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Parent Involvement Guide2024-2025 Message

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BMSDiscoverDifferent. Deeper. Direction.Different Belleville Mennonite School provides a unique and uncommonPK-12 learning environment where students learn truth and are trulyknown - growing both academically and spiritually. As a private Christianschool, BMS offers a family-focused atmosphere where students canthrive and be challenged by customized learning pathways as theyprepare for the journey ahead.Deeper Students experience learning through a Biblical Worldviewapproach that shapes firm foundations alongside our partner familieswho share a vision for rich and well-rounded Christian education. Ourworld promotes so many surface-level successes and benefits centeredon self, and at BMS, we believe in deeper, more meaningful growth thatresonates beyond self to impact change in our communities and worldaround us that is in need of dedicated doers servants and leaders.Direction Our high quality programming is always expanding, growing,and geared toward meeting the needs and interests of our students forthe future they will encounter. Through a wide range and variety ofcourses, including Bible, unique specials, and electives, as well as honorsand dual enrollment opportunities, students are able to hone their skillsand spiritual walks in numerous areas at BMS. Vocational programmingand community co-op partnerships are growing alongside developingacademic tracks and expanding service learning opportunities.

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Fellowship EventsHomecoming Weekend is full of opportunity to fellowship with bothcurrent BMS families and BMS alumni families, including our FallFellowship Dinner. Parent Fellowship Meetings are held each school year - Fall, Winter,Spring - and provide opportunities to ask questions, share information,and fellowship between administration, parents and teachers.Music Department Concerts are held in around Christmastime andSpringtime. Elementary, Middle and High School students participate ineach concert. Open House is a special evening where our students share the great thingsthey have been working on throughout the year with current andprospective families. Eighth grade presents a Living History Museum,elementary students present a Speech Showcase, and the Café staff offersa delicious meal. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESAs you consider the various ways to be actively involved with the BMScommunity, please be aware that some roles do require volunteerclearances and we encourage you to obtain them in advance so we canhave them on file. We are happy to help you with that process! If youalready have clearances for work or church activities, you can simplysubmit a copy to the office. If you would like to obtain your clearances,please ask, or read the volunteer information on our website pagespecifically for parents and follow the links provided.

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ATHLETICS Soccer season: Aug-OctBasketball season: Dec-FebAdmissions2 hours per basketball or soccer gameCollect money for admission to home games. Volunteers report to theAthletic Director.Apple Pie Making2-4 hours; late FallContribute to the apple pie fundraiser by rolling pie dough during theweekend of the fundraiser.Concessions2-4 hours during athletic eventsPrepare and sell food at the concession stands during athletic events.Profits benefit the athletic fund at BMS. Volunteers report to theAthletic Director.Scoreboard2 hours per basketball or soccer game“Run the clock” involves keeping the score, time, and official details athome games. BANQUETS BMS hosts banquets throughout the year for outside organizations.Kitchen Helpers3 – 4 hours per banquetHelp to serve food and clean up after the meal.Servers2-3 hours per banquetServe banquet guests.VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES

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RACE AND SERVE FOR EDUCATIONOne of our major annual fundraisers. All students submit the names ofpotential donors who receive a letter requesting their sponsorship to helpsupport BMS. PreK-5th grade students run laps in the gym on adesignated day in February; 6th-12th grade students participate in a dayof service throughout the community in April.Address Mailers4 – 6 people working 4 – 8 hours each; last week of January. Fold, tape,stamp, affix address label and sort mailers to be ready for mailing the firstof February.Service Day Volunteers2-6 hours on the Service daysHelp to oversee service projects at assigned locations.Process Race Donations & ReceiptsSeveral hours weekly throughout February & March. Process sponsordonations, write thank you notes/receipts and file records.ELEMENTARYField Trip ChaperonesSeveral hours during school and upon teachers’ request. Travel withteachers and students to field trip destinations. Help monitor and care forstudents. LibrarianSeveral hours weekly during school. Help to keep the elementary libraryorganized, re-shelve books, and help students check out books duringlibrary times.THUNDER CAFEKitchen Volunteer4-5 hours once a month (or as desired) Assist Café staff with meal prep,service and cleanup. Typical time commitment is 9:30-2:00.

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ANNUAL AUCTIONThe Annual Auction is one of our school-wide fundraisers that is vital tothe budget. It provides a grand finale to our school year and offers manyvolunteer and fellowship opportunities!ALL Families are asked to contribute one of the following: 1. Solicit Contact at least 3 businesses to secure auction donations. Materials, training, and information will be provided! 2. Donate items or gift cards from your favorite place. ($75 value) 3. Underwrite $75 cash donation to underwrite purchased auction items. There are a wide variety of ways to be involved with the Auction!Ag & Outdoor Auction (bi-annually) Contact area farmers and agbusinesses about cattle and ag donations.Auction/Clerical Volunteers Serve as runners during the auction, work atregistration or check out.Children’s Activities Assist with children’s activities, provide oversight ofchildren during the Auction.Food Stand Volunteer Help out at the strawberry pie, ice cream, salads,baked goods, or lunch stands at the Auction.Food Service VolunteersAssist with the preparation or service of Friday’s meal, wait on tables,serve Saturday’s breakfast, wash dishes in the kitchen.Kitchen CoordinatorsOversee breakfast or lunch served at the Auction. Recruit kitchen helpersand dining room servers.

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GUIDING COMMITTEESPlease let us know if you are interested in serving on any of thesecommittees that lead and care for the school in various ways!Advancement CommitteeMeets quarterly to identify and oversee implementation of the school’sstrategic plan. New committee members are appointed by the currentcommittee members to serve a three year term.Athletic CommitteeProvides assistance to the Athletic Director as needed relating toconcession stands, fundraisers, and home athletic events.Alumni Association1-2 meetings per year. Helps to plan and organize the annual FallFellowship Dinner and Homecoming Weekend, and assists with BMSalumni relations.Auction Coordinating Committee3-5 meetings per year; as needed. Oversees the coordination of theAnnual Auction and its various sub-committees. Board of DirectorsMeets the 3rd Monday of every month with the Superintendent toconduct the business of the school. Members of the committee arenominated and elected annually by the patron body to serve a three-yearterm.

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School year hoursMonday - Friday7:30 AM - 3:30 PMEMAIL:office@bmsprek12.orgBMS OFFICE INFORMATIONSummer HoursMonday-Thursday9:00 AM - 3:00 PMPHONE:(717) 935-2184Finance CommitteeMeets 2nd Monday of every month to oversee school finances,recommend an annual budget, recommend annual tuition schedule andannually review salary and benefit packages for school personnel. Thecommittee consists of five members with at least one Board Member andat least two patrons appointed by the Board.Golf Tournament CommitteeMeets 1 hour each month April-July with the Development Director toplan, recruit sponsors and teams, and oversee the Annual GolfTournament held each August.Property CommitteeMeets throughout the school year to assess and oversee the school’sproperty and building needs. Makes recommendations about remodeling and building projects. The Property Committee reportsmonthly to the Board of Directors.