OUR SWEET RETREATTHE HISTORICAL JOURNEY OFTaking a stroll down memory lane...LABOR OF LOVE2012-2018RUPP FAMILYGarrett & Sheena Rupp, owners of local RuppFamily Builders, did the majority of theimprovements during their residency.From the foundation to the roof, theircreativity and craftsmanship brought thishome back from the past. Uniquely blendingthe old with the new, sourcing local vintagematerials to pair perfectly with modern dayfixtures & functionality...the number of theirenhancements is too long to list! And thesweet studio is their handiwork too.10925 SW WILSONVILLE RD | 503.805.4278 | INFO@OURSWEETRETREAT.NETOURSWEETRETREAT.NETWelcome to our 1910 historic gem2018-2021SHAWN & CYNTHIA KContributed many of the signature outdoorfeatures like the handcrafted wooden entrancesign, wooden gates, metal awnings on thestudio and other landscaping additions.2021-2022JOE & ERIK A DContributed many additional features like thetile shower in the upstairs bath, butcher blockisland in the kitchen, fireplace built-ins andfull renovation of the laundry/mud room. Plusthey added the bocce ball court. Joe & Erikahad a true eye for design and brought thewhole farmhouse aesthetic to the next level.We are so glad you are here and we hope you enjoy yourstay!When we purchased this property in 2022, we joined thehomeowners before us who have made significantcontributions (the creation of The Camping Corner beingthe most recent one by us) and left their special touches inloving and restoring this property so others can enjoy it.It brings us joy to continue the tradition of having thishomestead be a place for friends and family to gather. xo The Craddocks2012 2022
A local storyThis property has a noteworthy place in Wilsonville's history as havingonce been the personal residence of the Guiss family with the cross streetalso honoring the family name.Born in 1918, Dr. Russell Guiss was the youngest of three sons. Hegraduated from Woodburn High School and obtained both his B.S. andmedical degree from the University of Oregon. He served in the UnitedStates Army in WWII as a medical Officer in General Surgery where hereceived a medal in Victory & Army Occupation. Even with its manytransformations, an oldgrowth apple tree remainson the farm bringing fruiteach year and filbertshells are still being usedaround the property todayas a nod to the legacy andlives of those who haveonce lived here.While he was in Germany he met the love of his life, Norma May Weise ofAntigo, Wisc., a nurse in the U.S. Army Medical Corp. They were married inWurzburg, Germany and after his time in the military he returned toOregon as a practicing surgeon. In the early 50's his family lived in Salem where he was employed by theOregon State Hospital. In 1959 he opened Dammasch Hospital inWilsonville (where the Villebois community is now) as a Superintendentand retired there in 1980. Dr. Guiss was a valued leader in the mentalhealth system of Oregon for the majority of his career and a well-respected member of the Wilsonville community. In his personal time, Russell managed this property, which at the time wasa small farm where the family harvested filberts, grain and raised cows andsheep. Russell loved his children, grandchildren and people in general. Hetook pride in getting family and friends together for reunions.CONTRIBUTING SOURCE:19 72 PR ES S PHOTO D R RUSSE LL G UISSSU PERIN TE ND ENT O F DA MMASC H ST ATE H OS PI TALCR EDIT: HI ST ORICI MA GE S.COMSTATESMAN JOURNAL NEWSPAPER ARTICLE - AUGUST 30, 2012.