Matticus... Today, I want to take a moment to tell youjust how much you truly mean to me. Eversince we were young, I've always felt thisneed to protect you, to be there for you inany way I could. But over the years, I've seenyou grow into such a strong, selfless, andincredible man. You've become someone Iadmire deeply—not just as my brother, butas a person who gives so much to others.
Your selfless giving, your loyalty, and theway you’ve always supported me and mychildren—it touches my heart in ways I can’tfully express. You always go above andbeyond, often putting yourself out there forothers without hesitation. And I want you toknow, I see that. I see the sacrifices youmake, the love you share, and the strengthyou carry. It doesn’t go unnoticed. But this year, I want you to know that it’syour time. It's your time to focus on your happiness, and to realize everything thatyou truly deserve.
You've spent so much of your life worryingabout others, always giving and never askingfor much in return. I hope you allow yourself to embrace the joyyou’ve more than earned, and to let go ofsome of those worries that aren’t yours tocarry. You deserve to feel all the happinessyou’ve brought into other people’s lives,including mine.I find myself in awe of who you’ve become.You inspire me with your heart, yourcompassion, and your unwaveringdedication to everyone around you.
I miss you so much and wish we were closermore often, but no matter the distance,you’re always close to my heart.I love you more than words can say, and I’mso proud of the man you are. Thank you forbeing such an important part of my life andfor bringing so much light into the lives ofthose around you. This year, I hope you cantake some of that light for yourself.
I want you to know that I will always be herefor you, just as you've been for me. Nomatter what you face or what dreams youpursue, I’m by your side, supporting youevery step of the way. You don't have tocarry everything alone—I’m here, and Ialways will be.Our bond, our friendship, means the world tome. You've been my little big brother, butalso my constant, my unwavering support,and someone I admire deeply. Your kindnessand strength have shaped so much of who Iam. Happy Birthday Mattie. I hope you have thebest day and can’t wait to see you soon. Always and in all ways. I love you. Your sister forever... Sue