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PAFA Newsletter September 2024

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WELCOME TO PAFAESTABLISHED 2007Our mission is to connect with the past, strengthen the present, and buildfor the future of Page High School through support of and participation inareas of academic, cultural, athletic, and social life.Help us build a strongfoundation for our newPAGE sign by purchasing abrick etched with yourcustom message. We areselling a limited number ofbricks that will be placedaround the base of the 6fttall sign. September 2024www.reallygreatsite.comPAGE ALUMNI AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATIONPAGE ALUMNI AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATIONSeptember 27 - Hall of Fame InductionOctober 12 - HomecomingOctober 14 - 6PM PAFA Meeting @ Sherwood October 25 - Page vs Grimsley 6PM Tailgate @Sherwood 7:30PM Football Game @ PageSAVESAVE THETHE DATE!DATE!Click here to donate to PAGEALUMNI & FRIENDS2024/25 PROJECTS: Renovations to thecurrent library creating amore inviting spacewhere students cangather for collaborativework and socialization Student EnrichmentCenterBrick Campaign!

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Neese’s ScholarshipNeese Sausageoffers a $1000 non-renewablescholarship to one male and onefemaleathlete from each school. Theathletes are coach nominated and areexamples of courage, willingness toexceed expectations and placingteambefore oneself.Page HIgh School is honored to announce this year’s Neese’s FemaleAthlete winner is tennis team member Anjali Tatini! Coach HOgewoodstated Anjali is an exceptional student athlete on and off the court.Her dynamic and engaging personality and positive attitude areinfectionus and she is a champion for her school community. At thePage High School is honored to announce this year’s Neese’s MaleAthlete winner is Golf team member Charles Plate! CoachMcGehee began his nomination with Charlie exceeds myexpectations at every turn; His character is what impresses methe most - he is kind, compassionate and consistently gives backto his school community earning universal respect. Even as afreshman, Charlie was a leader - organizing off-season workoutsand practice rounds with members of the team. His mentality ofinclusiveness, as well as his dedication to improvement, hasfacilitated not only growth of individual players but a strong teamculture. I have never had a student athlete who took ownership ofa team like Charlie - it clearly sets him apart from the hundreds ofathletes I have coached. Charlie will be attending UNC Chapel Hillthis fall.2023 Neese Scholarship Winners ANJALI TATINICHARLES PLATElevel of achievement she has reached, understands the leadership role and influence she has - investingin her team and teammates making sure the tennis experience is inclusive for everyone. CoachHogewood shared that he sometimes has to put Anjali in strategic situations with a teammate who playsa lower spot - most players of Anjali’s caliber would be frustrated by this but she treats those momentslike opportunities for teammates - turned friends - to gain skills, moments of confidence and success onthe court. Anjali will be attending Duke University this fall.

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The Committee found Priyanka to be calm, curious, self-assured, and driven. They were impressed by her dedicationto her peers volunteering her time as a math tutor - tracking their progress & when traditional methods were notworking, she developed individual study packets to address specific needs & celebrated significant gains in studentachievement. She identified the need for more financial literacy in her community, so she created Island Prosperity,a survival game that teaches elementary students about various financial concepts in a fun and engaging way. Todate, she has visited three elementary schools and played the game with 182 students with hopes for expansion.Other involvement at Page includes National Honor Society, president of the DECA chapter with which she qualifiedand competed in several high-level competitions. As Vice president of Mu Alpha Theta. International Night was oneof her favorite school events because it displays the diversity and culture of Page.She has also served as a volunteer for Cone Health for the past three years working at thesurgical information and guest services desks as well as serving as a translator.Last summer she completed a four-week research program at ECU studyingneuroscience, specifically fetal alcohol syndrome using rodent models. At theconclusion of the program, she wrote a 12-page research paper and presentedher research symposium style. Fun fact about Priyanka: her many talents includeunicycling and juggling!Priyanka wrote in her essay “My teachers have pushed me to become the beststudent I can be – reminding me that simply trying is not enough, to trust myinstincts, and grading me individually on my ability, allowing me to grow. I know Iam not the same person I was when I moved to Greensboro and arrived at Pagethree years ago, all of which I can attribute to my amazing teachers, advisor andpeers at Page.” Priyanka will be attending Duke University to study Statistics andNeuroscience on a Pre-Med Track.PRIYANKA MITTALSusan G. Tysinger Award 2023/24Annually, PAFA recognized two outstanding seniors for their dedication to academics and their Page spirit.The Scholarship Committee received an outstanding pool of applicants and interviewed eight Finalists. Thisyear’s recipients are both exceptional leaders, IB Diploma Candidates and at the top of their class. Both spokehighly of the examples set by their families, mentors & teachers. Each of them exuded pride, dedication andgratitude for our beloved Page High School.AMIYAH STAPLESThe Committee found Amiyah to be considerate, inspired, graceful and goal oriented. They were impressedby her ability to identify a need and act on it. She founded Page High Medical Careers Club & identified aneed within the school to support teen Mothers, expanding the school pantry to include baby items andhosting a supply drive that collected over 100 items. She was active in LUX Club, assisting each year raisingmoney and collecting donations for breast cancer research. As a member of Math Honor Society, she tutorsher peers in the math learning hub offering study habit advice and sharing tips she learned from herteachers. As a member of the Varsity Women’s Volleyball Team, she worked alongside fellow varsityathletes at A Simple Gesture to collect, organize and package food donations to be distributed within thecommunity. She is also a volunteer at Greenhill’s Art Quest working with children.Amiyah wrote in her essay “Page has molded me into the future leader I will be. I have gained an enormousunderstanding that effective leadership requires not only the ability to guide others, but also the ability tocritically think, set goals, strategically plan and prioritize.” “I love Page, it is such a diverse community, Ihave felt loved and supported, it is my safe place.”Amiyah will be attending the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in their Honors College to studyBiology and Neuroscience.PAFA congratulates both Priyanka and Amiyah, wish them continued success andlook forward to having them amongst our newest Page Alumni!

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Quote from SusanHall of Fame 2023Pictured: (L-R)Donald Moore (1970-1974); Quicha Floyd (1987-1991); John Newman Jr. (1979-1983);Landis Cox Best ( 1980-1984); Kenneth Page Jr. (son of Kenneth Page Sr.)2023 Page Hall of Fame InducteesLandis Cox, Quicha Floyd, Donald Moore, JohnNewman, Jr., Kenneth Page Sr., Frank StarlingAnnouncement: 2024 Hall of FameInducteesDan MurphyTim VanClay HooperDavid BryantDick CurranJames SummersMichael Foster

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Landis Best (Cox): 1980-1984Page High School standout Tennis player who was a part of the team tennis statechampionships in 1982 and 1983. Landis also won a single state championship in the1983 season. As a student at Page, Landis was awarded the Morehead Scholarship toattend UNC-Chapel Hill where she also played tennis and was named a team captain.Landis went on to win an ACC singles tennis title in 1988.Quicha Floyd: 1987-1991A multi-sport Page athlete for the Volleyball, Basketball, and Track programs. Quichawas named to multiple all-conference and All-American selections while in high schooland even won state titles in the high jump in 1989 and 1991. Quicha then went on to NCState University where she played basketball and ran track, making a sweet 16appearance as a basketball player and finishing as high as 7th in the nation for highjump.Donald Moore: 1970-1974A multi-sport Page athlete for the Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Golf programs.Donald was a team captain and quarterback on the football team as well as captain andpoint guard for the basketball team. His senior year Donald was named OffensivePlayer of the Year in football and led the team to a conference championship inbasketball. After Page, Donald went on to attend NC State University. He has served onmany committees and organizations which include being chairman of the committee torename the stadium and gymnasium in 1997. Donald now serves as the PresidentEmeritus of the Greensboro Grasshoppers..Quote from SusanAmiyah StaplesAbout the Inductees

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Quote from SusanAbout the InducteesAmiyah StaplesJohn Newman Jr: 1979-1983John was a member of the Football, Basketball, and Track teams while at Page, wherehe was awarded multiple all-conference honors. John was also named all-state inbasketball his senior year and played in the annual East-West All Star game 1983. Hethen went on to play basketball at James Madison University where he again receivedmany honors including being named a 2-time team captain. John finished his collegecareer with over 1000 points and almost 600 rebounds. He is still #8 on the all-timeleading field goal percentage and rebounding categories for James Madison.Our Last two inductees were an instrumental part of the Marion Kirby Staff anddedicated many years of service to Page High School.Kenneth Page Sr:The late Ken Page Sr. or as many knew him “KP” is being represented in this honor byhis son Ken Page Jr. KP attended NC A&T State University where he was a 4 yearletterman for football and named as an All-American. KP coached at Page for over 30years as defensive coordinator. In that time he helped the Pirates win 18 conferencechampionships as well as 4 state championships in 1980, ’83, ’84 and ’85. Prior to hispassing KP was also inducted into the NC A&T Sports Hall of Fame.Henry Franklin Starling:Better known as Frank Starling, attended East Carolina University and then found ahome at Page High School. Frank was not only a beloved teacher at Page but alsocoached Football, Wrestling, Golf and Baseball at different points in his career. Franklike KP, helped lead the Pirates to 4 state championships in football as well as leadingthe Pirates to a wrestling state championship. On top of his phenomenal coachingcareer Frank could always be seen working with his students and even chaperoning groupsof students to the first ever Special Olympics in Chicago in 1968 and again for the firstever North Carolina Special Olympics in 1970. Article courtesy of Posted October 13, 2023 by Press Release

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Last year, Team Voyage celebrated its 8th year at Page! We continued tohost several events that have now become Page traditions in addition toadding some new things to our repertoire. We began the 2023-2024school year by helping out with PageFest. We enjoy getting to see all thePirates as they bring such a great energy for the upcoming year. TeamVoyage always begins the year with some team building activities to buildthe brotherhood. We then hosted our annual food/clothing drive to helpsupport the Page Pantry and Closet to benefit families in our community.This year, for Black History Month, Team Voyage and LUX hosted our firstannual Night of Black Excellence. This was a program that highlightedfamous music, movies, and poetry from African Americans. All theperformances were selected and performed exclusively by Page students.It was a wonderful event for all involved. Year 8 posed some amazing highs and one devastating low as we unexpectedly had to say goodbye to oneof our founders, Russell Mills, when he unexpectedly passed away. Just a few days after Coach Mills joinedus for our annual etiquette dinner, we had to say goodbye to this incredible leader. We are forever gratefulfor all Russell Mills did for Team Voyage and for Page High School. The loss of Coach Mills made The Week To Be Sincere even more important to us. The Week To Be Sincerebegan 5 years ago after we lost Team Voyage member, Sincere Davis. Since then, this week has evolved tobe a celebration of the entire Page community in addition to being a time to honor ALL fallen Pirates. Thisyear, The Week To Be Sincere was full of events that brought the Page community together including apoetry slam, lip sync competition, campus clean-up day, student vs. faculty basketball game, and thesignature 7-on-7 game. We capped off the week with a beautiful memorial service for Coach Mills in thefoorball stadium. It was an emotional and powerful week to say the least.Team Voyage ended the year by celebrating all of our graduating seniors and all the group was able toaccomplish this year. While it was a year full of challenges, we navigated them all together! We can’t wait tosee what 2024-2025 has in store!

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NAGLEE NOTESAs the proud principal of Page High, I am grateful for the partnership and supportof Page Alumni and Friends. Reflecting on this past year, what we have been ableto achieve together for our school and students is transformative. Our student anddoing remarkable things as graduates of Page High. The Class of 2024 demonstrated a commitment to excellence. Not only were theyoffered a record-breaking $15,687,618 in scholarships and grants, but the lastgraduating class also amassed 14,502 hours of service to our community. Inaddition, 91% of the Class of 2024 was accepted to a 2 or 4-year university ortrade school, and several answered the noble call to protect our country by servingin the armed forces. This includes 3 Navy and 2 Army ROTC scholarships, and forthe third year in a row and 4th time in 5 years, one of our Page Pirates wasawarded the prestigious Trinity Scholarship, which offers a full ride to DukeUniversity. The Class of 2024 college and universities include attendance as farout west as Arizona University, as far up north as Tiffin University in Ohio andSeton Hall in New Jersey, and as far south as the University of Miami. We alsohave 146 of our students who are attending four-year public universities here athome in North Carolina. We have 27 students attending HBCU’s throughout ourstate and across the country. We also have plenty of students who are eitherjoining the workforce or going to trade schools, with 2 students having beenaccepted into the Guilford Apprenticeship with focuses on IT and Automotives. Weare truly spread across the United States heading to bright futures. However, our students also cared for each other and their community working oncountless service projects throughout the area. As a class, you have amassed 14,502hours of service to our community. The Page community recognizes that all of these wonderful accomplishments wouldnot be possible without the continued support and efforts of organizations likePage Alumni and Friends that help make Page a great place. -Erik NagleeDream Big!

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Campus ImprovementsThe summer of 2023 and spring of 2024 brought pleasant faceliftsto the front of Page High School. PAFA parents and studentshelped clean up Treasure Island in August of 2023. Trees wereremoved, extensive weeding was done, mulch was added, and nowTreasure Island is a more pleasant place to eat lunch for studentseveryday.In the spring of 2024, PAFA approvedspending to remove and replace benches andtrash cans across the front of the campus.The previous benches were wood and wererotting and falling apart. Now, there are new,red, metal benches and trash cans for all toenjoy across the façade on Alma Pinnix Drive .A big thanks to Brandon Frick(class of 1991) for organizing thisproject and Mike Stuckey forinstalling the benches and trashcans and making Page a betterplace.

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Classes of 1973-197450th ReunionSeptember 27-28Saturday Night, September 28Elks Club6-10All information on Facebook : Page HighSchool 1974/1973 Group PageClass of 1994 30th ReunionOctober 25 - 6pm AlumniTailgate 7:30pm Page-Grimsley kickoff October 26 - 8pm- MidnightNatty Greene’sAlumni Reunion InformationHave classreunioninfo? Class of 2004Page-Grimsley Game 7:30 p.m. kickoffat Page High SchoolFriday, October 25Page High School Tour: event is free of charge/no ticketrequired.Saturday October 26THE MAIN EVENTOctober 26, 2024 3:00 - 6:00 pmWhere: Steel Hands Brewing,1918 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27403TICKET SALES ARE LIVE for Steel Hands Brewing!!Early bird tickets available to purchase now for $35! Early birdsales will end on September 21st.Regular Priced Admission tickets will go on sale September22nd and are $45.Please purchase your ticket in advance. We can't promise wewill not sell out! :)If you are a local vendor and would like to discuss vendoropportunities to promote your business or donate anyservice, please reach out to Todnee Jeffries We would love to have aphotographer, photobooth, swag, anything else you'd like toshare with your fellow classmates to make the weekend a HIT!Click here to register for Saturday event!!Class of 1969“Remembering the 60s “ at our 55th reunionSeptember 21 6-10pm at the Elks Lodge$10 per person includes hors d’oerves.Cash barPay: Check to Susan CLark or PayPal toFriends and Family, For more information see Facebook ,Class of ‘69

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Page-Grimsley Golf Tournament Friday, October 25, 2024 at Bryan Park Golf Course.Shotgun start at 10:30amCaptain’s Choice *Please consider sponsoring a hole, buying mulligans all to support your local high schools*2006 marked the first annual Page Grimsley Rivalry Reunion Golf Tournament. The tournament was a huge success fromday one. The tournament began with the idea to bring together alumni from one of the biggest high school rivalries inNorth Carolina. The competitive spirit, obviously still alive and well in the alumni, came out in full force to support theevent. The athletic departments and student athletes saw the benefits in four student athletic scholarships and$10,000 to each athletic department .The tournament raised over $23,000 for the schools in the first year. Since 2006,the alumni and friends of Walter Hines Page High School & Grimsley High School have tee'd off in this charity golftournament raising over $465,000 for each schools' athletic departments in the decade plus of play.For more information, go to or check Instagram @pagegrimsleygolfPage vs Grimsley Weekend Tournament - October 25, 2024

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Mr. Deaton previously served as the President of the Central District Bandmasters Association,a subdivision of the North Carolina Bandmasters Association that coordinates and runs honorband auditions, concert band festivals and other professional and student opportunitiesthroughout the year. Previous to his election, he served for several years as an at-large memberof the executive board of directors, and currently serves as the district’s high school auditionschair. He has been honored to receive the district’s “Band Director of the Year” award twice(2017 and 2021) and Award of Excellence (2024) as voted on by his peers. While at Page HighSchool, Mr. Deaton has been the recipient of the schools Teacher of the Year Award (2016-17)as well as the Page Spirit Award (2015-16), given annually to the faculty member that bestexemplifies dedication to promoting a positive school culture at Page High School. He serves onand chairs the school’s Leadership Team, a post he has held for twelve of the past fourteenyears. Mr. Deaton is currently in his sixth year as the lead band director for Guilford CountySchools.A native of Greensboro, NC, Mr. Deaton grew up as a musician in the bands at MendenhallMiddle School and Walter Hines Page High School, under the direction of Keith Burroughs andEdwin Kimbrough. Mr. Deaton holds a Bachelor of Music (with Distinction) in Music Educationwith a second major in United States History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(2004), where he regularly performed as a member of the university’s Symphonic Band, WindEnsemble, Symphony Orchestra, Marching Band and in the Crown Royals Brass Quintet. Hestudied Horn Performance with Pamela Halverson and Kimberly Van Pelt, as well as conductingwith professors Tonu Kalam and Michael Votta. Mr. Deaton also received a Master of Arts inTeaching from UNC-Chapel Hill (2005), during which time he interned with Steven Lytle at EastChapel Hill High School.Alumni SpotlightEddie Deaton currently holds the position of Director ofBands at his alma mater, Walter Hines Page High School inGreensboro, NC, a post he has held since August 2008. Hedirects the school’s concert bands, jazz band, percussionensemble and marching band. While at Page, Mr. Deaton’sband students have consistently earned spots in honorbands in central North Carolina and achieved multipleSuperior ratings at Music Performance Adjudication events.His marching and jazz bands have performed at numerouscommunity events in Greensboro, including parades,football games, professional conferences and corporateevents. Prior to his appointment at Page, Mr. Deaton wasthe Band Director at Jordan-Matthews High School,Chatham Middle School and Silk Hope School in ChathamCounty, NC from 2005 - 2008.Joseph (Eddie) Deaton GO PAGE! GO PAGE!

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2023-2024 Alumni & Friends DonorsCREW GIVINGMargaret Long Courtney (‘65)Weezie Black Keiner (2003 Myra Atkins (‘66))PLATINUM GIVINGSam Bullard (‘90)Don and Barbara Curtis (‘64) Melinda Wyrick Ogburn (‘64) Allen Cooke (‘98)Brian and Claire Cooke (‘95)Cory Barber (‘95) Joseph Brantley (‘61) Allison and Andrew Medley (‘94)Tom Cochran (‘92)Wayland Cooke (‘67) Nathan and Bethany Duggins (‘87) George Elam Elam (‘66)Julie Caudle Fields (‘74)Tom Harris (‘64)Darylene Cothren Hecht (‘75)Mary Weiss (‘84)Sandi Moore Banner (‘66) Mary Scott Faircloth (2015) Mac Faircloth (2022)Beth and Nick HeinzelmannGary Moore (‘67) Valeri Gordon Froneberger (‘75)Gary Moore (‘67)Carol Myrick Long and Jim Long ('67)Kathryn West (‘88)DIAMOND GIVINGSusan and Larry TysingerGOLD GIVINGAgnes and Walter WrightFoster S. Osborne, Jr.SILVER GIVINGBRONZE GIVINGGary and Beth Elliott Marschall (‘66/’68) Sharon Morgan Trull (‘68)Richard Neal (‘68)Doug and Tricia Milton Shaw (‘93)Brian and Katie BodeJim and Clara DugginsCaroline KlompmakerJohn LaFaveAdam and Laura Duggins (‘99)Steven Henson (‘72)PIRATE GIVINGJulie and Jay PyrtleCharles and Nancy ReidA huge thank you to all of our donors in 2023-24. Our projectswould not be possible without your support. Vickie Von Cannon Wooten (‘66)Caroline Alexander (‘98)Melinda MayhewBLUE DIAMOND GIVINGMike and Lynn Haley

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Name ________________________________________________ Maiden Name __________________Grad Year ____________________ Email _______________________________________________Address __________________________________________________________________________________Giving Levels $250 Named Brick Paver for New School Sign Interested in buying a brick? A customizable brick is being offered as a fundraiser to help fund the new sign for PAGE HIGH. GIVE HERE to PAGE ALUMNI & FRIENDS!!$25-49 Crew$50-100 Pirate Club$101-249 Bronze $500 - 999 Gold $250-499 Silver$1000-1999 Platinum$2000-2999 Diamond$3000-4000 Blue Diamond Choose how you would like your donation to be directed As needed Scholarships Library Improvements Team Voyage PAGE CARES/ Pantry Learn to Swim ProgramFor more information, make sure you’re on the PAFA email list and follow us onInstagram @PAGEPAFA Donation FormPage Alumni & Friends Association

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Please supportPAFA and ourefforts to improvethe PAGEexperience Donate Here2024-25 PAFA Executive BoardJulie Pyrtle - PresidentKatie Black Poole (‘01) - VicePresidentBeth Heinzelmann - SecretaryEmily Disney - TreasurerBecky Buffington - ScholarshipsBrian Cooke (‘95) - Social ChairAdrienne Woods (‘96) - WebsiteGOGOPIRATES!PIRATES!