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Outsiders Social Club Foundation

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Loneliness is a feeling thatplagues nearly half of allAmericans, with 47% reportingthat they always or sometimesfeel lonely. The group scoring thehighest (aka worst) on theloneliness scale? Generation Z.(source: Cigna, 2018)Gen Z - those born between 1997and 2012, give or take - arecharacterized as money-drivenand ambitious, with a love fortravel and a unique ability to setboundaries. Yet, they’re prone toanxiety and have been called themost depressed generation. GenZ faces chron ic stress from manyfac tors includ ing school shoot -ings, stu dent debt, job less ness,politics - the list goes on. Belonging (?)2Depression. Loneliness.Anxiety. That says a lot about thisgeneration’s mental health. Infact, more than nine in 10 Gen Zadults (91 percent) said they haveexperienced at least one physical or emotional symptom becauseof stress. (source: AmericanPsychological Association)Millennials are plagued withsimilar concerns, and whilesuicide rates among thisgeneration are the lowest - theymore often struggle with stigmassurrounding mental health.(Source: Mental HealthFoundation)

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individuals struggling withloneliness and mental healthto find the support networkthat will lift them each to abrighter future. We not onlyunderstand the pain that isassociated with feeling alone,but also want everyone toknow that there is nothingwrong with being different.Within our community, eachindividual can feel embracedin their individuality.What’s worse is that mentalhealth statisticsdisproportionately affectminority groups within thesegenerations. Ethnic groupsstruggling with mental healthissues and unable to findadequate help become morevulnerable to additionalchallenges, such as povertyand incarceration. (source:Berkeley Public Health)The Outsiders Social ClubFoundation is working to help“I am so lonely in this worldthat I do not know who I am.” ~ Unknown

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OutsidersSocial ClubFoundationRecognizing the challenges faced by Millennialsand Zoomers, our community primarily comprisesyoung adults aged 17-35, encompassing thoseseeking mental health advocacy, lifestyle guidance,creative inspiration, professional development,and individuals passionate about self-love andpersonal growth.Although this is an organization, we are cultivatingthe way people look at networking and friendship.Our focus is building a digital community thatsupports each other and their communities. Ourprograms and events empower young adults andbeyond to lead the change in their generation. The hardest thing about being an Outsider is thefeeling of loneliness that comes with beingdifferent from your peers. Outsiders Social ClubFoundation works to send the message: “You arenot alone, we are your fellow Outsiders." 4

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Outsiders Social Club Foundation started in 2014as a radio show, creating a platform for youngadults to speak about tough issues. Drawing fromhis own mental health journey, Founder DeejayNimrod was working through a season ofdepression that catalyzed into suicidal ideation.Raised in Kansas City, MO, where he faced racialchallenges and struggled with identity, Deejay'spersonal journey fueled his dedication to mentalhealth advocacy.The radio show provided a safe place andcommunity among like minded people, andaimed to strengthen visibility and support towarddestigmatizing mental health connotations inyoung adults. Its success propelled the brandforward, opening doors for motivational speakingengagements, music interviews, conventions, and more. By 2017, we expanded our digital platforms withdiversified content across various media. Thisincluded a podcast titled, "The Lounge," whichoffered creatives a safe space to discuss theirmental health journeys, and garnered a followingof 1,500 subscribers with videos exceeding 10,000 views.With our growth, we shifted towards communityservice events, public speaking and networkingparties - until the COVID-19 pandemic interruptedour momentum. Yet, challenges faced during thepandemic and growing mental health issuesmeans our community needs us more than ever.In summer 2023, the Outsiders Social ClubFoundation officially obtained its 501c3 statusand looks forward to supporting our communityin need.Our Roots

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CommunityWe cultivate a virtual and physical communityexperience that empowers young adults andbeyond to lead the change in their generation.We offer young adults a safe place to grow anddevelop teaching life lessons as well as givingthem a voice in topics that affect them daily.PodcastsWe publish regular podcasts episodes todiscuss relevant topics holding up Zoomers andmillennials, to encourage self love, personaltransformation and positive mental wellbeing.We also appear as guests in communitypartners that offer the same mission.What’s Next? 6ServiceWe volunteer as a group to create positivechange in our community. This experienceis great for the soul and boostscamaraderie. We coordinate events forour members and others to participateand make change.

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Open conversations in a safe spaceSense of belonging and community In-person gatheringsIn order to help millennials and Zoomersovercome mental health problems, it isessential that we provide: Despite our digital connectedness, thesegenerations continue to experienceloneliness and isolation. We must create a blended community that experiences a sense of togetherness and offers thesupport individuals need to find mental wellbeing.And Finally, Belonging7EventsMotivational Speaking: We offer speakingengagements at high schools andcommunity events, catering ourconversation around relevant issues toyour audience. Member Events: We host in-person eventsfor our community to come together topromote self-love and awareness,professional development, and positivepersonal growth among young creatorsand entrepreneurs.

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