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IN HIS TIMEIn 2017, Whitney and Charles Prichard attended Project 1.27’s Orientation and Training and sensed God’sleading. Whitney shared, “Now with three under three, I was terrified, but we knew we were to adoptolder siblings.” Charles added, “I was overwhelmed by God’s command to step into the mess and be Hishands and feet.”Just as they finished training, the family was transferred to Texas. Despite some obstacles, the couple wasmatched with a 7- and 8-year-old sibling set from Poland whose adoption had been dissolved. Whitneyand Charles worked to create a careful transition plan, and in 2019, the Prichard family adopted theseinternational “older siblings”!After one last move, Charles, Whitney, and their five children settled in Ohio and became licensed fosterparents. The couple fostered several children, including Boaz and Kezia. Boaz, two, was adopted in Spring2024, and Kezia, now one, remains with the Prichard family as her mother works on reunification. Thefamily of 8 still has dreams of “more.”Whitney shared, “In this season, the beauty is the children we welcomed are safe, fed, go to church, hearthe Gospel, and are not being abused or harmed. When I’m overwhelmed and imperfect, I rememberthese children are getting the things they need.” Charles added,” It’s neat to watch our young kids bepatient and welcoming to new siblings. God showed the way early on, but His timing was different thanwe expected.” The Prichards also dream of launching a Project 1.27-like ministry in western Ohio.Since 2018, the Prichard family has been faithful monthly donors through the ups and downs of theirfoster/adoption journey. When asked why they give, Charles shared, “It’s a Gospel mission—engage,inspire, recruit, and resource. Monthly giving compounds the training and support families living out themission received. You can’t put a price tag on that. We’re still using our Project 1.27 training!”In 2012, Whitney told her husband Charles Prichard, “I want to adopt.” Charles response- “Me, too!” Based on earlier experiences, both felt called to adopt internationally, but early in their marriage, that doorclosed. A military family, the couple moved to Georgia and considered private, domestic adoption, but with twokids under two, that door also closed. After moving to Colorado, Charles metProject 1.27’s founding Executive Director,Chris Padbury, who told Charles aboutProject 1.27.

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Pastor Robert Gelinas first explored the idea of Project 1.27 in 2004, with the mission of answeringGod's call for adoption. Twenty years later, Project 1.27 is still working to inspire, engage, recruit, and resource churches andfamilies through faith-based family preservation, kinship care, foster care, and adoption. Even thoughour mission has changed over time, the vision is still the same: every child in a nurturing, well-supported family. Like Solomon in Ecclesiastes, we've learned that "there is a time for everything, a season for everyactivity under the heavens." We've wept with families who've said a heart-wrenching goodbye. We've celebrated in court when a child was given a permanent family and home.We've seen children miraculously heal from past trauma, and we've seen children who moved intogroup homes because they needed more resources and care than their adoptive families couldgive.We've had seasons of growth, new programs, and abundant financial support, and we've hadseasons where we had to let staff members go and cut hours to keep serving families. And today, after two decades working in Colorado, we stand in awe of what God has done since thebeginning.What has God set in your heart? Are you called to be a foster family? Join us for an upcoming Info Meeting!Is your church called to support biological, kinship, foster, or adoptive families? Learn about how your church can be involved!Are you called to volunteer to bring a meal or let a family know they are not alone in the hard seasons? Learn about the Neighbor Program!Or maybe you're called to donate, allowing Project 1.27 to continue to care for children and families for 20 more years? Donate today!Regardless of your season or your calling, we can agree:Kids need families. Families need YOU.Scan for OnlineNewsletter with Links

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PROJECT 1.27SUMMER FAMILYPICNIC The July Summer Family Picnic was a fun afternoon withProject 1.27 kids and families! We had Olympic-themedcrafts and games, including volleyball, soccer, and even apool noodle javelin throw. The Deicidue Family Foundationdonated a delicious Chick-fil-A dinner for all attendees, icecream from Howdy’s, gifts for teens, and face painting forall the children who attended. The kids and teens were able to “shop” for new toysdonated by BRAVE Church’s summer VBS, includingsummer fun options like bubbles, chalk, footballs, andsoccer goals!Over 150 Project 1.27 parents and kids joined for theafternoon of laughs, connection, and treats.

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‘”We have done our best and made it for 10weeks. We don’t have enough experience to domore. It is time for the next family to take over.”After getting certified andwaiting for our firstplacement, we got thedevastating news that Iwould be miscarrying. Inpreparation for thatprocess, we notified familyand close friends and letour case worker at thecounty know that we had apersonal issue that wouldmake it difficult for us toconsider taking anychildren right now. God hadother plans. We got a call the same daythat a child needed help,and she needed it now. Thecaseworker asked for animmediate "yes" or "no".We prayed about it andsaid yes. Within the hour,we had our first placement.While I was going throughmy loss, experiencing oursuffering, a child neededus. My support teamchanged their plans to carefor me and my family in ourtime of need. People satwith me and cried, broughtfood, played with our littleone, and prayed. Two yearsand 3 kids later, thatsupport got us to today.The moment we said “yes,”it reassured us that wewere in God’s hands.This fall we will celebrate 20 years of servingchildren and families in Colorado! Join us onFriday, November 1st, from 5:45-9 pm at Cieloin Castle Pines for Project 1.27’s annual Comedy Night! The evening features storiesfrom Project 1.27 families, comedian ShawnReynolds, delicious dinner and dessert, and anexciting silent auction. FALL COMEDY NIGHTWays to get involved:1) Table Hosts: Purchase 2 tickets for $150/each, then invite 8 friends toattend for free, working together to raise $1500 through donations andsilent auction purchases.2) Table Sponsors: Purchase a table and bring guests to enjoy the eveningand celebrate 20 years of Project 1.27.3) Event Sponsors: Underwrite the cost of Comedy Night and get businessrecognition!4) Families and Friends: Buy 1 ticket and get 1 free!To learn more or buy tickets, visit LOVE & LOSSBy Krissie YamagucchiSUPPORTING FAMILIESThese were the words spoken to me by Sue, who was fostering siblings forthe first time. She went on to explain that they came to their home with alack of secure attachment to anyone and did not trust this new home theywere in. As Sue went on to describe a couple of their behaviors, likeslamming doors, yelling, and running away, she started saying things like‘he paused, listened to what I said, and walked away instead of runningaway,’ and ‘she asked just to sit in my lap while we waited for the food.’ Ismiled and looked at her. She said, ‘What is that smile for?’ I repeatedthose two examples to her and asked, ‘Could those demonstrate that thekids are starting to be attached to you?’ She smiled and exhaled. Our discussion then turned to more examples of some very small andsimple behavior changes that started to show trust being built betweenthe kids and the adults. She needed a listening ear, someone to notice thedifferences no matter how small, and a witness to the kids and theirgrowth through the tough stuff. Because of the conversation, Sue and herhusband decided not to ask for the siblings to be removed.By Janine Westlund, Family Care Manager

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When you first enter a Panera Bread restaurant, and before you evenlook at the treats, the heat and aroma of freshly cooked bread are animmediate sensory delight. Panera Bread offers mouthwatering breadsand other enjoyable foods and the opportunity to “share the dough” withvulnerable children in the community. Project 1.27 is grateful for its partnership with Panera Bread’s Share theDough. We recently asked a representative from Share the Dough whythey partner with Project 1.27, and here is her response: “Our mission isto serve others and honor Christ by seeking to show His unconditionallove by providing protection and care to vulnerable children and theirfamilies in our communities, in Panera employee families, and around theworld. ““Project 1.27 is our mission personified! You are caring for the mostvulnerable children and their families. This aligns with our vision at Sharethe Dough: transform our local communities through generosity,compassion, and benevolence and bear witness to Christ’s love. Our faithmotivates us to provide resources, financial assistance, and educationalopportunities to community organizations and our employees. We arecalled to protect and provide for the most vulnerable individuals andfocus our efforts on children and families in need and their communities.Share the Dough is a non-profit of Manna Developments Panera Breadcafes. A key component is that our Change for Children funds are raisedin our Panera cafes by our cashiers, asking our guests to “round up” theirchange with each order. It is our cashiers who ask and our guests whosay “yes” that make our grant to Project 1.27 possible.”Project 1.27 invites you to support our children and families by spreadingthe word about Panera Bread's generosity and mission to care forvulnerable children. The next time you visit their café, enjoy the deliciousbread and other delicacies. Remember the children, and say “yes” torounding up. By Bobbi Kline, Grants ManagerCHANGE FOR CHILDRENAt their first-ever supportgroup with us, Leanne andBill talked with othergrandparents raisinggrandkids. Unexpectedly, intheir second go-round ofraising little kids, theyshared the pain of theirdaughter’s accusationsagainst them as she is inactive addiction andoverwhelmed by a newautism diagnosis for theirfour-year-oldgranddaughter. That evening, I shared withthem about the NeighborProgram and they signedup on the spot. Now, in thisdifficult and unexpectednew life, a Neighborvolunteer shows up once amonth with a nourishingmeal. Their neighbor goesabove and beyond,bringing a meal every otherweek. Leanne just emailed me, “Imet Janet yesterday. She isso warm and encouraging. Ifeel so relieved to haveanother grandma in mylife. And I can’t wait for twoweeks from now when shebrings us another deliciousmeal.” If you are a kinship orfoster family wishing formore support or want tovolunteer as a Neighbor,visit Hope Forti, Neighbor Program DirectorNEIGHBORPROGRAM

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1.27 NATIONAL NETWORK:LEADING LEADERSOne recent leader moved from the for-profit marketplace to bethe CFO of a ministry she loved. It was a big challenge for her asquestions of money land differently in the non-profit sector, butshe knew her skills would be put to good use. A few years later,she was surprised to face the opportunity to replace her boss asthe next Executive Director. She wasn’t looking for this level ofresponsibility - but God was calling her to it. This leader was obedient in saying yes but sometimes felt alone.How will anyone ever understand what I’m going through? Duringher first week on the job, she started the process of joining the1.27 National Network. She wanted the wisdom andencouragement of other faithful leaders who made decisions fortheir organizations and did similar work in other locations. Shejoined the monthly calls, attended the annual executive retreat,and, before she knew it, was training other leaders on budgetingand reading/assessing financial statements.Not only did this leader feel less alone when she stepped into hernew leadership role, but she also gained the wisdom of otherswho had been making decisions in the church-child welfare spacefor years, was able to glean from their thought processes, learnfrom their ideas and experiences (wins and losses), and receivecoaching and encouragement. She also brought her unique skillsto the group with fresh enthusiasm. Mutual sharing andcheerleading allow small to medium ministries around the countryto maximize their collective knowledge for everyone’s benefit:especially kids and families.The 1.27 National Network is a network of independent Christianministries that bridge local churches to kids and familiesconnected to local foster care. Each ministry in the network isuniquely structured and engaged to meet ministry opportunitiessurrounding foster care in their community. The 1.27 NationalNetwork currently has 18 member organizations all over the U.S. By Alex Kuykendall, 1.27 National Network DirectorHow will anyone ever understand what I’m going through? This is a question many foster parents ask. It’s also a questionleaders of “bridge ministries” around the country ask. Asorganizations that do the unique work of bridging local foster careto local churches, we understand the unique needs, challenges,and issues that come up in this work.

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TRAUMA INFORMED TRAINING FOR CHURCHESEvery Church a Welcoming Church for Every ChildLiving Grace Baptist Church in Greeley, CO, welcomes children from thecommunity to its weekly Sunday School classrooms and annual VacationBible School. They know they love children!They also know parts of the stories of the children who come to theirprograms and understand that many have experienced varying levels oftrauma. This can result in feelings and behaviors when kids are at church. At Project 1.27, we want to equip churches to welcome kids who haveexperienced trauma by understanding how trauma impacts the brain,body, and behaviors. We also want to provide practical tools for staff andvolunteers to respond in ways that make kids feel safe, and families feelwelcome. We created a two-hour training session for church children andyouth ministry leaders so that kids with a history of trauma can feel safeand participate in the church community. Susan Musil, a children’s ministry volunteer at Living Grace Baptist says,“Our Children's Ministry is made up completely of volunteers. Many of ushave served for years, but the needs of the children have grown sinceCOVID-19. Two fantastic ladies came and gave us training that equippedus to meet the needs of the children and their parents, grandparents,and guardians.”Project 1.27 exists to equip the Church to meet the needs of kids andfamilies connected to child welfare in Colorado. We know every church,big or small, can put simple steps in place to be nimble to meet kids’needs. Our staff would happily come to your church and offer this training. Wewant your church to be a place that feels welcoming and safe to everychild who arrives, regardless of their past experiences. ECHOflexAfter taking in his threegrandchildren, all 6 and under,and doing things on his own fora while, Mike reached out tothe ECHOflex Director to askabout registration for the nextround of ECHOflex, asupportive wellness andresiliency program for foster,kinship, adoptive families &youth.After the ECHOflex series hadbeen underway for a couple ofweeks, Mike shared that thisgroup was like a rope he couldclimb once a week to connectwith other people and finallybreathe. Taking care of threelittles can be a lot, especiallywhen doing it alone. Appointments, visits, court,therapies… and daily routinesof schedules to feed, clothe,bathe, and diaper young kids,can be overwhelming.ECHOflex provided Mike thetraining hours needed forrecertification, new strategiesfor taking care of himself andhis family daily, andconnections with other people. Caring for kids in foster care ishard. ECHOflex makes it easier. To learn more about bringing traumainformed training to your church orbecoming a James 1.27 church,

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Scan the QR Code or give online the QR Code or give online IS A CHECK FOR: $___________________________MAIL TO: 14000 E Jewell Ave, Aurora, CO 80012Thank you for your donation!Project 1.2714000 E Jewell AveAurora, CO80012