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Spiritual Surgery with Help from Another Dimension 8 Stomach Issues Surgery was the Solution 16 Inner we-being Sought Help for Her Back and It Was Something Else! 4 For those who want to know more about Am NRGs - Spritual Surgery - Healing 2024. Am NRGsEnergyBalance Read about different healing. methods!“The placebo effect does not appear in mice”

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Am NRGs - Spiritual Surgery - Healing Today, it is more widely accepted to communicate with spirits and meet deceased family members. Some mediums are very accurate, eliminating any doubt about who is visiting and has something to convey. Turning to a healer or, even more unusual, a specialist in spiritual surgery might seem strange. I understand that. It wasn’t long ago that I had the same thoughts. How is it even possible to help someone through the power of thoughts and energy, or perhaps even more peculiarly, in collaboration with a team from the universe? I will try to answer all the questions you may have and, above all, provide you with evidence! I understand that evidence can change our beliefs, no matter how strange it may sound. Even the most skeptical can be amazed and converted to believe. It happened to me, and now I work with spiritual surgery. Although I still have difficulty reconciling with the term “spiritual surgery,” there is no other established name. I will share some amazing experience that my client have experienced during my treatment with them. Those who share their experiences have chosen to use only their rst names because they are concerned about harassment. Who knows, maybe you will share your story here one day too? I welcome scientic scrutiny of my profession and hope to one day have the opportunity to work side by side with the medical community, as is done in many other countries, not just for myself but also for others who share my profession. There are some prominent healers in our world, such as Dr. Eric Pearl from the USA. He claims to help people reconnect with the universe and achieve healing for themselves and others. His patients report sudden recoveries from illnesses like cancer, AIDS-related conditions, and cerebral palsy. Dr. Pearl has appeared on several TV programs in the USA and other countries, lectured at the United Nations, and to full houses at Madison Square Garden. His seminars have been featured in many magazines and newspapers, including The New York Times. João de Deus, known as “John of God,” was a “spiritual doctor” who treated hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. Over eight million believers sought healing from him during his career in Brazil. His clientele included some of the world’s most famous people, such as Oprah Winfrey, among others. Spiritual surgery might be on the farthest end of the spectrum of unusual experiences, but at the same time, it is the most fantastic. When you are ill, what more can you wish for than to understand why you feel the way you do, get better, or even become healthy? Maybe even experience something extraordinary, like the sensation of oating or seeing a lm from your past life! Anneli Sandevik Am NRGs;

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8 23 26 14 20 Sought Help for Her Back 04 Tina thought she had heard and seen it all in the spiritual, psychic, and alternative field. 07 Research in Progress; Scaling Up and Selling Healing? Read about the latest research in the USA. 08 Spiritual Surgery with Help from Another Dimension No hocus pocus or quick fixes. 14 The Pill Addiction is Finally Gone! Maria had been on antidepressant medication for many years. 16 Stomach Issues, Surgery was the Solution I felt movement in my stomach, it stung and bubbled. 18 Veterinarian stated the dog was fine, but she stlll had constant pain Today, Mira is a completely new dog! A New Experience from a Skeptic 20 Edith had excluded alternative medicine from her teaching. “I knew nothing would happen.” 22 NCCIH Study with Energy Healing 31,000 participants in America took part in a 2015 report. Like Its Own Universe 23 The ability of an energy healer to influence multiple dimensions of the human body. 24 Placing Hope in Healing Malin has faced many setbacks and encounters a new one. On Different Healing Methods 26 List of various healing methods and their contents (brief version).

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4 | Energybalance “I never thought I would have such an experience here in Sweden, especially given my background with these kinds of things. It’s actually quite shocking—a strong word, but true.” Tina

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5 | Energybalance Sought Help for My Back, and It Was Something Else! My name is Tina, and I want to share my story and background with you to show that it is never too late to experience something new and incomprehensible in one’s later years. I thought I had seen and heard most things in the spiritual, mediumistic, and alternative field. My Background Since childhood, I have experienced various mediumistic phenomena, but my parents denied all of it. These experiences have intensied over the years, and now, at 83, many insights have become clearer to me. Particularly, my experience of visits from a deceased close relative, who came and went over many years, as well as the nightly visits from my dead dog. During my 14-year stay in Brussels, where I lived and worked, it was primarily there that I seriously opened up to the mediumistic world. I participated in many retreats, lectures, trainings, conventions, and large séances during my time in Brussels. Additionally, I had private sittings with both local and prominent gures. I even attended a convention where the Dalai Lama was present. The Dalai Lama spoke in very simple language, conveying love in a way that even a three-year-old could understand. He just was! It was a fantastic experience, like having chills all over your body the entire time. I also met Anthony Robbins, who had an associate named Brandon Bays, who wrote the book ”The Journey.” Brandon got cancer and, with Anthony’s help, used the power of thought to remove the tumor. Anthony was enormously inuential at the time, and I attended his conventions twice, both in Brussels and Amsterdam. It was an enormous experience! I trained to become a Reiki master in Brussels through a friend who had great knowledge and actively worked in the eld. ”As a female Freemason, initiated in Brussels, I am used to a world with certain secrets and special conditions, but this was something entirely new.” In Belgium, especially in Brussels, there are opportunities to explore and learn about various alternative treatments. Everything is allowed and open, and it is common to seek out alternative doctors, treatments, and pharmacies according to one’s own wishes. I spent a lot of time in such circles in Brussels, where it was completely normal to discuss mediumship. Just like everywhere in the world, there are people who are open to these topics and others who are not. A Whole New Experience The reason I sought out Anneli was because I had severe back pain. My daughter mentioned Anneli and suggested that I try a session. At that time, I didn’t know much about Anneli’s work and wondered what it was she did. And I have to say that it was fantastic, absolutely incredible. Anneli truly lived up to her good reputation. My expectations were simple—I had back pain and hoped for relief. But yes, it turned out to be something completely different than backpain. I was completely shocked when Anneli told me that the pain was not primarily in my back but in my arms. It was a real surprise to me because I had felt the pain in my back. I didn’t know that the pain was in my arms at that time, but when we started to examine and look at my arms, I might have thought they were a little swollen, even though I hadn’t felt anything. Then, when Anneli took hold of my arms and pointed to the area, I suddenly discovered large lumps on both arms. She urged me to contact a doctor, which I did. 

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6 | Energybalance A doctor and occupational therapist conrmed that it was Lateral Epicondylitis, inammation in the arms. It felt really uplifting that it was accurate! It was reassuring to get conrmation that what Anneli does is real. When Anneli started treating the inammation, it felt like a silver chain running through my body. First through my feet, then up through my legs, along my body, into my arms, and up to my head. Then it became warm where she placed her hands. When Anneli worked on one side of my back, it felt as if someone else was working on the other side, which was quite incomprehensible. When Anneli worked on one foot, it felt as if someone else was working on the other foot at the same time! Anneli concentrated on my right foot, but it felt like there was also work being done on my left foot simultaneously. An incredible feeling! I have never experienced this before or even heard of anything like it in all my years! Never ever! It’s about the real sensation of someone actually working on the body, where you feel ngers—like ngers kneading, or whatever I should call it, but it was not Anneli’s ngers. ”You can’t see or touch what Anneli accomplishes, and for us humans, it’s very strange because it’s hard to shake the feeling of ‘is this really happening?’ But right then and there, it really clicked for me. Truly!” When Anneli stopped working, these feelings of kneading continued for a while, especially on the foot that had been operated on and had a lot of problems. And the same thing happened at the top of my body. When Anneli was done, it continued. Completely incredible, astonishing! After three treatments with Anneli, the inammation in my arms has actually more or less disappeared. There were some small remnants and a bit left of the lumps, but it was quite amazing. My whole body, my entire being, reacted so strongly to everything Anneli did. Now I feel much, much better! Acceptance What remains for me is to be realistic. At my age, I have age-related ailments and wear and tear here and there, which no human can remove. But the pain and problems I sought help for, the acute pain, Anneli has managed to remove. We really need to wake up in Sweden and try to understand this aspect. The reason people experience more abroad is probably because it is more accepted there than it is in Sweden, which is tragic. I would undoubtedly recommend Anneli. She truly ts as an expert in spiritual surgery and healing in any country! See the lm of the rst session when the discovery about the arms comes to light; asandevik (Facebook and Instagram).

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7 | Energybalance “Placebo effects do not apply to mice as they lack the awareness of undergoing healing processes. Despite this, positive results from healing can be demonstrated.” Research in Progress: Scaling Up and Selling Healing? Studies have been conducted on mice at various universities in the USA, where cancer cells were implanted and allowed to grow. It is well-known and clinically proven within the research community that all these mice typically die within a specied timeframe of one month. During the practice of hands-on healing, whether the hands are placed directly on or above the mice, it is observed that the cancer tumors continue to grow until they eventually implode and gradually heal and the cancer tumors are gone. Although the process runs its course, the nal result is completely different. The mice are considered immune and cannot be infected again by the same gene. This scenario consistently recurs among all the mice in these studies, and similar results are observed with distance healing. With strong evidence, the research is now moving forward. Benjamin Franklin once pondered whether electricity had anything to do with lightning, as lightning consists of electricity. He asked himself: Can I store it and sell it? This was about 250 years ago. Today, most people are familiar with his invention—the battery! Now, the possibility of storing and selling healing is being discussed. Ongoing studies at universities in the USA are exploring methods for storage and scaling, similar to battery principles, to increase accessibility. Cotton, water, and sound are fundamental elements in these studies, where healing is applied to these materials. Although the effects do not reach the same level as hands- on healing and distance healing, they are considered close and seen as a promising path for future scaling. It can be viewed as a potential alternative to pharmaceuticals, especially considering that some medications can lose their effectiveness, cause side effects, and sometimes be harmful to patients. The studies still face challenges as we do not yet fully understand how healing works, and scaling up while maintaining its actual effect is complex. What makes the studies particularly interesting is that those conducting the research are not believers themselves, as they want to avoid generating inaccurate results under any circumstances. Bill Bengston is a professor at St. Joseph’s University in New York and has been conducting research in healing for 30 years. To learn more about his studies, visit [](http://

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8 | Energybalance Spiritual Surgery with Help from Another Dimension! During the first visit, some people may feel massaging and pressing movements on knots and between vertebrae, even in places where my hands are not located. My team always finds the right spot to perform their work. – Anneli Sandevik, Am NRGs. Who are you? My name is Anneli Sandevik, and I have had a mediumistic ability and sensed energies since I was young. Some of my experiences were very strong and signicantly inuenced my life. Despite this, I set these energies aside for many years until I could no longer ignore them. When I nally chose to explore my ability, the answers came immediately, and it felt as if they had been waiting for me. Today, I have a fantastic collaboration with a team from the universe, the Pleiades, in healing. During our sessions, many can feel their presence and touch, which sometimes leads to magical experiences! What mediumistic abilities do you possess? I have abilities that make me seeing, hearing, and feeling. I receive messages, and I have visited the spiritual side to receive strong messages, especially in connection with the death of close relatives. For a period, I also had a spirit child interacting with me in various ways. I have received messages throughout my upbringing, including strong warnings in my ears when needed. Additionally, electronics like TVs and lamps have reacted in my presence. There are many experiences I could share. “For me, spiritual surgery is not something hocus pocus or a quick fix. Usually, it requires several sessions before magic happens, as the body often needs to be prepared and carefully examined.” Discovery of the Healing Ability It happened at a restaurant where I suddenly started shaking uncontrollably. Confused by this, I contacted a doctor to understand why it was happening and what I could do about it. I had long suffered from a disease, tremor in my hands, which led to severe shaking. But now, after healing myself, it is almost completely gone. I was strongly affected by everything that happened during that period. The doctor understood nothing. He stated that he could not nd any faults, despite a skull X-ray showing a harmless cyst in the middle of the brain center. The cyst could not be surgically removed and should not affect me in the way I experienced. This inexplicable situation made me despair because I felt clearly that something was wrong. After the meeting with the doctor, I had an appointment with the well-known Swedish medium Benny Rosenqvist for another matter, but I took the opportunity to ask if he understood why I was shaking so much in my body. He told me that I was not sick but rather mediumistic like himself.

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“A thought is also a form of energy. The power of thought may affect us more than we realize. When we release negative energy into our system, we influence our cells and cell growth. Belief is also the body’s strongest defense.“ 9 | Energybalance

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10 | Energybalance He also predicted that I would work in the eld in the near future and that it would go well. However, he did not provide any further explanation. Shortly after a long weekend course to develop my psychic abilities, held by Benny Rosenqvist and Helena Magdalena, I discovered that it was when I practiced my healing ability that my body started to vibrate and shake. This happened especially when I worked on people who were mentally exhausted or had pain in one or more parts of their body. In that moment, I received answers to many questions I had carried for years about my psychic ability and its purpose. It now became clear to me what had happened years ago when I was at a restaurant and my body started shaking for what I thought was no reasons, but now I realize that I was performing healing on someone close to me since that is what is always happening now when I heal people, I vibrate and shake and amazing things happens. They experienced their head and body responding, and for some, pain they had felt for a long time disappeared – and it happened quickly! How does it feel when you start working? I am very sensitive to energy elds and have always assumed everyone else feels the same. It was only when I started working with this that I realized most people do not experience energy in the same intense way I do. My process starts by sensing the energy eld around the person I’m working with, similar to plugging into an outlet when I begin the session. Many also feel my energy eld during the work, which can be very palpable. When I then take hold of the person’s hands, I feel like I’m transferring energy from me to them, adjusting the amount of energy based on their needs. Aren’t you tired, drained from sharing all this energy? No, I don’t get tired or drained because it is constantly replenished from above. During the work, the energy is continually replenished, and additional support comes from the side through my collaboration with a team. Some people can clearly feel that we are several working together. Before major gatherings and tasks, my energy is lled the evening before. It is necessary for me to sit down because it can become very powerful when energy is relled. “Sometimes in my team, we raise the energy level and count down. Then knees can move, joints adjust, and operations inside the body can take place. I maintain the energy while my team performs the work.” When my body starts shaking and vibrating during the work, I get more tired. Sometimes I experience intense heat and start sweating, and that warmth is transferred to the person I’m working with. My body signals to me what needs to be done, and I often feel the other person’s bodily processes when the energy is transferred. It’s a unique process where I can sometimes anticipate what will happen in their body before it actually does. I guide the person through the process so they are not afraid, and they usually experience it as very positive, calming, and pleasant – something they have rarely experienced before. Signals, is that something psychic? When I scan a body, I interpret various signals I receive. It can be indications of a specic body part or even mental health issues that the person needs help with. Sometimes I also get immediate knowledge of what disease the person may have. After that, I conrm the information I’ve received by asking my guide. Many times, the person is already aware of their illness/disease. If not, I tell them what I think it might be or which area it concerns. If necessary, I refer them elsewhere. Diagnosing and medical assessments of health conditions, whether mental or physical, should always be done by doctors or other licensed healthcare professionals. Sometimes the energy does not focus on an expected place, which may mean I cannot provide further help there. It may also be that other places have higher priority or that everything is interconnected within a larger context. Some diseases can be challenging to work with, and it may take time and effort to see improvement. I welcome collaboration with doctors and psychologists because they possess extensive knowledge that I do not have. Their years of education and experience are something I rely on, and I respect their conclusions after conducting examinations. Nowadays, doctors often have limited time and can only focus on the specic area where the patient is

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11 | Energybalance Anneli Sandevik experiencing pain. This can lead to the patient receiving answers like ”you are not sick” because the doctor may not nd anything wrong with the specic body part the patient is seeking help for. This could mean that the problem is not there, but it was the triggering factor for another disease. The limited time can result in frustration for both the patient and the doctor. In my work I see myself, and others, who work similarly as intermediaries. For me, it usually takes a short time to locate the area where the person has a problem. I strongly believe that if we collaborated, the person would in most cases receive the correct diagnosis and help much faster. This could lead to a more effective and comprehensive healthcare approach. It’s important to have realistic expectations about the effectiveness of my treatment and to continue to follow up with a doctor to monitor the progress of the disease and ensure that healing treatment is working as planned. A client can then receive support with rehabilitation and promote faster recovery if needed. This is a working method used in many other countries today. Healing is complementary and never an alternative to current healthcare Disease can be seen as a system error in the body’s information network, and when this system is disrupted, it needs to be corrected. Discussions are ongoing in various groups about how this can be done, and there are amazing stories worldwide of miraculous recoveries where people have the ability to send positive information and electromagnetic impulses to accelerate recovery. Research is ongoing, and it is worth remembering that once upon a time, people believed the Earth was at, whereas we now know it is round, even though we cannot see it with the naked eye. “On a couple of occasions, diseases have not even been alleviated, or I have not managed to find what I was sought for. It is always important to seek professional help from a doctor, for example, for a thorough examination. What I cannot find, a doctor may possibly identify, and vice versa.” *New research shows that the heart and brain communicate more than previously thought. And it is the heart that affects your senses, needs, and deepest feelings for other people. The human body is complex, but simplied, there are theories that suggest our energy eld informs the heart about what is happening around us, which in turn sends signals to the brain to interpret and relay to the body. For example, the energy eld (magnetic eld) helps regulate our body temperature and blood pressure, but how this occurs remains a mystery. The World Health Organization (WHO) has found through studies that various healing techniques can have positive effects on a range of health outcomes such as stress, anxiety, sleep, and wellbeing. Team I collaborate with a team that varies in number depending on the task. A consistent part of my team comes from the universe, specically from the Pleiades. When my own intuition falters, my team assists me in nding the right path and informs me about where the need exists. Meeting me will be similar to meeting a health care professional. My working method is straightforward; I talk, ask questions, and sense your energy eld. If you prefer silence during the session, that’s ne, but if you wish to share your experience as it happens, that’s completely okay too, as healing energies work regardless of the method. No preparation is needed before the meeting, and you keep your clothes on (we remove shoes). I do not use incense, singing bowls, or enter into a trance.

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12 | Energybalance Additionally, other highly developed masters and angels may come and participate in our collaboration. Furthermore, other highly developed masters and angels can come and participate in our collaboration. Instead of communicating with a deceased relative, I engage in dialogue with these spiritual entities. Some individuals with psychic abilities can see these spiritual beings, while others sense their presence through touch. Those who have experienced this describe it as a wonderful experience. I would say that approximately one out of four people can actually sense multiple spirits or entities in the room when we are connected. Courses in the Psychic Realm I have attended an extensive weekend course and a few evening courses. If I had the opportunity, I would gladly participate in more. Despite not attending many courses, my interest in the subject has been kept alive by meeting and interacting with many mediums over the years. Several mediums have wondered why I did not pursue this full-time, given my ability. My response was usually that life got in the way. In addition, I have immersed myself in various psychic techniques through extensive reading. There is extensive knowledge to be gained from various books on the subject. After that, it is only through consistent training, repetition, and further practice that I have achieved the results I aim for in my work. But I learned my current technique, to sense energy, in the longer weekend course I attended. After the course, I experience everything much more clearly! How do you recharge your energy? I do not need to actively recharge energy because I spontaneously receive it. However, I believe it is important to have personal time and the opportunity to just be. Sitting in nature and letting thoughts ow freely is something I value. Currently, I nd it difficult to follow others’ meditation techniques, but since we are here to evolve, you never know what the future may bring. Can one discover their own psychic abilities through your channel? Absolutely! It happens that people discover their own psychic abilities through my channel. Visitors who already work with healing or psychic counseling come to me for further development. ”Sometimes, during sessions, one can experience magical moments such as the sensation of floating, feeling warm hugs, or seeing beautiful images/movies that the universe shows. It can take hours or even days before fully recovering from such an experience.” My channel is powerful, and it becomes even stronger when someone with experience in the eld participates. They may receive messages or see images/movies that help them in their development. This communication occurs between the person and the universe. Sometimes, I receive information that they want to convey a message or show something (even if I do not see it myself ). They often thank the person for the work they put in and send a lot of love. I believe in collaborations among light bearers. Personally, I am open and welcome information and power from others working in the eld through various methods like psychic guidance, Tarot cards, or other healing techniques like Reiki. We cannot be masters of everything. I delegate areas to others whom I feel do a better job in areas that I do not master or am currently interested. We always learn something new that enriches our own journey. It is absolutely wonderful to be part of others’ magical power. You talk about healing yourself? I have experienced self-healing on a few occasions. Once was after I got a letter stating they needed to see me again since they had discovered a change in one breast. I asked my helpers to focus on me, and I could feel an inner healing taking place. At the subsequent examination, the doctor found nothing in the breast. I am grateful that I was alerted to this change in my breast so I could start working on it. When and why did you decide to change career paths? My marketing manager position was removed when the company I worked for was bought , I saw it as an opportunity to explore new possibilities with my own development. I took time to reect and then chose to switch career paths to the psychic realm. Over the years, I have undergone various training in communication and mental coaching (mindfulness). I have since used this to educate others. In my previous position as marketing manager, I followed strict rules where misleading offers are avoided by

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13 | EnergybalanceElectrified Soda drink Heavy feeling Heat/Cold Tears/Laughter Calm Twitches Talking Stomachs Images Breathing Movements Rolls Reactions during healing Senses electricity (like a part of the body that moves away) Waves of energy, sometimes in specic areas On parts, for ex. difficult to lift the legs May feel sweaty or experience cold Peaceful tears or inexplicable laughter Clear vision, big eyes, and a spreading Eye movements and twitches in eyelids Stomachs that rumble and talk inexplicably In 3rd person, past lives or sporadic Changes in breathing, snoring Sweeping, and like during surgery Head, nger or foot rolls As Anneli works with matter to matter, pain may surface making it feel worse, both emotionally and mentally, for a short time. This creates conditions to restore the body and achieve better energy balance. What can a person experience during a visit with you? See the image above. It describes the experiences quite well. Maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding stressful situations are important for maintaining our energy levels at a healthy level. By taking care of ourselves and doing things that we nd enjoyable and relaxing, we can help the body recover from injuries and illnesses. Energy is a crucial factor in maintaining good mental health and a positive mood. Receiving “energy refueling” (such as through healing) can only do one good! This article addresses the most common questions Anneli has received. Watch videos where people share their experiences on my social media channels, Facebook and Instagram; @asandevik. including only facts with reliable evidence. Therefore, I place great importance on documenting with videos, where some clients are willing to share their personal medical examinations for evidence. I always communicate that I believe rather than assert that I know, and I always encourage clients to seek professional care when needed. Important to remember! Each client has their own unique experience. I am bound by condentiality, so it is up to the client to choose to share any information that may arise. By encouraging more people to share their experiences, we create a more open society. And as more of us normalize this, more will eventually nd it okay to visit us for healing. Development in the future Interestingly, I receive messages concerning the future, messages that I do not yet know exactly how to interpret or convey. Currently, I am documenting and writing down these messages so that, when the time comes, I can share them. I have truly learned to be open to new opportunities, as we never really know what tomorrow has to offer. * the living Matriix, with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp, Prof. Rupert Sheldrake

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14 | Energybalance The Tablet Dependency is Finally Gone! For twelve years, I found myself in a very stressful life situation, resulting in both exhaustion and depression. To cope, I chose to use antidepressant medications. Even though my life eventually (after 12 years) improved and simplied, I continued with the medication. During a session with Anneli, she asked me if I was taking any tablets because she sensed a metallic taste in her mouth. I then revealed that I had been taking antidepressant medication for many years and had tried to quit on my own several times. The doctors usually suggested a higher dose when I felt worse or was having a particularly tough time. I really wanted to try to quit eventually because I felt that I might no longer need them as I did initially, thanks to my drastically improved life situation. I had hoped for guidance from the doctors and that they would inform me on how to taper off the medication. However, it was very difficult, as I became frustrated, angry, easily irritated, and had trouble persevering when I tried to quit. The physical symptoms were also tough, including restless legs, headaches, and double vision. For twelve years, I found myself in a very stressful life situation, resulting in both exhaustion and depression. To cope, I chose to use antidepressant medications. Even though my life eventually (after 12 years) improved and simplified, I continued with the medication.

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15 | Energybalance This led me to increase my medication again instead of the opposite. I sought help from various psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, and therapists over the years. Some were very helpful and provided me with tools to manage the difficult life situation. On the other hand, some felt helpless and could not help me move forward. None of them tried to help me quit the medication. I felt very numb all those years. Nothing was really enjoyable. I lost the joy in life and was merely “surviving.” Things that had previously interested me no longer did. I walked my dog but didn’t see the colors in nature or the light. Everything blended together. Anneli suggested that she try to help me, and it was successful. When I started reducing the medication, I was taking 225 mg, and I independently lowered the dose by 25 mg at a time. Throughout the process, I met with Anneli continuously, and she helped replenish my energy while gradually getting the medication out of my system. We had to take it slow to allow my body to adapt. We also worked with mindfulness during this period to help me manage everything. It was really challenging a few times during those months, but I discussed it with Anneli, and we kept moving forward. After each session with Anneli, I felt relief and improvement. I persevered until all the medication was completely out of my system. Only now do I feel that I am starting to get closer to the person I really am, as I was before. It’s easy to lose yourself when a part of your personality is removed. Now I am starting to see colors in life again and feel more joy! It has now been a few months since I became free from my dependency on these tablets. I have learned many valuable insights that I will carry with me and now also have the opportunity to share my experience with others. In 2020, 65 percent of Sweden’s population took at least one prescription medication. For women, the proportion was 73 percent, including contraceptives. The corresponding gure for men was 57 percent. Medications for high blood pressure are the group of drugs used by the most people. A total of just over 2.1 million patients took this type of medication. The next most common groups are painkillers, antibiotics, allergy medications, and antidepressants, all of which are collected by more women than men. The difference is greatest for antidepressants, prescribed to 14 percent of women compared to 7 percent of men. Source: Drug Registry, National Board of Health and Welfare. Sweden

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16 | Energybalance The doctor determined that I had hemorrhoids and prescribed rectal ointment and suppositories for it. Unfortunately, my stomach and intestines were not helped. After that, I tried eating prunes to make my stool softer. “I experienced a clear difference between distance healing and in-person healing. The gentler start may have been because Anneli wanted to prepare my mind and body for what was to come? But the warmth and vibrations she imparted in person added an extra dimension to the entire experience. And to feel like I was floating was truly something extraordinary!” The stomach in disarray, the surgery was the salvation I am Elaine and have struggled with constipation issues for many years. The pain has escalated every year and became almost unbearable during bathroom visits. Many years ago, I sought help from doctors who checked my stomach and the bowel exit. When that didn’t help, I tried Dulcolax, but eventually, even that provided no relief. I took laxatives once a week as nothing else seemed to work. In the end, I didn’t know what to do, as it felt like I had tried everything I had read about.

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17 | Energybalance Additionally, I have osteoarthritis in both knees, conrmed by X-ray. When you don’t feel well and need help and don’t get it through conventional care, why not try something else, I thought. I had nothing to lose. So, I wanted to see if Anneli could possibly help me with remote healing. I had no opportunity to travel at that time. The preparation, remotely Anneli was in Stockholm and I was in Sundsvall. We had phone contact before and after the session. As I lay on my bed and relaxed, I felt a tingling sensation in my body. It felt as if a current was owing through my entire body. A current that moved towards my abdomen. I felt bubbling in my stomach and my intestinal peristalsis went into overdrive. At the end of the half-hour session, I began to sob and tears just streamed down my cheeks. The second session I experienced in the same way except at the end. This time there were no tears but instead, I started giggling. After the healing, I felt very good. It felt like I had more energy and stamina. A few hours after both occasions, I had a thorough bowel movement. My stomach functioned better. In person When the third session was conducted, it was in person, and the experience was intense. Even before Anneli began, I felt the energy. When she placed her hands on my abdomen, it was like a steamroller passing over me. The pressure was overwhelming, and the heat from Anneli’s hands intensied the experience. Additionally, her hands vibrated intensely, and these vibrations penetrated deep into my body. I then experienced alternating periods of warmth and vibrations. A stream of energy and tingling sensations permeated my body. The focus was on my stomach, and I noticed that my joints became softer with reduced pain. The positive effect lasted for a longer period, which was incredibly relieving. Then there was a fourth session, after a longer break, and this too was conducted in person. “During the session, Anneli informed me that her guide had indicated that I had polyps in my intestines that needed to be removed.” Anneli prepared me for the procedure and described exactly what could be expected, and it happened just as she said. It felt like a burning, stinging, and bubbling activity in my stomach. Anneli emphasized that it was more important to address the stomach than the joints, and I realized that sometimes things need to be dealt with in the right order. According to her, the stomach had a much stronger energy eld. Floating in white light After the spiritual surgery, I got to oat in a white light. I wanted to stay in that feeling because it was so incredibly beautiful that I can’t describe the sensation. For over an hour after the session, I sat down and had difficulty concentrating on anything else. The tears just owed and couldn’t be stopped. It took several days to get back to everyday life. I still think about it sometimes and am amazed by this event! A few days after the latest and fourth session, I went to the toilet. And then a lot of blood-mixed stool came out, mixed with blood clots. And this happened on three more occasions. Afterwards, I was able to go to the toilet as usual and my stool was normal. Now it has been over 6 months since the fourth session, and my stomach works like clockwork. If it weren’t for Anneli’s efforts and her help with my stomach, I would have had to seek a doctor again – now even more urgently! Now I have an appointment with the doctor for my osteoarthritis. Unfortunately, there is a long waiting list for help and you have to go through a specic program before being approved for surgery. So, it may very well be that I will take help from healing until this is resolved. For now, I know it works. They may not be able to help me completely get rid of my osteoarthritis since it is a wear-and-tear injury, but they can certainly alleviate it. And that’s not a bad thing either. And now that my stomach is good, maybe they can work a little more on this part of my body. Once the pain is gone, you quickly forget how hard it is to be in pain all the time. It eventually gets into your head.

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18 | EnergybalanceDogs clearly show what they need help with. It can be on parts of their body that their owner doesn’t easily touch. After a session, they often get so tired that they lie down to sleep, even if they just rested. Sometimes, if they feel better, they get a burst of crazy energy. They really can’t hide their feelings and experiences.

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19 | Energybalance Mira is a rescue dog from Greece that we, Maria and Patrik, adopted when our other dog started getting older, about a year and a half ago. We wanted to give Mira a better life, a fresh start with us and our other dog, Maja. Shortly after Maja’s passing, we moved to another home, which affected Mira signicantly. We felt the need to ease her psychological pain. The goal of the healing for Mira was primarily to alleviate the clear fear she showed after the stressful move. Her stomach was an issue, and she was reluctant to go out for long walks. We aimed to support her natural healing process and promote a harmonious energy balance to create calm in the new environment. So, we contacted Anneli to see what she could contribute, and the results exceeded our expectations! Anneli used hands-on healing and spiritual surgery, where she placed her hands on or above Mira to transfer energy. It was clear how Mira reacted to the energy. She sought closeness to Anneli, sitting or lying down, and observed both Anneli and her own body. It was evident that she was reecting on what was happening. Sometimes she became tired and rested for a while, only to return and seek attention from Anneli, almost as if begging her to continue. It was a fascinating experience, especially considering she had never shown such a clear desire for help before. ”The energy conveyed feels stronger on a dog than on a human because the body weight is less. This means the dog needs to rest in between and perhaps return a few times during a regular session.” Toward the end of the sessions, she yawned repeatedly, something I had never seen her do either before or after these occasions. After each session, she seemed to become increasingly relaxed and cooperative, just as we had hoped. During the third session, a clear popping sound was heard, and her reaction was intense – she seemed puzzled and didn’t quite know how to handle it. Mira turned her head several times during the sessions and looked towards her back. She had a hump, and the vet who received us when she arrived in Sweden claimed that there were no issues with her. We relied on the vet’s assessment. After the third session, Mira’s back was suddenly straight! Now you can pet her there as much as you want, and you can even ruffle and grab her hindquarters without her arching her back. Anneli returned for a fourth session, and once again, Mira was like a sticker on her. Anneli conrmed that even more energy was owing, and we wondered why. The answer would soon be revealed! Mira became lively and playful as never before. She played like an entirely normal two-year-old dog and gained increased energy, mobility, and vitality. Additionally, she integrated much better with other dogs. It is truly fantastic! See a video of the third session when the popping occurs; asandevik (Facebook and Instagram). Veterinarian stated the dog was fine, but she stlll had constant pain

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20 | Energybalance A New Experience from a Skeptic “Owning a large garden with lots of beautiful roses is wonderful. But when you can no longer take care of them, it can quickly become a burden. That was the case for me! Nowadays, I can spend hours outside tending to them, and then actually have the energy to enjoy.” To live with chronic pain is difficult and limiting in many ways. Migraines and back pain have been my companions for many years. The body’s main supporting parts, the head and the spine, have sometimes failed at the same time. It’s not easy to stay positive, be kind to yourself and others, and function in daily life. Several times, I was bedridden for days, even weeks, using straws and diapers. After hospital visits, I was sent home with morphine and a cocktail of painkillers. Sometimes, it could be 16-18 pills daily to be able to work. A friend recommended acupuncture, but I turned a deaf ear. Years passed, and I began considering back surgery. My mother said migraines would ease after 70. Twice a year, I also got sinus infections. Finally, I decided to try acupuncture. Not out of conviction (I’m a scientist!) – but out of desperation. It worked for me, and I continued for several years. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization had also approved acupuncture as a treatment for several conditions. So now it was ”OK” for me. When I could no longer afford it, it was back to painkillers. I gave up traveling and attending performances because I couldn’t sit for more than an hour, nor stand for long periods. Life went on, but it became poorer and lost something, as every movement had to be planned to minimize pain. Anneli Sandevik witnessed my life. We listened to each other’s stories about our ailments. One day, she started talking about healing. I didn’t say that I had deliberately excluded it from my teaching in basic medical courses and alternative medicine (I’m a scientist!) because 1) there was no scientic

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21 | Energybalance Edith research and 2) I judged that it wasn’t reasonable for it to work. End of story. Some more time passed, and Anneli came and ”wanted to borrow me” to try healing. ”Yeah, yeah - go ahead and play,” I thought, and we started. ”I knew nothing would happen.” And it wasn’t dramatic, just that I became very calm and slept well – which doesn’t usually happen. However, the second and third sessions led to several consecutive days without headaches or back pain, my sinuses cleared, I could walk up the stairs, and stand on one leg without my back giving way and ending up on my knees. “Now, I’m no longer hesitant to go to Anneli for a top-up or ask for help when something happens with my body or mind.” What is this now? I started looking for research results and books to see if there was any serious documentation. To my surprise, there was quite a bit. I’m not claiming that I understand how this works. I will continue to read, test, and follow up. However, this experience has taught me once again that I don’t know and can’t predict everything. There are mathematical equations with multiple solutions. And every day without pain is a gift for which I am innitely grateful. I don’t really understand how healing works, but at least I understand a little more than before and I am willing to walk that path. This doesn’t mean that I’m switching sides, but that I combine and move between the two worlds. Stockholm University, the Biology program, and Stockholm University College of Teaching I studied biology in the 1980s and believe I have a solid foundation to teach and stay updated on developments in various areas of biology and medicine. At that time, ”alternative methods” were not discussed except in negative terms. Later, in the late 1990s, a course was offered at the Karolinska Institute called ”Alternative and Complementary Medicine” worth 7.5 credits. What I remember from that course is a supercial overview of various methods, focusing on those considered not effective, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and healing. Today, the Karolinska Institute has a Center for Integrative Health where the course is offered in an updated form. Integrative medicine combines knowledge and treatment methods from both conventional and alternative medicine, including areas like Mind-Body Medicine. Personally, I do not have a deep understanding of what this specically entails, but I hope for increased openness to other medical methods. Such an approach would broaden the knowledge of healthcare professionals and potentially reduce unnecessary suffering for patients.

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22 | EnergybalanceIn fact, energy elds, also known as bioeld therapies, have become a practical choice for many. Reports from 2015 indicate that many hospitalized and outpatient (where the patient travels to their treatment) patients have found relief from their chronic pain and mobility limitations through healing. 1,6 million adult Americans book an energy healing therapist at least once a year. when 31,000 participants took part in the survey in America, 55% reported that the complementary health interventions they received from their energy practitioners (healers) helped improve their overall health and promoted their sense of wellbeing and renewal. Reports from 2015 indicate that healing, for example, helped hospital patients alleviate their mobility restrictions and chronic pain across different age groups. Moreover, it was shown that the treatment could be both pain-relieving and used to treat cancer more profoundly, as well as an effective aid in palliative care (relief-oriented care and treatment for incurable diseases). It was also effective for individuals with heart disease, dementia, and arthritis. Additional reports also mention that energy healing can alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. Further research from 2017 showed that bioeld therapy could be helpful for patients with bromyalgia. The NCCIH study on energy healing revealed that It helped reduce symptoms of tenderness, chronic widespread pain, and depression in those suffering from the condition. These effects facilitated patients in managing their health conditions. Since side effects are incredibly rare, the treatment’s effects have left a noticeable impression. Despite healing having been around for thousands of years, there is not enough research to prove its individual effectiveness. 55% of participants experiencing improved health after healing

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As its own universe An energy healer has the ability to influence several dimensions of the human body. The body consists of trillions of particles or subatomic particles, such as neutrons, protons, and electrons. Each has its unique pattern of rotation. When they change direction, that’s when they generate corresponding energy. When these particles group together, they produce overlapping energy waves. This is how they create our energy eld. The entire pattern these waves create is what constitutes the bioeld. The moment our particle waves are out of sync is when the body suffers. The purpose of bioeld therapy is to create coherence in the particle waves that align well with the body’s emotional, mental, and physical aspects. Restoring balance becomes a therapeutic touch that is healthy, structured, and maintains good equilibrium. There is ample evidence supporting the use of techniques like these. However, more comprehensive data is needed to evaluate their long-term impact. Despite limited research, these techniques have existed for thousands of years, meaning they still have the potential to offer remarkable benets. These therapies can be used as an effective tool in a person’s treatment plan, especially if they have been managing pain or unstable mental, emotional, and physical patterns. Conclusions Reference; rootshealth/202108/bioeld-therapy-chronic-conditions-what-are-the-facts. In a paraphrased and abbreviated version. Alignment Out of sync Restoration

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24 | Energybalance Hope Lies in Healing New tests were taken in early September and quickly returned, with the doctor informing me that a referral had been sent to a liver specialist due to the elevated values. A few days later, the doctor informed me that the referral had been bounced back, as the values were not considered acutely elevated. Instead, further tests were recommended at the health center. The new tests came back with the news that the referral had been sent to the gastro department at SÖS (the hospital” Soder sjukhuset” in Stockholm) I chose to contact Anneli, who had previously helped me with back problems, hands, and high blood pressure values through healing, which had resulted in impressive outcomes. See reference on or asandevik (Facebook/Instagram). I wanted to explore the possibility of getting help from her again before considering starting treatment with chemotherapy and high doses of cortisone, to ensure that I had explored all options. During Anneli’s rst session, I noticed a swelling just above the liver area, as if space was being made inside. A few days later, it was time for the next session, and the sensation was the same but not as strong or intense. The week before the tests were to be taken, we decided to carry out three days of closely connected sessions for the best effect. During these occasions, I experienced a weak but sharp pain in the same spot during all three sessions. In the rst of these three, it felt as if something was moving along the inner edge of the liver, followed by at times weak and at other times intense pain – it was like a ball spinning around in there. The same experience recurred during the second session, with a lot of warmth and the spinning ball. In the third session, the feeling was similar, but now it diminished somewhat. I localized the ball between the navel and the end of the sternum on the right, not far into the liver. At this point, the rolling pain disappeared and was replaced by small stings in the same area as the ”ball” was removed. After the third session, I was clearly affected, felt a sense of illness, and the body needed to rest and recover. Before I was to leave the tests, I met with Anneli for a nal session. This session was signicantly calmer; the feeling of the painful ball was still there, but I was not as bloated and not as warm at all. I received a call to the gastro department in early November, and a week before the planned visit, I took blood tests at SÖS hospital. At the doctor’s visit, the doctor informed me that I most likely had autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). There is a microscopic chance that it could be fatty liver, and they are considering doing a biopsy before starting medical treatment. AIH is a chronic condition that cannot be cured or alleviated through diet or other lifestyle changes. Later, I requested new tests from the health center, as I felt that a change had occurred after these healing sessions. These tests were carried out at the end of November. My test results had signicantly improved, and they included infection tests since AIH is an inammatory disease (B—SR and CRP). During a medical examination in the spring of 2023, changes in my liver values were discovered, leading to an ultrasound to investigate a possi-ble fatty liver – however, the ultrasound showed this was not the case.

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25 | Energybalance Test Results after Healing Between September 8 and December 28, 2023, these test values have decreased: P-ASAT from 0.96 to 0.71, which is a test to assess the condition and potential damage of the liver. P-A LAT from 1.59 to 1.18, which is used to evaluate the degree of liver damage through blood analysis. P-ALP from 5.1 to 3.2, which is a test to measure the activity in the bile and bile ducts. Between October 6 and November 28, 2023, B-SR (the ”sedimentation reaction”) decreased from 47 to 32, indicating inammation or infection in the body. Malin I followed up with gastro and the doctor I had seen there. She originally changed the plan from doing a biopsy to instead sending a referral for an MRI for further investigation of AIH. At the same time, I continued with sessions with Anneli to lower my values, which gave positive results as they quickly decreased. After the follow-up, I requested to take further blood tests. These tests were taken at the end of December at SÖS, and I quickly received results from the blood tests, but I am still missing feedback from the doctor. I continue my sessions with Anneli, and changes occur, but not to the same extent. Now I mainly feel warmth without pain. Occasionally, there can be a small sting or two in the same area where the ball was previously located, but it is nothing more than that. On each occasion, I also experience a sensation of hands and a light pressure over the liver, even if Anneli’s hands are higher up in the air or on another part of the body. “This is a complex disease with a long-term investigation and treatment by the medical field, and the number of healing treatment sessions may increase as the goal is to achieve complete recovery.”

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26 | EnergybalanceEach healing method is characterized by its unique principles and approaches, but overall, they aim to promote physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. With the extensive variety of healing methods available, it can be challenging to identify which method best suits your needs. Your choice may be inuenced by personal beliefs, previous experiences, and what appeals to you the most. Important factors also include the personal chemistry and trust in the practitioner’s level of competence, as well as any spiritual connection. A healer is an individual who works to facilitate healing in others, usually through various methods involving energy transfer, touch, or other techniques. Healing strives to restore balance and promote well-being on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. There are different specializations within healers, each focusing on various areas. On the other hand, a spiritual therapist is an individual who combines therapeutic techniques with spiritual principles to support clients’ spiritual well-being and development. These therapists work on spiritual, emotional, and mental levels to help people handle challenges, explore their spirituality, and achieve inner balance. Methods can vary from meditation and energy healing to visualization and other spiritual exercises, tailored to the therapist’s training and philosophy. On Different Healing Methods It’s important to nd a spiritual therapist who respects your own spiritual beliefs and needs. Explore their background, education, and philosophy to determine if they are a good match for you. It is also possible that a combination of these methods may be effective for you as an individual. Remember that as a client, you should ensure that the company you choose to visit follows established practices and the Swedish Patient Safety Act. Healing methods are intended as a complement to traditional care. Here is a shortened list of some of the most commonly used healing methods, often practiced by healers or spiritual therapists. Behind the company name ”Am NRGs,” pronounced as ”I am energies,” lies a deep meaning and strongly connects to Anneli’s self-developed healing method. Am NRGs Healing Method Anneli takes an active role in collaboration with spiritual energies, which differs from the more passive approach many in healing use. This partnership allows her team of spiritual energies to guide her in various ways on where and how they want Anneli to direct her energy, allowing them to focus on specic areas together. Sometimes Anneli asks for their support where she is working and considers their efforts needed. This collaboration is something that the client often feels and can describe. Sometimes Anneli voices her requests aloud, and many times the client can feel the physical changes occurring. It is not uncommon for them to work simultaneously on several different areas. Anneli integrates and combines different healing methods, such as Am NRGs, Spiritual Surgery, Hands-on Healing, and Mindfulness (Psychic and Intuitive Therapist (medium)). Important Information Anneli (Am NRGs) prefers not to receive any information before the rst meeting to maintain neutrality and effectively identify potential problem areas. It is important to note, according to Chapter 5 of the Patient Safety Act (Sweden), it is prohibited for anyone other than healthcare professionals to treat diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, and diabetes or other notiable diseases without the physician’s consent for sessions. This is in accordance with the Infectious Diseases Act (2004:168). Healing is complementary to existing healthcare, and if the person receiving healing is on medication, they should consult their doctor and continue their treatment. No one can guarantee results, neither alternative practices nor existing healthcare.

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27 | EnergybalanceMindfulness: A form of meditation that emphasizes presence and awareness in the moment to reduce stress and promote wellbeing. Kinesiology: Uses muscle testing to gain insight into imbalances in the body’s energy system and identify appropriate measures Meditation: A mental practice that aims to achieve inner peace, reduced stress, and increased awareness. Ho’oponopono: A Hawaiian method of forgiveness and reconciliation to promote inner peace and healing. Hypnosis: A method where one person guides another into a relaxed and focused state to promote changes in behavior, thoughts, or emotions. Regression Therapy: A therapeutic method that focuses on exploring and treating current issues by returning to past memories or life situations. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming): A psychotherapeutic method that focuses on understanding and using the connection between language, behavior, and thought patterns to create positive changes. Yoga: A physical and spiritual practice that combines asanas (postures), breathing, and meditation to promote health and balance. Pranayama: A branch of yoga that focuses on various breathing techniques to regulate life energy and promote health. Kundalini Yoga: A branch of yoga that focuses on awakening and balancing inner energy, called kundalini, through exercises, breathing, and meditation. Qi Gong: A Chinese practice that combines movement, breathing, and meditation to promote the ow of life energy. Chiropractic: Focuses on adjusting the spine to improve nervous system function and promote the body’s natural healing ability. Craniosacral Therapy: Focuses on manipulating the skull, spine, and sacrum to balance the cerebrospinal uid system and promote healing. Rosen Method: A therapeutic method that uses gentle touch and dialogue to increase awareness of body tensions and promote emotional healing. Feng Shui: A Chinese method for creating balance and harmony in the living environment by adjusting the energy ow in a room or place. Crystal Healer: Uses crystals and gemstones to inuence the energy ow in the body and create balance on various levels. Sound Healing: Uses sound vibrations through instruments or voices to promote relaxation and healing on a cellular level. Color Therapy: Uses different colors and light to inuence energy levels and promote physical and mental health. Art Therapy: Uses artistic expression as a means for self-exploration and healing. Aromatherapy: Uses scents from essential oils to inuence the mind and promote physical and emotional health. Numerology: Uses numerical values, such as those associated with birth dates, to reveal insights about personality. Bemer: Uses electromagnetic elds to improve microcirculation in the body and support various health goals. Acupuncture: Thin needles are placed on specic acupuncture points on the body to balance the body’s energy ow and alleviate various ailments. Homeopathy: An alternative medicine method that uses small doses of natural substances to stimulate the body’s own healing. Ayurveda: A holistic Indian healing art that uses diet, herbs, yoga, and meditation to balance the body and promote health. Reiki Healer: A Japanese method using universal energy to promote healing through hand placement on or above the body. Hands-on Healing: Uses hand placement on or over the body to transfer energy to promote healing. Energy Healer: Employs various energy techniques to balance and strengthen the body’s energy eld. Reconnective Healing: Works with high-frequency energy elds to support physical and emotional health. Spiritual Surgery: Spiritual surgeons work on energy levels to inuence and balance the subtle energy surrounding and permeating the human body (non-physical intervention) to promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Spiritual Healer: Uses spiritual or energy-based methods to promote healing on spiritual, mental, or emotional levels. Shamanic Healer: Utilizes shamanistic techniques and principles, including contact with the spirit world, rituals, and ceremonies. Aura Healer: Focuses on balancing and strengthening the energy eld (aura) surrounding a person to promote health and well-being. Chakra Healer: Focuses on balancing and activating the chakras, the body’s energy centers, to promote physical and spiritual health. Trance Healing: A passive process between the healing medium and the recipient, where the healing medium completely surrenders to their healing team in the spirit world. Angel Therapy: A method aimed at connecting with angels for guidance and healing. Reserves the right to correct any inaccuracies.

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Emergency support/phone numbers in Sweden If you are feeling unwell right now, do not hesitate to ask for help; there is always someone available. Below are emergency numbers you can access. Emergency number: 112 Emergency help/someone to talk to: 1177 Suicide prevention line: 90101 Mind - Parents’ helpline (open 10-15) 020-85 20 00 (if you are worried about your child as a parent) Mind - Seniors’ helpline (open 8-19) 020-22 22 33 On-call fellow human: 08-702 16 80 BRIS for children and young people (open 14-21) 116 111 Alcohol helpline: (to change drinking habits) 020-84 44 48 Victim Support Sweden: 0200-21 20 19 Kvinnofrid Women’s helpline: 020-50 50 50 Am NRGs Anneli Sandevik Gullrisdalen 5 +46 70-987 11 91 S-142 64 Trångsund, Sweden and Instagram; Facebook and Instagram; asandevik Spiritual Surgery Am NRGs, Hands-on Healing & Psychic I am energies ”Being able to make a positive difference for someone is the best feeling in the world!” Wellness Treatments Healing and Mindfulness are considered Tax-deductible according to the Swedish Tax Agency Reimbursing employees for wellness activities? It is common for employees to be reimbursed afterward, with expenses supported by receipts. Note that it is up to the employer to decide on wellness benets. Welcome to use your wellness benet at Am NRGs. “Hello, I want to thank you so much for Thursday’s treatment. Filled with anxiety and spiritual torment due to a crisis, I came to you and your team. What happened was that I got a kind of reset, like when you clear and update a computer. I felt light, free, and happy afterward, gained a different perspective on everything, and replenished my energy to tackle things again. I slept very well later that evening. Thanks again.” Hugs, Gunilla Contact Us send