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Organic Digestate

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Other Services Land Application We o er surface application and direct injection methods with equipment applications for drag line and quad trains Nutrient Management Better Soil Management Feed the soil not the plant is a mantra of organic farmers Organic farmers focus on creating fertile soil that is rich in organic matter and teeming with life Plants take up nutrients from organic matter as it decomposes The goal is to have nutrients made available at the rate and time when needed by the plants Soil fertility is maintained and enhanced by promoting optimal biological activity within the soil and conservation of soil resources Organic production systems General principles and management standards From analysis to soil sampling to application our nutrient plan development can optimize and balance the levels needed for your crops Lagoon Crawler Our remote crawler is an amphibious vehicle that agitates your lagoon storage Talk to us about your sustainable solution 905 818 7772 wade nicklas bartelsenvironmental ca Find out more digestate ca Organic Digestate

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Increase Your Crop Yield While Increasing Your Nutrient Sustainability There is a well known synergy between healthy soil cover crops and liquid digestate Research in the sector shows that liquid digestate increases yields on average by 5 and when used in conjunction with cover crops or when combined with compost even greater yields are seen Although this soil amendment is ideal for post cereal harvest when consistently used it will maintain a good balance of available crop nutrients year over year ensuring you maintain high yield ratios for many harvests to come Playing A Vital Role When used as a soil amendment liquid organic digestate promotes an overall increase in nutrients similar to hog manure in NPK value but lower in odour it can sustain the health of your soil in a variety of ways Supplies necessary nutrients Improves soil structure Strengthens organic matter Reduces loss of topsoil by erosion Improves circulation and retention of air and water Facilitates carbon sequestering Whether you re lling up your storages for later use or need it delivered in time for your application processes Bartels Environmental Services will work with you to facilitate the most e cient results Liquid digestate is a documented substance for crop production noted in Table 4 2 of the Organic Production Systems Permitted Substances Lists and is certi ed organic under the Canadian General Standards Board CGSB

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