College = Change. Whether your son or daughter lives at home or has moved into a residence hall, college is a big change for everyone who lives under the same roof. You are a family unit and when there’s a big change to one member of the unit, it reverberates throughout the family. It is important to recognize that change is not an event but a process. It evolves over time. In the beginning, a big change is exciting! It’s all new, all fresh. Think of the last big change in your life: a new job, a new house, a new relationship, etc. You were excited to begin your new adventure! But a few days, or maybe even weeks later, there’s a slump. You think, “What made me think this job would be so great?” or “This house is much more work than I thought.” When it comes to your students, you may hear comments like, “I hate it here. This place stinks. Everybody’s so different.” This can put you into a full-blown panic! You will want to grab your car keys, buy a plane ticket – whatever it takes to help your child. Chances are, however, that this is part of the change process and in a few hours or a day or two, your student will adjust and feel ne again. It is likely that your student is reaching out to you in the down times, not because they want you to “solve” it for them, but because they rely on you to be there for them. So what can you do? Take a deep breath, listen carefully, and perhaps make a suggestion or two. Try to encourage them to meet new people with similar interests or be open to the change that is college.Times of ChangeUL Lafayette Parents & FamilyINSIDE THIS ISSUESeptember 2019 NewsletterThe UL Lafayette Parent & Family Newsletter is brought to you by the Ofce of Orientation and the Ofce of First-Year Experience.Money Matters 2Campus Safety 3Academic Success 3-5Student Spotlight 5Student Tribulations 6The September Student 7Parent Advice 7
Money MattersFALL 2019 ACADEMIC CALENDAROctober 3-4Fall HolidayOctober 21- November 1Advising Sessions for Spring 2020 BeginsNovember 7Last Day to Drop Class with a “W”November 28-29 Thanksgiving HolidayDecember 4-8 Dead DaysDecember 6Last Day of Fall ClassesDecember 9-13Final ExamsDecember 13Semester EndsDecember 20Fall CommencementIt’s common for rst-year students to experience difculties balancing school, activities, and other responsibilities. School, of course, should always be the top priority, especially if your student is receiving nancial aid, TOPS, or scholarships. There are a variety of factors that students should keep in mind about retaining their aid and scholarships.FINANCIAL AID - To retain nancial aid, students must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. Failure to meet these standards may cause students to lose eligibility for all types of nancial aid. At the end of each semester, your student will be evaluated according to the following SAP requirements: - Must earn a 2.0 semester and cumulative GPA - Must complete 67% of attempted credit hoursClick here to read more about SAP. If you have questions about SAP or Financial Aid in general, contact the Financial Aid Ofce at or 337-482-6506.TOPS - To remain eligible for TOPS, students must:• Have continuous full-time enrollment (12+ credit hours) each Fall and Spring Semester. • Pass/earn 24 hours each school year. The school year runs from August-July and includes Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters as well as intersessions. High school dual-enrollment and advanced placement credits are not applied to the 24 hours.• Earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA after Fall semester to receive TOPS in the Spring. • Earn the required cumulative GPA for their award after Spring: - Opportunity Award: 2.3 rst year, 2.5 each year after - Performance & Honors Awards: 3.0 Cumulative GPA For more details about TOPS eligibility and requirements, visit the LOSFA website.SCHOLARSHIPS - Different scholarships have different requirements, so it is important for students to be aware of the eligibility requirements for their particular scholarships. Questions about scholarships can be directed the Scholarship Ofce at or 337-482-6515.2
Campus SafetyRAVE GUARDIAN APP - The Rave Guardian app is available to help keep your student safe on UL Lafayette’s campus. Should your student ever feel unsafe, the app offers a Panic Button, which when pressed automatically connects that mobile device with University Police and provides them with their information and GPS location. It also allows students to anonymously text information to UL Lafayette campus police if they see something occurring on or near campus. Lastly, if students have to walk across campus late at night, the app works as a timer, alerting programmed contacts if the user does not make it to his or her destination. We ask you to encourage your student to download the Rave Guardian app. Click here to read more about the Rave Guardian app.EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM - The University’s Emergency Notication System (ENS) is designed to provide immediate alerts for emergencies and threats on campus. All students and employees must opt in to the Emergency Notication System to receive the messages.The University has the ability to send text messages with its ENS to any and all of the following technologies: • Cellular telephone calls • Text messages• Campus landline telephone calls • University website• University social media sites • University hotlineTo opt in to the Emergency Notication System, your student must register under the Campus Services tab and the Safety & Emergency Notication System section in ULink. Students can register parents and/or guardians for the ENS as well.CAMPUS MAP - Part of being safe is knowing your surroundings. Please click here to view or print out the UL Lafayette campus map.ALWAYS BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS3The Academic Success Center (ASC), located in Lee Hall, is the best resource for students looking for academic support services such as free tutoring, advising, and information about changing majors. While your student’s academic journey is their own, you can support them by knowing about the various support resources on our campus and encouraging your student to take advantage of them. If your student has a question and does not know where to nd the answer, they can start with a counselor in the Academic Success Center. Appointments are not necessary to see an academic counselor.Academic Success
GRADES FIRST - Your student will be receiving feedback during the semester on attendance and grades. This will come to students through Grades First. Students who have grades below a C and/or excessive absences will receive an email from the Academic Success Center encouraging the student to contact their instructor immediately about seeking help. Grade checks will take place between September 25 - October 2, October 23-30, and November 20 - December 2.ACADEMIC SUCCESS WORKSHOPS - Academic Success Workshops are offered by the Academic Success Center and Ofce of First-Year Experience to assist students in academic success topics. Click here to view the Fall 2019 schedule.4FREE TUTORING - The Learning Center offers free one-on-one tutoring, study group tutoring, supplemental instruction, computer lab assistance, and other services. Tutoring is available for most 100 and 200-level math and science courses as well as for accounting, economics, engineering, French, psychology, Spanish, and statistics courses. Click here to view The Learning Center’s tutoring schedule. Students should schedule a tutoring appointment by calling 337-482-6583. Supplemental Instruction (SI)Supplemental Instruction is a tutoring group led by students who have taken the classes needed to help with and excel in the topic area. SI Leaders work with professors to develop materials and examples to enhance student understanding of the subject. SI Leaders also share successful approaches to learning the materials and performing well on tests.Study GroupsStudy Groups are sessions where students can ask questions, work out problems, and seek advice from tutors who have previously passed the course.Individual TutoringIndividual Tutoring Sessions are 30-60 minutes of one- on-one instruction in the subject requested. Students can visit Lee Hall to schedule an appointment or call 337-482-6583.Study GroupsStudy Groups are sessions where students can ask questions, work out problems, and seek advice from tutors who have previously passed the course. Academic SuccessMath Lab TutoringIndividual Tutoring
The Peer Mentor program is one of the shining jewels of UL Lafayette and the Ofce of First-Year Experience. Over 100 sophomores, juniors, and seniors volunteer their time each year to provide help and advice to rst-time freshman enrolled in the UNIV 100 rst-year seminar. Coco Sonnier and Kion Gregory are our Peer Mentor Coordinators for 2019.THE MATH LAB - The UL Lafayette Math Department provides a walk-in tutoring service staffed by mathematics graduate students called The Math Lab, which is located in Lee Hall, Room 110. All tutoring services are free to UL students. Click here to view The Math Lab schedule.THE WRITING CENTER - The Writing Center is a great place for students to receive academic assistance, particularly for any writing assignments. The Writing Center is located in HL Grifn 107. Students can call 337-482-5224 to set up a writing tutoring appointment. Click here to view The Writing Center FAQs. The Writing Center will assist students at any stage of the writing process, including:• Helping students enhance their writing skills• Focusing on writing processes and the value of creating multiple drafts • Helping students see strengths and weaknesses in their writing• Helping students learn to proofread their writing• Empowering students to own their writing• Nurturing creative ideas in students5Coco Sonnier• High School: Catholic High School of New Iberia• Major: Chemical Engineering• Favorite Place on Campus: Madison Hall after the sun sets!• Hobbies: Cooking and spending time with family• Favorite thing about UL: It’s a home away from home!Kion Gregory• High School: Mamou High School• Major: Biology• Favorite Place on Campus: Biology majors study room• Hobbies: Helping others• Favorite thing about UL: The Ragin’ Cajun spirit!STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: PEER MENTOR COORDINATORS Academic SuccessThey’re here to help
Student Tribulations“ I don’t understand what is going on in class, but I’m afraid to talk to my professor. ”Students often feel intimidated by professors. Encourage them to ask questions in class or after class, to go to the professor’s ofce hours, and to participate in study groups. Students can also receive tutoring assistance for free at The Learning Center, located on the second oor of Lee Hall.“ My classes don’t seem all that hard... we never talk about the assigned readings. ”Students often underestimate the difculty of the college curriculum. Encourage your student to take notes in class, complete assigned reading prior to class, participate in study groups, and make academics their top priority. Often, professors expect students to absorb reading material outside of class.“ I thought I would have free time, but I can’t nd time to do anything! I’m stressed by the amount of work. ”Time management may be one of the biggest challenges that new students face. Encourage your student to use a planner and schedule their days. Before classes began, each student was provided an academic planner that includes campus events as well as room to schedule class, work, and study time.“ I’m not getting along with my roomate. We just don’t click. ”Adjusting to life with a roomate can be difcult, but can also be one of the most rewarding experiences your student can have. Click here to read an article from Collegiate Parent on what to do if your student experiences roomate difculties.Campus ResourcesAcademic Success CenterLee Hall, 115 337-482-6818 asc@louisiana.eduStudent Health ServicesSaucier Wellness CenterO.K. Allen Hall337-482-1328shs@louisiana.eduCounseling & Testing CenterSaucier Wellness CenterO.K. Allen Hall 337-482-6480 counseling@louisiana.eduThe Writing CenterH.L. Griffin Hall, 107337-482-5224Office of Disability Services (ODS)Agnes Edwards, 126 337-482-5252 ods@louisiana.eduDean of StudentsStudent Union, 168337-482-6276mperez@louisiana.eduCAMPUS MAP6Transitioning to college can be tough. Here are some typical issues students face:
It is common for September to bring uncertainty for some students. They may be questioning things or experiencing challenges. At this point in the semester, students may begin to encounter roommate issues. Your student may have joined a campus organization. Football season and tailgating are in full swing and are popular and fun activities to do on the weekends. Encourage your students to plan ahead and stay safe (and hydrated) during Ragin’ Cajun football games.As parents, here are a few things that you can do to help your student:The September StudentSCHOOL FIRST - Encourage your student to stay on top of their schoolwork and to get ahead. While September may not be as academically challenging as other months, many students will have their rst tests or projects due soon.SUPPORT - Be there for them when they need to rant or vent. Remind them of the campus resources available for them. Rather than solving their problems for them, ask your student, “What are you going to do about that?”ENOURAGE CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT - Encourage your student to step outside of their comfort zone by attending events and joining organizations. It’s easy for them to continue hanging out with their high school friends, but one of the best parts of college is meeting new people. As an added benet, research shows that students who get involved perform better academically. Send this calendar of events and list of UL Lafayette organizations to your student!Parent AdviceHere’s what last year’s freshmen parents have to say:7“Give your child a chance to gure it out on their own. Use the newsletter to ask the right questions at the right time and let them do it.”“Trust the process. Sign up for the newsletters and read them. Keep communication open with your child. Don’t be judgmental. Let them make mistakes.” “Totally encourage your student to get involved on campus. UL Lafayette offers some really great opportunities.” “Keep communication open and be ready to listen when they are happy and when they are sad. Celebrate their successes! Help them see difculties (working hard to obtain a C in a class, roommate drama, etc.) as real-life situations they may encounter one day in the working world.”Join the UL Lafayette Parents & Family Facebook Group or more advice and information.