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Sloane Enterprise Outsourcing Partnership e-Book 4.0

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降低成本Cost Reduction未來準備Future Preparedness

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利潤增長動機Profit Growth Motive專注核心活動Core Activities

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4非核心團隊外包Non-core Teams Outsourcing

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5非核心技能外包Non-core Skills

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6企業社會責任規劃外包Corporate Social ResponsibilityPlanning Outsourcing商務流程外包Business Process

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7人力資源外包HRM Outsourcing捆綁外包BundledOutsourcing戰略評估外包Strategy Review Outsourcing

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訊樂人力資源管理服務 SHRMS訊樂人力資源業務流程外包訊樂人力資源業務流程外包Sloane HR Business Process© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 香港及大中華區Hong Kong & Greater China 利用外包企業的功能節約成本taking advantage of cost savings from the outsourced functions1BPO

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2Sloane Payroll Process Outsourcing節約成本Cost SavingPPO訊樂工資流程外包© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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香港及大中華區Hong Kong & Greater China 適合各種規模的公司Suitable for Corporations of all scale訊樂招聘流程外包Sloane Recruitment Process Outsourcing© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 3成本效益優勢Cost-efficiency BenefitsRPO

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百帥狩獵外包Key Man Hunting4關鍵人物狩獵外包KEY MAN HUNTINGOUTSOURCING© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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12工作和個性評估中心外包Sloane Work and Personality Assessment Center訊樂職業教練Sloane Career Coach香港及大中華區Hong Kong & Greater China Assessment CenterOUTSOURCING

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職業過渡管理外包Sloane Career Transition Management6香港及大中華區Hong Kong & Greater China 減少因重組而造成的生產力損失的投資 /良心雇主的好處 An Investment to decrease productivity loss due to corporate restructuring / Benefits of Conscientious Employers © 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. CAREER MANAGEMENTOUTSOURCING

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外置服務外包OUTPLACEMENT OUTSOURCING7香港及大中華區Hong Kong & Greater China 採用正向心理學Adopting Positive Psychology僱主為流離失所的雇員提供福利,支援、諮詢和激勵新的職業過渡Employers sponsored benefits provided to displaced employees with support, counselling and motivation for a new career transition© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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8WINNING SALES TRAINING OUTSOURCINGVENUSTM威力 銷售培訓外包TM© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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BANK STREET訊樂百帥 領導力培訓世界一流的領導力培訓外包WORLD-CLASS LEADERSHIP TRAINING OUTSOURCING9®®© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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IN-COMPANY VPET線上在公司職學習公司內職業教育外包© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 企業大學外包CORPORATE UNIVERSITYOUTSOURCING

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ONLINE COLLEGES在線學院移動大學MOBILE UNIVERSITIES11© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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19授標組織AWARDING ORGANIZATION12© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. www.SloaneOutsourcing.com領導團隊Leadership Team訊樂人力資源專業服務集團SLOANE HR Professional Services Group© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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21領導團隊 Leadership© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 葉國光博士是訊樂集團和訊樂百帥的全球名譽總裁。 葉國光博士亦是漢華專業服務集團("漢華")的創始合夥人之一。 他領導漢華專業服務集團的戰略和全球發展。 這包括近年來的「一帶一路」國家。 葉博士為所服務的公司的成功做出了貢獻,包括戰略方向、收入、盈利能力和新業務發展。 葉博士成功帶領漢華專業服務有限公司(8193. HK)在香港交易所上市,成為香港聯交所首個同類業務的先驅模式。 漢華專業服務集團協助大量企業成功在香港聯交所(港交所)上市。作為投資組合顧問,葉博士曾參與越秀房託(GZI)上市,這是中國房地產房地產信託投資首次在港交所成功上市。 此外,葉博士還參與了其它"第一里程碑",包括成功來香港上市的公司:其中計有第一家"紅籌"地產發展公司、第一家"國內"基建(收費公路)公司、第一家"H股"物流公司、第一家「H股」地產公司,第一家「H股」有金屬色公司,第一家「H股」非金屬材料公司,中國第一家房地產民營公司的發展公司, 第一家綜合性香港基建公司,馬來西亞第一家森林資源管理和木材產品加工商及生產商 。他畢業於英國阿伯丁大學。葉博士是英國皇家特許象學會的資深會員。Dr. K.K. Ip is the Global Honorary President of Sloane Group and Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. He is one of the founding partners of the GCA Professional Services Group (“GCA”). He spearheads GCA’s strategic and global development. This includes the Belt and Road countries in recent years. Dr. Ip contributed to the success of the companies that he had served including strategic direction, revenue, profitability and new business development. Dr. K. K. Ip successfully led the listing of Greater China Professional Services Limited listed (8193.HK) on the Hong Kong Exchange previously as the first pioneer business model of its kind in Hong Kong Stock Exchange. GCA assisted a great number of enterprises successfully listing on Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx). Dr. K.K. Ip as a portfolio advisor, helped GZI Real Estate Investment Trust, the first ever China real estate REIT successfully listed on the HKEx. Besides, Dr. K. K. Ip also participated in the successfully listing of companies included the first ‘Red Chip’ property developer company, the first ‘Red Chip’ infrastructure (toll road) company, the first ‘H Share’ logistics company, the first ‘H Share’ property developer company, the first ‘H Share’ infrastructure (toll road) company, the first ‘H Share’ nonferrous metals company, the first ‘H Share’ non-metals material company, the first Chinese private property developer company, the first comprehensive infrastructure company of Hong Kong, the first forest resource management and timber products processor and producer of Malaysia. He is a graduate of University of Aberdeen, UK. Dr. K.K. Ip is a fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors UK. 葉國光 博士Dr. K K IP 全球榮譽總裁Global Hon. President

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22領導團隊 Leadership吳克儉先生金紫荊星章 太平紳士是訊樂集團和訊樂百帥的侯任全球主席。 吳克儉先生 于2012年7月1日至2017年6月30日期間, 曾出任香港特別行政區政府教育局局長。 吳先生曾任香港教育學院(現為大學)副主席、香港考試評估局主席、香港教育委員會前官員、香港房屋委員會財務委員會委員、戰略規劃委員會及理事會委員、香港房屋協會委會成員等 。 吳先生的職業生涯始於香港社會服務理事會。 他曾在以下組織擔任了多個區域高級領導職位:包括麥格理證券亞洲、摩根大通、怡富證券、朗訊科技、美國電話電報公司、花旗亞洲銀行金融、摩托羅拉、加拿大敏廸網絡公司等。 吳先生于二零零四年獲委任為香港的太平紳士。 吳克儉先生為香港人力資源管理學會資深會員、香港董事學會資深會員及香港管理協會會員資深會員。 他亦為香港浸會大學商學院兼職教授及上海大學MBA學院榮譽教授。 吳克儉先生擁有香港中文大學社會科學學士學位、主修社會工作及心理學; 及擁有香港大學社會科學碩士學位。Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim GBS, JP is designate Global Chairman of Sloane Group and Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Mr. Eddie Ng is formerly Secretary for Education in the Hong Kong SAR Government between 1stJuly 2012 and 30thJune 2017. Mr. Ng was formerly Deputy Chairman of Hong Kong Institute of Education (now University), Chairman of HK Examination and Assessment Authority, Ex-official member of HK Education Commission, Member of Finance Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and Council of Hong Kong Housing Authorities, Member of HK Housing Society etc. Mr. Ng began his career at the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. He expanded his HR leadership and assumed various regional senior HR Leadership roles in the following organizations: including Macquarie Securities Asia, JPMorgan Chase, Jardine Fleming, Lucent Technologies, AT&T, Citibank Global Finance Asia, Motorola, Mitel Canada etc. Mr. Ng was appointed Justice of the Peace (JP) for Hong Kong in 2004.. Mr. Eddie Ng is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM), Hong Kong Institute of Directors (HKIoD) and Hong Kong Management Association. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Business School of the Hong Kong Baptist University, and Honourable Professor at the MBA School of the Shanghai University. Mr. Eddie Ng holds a Bachelor of Social Science degree, majored in social work and psychology from The Chinese University of Hong Kon, and a Master of Social Science degree from The University of Hong Kong.吳克儉金紫荊星章 太平紳士Hon. Eddie NG GBS JP 侯任 全球 主席Designate Global Chairman(w.e.f. 1 July 2020)© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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23領導團隊 Leadership田偉強先生是訊樂集團和訊樂百帥大中華區主席。 田偉強先生是一位人力資源管理專家,在培訓和人才發展方面擁有豐富的經驗,並且在香港和中國內地於規劃和實施有品質的綜合人力資源管理計劃方面,多年來負責策略領導工作。 田先生曾在瑞安集團、晶苑集團、香港賽馬會、九龍倉集團等多家知名上市機構任職。田先生持有澳門東亞大學工商管理碩士學位;及香港理工大學管理學文憑。曾擔任香港人力資源管理學會的中國及國際人力資源管理委員會執行理事兼聯席主席, 田偉強先生還曾擔任上海大學MBA中心社區董事及企業導師。他是香港人力資源管理學會的資深會員。Mr. Alan Tin is Chairman, Greater Chinaof Sloane Group and Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Mr. Tin is a professional human resources management expert with a wealth of experience in training, talent development, strategic planning and operations, multiunit leadership in the of quality-based, integrated human resources programs in both Hong Kong and Mainland China. Mr. Tin holds senior appointments with renowned organizations including Shui On Group and Crystal Group, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, The Wharf, etc. Mr. Tin holds MBA degree from University of East Asia, Macau; and Diploma In ManagementStudies from The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity. He served as an Executive Council Member and Co-chairperson of China & International HRM Committee of HK Institute of Human Resource Management. Mr. Tin had also served as a Community Director and Corporate Mentor of the MBA Centre of Shanghai University. He is a Fellow of HKIHRM.田偉強Alan TIN大中華區 主席Chairman, Greater China© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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24領導團隊 Leadership呂尚懷先生是訊樂集團和訊樂百帥亞太地區主席--酒店及旅遊,負責監督集團的成長和發展。 呂尚懷先生是酒店業中具豐富經驗的傳奇領袖。 呂先生曾任香港酒店協會執行執行總幹事超過20年;及香港旅遊發展局副執行總幹事超過10年。 呂尚懷先生是通過培訓的合格註冊會計師。 他擁有工商管理和專業的商業學位。 他曾就讀於美國賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院。 呂尚懷先生出生於加拿大。他的經驗整合在五個國家,並經歷到六個行業,包括財富100強公司工作超過7年之久。 呂尚懷先生為亞太地區和大中華區酒店業的發展做出了重大貢獻。 呂先生亦是香港中文大學酒店及旅遊管理學院兼職副教授,以及國際酒店及食肆協會亞洲總監。 他還不竭地通過培育大學生,承先啟後,包括在香港理工大學、康奈爾大學、國內的知名大學、美國休士頓大學和內華達大學等著名大學客席講學,不竭地培養年輕的酒店未來新一代管理層。Mr. James LU is Chairman, Hotels and Tourism, Asia-Pacific of Sloane Group and Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan, overseeing the growth and development. Mr. LU is a seasoned hotelier in Asia’s hospitality industry. Mr. James Lu was formerly the Executive Director of Hong Kong Hotels Association for over 20 years; and Deputy Executive Director of Hong Kong Tourism Board for over 10 years. Mr. Lu is a CPA by training. He holds a business degree majored in business administration and accounting. He also studied at Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania. Mr. James Lu was born in Canada. His experience integrated through stationing in five countries and exposed to six industries, included a Fortune 100 company for over 7 years. Mr. Lu contributed to the grow and development of the hospitality industry in Asia-Pacific and Greater China region. Mr. James Lu is an Adjunct Associate Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Hotel and Tourism Management and Regional Director of Asia, International Hotel and Restaurant Association. He is also inspired to groom the young hoteliers through lecturing in renowned universities, included The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Cornell University, Tsing Hua University, University of Houston, and University of Nevada. 呂尚懷James LU CPA亞太地區主席 ─ 酒店及旅遊Chairman, Asia Pacific Hotels and Tourism© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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25領導團隊 Leadership拿督張貴興先生是訊樂集團和訊樂百帥馬來西亞和東盟的主席。拿督張貴興先生負責監督集團在這一地區的發展。拿督張先生是亞洲一位有成就的高級銀行家。他曾擔任香港馬來亞銀行的首席執行官,負責香港及大中華區的發展。 在此之前,他曾任職於中信國際銀行、渣打銀行、畢馬威諮詢、 他在管理方面具有戰略眼光,他在銀行專業工作方面擁有超過 30餘年的成功經驗。拿督張先生曾在亞洲及大中華區領導銀行、投資、貸款、批發銀行、零售銀行、投資銀行、金融服務等多個銀行團隊。拿督張先生擅長並活躍於結構性貿易、併購、資本市場、中國對外投資、一帶一路舉措, 包括證券化、在岸債券、A股和上海港股連接。拿督張先生擁有強大的網路,在銀行界擁有強大的聯繫性, 以補充通過香港、上海、北京、深圳、新加坡、吉隆坡、臺北等 , 在亞洲主要金融中心的境外投資融資需求。拿督張先生擁有馬來亞大學工商管理經濟學學士學位。Dato’ K.H. Cheong is Chairman, Malaysia and ASEAN of Sloane Group and Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Dato’ Cheong oversees the development of Sloane Group in this region. Dato’ K.H. Cheong is an accomplished senior banker in Asia. He was formerly CEO of Maybank HongKong and Greater China. Before that he served China CITIC International Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, KPMG Consulting, He has over 30 years of successful experience in managing banking corporations with strategic visions. Dato’ K.H. Cheong led various banking teams in banking, investment, lending, wholesale banking, retail banking, investment banking, financial services across Asia and Greater China region. Dato’ K.H. Cheong was recently active in structured trade, M&A, Capital Market, China outbound investment, One Belt One Road initiatives, including securitization, onshore bond, A shares and Shanghai HK Stock Connect. Dato’ K.H. Cheong has a strong network for engaging senior leaderships or trade agency in China with strong connectivity in banking community to complement financing needs of outbound investment in Asian major financial centers via Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei etc. . Dato’ K.H. Cheong holds a Bachelor of Economics in Business Administration from University of Malaya. 張貴興 拿督Dato’ K H CHEONG馬來西亞和東盟 主席Chairman, Malaysia and ASEAN© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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26領導團隊 Leadership趙淑瑤小姐是訊樂集團和訊樂百帥亞太區及大中華區副主席。 趙小姐負責集團的高管搜索和企業培訓,以及人力資源外包服務。 趙淑瑤小姐在國際人力資源管理、人力資源外包、高管搜索、外派、職業過渡、招聘外包和薪資外包方面擁有超過25年的高級經驗。 趙淑瑤小姐曾擔任下列機構高管職位包括: 怡和集團、怡和工程、飛利浦、西門子、法國鐵路SNCF、中信國際銀行、藍十字保險和宏利人壽等務。她精通國際人力資源管理、企業培訓和發展以及人力資源外包活動。趙淑瑤小姐擁有英國萊斯特大學人力資源管理碩士學位。她還擁有工商管理碩士學位、工商管理學士學位和人力資源管理文憑。Ms. Jessica Chiu is Vice Chairman, Asia Pacific and Greater China of Sloane Group and Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Ms. Chiu is responsible for Anchors Group’s Executive Search and corporate training, and HR Outsourcing Services. She has over 25 years’ senior experience in international HRM, HR outsourcing, executive search, outplacement, career transition, recruitment outsourcing and payroll outsourcing. Ms. Chiu holds senior appointments with Jardine Matheson, Jardine Engineering, Philips, Siemens, SNCF, CITIC International Banks, Blue Cross Insurance, and Manual Life etc. She is well versed with International HRM and Corporate Training and Development, and HR Outsourcing activities. Ms. Jessica Chiu holds a MSc in HRM from Leicester University, UK. She also hold MBA degree and a BBA degree and an HRM diploma. 趙淑瑤Jessica CHIU亞太區及大中華區副主席Vice Chairman, Asia-Pacific and Greater China© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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27領導團隊 Leadership趙伯琛先生是訊樂集團和訊樂百帥亞太區及大中華區副主席。 趙伯琛先生曾任香港上市富豪產業信託 (Regal REIT) (管理人擔任首席執行官、執行董事。他是前RICS亞洲商業地產董事會成員;曾任RICS香港估價、規劃及發展委員會成員。 從事房地產資產管理和資產投資諮詢服務超過25年。 他從事廣泛的工作, 涉及估值、投資、管理、剝離、結構性融資、債務資本融資等多個領域。 他是英國皇家特許測量師學會資深會員, 英國特許管理會計師公會資深會員,澳大利亞註冊會計師資深會員。在他的管理生涯中,他和他的以前的團隊贏得了香港和亞洲最佳雇主獎;和香港管理協會香港年度品質獎 – 金獎得主。趙伯琛先生擁有法國巴黎ESSEC與美國康奈爾大學共同頒發的管理碩士學位。 趙伯琛先生亦是英國劍橋大學建築環境跨學科設計碩士 、英國赫瑞瓦特大學房地產管理與開發碩士。Mr. Francis Chiu is Vice Chairman, Asia Pacific and Greater China of Sloane Group and Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Mr. Chiu was formerly Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer in Asset Management at Regal Hospitality REIT (; managed a hospitality REIT fund portfolio with over 5,000 hotel guestrooms. Mr. Chiu is a former RICS Asia Commercial Property Board Member; and was formerly served in the RICS Hong Kong Valuation, Planning and Development Committee. Francis Chiu engaged in professional hotel real estate asset management, investment advisory services for more than 25 years. He works in a wide range of areas, covering the hospitality valuation, investment, management, divestment, structured finance, debt capital financing etc. Francis Chiu held a joint Master’s degree in Management from ESSEC Paris France and Cornell University, USA. Francis Chiu hold a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Design in Built Environment from University of Cambridge and a MSc in Real Estate Management and Development from Heriot-Watt University. He is a Fellow of RICS, CIMA, CPA Australia. Duringhis management career, he and his former teams won Best Employers in Hong Kong and Asia; and HKMA Quality Award – Gold winner.趙伯琛Francis CHIU亞太區及大中華區副主席Vice Chairman, Asia-Pacific And Greater China© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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28領導團隊 Leadership江明珠小姐是訊樂百帥亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵。江小姐擁有豐富的跨國人力資源管理和亞太地區的人力資源管理務實管理經驗。她曾服務瑞士私人銀行Pictet(百達) 和 CIE 、渣打銀行、瑞士再保險、 摩根大通財資和證券服務、富達投資、香港地鐵公司等。 江明珠小姐是亞洲地區經驗豐富的首席人力資源官和人力資源發展主管。 江小姐在人力資源系統、文化和敬業度、多元化與包容性、人才招聘、人才管理與發展、企業重組和戰略部署方面經驗豐富。 江明珠小姐在企業轉型方面表現超卓。江小姐是香港人力資源管理協會會員、美國管理協會會員、和美國培訓與發展協會會員。江明珠小姐畢業于澳大利亞麥格理大學 ,擁有人力資源管理碩士學位。Ms. Amy Kong is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Executive Search of Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Ms. Kong possesses a wealth of multinational HRM experiences and pragmatic HRM experiences in the Asia Pacific region. She was previously with Swiss Pictet and CIE Private Bank, Standard Chartered Banking Corporations, Swiss Reinsurance JP Morgan Treasury and Securities Services, Fidelity Investment, MTRC etc. She is a seasoned Chief Human Resources Officer in the Asia context. Ms. Amy Kong is a seasoned corporate HR and HR development executive. She is experienced in HR system, culture and engagement, diversity and inclusion, talent acquisition, talent management and development, corporate restructuring and strategic deployment. Ms. Amy Kong is strong at corporate transformation. Ms. Kong is a member of HKIHRM, a member of American Management Association, a member of American Society of Training and Development. Ms. Kong holds a MA degree in HRM with Macquarie University, Australia. 江明珠Amy KONG亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Executive Search© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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29領導團隊 Leadership倪玉琼小姐是訊樂百帥亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵。倪玉琼小姐曾擔任富通保險人力資源主管、信諾環球人壽保險人力資源總監、怡和科技香港運營部人力資源主管。 倪玉琼小姐的人力資源工作經驗涵蓋香港、中國、臺灣、新加坡、馬來西亞等地理區域。倪玉琼是一位經驗豐富的人力資源專業人員,於金融服務,企業集團,資訊技術,房地產和工業區域在內的各種行業中具有廣泛的國際經驗。工作範圍涵蓋了各種人力資源職能,包括組織發展,人才管理,績效管理,員工敬業度,薪酬策略和人才培養。 她在本地和區域併購方面也擁有豐富的經驗。她是一位認證教練,認可調解員和香港人力資源管理學會的專業會員。倪玉琼小姐畢業於香港中文大學,擁有工商管理碩士學位和學士學位。Ms. Alice Ngai is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Executive Search of Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Ms. Ngai is a seasoned and professional human resources executive with broad international experience in a variety of industries including financial services, conglomerates, information technology, property and industrial sectors. Ms. Alice Ngai was Head of Human Resources of FTLife, Director of Human Resources of Cigna Worldwide Life Insurance, Head of Human Resources, Hong Kong Operations, Jardine OneSolution. Alice’s work covered geographical areas including Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. Ms. Ngai covers full spectrum of human resources functions including organizational development, talent management, performance management, employee engagement, strategic compensation and talent acquisition. She has also strong experience in the mergers and acquisitions locally and regionally. She is also a Certified Master Coach, Accredited Mediator and a Professional Member of HKIHRM. Ms. Ngai graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with an MBA degree, and a BA degree. 倪玉琼Alice NGAI亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Executive Search© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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30領導團隊 Leadership關明慧Jowenniena KWAN亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Executive Search© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 關明慧女士是訊樂百帥亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵。關女士是一位經驗豐富的人力資源管理專業人士。 她在戰略人力資源戰略制定、建立人力資源系統和實施運營人力資源政策以實現組織目標方面擁有豐富的經驗。 關明慧女士曾任盤谷銀行香港人力資源及行政主管, 歷時7年多。 她還在日本三井住友銀行、英國萊斯銀行、大華銀行等在內的大型國際銀行和金融機構香港分行出掌高級人力資源高管任命。 她的人力資源實踐領導技巧, 包括:人才管理、薪酬和福利管理、績效管理、政策設計和執行、人力管理和員工敬業度。關女士為香港人力資源管理學院專業會員。關明慧女士擁有澳大利亞麥格理大學人力資源管理碩士學位。Ms. Jowenniena Kwan is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific – Executive Search of Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Ms. Kwan is a seasoned HR professional. She is experienced in strategic HR strategies development, establishing HR systems and implementing operational HR policies to achieve organizational goals. Ms. Jowenniena Kwan was formerly the Chief Human Resources and General Administration Officer of Bangkok Bank PCL Hong Kong Branch for over seven years. She also held senior HR appointments with the Hong Kong Branch of sizeable international banking and financial institutions including Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Hong Kong, Lloyds TSB, UOB etc. Her HR practice leadership includes talent management, compensation & benefits management, performance management, policies design and execution, manpower management and employee engagement. Ms. Kwan is a Professional Member of Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management from Macquarie University, Australia..

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31領導團隊 Leadership廖綺華小姐是訊樂百帥亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵。廖小姐是一位有成就的人力資源專業人士。廖綺華小姐曾任國際知名企業的人力資源高管,包括安盛、宏利金融、藍十字、中信銀行國際、滙豐等。廖綺華小姐曾任耐用品和汽車行業、工業產品,銀行及金融服務業高級管理職位。 她是人力資源團隊建立、戰略和運營發展、人力資源審計和審查方面的專家。 此外, 廖綺華小姐在人才招聘、薪酬和福利、員工敬業度和價值整合、職業轉型管理、人力資源外包和業務流程外包方面擁有卓越強的技能。 她是香港人力資源管理學院的專業會員。 廖綺華小姐畢業于加拿大,獲埃德蒙頓康科迪亞大學-數學學士學位。Ms. Mavis Liu is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific – Executive Search of Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Ms. Liu is an accomplished HR professional. She was formerly senior HR executives of internationally renowned companies included: AXA, Manulife, Blue Cross, CITIC Bank International, HSBC, etc. Ms. Liu formerly held senior management positions in durable goods, automobile, banking and financial services industry. She is an expert in HR team establishment, strategies and operational development, HR audit and review. Besides, Ms. Mavis Liu possesses strong skills in talent acquisition, compensation and benefits, employee engagement and value alignments, career transition management, HR outplacement and business process outsourcing. She is a Professional Member of HK Institute of Human Resources Management. Ms. Mavis Liu studied in Canada and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.廖綺華Mavis LIU亞太區區域首席執行官--高管搜獵Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Executive Search© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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32領導團隊 Leadership周勁先生是訊樂百帥亞太區區域首席執行官--客戶合作夥伴(市場行銷)。 周勁先生在亞太地區的行銷、銷售、品牌管理和業務發展方面擁有超過 25 年的經驗。他以前是歷峰集團萬寶龍亞太區區域首席行銷官。 他還在安海斯-布希亞洲公司(百威啤酒)、輝瑞公司(消費品集團)、華納-蘭伯特公司(消費品部)、南順行銷有限公司擔任高級行銷管理職位工作。 近年來, 周勁先生熱衷於領導培訓、設計思維、全管道零售戰略、戰略行銷、銷售培訓等工作。 他特別擅長奢侈品行銷、快速消費品、品牌產品和全管道零售戰略。 他在這個行業贏得了極好的聲譽。他亦是香港理工大學酒店及旅遊管理學院的一名畢業生。周勁先生擁有英國布拉德福德大學工商管理碩士學位。Mr. King Chau is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific—Clients Partner (Marketing) of BankStreet by Sloane Manhattan. Mr. King Chau has over 25 years’ experience in marketing, sales, brand management and business development in the Asia Pacific Region. He was formerly Regional Chief Marketing Officer of Montblanc Asia Pacific of Richemont Group. He was also with Anheuser-Busch Asia Inc. (Budweiser Beer), Pfizer Inc. (Consumer Product Group), Warner-Lambert Company (Consumer Product Division), Lam Soon Marketing Ltd. In recent years, Mr. King CHAU is a passionate master trainer in leadership, design thinking, omni channel retail strategy, strategic marketing, sales training etc. He is specifically strong at luxury product marketing, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Branded Products and Omni channel retail strategy. He is also a Hotel School graduate, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Mr. Chau holds Master of Business Administration degree from University of Bradford, UK. 周勁King CHAU亞太區區域首席執行官--客戶合作夥伴Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Clients Partner© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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33領導團隊 Leadership呂潔玲小姐是訊樂百帥亞太區區域首席執行官--客戶合作夥伴(酒店、旅遊和餐飲集團)。呂潔玲小姐在行銷、銷售、品牌管理和業務發展方面, 擁有超過 25 年的經驗。呂潔玲小姐曾領導萬豪國際在亞太地區的銷售努力和增長戰略,並擔任區域總監超過 19 年。她曾贏得了萬豪國際的各種內部營銷獎。 呂小姐是萬豪認證培訓師。她曾擔任 TSA 解決方案區域客戶總監、萬豪酒店集團全球銷售、行銷和銷售總監、萬豪酒店集團區域收入管理總監。 呂小姐一直為全球酒店品牌和獨立酒店提供培訓和諮詢。 呂小姐在職業生涯中專門從事職業過渡管理、輔導、領導培訓、輔導、銷售、行銷、收入管理、銷售培訓等。 呂小姐是一名經過認證的專業教練。她是國際教練聯合會(ICF ACC)的助理認證教練。呂潔玲小姐擁有香港理工大學商業碩士學位,是同一所大學的酒店和旅遊業學院畢業生。Ms. Elaine Luey is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific—Clients Partner (Hotels, Tourism & Catering Group) of Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. Ms. Luey has over 25 years’ senior experience in marketing, sales, brand management and business development in the Asia Pacific Region. Elaine led Marriott International’s sales efforts and growth strategies in the Asia Pacific region and as the Regional Director for over 19 years. She won various internal Marketing Awards from Marriott International. Ms. Luey was a Marriott Certified Trainer. She was Regional Account Director of TSA Solutions, Regional Director of Global Sales, Marketing and Sales Director, Area Director of Revenue Management with Marriott Hotel Group. Elaine has been providing training and consultancy to global hospitality brands and independent hotels. Ms. Elaine Luey specialized in career transition management, coaching, leadership training, coaching, sales, marketing, revenue management, sales training etc. in her career. She is a Certified Professional Coach. She is an Associate Certified Coach with International Coach Federation (ICF ACC). Ms. Elaine Luey holds a MSc Management from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Business and was a hotel school graduate of the same University. 呂潔玲Elaine LUEY亞太區區域首席執行官--客戶合作夥伴Regional CEO, Asia Pacific – Clients Partner© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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34領導團隊 Leadership黃杏樺小姐是訊樂百帥亞太區區域首席執行官--客戶合作夥伴。黃杏樺小姐是一位經驗豐富的行銷戰略專家。 她在市場行銷、商業、戰略、人才發展以及資訊技術、電信和奢侈品零售等服務行業擁有豐富的行銷管理經驗。 黃杏樺小姐曾在跨國公司擔任高級管理職務,包括:惠普、索尼愛立信、英特爾、阿卡特爾、諾基亞和和記黃埔電信等財富500強企業。 黃杏樺小姐在電信媒體和技術的跨國公司生涯中,曾派駐在香港、巴黎、北京、上海、和深圳任職。 她是品牌、行銷、產品、廣告、渠道行銷、企業對企業 和 企業對客戶 行銷和分析方面的專家。 黃杏樺小姐畢業於香港中文大學,主修通訊及學,副修市場營銷專業。 她亦持有香港大學的碩士學位。Ms. Emilia Wong is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific, Sales Management and Training of Anchors Group. Ms. Emilia Wong is a seasoned marketing and strategy expert. She has a wealth of experience in marketing, business, strategies, talent development and served industries includes Information Technology, Telecommunication and Luxury Retail. Ms. Emilia Wong formerly hold senior management appointment with international corporations included: Fortune 500 companies, such as Hewlett-Packard, Sony Ericsson , Intel, Acatel, Nokia and Hutchison Telecom. Ms. Emilia Wong stationed in Hong Kong, Paris, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen during her MNC career in TMT. She is an expert in brand, marketing, products, advertising, channel marketing, B2B and B2C marketing and analytics. Ms. Emilia Wong graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong with a major in Communications and Journalism and a minor in Marketing. She also holds a Master’s Degree from The University of Hong Kong.黃杏樺Emilia WONG亞太區區域首席執行官--客戶合作夥伴Regional CEO, Asia Pacific –Clients Partner© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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35領導團隊 Leadership江振國先生是訊樂百帥亞太區資本市場高級顧問。他是一位在投資銀行和商業銀行領域有成就的高級銀行家。 江振國先生亞太區銀行、金融、資本市場、業務發展方面擁有超過25年的經驗。他在全球銀行業生涯的培訓, 使他對不同商業週期的社會經濟變化具有極大的適應能力。他曾擔任滙豐全球銀行亞太區, 香港和臺灣戰略融資諮詢主管,專注于併購交易、跨境融資、交易諮詢等。 江振國先生亦曾為滙豐臺灣全球銀行業務董事總經理兼主管,專注于企業銀行、現金管理和證券服務。此外,江振國先生亦曾是滙豐亞太區融資及風險諮詢總監。 他曾是美林投資銀行董事, 香港亞太區資本結構及評級諮詢主管。他曾為香港瑞士信貸第一波士頓(非日本)亞洲信貸研究副總裁; 穆迪投資者服務公司擔任紐約高級金融機構集團(FIG)分析師;新加坡政府投資公司(GIC)紐約股票交易員,以及香港滙豐銀行(新加坡和香港)的司庫交易員。江先生持有香港中文大學工商管理學士(榮譽)學位,他也是香港理工大學 企業金融碩士。 他是合格特許金融分析師。Mr. CK Kong is the Senior Advisor, Capital Market, Asia Pacific of Sloane Group. He was an accomplished senior banker in various investment banking and commercial banking sectors. Mr. CK Kong has over 25 years’ senior experience in banking, finance, market, business development in the Asia Pacific Region. His training in global banking career made him extremely adaptive to socio-economical changes in different business cycles. He was Managing Director, Head of Strategic Financing Advisory, Asia Pacific, Global Banking, HSBC Hong Kong and Taiwan, focused on M&A deals, cross-border financing, transactions advisory etc. Mr. CK Kong was also Managing Director, Head of Global Banking, HSBC Taiwan, focused on corporate banking, cash management and securities services. He was successful in launching ADR, GDR and securitization in Taiwan. Besides, Mr. Kong was Director, financing and risk advisory, Asia Pacific, HSBC. He was Director, Investment Banking, Head of Capital Structure and Ratings Advisory, Asia Pacific, Merrill Lynch, Hong Kong. He was Vice President , Head of Non-Japan Asia Credit Research, Credit Suisse First Boston, Hong Kong; and Moody’s Investors Service, New York as Senior FIG Analyst; Equities Trader for Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, New York; and Treasury Dealer of HKBC Singapore and Hong Kong. Mr. CK Kong holds a BBA(Hons) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, (CUHK), a MSc in Corporate Finance with Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a Chartered CFA. 江振國Chun Kwok KONG亞太區資本市場高級顧問Senior Advisor, Capital MarketAsia Pacific© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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36領導團隊 Leadership李女士是訊樂百帥亞太區域高級副總裁-亦為訊樂集團亞太區、獵頭、人力資源外包及總管理部區域高級副總裁。李女士自2009年起在訊樂集團工作。 她的服務範圍包括百帥(“銀行街”)高管搜索、加能國際教育、訊樂國際教育集團、訊樂曼哈頓外包。 她的專長是為跨國公司提供高管搜索、招聘外包、薪資外包、人力資源業務流程外包和職業轉型管理。李女士為跨國銀行、亞洲銀行、本地銀行和中國銀行提供各種人力資源外包業務。李女士曾在花旗銀行工作了10年多,此前在行政管理領域工作。Ms. Amy Li is Regional Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, Headhunting, HR Outsourcing and General Administration of Sloane Group. Ms. Amy Li has been with Sloane Group since 2009. Her scope of services included Bank Street Executive Search, Canary International Education, Sloane International Education Group, Sloane and Manhattan Outsourcing. Her expertise is in executive search, recruitment outsourcing, payroll outsourcing, HR Business Process Outsourcing and career transition management for multinationals. Ms. Amy Li served universal banks, Asian banks, local banks and Chinese banking corporations in various HR outsourcing practices. Ms. Amy Li worked in Citibank over 10 years formerly in the area of administration. 李趙淑瑜Amy LI亞太區 高級副總裁--高管搜獵Regional Senior Vice PresidentAsia Pacific –Executive Search© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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37領導團隊 Leadership蔡寶珠女士是訊樂百帥亞太區 高級副總裁--高管搜獵。蔡寶珠女士的服務範圍包括百帥(“銀行街”)高管搜索、加能國際教育、訊樂國際教育集團、訊樂曼哈頓外包。 她的專長是為跨國公司提供高管搜索、招聘外包、薪資外包、人力資源業務流程外包和職業轉型管理。蔡寶珠女士畢業於香港理工大學, 主修三語秘書業務管理。Ms. Jessie Choi is Regional Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, Headhunting, HR Outsourcing and General Administration of Sloane Group. Ms. Jessie Choi ‘s scope of services included Bank Street Executive Search, Canary International Education, Sloane International Education Group, Sloane and Manhattan Outsourcing. Her expertise is in executive search, recruitment outsourcing, payroll outsourcing, HR Business Process Outsourcing and career transition management for multinationals. Ms. Jessie Choi graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, majored in trilingual secretarial business administration. 蔡寶珠Jessie CHOI亞太區 高級副總裁--高管搜獵Regional Senior Vice PresidentAsia Pacific –Executive Search© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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38領導團隊 Leadership黃瑩小姐是訊樂百帥亞太區 高級副總裁--高管搜獵---房地產服務集團。 王瑩小姐在香港房地產行業擁有豐富的物業管理經驗。 她在公營和私營房地產擁有超過25年的戰略和運營物業管理經驗。 黃瑩小姐是專家在管理豪宅、教育設施管理、和商業物業的專家。 她在物業管理和客戶服務方面的卓越表現, 使她和她的團隊得到廣泛認可,並收到了來自各種組織和客戶的獎項和讚揚。 黃瑩小姐曾任新世界集團富城物業管理集團的物業資產管理高級集團經理(副董事級)。 她現為特許房屋學會及香港房屋學會資深會員,亦為註冊專業房屋經理。黃瑩小姐畢業於香港樹仁大學社會學系。黃小姐亦擁有香港大學房屋管理碩士學位。Ms. Candice Wong is Regional CEO, Asia Pacific, Executive Search ---Real Estate Services of Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan. She has extensive property management experience in Hong Kong. Ms. Candice Wong possesses over 25 years of both strategic and operational property management experience in both public and private sectors. Ms. Candice Wong is a specialist in management of luxury properties, educational facilities management and commercial properties. She has demonstrated outstanding leadership and customer relations management while serving a portfolio of properties. Her excellence in property management and customer services led her and her teams being widely recognized and had received numerous awards and compliments from various organizations and clients. Ms. Candice Wong was formerly the Senior Group Manager (associate director level) of Property Asset Management of New World Group’s Urban Property Management Group. She is currently a Fellow Member of The Chartered Institute of Housing and Hong Kong Institute of Housing, and a Registered Professional Housing Manager. She is a graduate in Sociology from The Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Ms. Candice Wong holds a master’s degree in Housing Management, a diploma in Housing Management from the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong.黃瑩Candice WONG亞太區 高級副總裁--高管搜獵Regional Senior Vice PresidentAsia Pacific –Executive Search© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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訊樂®Sloane®© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. PART OF SLOANE GROUP

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憑訊喜樂Messaging Happiness安本佳業思正Focusing on Results withIntegrity關於訊樂集團訊樂集團成立於2009年,擁有三個核心業務:人力資源集團、教育集團和商業地產服務集團。ABOUT SLOANE GROUPEstablished in 2009, Sloane Group has three core businesses: a HR Group, an Education Group and a Commercial Real Estate Service Group.© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 公司簡介COMPANY PROFILE

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國際教育服務International Education Group人力資源服務HR Professional Services商業地產服务Commercial Real Estate訊樂集團 2009

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成员®訊樂集團商業品牌組合Sloane Group’s Portfolio of Business Brands®™© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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業務簡介BUSINESS PROFILE訊樂人力資源專業服務集團SLOANE HR Professional Services GroupEst. 2009訊樂集團© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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44About Sloane GroupSloane Group (or “Sloane HRM Services” or SHRMS”) is one of the leading provider of permanent staffing, temporary staffing, placement, career transition and talent development as well as outsourcing in Asia Pacific and Greater China Region. Sloane bridges the gap between talented people and job opportunities. Sloane Group inspire, motivate, train, develop and grow talents to meet the business needs of the future challenges of both corporations and individuals alike. 關於訊樂集團訊樂集團是亞太地區和大中華區長期和短期人員配置、安置、職業過渡和人才發展以及外包的領先供應商之一。 訊樂彌合了人才和就業機會之間的差距。 訊樂集團激發、激勵、培訓、發展和培養企業人才成長,以滿足企業業務和個人未來挑戰的需求。訊樂人力資源SLOANE HR人力資源外包薪資流程外包招聘流程外包職業轉型外置服務高層搜尋銷售培訓領導力培訓人力資源系統審計個性評估People • Process • About GCA / Asia-Pac Financial Investment Company Ltd. ( Asia-Pac Financial Investment Company Limited (Stock Code: 08193.HK) provides integrated professional services to public and private companies and individual investors mainly in Hong Kong and the PRC, which services can be broadly categorized into three sectors, being (i) asset appraisal, (ii) asset advisory, and (iii) corporate services and consultancy provided by Greater China Appraisal Limited, Greater China Asset Services Limited and Greater China Corporate Consultancy & Services Limited respectively. We provide valuation services across a wide spectrum of asset classes, including business & intangible assets, real estate & fixed assets, financial instruments & derivatives, and mineral & energy assets. Our asset advisory services range from sourcing and identifying investment targets for clients seeking investment opportunities, conducting evaluation on various assets and potential investments to undertaking due diligence and viability study on existing investments. We offer corporate consultancy services include corporate governance, company secretary, corporate accounting & tax, employee share ownership plan (ESOP), human resources advisory, back office administration services, and, for clients wishing to realise their investments, provide strategic advice on disposal and identifies potential new investors. With its multi-disciplined professional team, Asia-Pac Financial Investment Company Limited is well-positioned to provide integrated professional services as well as advisory services across a multitude of assets.© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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45專業服務集團Professional Services Group漢華專業服務集團成員 / 亞太金融投資(股票代碼 stock code: of GCA Professional Services Group Powered by Asia-Pac Financial Investment關於漢華專業服務集團/ 亞太金融投資有限公司 (亞太金融投資有限公司(股份代號: 08193.HK)為主要於香港及中國內地的上市公司及私人公司以及個人投資者提供綜合專業服務,其服務可大致分為三個部分:(i)資產評估、(ii)資產顧問服務,以及(iii)企業服務及諮詢, 分別由漢華評值有限公司、漢華資產服務有限公司及漢華企業服務有限公司提供服務。 我們提供的估值服務涉及廣泛的資產類別,包括企業價值及無形資產、房地產及其他固定資產、金融工具及衍生工具,以及礦產及能源資產。 我們的資產顧問服務包括為尋求投資機會的客戶找尋及物色投資目標、對各種資產及潛在投資進行評估、就目標投資進行盡職調查及可行性研究。 我們亦提供企業諮詢,包括企業管治、公司秘書、企業會計及稅務、雇員股票期權計劃、人力資源諮詢及後勤行政服務,透過了解客戶的取向,就出售及物色潛在新投資者方面提供策略性意見。 憑藉跨領域的專業團隊,亞太金融投資有限公司為客戶提供綜合的專業服務,亦在不同類別的資產提供顧問服務。HR OutsourcingPayroll OutsourcingRecruitment OutsourcingCareer Transition Outplacement ServicesExecutive SearchSales TrainingLeadership TrainingHR System AuditPersonality AssessmentProductivity • Performance© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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訊樂亞洲集團和訊樂諮詢(早期稱為"祟禮諮詢")成立,並定位為香港金融中心的標誌性金融招聘品牌公司。Sloane Asia Group and Sloane Consulting were established and targeted as a signature financial recruitment brand serving companies in Hong Kong’s financial hub.20092012訊樂曼哈頓合夥人的成立是為了滿足市場需求,拓展人力資源外包業務,包括銀行工資外包和銀行招聘外包。Sloane Manhattan Partners was formed to meet the market demand of HR outsourcing businesses which included payroll outsourcing and recruitment outsourcing for banks."銀行街"品牌("訊樂曼哈頓"或"百帥") 被引進到市場,以推動人力資源管理服務外包到到銀行和金融機構的市場區域。Bank Street by Sloane Manhattan brand was introduced to drive the HR management services to banking and financial institutions.2014訊樂集團成員安佳思成立,為商場、辦公室和酒店業主、開發商和商業地產投資者提供物業投資與管理服務。As Sloane’s member company, Anchors Group was formed to perform property services for landlords, developers and investors sectors in commercial properties: mall, offices and hotels.20152015開發三所策略性在線學院:(一) 倫敦訊樂學院:(二) 倫敦加能學院;(三) 劍橋國際學院。Three online colleges were strategically developed: (i) Sloane College London: (ii) Canary College London; (iii) Cambridge International College. (訊樂集團的發展里程碑Development Milestone of Sloane Group© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 起初作為訊樂在2015年的培訓部門,威力銷售培訓逐漸在2020年成為香港和大中華區多家公司的銷售培訓專家。As Sloane’s training division since 2015, Venus by Sloane was gradually emerged as a Sales Training expert for various companies in Hong Kong and Greater China in 2020.2015

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201620172018201820192018加能教育集團(國際)成立於2015年。2016年,加能教育集團擴展到高管教育,高中職業管理學科和國際教育領域。自 2017 年起,加能教育與英國培訓資格(TQUK) 合作開辦了 16 個自行設計課程。 2019年,加能教育集團再擴展到加拿大認可的在線高中教育服務。Canary Education Group (International) was founded in 2015. In 2016, Canary expanded to executive education and high school education in career management discipline and international education. In Since 2017, Canary is operating 16 self-designed courses with TQUK. In 2019, Canary expand to Canadian accredited online high school education.英國倫敦訊樂集團重組完成。Sloane Group LondonUK’s reorganization completed.訊樂國際教育集團("SIEG")的成立是為了重組加能教育集團與訊樂教育的重複結構。SIEG 與英國諾恩集團和英國一優獎集團,協力共同開發大中華區和亞太地區的教育業務和授予組織業務。 Sloane International Education Group (SIEG) was established to re-organize Canary Education Group with Sloane Education’s structures. SIEG intends to jointly develop the educational and awarding organization businesses in Greater China and Asia Pacific region with NOCN Group UK and One Awards Group UK.訊樂人力科技(深圳)有限公司於2018年在深圳前海成立,並設在深圳人才園。Sloane HR Technology (Shenzhen) Limited was formed in Qianhai in 2018 and based in Shenzhen Talents Park.作為一家頒獎機構,訊樂國際教育集團("SIEG") 在2019年和2020年在大中華區市場推出了5個獎項。SIEG as an awarding organization, SIEG launches 5 skills awards in the Greater China market in 2019 and 2020 financial year.2019經過3年的準備,銀行街英語("BSE")計劃於2020年在大中華區市場推出。 BSE培訓從幼兒到成人學習者。After 3 years’ preparation, Bank Street English (BSE) plans to be launched in the Greater China market in 2020. BSE trains learners from early childhood to adult learners. (© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 2019訊樂出版進入大中華區出版商市場Sloane Publishing enters the publishing market in Greater China.

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© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 訊樂集團部分客戶名單Sloane Group Partial Client List追蹤記錄TRACK RECORD

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漢華專業服務集團集團部分客戶名單GCA ( Professional Services Group Partial Client List(股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:

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APFI漢華專業服務集團集團部分客戶名單GCA ( Professional Services Group Partial Client List(股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code: Petroleum 百田石油China Gem 中國中石(股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code:股份代號 stock code: 5MM.SGX)(股份代號 stock code: Primary Resources 中國基礎資源

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London倫敦Shanghai上海Beijing北京Harbin哈爾濱Shenzhen深圳Hong Kong香港Singapore新加坡Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡Melbourne墨爾本Toronto多倫多Seattle西雅圖訊樂人力資源專業服務集團SLOANE HR Professional Services Group漢華專業服務集團成員 / 亞太金融投資(股票代碼stock code:訊樂®®大中華區、亞太地區和歐洲Greater China and Asia Pacific and Europe11辦事處 OFFICES© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved.

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訊樂集團Est. 2009© 2009-2020 Sloane Group. All Rights Reserved. 查詢 Enquiry: (852) 2810 5068 / (852) 9622

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訊樂人力資源專業服務集團SLOANE HR Professional Services Group亞太地區和大中華區Asia-Pacific Region and Greater China熱線查詢 Hotline Enquiry(852) 2810 5068 / 2810 5088(852) 9092 8983(852) 9622 3888(86) 15012511648(86) 17817945823電子郵件: info@sloaneasia.com聯絡我們訊樂香港中國香港金鐘金鐘道89號力寶中心第二期6樓616-617室香港: (852) 2810 5088 / (852) 96223888 / 92928983電郵: info@sloaneasia.com訊樂中國中國深圳市福田區深南大道8005號深圳人才園人力資源服務產業園負一樓深圳: (86) 15012511648/ (86) 17817945823香港: (852) 2810 5088 / (852) 9622 3888漢華專業服務集團成員 / 亞太金融投資成員(股票代碼 stock code: of GCA Professional Services Group / Powered by Asia-Pac Financial InvestmentContact usSloane Group Hong Kong616-617, 6/F., Tower Two, Lippo Centre 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2810 5088(852) 2810 5088 /(852) 9622 3888 / (852) 9092 8983Email: info@sloaneasia.comSloane Group China Shenzhen address: 1/F., Shenzhen Talents Park, HR Services Industrial Park No. 8005, Shen Nan Avenue Futian, Shenzhen, China. Shenzhen T: (86) 15012511648(86) 17817945823HK Mobile: (852) 9622 3888Email: info@sloaneasia.com免責聲明英國訊樂集團有限公司、訊樂集團、訊樂亞洲集團、訊樂曼哈頓控股有限公司、訊樂曼哈頓合夥人(亞洲)有限公司、訊樂國際教育集團(亞洲和中國)有限公司、訊樂國際人力科技有限公司(深圳)有限公司、加能教育集團(國際)有限公司、 加能教育與職業發展有限公司,安佳思集團公司, 以上均統稱為「訊樂國際集團」或「訊樂集團」; 及其每個所有相關服務公司、控股公司和業務合作夥伴、包括本手冊中提到的合作夥伴公司和組織;將不承擔因使用本服務簡介中的資訊而導致的任何損失或承擔的責任。 同時, 上述公司及其相關公司,亦不承擔對因執行或不執行本服務簡介所述觀點而造成任何損失或構成的責任。DisclaimerSloane Group UK Limited, Sloane Group, Sloane Asia Group, Sloane and Manhattan Holdings Limited, Sloane and Manhattan Partners (Asia) Limited, Sloane International Education Group (Asia and China) Limited, Sloane International Human Resource Technology (Shenzhen) Limited, Canary Education Group (International) Limited, Canary Institute of Education and Career Development Limited, Anchors Group of companies, and all the above are collectively refers to “Sloane International Group” or “Sloane Group”; and all their individual and related companies, holding companies and business partners, partnering organizations mentioned in this brochure, shall not accept any loss or damage arising from the use of the information within this service brochure. Materials in the service brochure are distributed without responsibility on the part of the above companies and its related companies for the loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any view expressed therein.