WHAT ISPASSIVHAUS?Passivhaus is an international,science-based standard of buildingwidely used in Europe, Canada and USas standard building practices.Passivhaus is a collaboration of design principlesused to create a building that is thermally stable,highly energy-efficient and comfortable, regardlessof solar aspects or varying weather conditions.
pnEvery Passivhaus design is data modelled during the draftingand designing stage this ensures that the construction ofyour build will meet the Passivhaus standard. HIGH QUALITYBUILDThe 5 Key PrinciplesAirtightness is important for many reasons, including reducing heat loss, improvingcomfort and protecting the building fabric. Airtightness is achieved by sealing a buildingto reduce infiltration. Airtightness is measured by monitoring the amount of air thatescapes or enters a building at a pressure of 50 Pascals. For Passivhaus calculations,this measurement is expressed in air changes per hour (ACH) i.e. the number of timesan hour that the air in the building changes when it is pressurised (either negatively orpositively).PRINCIPLE 1: AIRTIGHTNESS-Thermal insulation refers to the materials or systems used to reduce heat transferbetween the inside and outside of a building. The primary goal of thermal insulation inpassive houses is to minimise heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, which reducesthe energy required to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.P RINCIPLE 2: THERMAL INSULATION-PRINCIPLE 3: MECHANICAL VENTILATION HEAT RECO VERY-Adequate ventilation within a building ensures good air quality, by removing toxins andCO2, and also helps to control humidity, thus reducing the risk of condensation. Energyefficiency and thermal comfort can also be enhanced.PRINCIPLE 4: HIGH PERFORMANCE WINDOWSHigh-performance windows are designed to improve energy efficiency and reduce energycosts in buildings. They offer better thermal comfort, improved control of ventilation andnatural light, and reduced noise from outdoors. Additionally, high-performance windowscan help reduce the load on heating and cooling systems, which can lead to lower energybills.PRINCIPLE 5: THERMAL BRIDGE FREEA thermal bridge is an area of the building envelope where heat flow is higher than thesurrounding areas. In other words, a thermal bridge is an easy pathway for heat to flow inand out of your home. Thermal bridging might also occur where there is a gap betweeninsulation materials, for example, if a window is not sealed properly or if gaps are leftbetween insulation batts during installation. The result of thermal bridging is an overallreduction in insulating efficiency.
Paradigm Passivhaus is based in Orange, NSW. We are acompany with over 2o years of construction experience. Weare the first Certified Passivhaus tradesperson in theCentral West. We work in collaboration with Certified PassivhausDesigners, that design custom new builds or can retrofitand renovate homes to Passivhaus standard. We use quality manufactured products and trusted localand international suppliers.We have a great rapport and relationship with localsuppliers. We only work with fully qualified and highlyexperienced local sub-contractors.We are members of the Master Builders association andAustralian Passivhaus AssociationABOUT US
CONTACTUSParadigm Passivhaus2/7 Scott Place, Orange, NSW, 2800P. 0427 460 187 e. paradigmpassivhaus@gmail.comwww.paradigmpassivhaus.com.auHIGH CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD LIC 263 887C