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Parent Community Leadership Groups

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scan to view district calendarMJUSDPARENT COMMUNITYLEADERSHIP GROUPSParent Advisory CommitteeParent engagement and participation in schoolwidedecisions is an integral part of building a strongeducation system. By engaging with families, caregivers, students, educatorsand others members in the community, we haveestablished parent voice for ongoing culture ofimprovement.The district respects the diversity and unique needs ofeach of our student groups. We have reached out to staff,community experts and leaders to join us as we work withfamilies to improve the academic outcome and overallsuccess of all students. Each of our Parent Advisory Committees listed on thisbrochure, aims to draw on community resources andsupport, resulting in targeted actions to improve theacademic, social and emotional well-being of students inMarysville Joint Unified School District. Our final goal is toraise the college-going culture and the individual successof every student who graduates from our schools. Each committee is open to all who wish to bring theirexpertise, volunteer spirit and can-do attitude to help ourstudents build a successful future. The leadership team ofeach committee meets with the Superintendent onceevery two months to plan, discuss and strategize progressand next steps. Email Mr. Hector Gonzales if you wish to join thisfabulous group of parent and community leaders toimprove MJUSD schools.Vision and GoalsBECOME A MEMBERAmerican Indian Education Program Parent Committee (AIEPPC)Members of this committee are essential partners helpingwith the planning, implementation and evaluation of theAmerican Indian Education Program that serves Yuba andSutter American Indian children. The MJUSD AmericanIndian Education program serves approximately 1,000American Indian students in the Yuba-Sutter Bi-Countyarea and make up 1.6% of MJUSD enrollment. The majorityof our students are of Cherokee, Choctaw, or Maidudescent with over 40 different tribes represented. Theprogram supports academic assistance, communityevents such as Pow Wows, Native Peoples Day, Culturalworkshops, American Indian craft, dance and drumclasses, high school credit units in Fine Arts or Electives,school presentations, referrals, college application andfinancial aid for college. The committee meets monthly. Committee Members: Jason Azbill and Cheri Baker (Co-Chairpersons), Pat Bennet, MJUSD Program SupervisorPlease check the MJUSD American Indian website formore information and upcoming events.

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Hispanic ALLIANCE LEADERSHIPCommittee (HALC)To meet the needs all Hispanic students in MJUSDschools, the HPAC provides guidance and support todistrict and school Leaders. Collaboration with thecommunity leaders of the Alliance of HispanicAdvancement (AHA) group, helps provide support withscholarships, college readings and communityresources. Members of the AHA group are invited todistrict events and will continue to be integral to thework this committee identifies as next steps. Over 50%of students in MJUSD are identified as Hispanic. We arecommitted to engaging, listening and designinglearning opportunities to raise the success of thestudents while strengthening the parent commitmentto quality and improved education.African-American ParentAdvisory Committee (AAPAC)This collaborative group of parents, staff and communityleaders are committed to enhance the educationalexperiences of African American students in our schools. MJUSDserves a little over 3% of African American students and datashows a significant gap in regards to attendance, disciplineand academic success. This team is ready to roll up it's sleevesand get to work by rethinking how we are addressing the needsof our African American students in MJUSD schools.Constance Franklin, Janel Walter, Tiffany Embry, BrandonSanders, Kevin Bass, Hector Gonzalez, James Lohman, GwenFord, Pastor Tayler, Mike Lynch, Rosilyn Silas, Reetha Goodly.Hmong Parent AdvisoryCommittee (HPAC)Representatives from the Hmong commuinity has formedthis collaborative group, which includes parents, staffand community leaders, all working together to improvethe educational experiences of Hmong Americanstudents in our schools The Hmong community represents almost 9% of ourstudent enrollment. In the past two years we haveengaged deeply with families, hosted dinner meetingsand started Hmong language classes in our after schoolprograms. Hmong dance club is operating at a few of ourschools. Data shows that a lot of work lies ahead toengage the families in the education success of thestudents. There is a demand for high academic rigorfrom the parents, but we need to translate that to Hmongleaders and parents being visible and present in thecommunity, so their students can see that they areintegral to the success of Yuba County.Committee Members: Kevin Xiong, Kenny Her, Nancy Vang,Steven Lee, Maria Vu. Committee Members: District Parent Advisory Committee(DAC)Members of the DAC meet with the Superintendent once everytwo months and enjoy a collaborative planning and feedbacksession. Members of this group are one parent representativefrom each of our 23 School Site Council. . This parent advisorycommittee serves in two year terms. The group is alsoresponsible for providing input on the district's Strategic Planand the LCAP development process.Committee Members: Juan Barrelas, Hector Gonzalez, VeraCorrea, Nohemi-Arrelano Magana

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Hispanic ALLIANCE LEADERSHIPCommittee (HALC)To meet the needs all Hispanic students in MJUSDschools, the HPAC provides guidance and support todistrict and school Leaders. Collaboration with thecommunity leaders of the Alliance of HispanicAdvancement (AHA) group, helps provide support withscholarships, college readings and communityresources. Members of the AHA group are invited todistrict events and will continue to be integral to thework this committee identifies as next steps. Over 50%of students in MJUSD are identified as Hispanic. We arecommitted to engaging, listening and designinglearning opportunities to raise the success of thestudents while strengthening the parent commitmentto quality and improved education.African-American ParentAdvisory Committee (AAPAC)This collaborative group of parents, staff and communityleaders are committed to enhance the educationalexperiences of African American students in our schools. MJUSDserves a little over 3% of African American students and datashows a significant gap in regards to attendance, disciplineand academic success. This team is ready to roll up it's sleevesand get to work by rethinking how we are addressing the needsof our African American students in MJUSD schools.Constance Franklin, Janel Walter, Tiffany Embry, BrandonSanders, Kevin Bass, Hector Gonzalez, James Lohman, GwenFord, Pastor Tayler, Mike Lynch, Rosilyn Silas, Reetha Goodly.Hmong Parent AdvisoryCommittee (HPAC)Representatives from the Hmong commuinity has formedthis collaborative group, which includes parents, staffand community leaders, all working together to improvethe educational experiences of Hmong Americanstudents in our schools The Hmong community represents almost 9% of ourstudent enrollment. In the past two years we haveengaged deeply with families, hosted dinner meetingsand started Hmong language classes in our after schoolprograms. Hmong dance club is operating at a few of ourschools. Data shows that a lot of work lies ahead toengage the families in the education success of thestudents. There is a demand for high academic rigorfrom the parents, but we need to translate that to Hmongleaders and parents being visible and present in thecommunity, so their students can see that they areintegral to the success of Yuba County.Committee Members: Kevin Xiong, Kenny Her, Nancy Vang,Steven Lee, Maria Vu. Committee Members: District Parent Advisory Committee(DAC)Members of the DAC meet with the Superintendent once everytwo months and enjoy a collaborative planning and feedbacksession. Members of this group are one parent representativefrom each of our 23 School Site Council. . This parent advisorycommittee serves in two year terms. The group is alsoresponsible for providing input on the district's Strategic Planand the LCAP development process.Committee Members: Juan Barrelas, Hector Gonzalez, VeraCorrea, Nohemi-Arrelano Magana

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Hispanic ALLIANCE LEADERSHIPCommittee (HALC)To meet the needs all Hispanic students in MJUSDschools, the HPAC provides guidance and support todistrict and school Leaders. Collaboration with thecommunity leaders of the Alliance of HispanicAdvancement (AHA) group, helps provide support withscholarships, college readings and communityresources. Members of the AHA group are invited todistrict events and will continue to be integral to thework this committee identifies as next steps. Over 50%of students in MJUSD are identified as Hispanic. We arecommitted to engaging, listening and designinglearning opportunities to raise the success of thestudents while strengthening the parent commitmentto quality and improved education.African-American ParentAdvisory Committee (AAPAC)This collaborative group of parents, staff and communityleaders are committed to enhance the educationalexperiences of African American students in our schools. MJUSDserves a little over 3% of African American students and datashows a significant gap in regards to attendance, disciplineand academic success. This team is ready to roll up it's sleevesand get to work by rethinking how we are addressing the needsof our African American students in MJUSD schools.Constance Franklin, Janel Walter, Tiffany Embry, BrandonSanders, Kevin Bass, Hector Gonzalez, James Lohman, GwenFord, Pastor Tayler, Mike Lynch, Rosilyn Silas, Reetha Goodly.Hmong Parent AdvisoryCommittee (HPAC)Representatives from the Hmong commuinity has formedthis collaborative group, which includes parents, staffand community leaders, all working together to improvethe educational experiences of Hmong Americanstudents in our schools The Hmong community represents almost 9% of ourstudent enrollment. In the past two years we haveengaged deeply with families, hosted dinner meetingsand started Hmong language classes in our after schoolprograms. Hmong dance club is operating at a few of ourschools. Data shows that a lot of work lies ahead toengage the families in the education success of thestudents. There is a demand for high academic rigorfrom the parents, but we need to translate that to Hmongleaders and parents being visible and present in thecommunity, so their students can see that they areintegral to the success of Yuba County.Committee Members: Kevin Xiong, Kenny Her, Nancy Vang,Steven Lee, Maria Vu. Committee Members: District Parent Advisory Committee(DAC)Members of the DAC meet with the Superintendent once everytwo months and enjoy a collaborative planning and feedbacksession. Members of this group are one parent representativefrom each of our 23 School Site Council. . This parent advisorycommittee serves in two year terms. The group is alsoresponsible for providing input on the district's Strategic Planand the LCAP development process.Committee Members: Juan Barrelas, Hector Gonzalez, VeraCorrea, Nohemi-Arrelano Magana

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scan to view district calendarMJUSDPARENT COMMUNITYLEADERSHIP GROUPSParent Advisory CommitteeParent engagement and participation in schoolwidedecisions is an integral part of building a strongeducation system. By engaging with families, caregivers, students, educatorsand others members in the community, we haveestablished parent voice for ongoing culture ofimprovement.The district respects the diversity and unique needs ofeach of our student groups. We have reached out to staff,community experts and leaders to join us as we work withfamilies to improve the academic outcome and overallsuccess of all students. Each of our Parent Advisory Committees listed on thisbrochure, aims to draw on community resources andsupport, resulting in targeted actions to improve theacademic, social and emotional well-being of students inMarysville Joint Unified School District. Our final goal is toraise the college-going culture and the individual successof every student who graduates from our schools. Each committee is open to all who wish to bring theirexpertise, volunteer spirit and can-do attitude to help ourstudents build a successful future. The leadership team ofeach committee meets with the Superintendent onceevery two months to plan, discuss and strategize progressand next steps. Email Mr. Hector Gonzales if you wish to join thisfabulous group of parent and community leaders toimprove MJUSD schools.Vision and GoalsBECOME A MEMBERAmerican Indian Education Program Parent Committee (AIEPPC)Members of this committee are essential partners helpingwith the planning, implementation and evaluation of theAmerican Indian Education Program that serves Yuba andSutter American Indian children. The MJUSD AmericanIndian Education program serves approximately 1,000American Indian students in the Yuba-Sutter Bi-Countyarea and make up 1.6% of MJUSD enrollment. The majorityof our students are of Cherokee, Choctaw, or Maidudescent with over 40 different tribes represented. Theprogram supports academic assistance, communityevents such as Pow Wows, Native Peoples Day, Culturalworkshops, American Indian craft, dance and drumclasses, high school credit units in Fine Arts or Electives,school presentations, referrals, college application andfinancial aid for college. The committee meets monthly. Committee Members: Jason Azbill and Cheri Baker (Co-Chairpersons), Pat Bennet, MJUSD Program SupervisorPlease check the MJUSD American Indian website formore information and upcoming events.

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scan to view district calendarMJUSDPARENT COMMUNITYLEADERSHIP GROUPSParent Advisory CommitteeParent engagement and participation in schoolwidedecisions is an integral part of building a strongeducation system. By engaging with families, caregivers, students, educatorsand others members in the community, we haveestablished parent voice for ongoing culture ofimprovement.The district respects the diversity and unique needs ofeach of our student groups. We have reached out to staff,community experts and leaders to join us as we work withfamilies to improve the academic outcome and overallsuccess of all students. Each of our Parent Advisory Committees listed on thisbrochure, aims to draw on community resources andsupport, resulting in targeted actions to improve theacademic, social and emotional well-being of students inMarysville Joint Unified School District. Our final goal is toraise the college-going culture and the individual successof every student who graduates from our schools. Each committee is open to all who wish to bring theirexpertise, volunteer spirit and can-do attitude to help ourstudents build a successful future. The leadership team ofeach committee meets with the Superintendent onceevery two months to plan, discuss and strategize progressand next steps. Email Mr. Hector Gonzales if you wish to join thisfabulous group of parent and community leaders toimprove MJUSD schools.Vision and GoalsBECOME A MEMBERAmerican Indian Education Program Parent Committee (AIEPPC)Members of this committee are essential partners helpingwith the planning, implementation and evaluation of theAmerican Indian Education Program that serves Yuba andSutter American Indian children. The MJUSD AmericanIndian Education program serves approximately 1,000American Indian students in the Yuba-Sutter Bi-Countyarea and make up 1.6% of MJUSD enrollment. The majorityof our students are of Cherokee, Choctaw, or Maidudescent with over 40 different tribes represented. Theprogram supports academic assistance, communityevents such as Pow Wows, Native Peoples Day, Culturalworkshops, American Indian craft, dance and drumclasses, high school credit units in Fine Arts or Electives,school presentations, referrals, college application andfinancial aid for college. The committee meets monthly. Committee Members: Jason Azbill and Cheri Baker (Co-Chairpersons), Pat Bennet, MJUSD Program SupervisorPlease check the MJUSD American Indian website formore information and upcoming events.