mechanism.Prog. Neurobiol. 2005, 76, 77–98. [CrossRef]6.Nambu, H.; Takada, S.; Fukushima, A.; Matsumoto, J.; Kakutani, N.; Maekawa, S.; Shirakawa, R.; Nakano, I.; Furihata, T.;Katayama, T.; et al. Empagliflozin restores lowered exercise endurance capacity via the activation of skeletal muscle fatty acidoxidation in a murine model of heart failure. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2020, 866, 172810. [CrossRef]7.Lu, Z.; Ma, J.; Liu, B.; Dai, C.; Xie, T.; Ma, X.; Li, M.; Dong, J.; Lan, Q.; Huang, Q. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sensitizes nimustinetreatment for glioma in mice. Cancer Med. 2016, 5, 3147–3155. [CrossRef]8.Vadas, D.; Kalichman, L.; Hadanny, A.; Efrati, S. Hyperbaric Oxygen Environment Can Enhance Brain Activity and MultitaskingPerformance. Front. Integr. Neurosci. 2017, 11, 25. [CrossRef]9. Sanchez, E.C. Hyperbaric oxygenation in peripheral nerve repair and regeneration. Neurol. Res. 2007, 29, 184–198. [CrossRef]10.Xu, J.J.; Yang, S.T.; Sha, Y.; Ge, Y.Y.; Wang, J.M. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for Parkinson’s disease with severe depression andanxiety: A case report. Medicine 2018, 97, e0029. [CrossRef]11.Kusuda, Y.; Takemura, A.; Nakano, M.; Ishihara, A. Mild hyperbaric oxygen inhibits the decrease of dopaminergic neurons in thesubstantia nigra of mice with MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease. Neurosci. Res. 2018, 132, 58–62. [CrossRef][PubMed]
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CO MM EN TA RY Open AccessHyperbaric oxygen therapy promotesneurogenesis: where do we stand?Jun Mu1,2, Paul R Krafft1and John H Zhang1,2,3*AbstractNeurogenesis in adults, initiated by injury to the central nervous system (CNS) presents an autologous repairmechanism. It has been suggested that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) enhances neurogenesis whichaccordingly may improve functional outcome after CNS injury. In this present article we aim to reviewexperimental as well as clinical studies on the subject of HBOT and neurogenesis. We demonstrate hypotheticalmechanism of HBOT on cellular transcription factors including hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) and cAMP responseelement binding (CREB). We furthermore reveal the discrepancy between experimental findings and clinical trials inregards of HBOT. Further translational preclinical studies follo wed by improved clinical trials are needed toelucidate potential benefits of HBOT.IntroductionNeurogenesi s is defined as generation of neurons withinthe brain. In adults, neurogenesis occurs primarily in twobrain regions: the subventricular (SVZ) and the subgranu-lar z one (SGZ) of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG).Injury to the central nervous system (CNS) includingtrauma, cerebral ischemia and epileptic seizures have beenreported to induce neurogenesis, and surviving cells maybe functionally integrated into existing neural circuits [1].Consequently, further endoge nous promotion of neuro-genesis may hold promise for restoration of cerebral func-tions after CNS injury.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) refers to the medi-cal use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pres-sure. Initially, indicated fordecompressionillnessithasbeen further applied to clinical conditions includingcrush injury, diabetic foot, skin grafts, thermal bur ns andto several neurological diseases [2]. Elevation of partialoxygen pressure in the body, leads to increased oxygentransport capacity of erythrocytes, facilitating peripheralregeneration processes (e.g. angiogenesis).It has been suggested that HBOT exerts neuroprotec-tive effects through a variety of mechanisms, includingthe activation of cellular transcription factors [3]. How-ever, due to inconsistent results and few clinical trials,HBOT for neurologic disorders has not yet beenapproved by the FDA. Further preclinical studies areneeded to clarify the effect of HBOT on neurogenesisand to ensure a successful translation to clinical trials.Literature ReviewPublications were identified by PubMed/Medline andWeb of Science, using the following keywords: neurogen-esis, hyperbaric oxygen, ischemia, proliferation and BrdU.All p ublications, languages and subsets were explored.Results from previous studies were summarized into thefollowing four categories: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopa-thy (HIE) (Table 1), vascular dementia ( Table 2), perma-nent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) (Table 3)and human mesencephalic neural progenitor cells(hmNPCs) (Table 4).Regarding HBOT, most preclinical studies were per-formed using a rat model of HIE. Wang et al. i nitiated 7days of HBOT (2.0 ATA, 100% oxygen, 1 hour daily) start-ing 3 hours after experimental HIE in rats. Results showeda significantly increased amount of BrdU+/nestin+ cells inthe SVZ with a peak at 7 days after HIE [4]. 21 days later,more BrdU+/b-tubulin+ cells were observed in the cortexof treated rats, suggesting that HBOT promotes the prolif-eration, differentiati on and migration of newly generatedcells [5].Our preliminary data shows that HBOT decreases theinfarct size with a significantly increased number of BrdU(+) cells in the peri-infarct area 2 week after experimental* Correspondence: johnzhang3910@yahoo.com1Department of Physiology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine,11021 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the articleMu et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:14http://www.medicalgasresearch.com/content/1/1/14MEDICAL GAS RESEARCH© 2011 Mu et al; licensee Bi oMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses /by/2.0 ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Table 1 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)Animal model/Cell lineHBO therapy Method/Duration Neurogenesis InfarctsizeNeurobehavioraltestingMechanism Institute ReferenceHIE rats Within 3 h 100%, 2 ATA1 h/d × 7BrdU 50 mg/Kg 2 daysbefore sac Q8hX5TSVZ ↑Brdu+/nestin+ D3, D7, D14 after ischemia / / Wnt-3 Central SouthUniversity, ChinaWang, etal [4]HIE rats Within 3 h 100%, 2 ATA1 h/d × 7brdU 50 mg/Kg 1 daysafter surgery Q12hX6DSVZ ↑Brdu+/nestin+ D3, D7, D14 after ischemia / / MBP Central SouthUniversity, ChinaYang, et al[11]HIE rats Within 3 h 2 ATA, 100%oxygen 1 h/d × 7brdU 50 mg/Kg 1 daysbefore HBO Q12hX6D↑D7 SVZ brdu+/DCX+ ↑D14 cortex brdu+/DCX+ D28 cortex ↑BrdU/GFAP/tubulin/ / / Central SouthUniversity, ChinaWang, etal [5]neural stem cellfrom HIE ratsWithin 2 h 2 ATA, 100%oxygen × 1 h/differentiateinto↑neurons ↑oligodendrocytes↓astrocytes//b-catenin, Central SouthUniversity, ChinaZhang, etal [6]Mu et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:14http://www.medicalgasresearch.com/content/1/1/14Page 2 of 7
HIE. We treated operated animals with 1.5 ATA HBO,100% oxygen once a day for 3 consecutive days. BrdU,dissolved in saline, was injected intraperitoneally (50 mg/kg) 24 hours after HIE, once a day for a total of 7 days.Furtherm ore in vit ro studies suggest that HBOT pro-motes neural stem cells differ entiation into neurons oroligodendrocytes, while inhib iting those stem cells fromdifferentiating into astrocytes [6,7]. HBOT also enhancesthe proliferation of other supporting cells, including glialcell line-derived neurotrophic nerve growth factor(GDNF) [8] and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) positive cells [8] as well as epithelial cells [9]and human microvascular endothelia l cells (HMEC-1)(Table 5) [10].Hypothetical mecha nismsNumerous in vivo and in vitro studies confirm thatHBOT induces neurogenesis [5-7,10- 13] however, under-lying mechanisms remain unknown. Activation of severalsignaling pathways and t ranscription factors have beensuggested to play an important role in HBOT inducedneurogenesis, inc luding W nt, hypoxia-in ducible factors(HIFs) and cAMP response element-binding (CREB).HIF-1 is a he terodimeric transcriptional complex com-posed of an inducible HIF-1a subunit and a constitutiveHIF-1b subunit. HIF- 1a is the principal mediator of cel-lular hypoxia adaptations [14]. Therefore activated byhypoxia, HIF-1a cause s the transcription of its regulateddownstream genes, including erythropoietin (EPO) andVEGF which are known to promote neurogenesis [15].However accumulation of HIF-1a induces expression ofp53 [16] and BNIP3 [17], leading to neuronal cell death.Thus neuroprotection may occur shortly after cerebralischemia at balanced level s of HIF-1a. In the presence ofoxygen and iron, HIF-1a is rapidly degra ded via the pro-lyl hydroxyla se pathway . Javorin a et al. discovered thatHBOT exposure stabilizes HIF-1a levels in hmNPCs andfurthermore induces neurogenesis in vitro [7]. We sug-gest that HBOT prevents the accumulation of HIF-1aand therefore exerts its neuroprotective effect (Figure 1).Wnt sig nal ing h as be en su gge sted to play a n imp or-tant role in the regulation of cell proliferation and dif-ferentiation during the stage of CNS development. Wnt-3isthestartingproteinofthispathway.Wangetal.confirmed inc reased level of W nt-3 in HBOT rats 3days after HIE induction, which was positively correlatedwith the proliferation of stem cells [4]. The authors sug-gest that cell proliferati on via Wnt pathway is regulatedthrough b-catenin. Furthermore, in vitro studies demon-strated that b-catenin siRNA decrease s the amount ofnewly generated neurons by repressing the Neurogenin1(NGN1) gene, which can be reversed by HBOT [6]. Ithas been recently reported that HIF-1a modulates Wnt/b-catenin signaling in hypoxic embryonic stem cells(ESC) by enhancing b-catenin activation, and expressionof the downstream effectors lymphocyte enhancer fac-tor-1 (LEF-1) and T-cell factor-1 (TCF-1) [18].It has been implicated that Hif-1a deletion reducesWnt/b-catenin signaling in the SGZ , causing impairedWnt-dependent processes, including neural stem cell pro-liferation, differentiation and neuronal maturation [18].We conclude that activation of the Wnt pathway mayoccur via HBOT induced control of HIF-1a (Figure 1).CREB plays a well-documented role in neuronal plasti-city and formation of lon g-term memory, mainly throughup-regulation of its downstream genes including brainderived neurophic factor (BDNF), Bcl-2, c-fos and VGF.Activation of CREB increases neurogenesis in the DGafter focal cerebral ischemia in rats, and protects aga insthypoxic brain injury [19]. Application of 100% oxygenincreased CREB expression in striatum and hippocampusin a neonatal p iglet model of intermittent apnea [20].HBO preconditioning furthermore increased the ratio ofBcl-2 and Bax e xpressio n in a MCAo/reperfusion modelTable 2 Vascular dementiaAnimal model/Cell lineHBO therapy Method/DurationNeurogenesis InfarctsizeNeurobehavioraltestingMechanism Institute Referencevascular dementia(ligation ofBilateral CCA)100%,2 ATA,2 h/d × 10d/ piriform cortex(Pir)↑DCX+, Nestin+/ Shuttle boxtesting/ ThirdMilitary MedicalUniversityZhang et al[12]Table 3 Permanent MCAoAnimalmodel/CelllineHBO therapy Method/DurationNeurogenesis InfarctsizeNeurobehavioraltestingMechanism Institute ReferencePermanentMCAo100%,2.5 ATA,1.5 hFrom 15 min, 1.5 h, 3h after MCAo/ D7↑GFAP+↓ garcia / University ofLeipzig, GermanyGunther,et al [13]Mu et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:14http://www.medicalgasresearch.com/content/1/1/14Page 3 of 7
[21]. CREB activates its downstream genes when phos-phorylated, while protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) catalyzesthe dephosphorylation of CREB. PP1g modulates thelocalization and/or activity of PP1. Suppressed in hypoxicconditions, PP1 leads to over-phosphorylation of CREB,followed by CREB ubiquitination and degradation by 26sproteasome [22]. AlthoughtheexactroleofCREBinHBOT induced neurogenesis isstillnotclear,wesug-gested that HBOT could reverse this process by reactivat-ing PP1g and by blocking the degradation of CREB(Figure 2).Clinical applicationsStrokeNeurons are highly energy demanding, a characteristicwhich makes them vulnerable to decreased cerebralblood supply during stroke. Experimental transientischemia induces neurogenesis in the DG, w ith a peakbetween 7-10 days [23]. In confirmation to these resultsShin et al. found the highest number of Brdu+ cells inthe SVZ, subependymal zone, cortex and striatum 1week after MCAo [24]. Thus endogenous neurogenesisafter ischemic stroke occurs early and is short-lived.HBOT appears to be a potent method of oxygen deliv-ery [25]. It increa ses the oxygen partial pre ssure withinthe blood and enhances restoration of oxygen supplyafter ischemic stroke [26]. Previous studies provide evi-dence t hat HBOT promotes neurogenesis [4- 6,11],reduces infarct size [27,28] as well as hemorrhagic trans-formation [29] and improves neurological function, inanimal models of ischemic stroke [28].In contrast to these preclinical results no benefit ofHBOT was found in stroke patients [30] and HBOT didnot improve the clinical outcome in patients 6 monthsafter acute stroke [31]. However, Singhal concluded thatHBOT might extend the time window and increase theefficiency of FDA approved r-tPA thrombolysis afteracute ischemic stroke [25].Most clinical trials presented small sample sizes,undifferentiated stroke types, diverse time windows andvarying application of HBOT. To bridge the gapbetween basic science and clinical studies, large scale,well designed, randomized controlled clinical trials areneeded to examine the effects on HBOT in terms ofacute sensorimotor and ch ronic cognitive function inpatients.Traumatic brain injury (TBI)It has been established that injury-induced neurogenesiscontributes greatly to post-injury recovery. After TBI,hippocampal progenitors are activated and result inincreased amount of newly generated neurons withinthe DG [32]. Although there is no literature available onthe HBOT induced neurogenesis in preclinical TBImodels, HBOT has been applied to TBI patients. Theuse of HBOT for TBI remains controversial. McDonaghet al., concluded that there was insufficient evidence toestablish the effectiveness of HBOT in the treatment ofTBI [33]. Rockswold et al., on the other hand, foundthat HBOT might be potentially beneficial for severeTBI patients [34]. The safety of HBOT was also evalu-ated and it was pointed out that, if given at properTable 4 Human mesencephalic neural progenitor cellAnimal model/Cell lineHBOtherapyMethod/DurationNeurogenesis InfarctsizeNeurobehavioraltestingMechanism Institute ReferencehmNPCs 100%,1.5ATA1 h/d × 5dKi67 ↑Mature neurons(Tuji, NSE)-GFAP/ / HIF-aStabilizersUniversity of Leipzig,GermanyMilosevic,et al [7]Table 5 effect of HBOT on other type of cellsAnimal model/Cell lineHBOtherapyMethod/DurationProliferation InfarctsizeNeurobehavioraltestingMechanism Institute Referenceexperimentalspinal cordinjuryRightafterinjury100%,2.5ATA2hD7 ↑GDNF(+)cell↑VEGF(+)cell↓TTC ↑BBB locomotorscale↓myeloperoxidase (MPO), tumornecrosis factor-a (TNFa) andinterleukin-1b (IL-1b)Taipei MedicalUniversityTai, et al[8]Normal rats 60%, 1ATA3 daysBrduSingleinjectiongerminativezone↑EpithelialCells/ / Oxidative stress? WashingtonUniversityShui et al[9]HMEC-1 100%, 2.4ATA1h/ ↑HMEC-1proliferation/ / antioxidant, cytoprotectivegenes upregulationUniversity ofConnecticut,USAGodmanet al [10]Mu et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:14http://www.medicalgasresearch.com/content/1/1/14Page 4 of 7
paradigms, like 1.5 ATA for 60 minutes, HBOT will notcause oxygen toxicity [34]. In a review of available treat-ments for acquired brain injury (ABI), including TBI,HBOT was suggested with stro ng level of evidenceamong non-pharmacological inter ventions of ABI.Furthermore, HBOT positively improv ed morta lit y withlevel 1 evidence [35]. Laborator y experiments on HBOTinduced neurogenesis are needed to investigate the effi-ciency of HBOT on TBI.AutismAutism is a neuro-developmental disorder associatedwith hypoperfusion to several areas of the brain, defectsof neurogen esis and neuronal migration [36]. The firstmulticenter, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial in2009 found that 40-hour HBOT of 24% oxygen a t 1 .3ATM produced significant improvement in children’ soverall functioning, receptive language, social interaction,eye contact, and sensory/cognitive awareness comparedFigure 1 Potential mechanisms of HBOT and HIF-1a. In hypoxia, HIF-1a activates EPO and VEGF to promote neurogenesis. The accumulationof HIF-1a further induces the expression of p53 protein and BNIP3, leading to cell death. HBOT stabilizes HIF-1a, preventing it fromoverexpression and further, activates the Wnt pathway. Abbreviation: PHDs, prolyl hydroxylase; HIF-1a, hypoxia-inducible factor 1a; EPO, erythropoietin; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; NGN1, Neurogenin1; TCF, T-cell factor.Mu et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:14http://www.medicalgasresearch.com/content/1/1/14Page 5 of 7
to those received slightly pressurized room air [37].Another study in 2010 on 16 autism patients, adopting asimilar treatment paradigm, showed no effect on a widearray of behavioral evaluations [38]. Basic research isneeded regardi ng neuroprot ectiv e e ffects of HBOT andneurogenesis.Special concernsHBOT and malignancyIt has been previously suggested that neurogenesisoccurs within an angiogenic niche, where neurogen esisis cl osely associated with vascular recruitment and sub-sequent remodeling [39]. Therefore HBOT may also sti-mulate angiogenesis by enhancing the proliferation offibroblasts, epithelial cells and blood vessels [40].Concerns have been raised whether HBOT promotesthe proliferation of cancer cells. To date, there is littleevidence that HBOT causes malignant growth or metas-tasis. A history of malignancy should therefore not beconsidered as a contraindication for HBOT [40].HBOT and oxidative stressHBOT enhances the production of reactive oxygen spe-cies (ROS) and causes oxidative stress in body tissues[10]. Excessive accumulation of oxidative stress maycontribute to neurodegenerative processes and celldeath in the brain, as seen in disea ses like Alzheimer’sdisease (AD) and Parkinson’sdisease(PD)[41].SinceHBOT-induced oxidative stress is directly proportionalto both exposure pressure and duration, the benefits ofHBOT, may outweigh the side effects due to the phe-nomenon of hormesis. Hormesis is a process that resultsin a functional improvement of cellular stress resistance,survival, and longevity in response to sub-lethal levels ofstress. We suggest that this process might be beneficialin the treatment of oxidativestressassociatedneurode-generative diseases like AD and PD.Conclusions and future directionsAbounding evidence has shown that HBOT promo tesneurogenesis. Future investiga tions need to be extendedto models of neurological diseases, including subarach-noid hemorrhage (SAH), cerebral hemorrhage, AD, PD,surgical bra in injury (SBI) and autism for cell prolifera-tion, survival and differentiation. Furthermore, studiesneed to be conducted to e xplore whether HBOTinduced neurogenesis leads to a functional improvementfollowed by large scale, strictly controlled clinical trialsFigure 2 Potential mechanisms of HBOT associated CREB activation and degradation:CREBactivatesitsdownstreamgeneswhenphosphorylated, while PP1 catalyzes the dephosphorylation of CREB. PP1g is the core subunit of PP1. In hypoxia, PP1g is repressed, leading toover-phosphorylation of CREB, followed by CREB ubiquitination and degradation by 26s proteasome. HBOT may reverse this process byreactivating PP1g and blocking CREB degradation. Thus, phosphorylated CREB activates the downstream genes (BDNF, Bcl-2, VGF, et al.) topromote neurogenesis. Abbreviation: PP1g, protein phosphatase-1; CREB, cAMP response element-binding; Ub, ubiquitin; CRE, cAMP responseelements; CBP, CREB binding protein.Mu et al. Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:14http://www.medicalgasresearch.com/content/1/1/14Page 6 of 7
to establish HBOT as a prevention and/or treatmentmodality for neurological diseases.AcknowledgementsWe thank Robert P. Ostrowski for his valuable contributions. This work issupported by a grant from National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.30570657) and 973 project (2009CB918300).Author details1Department of Physiology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine,11021 Campus Street, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA.2Department ofNeurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, 1 YiXue Yuan Road, Chongqing 400016, China.3Department of Neurology, LomaLinda University School of Medicine, 11234 Anderson Street, Loma Linda, CA92354, USA.Conflicts of Interests /DisclosuresThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.Received: 6 April 2011 Accepted: 27 June 2011 Published: 27 June 2011References1. Alvarez-Buylla A, Lim DA: For the long run: maintaining germinal nichesin the adult brain. Neuron 2004, 41(5):683-6.2. 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S-94Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 20201Rheumatology Unit, University of Messina; 2Trauma and Orthopaedic Unit, Santissima Trinità Hospital, Cagliari; 3Department of Rheumatology, ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco, Milan; 4Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Villa S. Benedetto Menni Hospital, Albese (Como); 5Humanitas Clinical and Research Centre, IRCCS, Rozzano, Italy.Fabiola Atzeni, MD, PhDIgnazio Francesco Masala, MDMariateresa Cirillo, MDLaura Boccassini, MDStefania Sorbara, MDAlessandra Alciati, MDPlease address correspondence to:Fabiola Atzeni, Dipartimento di Reumatologia Università di Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98100 Messina, Italy.E-mail: atzenifabiola@hotmail.com Received on October 2, 2019; accepted in revised form on December 16, 2019.Clin Exp Rheumatol 2020; 38 (Suppl. 123): S94-S98.© Copyright CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY 2020.Key words: Competing interests: none declared.ABSTRACTObjectivethe therapeutic mechanisms underlying hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), and reviews data concerning its effects Methods. The studies included in this review all evaluated the effect of HBOT in patients with diseases involv-ing CNS. The PubMed databases were searched from 1980 to September 2019 -Results. HBOT is already indicated in various diseases and is the subject of continuous research and develop-ment. Data from models of PD show that it may play a neuroprotective role because of its ability to reduce oxida-tive stress and neurodegeneration, and protect against neuronal apoptosis. It is effective in improving the symptoms --tivity in pain-related areas. Evidence from animal studies supports its use as an alternative treatment for other rheu-matic diseases as it alleviates pain and Conclusion. Data mainly from animal studies support the use of HBOT in the treatment of PD and rheumatic dis-clarify its therapeutic role in patients with these chronic disorders. Introduction -- -- ----Principles of hyperbaric oxygen therapy - -- - - Review
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020Hyperbaric therapy in chronic diseases / F. Atzeni et al.- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - ----
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020 -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --et al.- - - et al. i.e. - - - - - -- -Parkinson’s disease-- ----- Hyperbaric therapy in chronic diseases / F. Atzeni et al.
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020Hyperbaric therapy in chronic diseases / F. Atzeni et al. - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - Conclusions - References J Intensive Care Med J Vet Emerg Crit Care -Neurosci Lett et al - Plos One - - Plast Reconstr Surg N Engl J Med J Cardiovasc Surg -Arch Surg et al - - - - -Surgery -Toxic ol A ppl Pha rmaco l --Plastic Reconstr Surg -Int Anesthesiol Clin et al Undersea Biomed Res--et al. Aviat Space Environ Med--Acta Ophthalmol Scand Eur Respir J
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