PadSplit Podcast Marketing ProposalA D O D E M E D I A
2Padsplit: Padtalks Podcast ProposalABOUT PAD TALKSPad Talks is an insightful podcast hosted by PadSplit, dedicated to exploring therealms of affordable housing, community living, and the stories behind co-living.With a focus on addressing the housing challenges, this podcast delves into arange of topics essential to the housing landscape.The show provides an in-depth understanding of PadSplit's mission and purpose,offering a comprehensive view of what PadSplit represents and how it functions.While also serving as Padsplits main source of digital marketing.Pad Talks delves into the impact and significance of co-living arrangements intoday’s time, examining how innovative housing solutions can shape the future.
3Padsplit: Padtalks Podcast ProposalBlog PostNewsletterYouTube Video ContentSocial Media Posts & Reels From One Podcast Episode We Create:The Pad Talks podcast serves as the foundational pillar of the marketing strategy,offering in-depth discussions and rich content that can be repurposed acrossmultiple platforms to maximize outreach and engagement.The synergy between the Pad Talks podcast, blogs, newsletters, social media, andYouTube content maximizes the marketing reach and impact, drawing in audiencesfrom various preferences and demographics while establishing PadSplit as afrontrunner in the conversation around affordable and communal housing solutions.BEYOND THE PODCAST
4Padsplit: Padtalks Podcast ProposalUsing social media platforms, we create teaser content and highlights from thepodcast to generate interest and encourage followers to listen to full episodes.Engaging posts foster discussions and community involvement, building a loyaland interactive following around housing issues.SOCIAL MEDIA
5Padsplit: Padtalks Podcast ProposalRepurposing podcast material into video format,PadSplit extends its reach to a broader audience.This visual content on YouTube attracts thosewho prefer audio-visual experiences, enhancingstorytelling. With billions of viewers on YouTube, this allowsPadSplit to tap into a broader audience reach andengagement.YOUTUBE
6Padsplit: Padtalks Podcast ProposalBLOG & NEWSLETTER Translating podcastcontent into writtenform, we create blogposts and newsletters,offering SEO rich contentto help your brand showup better online.By repurposing keyinsights, these articlesserve to expand theaudience reach,delivering valuableinformation to a broaderbase.
TRUSTED BY@Adode Mediawww.AdodeMedia.cominfo@AdodeMedia.comWHO WE AREAt Adode Media, we believepodcasts are an incredible tool tocreate meaningful connections withaudiences and drive conversions.We're passionate about empoweringbrands, regardless of size, with theexpertise and resources they needto produce engaging podcasts.Our mission is simple; helpbrands integrate podcasts intotheir marketing strategy andcraft compelling stories thatcaptivate and connect withaudiences on a deeper level.Let's revolutionize how your brand communicates inthe digital age – one episode at a time.