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Outdoor Furniture

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Welcome Patiova furniture is carefully crafted with high quality craftsmanship standards Since 1982 we ve worked with a firm commitment to designing and building only the very finest outdoor furnishings The ensuing decades haven t diminished our enthusiasm in the least We re increasingly passionate about creating elegant pieces for gracious outdoor living Because that s what Patiova is all about living inside out

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Quality Time W hether you re shopping for wood or poly dining or recreational furniture we re sure to have what you re looking for in outdoor furniture Take a few minutes to relax and browse this catalog Thank you for considering Patiova for your outdoor living area Outdoor Dining Introduction to Poly Furniture Just Relaxing Poly Adirondack 6 7 Poly Adirondack Dining 8 9 Poly Legacy Dining 10 11 Poly English Garden Dining 12 13 Poly Coastal Collection 14 15 Poly Benches Swings 16 Poly Picnic Tables 17 Poly Color Options 18 19 Introduction to Wood Furniture Rest assured we re not satisfied to just meet your expectations we strive daily to exceed them We believe you ll be extremely satisfied if you choose to furnish your space with PATIOVA the fresh new way to live inside out 4 20 Wood Adirondack 22 23 Wood Gliders Swings Benches 24 25 Wood English Garden Dining 26 Wood Picnic Tables 27 28 Wood Swing Frames Wood Color Options 29 Wood Arbors 30 31 Fabric Color Options 32 Urban Glow Collection 33 Quick Ship 34 39

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POLY DUR ABILIT Y F or durability and a lifetime of carefree maintenance it s hard to overstate the advantages of furniture made from today s high density polyethylene HDPE Poly furniture beats wood hands down regarding it withstanding the elements including the sun s hot rays winter s ice and intense summer downpours There s no need to bring poly inside no matter what the season it can be left outside all year round Poly will hold its color for decades with minimal fading Unlike wood poly won t rot split or crack and impervious to insect damage Plus because the color runs throughout the lumber small nicks and scratches never need to be touched up Finally poly furniture is easy to keep clean An occasional washing with mild dish detergent and rinsing is all that s needed to keep it looking like new 4

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GE T T HE P OLY A DVA N TAGE A Lifetime of Carefree Maintenance However you like to enjoy the outdoors make it happen with Patiova Whether it s just relaxing spending quality time with family or dining outdoors poly furniture is the perfect way to help you Live Inside Out 5

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Adirondack Chair Adirondack Folding Chair Adirondack Rocker Overall Width 30 Seat Height 14 Overall Height 40 Overall Depth 32 Overall Width 30 Seat Height 14 Overall Height 40 Overall Depth 32 Overall Width 30 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 41 Overall Depth 32 DO YOU NEED YOUR FURNITURE QUICKLY 6 Throughout this brochure you will see products marked with an These products are available in our Quick Ship Series These select products are available to ship in as little as 3 4 Business Days Limited Colors Available See Pages 34 39 for more details

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POLY ADIRONDACK ACCESSORIES Rectangle Coffee Table Round Coffee Table Overall Length 33 Overall Width 22 Overall Height 17 Diameter 30 Table Height 17 A timeless classic the Adirondack s distinctive cur ved fan back and deeply contoured seat makes it the per fect st yle for liv ing inside out Round End Table End Table Overall Length 20 Overall Height 16 Overall Length 20 Overall Width 14 Overall Height 16 E A S Y A SSEMBLY Step by step pictorial instruction sheet included Footstool Overall Length 20 Overall Width 12 Overall Height 10 Wafer bolts and hex wrench included Footstool nests under chair or bench for easy storage Cup Holder Outside 5 Inside 3 No nuts or washers needed Center Piece 21 wide in back 4 wide in front Cup Holder Center Piece only available with Adirondack chair NOT folding chair dining chair rocker or swing 7

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Adirondack Bar Chair Overall Width 27 Seat Height 28 Overall Height 53 Overall Depth 25 Available in Counter Height Seat Height 23 Overall Height 48 POLY ADIRONDACK DINING CHAIRS With the same sig nature cur ved fan back desig n you ll love the comfor t of Adirondack dining chairs Adirondack Dining Chair Overall Width 27 Seat Height 18 Overall Height 43 Overall Depth 23 Bar Stool Overall Width 15 Seat Height 28 Adirondack Swivel Bar Chair Overall Width 27 Seat Height 28 Overall Height 53 Overall Depth 25 See page 18 19 for Poly Adirondack Dining color choices Available in Dining Counter Height 9

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LEGACY COLLECTION Set up an outdoor dining area put out some snacks and inv ite family and f r iends to j oin you for a time of rela xation and conversation LEGACY TABLES Choose from Two Sizes 4 x6 Rectangle AT SE S AT SE S S 4 Actual Width 45 Actual Length 53 6 DU T L A A DU T L S 4 x4 Square Actual Width 45 Actual Length 71 and Choose from Three Heights 35 Counter Height 30 Dining Height 40 Bar Height 10 VARIE T Y M AKES IT E A S Y TO FIND A SE T THAT FITS YOUR SPACE BES T

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Choose from any combination of Available Diameters and Heights to create the perfect outdoor table to fit your needs LEGACY ROUND TABLES Choose from Three Diameters 54 Round AT SE S S 2 4 6 DU T L A DU T L A A DU T L AT SE S S AT SE S S 42 Round 30 Round and Choose from Three Heights 35 Counter Height 30 Dining Height 40 Bar Height 11

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ENGLISH TABLE AT SE S S 6 A DU T L 4 x6 English Garden Table Overall Dimensions 45 x 74 Table Height 30 Seats up to 6 Adults TR ADITIONAL ELEG ANCE M ADE FOR OUTDOOR ENTERTAINING 12

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English Garden Dining Arm Chair Overall Width 28 Seat Height 18 Overall Height 39 Overall Depth 24 POLY ENGLISH GARDEN DINING Al Fresco Dining Liv ing inside out means eating in the open air Can you imag ine a more delightf ul setting than this for an intimate meal English Garden Dining Side Chair w ith friends Just add Overall Width 20 Seat Height 18 Overall Height 38 Overall Depth 20 you ve got a per fect day g reat conversation and Add to any Dining Height table to Maximize your space Also Available 6 Dining Bench 4 Dining Bench Overall Width 66 Seat Height 17 Seat Depth 13 Overall Width 42 Seat Height 17 Seat Depth 13 13

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COA STAL COLLECTION 14 Coastal Lounge Coastal Adirondack Chair Overall Width 28 Seat Height 14 3 4 Overall Height 41 Overall Length 86 Overall Width 30 Seat Height 14 Overall Height 37 3 4 Overall Depth 31 REL A XING REFRESHING

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There never seems to be enough time to get rejuvenated That phone call email or text always seems to intr ude Let outdoor rela xation help you w in the battle Make a date to chat w ith a f r iend read a good book or sit and ponder Tr iumph over stress by forgetting about the electronic world it ll still be there tomor row Coastal Bar Chair Coastal Dining Arm Chair Coastal Dining Side Chair Overall Width 29 Seat Height 28 3 4 Overall Height 50 Overall Depth 26 Overall Width 29 Seat Height 17 3 4 Overall Height 39 Overall Depth 23 Overall Width 19 Seat Height 17 3 4 Overall Height 39 Overall Depth 24 4 x6 Coastal Dining Table Overall Width 45 Overall Height 30 3 4 Overall Length 73 15

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POLY BENCHES SWINGS 4 Adirondack Hanging Swing 4 Adirondack Bench Overall Width 52 Seat Height 14 Overall Height 39 Overall Depth 32 Overall Width 52 Overall Height 36 Overall Depth 25 See page 32 for cushion fabric swatches Also Available 4 English Garden Hanging Swing Overall Width 53 Overall Height 26 Overall Depth 25 16 5 English Garden Hanging Swing Overall Width 65 Overall Height 26 Overall Depth 25 Also Available 4 English Garden Bench Overall Width 52 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 38 Overall Depth 25 5 English Garden Bench Overall Width 65 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 38 Overall Depth 25

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W hether a picnic in the sunshine or enj oy ing dinner by candlelight Liv ing Inside Out is the way to go Imag ine these gorgeous t ables on your patio POLY PICNIC TABLES 5 Octagonal Picnic Table with Attached Seats and Umbrella Holder Overall Width 90 Seat Height 17 Table Height 30 AT SE S S 8 A DU T L 3 x6 Picnic Table with Attached Seats Overall Width 58 Seat Height 17 Overall Length 71 Table Height 30 AT SE S S 6 A DU T L 3 x8 Picnic Table with Attached Seats Overall Width 58 Seat Height 17 Overall Length 95 Table Height 30 AT SE S S 8 A DU T L 17

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Wood Grain Colors and Suggested Combinations POLY COLOR CHOICES MAHOGANY MAHOGANY WHITE It s a Colorful Life W hatever color you fancy you ll f ind it Perhaps DRIFTWOOD DRIFTWOOD BLACK your t astes r un to warm naturals and neutrals Choose from ivor y rich brow ns or black If you prefer deep bold shades we ve got those in reds BIRCHWOOD BIRCHWOOD TUDOR BROWN COASTAL GRAY COASTAL GRAY BLACK BRAZILIAN WALNUT BRAZILIAN WALNUT WHITE g reens and blues Colors listed are custom colors and may incur an additional charge 19

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WOOD BENEFITS W hat are some of the benefits of using wood Wood is a natural earth friendly product Known as one of the most robust versatile wood species Southern Yellow Pine SYP is the wood used to manufacture PATIOVA Outdoor Furniture The quality and availability of SYP are virtually unmatched Environmentally Wood is a natural earth friendly product Wood is a very renewable resource here in America Due to improved forest management more wood is available now than 25 years ago User Friendly Wood can be sanded when scratched If necessary wood components can be replaced and easily matched Wood can also readily be stained or re painted Beauty Left natural or stained the wood grain pattern and golden color of wood provides visual interest and a high quality look Compared to poly wood provides warmth and character 20

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R EN E WA BL E R E S OU RCE Lifetime Friendly Live in harmony with nature Wood outdoor furniture is so downto earth it adds a whole new dimension to living inside out Wood is a natural earth friendly renewable resource Think green think wood 21

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Adirondack Chair Overall Width 30 Seat Height 14 Overall Height 40 Overall Depth 32 See pages 34 39 to learn more about our Quick Ship products 22 Adirondack Folding Chair Overall Width 30 Seat Height 14 Overall Height 40 Overall Depth 32 Adirondack Rocker Overall Width 30 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 41 Overall Depth 32

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See page 29 for swing frames WOOD ADIRONDACK Comfor t Style Adirondack f ur niture 4 Adirondack Hanging Swing br ings together comfor t Overall Width 54 Overall Height 36 Overall Depth 25 and st yle The distinctive cur ved fan backs and deeply contoured seats have made the Adirondack a long time favor ite 4 Adirondack Love Seat Overall Width 57 Seat Height 14 Overall Height 40 Overall Depth 32 Accessories See page 32 for cushion fabric color options Footstool Overall Length 20 Overall Width 12 Overall Height 10 Footstool nests under chair or bench for easy storage End Table Overall Length 20 Overall Width 14 Overall Height 16 23

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WOOD GLIDERS SWINGS BENCHES 5 Rollback Hanging Swing with folding Console Overall Width 65 Overall Height 36 Overall Depth 30 5 Rollback Hanging Swing Overall Width 65 Overall Height 36 Overall Depth 30 Also Available in 4 Rollback Hanging Swing Overall Width 53 Overall Height 36 Overall Depth 30 4 Rollback Bearing Glider Overall Width 57 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 41 Overall Depth 37 Also Available in 5 Rollback Bearing Glider Overall Width 65 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 41 Overall Depth 37 24 EASY TO REL AX 5 Rollback Bearing Glider with folding Console Overall Width 65 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 41 Overall Depth 37

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Rollback A n inv it ation to rela xation With extra seat contour and ample lumbar and head suppor t Rollback f ur niture makes it easy to rela x See page 32 for cushion fabric color options 5 Traditional Hanging Swing Overall Width 65 Overall Height 32 Overall Depth 25 4 English Garden Hanging Swing Overall Width 52 Overall Height 28 Overall Depth 25 4 English Garden Bench Overall Width 52 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 38 Overall Depth 25 Also available 4 Traditional Hanging Swing Overall Width 53 Overall Height 32 Overall Depth 25 5 English Garden Hanging Swing Overall Width 64 Overall Height 28 Overall Depth 25 5 English Garden Bench Overall Width 64 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 38 Overall Depth 25 25

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WOOD ENGLISH GARDEN DINING AT SE S S 6 A DU T L 4x6 English Garden Table Overall Dimensions 74 x 45 Table Height 30 English Garden Dining Side Chair Overall Width 21 Seat Height 18 Seat Depth 16 Overall Height 38 Overall Depth 20 26 G ARDEN CHARM English Garden Dining Arm Chair Overall Width 28 Seat Height 16 Overall Height 38 Overall Depth 24

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The English Garden st yle adds a quaint old world char m to your back yard while prov iding sturdy seats contoured for your comfor t 66 Bench Seat Height 16 Seat Depth 12 Overall Length 66 Also Available 54 Bench 42 Bench 23 Bench 42 Curved Seat Bench Seat Height 16 Seat Depth 12 Overall Length 42 AT SE S S 4 A DU T L 54 Round Picnic Table 54 Bench with Back with Umbrella Holder Diameter 54 Table Height 30 Also Available 66 Bench with Back 42 Bench with Back 23 Bench with Back AT SE S 6 S A DU T L 3 x6 Picnic Table AT SE S 8 DU T L A Overall Width 32 Overall Length 70 Table Height 30 S Seat Height 16 Seat Depth 12 Overall Height 35 Overall Length 54 Also Available in 3 x8 Picnic Table Overall Width 32 Overall Length 94 Table Height 30 27

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WOOD PICNIC TABLES AT SE S AT SE S 5 Octagonal Picnic Table with Attached Seats and Umbrella Holder Overall Length 90 Seat Height 17 Table Height 30 Overall Width 60 Overall Length 70 Seat Height 17 Table Height 30 3 x8 Picnic Table w Attached Seats AT SE S S 8 A DU T L 28 Overall Width 60 Overall Length 94 Seat Height 17 Table Height 30 6 DU T L A A 3 x6 Picnic Table w Attached Seats S S 8 DU T L

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SWING FRAMES See Pages 23 25 for Available Swings Notched Swing Frame Overall Dimensions 5 x 9 Swing Beam Height 6 Shown with 5 English Garden Hanging Swing Vinyl A Frame Overall Dimensions 8 x 8 Shown with 4 Adirondack Swing S TAIN COLORS FOR ALL WO OD PRODUC T S CEDAR GOLDEN OAK S TAIN COLORS FOR VIN Y L A FR A ME V IN Y L CO LO R S ALMOND CANYON BROWN SEPIA BROWN MAHOGANY ACCEN T CO LO R S WHITE TURF GREEN CHERRY WOOD All color swatches are only representational They may not match actual product exactly PATRIOT BLUE 29

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37 x 60 Mt Vernon Arbor Inside Width 48 Inside Height Arches from 65 to 87 Depth 36 WOOD ARBORS 3 x 6 Roman Arch Inside Width 60 Inside Highest Point 85 Depth 36 DO YOU NEED YOUR ARBOR QUICKLY 30 The Arbors marked with an are available to ship in as few as 3 4 business days See more information about our Quick Ship Series on pages 38 3 x 4 Roman Arch Inside Width 42 Inside Highest Point 85 Depth 36

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30 x 48 Canterbury Arbor Inside Width 48 Inside Highest Point 87 Depth 30 WOOD ARBORS Discover what s beyond A n arbor is an inv it ation to discover what s beyond a dramatic entrance to any garden or yard Find extraordinar y beaut y in 36 x 60 Canterbury Arbor Inside Width 60 Inside Highest Point 87 Depth 36 5 x 9 Brandywine Arbor these arbors by letting nature embellish them w ith her iv y g reens and climbing roses See page 23 25 for more hanging swings Inside Width 72 Inside Highest Point 88 Depth 36 Shown right with 5 English Garden Hanging Swing 31

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Do you like br ight colors Make the most of it w ith our lovely selection of tropical hues including g reen blue and red For an extra pop of color choose f rom our Sunbrella cushions CUSHION COLOR CHOICES K now n for their w ide range of high st yle hues and patter ns Sunbrella makes fabr ics to per fectly complement any PATIOVA color Available for neck pillows pillows and seat cushions NECK PILLOW MILANO CHAR BRANNON REDWOOD DAVIDSON REDWOOD DIMONE SEQUOIA BERENSON TUXEDO DOLCE OASIS FOSTER METALLIC FOSTER SURFSIDE DUPIONE SAND DUPIONE WALNUT DUPIONE PAPAYA CANVAS MACAW CANVAS GRANITE CANVAS ARUBA CANVAS SAPPHIRE BLUE CANVAS RUST PILLOW SEAT CUSHION 32

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Imag ine the glow f rom a f ire as you sit around your Patiova t able set enj oy ing an evening w ith your family f r iends URBAN GLOW COLLECTION URBAN GLOW INFERNO 12 Burner insert Coastal Gray Poly Base Our Uban Glow Collection 2 000 hours burn time Stainless Steel Wick Portable Wind Resistant Clean Burning Odorless URBAN GLOW BLAZE URBAN GLOW REFLECTION 3 5 Candles Coastal Gray Poly Base 2 Tier Base 3 3 Candles Coastal Gray Poly Base 3 Tier Base URBAN GLOW FLAME 1 5 2 3 Candles Coastal Gray Poly Base 2 Tier Base Candles Available in White or Black 33

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QUICK SHIP PRODUCTS UPDATE YOUR OUTDOOR SPACE NOW WITH NEW QUICK SHIP FURNITURE WHAT ARE QUICK SHIP PRODUCTS Our Quick Ship program consists of specific furniture pieces that are only available in certain colors and sizes that are ready to ship within 3 4 business days Our Quick Ship products ship partially assembled in a box with written instructions and photos for easy assembly Now it s easy to get back outdoors and Live Inside Out Easy Shipping and Installation Most of our Quick Ship Products are shipped inside a box for easy shipping and handling We pre assemble as much as we can to save you time and enhance quality The Adirondack Chair ships in 6 chair pieces comes with only 10 hardware pieces The assembly time is only 15 minutes That means more time for living 34

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QUICK SHIP Dining Table sets only available in Weather wood Black or Coastal Gray Black QUICK SHIP PRODUCTS AT SE S S 4 A DU T L AT SE S S 6 A DU T L 42 Round Dining Table Set Overall Dimensions 80 x 80 Table Height 30 Seats up to 4 Adults 4 x6 Dining Table Set Overall Dimensions 83 x 110 Table Height 30 Seats up to 6 Adults 35

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GET SEATED SOONER QUICK SHIP PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE TO SHIP IN 3 4 BUSINESS DAYS Choose from our Quick Ship Poly Furniture Adirondack Chair Adirondack Folding Chair Adirondack Rocker See page 37 for color options 4 English Garden Bench Also Available 5 English Garden Bench Cup Holder only available with Adirondack chair NOT folding chair dining chair rocker or swings Footstool 36 End Table Cup Holder

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QUICK SHIP PRODUCTS Our Available Quick Ship Colors Quick Ship Products are available to ship in 3 4 Business Days CEDAR CEDAR BLACK WEATHERWOOD WEATHERWOOD BLACK COASTAL GRAY BLACK 15 minute assembly time CHERRYWOOD Add a cupholder table and foot rest to your Quick Ship order ARUBA BLUE WHITE LIGHT GRAY GRAY BLACK 37

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ENHANCE YOUR SPACE SOONER Quick Ship Products are available to ship in 3 4 Business Days Quick Ship Wood A rbors SHIPPED UNFINISHED 3 x 4 Roman Arch 30 x 48 Canterbury Arbor 38 3 x 6 Roman Arch 36 x 60 Canterbury Arbor WOOD ARBORS AVAILABLE IN UNFINISHED ONLY 37 x 60 Mt Vernon Arbor 5 x 9 Brandywine Arbor

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QUICK SHIP PRODUCTS Quick Ship Wood Furniture AVA I L A B L E I N U N F I N I S H ED O N LY Adirondack Chair Adirondack Folding Chair 5 English Garden Hanging Swing Also Available WOOD FURNITURE AVAILABLE IN UNFINISHED ONLY Adirondack Rocker Footstool 4 English Garden Hanging Swing 5 English Garden Bench Also Available End Table 4 English Garden Bench 39

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Choose to furnish your space with Patiova the fresh new way to Live Inside Out We believe you ll be extremely satisfied PATIOVA COM 2022