PROGRAM OVERVIEW2 2019-20 PROGRAM YEAROptions for Learning's Head Start and Early HeadStart school-readiness programs providecomprehensive, individualized educational andfamily support services for low-income childrenages birth to 5 years, their families, and pregnantwomen. The child and family are supported anddeveloped through a variety of educationalservices. Caring and trained staff ensure thatsupport is appropriate and responsive to eachchild’s development and respectful of each Options for Learning's three Head Start grants are managed bythe following divisions: Early Head Start, Head Start Pasadena,Head Start South El Monte, and Full-day Preschoolfamily's cultural and linguistic backgrounds,abilities, strengths, and life experiences. Extensiveservices include health and nutrition, personalwell-being, goal setting, referrals to communityservices, and assistance for children withdisabilities. Options for Learning encourages consistentparental involvement through classroomvolunteering opportunities to help build skills andstrengthen the parent-child relationship.
2-year-olds37.2%4-year-olds33.4%3-year-olds29.4%2019-20 PROGRAM YEAR 3CARE MODELS AND ENROLLMENTHome-based program;Part-day/school-year center-basedclassrooms; Full-day/full-year center-based classrooms.Program models:Number of Head Start children funded to serve: Number of Head Startchildren served:Number of families served:HEAD STARTEARLY HEAD START (EHS)Home-based program;Full-day/full-year center-based classrooms.Program models:MonroviaPasadenaRowland HeightsSan DimasSan GabrielSan MarinoSierra MadreSouth El MonteSouth PasadenaTemple CityWalnutWest CovinaAltadenaArcadiaAzusaClaremontCovinaDiamond BarDuarteEagle RockGlendoraHighland ParkIrwindaleLa PuenteLa VerneNumber of infants, toddlersand pregnant women fundedto serve:Number of families served:Note: EHS was approved for a modification in service areas and was granted a change to matchthe Head Start South El Monte service area in the 2019-20 program year.TOTAL PROGRAM ENROLLMENTTotal enrolled: 2,631 | Total income-eligible enrolled: 2,368 | Total allowable over income: 263Cities served: Head Start programs — ages served Early Head Start — constituents served2-year-olds54%1-year-olds32%< 1-year-old12%Pregnant women2%
CURRICULUM/SCHOOL READINESS4 2019-20 PROGRAM YEARThe core value of Parents as Teachers, Born to Learn, used in the Head Start home-based programs,isviewing the parent as the child’s first and most influential teacher. The goals are to increase parentknowledge of early childhood development, improve parenting practices, provide early detection ofdevelopmental delays and health issues, prevent child abuse and neglect, and increase child’s schoolreadiness and success.Partners for a Healthy Baby, used in the Early Head Start home-based program,provides support forthe unique needs of parents and their children. The curriculum offers research-based topics withengaging parent handouts. Program goals focus on improving birth outcomes, strengthening families,reducing rates of child abuse, increasing intervals between pregnancies, enhancing child health,developmental outcomes, supporting family stability and economic self-sufficiency.The HighScope Infant-Toddler Curriculum used in the Early Head Start program and the HighScopePreschool Curriculum used in the Head Start programs are based on the principles of active learningand support of a child’s positive interactions with adults and peers. The curriculum takes the learningprocess beyond traditional academic subjects by promoting independence, curiosity, decision making,cooperation, persistence, creativity and problem solving. HOME-BASED CURRICULUMCENTER-BASED CURRICULUM
2019-20 PROGRAM YEAR 5FAMILY ENGAGEMENT AND SUPPORTCreating and sustaining positive relationships with families, communicating regularly, and encouragingfamily involvement are cornerstones of the Head Start and Early Head Start programs. A largepercentage of our families actively participate in the Head Start and Early Head Start programs byvolunteering in the Policy Council, Health Services Advisory Committee and in the classroom. Parents arealso engaged in parent workshops such as car seat safety, literacy, nutrition and wellness, stressmanagement, financial management, socials and bi-monthly gatherings.Fathers are also an integral part of our Head Start and Early Head Start programs through classroomengagement, social activities and father support groups. PARENT, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENTEarly Head StartPasadena Head StartSouth El Monte Head StartFoothill Head Start 97% N/A 49 98% 86% 93 92% 89% 87 94% 76% 62% of children receiving wellness exams:Medical DentalHealthy children are better equipped to learn. Head Start and Early Head Start staff support the wellnessof enrolled children by offering families resources and assistance with immunizations, physicals, dentalexams, nutritious meals and much more.Number of special needschildren with an IFSP/IEP:HEALTH, WELLNESS AND EARLY INTERVENTIONEarly Head StartPasadenaSouth El MonteFoothillTOTALVolunteers551,1511,3915853,182Current/formerHead Start parents80%94%95%90%Fathers involved35191168157551FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICESA sample of the types of services families received and how many received them:0 50 100 150 200 250Parent education Health education Adult education/GED Job training Emergency assistance (food, clothing, etc.) English as a Second Language (ESL) Financial literacy
HEAD START MONITORING6 2019-20 PROGRAM YEARDuring the 2019-20 program year, the Office of Head Start (OHS) conducted two monitoring reviews of the Head Startand Early Head Start programs. The Focus Area One (FA 1) review was conducted in January 2020. The FA 1 monitoringis a comprehensive review of all program areas including: education, health, disabilities, enrollment, family engagement,fiscal and governance. At the conclusion of the monitoring event, the program was found to be in compliance in allareas. During February 2020, the onsite CLASS review for Head Start was conducted. Each Head Start teacher wasobserved by a team of federal reviewers and scored in the following areas: emotional support, classroom organizationand instructional support. The combined scores were in the “high range.” These high CLASS scores were acknowledgedby the regional office in San Francisco to be reflective of the high-quality classroom program Options for Learningprovides to enrolled children.$1,118,556$323.956 $17,350$0$42,232$9,259$0$79,323$113,521$1,704,196$4,036,954 $1,146,527$24,548$0$225,433$131,310$0$945,765$464,223$6,974,761HEAD STARTPASADENA2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET: $8,152,486EARLY HEAD START 2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET: $2,415,222RevenueFederal grantsInterest incomeState fundsTotalRevenueFederal grantsInterest incomeState fundsTotal$3,789,958$1,108,604$33,239$0$263,879$170,711$0$381,590$411,680$6,159,660$2,521,848$750,966$23,517$0$171,214$87,159$0$350,346$280,353$4,185,403Dave Wilbur, chairLisa BrownMargarita BuitragoMichelle CapistrandShawnee CarringtonAndrew LeveyCorporate OfficePaul Pulver, CEO885 S. Village Oaks Drive Covina, Calif. 91724626-967-7848 $6,159,660$0$1,470,947$7,630,607$4,185,403 $0 $384,464$4,569,867HEAD STARTSOUTH EL MONTE2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET: $7,760,023HEAD STARTFOOTHILL2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET: $5,293,751BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2019-20HEAD START POLICY COUNCILBertha CruzNorma HarrisQing Li LuoWilliam MartinezEvan PanJoyce RobinsonInga RodriguezJose SandovalPeggy SissonRandy Wines$1 ,704,196$0$1,267,972$2,972,168Expenses (EHS funds only)Personnel Fringe benefitsTravel EquipmentSuppliesContractualConstructionOtherIndirectTotal $6,974,761 $0 $1,326,544$8,301,305Expenses (Head Start funds only)PersonnelFringe benefitsTravelEquipmentSuppliesContractualConstruction Other Indirect Total RevenueFederal grantsInterest incomeState fundsTotalExpenses (Head Start Funds only)PersonnelFringe benefitsTravelEquipmentSuppliesContractualConstructionOtherIndirectTotal RevenueFederal grantsInterest incomeState fundsTotalExpenses (Head Start Funds only)PersonnelFringe benefitsTravelEquipmentSuppliesContractualConstructionOtherIndirectTotal Bertha CruzNorma HarrisQing Li LuoWilliam MartinezYadira SalinasLesley WeinbergerAbir Zeitoun2019-20 ACTUAL REVENUE AND EXPENSES: 2019-20 ACTUAL REVENUE AND EXPENSES:2019-20 ACTUAL REVENUE AND EXPENSES: 2019-20 ACTUAL REVENUE AND EXPENSES:FINANCIAL REPORT CATEGORIESPersonnel: Total combined salaries of all Head Start classroom and support staff. Fringe benefits: Benefits provided to Head Startstaff that included health, vision and dental insurance, social security, workers' comp., etc. Travel: Expenses for transportation,lodging, subsistence, and related items. Equipment: Office equipment. Supplies: Included all instructional and classroom materials,printing, office, custodial, repairs, etc. Contractual: Outside contractors for office and classroom cleaning, facility repairs, stafftraining, computer support, etc. Construction: N/A. Other: Rents, utilities, mileage, insurance, audit, personnel advertising, etc.Indirect: Accounting, payroll, human resources, etc.