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Scan QRfor digitalversion ofthe KitScan QRfor digitalversion ofthe FullReportFOR PUPILS:Enhances and reinforces multisensory learningalong with developing the 4 language skills;listening, speaking, reading and writing. 1.Connect pupils with real-life context as itcontains suitable and age-appropriate content. 2.Encourage fun and interactive learning whileachieving the learning objectives.3.... May refer to Bainun Homosapien’s Innovation FullReportPURPOSEMultisensory KitBAINUNHOMOSAPIENSDR. MOGANASHWARI AQILAH BINTI MOHD FAUZILEADERFOR PRIMARY ESL LEARNERSNURF A TIN A QILA H BIN T IMOHD FAUZ IL E A D E RNUR A DREE N A BI N TI A Z UDDI NSITI NAWA L FAD Z LEEN BINT IAHMA D JAM I LFOR TEACHERS:Acts as an extra teaching & learning materials toincorporate within the activities.1.Allow teachers to be creative in creating T&Lactivities based on this kit.2.Save time and cost for teachers to create T&Lmaterials on their own.3.... May refer to Bainun Homosapien’s Innovation FullReport

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Our innovation is inspired by A sensorybook for kids. We also came across ajournal article about application ofmultisensory for primary ESLLEARNERS. Thus, With thorough studiesand considerations, our ‘MultisensoryKit, for Primary ESL Learners’ is born...ProcessB U Y I N GN E C E S S A R YI T E M SC R E A T I N G T H EP H Y S I C A LV E R S I O NF E E D B A C KD R A F T I N GC R E A T I N GT H E O N L I N EV E R S I O NBenefitsAs this innovation was created, we had alot of back and forth regarding theelements that we are including, howeveronce we settled our online version of thekit, we asked a few teacher trainees fortheir feedback on our Kit. "Furthermore I think that the design, and thecolour is very vibrant, and I think it will interestthe students in learning. - Irfan, a traineeteacher in IPGK Tuanku Bainun. The benefits of this Kit are: It eases the teacher’s mind in findingmaterials for T&L activities.1.One compact kit can be used invarious ways, teachers and pupils canbe creative with the activities. 2.Save cost and time for the teacher.3. This kit can be used in normalclassrooms and intensive classrooms.The sensory items included not onlyinterest them, but also helps thepupils to understand the languagebetter.4.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Our innovation is inspired by A sensorybook for kids. We also came across ajournal article about application ofmultisensory for primary ESLLEARNERS. Thus, With thorough studiesand considerations, our ‘MultisensoryKit, for Primary ESL Learners’ is born...ProcessB U Y I N GN E C E S S A R YI T E M SC R E A T I N G T H EP H Y S I C A LV E R S I O NF E E D B A C KD R A F T I N GC R E A T I N GT H E O N L I N EV E R S I O NBenefitsAs this innovation was created, we had alot of back and forth regarding theelements that we are including, howeveronce we settled our online version of thekit, we asked a few teacher trainees fortheir feedback on our Kit. "Furthermore I think that the design, and thecolour is very vibrant, and I think it will interestthe students in learning. - Irfan, a traineeteacher in IPGK Tuanku Bainun. The benefits of this Kit are: It eases the teacher’s mind in findingmaterials for T&L activities.1.One compact kit can be used invarious ways, teachers and pupils canbe creative with the activities. 2.Save cost and time for the teacher.3. This kit can be used in normalclassrooms and intensive classrooms.The sensory items included not onlyinterest them, but also helps thepupils to understand the languagebetter.4.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Our innovation is inspired by A sensorybook for kids. We also came across ajournal article about application ofmultisensory for primary ESLLEARNERS. Thus, With thorough studiesand considerations, our ‘MultisensoryKit, for Primary ESL Learners’ is born...ProcessB U Y I N GN E C E S S A R YI T E M SC R E A T I N G T H EP H Y S I C A LV E R S I O NF E E D B A C KD R A F T I N GC R E A T I N GT H E O N L I N EV E R S I O NBenefitsAs this innovation was created, we had alot of back and forth regarding theelements that we are including, howeveronce we settled our online version of thekit, we asked a few teacher trainees fortheir feedback on our Kit. "Furthermore I think that the design, and thecolour is very vibrant, and I think it will interestthe students in learning. - Irfan, a traineeteacher in IPGK Tuanku Bainun. The benefits of this Kit are: It eases the teacher’s mind in findingmaterials for T&L activities.1.One compact kit can be used invarious ways, teachers and pupils canbe creative with the activities. 2.Save cost and time for the teacher.3. This kit can be used in normalclassrooms and intensive classrooms.The sensory items included not onlyinterest them, but also helps thepupils to understand the languagebetter.4.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Scan QRfor digitalversion ofthe KitScan QRfor digitalversion ofthe FullReportFOR PUPILS:Enhances and reinforces multisensory learningalong with developing the 4 language skills;listening, speaking, reading and writing. 1.Connect pupils with real-life context as itcontains suitable and age-appropriate content. 2.Encourage fun and interactive learning whileachieving the learning objectives.3.... May refer to Bainun Homosapien’s Innovation FullReportPURPOSEMultisensory KitBAINUNHOMOSAPIENSDR. MOGANASHWARI AQILAH BINTI MOHD FAUZILEADERFOR PRIMARY ESL LEARNERSNURF A TIN A QILA H BIN T IMOHD FAUZ IL E A D E RNUR A DREE N A BI N TI A Z UDDI NSITI NAWA L FAD Z LEEN BINT IAHMA D JAM I LFOR TEACHERS:Acts as an extra teaching & learning materials toincorporate within the activities.1.Allow teachers to be creative in creating T&Lactivities based on this kit.2.Save time and cost for teachers to create T&Lmaterials on their own.3.... May refer to Bainun Homosapien’s Innovation FullReport

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Scan QRfor digitalversion ofthe KitScan QRfor digitalversion ofthe FullReportFOR PUPILS:Enhances and reinforces multisensory learningalong with developing the 4 language skills;listening, speaking, reading and writing. 1.Connect pupils with real-life context as itcontains suitable and age-appropriate content. 2.Encourage fun and interactive learning whileachieving the learning objectives.3.... May refer to Bainun Homosapien’s Innovation FullReportPURPOSEMultisensory KitBAINUNHOMOSAPIENSDR. MOGANASHWARI AQILAH BINTI MOHD FAUZILEADERFOR PRIMARY ESL LEARNERSNURF A TIN A QILA H BIN T IMOHD FAUZ IL E A D E RNUR A DREE N A BI N TI A Z UDDI NSITI NAWA L FAD Z LEEN BINT IAHMA D JAM I LFOR TEACHERS:Acts as an extra teaching & learning materials toincorporate within the activities.1.Allow teachers to be creative in creating T&Lactivities based on this kit.2.Save time and cost for teachers to create T&Lmaterials on their own.3.... May refer to Bainun Homosapien’s Innovation FullReport